HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 04-14 C,11 _A Report to ' ' Executive Committee I KERIN Report Number: ENG 04-14 Date: February 3, 2014 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Whitevale Master Drainage Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment - Final Report - File: A-1440 • Recommendation: • 1. That Report ENG 04-14 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works concerning the Whitevale Master Drainage Plan be received; 2. That Council endorse the March 2013 Whitevale Master Drainage Plan completed by AECOM; and 3. That staff be authorized to implement the recommendations within the Whitevale Master Drainage Plan subject to budget and further Council approval for individual projects. • Executive Summary: The Whitevale Master Drainage Plan provides a comprehensive solution to the drainage system deficiencies in the Hamlet of Whitevale. The recommended solutions include reconstructing Whitevale Road east of the West Duffins Creek using a rural cross-section; improvements on local roads to improve drainage; and an interceptor ditch on North Road to divert flood flows to Whitevale Road. All projects can proceed directly to detailed design and construction. It is recommended that the Whitevale Master Drainage Plan be endorsed by Council. Financial Implications: Council endorsement of the Whitevale.Master Drainage Plan (WMDP) is a commitment in principal to implement the recommended projects required to address the drainage system deficiencies in the Hamlet of Whitevale. The individual recommended projects in the WMDP, estimated to have a total cost of$1.5 million, will need to be approved in future capital budgets in order to be implemented. Discussion: Severe rainfall events on July 20 and 23, 2008 in Whitevale, resulted in flooding along streets and erosion of the approaches to the existing bridge over the West Duffins Creek. 21 Toronto and Region -r,‘, Conservation for The Living City- Valley Farm Rd.(Duftins Creek Trail)Trail Construction Cost Estimate,2094 For Crly of Pickering(Arnold Mostert) !Original: Wednesday,November 13th,2013 Revised.Tuesday,December 17th,2013 iItem Description _ Total _ 1.0 PROJECT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Supply cost esfirrialkg,project management and ale supervision for construction phase of trail Project 1.0 SUB-TOTAL I,_ iRS2590 SITE PREPARATION AND REMOVALS 2-1 Mobilzation and dentofxTizaiion of the job site,temporary faciiities,conveniences,pedestrian signage,,.and tither kerns not required to form part of the permanent works. 22 Supply,install,mairtair,and remove upon completion all Sediment Control Fencing,including any fencing as may be nuked to alow paled accessfegress_ 2.3 Supply,install,maintain,and remove upon completion all Sediment Control Fencing related to the trail,as required. 2.4 Rough grading works,including any required import or export of soils necessary to achieve the specified design sub grades.Includes survey works,and the provision of soil testa g of imported soil,as required_ 2.1)SUB--TOTAL33;S7�.OD, 3.0 TRAIL CONSTRUCTION PRIMARY TRAIL-3m wide SUB-BASE GRANULAR surfacg 3.1 Supply and install granular A"base kom Valley Farm Rd_to western tint of contract 3.2 Sutpply and install corrugated steel pipe culvert systems,as required_The C.S.P.culverts shalt include side aprons,rodent grates,corrplirgs,and all required hardware_All culverts are to be sized and specified according to expected flow rates_ 3.3 Supply and install one(i)450mm pre-stressed concrete pipe culvert system,as required_The culvert shall include side aprons,rodent grates, ngs,and all required hardware_ 3.4 Supply and install Post and Paddle 2 rai wood fencing down Valley Farm slope as shown on drawing_ 3 5 'Supply and install accepted seed mix to ail disturbed areas along trail and holding areas.Seeding works shall include She gradig of existing topsoil,hand broadcasting or mechanical application of TRCA Restoration seed mix_Use seed app5cafion rate as per an approved suppers specification_ 1 • 3.0 SUB-TOTAL;S14444.50a 4_0 TOTALS.,TAXES and ALLOWANCES ^� 4.1 • Sub-total Sli^ 3150= • 42 Contingency' °S 4.3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1. COSTS(excluding HST) • NOTES: I0%&elect contingency liar sub-total)to be eyrie/blithe City&Pickering aid used oily will approval bean tie(Sty • 20 Report ENG 04-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Whitevale Master Drainage Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Page 2 To address the flooding and erosion issues within the Study Area, the WMDP was prepared by AECOM for the City of Pickering in accordance with the planning principles of the Master Planning component of the Municipal Engineers Association's Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA), October 2000 as amended in 2007 and 2011, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act. The final WMDP report is available for download on the City's website or hard copies are available at the City Clerk's office. The WMDP addresses Phase 1 and 2 of the MCEA process (identifying the problem or opportunity, and identifying alternative solutions to the problem or opportunity), and incorporated broad public, agency, and First Nations consultation on all aspects of the Master Plan development. Public consultation consisted of a Notice of Commencement, two Kitchen Table Meetings (referred to as Citizen Liaison Committee meetings in the WMDP report), two Public Information Centres (PIC) and a Notice of Completion, which allowed for public and stakeholder input throughout the project. The Kitchen Table Meetings (KTM) were formed as part of the enhanced public consultation plan for the project, and proved to be a useful forum for residents to