HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 26Mar - PMV Advisory - Mintues -FINAL Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Tuesday, March 26, 2013 7:00 pm Civic Complex – Main Committee Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Brian James, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Dragos Nita, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stuart Suckling, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Donald Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Marisa Carpino, Manager, Culture & Recreation Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Ellen Tayles, Conservator, Pickering Museum Village Barbara Prevedel, Clerk Typist (Recording Secretary) Absent: Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 Karen Chalmers, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Collections Sub-Committee (Artifacts Training Presentation) The Chair welcomed Ellen Tayles, Conservator, to the meeting. The purpose of this training presentation is to provide an overview of the legal issues surrounding the acquisition of artifacts, and the both the ethical and legal responsibilities the museum must meet in maintaining its collection, and collection records/data. A pdf copy of the PowerPoint presentation is available upon request. At the end of the presentation, the Chair advised the committee that the next step in records management will be working with the Gas & Steam Club to inventory their barn and drive shed before further restoration projects move forward. 1. Welcome to Tanya Ryce Laura Drake officially opened the meeting, and welcomed Tanya Ryce. T. Ryce is now Supervisor, Cultural Services within the Culture & Recreation Department. As a part of her new role, Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 responsibilities include arts, heritage, culture, tourism, events, volunteers, as well as corporate marketing. T. Ryce took a few minutes to share her goals and ideas for PMV with the committee. She is looking forward to creating the needed synergies between her areas of responsibility. She is currently working on tourism which will include museum and is looking to promote the museum GTA wide with the help of the new Environics software the City has acquired. This software will be used to track who the people are visiting the museum and will provide details of who they are and how to target them. A first initiative with this software was Seedy Saturday and was very successful in getting participants out to the event. Another of her initiatives is the development of an eNewsletter that will raise the profile of the museum; not only its events and programs, but staff and volunteers as well. Staff are moving forward with blogs (focus: craftsman cottage). T. Ryce identified her immediate goals are to market the museum for the amazing place that it is, and to oversee completion and progress on the strategic plan. Upcoming conferences that Tanya is attending: Durham Tourism and City Tourism in May. 2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes Motion: That the agenda for March 26, 2013 be approved. Moved by Stuart Suckling Second by Paul Savel CARRIED Motion: That the minutes for January 22, 2013 be approved. Moved by Stuart Suckling Second by Paul Savel CARRIED Business Arising L. Drake asked for an update regarding any new members for the committee. M. Carpino advised that she is waiting on a report from the City Clerk. Marisa to confirm. 3. PMV Foundation Report L. Drake informed the committee that the Pickering Museum Village Foundation does not have an Executive currently. The board’s update will be provided at the next committee meeting. Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 4. Committee Reports Capital Projects Subcommittee K. Pyke is scheduled to meet with the Capital Projects Subcommittee on April 10 at Bentley House. The team will review 2012 Building Hazard and Maintenance Surveys and identify upcoming maintenance and capital projects for 2014 – 2018. Their recommendations will be provided at the next committee meeting in anticipation of City submission due dates. Collections Subcommittee P. Savel reported that the Collections Subcommittee met Saturday, March 23 with the objective to match card catalogue artifact records with 10 fanning mills. Two separate sets of records for fanning mills exist (original and standardized formats generated in the 1970s). Two mills will given a thorough cleaning in an attempt to expose better details and accession numbers. There was limited success, as record detail is lacking. Another date will be set to continue cleaning the remaining mills. The subcommittee will also begin a project to establish a prioritization system for artifacts. This priority list will be a tool for staff to determine what artifacts to save in the event of a disaster, or the order of importance/significance of preservation of artifacts once salvaged. Priority criteria will be determined by provenance, value, rarity, etc. and the committee will assign a number level to artifacts based on the criteria. The subcommittee’s 2013 goal is to create the priority evaluation system and prioritize 200 items. L. Drake bought forward the issue of storage. The storage trailer currently on site is not a long term solution. She asked what the projected time line for the foundation construction of the craftsman cottage? What items can be stored in there now? K. Pyke advised that the foundation will be constructed once the ground thaws. As it will not be temperature controlled right away (heated by furnace) we are able to store crockery, but not able to store any wood furnishings, or upholstery and textile items. Staff are currently waiting to hear from Parks Canada with a report on artifacts ready to ship that will eventually go into the craftsman cottage, but there is still