HomeMy WebLinkAbout02May 6 Page 1 Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:00 pm Pickering Museum Village Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair Bill Utton Bill Weston Charles Stinson Pat Dunnill Paul Savel Rose Cowan Steve Reynolds, City of Pickering Dave Marlowe, City of Pickering Recording Secretary: Dave Marlowe, City of Pickering Absent: Blair Young Bill Gosse Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1 Site Tour Steam Barn work projects, Bill Utton suggested striking a Steam Barn Committee to work with and monitor the volunteers in this area. Drive Shed, possibly enclosing for off-season to protect vehicles. Drainage around buildings, removal of vegetation, re-trenching and addition of crushed stone to improve drainage and air circulation. Miller-Cole chimneys, spalling badly, require re-building with exterior quality brick. Agenda for Fall meeting Dave M., Jamie Crosmas: ongoing project Dave M. capital submission for 2005 2.0 Committee Updates Sub-Committees Special Events: Rose Cowan, Charles Stinson, Paul Savel Collections: Blair Young, Laura Drake Fundraising: Pat Dunnill, Bill Weston, Charles Stinson Special Events Committee: A Canadian Tapestry, partnership with the City of Pickering Committee on Race Relations and Equity. Contacts have been Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) made with groups and participation deadline is May 18, 2004. Event runs from noon to 4:30 pm. Suggested closing at 4:15 with “Pied Piper” leading people to the bell and the singing of O Canada. Possibility of member of Backwoods Players to assume role of Emcee. Food service options discussed in light of health guidelines. Participants are being asked to bring a dish to provide refreshments for all participants. Backwoods Players and Bloomers and Britches volunteers will provide coffee, tea, cold drinks and desserts. Other solutions for refreshments for the public discussed. Publicity: Discussion about extending publicity to media other than print. Procedure for adding media to the present distribution list. A request should be sent to Tina Scholl with the contact information. Fundraising Committee: Foundation has close to $200,000 available for projects. Expenditures for 2003 were for consulting fees. Foundation is in the midst of a membership drive. Whodunit, July 10, 11, 17 & 18, 2004 Prices this year will be: $45/ person $40/ Foundation member plus one guest $40/ person in a table of 8 or more Fall Family Festival, October 3, 2004 Planning underway. Horseshoe tournament will return this year. 3.0 Capital Update Steve Reynolds advised that the hotel restoration project and program centre has been identified as a high priority project by Council. $190,000 has been allocated in 2004 by the City of Pickering to be matched by the Foundation’s contributions. Final approvals for this commitment will take place during a public budget meeting towards the end of May. Discussions with federal staff have been held to try to simplify the process required to acquire the Winger House. There is concern that the process could take a year or more before a final decision is made. The provincial Ministry of Transportation has a building on Page 3 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Balsam Rd. in the Hwy #407 corridor. The process for disposal of this property has already been completed. Bruce Cosburn, who worked on the move of the Museum to its present site, was asked to provide comparative costs for moving the Winger House, the Balsam Rd. building and the Hotel and the pros and cons of each option. Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Charles Stinson That the City of Pickering negotiate with the Provincial Government on acquiring and relocating the farmhouse located at 3810 Balsam Road to the Pickering Museum Village to establish as a new Museum Program Centre. CARRIED Regardless of the Province’s future financial input, the Advisory Committee directs the Hotel Committee to proceed with the Balsam Rd. house as its choice for the core of the program centre. Hwy #7 signage The design and size of the proposed sign do not meet Ministry of Transportation guidelines. Approval will require exemptions and likely the involvement of our local MPP. Operating Budget update. The request for funds for additional clerical support was cut from 2004 budget submission. Steve to enter into discussions with the Ministry of Transportation 4.0 Visit to Doon Heritage Crossroads May 16, 2004 is the official opening of the new curatorial centre at Doon Heritages Crossroads. The Advisory Committee and staff have been invited to view the new facilities. May 16, 2004 not possible. June 12, 19 or 26, 2004 possible. Dave to arrange with manager at Doon 5.0 New Business None. 6.0 Adjournment Next meeting: To be determined. Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm Copy: Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Everett Buntsma, (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer