HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 13-14 Cat/ 00 Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PLN 13-14 Date: July 7,2014 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower SBA Canada 886 Finch Avenue (Erskine Cemetery) Installation #59 Recommendation: 1. That SBA Canada be advised that City Council does not object to the proposed 30.0 metre high telecommunication tower installation located at 886 Finch Avenue, based on the design and other details submitted with this application. • Executive Summary: SBA Canada has submitted a proposal to construct a 30.0 metre high telecommunication tower disguised as a tree on the Erskine Cemetery lands at 886 Finch Avenue. The tower will accommodate Bell Mobility as well as two additional carriers. Since the submission of the initial proposal, SBA Canada has completed their public consultation process in accordance with Industry Canada requirements and the City's draft Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System Protocol. The notification radius was expanded beyond the minimum 150.0 metres to include additional properties along Baylawn Drive, Duncannon Drive, Darwin Drive and Regal Crescent. In addition, a public information session was held on May 27, 2014 at the Erskine Church. The applicant has advised that no formal public or agency comments have been received and are requesting that City Council provide a statement of concurrence in support of the installation. City staff are supportive of the proposed installation. The proposed tower will have minimal visual impact on the community, minimizes disruption to natural features, is not located in proximity to incompatible or sensitive land uses, and is located with appropriate setbacks and screening from Fairport Road. Staff recommends that SBA Canada be advised that Council does not object to the proposed telecommunication tower at 886 Finch Avenue, based on the design and other details submitted with the application. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 10 Report PLN 13-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 2 Background 1.1 Property Description The subject property is located at the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Fairport Road within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood. The proposed telecommunication tower will be located at the north end of the property adjacent to the Duncannon Ravine. The lands are owned by the United Church of Canada and are currently used as a cemetery (see Location Map, Attachment#1). The subject property is designated as "Urban Residential — Low Density Areas" in the Official Plan, and zoned `A' — Rural Agricultural within Zoning By-law 3036, as amended. The installation of a telecommunication tower is permitted under the public utilities exemption in Zoning By-law 3036. 1.2 Applicant's Proposal SBA Canada is an independent wireless infrastructure company that builds new communication towers to support the requirements of mobile service providers and provides antenna space on towers and other structures for Canada's wireless sector. On November 13, 2013, SBA Canada submitted an application to the City Development Department outlining their proposal to construct a 30.0 metre high telecommunication tower disguised as a tree on the.Erskine Cemetery lands. SBA Canada is proposing to build the tower with Bell Mobility as its tenant on the tower. The tower and ground cabinet will be located in a fenced compound area measuring approximately 7.0 metres by 3.0 metres. Access to the compound is proposed from the existing driveway off of Fairport Road (see Submitted Plan, Submitted Elevation Plan and Submitted Photo Rendering, Attachments #2, #3 and #4). 2. Comments Received 2.1 Required Public Notifications has been completed On December 2, 2013, Planning & Development Committee authorized staff to initiate circulation of the Draft City of Pickering Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System Protocol (Cell Tower Protocol) to the public, industry representatives and other stakeholders to seek their comments. At the conclusion of the consultation process, a recommended Protocol will be prepared by staff and considered by City Council in September 2014. In the absence of an adopted City protocol, applicants must follow Industry Canada requirements as outlined in the Client Procedures Circular (CPC) 2-0-03 Issue 4, entitled "Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems". 11 Report PLN 13-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 3 Industry Canada's requirements for public consultation require the applicant to consult with the Land Use Authority, and the public within a radius of three times the tower height, measured from the tower base'or the outside perimeter of the supporting structure. The City's draft protocol requirements for public consultation require the applicant to consult with the Land Use Authority, and the public within a radius of the greater of 150.0 metres or three times the tower height within the urban area or 500.0 metres for proposals within the rural area. SBA Canada voluntarily expanded the public notification beyond the 150.0 metre radius as required by the City's draft protocol to include additional residents along Baylawn Drive, Duncannon Drive, Darwin Drive and Regal Crescent. A total of 104 households were notified by mail. A notice sign was placed on the subject property and a notice of the proposed tower was placed in the May 1, 2014 edition of the Pickering New Advertiser. In addition, a Public Information Session was held at the Erskine Church on May 27, 2014. The applicant has confirmed that no public comments were received as a result of the public notification process (see Applicant's Public Consultation Summary, Attachment#5). On May 29, 2014, comments from the Trustee Chair of the Dunbarton-Fairport United Church were received by the City Development Department. The Chair noted that the money generated from the lease agreement with SBA Canada would go directly to the church to allow them to fund community programs such as the Ajax-Pickering Food Bank and FOOTPRINTS (a respite program for families with autistic children). 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments Engineering & Public Works • have no objections to the proposed application • during site construction, the applicant will be required to obtain a road occupancy permit from the City Toronto and Region • on May 12, 2014, TRCA issued a permit to Conservation Authority construct a telecommunication tower at the (TRCA) north end of the existing cemetery lands 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The proposed telecommunication tower is designed to accommodate co-location opportunities SBA Canada is a third party provider of wireless communications facilities. The company develops, owns and manages the facilities and leases space on its towers to various wireless carriers. The site is proposed to be developed as a .co-location site to accommodate up to three carriers, thereby minimizing the number of installations required to service the area. The applicant has provided written confirmation from Bell Mobility of their interest to locate on the tower. 12 Report PLN 13-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 4 3.2 The proposed tower location and design is acceptable The proposed 30.0 metre high tower has been designed to look like a tree, and the antennas are hidden behind the branches to blend in with the existing natural vegetation as much as possible, to minimize the visual appearance of the tower. The site where the tower and compound area is to be located is entirely within a disturbed wooded area and does not required any mature trees to be removed. The proposed equipment shelter is a metal clad building surrounded by a security fence and screened with coniferous trees on the south side of the compound. The proposed tower will not affect the current use of the cemetery and will have minimal impact on the surrounding community. The proponent has provided confirmation that this proposed installation has been publicly circulated in accordance with Industry Canada requirements and the City's draft protocol, and the proposals are now before Committee and Council for consideration. Staff recommend that City Council approve the recommendation in this report as the proposed installation has minimal visual impacts, minimizes disruption to natural features, is not located in proximity to incompatible or sensitive land uses, and is located with appropriate setbacks and screening from Fairport Road. • Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Submitted Plan • 3. Submitted Elevation Plan 4. Submitted Photo Rendering 5. Applicant's Public Consultation Summary 13 Report PLN 13-14 July 7, 2014 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation Page 5 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: , / �/ le , �:/._ A Lalit. =a ay, MCIP, RPP �- _ Ca erine Rose, MCI', '--'P Plan►er II — Development R- iew Chief Planner pi ; ,/ Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Tho as Mely uk, ; IP, RP' Manager, Development Review Director, City ceve opment & Urban Design LP:jf Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Citop uncil ii 3,u402 Zo,2o4 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 14 AUA M T# / — TO REPORT# .- i — _.( • `,I Will II COURT LYNN.'1, vwi •111w_z / .rte a��l►� -o Ali ES -�: e �I� o _�►'►�.�>-.II qr I , o �g_�_,■ L96L, ,,�, `m _m■ing Iliv: . F_L/------ — DRIVE i 11114 00 .,,,„,/0/# ......._ r....Vitillommugs, �I D • ,ORN . ni 1� miN„„1,4 , cc,-, 444F, L C '� '4 , „Ili mi.sims / fNT PROPOS I' I ELECOMMUNICA t`— III �� TOWER FINCH �, o i ` B AVENUE FOREST IBLE BR or RIVE / p CHAPEL i r I / 1111 w i 1 1II1► MO' . ROAD TAPLIN DRIVE � ,'_ 11 ,,,I „MIN IR �� - --- - - -- -- - --- - _. - --- -- ___ 011► COURT ■ _ o I w "41 cc � a rsEr�ACO / o w W44 C SCHOOL '= , QL N z 1i�I —r i. 1�L _ =CT_ n!, - Location Map C°¢ FILE No:Installation #59 112,- - APPLICANT: SBA Canada Wie.r1E4101 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:886 Finch Avenue (Pt. Lot 227, Con. 2, City Development Part 1, 40R-3892) DATE: June 6,2014 Department Dote Sources • 1Teronet Errterpr., Inc. and lte a pt r. MI rights Reserved. Not a plan of "—Y. SCALE 1:5,000 PN-7 20t3 IAPAD and ltn c�iiero. MI riQhtn Reserved. Not a Dian of Survey. 15 • • ATTAMIT# TO �� REPORT# / ‘. EXISTING DIRT STOCK PILE. • 1 I PROPOSED 30.0m MONOPINE PROPOSED 2.0m WIDE 11 1.../ ELEVATION.SEE SHEET C-2 FOR UTILITY EASEMENT: I1 0 ELEVATION. II m . ' II Is. • PROPOSED 7.OmX3.Om • 4111k, C.ry 'i i SBA LEASE AREA. I a 0 • i I. 1■ • \ 11 z I',I 1 11 4 ''I{ 1 . - Tp4 QF gPtSK - 11 I 1,, • ......,N _____,H, .... • ... . __--- _---------",--,,..„ . •, "—��'" 7-k ((( 1 1. }I POSEO CONIFEROUS i 1 TREES ON SOUTH SIDE \ �I OF COMPOUND USED FOR � 1 i , SCREENING(TYP,OF 5). I i /' �\ i�� \... ' • _ _4' 4 ' Ij ( ( _.________,,,, r ( '.1 . THE TRUSTEES OF THE ' l ) .'-1 N., RUMBA RTON—FAIRPORT ,;•.,... CONGREGATION OF THE UNITED / x�1 D I CHURCH OF CANADA , 1 j j PART I, PLAN 40R-3892 / i� , : �� LOT 27, CONCESSION Z i 1 •1 I 0 t ��` PIN:26371-0375 i IX , , / / / F- i { i' ° 0 IX • i. . UR a .._.._.._.; o_.._.._.. .._.. .._.._.,_._.._.._.._../;. .._.._.._.�...`.\ .. ` L . 1 0( 1- . :,,.';.°' s.:I 1 4/ EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING CHAIN • DRIVEWAY. LINK FENCE. 0 • . N Submitted Plan City'O FILE No: Installation #59 ��� ������ APPLICANT: SBA Canada PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:886 Finch Avenue (Pt. Lt. 27, Con. 2, City Development Part 1, 40R-3892) • Department DATE:June 7,2014 `T A' .T# '3 l r RFOT# . ' pL/V` / /jY 4, .. 4 1 q In Imo' t a tic- A A • , ,, . i ,, ■ g., i n,4 ,', - * !tpr39.x' 0, _... '_-v. 'to,�:�y1g�a y -' ,..1 a __-t,'..JT ;._tEO Its .F,:nt't,,,, .. '_ ,,,is1.40_,„1.:it.. „4.t.,..t . 9 co \iii iL , _ U�\i >)11\i,\i\\i\\i�y 4> I I •/\i\//,,, .i ti\,\,, LI�� u \/\ \�r�/\/1 \�\ u \/\/i\/\ „ /\/�\ u �iy i� / � \5\ , ` , � /y; , ///1.71//` Submitted Elevation Plan C''fy'0 FILE No: Installation #59 A=k':-T'c--' APPLICANT SBA Canada tiCINCIONlei PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:886 Finch Avenue (Pt. Lt. 27, Con. 2, City Development Part 1, 40R-3892 Department 40R-3892) DATE:June 7,2014 1 / 13 -& Before w� 1 - :�:.. -_ - „. r • • View from Eskrine Cemetery looking northeast towards proposed SBA monopine tower. { After PROPOSED TOWER Proposed SBA tree monopole tower shown at approximately 30.0 metres in height.The photo simulation is based on information provided by SBA prior to construction.The photograph location is approximately 141 metres from tower location. Submitted Photo Rendering Cali FILE No: Installation #59 APPLICANT: SBA Canada IiMMON1101 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:886 Finch Avenue (Pt. Lt. 27, Con. 2, City Development Part 1, 40R-3892 Department DATE:June 7,2014 118 PAN 13-i� ON70796 B A ))) Site Selection/Justification Report Prepared for the City of Pickering SBA, Canada's Proposed Monopine Tower and Wireless Telecommunications Facility 898 Finch Avenue, Pickering, Ontario 0N70796-B June 2, 2014 SBA Canada-contracted to: FONTUR International 30 East Beaver Creek Road, Suite 104 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1 J2 19 ATMCHM T __>T'O REPORT E i 3 Table of Contents Cover Letter 3 Introduction 4 Purpose - Background & Coverage Requirement 3 Identification & Evaluation of Different Site Location Options 6 Proposed Site Location 8 Description of Proposed System 9 Health Canada's Safety Code 6 Attestation 9 Control of Public Access 9 Transport Canada's Aeronautical Obstruction Marking Requirements 9 Engineering Practices 10 Public Consultation 10 Appendices A-I 13 28 2 SBA 20 • �TA. �EME! BETiTi ' �,�N /3'/ t 30 East Beaver Creek,Suite 104 Richmond Hill,ON, L4B 1J2 SBA 01 Phone: (647) 701-4576 FONTUR Email: shehryar.khan @fonturinternational.com June 2, 2014 Lalita Paray Planner II/City Development Department 905.420.4660 ext.2169 Iparay @Qickering.ca Re: Public Consultation Summary for proposed monopine telecommunication tower ON70796- 898 Finch Avenue, Pickering, Ontario Dear Ms. Paray, Please be advised that the public commenting period for the proposed SBA Canada telecommunication tower at 898 Finch Avenue has concluded. Throughout the 30-day period starting May 1, 2014, and ending May 30, 2014, no comments or objections from the public were received. We believe that SBA Canada has demonstrated that the proposed wireless telecommunication facility meets the language and intent of Industry Canada's guideline document CPC 2-0-03. In terms of our circulation to the City, we feel that all technical concerns and requirements received through and after the circulation have been addressed and no outstanding issues remain. We feel that our proposal does not impede on the use and enjoyment of surrounding land uses. SBA Canada has exceeded Industry Canada and the City of Pickering's public consultation standards, and respectfully asks that the City of Pickering issue a statement of concurrence. If you -have-any questions or you require any further information please -do-not - - hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Shehryar Khan FONTUR International Inc. On Contract to SBA Canada. • 3 SBA 21 Ar t l!#-5 -TO ITEPOivo Introduction The on-going increase in the use of personal cellular telephones and other wireless devices such as Blackberry and broadband internet for personal, business and emergency purposes requires the development of new wireless telecommunications infrastructure. This infrastructure includes new antennas and their support structures, which are required to meet the demands of increased capacity and broadening service areas. Without antennas in close proximity to the wireless device, wireless communication is simply not possible. The use of wireless telecommunications is firmly entrenched into Canadian society and economy. Canadians currently use more than 18.5 million wireless devices on a daily basis including, wireless phones, pagers, mobile radios, mobile satellite phones and broadband internet devices. Two-thirds of every Canadian household have access to a wireless phone. More importantly, each year Canadians place more than 6 million calls to 911 or other emergency numbers from their mobile phones. As part of its on-going commitment to provide high quality wireless internet and cell phone services, the tenants of SBA Canada have determined that a new wireless telecommunications facility is required in the City of Pickering. This report documents SBA Canada's site selection process, the details of the proposal, and the applicable Industry Canada provisions. As a general matter, SBA Canada's site selection process is a balanced exercise that must meet SBA Canada's tenants' network coverage objectives, having regard for land use constraints and its obligation to its customers to provide a high quality of service. Wireless telecommunications facilities are regulated by the Federal Government under Industry Canada and need not follow municipal or provincial planning _ _ approvals. However,.in recognition of the policy vacuum.which exists asaresult of that circumstance, Industry Canada requires that wireless telecommunication carriers consult with land use authorities. Purpose - Background & Coverage Requirement A radio antenna and a tower are the two most important parts of a radio communication system.The antenna is needed to send and receive signals for the radio station. The tower raises the antenna above obstructions such as trees and buildings so that it can send and receive these signals clearly. Each radio station and its antenna system (including the tower) provide radio coverage to a specific geographic area, often called a cell. The antenna system must be 4 SBA 22 • BEFORIP carefully located to ensure that it provides a good signal over the whole cell area, without interfering with other stations and can "carry" a call as the user moves from cell to cell. Evolution Of The Cellular Network A continuous cellular service network Base Station ° — with Antennas ! �Cell Continuous wireless service-Each cell only serves a fixed number of calls Figure 1 If the station is part of a radio telephone network, the number of stations needed also depends on how many people are using the network. If the number of stations is too small, or the number of users increases people may not be able to connect to the network, or the quality of service may decrease. Ce]I coverage is Evolution Of The Cellular Network reduced with Increased users creates gaps in service increased demand _ . .- Base Station . _ -. .. .�_��with Antennas Number of calls in a cell - __ is limited.When a cell , void areas with tm_— reaches it's maximum wireless service capacity it reduces it's footprint in order to 1L a , provide service to the ester: 1 +-7 � g _`'�'`F _ 1 No wireless service No wireless service Figure 2 As the number of users exceeds the capacity of the radio station to receive and send calls, the coverage area for the cell shrinks and the shrinkage between cells creates coverage holes. As demand increases for mobile phones and new telecommunication services, additional towers are required to maintain or improve the quality of service to the public and restore contiguous wireless service. 5 SBAf ' 23 ATy'i� gT# 5 _—TO EPOR $ Evolution Of The Cellular Network Continuous cellular network-restored by filling gaps Bass station 26.7, - -, -:e---" —withAntema New towers constructed T = ' , to fill in the void areas, restoring continuous �-c pa w�Y wireless service VII in sole ant= iL 50,44 .s ,, �A `t•: i i lelrousuaa lQ7, Continuous Wireless service oYi Figure 3 In this case, Bell mobility's (SBA Canada tenant) Radio Frequency Engineering department has determined the need for a service upgrade to adequately provide continuous coverage and service to BELL's existing and future customer base in Pickering. Currently, BELL's network is burdened by a combination of poor voice and data quality, specifically in high-use residential areas and transportation corridors. In some cases, the coverage is so poor that a handset would be unable to place a mobile call at all in the subject location and surrounding area. The result of this situation is on-going customer complaints, high "dropped call" rates, and in extreme circumstances, the potential inability to place a mobile call that may be absolutely critical in an emergency situation. ' Bell mobility is committed and mandated by its license to ensure the best coverage and service to the public and private sectors. The proposed site near high-use areas is extremely important in terms of providing coverage to an under-serviced area. SBA Canada wants to provide infrastructure necessary to ensure that both residents and visitors to the area have access to the Bell mobility service they are accustomed to in other parts of the country. Bell mobility's objective for this portion of its network is to provide reliable coverage in the area within the vicinity of Finch Avenue and Fairport Road in residential areas and frequently-travelled corridors where demand for signal is high. A drive test was conducted in the general area along Finch Avenue and Fairport Road for the purpose of determining Bell mobility's coverage objectives. Very weak coverage areas with poor signal strength were found around and along these stretches of road, which generate significant coverage requirements as a result of the density of users. 6 SBA fl 24 ATTAg I T# S __TO_Td REPRiT►h ' fLA/ I33 Identification & Evaluation of Different Site Location Options Based on research by Bell mobility's Radio Frequency Engineering team, a location was chosen in the vicinity of Finch Avenue and Fairport Road. A site within the search ring on the map below (Figure 4) would, from an engineering point of view, meet the coverage objectives of Bell mobility's network. Figure 4-Search area and Existing Telecommunication Towers la...r t - , Telus antennas F , , Rogers antenna " - \ -' -- c Bell antenna . c -e } - ,�4t2 rt ; r ... �'� - "E w `44:-1• "-msste,_-_-1/2..,,----- . 9i F ` 1- Proposed jowerk;,o�caton ,''4 �.> - ' i 3 ,„1.\ i. , i ' ,, " :` i`£r t" -. � _ ,�c ,. 't e x Z:mo' it€ ,'. , 6 'r ,�* - _ fa ' es ., am r s t _ . -- ----- .° $ yS Fr i _)q"y ,.' • ...t. F`i "a'a, 1" g "' i , R., t r ;e e 5. ;' ,-'r. ` Y, r ,y�rr:r-. (The information presented above is based on the most recent, available,mobile phone tower inventory.The search area radius shown above is of 500 metres.) 1 A review of existing telecommunications installations within the search area, as illustrated in Figure 4, revealed that there are no existing towers or structures within the search area.The next closest installations are two Bell antennas and a Rogers antenna located to the north on the hydro power lines. Unfortunately, this is n o longer_possible due to issues regarding safety and maintenance. Given the generally low-rise nature of the search area, there were no other existing buildings that would meet engineering requirements for a rooftop facility. 7 V SBA 25 ATT 1 5___T6 Fi e€ P.41__13_. .i. Proposed Site Location The location which SBA Canada proposes fora wireless telecommunications site in Pickering is on the property legally known as Part of Lot 27 Concession 2 City of Pickering and municipally known as 898 Finch Ave.(Figure 7). The geographic coordinates for the site are as follows; Latitude (NAD 83) N 43 50 34.4 Longitude (NAD 83) W 79 06 57.2 SBA Canada's proposed tower will accommodate wireless antennas for the purpose of providing wireless communications coverage and network capacity. To the end user, this translates into BELL's suite of wireless technologies such as cellular phone coverage, PDA device coverage (i.e.: BlackBerry, iPhone) a's well as wireless Internet coverage utilizing the BELL speed USB internet product. Depending on the signal strength, and the amount of data being downloaded, the regular user should not see a difference between this and a fibre line. Figure 7- Proposed location i '�F1�Pi %;',' y „9_,..,d`^ lal.`4, „. t�. c As ; 4 --- :-. ,-,. .7.;:7-4-: _4.,,,4 :,,:-..--,-- ,7-_.:, -.=„--, : _ - - , - _ ::.:*vii- lo 41- 7 iii r- 4 - tom` "$S'E - '- Proposeel l"owe∎e atfon 4; N' P 4.. l' "1,4.-- -- = ' - Nr*ir:4` .:141-:;.- \ \ -..C":'11-*-II.-'.'*' - .3/4 '.1'Ciii: . - ?.r7;,firi.:AZ*,,,, - t z . � f t `y:~` : +G« lr r*4” � .r pi# Y4 „c= 1 '' . 'd , a. `• # � � ��.�w- 1 c t�� r_:-__ _ t �f _�n 8 SBAg 26 Ate - REF(iTFO SBA Canada strongly supports and indeed encourages co-location on existing towers and structures and has designed the tower to accommodate and encourage future carriers on the tower. The use of existing structures minimizes the number of new towers required in a given area and is generally a more cost effective way of doing business. However, tower infrastructure is a finite resource and over time most towers reach their engineered maximum. This normally results when more than two carriers occupy the same tower as illustrated below (Figure 8). Figure 8 Alterations to Further alterations — — original antennas m to original antennas a 1 I r-include:direction, a azimuth,etc. [1r Implemented Futures LL LL L Alterations to original Addition of ��2nd Wireless Carrier _ —O 2nd Wireless a antennas Carrier Additional Netwok Q. Technologies/Equipment u. • 2014 2016 2021 Initial Single Carrier Tower Profile over Tower a period of time ' I 9 SBA 27 RERIETO' /4/V Towers are limited in terms of both allowable space and engineering capacity. Each antenna array requires a separation of vertical space so they do not cause interference with each other. Unfortunately there are no pre-existing towers with which to co-locate, and given the low average height of structures in the search area, a rooftop antenna installation is also not viable. Description of Proposed System The proposed installation for 898 Finch Avenue is a monopine communications tower (disguised as a tree) that is 30.0 metres in height. A fenced-in compound would also be constructed screened with coniferous trees, and would occupy a ground compound area of approximately 100 square metres. SBA Canada proposes to accommodate Bell mobility's antenna and microwave equipment. The tower would initially provide wireless voice and data services for subscribers to the Bell mobility network. Health Canada's Safety Code 6 Compliance Bell mobility attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will comply with Health Canada's Safety Code 6 limits, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public including any combined effects of additional carrier collocations and nearby installations within the local radio environment. In addition, as per the requirements of each carrier's broadcast license, any additional equipment will be evaluated for compliance with Safety Code 6, including the cumulative effect of additional equipment. Control of Public Access The site facility would include locked, alarmed and electronically monitored mechanical equipment cabinet(s). Fencing would be installed around the base of the tower and equipment cabinet(s), and would include one locked gate access point. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act SBA Canada attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package is not subject to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. Transport Canada's Aeronautical Obstruction Marking Requirements SBA Canada attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will comply with Transport Canada / NAV Canada aeronautical safety 10 SBAf 28 ATTAMEETES____TO REPEV = P /3-' requirements. SBA Canada has made all necessary applications to Transport Canada and NAV Canada. Transport Canada will not require aeronautical lighting and/or painting (see Appendix A). NAV Canada has no objections to the proposed facility. Engineering Practices SBA Canada attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will be constructed in compliance with the National Building Code of Canada and comply with good engineering practices including structural adequacy. Public Consultation Public circulation and consultation has been undertaken in accordance with the City of Pickering's requirements and Industry Canada's guideline document CPC 2-0-03. SBA Canada has exceeded the public consultation requirements by expanding the notification radius and sending notices to each household, conducting a public information session, placing a notice sign on the subject property and placing a newspaper notice in the Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser. - The public was notified of the proposed tower in accordance with the City's Consultation Process and Industry Canada's CPC 2-0-03. Generally, residents and property owners within a radius of 150 metres from the base of the tower location would receive an information brochure via regular mail (Appendix A). However, after consulting with ward and regional councillors, the notification radius was expanded to include all property owners residing on Baylawn Drive, Duncannon Drive, Darwin Drive and Regal Crescent. The notification brochures arrived on or before May 1, 2014. A total of 104 residents were contacted (Appendix B). In addition, a public notice advertisement was placed in 'Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser and a notice sign on the subject property advising the public of the proposal at thebeginningof the 30-daycommenting period, May 1, 2014 (Appendix C). The notice advised the public of the ending date to comment, May 30, 2014 and details about the public information session. A public information session was also held on May 27, 2014 at the Eskrine Church. A total of 8 attendees were present, not including the "The Trustee of The Dunbarton-Fairport Congregation of The United Church" board members. During the 30-day commenting period (May 1 - May 30), FONTUR International on behalf of SBA Canada received no comments. As the 30 day public comment period has expired (as of May 30, 2014) and that the public has not voiced objection to this facility, SBA Canada is formally requesting that the City 11 SBA In 29 REPORTO !I3 of Pickering formally acknowledge this report as the conclusion of consultation procedures for this telecommunication tower. Should you have any further questions or concerns pertaining to the consultation process associated with this proposal please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, James P. Kennedy, MCIP, RPP 12 rSBA 30 I • • � c APPENDIX A- SITE SURVEY . I. 1 94V-4.W:A• 1 4 r^i.• M1 IY^la I Fa.-STe-PaPael-a" L,,,,,;�i.v.&W W.0.1.$tat aTa I j-.:4i i ,3 ` a. r, -•.•,•»•.�••avd••••••.< PRELIMINARY SURVEY 1 J/ j 9§9 � f t I 1 E ' i I 1 1 e [ ' kf _.' a ,a s cp^ n, ESSSSIOLNO 2Z', �f Z e �. 4+e t.vr.I nv / exv..se �� op-•o�c�rw%s-ow lY:.a<.M'^-c m ate-• OccGhr•To tO':.of PIikerity m< m, ° CITY OF PICKERING ......'c 1,..n.a.,._�,.._.a... .c""c m°°`.v. a.`ar.`°x Saa41.• set vi z; kEC -<.AiU1;gP;,LfTr QF.2uRF:a)a De�- Plea,IXE IArn�1)0:771,A R 3Aaa.a ea,C+O L Y a .-.,.2.....,, 51 TO a:STG E4ffytM-PaB"Fl •-- .v°. °vuL£WA.m s. B ei=T 2,SLIsM S,MT=s a�,:s a.59.:x21�a... 1,w.* CATE a t..01.1] .... .e re r starer trata Ae awl Sew,.An ee ..o,lca.a...ae..a- �••. r �� , >,a.e_. ELI I �.f, m.�I�111. 4t 4c—— li. ,;; .,•9( •[•°ft; ...e.,-;,/,,,,. 1 .1 7/ .,rav me...-.auwn vskvxs.r:am a Vie-matt wort-a.ay .n° '�o a. FC,+' ^e'°� II ,,.o�°i "Pstu.AfinCFRoS.:0s,I.A4icERTFIVEI,Y.0;,:1� o )°�, ",_ ,°r ��yv- LEAS£SITE �,� ..•/ yam" ,da PARCf2 A •t,>+ a` �^CF'� �mT' ap - I� f // • • ,3` - `mot- �'- '°e\°�' .�e'.{�FpL.{. �{ID - 1t'� 1^ E# pr.,„ss R� �,m.PARCEL. IC r� ) .i '� ir,•� s ° Z-+` T I �i mat '• t a•P «S KJ .r if. , as' ■ I AO azo ,../. ,,,, ACCESS EASE:1>) (1.7 OA » S1Y 1y'el .5.E± I .ar S 1.0 1} •l t iti Le p„ �G .A°o ,.P F ) 4. I .1 , 1•• ,V+" -3ZSn0r y f 'ate CLA°fir �r smss�n+rI 1"'_.. � ,���+ss���-'??? "P J' C 7:5. ,r,,,...41_, III�`j113i111I111 j _ I' F.: M n , .y. aL A_. .ga �.w� . .n`') rn dK i� Se ., r„ :Y�a� , p �jy t tiif �g I M" °Y j!T 'a 8 1y \\\\ 4wy--�'J�lt✓a n T_ ii jYQ,� - :� j $p 0A�• a-- wl corm=�wn M ' ,^ • iII' i T' t� P.M 10,111 INTEERATIDIV DATA nmz vm m malts « --ma w�. .WW1 n ainn. Dn..ex smat t.up at,It ter.....eastl Rasa wax a texas:a e.a..31a.tt uiLy.1./a..lb a is, . _ sn, aiw. eu� acs auv ci�niw'v' "����.•TT``. m:�wi aw 'per...na h M:I...... ` I w.¢�- )RG37r flf a a a6ID6m-OUa..�°`°ate e ••,-l•., .....„.,r. ,«.•.-Wm.....� Ia mao.:yaaG.enY ..e. .�..e..-.e..» .....1.1............roa aas ECEU SI1E INFORMATION LEGEND NOTES f PROPERTY TOW R — ' E BEAPJNCS $a A . SLMY....1A.MLe Tx tam..to Da Ceaettet-eteatti leas a.,. *ea nave sea.teetnteta,s.Ira Itee ID.kalasaa-k,IDT) PROPERTY ADDRESS a. g urnoiaa rare ra vi iW1G ix r�iraem�.�ua' .�.••.••• - s........ MC...tax.Flax.,We,..Camas -4_ stew,mortal..4.1. iM1r�.C4uef®'9 f:9 r.31 RV ELL-VATAHS LAT/LONG OF I,RCPOS=D TOMER A u� O.*.at Deans°.a.r*w Mr Lea,Caveats wait.: merre Manta Da. I cvDa.eraaaw bawd.-asay.r./.+.a.,..■7S0.2'572011 CC m arm.-,(GCA23)by o-e<..,,a....»aa le e.to-al.a....... G.w a.."'. aerate uEaRa_ .AREAS m 1..,. ae.m LP.SAL-P.acs•x• .aye cr< o!;a.!$...a rwae°.:»x..a.e 7, WAN B.WALLACE -p mr Craaa.i e° it«.Pr aaaao at c,.i. a, ataa-EAnpa-aaaG1•F mla....P.5^°a ea an ea camel.CC - - e B•.�a'fe78,.w1 fl; a.r'P+..0.y a.Pte..:wa....a a:%caci mwss+:..amam1.a. aaun ras.a�n-x.r ..fine.ice.. aam+anucw *.4 I E 45EMENTS LW a.aw.o..o�r'.a n,...,roan .. [DLL v.».:.a a•e..a.n ns..x.:«.e•. z®,I o.,...na.I cam t a..�t'N.e.,.0 La.Raar,errs¢k sear,..a.a.. .ar dera.o......a ram...al 1111.E RENEW em iry awn awe r-PAM.t. nye a eam-P.M,a'.. ro _am n.... .r... e.:.U...=meet*.q.. -m. mca.,De._._,,.I n.mR h m:..xG1m ciscoaa:-Poem, o x,mn w.o«came,(erne,.r 05-090/405-090/4.-0,76-0.n.n .R2 m,wnen wne n a • 13 . • SBAf • 31 AT T 5 =TO REFORTO i z-Ai /3"iS` APPENDIX B- ELEVATION PLAN PROPOSED UCHTNINO ROD INSTAu ED sr OTHERS. 4a. BELL ANTENNAS©30.0m ---_____ T/IJCHTING RCO "__ f ,d? ii ELEV.:-f32 Cr NO OF ANTENNA ANT,SIZE 1 ANTENNAS MAKE AND (IXWx RRU'S LINES T rOW ( ) .,, { a I ^'i rN AT 30,11m MODEL NO, WEIGHT) :.,LP; X-� ANDREW; H NXX 12 BEHIND FIBER/ 'Y ELEV,:+30-0m •..' • !II"`- r:_- _ 3 -6SISDS-' x210 SANTENNAS DC?DOER I• .:4,-,:i-i '':j;!lFlF. „:"..1., SEE SHEET C-73 FOR ADDITIONAL ANTENN.:/A10uNT INF 11A11ON.V. �{, DL MOUNT(9E11.) -- , •e•' it '' iWii ELEV.:+SS.Cr - IlF jF'I: _ `� y BELL ANTENNAS @ 28.0m A Mw DISH (FFT I) E,'- ::4.4.- ...t.':2'4 1'4 •.,';0-X• NO.OF ANTENNA ANT,SIZE -'ELEV.:+25.0-- a r� y..�.� ;+ �. f ANTENNAS MAKE AND (LxWx RRU'S LINES ... - + y:�1R+ 1' ..111,.1 ! c r- - AT MO MODEL NO. WEIGHT} MOUNT(FUTURE) 7t�! rl�7F)pj - ;+ 3. ANDREW; LAX 1 35x0.351 (3)BEHIND FIFER/ ELEV.: -L4.C•n :vi,C t%' , t•K �0.. .. -65130E—VTU •31.1 ANTENNAS D[ FOYER a �7I-: N a.M,' i. 3 ANDREW`HWXX 1.394.305 (3)DET-0,1G FIFER/ �.J, % 4�J,,,gem 551505-NTTJ x23.0 ANTENNAS DC POl1ER A MOUNT(FUTURE) - 1 �rt 1 ,4 S '$ .SEE SHEET C-72 FOR ADDITICNAL ANTENNA/MOUNT INFORMATION. 'T47 ELEV.'+22 Cry "T .)^ - `" .?•°, + BELL ANTENNAS @ 26.0m PROPOSED FELL ANTENNAS. ,_ +- Wy.. .. �'a' RRU'S. AND MW DISH INSTALLED ''c - .,. -;s_ ' '1.`y` r Tn4ANT CGNTRACTR2 SEE: +' F' s 7• p ,,•.4>� NO,OF ANTENNA ANT,SIZE SHEETS C--17, C-12, AND •+'�3-� ANTENNAS MAKE AND (LXWX RRU'S LINES 4x13 FOR DETAILS. -TA',k _ jj`-I` ;. _""{. AT 21,0m MODEL NO, WEIGHT) _* ~ .,:41:-i adi . ANDREW 0.6x0.6 e'.11,14.1/...1.k •tt.' 1 5852-220 x26.5 N/A CA75E FUTURE ANTENNAS, nR,1'S. AND ��� MW DISH INSTALLED BY TENANT - " ' A 'i 5 ' j _.{' -SEE SHEET C-11 FOR ADDITIONAL ANTENNA/UOJNT INFORr.1ATION. • PROPOSED k10N0?INE ,...':. te• ° A' x:,,•• FUTURE ANTENNAS @ 24.On'i BRANCHES. �"~ ;'• ' Y'-B' `av- . NO.OF ANTENNA ANT.SIZE STRUCTURAL I(TURAL N TEJ�� I ;' ANTENNAS MAKE AND (LxWx RRU'S LINES L STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PREPARED �( AT 24,0m MODEL ND, WEIGHT) ANDREW 1.323,0.466 (9)BEHIND FlEER/ BY OTHERS. f I `' mai-8-6565A x18.6 ANTENNAS DC POSL•i 2.CONTRACTOR DO REFER 10 TENSER S lNJCitlNiAL 3 KAIHREIN 2.62240.3 (6)BEHIND FIRER/ CALCULAT10NS FOR ADDITIONAL LOADS.NO 600-1069N51 x31.0 ANTENNAS OC POWER ERECTION CR MODIFICATION OF TONER SHALL i ANDREW 1 2x7.2 (1) LDf2-.50• BE MADE'WHIM APPROVAL OF SYWJCIURAL UHRI-1f.7 ,d420 ATTACHED ENUKEER, PROPOSED 30,Drn(96') FUTURE ANTENNAS©22.Om AE4_UONORME TOWER--�_�-�, j • NO,OF ANTENNA ANT.SIZE PROPOSED MOND?INE I I ANTENNAS MAKE AND (IXWX RRU'S LINES FOUNDATION DESIGNED AT 22Am MODEL NO, WgGHT) AND POURED BY OTHERS. 6 ANDREW 1.323,0.466 (9)BEHIND FIFER/ - - - x18.6 ANTENNAS DC POWER AAT7HREIN,A I I I 1 i 3 262240.3 (0)ANTENNAS Fl ER/ 500-70691'01 x31.0 ANTFI:NAS DC POSER _•r if` �•' 01 •I ` 551 DREW 72x1.2 (1) I UIIX1-107 x1Aa 0 ATTACHED LDFZ-50 to - 1T.r 99 ?. 1 T/EASEPLATE I '... .[ ss:.. ( >I ELETf.:+O.Orri G I�L,� \ E � �, R ` •• 11 / '/Z9 N It LI r!!�`✓j•I� 'f/✓\ / '/ ;: ..•••• {. _,,, .♦ \j\ ` c y,� /\ y, \ � N' ,/,.,. 7!/ �'l . 9 1 TOWER ELEVATION scALE,Hnsn 14 SBAf 32 APPENDIX C-PHOTO SIMULATION I. _ -+ s'. : . t 7 •f- 1 1 c • u e m 0 2 Q o d • z Z m'F o ate - > o U, _ _ g o U ~.-' i `o Q, - m n H , a) a .`.9.'Q t LI , 1 - 11^a W - If cr)A , O . Y 6 ,� f o t 0 -__a).. -- -m-- _.._. ._-__- o II d z i a O m .. I a r Eli . .,, U u_ I o = Q 14:( . - a o ' o 1—o LL CO 11 0-. 15 SBA ' 33 I PSG:AUttFoPAt I ir -_--E V APPENDIX D-PUBLIC NOTIFICATION BROCHURE (SIDE 1) Eill or 4. .�>'' H a c Z •C c Z i O .7 ? O o e a_ O E • U Q >3? c a Cll 1- E u vs III E �- • O ° 0 co 07 a a 0 C U1) 0 Z U • T. a cu Q m K • O O a, - O V ONE y c U C-O y ci 0= L U 0) U O o o .� _ • Q. 5 E+ 0 t LL 5 • •Tli y V O}OU T 6 E ° (? O `,, 0 c U N' 4! `O N 'O U 0 0132 o 6' y - > a_c6 ' ' 2 .23 ,.5• ;=-0 0 K e y w . c` Q . o ago u ) U � - ,, . o V O .2 c =am Qicu c i O c c m °? 4 ,0 0000-= . o m • O c • a ,�0 y N -0 O c a E N'u w U C- °' U O-— : L ' M w•o O m •o O • O vo'.N.o joD0 0 1 ° Ui °�o ° A II ova v w • C• E c a H o Y 6.52 c O 5 n O S ^ C Ce N _ E . 6 L V O v • U y - o L O 110 O^ `' 4 O c 0 4 to h h O O c C m , Hill .- <- N p , p N Q r7 0512 a �z c > � —o } O Qom„ [ c c�v F-Q I - - 0 p,c C 0 C ,o • F-= O) O0 •' P U . .c 0 0 0 c o o 0.o•0.0 „ Z%� • U c E `N of oC1 O .. c t `.. N 0 v• Q O Q A E 0 m X O n.i L -o m m � o `o > L �•v_ Q w H a C Q �A LL LL W 4 o. ti ■ • i ■H 42a2 ,2,7,2 ,? . • . O m Q o.c v > m > c T .0 ' c o m m Q D U c c ` .c -0 c a.c c U _ Q v 4 ? O 6, '50 ,- _ aom ' E 01,20 oogg, ` w 5S .o _ s' o c • � R o ai0 c ?m4 2 0 0. m D O - O 0-30 p"-N-w - 4)_ o N co.�o N•C -... . o e0 Ho V _ m,�.L C Oc ' vo 00w o � 0 a a oo 'EL 000 .4 0— 0 uca• o0 moo - E 0 O c e B=7,„ ='y v a�'a 4'V ro 'O a.10 ,- to U ,, ¢ o O• 6 c 0 0), 0 0 N O . 0 c cv y p 0-q U E t; > -0 c I 2L N �' p o c c c - d O a C ) 0N N a m mO w 0 o O ` E 'o q 2 •- o 0 ›.- tioT ,B cmo 0732 c o o g ) N a� a o j d▪ o U o ?L o U 0 Q a C 0 o o W q o o o + 'n a '2c r`o`a � m tc oec c '0a Q 0.5 -o-c o c 0 u o c-a o 0 0 u •E o -° c o o o'o .c u m w-- 6 3 f c C 'Zic z c o_c} o 0 U S7 o O— m E o E V O U • 0 C a D a p - E c a c v mc oo ' ( u— > u G1 .5op-c',!' a E N O 0 0 rno _ 0 ?— 0 L .y = T o E � O : a u E .',. out.) d Q c C E z:Fa O an d 1.-Sw 16 SBA El . 34 • ATT' lull __1.O I EFeili 0 &L 2 13— APPENDIX E- PUBLIC NOTIFICATION BROCHURE (SIDE 2) ! FI . E i ; F f"T.:-.., E iiri; 6 I -' �3.i 0i . ` Mi p® 4 • O 0.p U t 0 __ 1 ! 5 ° ; t i€,° Q d > 5 L W - { IE FEsY Ste€d- 3 a � U O t ' i' " ` - _ F N w F- �m k I i i35 ft!my v po + 3: 3 . ¢ ° i :i§,? `viE N c C U v a .-j al a @ 6 6 t t m p c a _y .gi .42 E 2 15 c \ . . r. ` (I) - X ° and � ? i! 3 , r D C c C O c p ° O. 'E i 0 U - -3 o E O s t =: g: rt x I ct •1 mac L ' ' 0v c c J 4 r s t• JE s ! 5 E Tp) - 0 ��V 0 O a).,� .fl k + j Fp3i : . hf i a. m ° ; s a t -h o c v m c1 •- O ilIIIIIflI C- `O Oc= -0 •N_ tI C d O NC m. , E0 5O2 C O7 - yo cn.. ?o O s L C O»L CI i U O 0 c Q « ' O ' u V a. a1 _ U r mj O '': a O 1r1012 o iii tv N a 9. N O .. U m ° •C .p 0. 