HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 26, 2014 City o¢� Minutes/Meeting Summary _ _,,,.�,�ii�_�__ Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Minutes Wednesday, November 26, 2014 I KERI 7:00 pm Tower Meeting Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Village Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Vice-Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Donald Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Chalmers, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Graham Lowman, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee David Coffin, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Greg Oakes, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services Vince Plouffe, Supervisor, Facilities Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Absent: Dragos Nita, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Andrew Doucette, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill McLean, Regional Councilor, Ward 2 Marisa Carpino, Director Culture & Recreation Item! Details & Discussion &Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Call to Order Meeting Called to order by Laura Drake at 7:05 pm 2. Approval of Agenda Agenda of November 26, 2014 be approved as submitted. Moved by P Savel Seconded by D Coffin CARRIED 3. Approval of Minutes Minutes of September 23, 2014 be approved as amended. Moved by P Savel Seconded by K Emmink CARRIED Page 1 of 6 Item/: Details & Discussion &Conclusion >- Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 4. Pickering Museum Village Foundation Report The PMV Foundation continues to search for financial support to fund the Visitors Centre Feasibility Study and have approached several businesses and organizations. The PMV Foundation will reapply in the new year for funding from local businesses. PMV Foundation is funding the work on the Temperance House cladding and School House chinking. 5. Report Project Updates V. Plouffe presented updates on capital projects at the museum V. Plouffe to submit financial request form 1. Site painting work is complete on the Redman House, to the Capital Projects Chapel Floor, School House Floor, Walls & Ceiling, Log Sub-committee for House inside painting and exterior sealing financial support for 2. Rechinking of the school house is nearing completion the temperance house next week siding and school 3. Oddfellows Hall location is being determined based upon house re-chinking from geotechnical investigations. The relocation of the the PMV Foundation. building is projected to take place in spring 2015. 4. Craftman's Cottage abatement is underway as contractor is onsite. The work expected to be completed next week. Roofing has been sealed, and siding will keep water out until more repairs and sealing of the building can be completed to ensure the building is weather tight; and negate the possibility of more damage. V. Plouffe stated the City is seeking heritage architectural consultants to create a pool of qualified architectural consultants to draw on for project analysis. K. Pyke presented updates on various Museum activities K. Pyke to distribute by including: History in Action Saturdays - 58% increase in attendance email the event report A Spirit Walk - 9% increase in attendance from A Spirit Walk. Halloween Harvest General Admission Rates -20% increase in attendance 2015 Program Line-up All areas saw increased revenue and attendance when compared to previous years. Increases were attributed to Environics Analytics use for marketing and program planning. K. Pyke extended Kudos to M. Smiles for the energy and creativity expended to run an entirely new line-up of programs. Page 2 of 6 Item! - Details & Discussion &Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) K. Pyke extended appreciation to S. Regina for her assistance and creativity in the development and execution of the museum's new marketing strategies in 2014. T.Ryce offered Kudos to K. Pyke for taking advantage and exceeding expectations in an opportunity to showcase the Museum to on-Route tourism operators. 6. Sub-committee Reports Collections Committee Report The Pickering Museum Village Collections Committee has met several times since the last PMV Advisory Meeting. During that time, a number of items have been reviewed for acquisition (refer to donation approval list dated November 10, 2014 for details). Several items from Ford Underwood (E2013.49) are being accepted into the education collection or for repairs, and are listed only for reference. Items from Mr. Joe Pegg (2014.29) were mostly related to WWI and were considered for acceptance into the core collection. Two items (German grenade and Box of shells) are pending investigation to ensure they can safely be stored and there is no risk of them being set off. Motion: That the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee approve the recommendation of the Collections Committee that the items donated by Mr. Joe Pegg (2014.29) be accessioned into the core collection. Moved by P. Save! Seconded by K. Emmink CARRIED The Collections Committee continued to evaluate items within the collection and prioritize them. To date, staff has completed forty items and hope to evaluate ten more in December to give us a total of fifty for 2014. Staff had ambitiously