HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 21-13 - with Attachment 1 - Asset Management Plan for Roads & Bridges c-ty 00 A Report to Council PICKERING Report Number: ENG 21-13 Date: December 9, 2013 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Stan Karwowski Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Subject: Asset Management Plan For Roads and Bridges - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report ENG 21-13 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works and Division Head, Finance & Treasurer regarding the Asset Management Plan For Roads and Bridges be received; 2. That Council endorse the Asset Management Plan for Roads and Bridges as prepared by Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. and RJ Burnside and Associates Limited, dated November 28, 2013; 3. That staff be directed to use the Asset Management Plan as a tool to guide the decision-making process for levels of service, annual operating and capital budget preparation, capital forecasting, and managing the asset inventory for roads and bridges; 4. That Council direct staff to include the following programs in the 2014 Draft Current Budget: $35,000 for a bridge washing program and $50,000 for the implementation of a crack seal roads repair program; 5. That consideration be given to adopt a 1% roads and bridge special levy each year during the next term of office; 6. That the Asset Management Plan be reviewed, refined and updated on an ongoing basis, as improvements and expansions to the assets are realized, and as the needs and priorities of the City's infrastructure change; and 7. That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 40 Report ENG 21-13 December 9, 2013 Subject: Asset Management Plan For Roads and Bridges Page 2 • Executive Summary: Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. and RJ Burnside and Associates Limited were retained by the City to prepare an Asset Management Plan for roads and bridges. This plan is intended to be a financial management planning tool for City staff to use during various decision making processes, including the annual budget, capital forecasting cycle, and capital grant application process. In addition, the plan will help identify and address critical rehabilitation and replacement needs, as well as address growth related expansion projects. The plan will serve as a road map for sustainable planning on an ongoing basis. The Province is now mandating that municipalities have Asset Management Strategies in order to-qualify for Provincial infrastructure funding. Approval of recommendation 2 will fulfill the Provincial capital grant application criteria for the Michell Bridge project, in which an Expression of Interest application was recently submitted by the City. Financial Implications: The City's roads and bridges infrastructure has been constructed over many years. During this time, senior level government funding was available to help municipalities to pay for this cost. The estimated replacement cost of the City's current roads and bridges infrastructure is $430.7 million (excluding land costs). This high cost is typical throughout the Province. The above recommendations provide the basis for the City to maintain its roads and bridges infrastructure. Recommendation 4 is within Council's control and the consultant strongly advises that the City invest its dollars into these preventative maintenance programs as it will extend the life of these assets. In future budget years, Council will have to strongly consider adopting a 1% per year special levy to help fund a replacement program for the City's roads and bridges. At the end of the next term, it is anticipated that this special levy will generate approximately $5.6 million for the replacement of roads and bridges. This 1% special levy will have to continue past 2018 until the City's roads and bridges repair and replacement backlog has been addressed. Not included in this current financing strategy is the potential funding available from senior levels of government. Senior level government grant funding can quickly change the level of investment that the City would have to contribute. In addition, the adoption by the City of a bridge washing and crack seal program will change the replacement repair time horizon to the benefit of the City. A detailed ten year replacement plan to address the immediate replacement needs has been proposed and valued at approximately $100 million. City staff are proposing to finance the $100.0 million (ten year program) as follows: • 1% Special Levy compounded over ten years is estimated to generate approximately $33.0 million • Investment of approximately $17.0 million of Federal Gas Tax dollars 41 • Report ENG 21-13 December 9, 2013 Subject: Asset Management Plan For Roads and Bridges Page 3 The residual balance of$50.0 million will be addressed by a combination of Senior Level Government grants, debt, Local Improvement Charges; and excess proceeds from disposal of land. Discussion: The Province is now mandating that municipalities have acceptable Asset Management Strategies in order to access Provincial government infrastructure funding. Having access to external grant funding is imperative to meet the financial needs required to maintain roads and bridges in a safe and reasonable state of repair. Council endorsement of the Asset Management Plan will allow the City of Pickering to be eligible to apply for future grant programs. The Asset Management Plan for Roads and Bridges prepared by Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. and RJ Burnside and Associates Limited (see Attachment 1), provides an overview of the state of the existing infrastructure, the expected levels of service, an asset management strategy and a financial strategy. Assets included in this Asset Management Plan include roads, bridges/culverts and pedestrian bridges. An accurate - asset inventory is the foundation of the plan, and the City has a detailed inventory to base the plan upon. The City's on-going Road Needs Study and bi-annual bridge and culvert assessments have assisted in determining both the condition of the assets and the rehabilitation and replacement needs. The Asset Management Plan has identified approximately $430 million of road and bridge/culvert assets (excluding land costs). Although the City's assets consisting of 447.5 centre line km of roads, 29 bridges, 23 culverts (with a span of 3m or greater) and 9 pedestrian bridges have an overall condition rating of average to good; there is about $100 million of replacement needs that need to be addressed in the first 10 years of the forecast. The majority of the growth related needs will be addressed through development charge funding. Current levels of funding from various sources such as property taxes, reserves, reserve funds, debt, user fees and grants will not be adequate to fund the full needs, thereby leaving a possible infrastructure funding gap. Senior level government grant funding such as that being requested for the Michell Bridge project will be required in the future to reduce the infrastructure gap. In addition, the implementation of the bridge washing and crack seal program may further reduce the infrastructure gap, to prolong the life of the assets. • The Asset Management Plan has been developed to allow linkages in other City documents such as the Development Charge Background Study which is updated every five years. More importantly, it can be used for the 2014 capital budget and four-year forecast to help prioritize projects. The Asset Management Plan should be reviewed, refined and updated as the capital needs and priorities of the City change. While the Asset Management Plan covers a 42 Report ENG 21-13 December 9, 2013 • Subject: Asset Management Plan For Roads and Bridges Page 4 forecast period of ten years, more focus was put on the first five years to ensure accurate capital planning in the short term. With Council's endorsement of this Asset Management Plan it will make the City eligible for the Provincial grant programs including The Small Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund. The City has recently submitted an Expression of Interest application for the Michell Bridge rehabilitation at a total estimated cost of$520,000 of which $468,000 is anticipated to be funded by the Provincial government. Attachments: 1. Asset Management Plan For Roads & Bridges —Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. and RJ Burnside and Associates Limited — Dated November 28, 2013 (Under Separate Cover) Prepared By: ApprovedlEndorsed By: • D rrell Selsky, CET, CMM III of Rica rd Holbo n, P. Eng. Manager, Capital Projects & In -structure Director, Engineering & Public Works lie S. Robertson, BAcc., CGA Stan Karwowski, MBA, CMA Senior Financial Analyst Division Head, Finance & Treasurer • DS:ds Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Counc* 212013 • Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 43 F.,......,_,....,w,._ Watson &Associates CITY OF PICKERING ECONOMISTS LTD. I ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ROADS AND BRIDGES IN ASSOCIATION WITH: 0 BURNS I D r Plaza Three 101-2000 Argent ia Rd. Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5N 1V9 Phone:(905)272-3600 Fax:(905)272-3602 NOVEMBER 28, 2013 e-mail:info @watson-econ.ca www.watson-econ.ca Planning for growth • CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (i) 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview 1-1 1.2 Plan Objectives 1-1 1.3 Plan Development 1-1 1.4 Maintaining the Asset Management Plan 1-2 1.5 Plan Integration 1-2 2. STATE OF LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE 2.1 Scope and Process 2-1 2.2 Capital Asset Overview 2-2 2.3 Asset Condition 2-3 2.4 Data Accuracy and Completeness 2-5 3. EXPECTED LEVELS OF SERVICE 3.1 Scope and Process 3-1 3.2 Current Levels of Service vs. Expected Levels of Service 3-2 3.3 Level of Service Performance Measures 3-3 4. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 4.1 Scope and Process 4-1 4.2 Risk Assessment 4-1 4.3 Priority Identification 4-3 4.4 Long-Term Forecast 4-5 4.5 Procurement Methods 4-8 5. FINANCING STRATEGY 5.1 Scope and Process 5-1 5.2 Historical Results 5-2 5.3 Financing Strategy 5-3 5.4 Funding Shortfall 5-5 6. RECOMMENDATIONS 6-1 APPENDICES A DETAILED ASSET OVERVIEW AND ASSET INVENTORY (MS EXCEL FILE) A-1 B ASSET MANAGEMENT ASSUMPTIONS B-1 C DATA VERIFICATION AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT POLICY C-1 D LEVEL OF SERVICE IMPACT ANALYSIS D-1 E SCENARIO ANALYSIS — CAPITAL FORECASTS E-1 F ROAD & BRIDGE ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY & FINANCING STRATEGY F-1 Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final_docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Watson&Associates Economists Ltd H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx (i) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report contains the Asset Management Plan for the City of Pickering (City) for roads and bridges (including culverts over 3m), and has been organized as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: State of Local Infrastructure; Chapter 3: Expected Levels of Service; Chapter 4: Asset Management Strategy; Chapter 5: Financing Strategy; and Chapter 6: Recommendations. The "state of local infrastructure" chapter provides an overview of the capital assets owned by the City. This includes detailed information on the City's asset inventory, including asset attributes, accounting valuations, replacement costs, useful life, age and asset condition. This information provides the foundation for other sections of the asset management plan. "Expected levels of service" compares the current level of service provided by the City to the level of service believed to be expected in each area. This analysis combines both descriptions/comments as well as performance measures in establishing service levels. The "asset management strategy" provides a long term operating and capital forecast for asset related costs, indicating the requirements for maintaining, rehabilitating, replacing/disposing and expanding the City's assets, while moving towards the specified expected levels of service identified above. The goal of the asset management strategy is to have the City in (or moving towards) a sustainable asset management position over the forecast period. The "financing strategy" identifies a 10 year funding plan for the asset management strategy, including a review of historical results and recommendations with respect to the required amounts and types of funding (revenue) annually. Also, any infrastructure funding deficits/shortfalls are identified and recommendations are made regarding potential approaches to reduce and mitigate the shortfall over the forecast period. Overall, this asset management plan is a tool to be used by City staff for capital and financial decision making. It can be tied to various existing reports (such as the City's budget, official plan and strategic planning reports) to ensure the asset management plan can be updated to reflect any changes in City priorities. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H.1Pickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 1. INTRODUCTION Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1Pickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 1-1 1 . INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. (Watson) and RJ Burnside and Associates Limited (Burnside) were retained by the City to prepare an asset management plan. This plan is intended to be a tool for City staff to use during various decision making processes, including the annual budgeting process and capital grant application processes. This plan will serve as a road map for sustainable infrastructure planning going forward. Assets included in this asset management plan include the following: • Roads; • Bridges/Culverts; and • Pedestrian bridges. It is recommended that this plan be updated in the near future for other City owned capital assets. 1.2 Plan Objectives The City's goals and objectives with respect to their capital assets relate to the level of service being provided to City residents. Services should be provided at expected levels, as defined within this asset management plan. City infrastructure and other capital assets should be maintained at condition levels that provides a safe and functional environment for its residents. Therefore, the asset management plan and its implementation will be evaluated based on the City's ability to meet these goals and objectives. 1.3 Plan Development The development of the City's asset management plan was based on the steps summarized below: 1) Develop a complete listing of capital assets to be included in the plan, including attributes such as size/material type, useful life, age, accounting valuation and current valuation. Update current valuation to 2013 dollars, where required, using applicable inflationary indices. 2) Assess current condition of the assets, based on a combination of existing City reports, degradation curve analysis and age analysis. 3) Assess the risk of asset failure for each asset, based on determining the probability of each asset failing, as well as the consequence of the asset failing. This risk analysis Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1Pickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 1-2 identifies priority projects for inclusion in the asset management plan, as well as asset risk levels that require mitigation. 