HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - May 15 Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee May 15, 2008 7pm Pickering Museum Village Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Weston, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pat Dunnill, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Katrina Pyke, City of Pickering Mandy Smiles, City of Pickering Absent: Bill McLean, Regional Councillor – Ward 2 Sean Byrne, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Utton, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Kees Van der Vecht, Steam Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Site Walk About a) General Store - Sign repaired, painted and re-installed b) Blacksmith Shop - Ramp installed and working well - Ceiling beams are cracking. City planning engineer has looked at it. He feels that if the weight from upstairs is off of them it should be okay and not pose a safety hazard. - Second floor items have been removed to eliminate the weight factor - Newly painted shop still looks great after the winter c) Odd Fellows Hall - Emptied out - In good condition d) Redman House - Needs new exterior painting e) Miller Cole - New deck on the back built by Woodwright’s Guild - Fence has been repaired - Homestead paint was used (Benjamin Moore product) Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 and it worked very well on exterior paint job f) Combination Barn - Still full of items - Needs to be cleaned up - Steam Crew are willing to come in and do it - Building has a raccoon problem g) Chapel - Window sill needs to be replaced - Woodwright’s will be addressing thresholds and sills on site. They are not able to take on the cracks in the chapel at this time h) Collins House - Parlour not yet painted - Woodwright’s Guild threshold to be replaced (front and back door). Work on replacing the eaves trough - The fence will be taken down during hotel restoration i) Log Barn - Rotting wood beams - Long term solution will involve building a foundation under the log barn - Very valuable building to restore j) Steam Barn - Boiler inspected in the Fall now. Better annual inspection schedule - Every joint of boiler has been replaced - Hay press has been fully restored - Committee looked at the new workshop addition - Looked at tractor engine. By September it will be up and running - Woodwright’s want a work shop. Common space for Woodwright’s and Gas & Steam Barn crew. Would be an extension of the new addition. k) Hotel - $150,000 was approved by Council in 2008 capital budget for new foundation of the hotel - Steve had a meeting with Pat and Laura last week to discuss options - Steve met with Tom Quinn and Bill McLean on May 15th. Can go ahead with foundation work for July 2008 - Can send to tender work for total hotel restoration in Fall 2008 - City can only proceed in stages - Phase 1: Concrete foundation - Phase 2: Hotel restoration - Staff will have to sit down with Foundation in the fall to re-negotiate existing agreement - If tender for concrete foundation is lower than budget then we can look at applying remaining funds to restore the roof/chimney Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 - Laura asked about widening of Hwy 7. Steve spoke to Richard Holburn. He is not aware of any impact it will have on the Museum. Richard is attending a meeting next week about Hwy 7 widening - The lines marked now cut into the parking in the front and cutting through our sign - Staff will work with MP&E to ensure signs are changed as appropriate 2. Welcome & Appreciations Laura thanked staff and volunteers for all their work to make the Museum look so good. Katrina, Rose, Barb – Thanks for your work for afternoon tea and temperance events Pat says LCBO has given permission for Foundation to have boxes in 2 stores in Pickering, 2 stores in Ajax for coin collection for month of July. Laura discussed food service at Museum a) Summer Soltice Suppers - 3 weekends only this year - Book your party in the log house for authentic 1850’s meal and entertainment b) Steam Up - Food service will be hot dogs, muffins, cookies, loaves, coffee, teas Summer Program a) Give children activity kits “History Mystery” kits - Kits are returned upon their departure - Help them understand the Museum’s role to preserve and conserve artifacts - Thanks to those that went to Chartwell’s open house - Laura went to the Tamil Volunteer Day representing the Museum 3. Approval of Minutes (February 7/08 meeting) Motion: Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Pat Dunnill - That the minutes of February 7, 2008 and April 17, 2008 be approved (as amended) CARRIED 4. Review of 2008 Committee Work Plan Page 4 CORP0228—2/02 Reviewed the committees 2008 work plan – Katrina provided an update to some action items Laura is trying to get an intern from Durham College to work with us for next year 1. Collections a) Database established and ongoing b) Museum sought out coop placement from Sir Sanford Fleming. No one applied c) Volunteer cataloguing is still ongoing. Software is an issue. Catalogue cards are just so primitive. 2. Marketing a) Laura would like the committee to prioritize ideas identified in the April meeting minutes and be prepared to discuss at the August committee meeting so 2009 events can be determined 5. Tapestry a) Struggling to get committed organizations to participate b) If it continues this way we won’t consider doing it again c) We will discuss and decide at our August meeting 6. Brougham Central Hotel a) Sarah Gittens found a contact with Parks Canada. They have wood stoves they would be happy to permanently loan. Second source found in Kingston for wood stoves but expensive b) Katrina says we don’t have enough furniture to outfit the hotel when completed c) Katrina to develop list of items to be acquired and costs and share it with volunteers should they find these items on their travels d) Foundation will contribute $500 per year for the museum to acquire these pieces for the Hotel 7. Steam Barn a) Steam Barn required to report to Trillium in September 2008 so they will need to complete the project and spend their funds b) Laura wants to see a VIP Tour at the Museum for community stakeholders so they can se how they can partner with us. Recruit the technical field c) Pioneer Power is a new technology program created by the museum. It will be offered at Whitby Library and OPG Tuesdays on the Trail. Committee to prioritize items for August meeting Katrina to prepare list 5. Updates: Budget & PMV Foundation Page 5 CORP0228—2/02 Updates: a) Budget - Steve discussed 2008 operating and capital budgets. Capital Budget: - Everything proposed, other than total restoration project was approved Operating Budget: - Overall, additional funds were approved for operating expenses, particularly building repairs and maintenance b) PMV Foundation - Received $10,000 from MacLean Foundation. Grant for the hotel - Pat has modified the grant package for other organizations - AGM for Foundation is June 18, 2008 - John Rutledge is speaking at the event - Pat asked if Village Singers could sing at event - Bingo’s: lost Tuesday morning mornings; have Thursday mornings. Despite the changes in dates and operation, revenue is about the same as before, average $1,200 a week - Laura has asked John Sabean and will be receiving addresses of members of Pickering Historical Society. They will be mailed information about the PMV Foundation Mandy to confirm 6. New Business None 7. Adjournment & Next Meeting Next Meeting - August 14, 2008 @ 7:00pm at City Hall. Discussion of marketing plan and 2009 events. Volunteer groups will not be invited to provide updates at this meeting. Meeting Adjourned: 9:15 pm Copy: City Clerk