hoped to process approximately 100 items this year, but due to some matters that have arisen, staff resources have been strained and there was insufficient time to prepare an adequate number of items for each meeting. Further, discussion of these issues, as they related to collections, also consumed some of our time during our meetings. (see attached Donation Approval List November 2014) A request was made by Greg Oakes to consider offering some of the refused items on the donation list to volunteers in the steam barn for use in the repair of already restored antique Page 3 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) steam equipment. K.Pyke to check into whether the items are K. Pyke to inquire from still on site. E. Tayles whether donations have yet been returned to the donor, or whether the pieces listed would be appropriate for use in the repair work to already restored antique equipment. Capital Projects Committee Report Submits no report. Volunteer Appreciation Committee G. Lowman reported that the committee has been meeting regularly and have come to a decision on two new forms of appreciation for volunteers. 1. An email of appreciation to be initiated by volunteers and reviewed by the committee, archived by the committee, and distributed by M. Smiles. 2. A wall Plaque/Curio Piece— Essential Piece of the Puzzle which will be ordered for the next Volunteer Appreciation event. Sub Committee Members will meet again to discuss process and criteria for these awards. The kudos program will be introduced to the volunteer heads in January. The topic of the 10,000 hours award is still under consideration and the committee is committed to finding an appropriate and sustainable solution to this award category. T. Ryce reported that the date for the VIV is booked for 2015, and that the location has been moved to the Banquet Halls at Pickering Recreation Complex. The location being ideal as it has an increased capacity and excellent AV system. T. Ryce also advised that Backwoods Players have offered to play a major role in the presentation portion of the event, and that a meeting with Steam Barn Volunteers had revealed that volunteers would be willing to pay a fee to bring a spouse to the event. General discussion took place around pricing and budget. Page 4 of 6 Item/ . _ Details &Discussion & Conclusion. Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) T.Ryce reported that the proposed budget for this event had been increased at the request of the Advisory Committee, and that catering prices would be dependent on numbers, rentals and meal choices. The maximum numbers in the banquet hall for a seated meal would mean that additional tickets would be available on a first-come, first-served basis for guests. PMV Foundation Chair G. Oakes offered funds to supplement the cost of guest meals. Staff advised that the monies in the general account should be left for the feasibility study. L. Drake stated that the offer set a precedent that did not fit with the mandate of the foundation. 7. Service Terms of Committee G. Lowman reported that he had concerns over the disbandment of the advisory committee in September, and the lag that this created for Committee Business. As a result he completed a review of the City policy on committees, and felt that it was vague, allowing too much room for interpretation and interruption to the committee process. G. Lowman also commented that he and other members of the committee felt there was a lack of training for committee members regarding their role, and that this should be available not just at the beginning of a council term as stated in the policy but provided to all new committee members joining later in the term. General discussion surrounding common practice in other T. Ryce to request municipalities and on the library board led to a resolution that T. meeting with the Clerk Ryce would facilitate a meeting between the City Clerk, G. Lowman and L. Drake to discuss the lag in committee business created during an election period. L. Drake requested that staff have a one day training session T. Ryce to confirm and workshop in January on the role of the committee and to presentation strategize on the work of the committee for the coming year. L. submission deadline Drake felt that T.Ryce and K.Pyke should make themselves with P. Savel available to organize and provide this training. 8. Year End Report L. Drake will provide the year end report to council, and include both the work of the committee, and the achievements of staff Page 5 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) with regard to the village. P. Savel will prepare the council ppt presentation with L. Drake P. Savel to action for submission to the City Clerk. 9. Other Business Motion: That a memo of appreciation be sent from the PMV Advisory L. Drake to provide Committee to all staff that support the museum operation, to memo content thank them for their contributions, and expressing that the work of the committee would not be possible without the efforts of T. Ryce to send memo these staff. Memo to go to all operation, programming and on behalf of the facilities staff associated with the museum. committee Moved by G. Lowman Seconded by D. Coffin CARRIED Meeting Adjourned: 9:35 pm Copy: City Clerk Attachments Page 6 of 6 •