4) Determine and document current levels of service, as well as expected levels of service, based on discussions with City staff. 5) Prepare an asset management strategy (i.e. operating and capital forecast) based on the asset inventory, identified priorities, forecast scenarios, and level of service analysis discussed above. 6) Determine a financing strategy to support asset management strategy, thus determining how the operating and capital related expenditure forecast will be funded over the period. 7) Prepare a Final report. 1.4 Maintaining the Asset Management Plan The asset management plan should be updated as the capital needs and priorities of the City change. This can be accomplished in conjunction with the City's budget process. City staff will have the tools available to perform updates to the plan when needed. When updating the asset management plan, note that the state of local infrastructure, expected levels of service, asset management strategy and financing strategy are integrated and impact each other. Looking at these components in reverse order, the financing strategy outlines how the asset management strategy will be funded. The asset management strategy illustrates the costs required to maintain expected levels of service at a sustainable level. The expected levels of service component summarizes and links each service area to specific assets contained in the state of local infrastructure section and thus determines how these assets will be used to provide expected service levels. While this report covers a forecast period of 10 years, the full lifecycle of the City's assets was considered in the calculations. It is suggested that more focus and attention be put on the first 5 years of the asset management plan, to ensure accurate capital planning in the short term. 1.5 Plan Integration The municipal environment is a continually changing and demanding environment when it comes to legislation and other responsibilities. Integrating the asset management plan with the City's budget process as well as PSAB 3150 (tangible capital asset) requirements can make updates in all three areas more efficient. With respect to integrating the City's budget process with asset management planning, both require a projection of capital and operating costs of a future period. The budget outlines total operating and capital requirements of the City, while the asset management plan focuses in on Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 1-3 specific asset related requirements. With this link to the annual budget, the budget update process can become an asset management plan update process. Both asset management and Public Standards Accounting Board Section 3150 (PSAB 3150) require a complete and accurate asset inventory. The significant difference between the two lies in valuation approaches (PSAB 3150 requires historical cost valuation, while asset management requires future replacement cost valuation). Using a single asset inventory containing both valuation methods is an effective approach to maintaining the City's asset data. Further integration into other City financial/planning documents would assist in ensuring the ongoing accuracy of the asset management plan, as well as the integration financial/planning documents. The asset management plan has been developed to allow linkages in documents such as: • Development Charge Background Study; • Official Plan; • Strategic Planning Reports; • Fiscal Impact/Operating Studies; and • Insurance valuations and records. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H::1Pickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 2. STATE OF LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 2-1 2. STATE OF LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE 2.1 Scope and Process This section of the plan provides an opportunity to develop a greater understanding of the capital assets owned by the City. The state of local infrastructure analysis includes: • An asset inventory documenting asset types, sub-types including quantities, materials and other similar asset attributes; • Financial accounting valuation (where available); • Replacement cost valuation; • Asset age distribution analysis and asset age as a proportion of expected useful life; • Asset condition information; • Data Verification and Asset Condition policies; and • Documentation of assumptions made in creating the asset inventory. The City has many data sources that contain various components of the City's asset inventory. The Corporate Services provided financial PSAB 3150 asset information (i.e. historic cost, accumulated amortization, and net book value), as well as attributes such as replacement cost, useful life, and age. With respect to replacement cost, the City's recent Road Needs and Bridge Inspection reports contains various recent valuations. Where the valuations only reflected the construction costs of the asset, they were increased for engineering, permitting, and inspection costs (i.e. 10% for road projects