HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - January 31 2006 Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee January 31, 2006 7:00 pm Tower Meeting Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair Bill Weston Bill Gosse Pat Dunnill Paul Savel Stephen Reynolds Kim Kranc Dave Marlowe Regrets: Bill McLean, Regional Councillor – Ward 2 Bill Utton Katrina Pyke Absent: Rose Cowan Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome 2.0 Approval of Agenda & Minutes (June 28 & October 5) Motion Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Paul Savel  That the minutes from the June 28, 2005 site meeting and October 5, 2005 meeting be accepted CARRIED 3.0 Committee Reports a) Hotel Committee & Fundraising  Pat Dunnill reported the Pickering Museum Village Foundation had contributed their $250,000 commitment for the Redman House Project. Pat advised $36,000 for Hotel move has not yet been paid by Foundation.  Foundation invited 6 firms to submit proposals to provide Architectural Services for the Hotel Restoration.  2 firms responded – John Rutledge (Architect) and Jurecka & Associates Architect  Committee met with John Rutledge to discuss his proposal. The Committee recommend John Rutledge be retained. Pickering Museum Village Foundation will be Pat to arrange to meet with Steve re Foundations contribution for Hotel moving costs. Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) proceeding to retain John Rutledge, Architect.  Question was raised with regard to the possibility of having Veridian run a line from the light post, to the Museum sign for a light.  Councillor Bill McLean has agreed to write a letter to request this from Veridian. It was agreed that the letter should mention from both Advisory and Foundation Committee’s. B) Collections  Program materials have been removed from Oddfellows Hall  May have to get rid of some items, no place to store them and they are not suitable  Developing a list of items that will be required for hotel  Steam barn crew met and cleared several items, will do more in spring – have already created a great deal more space. Several items have been re-discovered and a list has been developed to determine what should be kept  Dave advised of a data base management program that is an upgrade to what the Museum has currently and advises it is a much simpler and more suitable system however there would be costs involved in transferring the information from the old system to the new one  Collections Policy: Museum staff are following closely – an item would have to be something significant that we require, otherwise we cannot take it  Documentation is being kept when people donate items, so that they are advised it may be sold, kept or thrown away etc C) Special Events  Pat advised of Bingo runners who deserve special recognition  Easter Parade – April 15 – require information so that we can determine whether the Museum will be participating  Pat advised that the manager at Sobey’s, Pickering is open to us setting up an information table and having staff / volunteers in costume come to promote upcoming events  May is Museum Month – Steam up is running however it would be nice to do a feature each week in the paper to recognize volunteers and to promote the Museum  Tapestry Event – next planning meeting is February 7  Stage booked from Ajax – to go in the Meadow Pat to contact Renee Michaud to advise the letter should mention both advisory and foundation committee Dave will look into cost of magnets to hand out at parade – to include 2006 event line up Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4.0 Budget Current Budget:  Items from last Committee Meeting have been included in 2006 current budget  No change to current budget  $50,000 in Capital for 2006 for Hotel Restoration Project, the remaining deferred to 2007  Conduit for hotel, drainage and electrical work is being or has been completed which have meant additional costs to the City  Additional capital funds included for electrical work  $10,000 from M.T.O. has been received  Funds available for storage shed construction  2005 sawmill foundation item carried over for 2006 Steam Barn project Steve & Dave to meet and discuss 5.0 Policy Review A) Museum Standards  Dave confirmed the standards are being followed B) Community Relations Policy  Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Meetings are identified on the Community page, along with other public meetings – to ensure the public is aware and invited C) Human Resources Policy  Working well – new staff come on board annually and are trained  Need to get more specialized people into jobs we have, currently Education Instructors do a range of jobs  Ensure many staff / volunteers are trained on various items so that if one leaves or moves on, the program can continue D) Physical Plant  Drainage work completed  Washrooms have been upgraded  Hotel Restoration – Architect retained to prepare working drawings& specifications  Maintenance required – routines are being documented daily, weekly and monthly. Logs are being kept so that we can track what is required each day, week or month etc Page 4 CORP0228—2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Hazardous materials have been removed  Accessibility is in the budget for approval  Upcoming training for cooking, Backwoods Players, Christmas orientation, new volunteer orientation, health & safety workshops all planned MOTION Moved by Paul Savel Second by Pat Dunnill  That the Committee supports the statements provided in the policies CARRIED 6.0 Policy Development Memorial Donations  Committee agreed that space would be identified as entire site area, not just interpretive village area  Could do tree plantings along entry lane  Record of donations to the Museum whether items or money should be kept, including contact information of person donating  Laura inquired about Master Plan for Steam Barn – Dave identified that there were site plans available however a Master Plan copy was not on site at the Museum currently MOTION Moved by Bill Gosse Second by Paul Savel  That the Memorial Donations draft be accepted CARRIED Donations Policy to be added to May agenda 7.0 New Business 8.0 Next Meeting – site Meeting Thursday, May 18, 2006 at the Pickering Museum Village 6:00 pm Refreshments will be made available 9.0 Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm