HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIR 01-14 C'ay 00 Report to Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: FIR 01-14 Date: April 14, 2014 From: John Hagg Fire Chief Subject: Hazardous Goods Transported by Rail in Pickering - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report FIR 01-14 of the Chief Administrative Officer be received; 2. That Fire Services staff and the Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) be directed to continue participation in training and familiarization related to dangerous goods response and rail safety initiatives; and 3. That Fire Services staff and the Community Emergency Management.Coordinator continue to meet with representatives from CN Rail, CP Rail and Durham • Emergency Management Office to explore training opportunities, ensure preparedness and to foster a cooperative relationship that will benefit all parties; and 4. That the appropriate officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: Following the tragic train derailment and fire in Lac-Megantic Quebec in July of 2013, Fire Services began an immediate review of our role in hazardous goods response with an emphasis on rail transportation: Fire Services Training Section staff were tasked with assessing our response capabilities, and also our knowledge base on this important topic. We discovered that our staff had some training in hazardous goods response, but refresher training in rail transported hazardous goods was required due to imminent changes in legislation and the materials now being shipped by rail. Fire Services began a multi faceted approach to improving our knowledge base in rail transported dangerous goods training and preparedness. From a response standpoint we undertook several training programs to increase our firefighter's response capabilities, tools, strategies and confidence. From a community emergency management perspective we began working with CN Rail, CP Rail and Durham Emergency Management Office (DEMO) to formulate strategies, build relationships and ensure that we are prepared for rail related emergencies. 219 Report FIR 01-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Hazardous Goods Transported by Rail in Pickering Page 2 • Financial Implications: There are no additional financial implications. Any training completed was through CN Rail, CP Rail, Ontario Power Generation, Ontario Fire College and within the Fire Protection current budget. Discussion: The subject of transporting hazardous goods by rail and the safety of bringing those hazardous goods through our community is a serious safety concern for the City of Pickering. ' The derailment and tragic fire in Lac-Megantic Quebec last summer brought rail related dangerous goods, and the related safety issues to focus. Fire Services staff have always considered these type of responses, but given the significance of the Lac-Megantic event, and the changes to the commodities being transported through our community, we immediately undertook a major review of our response capabilities and preparedness levels for hazardous goods. There have been several train derailments in this City over the past decade with minimal,damage. However, the most recent one in 2010 at the GO Station did not cause the destruction and loss of life we saw in Lac-Megantic, but it definitely had the potential to cause much more damage than it did. • Once we reviewed our current response capabilities to hazardous goods; it became clear that we needed to move quickly and increase our training, education and preparedness for this type of event. The Fire Services Training Section has been very active in completing this training in a compressed time schedule. Fire Services staff have completed the following training initiatives: 1. One week Hazardous Materials Technician Course (Training Officer) . • Fire Services Training Officer is now a certified Hazardous Material Technician 2. Two day CP Rail Dangerous Goods course at the Ontario Fire College (Training Officer) • 3. Pickering Fire Services hosted several three day hazardous materials courses • Designed for first responders • Training for hazardous materials incidents that occur at fixed sites and during transport including a rail component 4. One Day CN Rail Dangerous Goods Course in York Region • Training Officer attended 5. CN Rail presented training program for first responders • CN completed training for all of our fire crews 220 CORP0227-07/01 revised Report FIR 01-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Hazardous Goods Transported by Rail in Pickering Page 3 6. CN Rail Emergency Planning presentation at DEMO • CEMC attended The CEMC and the Fire Chief met with representatives from CN Rail on November 27, 2013 and with CP Rail on January 27, 2014. We confirmed our commitment to work with the railway companies to increase the knowledge base of our first responders and assist emergency management representatives with planning, knowledge and training. Both railway officials were very accommodating, and training sessions for fire crews were completed in March 2014. The CEMC also attended a training and information session with DEMO and all the Regional CEMC's on February 3, 2014. Transport Canada has also announced new directives requiring railways to notify municipal emergency management officials of the transport of dangerous goods occurring via rail in their community (Protective Direction No. 32 Attachment# 1). They also issued a directive to deal with safety related issues such as not leaving train cars with hazardous materials unattended (Emergency Directive Pursuant to Section 33 of the Railway Safety Act,Attachment# 2). These are both positive steps in terms of emergency planning and hazard identification in communities like Pickering. As you can see from the initiatives above, Fire Services are doing their utmost to ensure that all our personnel are fully trained, capable and ready to respond to a derailment . situation. From an emergency management perspective,we will continue to work with DEMO, CN Rail, CP Rail and our municipal partners to ensure we are prepared in the event of a derailment in our community. The City's CEMC has been enrolled with the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre (CANUTEC) and will obtain information regarding the dangerous goods transported in our community, as per Protective Direction 32. Fire Services and the CEMC are committed to ensure our City is prepared, resilient and informed about the hazards materials that are moving through our community on the rail lines and highways on an ever increasing basis. Attachments: 1. Transport Canada— Protective Direction No. 32 2. Emergency Directive Pursuant to Section 33 of the Railway Safety Act CORP0227-07/01 revised 221 Report FIR 01-14 April 14, 2014 Subject: Hazardous Goods Transported by Rail in Pickering Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Jo n Hai• • Fire of JH:nrm Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cty Counci Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • • 222 CORP0227-07/01 revised • ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT#g1e 01- !tit I 61)-1 ,, 1 Transport Transports _ — Canada Canada Safety and Security S@curite et sfiret@ ' Transport Direction,generale du Dangerous Goods transport des marchandises Directorate . dangereuses • Tower C,Place de Ville Tour C,Place de Ville 330 Sparks Street 330,rue Sparks Ottawa,Ontario Ottawa(Ontario) • K1A ON5 K1A 0N5 PROTECTIVE DIRECTION No. 32- ORDRE PREVENTIF n° 32 I,Marie-France Dagenais,Director General Je,Marie-France Dagenais,directrice of the Transport Dangerous Goods generale de la Direction generale du Directorate,being a person designated by transport des marchandises dangereuses, a the Minister of Transport to issue titre de personne designee par le ministre Protective Directions under section 32 of des Transports pour emettre des ordres the Transportation of Dangerous.Goods preventifs en vertu de Particle 32 de la Loi Act, 1992, and considering it necessary to de 1992 sur le transport des marchandises deal with an emergency that involves a dangereuses,et I'estimant necessaire pour danger to public safety,do hereby direct - repondre a une urgence presentant une that menace pour la securite publique,ordonne par les presentes . 1) Any Canadian Class 1 railway , 1) Que toute compagnie canadienne de company that transports dangerous chemin de fer de classe 1 qui transporte goods must provide the designated des marchandises dangereuses doit Emergency Planning Official of each fournir a 1'agent designe de la . municipality through which dangerous • planifioation des mesures d'urgence de . goods are transported by rail,with chaque municipalite par laquelle des yearly aggregate information on the marchandises dangereuses sont • nature and volume of dangerous goods - transportees par chemin de fer, les the company transports by railway donnees globales annuelles sur la vehicle through the municipality, nature et le volume des marchandises presented by quarter; dangereuses que la compagnie transporte par vehicule ferroviaire a travers la municipalite,le tout presente . par trimestre; 2) Any person who transports dangerous 2) .Que toute personne qui transporte.des goods by railway vehicle,who is not a marchandises dangereuses par vehicule • Canadian Class 1 railway company, ferroviaire, qui nest pas une compagnie . • 223 ATTACHMENT# TO REPOR T# 0 i - 14 Zvu1 • must provide the designated canadienne de chemin de fer de • _. Emergency Planning Official of each classe 1, soit tenue de fournir a l'agent municipality through which dangerous design de la planification des mesures goods are transported by railway d'urgence de chaque municipalite par vehicle with: laquelle des marchandises dangereuses sont transportees par vehicule ferroviaire : a) yearly aggregate information on a) les donnees globales annuelles sur the nature and volume of dangerous la nature et le volume des I goods the person transports by marchandises dangereuses que la railway vehicle through the personne transporte par vehicule municipality;and ferroviaire a travers la municipalite; b) any significant change to the b)toute modification importante aux information provided in(a)as soon renseignements fourths au point a) as practicable after the change des que possible apres que la occurs; modification est survenue; 3) A Canadian Class 1 railway company 3) Qu'une compagnie canadienne de that transports dangerous goods and a chemin de fer de classe 1 qui transporte person who transports dangerous goods des marchandises dangereuses et by railway vehicle are not required to qu'une personne qui transporte des provide an Emergency Planning marchandises dangereuses par vehicule Official(s)withthe information in ferroviaire ne sont pas tenues de items 1 or 2 of this Protective Direction fournir a l'agent ou aux agents de la if: planification des mesures d'urgence les renseignements des points 1 ou 2 du - present ordre preventif si : (a)the Emergency Planning Official is a) l'agent de la planification des not listed on the list of Emergency mesures d'urgence ne figurent pas sur • Planning Officials maintained by la liste des agents de la planification Transport Canada,through CANUTEC, des mesures d'urgence tenue par that is provided to the railway company Transports Canada,par • or the person; 1'intermediaire de CANUTEC; fournie a la compagnie de chemin de fer ou a la personne; • (b)the Emergency Planning Official or the b) l'agent de la planification des Chief Administrative Officer of a mesures d'urgence ou l'agent municipality,by request made in writing administratif principal d'une to CANUTEC, informs CANUTEC that municipality, a la suite d'une demande it no longer wants to be provided with par ecrit a CANUTEC, informe the information; or CANUTEC qu'elle ire vent plus , 2 224 • • ATTACHMENT# ( TO REPORT#rtR 01- 14 1, recevoir les renseignements; (c)the Emergency Planning Official has c) l'agent de la planification des not undertaken or agreed to: mesures d'urgence n'a pas entrepris (i)use the information only for ou accepte : emergency planning or response; •i) d'utiliser les renseignements (ii) disclose the information only to . uniquement pour la planification des those persons who need to know for mesures d'urgence ou.l'intervention the purposes referred to in(i);and d'urgence; (iii)keep the information confidential ' (ii) de divulguer les renseignements • and ensure any person to whom the uniquement aux personnes qui • Emergency Planning Official(s)has doivent les connaitre pour les disclosed the information keeps it besoins enumeres au point i); confidential,to the maximum extent. iii)de tenir confidentiel les permitted by law. renseignements et de garantir que toute personne a.qui l'agent ou les • agents de la planification des mesures d'urgence divulguent des renseignements les tiennent confidentiels,dans les limites autorisees par la loi. • 4) A Canadian Class 1 railway company 4) Qu'une compagnie de chemin de fer who transports dangerous goods and a canadienne de classe 1 qui transporte person who transports dangerous goods des marchandises.dangereuses et une by railway vehicle must provide in personne qui transporte des writing to Transport Canada,through marchandises dangereuses par vehicule CANUTEC, contact information ferroviaire fournissent par ecrit, a including the name,title,address,e- Transports Canada,par 1'intermediaire mail address,fax number,telephone de CANUTEC,les coordonnees, number and cell phone number,of the - notamment le nom, le titre,l'adresse, person(s)who will be liaising with a l'adresse electronique,le numbro de municipality's Emergency Planning telecopieur, le numbro de telephone et Official, and must immediately notify le numbro de telephone cellulaire de la CANUTEC in writing of any changes ou des personnes qui assureront la to the contact information; liaison avec l'agent de la planification des mesures d'urgence de la municipalite, et avisent immediatement par ecrit CANUTEC de tout changement aux coordonnees; 5) A Canadian Class I railway company 5) Qu'une compagnie de chemin de fer who transports dangerous goods and a canadienne de classe 1 qui transporte person who transports dangerous goods des marchandises dangereuses et une by railway vehicle must provide any • personne qui transporte des information shared under items 1 and 2 marchandises dangereuses par vehicule to Transport Canada,through • 3 225 • ATTACHMENT# 1 TO REPORT#nC- o i-t 4 4 ryf CANUTEC. ferroviaire fournissent tous les =_= renseignements communiqués selon les points 1 et 2 a Transports Canada,par 1'intermediaire de CANU E,C. 6) A Chief Administrative Officer of a 6) Qu'un agent administratif principal municipality may request Transport d'une municipality puisse demander a Canada,through CANUTEC,that the Transports Canada,par l'intermediaire. • name of its designated Emergency de CANUTEC, que le nom de son Planning Official be added to the list of agent design de la planification.des Emergency Planning Officials referred mesures d'urgence snit ajoute a la liste to in item 3(a)by providing the des agents de la planification des following information:the name,title, mesures d'urgence mentionnee au • organization,address, e-mail address point 3a)en fournissant les fax number,telephone number and cell renseignements suivants : le nom,le phone number of the Emergency titre, l'organisation, les adresses postale Planning Official that he or she et courriel et les numeros de telephone . designated. This contact information cellulaire et telecopieur de l'agent will be shared with any Canadian Class designe. Ces coordonnees seront 1 railway company who transports communiquees a toute compagnie de dangerous goods and any person who chemin de fer canadienne de classe 1, transports dangerous goods by-railway qui transporte des marchandises vehicle. - dangereuses et toute personne qui transporte des marchandises dangereuses par vehicule ferroviaire. Pour les besoins du present ordre preventif, les informations a fournir a CANUTEC For the purposes of this Protective doivent etre envoyees a 1'adresse suivante : Direction, information to be provided to CANUTEC is to be provided to the following address: Centre canadien d'urgence transport (CANUTEC) Canadian Transport Emergency Centre Place de Ville,Tour C (CANUTEC) 330,rue Sparks, 14e etage, Place de Ville,Tower C Ottawa(Ontario) K1A ON5 330 Sparks Street, 14th Floor, A l'attention de:M.Angelo Boccanfuso, Ottawa, Ontario,K1A ON5 Directeur de CANUTEC Attention:Mr.Angelo Boccanfuso, Ou par courriel a: CANUTEC@tc.gc.ca Director of CANUTEC Or by email to .CANUT EC @tc.gc.ca • • 4 226 ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT# QO1- it ct/ 7 This Protective Direction No.32 takes Le present ordre preventif n°32 entre en effect immediately upon signing.It remains vigueur des sa signature.Ii demeure en in effect for three years from'the date of vigueur pour une periode de trois ans de la signing or until cancelled in writing by the date de signature, ou jusqu'a ce qu'il soit • Director General of the Transport annule par avis ecrit du directeur general de Dangerous Goods Directorate,Transport la Direction generale du transport des Canada. marchandises dangereuses,Transports Canada. • SIGNED AT OTTAWA, ONTARIO,this 20th day of November 2013. SIGNE A OTTAWA(ONTARIO), ce 20'eme jour de novembre 2013. Marie-France Dagenais • Director General,Transport Dangerous Goods Directorate Directrice generale,Direction generale du transport des marchandises dangereuses • • • • • 5 227 A7TACHMENT#_i ___TO REPOR T# nZ o! - u 6, 7 • Explanatory note " For the purposes of this Protective Direction "Chief Administrative Officer"means the person holding the most senior staff position within a municipal organisational structure or band council, whether that office bears that title or an equivalent one. V "Emergency Planning Official"means the person who coordinates emergency response planning for a municipality, who may also be a First Responder for that community . "municipality"means a corporate body constituted under the applicable provincial or territorial legislation, in each province or territory,relating to the creation of municipal administrations,be they designated as cities, towns, villages, counties or by other names and includes aboriginal communities with their own First Responders. In cases where a territory is governed by two tiers of municipal administrations, the expression refers to the tier which has the primary responsibility for emergency planning,meaning either to the lower tier or the upper tier administrations but not both. The decision as to which tier is to receive the information provided under this Direction is to be made locally and the name of the appropriate designate is to be communicated in accordance with this Direction. . "nature"means class, UN number and name of the dangerous good. "volume"means the number of car loads of a dangerous good. The parties will agree between themselves prior to the exchange of information on the standard provisions governing the extent to which the information received under items 1 or 2 may be disseminated. Note explicative Pour les besoins du present ordre preventif . «agent administratif principal»signifie la personne occupant le poste de cadre " superieur dans un organigramme municipal ou un conseil de bande,que ce bureau porte ou non ce titre ou un equivalent. V . «agent de la planification des mesures d'urgence»signifie la personne qui planifie l'intervention d'urgence pour une municipality,qui peut egalement etre le premier intervenant pour cette collectivite. «municipalite»signifie une collectivite constituee en vertu de la legislation