that need to find space(s) to store objects temporarily until the heating system is operating. Special Events/Education Programs K. Pyke circulated a chart on 2012 statistics for Education Tour, Outreach Programs, Public Workshops and General Admission. As also reviewed in the last committee meeting, the museum did not see the anticipated drop in school programs due to the Page 4 CORP0228—2/02 teachers’ strike and are currently getting bookings for spring tours. K. Pyke updated the committee on the upcoming virtual exhibit. The launch will be May 1, and will be called “Life as a Museum’’. The concept is that everyone’s life is a museum, because we attach meaning to objects. The exhibit will be on Facebook and Pintrest. The public will participate by posting a photo of an object that is important to them, along with a brief story of why it is important to them. The museum exists to tell similar stories; the intent is to get people involved in the virtual exhibit and hope that they will later come to the physical museum. Staff hope to see this virtual exhibit spread globally through Pintrest and Facebook. Tanya defined Pintrest as an internet message board of ideas; people who have Pintrest accounts are people who are collectors of ideas and pictures. K. Pyke would like to exhibit the top 10 objects from Ontario in an on-site exhibit. We would contact each person of the top 10 and pay to ship the object to the museum for a July or August exhibit. Committee Members are to bring their item to next meeting along with their story. 5. 2013 Budgets Update M. Carpino provided a copy of approved 2013 capital and current budgets; she also brought to the committee’s attention that this information is now available on City’s website. Notable items in current budget are in account 2744.2435: plaster and painting of heritage buildings; Collins House foundation; and Fire Safety Plans. Also in account 2744.1100 are the increased Conservator hours. M. Carpino further updated that the $69,000 allocated to the craftsman cottage represents the cost of foundation, electrical and plumbing hookups, permit to move the building onto a foundation, a consultant working on site plans for Planning Department approval, and movers to place the building on the foundation. An improved desk was also approved for the Conservator. With regards to the picnic shelter project: the soil samples of the site are problematic for a concrete pad. A further review of the results of soil sampling and engineering drawings will have to determine our options. Staff need to see what is required before moving forward. D. Hudson asked for confirmation that heating is included for the craftsman cottage. K. Pyke confirmed, and added that there is a possibility of cooling in the summer as well – just enough to maintain less temperature fluctuations all year round. Page 5 CORP0228—2/02 Laura would like the committee to be informed of the craftsman cottage update after Mike and Katrina meet. K. Pyke has advised that the chimney foundation and woodstove work on the Miller Cole house is almost complete and will be ready for the start of school programs. Laura brought forward that the PMVF has met with the City Clerk to determine how the OLG lottery money can be spent as there are conditions that have to be met. Once a project is recommended by the Advisory Committee, it will be forwarded to the City Clerk to confirm the source of funds that can be used by the PMV Foundation (bingo vs. non bingo funds), then forwarded to the PMVF for final approval of support. K. Pyke supplied a detailed cost list (pre-tax) to the committee from the Woodrights’ Guild to replace/repair wheelchair ramps for five buildings (Miller Cole House , Schoolhouse, Collins House, Chapel and Brougham Temperance House/Boardwalk). What was understood from the City Clerk is that things that are permanent cannot be funded by OLG money, but less fixed structures that have to be replaced over shorter time lengths are possible (e.g. wheelchair ramps). Motion: That the Woodrights’ supply cost list and proposal be forwarded to the City Clerk for general approval prior to being brought to the Pickering Museum Village Foundation for final approval. Moved by Donald Hudson Second by Brian James CARRIED L. Drake brought forward that the PMVF is seeking an executive for its Board of Directors, and suggested that committee members take on the responsibility of helping raise awareness of the Foundation by encouraging those people around them to become a paying member of the PMVF, joining the board of directors, or making a donation to the Foundation. M. Carpino to submit proposal to City Clerk for review. 6. Other Business Advisory Committee 2013 Work Plan Since budget submission dates will mean necessitating an earlier finalized 2014 event line-up in order to best project event costs, it was decided that the April 23 agenda will include discussion on 2014 events. L. Drake informed the committee of the importance to understand the difference between an SOP and Policies & Page 6 CORP0228—2/02 Procedures. As per Ministry recommendations that museum have formal policies, staff have been approved by the Clerk to begin drafting. K. Pyke distributed copies to all members of the current Pickering Museum Village Procedure as well as a list of completed and signed museum SOP’s and a list of procedures and SOPs still to be drafted. She expects that the museum is well on the way to being prepared for the next CMOG review. Committee members were asked to mark their calendars for the annual Very Important Volunteer reception on April 25, 2013. 7. Adjournment Next meeting – April 23, 2013 at 7pm in the Main Committee Meeting Room. Motion: This meeting is adjourned at 9:00 pm. Moved by Brian James Second to Paul Savel CARRIED Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: City Clerk