provide input to the plan and exchange ideas with the project team. The first PIC was held on September 12th, 2012 with approximately 18 people in attendance. From the comments received by the attendees, it was important that the proposed solutions respect the rural character of the Hamlet. The second PIC was held on November 14, 2012 with approximately 29 people in attendance. The comments received included questions regarding the criteria used to evaluate alternatives and reiterated concerns about maintaining the rural character of the Hamlet. Following public and agency engagement, the recommended Master Drainage Plan was determined. A significant consideration in evaluating alternative solutions was that the rural character of the Hamlet be maintained. The WMDP consists of a combination of improvement measures to address flooding, erosion and water quality issues that will provide adequate protection for the local residents within the Study Area. • All of the preferred solutions identified as elements of the Master Plan are categorized as Schedule NM- undertakings, which means they can proceed directly to detailed design and/or construction. For projects identified as Schedule A+, public notification is required prior to implementation. The elements of the WMDP and the associated MCEA schedules and estimated costs are summarized in the table below. It should be noted that, notwithstanding the recommendations of the WMDP, Whitevale Road is currently in poor condition and will need to be reconstructed. 22 Report ENG 04-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Whitevale Master Drainage Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Page 3 Area of Consideration Preferred Alternative MCEA Estimated Cost Schedule Whitevale Road (East) Alternative#2 Rural Reconstruction A+ $1,200,000 - rebuild Whitevale Road with a paved rural cross-section with grassed ditches, replace the storm sewer, adjust the road profile and the number and spacing of catchbasins to provide proper drainage Local Residential Alternative#2 Local Road A $50,000 Roads—Mill Street, Improvements Factory Street, - adjust the profile of the local roads Churchwin Street and to provide proper drainage and use Gladstone Street an organic topical sealant to help maintain the shape of the gravel road Intermittent Drainage Alternative#5 Storm Flow diversion A+ $125,000 Feature to Whitevale Road Storm Sewer - divert high flows to Whitevale Road and increase the size of the new Whitevale Road storm sewer to capture high flows from North Road Whitevale Road (West) Additional Surface Drainage and A $125,000 and North Road Erosion Improvements - road resurfacing, regrade ditches and replace storm sewer outfall It should be noted that a residents group had provided comments on the preferred alternatives following the second KTM on October 23, 2012. The majority of the comments raised will be addressed at the detailed design stage when sufficient detail is available. However, one of the comments requested a modification to the preferred alternative for the Intermittent Drainage Feature to include the creation of a wetland on lands owned by Infrastructure Ontario (10). The suggestion was not incorporated into the preferred alternative as the lands are part of a Draft Plan submitted as part of the Seaton Community. A further reason this suggestion was not incorporated was due to the high capital cost of land acquisition, construction and the ongoing operations and maintenance costs. The WMDP was presented for information to the Heritage Committee on June 27, 2013. A resident of Whitevale on the Heritage Committee was concerned that the works from the WMDP would be unnecessary as the build-out of Seaton would address the flooding issues. The build-out of Seaton may result in some modifications to the recommended works from the WMDP but the majority of the recommended works would still be required. Furthermore, the timing of the build-out of Seaton is subject to factors outside the City's control. Notwithstanding, at the detailed design stage staff shall consider the 23 • Report ENG 04-14 February 3, 2014 • Subject: Whitevale Master Drainage Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Page 4 implications and timing of the development of lands adjacent to Whitevale on the proposed works. Following the completion of the WMDP report, the Notice of Completion was issued April 10, 2013 to review agencies, the public and First Nations. Copies of the WMDP. report were available at Petticoat Creek Library, the Clerk's Office, and copies were given to the president of the Whitevale District Residents Association. The full report was also available electronically on the City's website. No comments were received on the final WMDP report during the 30 calendar day review period. As part of the implementation of this project, mitigation and monitoring measures have been recommended to protect and enhance the natural environment, social environment and cultural environmental features. Additional considerations associated with project implementation have been identified as follows: • permits and approvals - • additional studies • status of Seaton lands adjacent to Whitevale • • construction phasing & integration • weather conditions • detailed design considerations • additional public consultation . The Whitevale Master Drainage Plan has been completed and satisfies the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process, including public and regulatory agency consultation. Attachments: 1. Executive Summary - Whitevale Master Drainage Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Report Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: s6ds - Marilee Gadzovski, M. Sc. (Eng), P.Eng. R�' and Holbrn, P.Eng. Manager, Water Resources Director, Engineering & Public Works Report ENG 04-14 February 3, 2014 Subject: Whitevale Master Drainage Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Page 5 Prepared By: Tom Dole, P.Eng. Water Resources Engineer RH:Ir Recommended for the consideration of Pickerin• City Council 04.) ''/// (9,14(. 