HomeMy WebLinkAbout04oct01 Page 1 Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Advisory Committee October 1, 2002 7:00 PM Main Committee Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair Pat Dunnill Charles Stinson Lynn Vickers Bill Weston Terry James Rose Ann Cowan Steve Reynolds Marisa Carpino Dave Marlow Katrina Pyke Absent: Bill Utton Wally Biernacki Tom Mohr Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Approval of Minutes Moved by Bill Weston, Seconded by Lynn Vickers that the minutes of the May 14, 2002 meeting be approved as amended to revise the time from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2. Business Arising from Minutes Steve provided the following update concerning the 2002 Capital Budget:  The School House boiler has been installed and is being tested by the contractor. It is anticipated that it will be in working order by the end of this month.  The new entrance is completed.  The Parks Department are ready to pick up the logs from the barn which is scheduled for demolition. It is anticipated that this will take place prior to winter setting in. Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Committee Reports a. b. c. 2003 Special Events  Laura emphasized the need to thank the Backwoods Players for their tremendous work at the Museum this year.  Laura advised that a new event will be introduced next year which requires a title. This event, which at this time has been entitled a ‘Cultural Music Event’ will include cultural dancing, story telling, and dancing, eg. Indian, Chinese, etc.  Laura further advised that Councillor Ryan has been approached and requested to put forth to the Race Relations & Equity Committee a recommendation that they become involved in a couple of events at the Museum next year.  Katrina distributed copies of and discussed the Event Report for 2002. She further discussed the events planned for 2003. Gas & Steam Barn  Steve advised that he will be following up with Wally Biernacki to request that private vehicles and materials be removed from the Gas & Steam Barn. Due to the move of the Church Drive Shed and Hotel there are a number of vehicles and artifacts that will require temporary storage in the Gas & Steam Barn.  Steve further advised that the gas storage tank at the barn does not meet provincial standards. Issues will have to be addressed to meet the standards before Lambert Oil will deliver again.  Mandatory training for Gas & Steam Barn volunteers must be arranged in consultation with Wally Biernacki. Hotel Restoration Project  Steve advised that soil testing has been completed and the report has been received. All options are open with respect to foundations, basements and relocating the hotel and drive shed. Tim Moore, Manager, Building Services and Scott Booker, Coordinator, Engineering Design & Systems, will proceed with the drive shed foundation. Tim indicated that it would be best to have the consultant involved in the design of the basement.  The site plan with concept have been forwarded to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for formal approval.  A review of temporary facilities proves to be impractical and, therefore, this matter must be revisited.  Terms of Reference must be developed for the Architects. Tim will provide a list of Architects who deal Page 3 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) d. e. with historical sites.  Consideration is being given to use the Winger House as the new Operations Building.  A hold will be placed through the Federal Office for the Winger House and Lapp House as part of this review. Foundation Report  Pat advised that, with Marisa’s assistance, letters were mailed to various organizations requesting funding assistance, one response was received from Volkswagon Canada with a cheque for $300.  Pat further advised that governance documents will be sent to the Trillium Foundation to determine eligibility.  Pat thanked all involved in the Fall Family Festival which was a great success. The Foundation will consider providing plaques to those who continue to support the museum.  Katrina thanked, on behalf of herself and Bloomers and Britches, Pat Dunnill for all his great work with the Foundation.  The Chapel is all but complete and Benjamin/Moore Paints will be coming in on Saturday to provide volunteers with training on how to finish the pews. Collections  Dave advised the Committee the museum has received a partial donation/partial purchase of documents which are of historical significance.  Dave further advised that the museum has acquired a large printing press as well as two small printing presses which can be used for demostration and hands on.  Dave distributed copies of a proposed De-Accession List. Moved by Terry James Seconded by Rose Ann Cowan That the De-Accession List submitted by the Education & Collections Officer, be APPROVED. CARRIED 4. 10 Year Plan – Pickering Museum Village Laura distributed copies of the 10 year-Draft Plan for the Pickering Museum Village and requested Committee Members to review. 5. 2003 Budget Proposal Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) The 2003 Current Budget Proposal for the Pickering Museum Village was distributed and discussed. Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Bill Weston That the 2003 Current Budget for the Pickering Museum Village be APPROVED. CARRIED The 2003 Capital Budget Proposal for the Pickering Museum Village was distributed and discussed at length with respect to the reduction by $50,000 in Account 03-2744-001-00 Restoration – Museum Buildings. Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Charles Stinson That the 2003 Capital Budget for the Pickering Museum Village be APPROVED as amended to increase Account 03-2744-001- 00 by $50,000 to cover the construction costs of the Museum Operations Centre as identified in the Architects Budget Estimate. CARRIED 6. New Business 1. 2. 3. Laura recommended Committee Members consider attending the Ontario Museum Convention in Mississauga, October 16, 17 and 18. Laura suggested that consideration be given to having the Museum’s History written. Pat advised that he and Laura met with the Fire Chief to discuss the restoration of fire equipment for the Museum. 7. Next Meeting 7:00 P.M., February 4, 2003 – Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 9:55 PM Copy: T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer