HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 15-14 C';ty o¢ Report to ' Planning & Development Committee I CKE RIN Report Number: PLN 15-14 Date: July 7, 2014 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development • Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2013-04 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/13 Averton (Brock Three) Ltd. Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. North Part of Lot 18, Concession 3 (2695, 2705 and 2725 Brock Road) Recommendation: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2013-04, submitted by Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd., on lands being North Part of Lot 18, Concession 3, to establish four blocks for residential development, a block for a road widening and a collector road, as shown on Attachment#2 to Report PLN 15-14, and the implementing conditions of approval, as set out in Appendix I, be endorsed; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/13, submitted by Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd., to implement the Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2013-04 and to facilitate a residential condominium development, be endorsed with the provisions contained in Appendix II to Report PLN 15-14, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward an implementing Zoning By-law to Council for enactment; and 3. Further, that applications for Site Plan Approval for lands within the Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2013-04 reflect the design and layout of the Revised Concept Plan as illustrated in Attachment#4 to Report PLN 15-14 to the satisfaction of the Director, City Development. Executive Summary: As the density of development increases, it becomes progressively more critical that what gets built exhibits strong urban design and sustainable placemaking characteristics. These include such matters as building height and massing,.connectivity and permeability, building siting, architectural design, street interfaces, walkability, and landscaping, to name a few. 153 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 2 Averton (Brock Three) Ltd. et al. submitted a higher density, mixed use proposal for lands within the Mixed Use Corridor in Duffin Heights. Residents and staff identified numerous concerns with the original concept plan including: a lack of open space; lack of connectivity and permeability; inappropriate relationship with the development to the north; and development in excess of the allowable density. Planning staff and the City's Urban Design Review consultant worked with the applicant and their consultants to improve the overall design and layout of the plan and to address many of the concerns identified (see Original Concept Plan and Revised • Concept Plan, Attachments #3 and #4). Averton (Brock Three) Ltd. et al. has prepared a revised concept that has a total of 739 units including apartments, and other medium density housing forms. The applicant's revised concept plan has a number of strong elements, such as: its built form and streetscape along the frontages of Brock Road, future Street 'A' and William Jackson Drive; the mixed use apartment buildings at the focal point of Brock Road and the new east-west collector road; and the introduction of two parkettes and an enhanced internal pedestrian network. Using this concept as the basis, staff recommends Council approve the required zoning by-law amendment application and draft plan of subdivision subject to the conditions and provisions identified in Appendices I and II. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands are located on the east side of Brock Road, north of the hydro corridor and west of William Jackson Drive, in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#1). The subject lands comprise four properties which have a combined area of approximately 5.3 hectares, with approximately 323 metres of frontage along Brock Road and approximately 315 metres of frontage along William Jackson Drive. Surrounding land uses include: north — a mix of single, semi-detached and townhouse units currently under construction and a vacant parcel of land owned by Petro-Canada south — applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment, submitted by Lebovic Homes for the abutting vacant lands, for a common element condominium development consisting of 15 live-work townhouse units and 30 townhouse units 154 • Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 • Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 3 east - across William Jackson Drive, a mix of single, semi-detached and townhouse units; vacant lands currently zoned for a future elementary school; a neighbourhood park; and the Pickering Golf Club west — across Brock Road, vacant City owned lands located at the northwest and southwest corners of Brock Road and Zents Drive, which are designated as "Mixed Corridors" within the City's Official Plan 1.2 Applicant's Original and Revised Concept Plan The applicant has submitted applications for approval of a draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment to establish four blocks for residential purposes, a 22.0 metre wide collector road and a 7.6 metre wide road widening along Brock Road to facilitate a residential condominium development (see Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment#2). The overall proposal consists of: two 8-storey mixed use apartment buildings with grade related commercial uses and 4-storey stacked back-to-back townhouse blocks with integrated underground parking garages along Brock Road frontage; and on the remaining lands, a mix of back-to-back townhouses and stacked townhouses. City staff, through collaboration with the City's Urban Design Review consultant, (John G. Williams Limited) and the applicant's planner and architect, designed a revised concept plan for the subject lands. The revised concept plan addresses a number of concerns with respect to the overall design and layout of the proposal, density, pedestrian connectivity and outdoor amenity space. A copy of the Original Concept Plan and the Revised Concept Plan are provided for reference as Attachments #3 and #4, respectively. Specifically, the key changes include: • a reduction in the total number of dwelling units from 791 units to 739 units • the addition of 2 parkettes: a 725 square metre parkette to the north of the future collector road; and a 628 square metre parkette to the south of the future collector road • a realignment of the north vehicular access from William Jackson Drive, which provides a more appropriate road pattern for the site • improved integration with the development to the north with a landscape buffer strip and lay-by visitor parking adjacent to the north property line • the overall length of townhouse blocks have been reduced and the separation between the townhouse blocks have been increased to accommodate pedestrian walkways and additional landscaping opportunities; • and • additional enhanced north/south and east/west pedestrian connections have been added to allow residents to traverse the site 155 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 4 A comparison of the statistical information and development details from the Original Concept Plan and the Revised Concept Plan are outlined in the Development Details Comparison Chart (see Attachment#5). 2. Comments Received 2.1 Public comments from the January 13, 2014 Statutory Public Information Meeting and in written submission At the January 13, 2014 Statutory Public Information Meeting, three residents attended the meeting to voice their concerns with respect to the proposed concept plan for the subject lands. The majority of their concerns related to whether the proposal was in keeping with the established character of the Duffin Heights community, which currently consists of primarily single, semi-detached and townhouse units. The concerns identified are as follows: • ensuring an appropriate amount of pedestrian connectivity within the site and to the existing neighbourhood park, located on the east side of William Jackson Drive • • ensuring that an adequate amount of outdoor amenity area is provided for the residents within the development • ensuring that an adequate amount of private amenity space is provided for each townhouse unit • reducing the total number of units proposed to within the allowable density range • ensuring that a sufficient number of parking spaces are available for visitors and residents, and that an appropriately sized internal private garage space is provided • ensuring compatibility of the proposed 8-storey apartment buildings in relation to the existing low-density neighbourhood • ensuring the timing of the construction for the future collector road will meet the traffic demands of the proposed development 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments Region of Durham the Region of Durham Planning Department has 9 9 9 P advised that the proposal conforms with the policies of the Regional Official Plan • an Environmental Noise Assessment, dated July 2013, identified noise generated from Brock Road and the CP Rail line; appropriate noise attenuation measures are recommended and will be further reviewed during the Site Plan Approval process 156 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 5 Region of Durham • a Stage 1 - 2 Archaeological Assessment report, (continued) dated May 2013, indicated that no archaeological resources were identified on the subject lands and the report will be sent to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport for their review and clearance • the Phase I and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) conducted for 2705 and 2725 Brock Road recommended site clean up on portions of each property; the Region recommends that the City enter into an agreement with the developer to ensure site clean up is undertaken as recommended in the ESA reports • a Record of Site Condition is required for both 2705 and 2725 Brock Road • the Phase.' ESA conducted for the other two properties indicated that there are no potential site contamination concerns on the subject lands • municipal water supply is available to the subject lands from the existing watermain on William Jackson Drive • further detail will be required through the site plan approval process to outline waste management requirements for the development • a 15.0 metre by 15.0 metre site triangle at the northeast and southeast quadrant of the intersection of Brock Road and future Street 'A' will be required • the, Region requests that on-street parking be deleted between Brock Road and the first intersection east of Brock Road • the design of the future collector road must accommodate a right turn lane • the Region has no objection to the applications, and has provided conditions of approval Durham Region • the proposed development appears to be consistent Transit with `Transit Oriented Development' required along Brock Road Toronto and • deferred the review of on-site stormwater Region infrastructure to the City of Pickering Conservation • the TRCA has no objection to the applications and Authority (TRCA) has provided conditions of draft approval . 157 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 6 • Toronto and • requested that the amending zoning by-law include Region an `H' Holding provision requiring the applicant to Conservation submit a revised Functional Servicing Report that Authority (TRCA) addresses the Duffin Heights Environmental • (continued) Servicing Plan and detailed design of the adjacent Mattamy Lands Durham District • no objections to the applications School Board • any pupils generated by the proposed plan can be accommodated within existing school facilities, until a school facility can be justified and constructed within the immediate community area Durham Catholic • no objections to the applications District School • students generated from this development will Board attend St. Wilfrid Catholic School in Pickering Engineering & • generally satisfied with the proposal at this time Public Works • detail drawings regarding landscaping, stormwater management and grading will be reviewed through the site plan approval process • the Functional Servicing Report is required to be • updated to conform to the Duffin Heights Master Environmental Servicing Plan and Stormwater Management Report City of Pickering • no objections to the applications Fire Services • details of the emergency vehicle access will be finalized through the site plan approval process 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The revised concept plan is within the density range of the Official Plan and is consistent with the policies for the Duffin Heights.Neighbourhood The subject lands are designated "Mixed Use Area — Mixed Corridors" in the Pickering Official Plan, which permits a density range of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare, and a maximum floor space index of 2.5. The original concept plan proposed a total of 791 residential units for a residential density of approximately 149 units per net hectare. Based on the changes made by the applicant, the total number of residential units have been reduced to 739 units, for a residential density of approximately 140 units per net hectare. The revised concept plan complies with the density requirements of the Official Plan. 158 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 7 The Duffin Heights Neighourhood policies for the Mixed Corridor designation require new developments to provide: • . a strong and identifiable urban image by establishing buildings closer to the street, providing safe and convenient pedestrian access, and requiring all buildings to be multi-storey, and • higher intensity multi-unit housing forms on lands adjacent to Brock Road while restricting grade related residential development to lands adjacent to collector or local roads. The revised concept plan illustrates two 8-storey mixed use apartment buildings and eight 4-storey stacked back-to-back townhouse blocks that have a setback of 3.8 metres from Brock Road. The proposed buildings will be sited close to the street, which will help establish a well-defined urban street wall and create a positive pedestrian-friendly building presence along Brock Road. The balance of the lands will be developed for back-to-back townhouse units and stacked townhouse units fronting onto William Jackson Drive, future Street 'A' and internal private roads. The intersection of Brock Road and future Street `A' is identified as a Focal Point on the tertiary plan contained within the Council-adopted Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Developments at focal points shall contribute to the prominence of the intersection through the use of appropriate building heights, massing, architectural features and landscaping. The revised concept plan illustrates two 8-storey mixed use apartment buildings at the northeast and southeast corners of Brock Road and future Street `A'. The proposed buildings appropriately frame the intersection and create a gateway into the community. Through the Site Plan Approval process, staff will work with the applicant to review the architectural design of proposed buildings to ensure they are appropriately articulated with elements such as towers, canopies, glazing, materials and other details that emphasize this intersection as a focal point in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 3.2 Urban Design objectives of the Duffin Heights. Neighbourhood Development Guidelines have been addressed City staff, agencies and area residents identified a number of concerns with the original concept plan directly related to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines such as: 1. lack of walkability within the development 2. lack of outdoor amenity space for passive and active recreation uses being provided within the development 3. the compatibility of the proposed 8-storey apartment buildings within the surrounding neighbourhood; and 4. the proposed design and timing of the future collector road 159 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 8 3.2.1 Additional linear parks and walkways have been provided to create a pedestrian-oriented residential development The revised concept plan provides for an enhanced pedestrian network in the form of sidewalks, linear parks and pathways. The additional pedestrian connections will allow future residents to traverse the site from east to west and north to south in order to access public transit, commercial uses along Brock Road, the proposed parkettes, the neighbourhood park and the surrounding neighbourhood. 3.2.2 Two parkettes are proposed as outdoor amenity space The applicant's revised plan introduces two parkettes, one of approximately 725 square metres in size to the north of the future collector road and the other approximately 628 square metres to the south of the future collector road. The parkettes are appropriately situated in the development and integrated with the pedestrian network system, which is fully accessible to all residents. Detailed programming and design of the parkettes will be determined through the site plan approval process. 3.2.3 The proposed 8-storey mixed use apartment buildings are consistent with the intent of the Neighbourhood Development Guidelines and compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood Area residents expressed concerns that the height of the two apartment buildings at the intersection of Brock Road and the future collector road are incompatible with the existing low density residential development within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The proposed 8-storey mixed use buildings are consistent with the Neighbourhood Development Guidelines, which require higher density multi-storey buildings to be located along Brock Road. Staff have reviewed the height of the proposed buildings and have determined that they are compatible with the existing low density development within the neighbourhood and will have no impact on the existing residents with respect to shadowing and overlook. • 3.2.4 The future collector road will be constructed as. part of the Phase 2 Development The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines permit a maximum right-of-way width of 22.0 metres for a collector road, including on-street parking. Engineering and Public Works staff have prepared a detailed cross-section of the proposed collector road and are satisfied that the maximum right-of-way width of • 22.0 metres can accommodate dedicated lay-by parking spaces on both sides of the road, a 3.0 metre wide multi-use path to the north, a 1.5 metre wide sidewalk to the south, boulevard trees, underground utilities, street furniture, and a dedicated right turn lane at the intersection of Brock Road and the future collector road (see Proposed Collector Road Cross-section, Attachment#6). 160 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 9 The applicant has submitted a traffic study concluding that up to an additional 400 residential units can be accommodated on the existing road network prior to the construction of the future collector road. The applicant is proposing a total of approximately 154 units within Phase 1 and 180 units within Phases 2 and 3 of the development. Based upon the site traffic distribution in the submitted traffic study, the existing road network will be sufficient for the initial phases of the subject site. Staff have reviewed the study and concur with its conclusions and recommendations. In addition, staff are recommending that a holding provision be applied to the subject lands to ensure the collector road is constructed in the second phase of development, including any financial contributions to the 'signalized intersection. 3.3 A sufficient number of parking spaces are being provided to support the development The table below identifies the typical parking standards used to calculate required parking for development applications within the City of Pickering, including those within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The table also shows the number of parking spaces that are required to support the revised concept, and compares it to the actual spaces being provided. Dwelling Type Parking Ratio Parking Required Parking Provided Back-to-Back a minimum of 2 668 spaces for 668 spaces for Townhouses and Parking spaces per residential parking residential parking Stacked dwelling unit, plus Townhouses 0.25 of a space 84 spaces for 84 spaces for per dwelling for visitors visitors parking visitors parking Apartment units a minimum of 1.0 405 spaces for 405 spaces for and 4-storey parking space per residential parking residential parking Stacked-Back-to- unit plus 0.25 of a Back space per dwelling 101 spaces for 133 spaces for Townhouses for visitors visitors parking visitors parking a minimum of 4.5 Commercial parking spaces per Uses 100 square metres 94 parking spaces 94 parking spaces of gross leasable floor area Total Parking 1,352 parking 1,384 parking Spaces spaces spaces 161 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 10 Based on the above-noted parking standards, the applicant is providing a sufficient number of parking spaces to support the development. The parking spaces are appropriately distributed to accommodate residents, visitors and commercial operators. The development is located in close proximity to transit and City staff are supportive of a minimum of 1.0 parking space per unit for the apartment units and stacked back-to-back townhouse units adjacent to Brock Road. In addition, the proposed design of the right-of-way for the east-west collector road incorporates lay-by parking and on-street parking is also permitted along William Jackson Drive, which will provide additional on-street parking for visitors. These spaces have not been included in the overall number of parking spaces being provided by the development. Staff are satisfied that there are sufficient parking spaces available to accommodate the proposal. However, through the site plan approval process, staff will review whether there will be opportunities to provide for additional visitor parking spaces. 3.4 The revised concept plan is well integrated with the existing-development to the north and the future development to the south The applicant has amended the concept plan to address staffs concerns with the proposed interface with the existing residential development to the north. The revised concept plan provides for a landscape buffer and lay-by parking spaces adjacent to the rear yards to the north. In addition; the realignment of the north vehicular access from William Jackson Drive creates a larger setback to the existing development to the north. The application for the lands to the south of the subject lands provides for an appropriate interface between the two developments. Staff support the proposed integration as the units in both developments front onto a pedestrian walkway, which is between the units. Through consultation with staff, the concept plan has been revised to provide an additional pedestrian connection through the subject lands to the south in order to create an integrated pedestrian system of sidewalks throughout the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 3.5 A phasing plan has been submitted demonstrating how the proposal will be completed over time. Another concern that was expressed by area residents was with regards to the. phasing of the development. The applicant has submitted a phasing plan demonstrating how the entire development will be completed over time (see Submitted Phasing Plan, Attachment#7). 162 • Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 • Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 -Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 11 The applicant proposes that the entire development will be developed in 5 phases. Based on the applicant's phasing plan, back-to-back townhouses and stacked townhouses within Phases 1, 2 and 3 are to be developed prior to the mixed use apartment buildings and stacked back-to-back townhouse units along Brock Road. The development of Phases 4 and 5 conform to the neighbourhood policies. 3.6 Additional concerns raised at the Public Information Meeting have been addressed by the applicant and the Region Additional concerns identified by area residents at the Public Information Meeting included: • the amount of outdoor private amenity area being provided with each townhouse unit • the size of the proposed sidewalks throughout the development • the internal garage size for each townhouse unit • the design and timing of the reconstruction along Brock Road The applicant has provided the following information to the City Development Department in response to questions raised from the area residents: • a minimum 4.5 square metres of private outdoor amenity area will be provided with each townhouse unit • all sidewalks throughout the development will be a minimum of 1.5 metres wide • internal garage sizes will be a minimum of 3.0 metres in width by 6.0 metres in length The Region of Durham has advised that Brock Road will be widened from two lanes to an interim four lane design to accommodate the additional traffic volumes and future demands on this road. There is a design for an ultimate six lane cross-section. However, at this point only four lanes will be constructed, from Third Concession Road/Rossland Road to the C.P. Railway north of the subject lands. The proposed Brock Road cross-section illustrates a 2.5 metre asphalt bike path on both sides of Brock Road. The anticipated timing for construction is to begin in 2015. 3.7 The applicant is required to become a party to the Duffin Heights cost sharing agreement or pay their proportionate share of the development costs The owner has been made aware of the requirement within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Policies to become a party to the cost sharing agreement for Duffin Heights or receive an acknowledgement from the Trustee of the • Duffin Heights Landowners Group Inc. that the benefiting landowner has made satisfactory arrangements to pay its proportionate share of the development costs. A condition of draft approval addresses this requirement. 163 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 12 3.8 The proposal achieves a Level '[ sustainability rating Staff have reviewed the applications against the City's Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines and rated the proposal as achieving a Level 1 score. The proposal incorporates many of the elements set out in the Guidelines including: • development of lands on a greenfield site adjacent to existing development • commercial space provided within the ground floor of the apartment buildings and is within a 5 to 10 minute walk from residential units • increased residential density over 120 units per hectare • the plan is designed to provide streetscapes uninterrupted by garages along the collector road; and • the design of the plan locates two-thirds of the proposed residential and non-residential density within 250 metres walking distance of a planned transit stop There will be opportunities to improve this rating as additional sustainability measures become available through the site plan approval process for each phase of development, including: • use of permeable materials for paved areas • use of native species in landscaped areas • utilizing resource efficiency in buildings, such as energy and water 3.9 All Technical Matters will be addressed as Conditions of Subdivision and through the Site Plan Approval Process Site Plan applications will be required for each phase of development. Detailed design issues will be dealt with through the subdivision agreement and site plan approval process. These requirements will address matters such as, but not limited to: • drainage and grading • site servicing • noise attenuation • cash-in-lieu of parkland • tree compensation • revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Plan . • requirements for Construction Management Plan • building design • landscaping • resident, visitor and accessible parking spaces • emergency vehicle access • waste management collection • location of Community Mailboxes • dedication of Brock Road road widening 164 Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 13 • preparation and review of the detailed design of the east-west collector road; and • security for the construction of the Collector Road and the signalization of the intersection of Brock Road and the future Collector Road No further reports are anticipated to be brought before Council if the applications are approved. Applications for Draft Plan of Condominium are required to be , submitted at a later date. The applicant is proposing a standard condominium development. Applications for a standard condominium are delegated to the Director, City Development for final approval. 3.10 The Zoning By-law will be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment The subject lands are zoned "A" —Agricultural by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended. The applicant has submitted a rezoning application to permit 739 condominium residential units. To ensure compatibility with the surrounding neighbourhood and appropriate design, the zoning by-law will have site specific provisions including, but not limited to, maximum building height, build-to-zone, maximum number of units, minimum private amenity area per unit, minimum outdoor amenity area, minimum interior garage size, and minimum number of resident and visitor parking spaces. The amending zoning by-law incorporates an `H' holding provision that will require the Owner to satisfy certain conditions prior to the lifting of the holding provision. These conditions will include entering into a site plan/development agreement with the City to address matters listed above in Section 3.9 of this report. Staff supports the rezoning application and recommends that a site specific implementing by-law, containing the standards attached as Appendix II to this Report be finalized and brought before Council for enactment. Appendices Appendix I Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2013-04 Appendix II Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment , Application A 8/13 165 • Report PLN 15-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: SP-2013-04, A 8/13 —Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., Beaverbrook (Brock Two) Ltd. and Beaverbrook (Brock) Ltd. Page 14 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Draft Plan of Subdivision 3. Original Concept Plan 4. Revised Concept Plan 5. Development Detail Comparison Chart 6. Proposed Collector Road Cross Section 7. Submitted Phasing Plan Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: A0/,, Melissa Markham, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCI', 'PP Principal Planner— Development Review Chief Planner 1 Nilesfi Surti, MCIP, RPP Thomas Mely uk, IP RPP Manager, Development Review Director, City evel pment & Urban Design MM:jf Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 231 Zor4- Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 166 Appendix II to Report PLN 15-14 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/13 167 • Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/13 That the implementing zoning by-law permit the establishment of multiple dwelling-vertical units and multiple dwelling-horizontal units in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Provisions for build-to-zones along Brock Road, Street 'A' and William Jackson Drive and along the adjacent properties to the north and south of the subject lands. 2. Maximum building height: a. apartment buildings along Brock Road: 8 Storeys; b. stacked back-to-back townhouse units along Brock Road: 4 storeys; c. all other back-to-back townhouse units and stacked townhouse units: 3-storeys. • 3. Minimum of 4.5 square metres of private outdoor amenity area required per unit for all back-to-back townhouse units and stacked townhouse units. 4. Minimum total gross leasable floor area of 2,000 square metres for commercial uses to be provided at grade within the two apartment buildings. 5. Maximum number of units: 739 units. 6. Minimum number of apartment units: 220 units. 7. Maximum number of back-to-back townhouse units and stacked townhouse units: 510 units. • 8. Minimum interior garage size of 3.0 metres in width by 6.0 metres in length. 9. Minimum length of a driveway between the private garage and the private road: 6.0 metres. 10. Minimum building separation between buildings containing a common element pedestrian walkway: 4.0 metres. 11. Minimum number of required parking spaces for apartment units and stacked back-to-back townhouse units within Phases 4 and 5: a. a minimum of 1 parking space per dwelling unit and 0.25 of,a space per dwelling unit for visitor. 12. Minimum required parking spaces for back-to-back townhouse units and stacked townhouse units within Phases 1, 2, and 3: a. a minimum of 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit and 0.25 of a space per dwelling unit for visitor.. • 168 • 13. Minimum number of required parking spaces to be provided within the underground parking structures for dwelling units within Phases 4 and 5: 600 parking spaces. 14. Minimum of 0.14 of a hectare to be used for a maximum of two parkettes, exclusive of metre rooms, community mailboxes and other utilities. 15. An `H' holding provision to be applied, subject to the Owner satisfying the following conditions: • a. the Owner has entered into a Site Plan/Development Agreement with the City; b. the Owner has made provisions for the construction of the east-west Collector Road as part of Phase 2 of the development; c. the Owner has made financial contributions for the signalization of the intersection of Brock Road and the east-west collector road; and d. the Owner has submitted a revised Functional Servicing Report that is consistent with the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan to the satisfaction of the City and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. 16. Provisions to permit model homes, if required. 169 Appendix Ito Report PLN 15-14 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2013-04 • 170 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2013-04 General Conditions 1. That this recommendation apply to the draft plan of subdivision prepared by The Biglieri Group, dated June 19, 2014, Plan Number DP-1 on lands being Part of Lot 18, Concession 3, City of Pickering, for the creation of four blocks to accommodate residential development, a block for a road widening and a collector road. Subdivision Agreement 2. That the Owner enters into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and other wise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the conditions outlined in this document. • Zoning 3. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/13 becomes final and binding. Street Names 4. That street names and signage be provided to the satisfaction of the Region and the City. Development Charges & Inspection Fee 5. That the Owner satisfies the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 6. That the Owner satisfies the City for contributions for development review and inspection fees. Phasing 7. That if this subdivision is to be developed by more than one registration, the Owner will be required to submit a plan showing the proposed phasing, all to the, satisfaction of the City. 171 Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2013-04) Page 2 Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances 8. That the Owner conveys to the City, at no cost: (i) Block 5 for road widening purposes; and (ii) dedicate all road allowances with the proper corner roundings and sight triangles to the City and Region and any other easements as required. Architectural Control 9. That the Owner, prior to the preparation of the subdivision agreement, engages a control architect, to the satisfaction of the Director, City Development, who will prepare a siting and architectural design statement to the City's satisfaction, approve all models offered for sale and certify that all building permit plans comply with the City's approved statement. The siting and architectural design statement will become a schedule to the subdivision agreement. Stormwater 10. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works respecting a stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the development in accordance with the revised Functional Servicing Plan, dated April 2013, and any provisions regarding easements. 11. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works for contributions for stormwater management maintenance fees. 12. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works that all stormwater management, and erosion and sedimentation control structures are operating and will be maintained in good repair during the construction period. 13. That the owner completes an analysis of the receiving storm sewer system to the City's satisfaction to determine the site's allowable release rate to ensure conformity with the requirements of the City's Stormwater Management Design Guidelines. Grading 14. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works Department respecting submission and approval of a grading control plan. 15. That the Owner satisfies the Director,•Engineering & Public Works Department respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. 16. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works Department respecting authorization from abutting landowners for all offsite grading. 172 Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2013-04) Page 3 Fill & Topsoil 17. The City's Fill &Topsoil Disturbance By-law prohibits soil disturbance, removal or importation to the site unless a permit has been issued. No on-site works prior to draft plan approval is permitted. A Fill &Topsoil Disturbance Permit will be required should grading works proceed prior to a subdivision agreement being executed. Road Allowances • 18. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works respecting the construction of_roads with curbs, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs along Brock Road, William Jackson Drive and Street 'A'. Construction/Installation of City Works & Services 19. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works Department respecting construction of roads, storm sewers, pedestrian walkways and boulevard designs through a site servicing plan. 20. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City. 21. That the Owner satisfies the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services. 22. That the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the Owner. Easements 23. That the Owner convey to the City, at no cost, any easements as required; and, any reserves as required by the City. 24. That the Owner conveys any easements to any utility provider to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility provider. 25. That the Owner arrange at no cost to the City any easements required on third party lands for servicing and such easements shall be in a location as determined by the City and/or the Region and are to be granted upon request at • any time after draft approval. 26. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works with any required on-site or off-site easements for works, facilities or use rights that are required by the City. 173 Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2013-04) Page 4 Construction Management Plan , 27. That the Owner makes arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other things: (1) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls as per the City's Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on either existing streets or the proposed priyate roads; .(iii) ensure that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; (iv) the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; (v) type and timing of construction fencing; (vi) location of construction trailers; and (vii) details of the temporary construction access. Fencing 28. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works. Landscaping 29. That the Owner submits a street tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the City. 30. To the satisfaction of the Director, Engineering & Public Works, the Owner shall plant one tree per unit. If it is determined that the planting of a tree is not possible for each unit, the Owner will be required to pay either cash-in-lieu for the remaining trees or plant the remaining trees in a location within the Plan boundaries. Tree Compensation 31. Prior to final approval of the draft plan, or any phase thereof, the Owner shall provide a financial contribution, for the purposes of off-site planting of native, self-sustaining vegetation to the satisfaction of the Director, City Development. Such planting shall be on publically owned lands held by the City of Pickering. 174 Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2013-04) Page 5 • Noise Attenuation 32. That the Owner agrees in the subdivision agreement to implement noise control measures and warning clauses as recommended in the report, Environmental Noise Assessment, prepared by Valcoustics Canada Ltd. Engineering Plans 33. That the Owner ensures that the engineering plans are coordinated with the streetscape/siting and architectural design statement and further that the engineering plans coordinate the driveway, street hardware and street trees to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and all objectives of the streetscape/siting and architectural design statement can be achieved. 34. That the Owner satisfy the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things: city services; roads; storm sewers; sidewalks; grading; streetlights; fencing and tree planting, and financially-secure such works. 35. That the engineering plans be coordinated with the architectural design objectives. Parkland Dedication 36. That the Owner shall pay the City cash-in-lieu in accordance with the parkland dedication requirements of the Planning Act. Duffin.Heights Cost Sharing 37. That the Owner satisfy, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering, all matters required by the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan, including but not limited to the following: (i) Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report (ii) Monitoring Report (iii) Compensation Report (iv) Fish Habitat Restoration Fund contribution (v) Watershed System Monitoring and Management Fund contribution; and (vi) Adaptive Management Fund contribution. 38. That the Owner satisfies the Director, City Development with a letter from the Trustee for the Duffin Heights Landowners Group Inc. acknowledging that the Owner has become a party to the cost sharing agreement for Duffin Heights or the Owner has made satisfactory arrangements to pay its proportionate share of the development costs. • 175 Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2013-04) Page 6 39. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works Department regarding cost sharing for the Mattamy Stormwater Management Pond and portions of William Jackson Drive, as required. Utility 40. That the Owner, through the approval of the Utility Coordination Plan for the location, is to enter into an agreement with Canada Post Corporation for the provision of a Community Mailbox including technical specifications and financial terms. Model Homes 41. That the Owner enters into a model home agreement with the City, if applicable for this draft plan. All model homes must satisfy all requirements of the siting and architectural design statement. Other Approval Agencies 42. That the Owner obtains all necessary permits from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06, as amended. 