HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 19, 1998 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, November 19, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. PRESENT: L. Taylor -Manager, Current Operations Division C. Rose -Manager, Policy Division A. Smith Planner 2 J. Cole -Planner 2 D. Kearns - Committee Co-ordinator The Manager, Policy Division, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration thereat. (1) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 98-004/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/98 RUNNYMEDE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED, ET AL PART OF LOTS 15 AND 16, RANGE 3, B.F.C. (SOUTH OF BAYLY STREET, EAST OF SQUIRES BEACH ROAD) 1. Adrian Smith, Planner 2 provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report#29-98. 2. Steven Zakem, Solicitor, representing the applicant stated that his client is concerned that the area be developed to reflect the present look and type of business. They also wish to ensure that there is no heavy industrial in the area. The applicant is satisfied that the Town has all the information required and therefore, does not see a need for further studies. 3. Sal Crimi, representing a numbered company operating under Invar Corporation requested a copy of the applicants report. He questioned motivation for the application and suggested they are attempting to change the character of the area. He asked why the Planning staff could not deal with issues under Site Plan Approval. 4. Wayne Layman, Duradie Technologies, • advised that he is in favour of the application and feels the applicant is attempting to preserve the look and type of business in the area. • 5. Bob Cake, Tool Dynamics, stated his concern that the zoning will change and •affect his business which requires outside storage and some heavy industrial. 6. Steven Zakem, Solicitor, representing the applicant stated that their application was prompted by an application submitted by London Mall whose suggested use would not be compatible with the present use. He also advised that his company did not prepare a report but a 3-4 page letter outlining rationale for application which he would be pleased to provide to Mr. Crimi. The issues of concern could not be dealt with under Site Plan Approval. He suggested meeting with Mr. Cake to explain what they are doing and advised they will attempt to accommodate present businesses. 2 7. Adrian Smith, advised that under the current Official Plan, Planning Analysis is required and that the Planning Analysis is needed to address various issues. Environmental issues will be addressed. He stated that the Planning Department share the concerns outlined by Mr. Cake regarding outside storage and heavy industrial uses. • (II) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-98015 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/98 ESTATE OF V. E. SWAN PART OF LOT 28, CONCESSION 2 (EAST SIDE OF WHITES ROAD, NORTH OF HYDRO LINE) 1. Adrian Smith, Planner 2, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report#30-98. 2. Lorelei Jones, representing the applicant, advised that ongoing discussions concerning the layout are taking place with both the Town and the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. There could be some movement with respect to the placement of the lots but they will still remain in the general area and the size will remain the same. 3. Richard Ward, 3709 Regional Road, stated his total opposition to this application. 4. Geraldine Goudie, 572 Rougemount Drive, questioned where the children, generated from this application, will go to school. 5. Adrian Smith, advised that correspondence from the Durham Region Separate School Board has been received and they identify up to 12 students will be generated from this application for the separate school system. No response has yet been received from the Public School Board. This application is within the urban boundary as identified in the new Official Plan. (HI) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 18/98 J. PITINO PART OF BLOCK A, PLAN 233. (SOUTH SIDE OF RODD AVENUE) 1. Jeff Cole, Planner 2, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report#31-98. 2. Joe Pitino, applicant, stated his support of Planning Department's recommendation to change Zoning from R4 to R4-10. 3. Greg Mason, 544 Rodd Avenue, questioned why the property in question has been removed from the TRCA Acquisition Boundary. How is the waterfront trail to exist without this piece of property which was purchased using taxpayers money? He questioned why decisions were made a year ago without the public's awareness. He advised that the TRCA states there is no historical significance in this area but as recently as Tuesday there were archeological findings. 4. Marion Martin, 525 Bella Vista Drive, questioned where the waterfront trail will be placed. She stated that in a letter from Mr. Crombie it advises that the current route of the waterfront trail should remain the same and also that concrete should not be built along the waterfront. Monster homes should not be built between the residents and the waterfront. There is no ravine by-law in place protecting the two ravines in the area. Top-of-bank line has been moved by the TRCA. She advised that in a letter from Mr. McTeague he is requesting a full environmental assessment of the area and a similar letter has also been written by the Ministry of Culture &Recreation. 3 5. Rhonda Cleary, 554 Rodd Avenue, stated that she has no objection to the application. She believes residential, waterfront and open space-can co-exist. There could be some advantage to limited development such as eyes on the street. Use of the area is vast and a couple of new homes will limit access. 6. Geraldine Goudie, 572 Rougemount Drive, advised that she is on the waterfront task force and they were advised that the whole south side of Rodd Avenue would be available for the waterfront trail. The area is required for the road, wheelchair access and bike access. The Town of Pickering have taken longer to implement the waterfront trail than the surrounding municipalities. 7. Tom Cannell, 351 Dyson Road, stated his opposition to the development. There are too many unanswered questions. 8. Jeff Cole, advised that the Town relies on the expertise of the Toronto Region Conservation Authority and he encouraged residents to approach the TRCA with any concerns. A archeological assessment of the entire area is currently being undertaken. 9. Lynda Taylor, advised that the top-of-bank will be staked and identified. They will not just accept a line drawn on the map but will walk the site and if concerns arise an independent study will be undertaken. (IV) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Dated N b v. 2- f/9 Clerk 04 -C •