HomeMy WebLinkAbout01feb07Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Minutes Thursday, February 7, 2002 7:00 p.m. Chair: Laura Drake Present: Laura Drake Pat Dunnill Charles Stinson Bill Weston Staff: Steve Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Sharon Milton, Supervisor, Facility Programs Dave Marlowe, Education & Collections Officer Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator, Recording Secretary Regrets: Terry James Lynn Vickers Bill Utton 1. Welcome 2. Adoption of Minutes The Minutes of the October 11, 2001 meeting were adopted. 3. Update and Feedback – Volunteer Event and Special Presentation at City Hall A very impressive evening was held at the Regalis Restaurant for the Volunteer Appreciation Event. Dave advised that the Backwoods Players held a three hour training workshop, led by Mary Delaney, with 35 participants. 4. Committee Reports - Collections Dave provided an update on the status of collections:  backlog has been reduced  cataloging still required in blacksmith shop, wood shop, sheds and barns  approximately 1,500 files have been entered into the data base  all pictures taken with the digital camera will have to be stored on CD’s  a new cataloguer is needed and will require training as the present cataloguer has acquired a full time job  new item - wooden tub washing machine  have not received all the parts for the printing press, the donator will be contacted for the remaining parts  have received two small hand presses which could be used by the public - Chapel Pat and Dave provided a report on the status of the Chapel renovations:  the repairs to the chapel are behind schedule but moving along well  painting complete and candelabra installed  windows are together but still require installation  pews will be progressing soon  floor must be painted prior to installation of pews  door repairs still required Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Minutes Thursday, February 7, 2002 7:00 p.m. Chair: Laura Drake - Promotions Dave distributed information on the 2002 Workshops, Events, On-Site Education Tours and Outreach Programs and advised of the following:  15,000 students participated in various programs within the museum  approximately 2,000 students were involved in programs within schools  positive feedback received including: enjoyed hands on, participation, real setting and artifacts  constructive feedback: not enough time to see everything, more hands on and better lunch facilities  Rebellion 1837 is being developed and will be taken out to the schools - Hotel Pat distributed the Executive Summary of the Brougham Central Hotel: Conservation Study prepared by Andre Sheinman. He outlined the following points:  the full report has been received  Steve Reynolds will have copies of the full report printed and distributed to Foundation Members, Committee Members, Councillor McLean, Dennis Mann and John Sabean  the hotel is in desperate, immediate need of work  interpretation will emphasize the history of the building  stabilization of the building is required with thorough exterior and interior conservation and restoration  next step – a meeting will be held between Steve Reynolds, Dave Marlowe and Tim Moore, Manager, Building Services to determine if soil testing is required, type of footings for drive shed and approximate project cost  a report will be made to the Committee at it’s April 23rd meeting advising of job cost, including moving shed and hotel and soil testing  Pat will arrive at estimate of Foundations contribution  once determination has been made on this project the drive shed will be moved to edge of ravine  hotel will then be moved onto new location  consideration must be given to an Operations Center – must be centralized and could be a multi- functional space Pat advised of concerns threatening the Foundation Bingo events:  Regional consideration of a No Smoking By-law  increase of Licence Fees from $600 a year to $4,000 Funding:  infrastructure funding through the SuperBuild Program has not been announced  Pat advised that more funding would appear for the restoration side rather that the Operations Centre 5. Budget Steve provided the following update on the 2002 Operating and Capital Budgets:  the Chief Administrative Officer and Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer are still reviewing budgets  should be before Council in March  money has been carried over for capital projects not completed in 2001  funds previously raised by the Foundation for Museum Building restoration may be used towards the new entrance  attempting to acquire property close to entrance way  Steve stated that he advised the CAO that the priority is for an expanded parking lot and new entrance  construction of the Museum Operations Centre would be a three year project Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Minutes Thursday, February 7, 2002 7:00 p.m. Chair: Laura Drake  a line item has been included for a boiler to replace the domestic hot water heater in the school house for an approximate cost of $6,000 6. Promotions  the budget has been increased for promotions from $12,000 to $15,000  Dave advised that a decision was made to target specific areas and saturate with flyers  flyers would include tear off, two for one coupons  coupons will include area for address of attendee so further information on museum events can be mailed  consideration is being given to expanding distribution of flyers to Ajax schools  if flyers are for educational programs, may be distributed through Regional courier  membership is growing slightly  it is anticipated that flyers on museum activities will be ready for training sessions in order that participants can be take away for distribution  discussion took place concerning the purchase of fridge magnets for advertising purposes 7. Other Business a) Bill questioned the status on increasing membership to the Museum Advisory Committee and on having a Pickering Museum Village Foundation Member appointed as a representative on the Museum Advisory Committee. A letter must be sent to the Clerk requesting approval of Council. b) Pat advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Foundation will be held on June 13th and requested that members of the Museum Advisory Committee be in attendance. c) A six week discussion course on Governance of Museum is being offered on-line, registration is required. 8. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. 9. Next Meeting The next meeting has been scheduled for April 23, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Committee Room Tuesday, May 14 has been scheduled for the walk about meeting at the museum site