43. That any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, or any utility for the development of this plan be obtained by the Owner, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City as verification of these approvals. • 176 Appendix II to Report PLN 15-14 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/13 • 177 Au< -iME:r# i TO • REPOiTrf PL N /S-%' J<• O . 11111111111L ....r- WILLIAM 3P, so 000110111111111°Iiill< . _,I1111flIflui 1 _ - , CAROU __ -us is g 7--\ 01.14,0,„,','70.• g was CAROUSEL ORNE �F-F ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• EARL GREY a SUBJECT :••••• • ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• PROPERTIES, '2∎ &I....A.I■ •�•���•�•�•���.4. ZENTS DRIVE i•••• • •••••••• iii•iii• iiiiii . • •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• • • •••••••••••••••• ct �i�ii ii ii . �•■■•■■••.����•�•.• CREEKSIDE , . 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SCALE 1:5,000 are-1s 178 . =m� BLOCK 4 BLOCK 3 a r'"1— _ Y o 111 m 39 1n31 - _ Q - $ __.. ue es —7 ET'A' —___—_—_- —___—_ O a Yl 1 O F3 _ 4135 '35.W 13971 • /Y\ � U _ vM1 O Q 2 m Q l � - mm BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 J / 1a 04 1 n n 310D - 109.99.. ]62 Draft Plan of Subdivison City 4 = FILE No: SP-2013-04 and A 08/13 __ 'i' --� 0"'''- APPLICANT: Averton (Brock Three) Ltd. et al. liCeSO 1011 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:2725, 2705 and 2695 Brock Road City pnment Department (North Part of Lot 18, Concession 3) P DATE:June 18,2014 l MAI ":10..m:__YO - air, r. a - zasa=a=O D O ozm:►a 1s : - - - - - - - - _ _ _ �'If ■wI ,.` u - - - -- 1�' [1�1 -Ir_lunl^IIIIII!IIUln null I n CALK �� I EL o rt�u =1III1UUhIUI111= �,�_ - ■ g NM =; = l ;:_: " ";��7 ?• I � � iItjii► AI �i ■,---------------- JI/ \1 • n EAI =�/� 111 \/ \/ \/ \► al (.. 1n AVE 41 AL AL AL AL 411 ph.JI/■■1_ 0 we I t■.>•nEnEnJ = - 11111 A __ _ O ��\ �- — 6 '� I ®0 �F,s �� ■ O w / =11 _ _ I I 0 ' re z FUTURE 22rn COLLECTOR ROAO = z 0 Mk o a �, — I — I CY E loo. . - „ _ o Y o _ Y rii . 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Wier/Atilet PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 2725, 2705 and 2695 Brock Road City Development (North Part of Lot 18, Concession 3) Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:Nov 26,2013 180 A I I I...I....I 1 I 1---1 I I I I I I n 04 57-0•10D En cr,'FE 21 - E R ' = - 911191g99119:611 2 imen. ma_ 111117.1M COMM MEW Mil= I' 1111 um 1. = ......?I/ 1 -__ :rte lira ' - rJ Ng MOP A I t .w,N.N 1 1 m CO 3 O I 1 n - n — ._ — — 0 A I -_.t n � /I i t i i i ...+-.i .._—t u t t t t I n_.._, :ZI FUTURE 22m COLLECTOR ROAD - o R, V I I �I• V \ / V T I I _1 I I ....(_•...1 I I I I I I V - • j 1 • 1 (IIIIIIII IIIIIII* 1 11111111 cora 11.1.MAWR -. - e Ilk= ,. sae 1�� Y I. 1i MN `MIN 1 - � ' i LLII o _ .Od! = as 1 ml �■r� I.t{i ,1- 1 1 -■ Brio - war . o, ,■_ s W. •i. . �± L 1 NOW IMUL� •i j• ' I ■ Legend i � C� .: _ Y■�1 It Etruwi C �11. W. ii -Stacked Townhouse m v� � � C .. =��= -. / 180 @ 85sq.m 'J -mini -Apartment Units and Retail -I t' X29 ' , Stacked Back to Back Townhouses �` 176 @ 90sq.m • Back to Back Townhouses-Rear Loaded I T T Z _■■■■�-■■■__-I __■—_■__■■ —__ / I 120 @ 110sq.m •s-..r / Back to Back Townhouses I - ® - / / —/0000A / 1 // I s N _ Revised Concept Plan e`,/°e FILE No: SP-2013-04 and A 08/13 _�, APPLICANT: Averton (Brock Three) Ltd. et al. NCIIIRMINI∎k- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:2725, 2705 and 2695 Brock Road CiDepartme�nt Development (North Part of Lot 18, Concession 3) P DATE:June 4,2014 i• E aid. P _A•! 27 Development Detail Comparison Chart Details of the applications Original Plan Revised Plan Total net area 5.31 ha 5.28 ha Total net density 149.2 140 Total Number of Units 791 739 Stacked Townhouse Units 209 180 Stacked Back-to-Back Townhouse Units 176 176 Conventional Back-to-Back Townhouse Units 94 34 Rear Loaded Back-to-Back Townhouse Units 74 120 Number of Apartment Units 238 229 Total ground floor commercial space in the 2,096 sq. m. 2,096 sq. m. apartment buildings Apartment Building Height 8 storeys 8 storeys Total Number of Parking Spaces Required for 518 506 Apartment Units and Stacked Back-to-Back (1 space per unit (1 space per unit + townhouse units within the integrated + 0.25 of a space 0.25 of a space underground parking structure per unit for per unit for visitors) visitors) Total Number of Parking Spaces for 94 94 Commercial Units (4.5 parking (4.5 parking spaces per 100 spaces per 100 square metres of square metres of gross leasable gross leasable floor area) floor area) Total Number of Parking Spaces Required for 848 752 townhouse units at grade: (2 spaces per unit (2 spaces per unit + 0.25 of a space + 0.25 of a space per unit for per unit for visitors) visitors) • residents 754 668 • visitor 94 84 Total Number of Parking Spaces Required 1460 1352 Total Number of Parking Spaces Provided 1316 1384 182 F Y-1_ )y U U 0 Q N a) u) O c A > c7 O 9 7 . 3 3 V Cl) cis a 6- 0 L L N C OC7 0 0 .3 U) 3 storey building 3 storey building wt ' � II 9_Re-AFI"D] ,Q ''-'-- L ' ,:,:14.04115,1"4----- .--- I 1 0.15 l 0.50 0.50 [.._ II 0.15 daylight I curb curb I �lf daylight 3.50 3.00 2.15 2.50 3.75 I 3.75 2.50_ 2.15 1.50 I_ 3.50 Setback 5.50 12.50 4.00 '� Setback — 22.00 I /\ N Proposed Collector Road Cross Section City'e FILE No: SP-2013-04 and A 08/13 --� 'T"'=�= '- APPLICANT: Averton (Brock Three) Ltd. et. al IL 7 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:2725, 2705 and 2695 Brock Road Cii y Development (North Part of Lot 18, Concession 3) DATE:June 18,2014 _ - hi-0%1 e;Li i mu,L, 7 • —.c..__=_,,__,.11) _ 4 --1 ---1----n A 1 i I I I I 1111 I — 1 ----- 7 —J-L.--fl---rt- --LJ----Lr--1..r– F—__—_,—.111 J --1 PIII SE CLU Pl4ASE 4 i ( ■, , ■rnium •- , (- -- /0\ 1 I L___j_ - r w \ / _ i r _ a ) „...._..„.....„ , ,......„ ,,,.,.., ........ ..."0 < Z 0 0 .____\, I I V ...., 7, NJ 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I V 0 r 0 0 [ — w . ea } 2 --.\ c -- r — _ ----1 .-- I _ — PHASE 5 --, – – 11 1 -I-ASE 1 – – L.. J HII i --' — --, ,-- 1 1 ! i 1 _! Q 1 77 L± J ' I L Li / . N \ Submitted Phasing Plan cut/,e FILE No: SP-2013-04 and A 08/13 --7.--f-,.01..--761W--: .. - --,,,iii-------Nilo- APPLICANT: Averton (Brock Three) Ltd. et al. IL 7 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:2725, 2705 and 2695 Brock Road City Development (North Part of Lot 18, Concession 3) Department DATE:June 18,2014 ; 4