238 Zoo Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ��Y O� City of Pickering Whitevale Master Drainage Plan—Municipal /"f�` Class Environmental Assessment Report Executive Summary The Hamlet of Whitevale (the Study Area) is located within the valley of West Duffins Creek on Whitevale Road in the City of Pickering and is designated as a Heritage Conservation District. '� Severe rainfall events on July 20 and 23, 2008 passed through _ 11114t } the Study Area resulting in flooding along streets and erosion of :w the approaches to the existing bridge crossing over the West Duffins Creek. asp i a'.. To address the flooding and erosion issues within the Study s • Area the City of Pickering initiated the Whitevale Master J a3 , Drainage Plan, which is being completed under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process, following a Master Plan approach that allows a proponent, such as the City, to carry out the planning,design, and construction of a group of related municipal works together rather than separately on a project-by-project basis. The level of assessment followed for the Whitevale Master Drainage Plan will ensure that, at a minimum, Phases 1 and 2 of the.MCEA process are satisfied. Phase 1 of the MCEA process includes identification and description of the problem. A review of available background data and additional field investigations and surveys was completed to gain a thorough understanding of existing conditions within Study Area and to develop the Problem/Opportunity Statement. As a result of the current drainage issues within the Study Area an opportunity exists to improve the storm drainage system which will: • Reduce the occurrence of flooding; • Mitigate erosion along roadways; • Minimize future maintenance requirements; • Enhance the quality of surface runoff discharging into the.West Duffins Creek;and • Improve overall public safety. Phase 2 of the MCEA process includes the identification and 1 - evaluation of alternative solutions to the problem. The first step of _ _ - Phase 2 was to prepare a description of the Study Area and an ' ;:,_ inventory of the existing natural, social and economic conditions. = . i. In order to characterize these conditions,'a thorough review of relevant background information was carried out, together with comprehensive field investigations and detailed hydrologic and hydraulic modelling of all elements contributing to the drainage r areas. A range of alternative drainage improvements were then • developed and evaluated to address the problems identified in the r � -1_ following locations: .-, • Whitevale Road(East)—East of West Duffins Creek • Local Residential Roads • Intermittent Drainage Feature DID 7073-8371 WaAevaiamapMCEANnaIRP L89t87125:Dom 26 A COM City of Pickering Whitevale Master Drainage Plan—Municipal /'7�• Class Environmental Assessment Report It should be noted that although the Do Nothing' alternative does not address the issues described in the Problem/Opportunity Statement, the EA Act requires its consideration in all Municipal Class EAs as a means of providing a benchmark for evaluating the other alternatives. The alternative solutions were comparatively evaluated according to a descriptive or qualitative assessment based on the appropriate criteria developed within the categories of Technical, Natural Environment, Social Environment,Cultural Environment and Financial representing the broad definition of the environment described in the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act(OEM). _ I Following public and agency engagement the recommended Master Drainage Plan was determined. This Plan consists of a combination of improvement measures to address flooding, erosion and water quality issues that will ensure adequate protection for the local residents within the Study Area. The elements of the Master Drainage Plan and the associated MCEA schedules include the following: • Whitevale Road(East)-Alternative#2 Rural Reconstruction Schedule A+; • Local Residential Roads—Alternative#2 Local Road Improvements Schedule A; • Intermittent Drainage Feature —Alternative#5 Storm Flow Diversion to Whitevale Road Storm Sewer Schedule A+;and • Additional Surface Drainage and Erosion Improvements at Whitevale Road (West) and North Road Schedule A. As part of implementing this project, mitigation and monitoring measures have been recommended to ensure protection and enhancement of natural environment, social environment and cultural environment features. Also additional considerations associated with project implementation have been identified as follows: • Permits&Approvals; • Additional Studies; • Construction Phasing& Integration; • Weather Conditions; • Detailed.Design Considerations;and • Additional Public Consultation • The Whitevale Master Drainage Plan has been completed to satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process, including public and regulatory agency consultation. Public consultation included notifications (Notice of Commencement and Notice of Completion), two Public Information Centres (PICs), and two Citizen Liaison Committee Meetings. All of the preferred solutions identified as elements of the Master Plan fall within Schedule A/A+ undertakings and can therefore proceed directly to detailed design and/or construction. For projects identified as Schedule A+, public notification is required prior to implementation. 04ra_201303-22_WnievelemdpMCFA Final Rpl60187125.Dori ff 27