provinciale ou territoriale applicable, dans chaque province ou territoire,liee a la creation des administrations municipales,qu'elles soient designees comme etant des villes, des • 6 228 ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT tr-H!? 61--19 _ villages,des comtes ou autres,y compris les collectivites autochtones ayant Ieurs propres premiers intervenants.Dans les cas ou un territoire est gouverne par deux ordres d'administrations municipales,l'expression renvoie a l'ordre qui assume la premiere responsabilite pour la planification des mesures d'urgence,c'est-a-dire soit l'administration deniveau inferieur,soit l'administration de niveau superieur,mais pas les deux. La decision qui determinera a qui les l les renseignements seront envoyes en vertu du present ordre preventif dolt etre prise a I'echelle locale, et le nom de la personne designee appropriee doit etre communiqué conformement au present ordre preventif. • nature»signifie la classe,le numero UN et le nom de la marchandise dangereuse. (c volume»signifie le nombre de chargements de wagons d'une marchandise dangereuse. Les parties conviendront entre elles, avant I'echange de renseignements,des dispositions normales regissant la mesure dans laquelle les renseignements regus conformement aux points 1 et2 peuvent etre diffuses. • • • • 7 229 ATTACHMENT r a REPORT # __ 01' I`f. ( csla Emergency Directive Pursuant to Section 33 of the Railway Safety Act Safety and Security of Locomotives in Canada. • To: All Railway Companies and Local Railway Companies Section 33 of the Railway Safety Act(RSA) gives the Minister of Transport the authority to issue an emergency directive to any company when the Minister is of the opinion that there is an immediate threat to safe railway operations or the security of railway transportation. Although the cause of the tragic accident in Lac-Megantic remains unknown at this time,and although I remain confident in the strength of the regulatory regime applicable to railway . transportation in Canada, I am of the opinion that,in light of the catastrophic results of the Lac- . Megantic accident and in the interest of ensuring the continued safety and security of railway transportation,there is an immediate need to clarify the regime respecting unattended locomotives on main track and sidings and the transportation of dangerous goods in tank cars using a one person crew to address any threat to the safety and security of railway operations. Pursuant to section 33 of the RSA, all railway companies and local railway companies are hereby ordered to: 1. Ensure,within 5 days of the issuance of the emergency directive,that all unattended controlling locomotives on main track and sidings are protected from unauthorized entry into the cab of the locomotives; 2. Ensure that reversers are removed from any unattended locomotive on main track and sidings; 3. Ensure that their company's special instructions on hand brakes referred to in Rule 112 of the Canadian Rail Operating Rules are applied when any locomotive coupled with one or more cars is left unattended for more than one hour on main track or sidings; 4. Ensure,when any locomotive coupled with one or more cars is left unattended for one hour or less on main track or sidings,that in addition to complying with their company's special instructions on hand brakes referred to in item 3 above,the locomotives have the automatic brake set in full service position and have the independent brake fully applied; 5. Ensure that no locomotive coupled with one or more loaded tank cars transporting "dangerous goods" as this expression is defined in section 2 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act(TDGA) is left unattended on main track; and 6. Ensure that no locomotive coupled with one or more loaded tank cars transporting "dangerous goods" as this expression is defined in section 2 of the TDGA is operated on main track or sidings with fewer than two persons qualified under their company's requirements for operating employees. For the purpose of this emergency directive an"unattended locomotive"or a"locomotive coupled with one or more cars that is left unattended"means that it is not in the immediate 230 ATTACK E � ,- {{ a }SPORT# Ff2- °I-�� ZcsbZ physical control or supervision of a qualified person acting for the company operating the locomotive or cars)in the case of items 3 and 4 above or a person acting for the company operating the locomotive or car(s) in the case of items 1, 2 and 5 above. For the purpose of this emergency directive, "main track"and"sidings" do not include main track or sidings in yards and terminals. For greater certainty,nothing in this emergency directive relieves a company of the obligation to comply with Rule 112 of the Canadian Rail Operating Rules. Pursuant to section 33 of the RSA,this emergency directive takes effect immediately and is to remain in effect until 23:59 EST on December 31, 2013. • 231