HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 28, 2013 oig Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee 1 November 28, 2013 PICKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues W. Jamadar Deanna Joyce T. Reimer D. Rundle J. Van Huss C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Also Present: David Albanese, Project Manager, Mattamy Homes Absent: T. Besso S. lyer E. Mason M. Sawchuck • C. Sopher S. Sheehan Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome J. Van Huss welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions were made to welcome new member Deanna Joyce. 2.0 Minutes Moved by D. Rundle Seconded by W.IJamadar That the minutes of the October 24, 2013 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved, as amended. Carried 3.0 Business Arising from Minutes 3.1) 2013 Workplan J. Van Huss noted the workplan will be placed on all future agendas in order to provide on going updates. She will check with M. Sawchuck on the status of the spreadsheet. C. Celebre suggested that sub committees be created for the Page 1 Item-/ Details & Discussion`& Conclusion Action Items I Ref# (summary of discussion) . Status (include deadline as appropriate) 2014 projects, such as the proposed Plaque program, education programs and the Register. In doing so, this would allow one member to take the lead, with other members assisting. C. Celebre also noted that M. Sawchuck had advised that he is working on a draft register and adding properties from the Unterman & McPhail register from 2002. Discussion ensued with respect to the workplan. D. Rundle noted it was important to not get overly ambitious. C. Celebre suggested members set goals that are smaller and achievable. W. Jamadar requested the workplan be provided on a monthly basis, listing the member's name associated with the project item. It was suggested we get in touch with members working on certain projects to see if they require any assistance. The workplan will be forwarded out to members in December for discussion at the January meeting. 3.2) Del Management Solutions Inc. C. Celebre provided an update with respect to the three properties which are proposed for demolition, which were discussed at the October meeting. She noted a consultant had been hired, Goldsmith Borgal and Company Ltd. Architects to review 325 Highway 7 and 1710 Whitevale Road, and have provided preliminary reports. The consultant has been asked to provide a full assessment on 2865 Sideline 16, which is situated in a natural heritage system. She noted this property has more potential to save, and the consultant has requested additional time to finalize the report. C. Celebre suggested the committee meet in the second week of January for the purpose of reviewing these reports and determining how to proceed. It was suggested that the Committee meet on January 9th for this purpose. 3.3) 1390 and 1450 Whitevale Road C. Celebre provided an update with respect to the two barns located at 1390 and 1450 Whitevale Road, which were scheduled for demolition. She noted that the Committee had requested she look into the donation of salvage items. She noted that 1450 Whitevale Road was in better condition for Page 2 • Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) salvage items. David Albanese of Mattamy Homes noted they were in agreement to donate items to the Pickering Village Museum, stating that Mattamy would be doing the dismantling, and the Museum would arrange for picking up the items. C. Celebre provided background information with respect to the barn located at 1390 Whitevale Road, noting the recommendations in the report vary from those for 1450 Whitevale Road, as the structure is not in the same condition. She also noted that the recommendations stated that this property is of limited heritage value, but recommended salvage items such as the timbers. Mattamy Homes will work with various organizations with respect to any salvage items. Discussion period took place and questions arose with respect to the removal of the barn swallows. D. Albanese of Mattamy Homes provided an outline of Ministry of Natural Resources program for removal of the swallows, the various options as well as the timelines involved. Councillor Rodrigues noted he would inquire with the Whitevale Residents Association as well as area residents with respect to any interest in salvage items. It was the consensus of the Committee that while it is regrettable to consider demolition, they do not oppose the proposed demolition of 1390 Whitevale Road. 4.0 New-Business 4.1) Cell Tower Application C. Celebre provided an overview of a cell tower application for the Finch/Fairport area for information purposes. She briefly outlined the application, noting she was bringing this forward to the Committee for information purposes as it is a heritage structure. She noted the property is not listed or designated, but does contain a historical building. A brief discussion period ensued. 4.2) Post Cemetery C. Celebre provided an overview of the road improvements being undertaken along Highway 2 by the Region of Durham and how it relates to the Post Cemetery property. She noted they are undertaking archeological work, stating remnants of a stone foundation were discovered. She noted that aboriginal Page 3 * ` . Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/ Ref# (summary of discussion) - Status (include deadline as appropriate) consultation with First Nations communities is ongoing, and stated there may be an opportunity to install a plaque on the property. 5.0 I Correspondence 5.1) Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration rY p 9 Correspondence was received for information with respect to nominations for the 2013 Volunteer Service Awards. The submission deadline date is January 25, 2014. 6.0 Other Business 6.1) J. Van Huss informed members she had participated in a free Webinar session which was put on through the Ontario Historical Society, which was quite informative. She noted she would forward out the information to members on upcoming sessions, should anyone be interested. 6.2) Councillor Rodrigues questioned the 2014 budget and whether funds were available for courses. He also noted we should touch base with E. Mason with respect to working with other Advisory Committees for info sharing regarding courses. C. Celebre did advise that there is money allocated in the budget for seminars and education. 6.3) 2014 Meeting Schedule C. Celebre to It was suggested that January 9th be set for a meeting to review action reports only for 325 Highway 7, 1710 Whitevale Road and 2865 16th Sideline. C. Celebre will be forwarding the reports to the Committee members in the next few weeks. It was the consensus of the Committee not to meet in December, L. Roberts to and to continue with the fourth Thursday of each month for all action regular meetings. L. Roberts to book the Main Committee Room accordingly. 7.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting: January 23, 2014 The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 4