0.0 o o •0 m 0 c oL 0 ' t 0N a 0N o C 00 on cUctoD O)L.0 c0a c O? 0, 0 c °@N co °Um t O o oU_0 U o c c 0 0c O c p'O p C I) 0A Ir. Cpl p"8 , 0,000 p Lc O O ,-^ w_ ° 0 E09ZSoa 0op..cO p o 0 O:5 ` U a)a• O F O W.- ` °"ii V > o^: @ ''o` o 2"c 6 O O O 4 U .E' co q 15 1' coro`p .E ° ' O0 '-a) U; =� 0 00 _ 4).-g � > Os .',5 '- > C300 20 wl t �2 cu O= 3pV�, o 0 cLm o=-0- 0.= U0 sa X° `U C. u r 0 0 0 E j m a ,E-g 42 .c W•U ° m m w 3 u N'O 2 0 E > ,5" o o , m m r 0_ m- d pin ; u N -t:'-N c a ,_N r.0p .c E6 0 o U 0 a"V o N E 0 c 2 , 'C 9 0 ›....6 ti N Q r 0C C U O 8 3 p 21 r O m 0 n 0 ' °U S u ° ?'" °- z,o2 p O c o 0 0 o o o•c E-cE a � E U o a� co u 5 ma•-.�_ o; V v p$E at o w Nr t1 a -o , 2-0:= m.0 rn0 0 _ p V p •0 -. ° .L. C u m g 0O' c O a o y 0 ` o _ c E 0 0 o 0 E — , EEE E 0 3 v 0 a u .- R, p p ` 0 im0 .2Z „cr 0 o 0 3 >.64rnY c3 c o „ 2 3 c 2c-2o _ aCO « c aHU=- uep c m m•p o 0'68175 C O N OO Q o'p o -, ° 'cc0 w O v Up 6 _ c U COt s al OS C•C L m p U c 6 t -c O ° p 0 •= U H O t 4, r O p - 0-, N w o j o al c O °-00, O O— O +40 O U -- eO C 0. W O1 01 o N 0 C ° o v 0- L — O6c apN ,.v 4-u O c, w -.2 b-- um y �Op £vc p� oc p >-° . a° hi, ilhlfi" c cc- " al � o0 > o? c - y tU ooc O cploea t � o c. ol c al00 _� O O Q a F C w C 5._.9'O i U O-oa coo E w c---U V 7 p 0 !o F 0 0 i! N 6 I.1 0 LC N O x•--.�a 5 C O o 0 A qq� z U S] H O r j ] d!•"'-0 L o p a% 0 7 u t V t7 .. t yC , O CO o O U C p. .y��1, � r - d_ 0 U N.U. O.0 0'0 oo0.0 o o h C a!o c U N O 4 le gV U o N O $ir p. W ] y u E U! U9-} c0a 42mt > j_8 E -pa > m .2o Ert O - .at L -- Y = X fs C- O a-0 L e U = ° 1 -,*-1,v5 C O C E u` a Q ° � 0)C C .... C .102 CD 8 O o ° c -U m . `pao ` u Ep 0 w° ° a ' ° • c.� vh= ° m 7 G cU� ab °q :•., 2 E.� mf. ; p E!oLOS * .r � a �-1 c° : o o_<1.1 E4 p' L -- a z ��si 'y paC0ri N °u00 . v N V' > - s � 7 C V c !+ Oca -0, K0 'c - - 61 p 0 E F 9, O CD '4....0 L U C p1 Cr' ,O O•c E O O O o O .0 " ' ' + s it—,N V N D0 TAO U c v S .ti4 d 0 _ 0 0_ 0)p > c o 0 W U U .. 0 o o cc >3 o' " ' ' ,�_O • c v°00. o m" c o `° o o ? *Mailing Lists removed due to personal information contained within. BEi ITS O PLAJ 13/f APPENDIX G- PUBLIC NEWSPAPER NOTICE (PUBLISHED MAY 1, 2014 IN 'AJAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER') a PUBLIC NOTICE TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER SBA Canada Inc_in accordance with its 30.0 m Tree Designed Telecommunication obligations under the Radiocorrmmunications Tower Act and Industry Canada procedure 898 Finch Avenue,Pickering CPC-2-0-03 (2008), hereby notifies the residents in the vicinity of 898 Finch Ave in " N'; 1 Pickering, Ontario of its intentions to develop �— C "" a Telecommunications Tower at the location shown below consisting of: -\1, • A 30.0 metre Monopine Telecommunication Tower(disguised as a pine tree), • An equipment cabinet at the base `-' _ " era ° (7mX3m), N., RIA • and fencing screened with coniferous _PI - ��a trees 1 � On 898 Finch Avenue, Pickering, Ontario ANY PERSON may make a written submission to the individuals listed below by Friday May 30, 2014 with respect to this matter.You may also attend a public information session on Tuesday May27, 2014 from 6-8pm at the Erskine Church located on the northeast.corner of Fairport Road and Finch Avenue_ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the approval of telecommunication facilities and their design are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada The City of Pickering has no jurisdiction other than as a commenting body to industry Canada and the applicant. SBA Canada Inc. -contracted to: City of Pickering contact: Shehryar Khan Lalita Paray MCIP, RPP o FONTUR international Inc. Planner II I City Development Department F 30 East Beaver Creek Rd,Suite 104 905.420.4660 0 Hill ON L4B 1J2 ext2169 I '1.866.6832760 I TTY Fa Richmond 908.420.1739 Fax: 866-234-7873 I oarav(@ nickerino.ca Email:on70796.sba.infacfontusrintemational.cflm 26 SBAf 44 REctd o e',�/U /3- . APPENDIX H- NOTICE SIGN f ' = %!'��i t�*rte r 4' tire. :tqw- • ty y R" a�f� .� 1 Q w-. v PU�LI NOTICE °�►. T'LECO'1iMUNICATtONS 401'.€R t, 'b-Cno „pp 9Io r r+� _ i33a ne .0 c SS S�reel'l W..:40A . r«t- � ' °'", -a 1^,-.,rt. i a' , tgy g g a... . :-.141:4,14.-.1'f y`.s mot- s". aKs•iormoioo SWAM!is sc a•Wefts,'..4.-t+`tt" '.i3 14.---- 3 •,:., .�E°!`' 2 1� ', 3 �«s Rff," . ka --. C_.a.. - ,' Aim r s rAab'icco &F1rinti cd Thy }04:Cele Or nimbi k N eel ::..N t—ti); A iFM1 Bn9*3F o 30,-201 7�*i"fR tF.M •' .,,,....„...„r-r.I"iSk`ialU'Lt „, �4,, f� te r. rER 4t or,- # L �'"!a' •s ,,,,,0400-,17.,----FoIo _ a ao�n } � 'i :" - _ FQ'- 2..[7873 �' ; '{ {1 _ '- Tertf to, -.to- 1-c �'reh Ta-I'ieri fd RF.e+.f rY I i ....At,tA-auby IrC :-'1e io, t I.td Iastithen wrn a�">~:�x ca-.1herka�L�. i, _-colvtc IIasc —_ IrdVGry C1-.odo :2 I t ors rl, rr r_n E8.-1.5 TI:CII4 c'nok.o-n-6 s.h a L.oI 17 ix,.r- 'i- Fa(Mole InI cxara.l lon Municipal Concoct Iniormollon ir Lb�i1��Ppra/�tiSCIP.RPM Toronto Distract Otlice F,. _ r L' 1-_-,----Gi irr'v'at- --� f9•5 L7C 1<6,3Cx1 2169 _ 1,1,_.-,/.Is.,.1.-8 G .,=Ci ,-1,566,6;53;7-7eD -1-Y'. 4L15.17U' -- , i;-c z - �, rcrlfi-M TYnFgL1 o- z ot. ■ 27 SBA .3)' 45 ATIPaiWiEtrit _TO ragliTO fatiti APPENDIX I- PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION-SIGN IN SHEET ForlruR rcIternariara rc. SBA El Eria BeauEr Caesk,Suite IN Rbhmund F131 FONTUR He 1J2 Sign In Sheet Public Information Session- Proposed Telecommunication Tower located at 898 Finch Avenue- Eskrine Cemetery, Pickering 27/05/2014 Name(Please Print) Address Signature curf,cti _ Geoetde,lic 11711-nEannon1R, zit-4) .410n cY . aIL t 141 Ci_J,(41 /bff 1/1 r / t, 16 .20b9-• 4 1tne,ttre4 thr.rd,--7 /nit 28 S B A is 46