and 20% for bridge projects). Other asset attributes such as length, material, condition, and improvement type were provided by the Engineering & Public Works department. The following data and reports were used to supplement the City's asset inventory during this process: • Road Needs Study (in progress); • 2012 Bridge Inspection Report; • 5 Year Capital Plan; and • Discussions with City staff. Both financial and physical data sources are important to asset management and therefore need to come together in one integrated asset inventory. This project has attempted to integrate some of this information, but we recommend that further effort be invested in creating a solid foundation with one complete asset inventory containing both financial and physical attributes, this will ensure all City staff will be using the same data. It is clear that both Corporate Services and Engineering & Public Works departments take great care in managing their data. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H.Pickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 2-2 2.2 Capital Asset Overview The City presently owns 447.5 km of road assets, 29 bridges, 9 pedestrian bridges and 23 inspected culverts, with a 2013 combined replacement value of approximately $430.8 million (excluding land assets). This total is split into $358.1 million of road assets and $72.6 million of bridge and culvert assets. Table 2-1 outlines the breakdown of these totals and Figures 2-1 illustrates the breakdown. Table 2-1 2013 Road and Bridge Assets (Excluding Land) Historical Accumulated Net Book Replacement Asset Type Cost Amortization Value Cost 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 2013$ Road Base 60,387,273 31,537,664 28,849,609 173,418,879 Road Surface 22,844,333 18,216,229 4,628,101 184,765,205 Bridge Structures&Culverts 9,210,889 4,422,040 4,788,849 60,019,044 Bridge Decks 905,423 555,703 349,721 5,289,257 Pedestrian Bridges 1,494,985 283,749 1,211,236 7,305,600 Total Road and Bridges Assets $94,842,903 $ 55,015,384 $39,827,516 $ 430,797,985 Road Surface assets are the wearing surface (asphalt, surface treatment or gravel) portion of a road. Asphalt surfaces are comprised of two layers of asphalt the base layer and the surface layer. Road Base assets are comprised of the full granular base of a road up to the subgrade. The full granular base is made up of a granular A base layer and a granular B subbase layer. The base is is intended to support the surface by providing strength and distributing the load to the subgrade. Generally, culverts are openings in embankments and project beyond the edge of the road and shoulder. The Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC) defines a culvert as over 3 meters in span and with 600 mm of fill (by design) above it. Bridges, as defined by the CHBDC, are over 3 meters in span and have less than 600 mm of fill (by design) above them. Table 2-1 also shows the City's financial accounting valuation summary by asset type. Since 2009, the City has been required under the Public Sector Accounting Board section 3150 (PSAB 3150) to maintain asset listings complete with historical cost (i.e. the original cost to purchase or construct an asset), accumulated amotization and net book value. These values are reported on the City's audited financial statements each year. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd H:IPickering12013 AMIPickenng AM Plan Report Final.docx 2-3 Figure 2-1 2013 Road and Bridge Assets Distribution (based on replacement cost) Total Replacement Cost$430.8 million 1% 2% 14%1 40% •Road Base •Road Surface •Bridge Structures and Culverts •Bridge Decks Pedestrian Bridges 43% The detailed road and bridge capital asset inventory is contained in Appendix A. Assumptions pertaining to the asset inventory were documented as part of the asset management process are shown in Appendix B. 2.3 Asset Condition Including condition assessments in the asset management plan provides for a higher level of accuracy than simply relying on useful life assumptions, especially when it comes to older, highly used, or more financially significant assets. Condition assessments can provide more realistic estimates of remaining service life, which can then be used to establish rehabilitation or replacement schedules. Condition assessments for the road surfaces and bridges/culverts (greater than 3 meters) were included in the respective studies, previously commissioned by the City. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and the Bridge Condition Index (BC!) are based on ratings out of 100; these ratings were then converted to a condition description of "Very Poor" to "Very Good". Please refer to the table below: Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 2-4 Table 2-2 Asset Condition Format All Assets Condition Condition (Provided by Burnside) 0-20 Very Poor 21-40 Poor 41-60 Average 61-80 Good 81-100 Very Good The condition of the assets is an important element of any lifecycle assessment process. The condition assessment process also identifies maintenance and operating practices that can be applied to ensure optimal service, as well as extending the life of the asset to its maximum service life. The City undertakes the following regular condition inspections: a) Bridge structures and culverts (larger than 3 metres); and b) Road surfaces. A new policy has been proposed that will ensure all City assets are reviewed using established engineering methods and practices. Appendix C contains the draft Condition Assessment Policy, which identifies how often City assets will be assessed. A high level summary of the weighted average condition in each asset category is as follows: Table 2-3 Weighted Average Condition by Asset Type Asset Type Weighted Condition Road Base Not Available Road Surface Good Bridge Structures and Culverts Average Bridge Decks Not Available Pedestrian Bridges Good Condition data for road bases and bridge decks was not available for this study. Further discussion of condition assessments will take place in Chapter 4 when assessing asset risk and identifying asset priorities. Furthermore, detailed asset conditions are documented in Appendix A to this report. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 2-5 2.4 Data Accuracy and Completeness An important element of this asset management plan is ensuring that tools and procedures are in place to maintain accuracy and completeness of the asset data and calculations moving forward. As time passes, assets are used, maintained, improved, disposed of, and replaced. All of these lifecycle events can trigger changes to the asset database used within the asset management plan. Therefore, tools and procedures are essential to ensure the asset data remains accurate and complete. Please refer to Appendix C to this report for the proposed "Data Verification and Condition Assessment Policy" for the City. This policy illustrates how the asset data will be updated and verified going forward. This includes the timing of condition assessments for each asset area and what should be included within the condition assessment procedures. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Finardocx 3. EXPECTED LEVELS OF SERVICE Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 3-1 3. EXPECTED LEVELS OF SERVICE Overall, the City of Pickering has been providing its ratepayers with adequate levels of service. It has become more demanding on the City to maintain these levels of service during current challenging economic times. The road and bridge assets are generally older and therefore require greater care in planning for their replacement. Many of these assets once had Provincial programs that offered funding to maintain them. The City is now responsible for condition inspection assessments and technical reporting that demands aggressive schedules of capital improvements and replacements of assets. 3.1 Scope and Process Level of service (LOS) is a measure used to determine the effectiveness of the services provided, in this case by the City to its residents. A level of service analysis gives the City an opportunity to document the level of service that is currently being provided and compare it to the level of service that is expected. This can be done through a review of current practices and procedures, an examination of trends or issues facing the City and through an analysis of performance measures and targets that staff can use to measure performance. Expected LOS can be impacted by a number of factors, including: • Legislative requirements; • Strategic planning goals and objectives; • Resident expectations; • Council or City staff expectations; and • Financial or resource constraints. Chapter 2 which determined the state of the City's local infrastructure establishes the asset inventory and condition, as well as asset management policies and principles to guide the refinement and upkeep of asset infrastructure. The LOS analysis will utilize this information and factor in the impact of asset service level targets. It is important to document an expected LOS that is realistic to the City. The current maintenance and operations practices that are currently being applied to City assets were reviewed during this process. Each asset type had engineering specialists review how Pickering achieves their service levels. These maintenance practices were then scrutinized against known best practices as well as the practices of other well run municipalities. This analysis is showing that the City is falling behind in maintenance budgets and therefore reducing the ability for assets to stay at high service levels and last to their full expected life. Several recommendations have been identified and listed in the study, including a crack seal program for the City's roads and a bridge washing program for all of the City's bridges. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 3-2 The Levels of Service analysis and discussions resulted in some recommendations that will improve maintenance of various City assets providing higher levels of service as well as expecting results of extended asset life. Figure 3-1 below, from The Provincial "Building Together Guideline", illustrates the strategy of providing optimum maintenance and rehabilitation into an asset's lifecycle. Figure 3-1 Renewal (Maintenance and Rehabilitation) Strategy Small but timely renewal investments save money r -poor Asset Management 1560rr.total)_ Let asset 510m deteriorate.then 510m replace swim �.. —smart Asset 51001 Management 1$40m totay: Make timely investments throughout asset kfe D 5 10 15 20 15 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Year 3.2 Current Levels of Service versus Expected Levels of Service The City's current LOS has resulted in the current state of infrastructure as discussed in the previous section of the report. This current LOS also relates to the risk assessment discussed in later report sections. Regarding the cost of this current LOS, the City has established an operating and capital budget for the current year that includes the cost of providing this LOS to City residents. Therefore in moving from the current LOS to an expected LOS, consideration has to be made for the associated cost (or impact on the City's current budget) in moving to an expected LOS. The table below outlines broad LOS descriptions (both current and expected LOS). This analysis was documented through discussions with City staff. Please refer to Appendix D of this report for a table summarizing the estimated budget impacts associated with implementing the expected LOS over the 10 year forecast period. This impact analysis will be factored into the asset management strategy discussed in chapter 4 of this report. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AM\Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 3-3 Table 3-1 New Infrastructure Level of Service Analysis Roads Department Level of Service Description Current Expected Engineering and No crack seal program Implement a crack seal program Public Works Bridges&Culverts Department Level of Service Description Current Expected Engineering and No bridge washing Implement a bridge washing program Public Works 3.3 Level of Service Performance Measures As mentioned above, using performance measures in the LOS review can also be helpful in measuring the City's goals and objectives when it comes to capital assets. The City currently tracks specific performance measures as part of the Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) which the province has in place as part of the annual Financial Information Return (FIR) submission. The FIR provides the annual financial results of the City, while the MPMP provides an evaluation of the City's "performance". The following table provides a summary of the specific MPMPs relating to capital asset effectiveness. Table 3-2 Performance Measures Analysis Historical Performance Performance Measure Department Assets Description 2011 2012 2013 Goal Percentage of bridges& Engineering and Bridges&Culverts culverts where condition is rated 74.50% 54.10% Not yet available Maximize Public Works as good to eery good Engineering and Percentage of paved lane km Roads where condition is rated as 86.90% 87.10% Not yet available Maximize Public Works good to eery good Percentage of winter events Engineering and Roads where response met or 100.00% 100.00% Not yet available Maximize Public Works exceeded local service levels The City will continue to calculate and monitor these performance measures, both for MPMP and asset management purposes. As the City's asset management plan evolves over time, new performance measures can be introduced to further measure the LOS being provided in each service area. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 4. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 4-1 4. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 4.1 Scope and Process The asset management strategy provides the recommended course of actions required to maintain (or move towards) a sustainable asset position while delivering the expected levels of service discussed in the previous chapter. The course of actions, when combined together, form a long-term operating and capital forecast that includes: a) Non-infrastructure solutions: reduce costs and/or extend expected useful life estimates; b) Maintenance activities: regularly scheduled activities to maintain existing useful life levels, or repairs needed due to unplanned events; c) Renewal/Rehabilitation: significant repairs or maintenance planned to increase the useful life of assets; d) Replacement/Disposal: complete disposal and replacement of assets, when renewal or rehabilitation is no longer an option; and e) Expansion: given planned growth as outlined in the City's Development Charge Background Study, other expansion or due to the introduction of new services. Priority identification becomes a critical process during the asset management strategy development. Priorities have been determined based on assessment the overall risk of asset failure, which is determined by looking at both the probability of an asset failing, as well as the consequences of failure. The consequences of the City not meeting desired levels of service must also be considered in determining risk. As discussed in chapter 3, moving to expected levels of service results in both operating and capital budget impacts over the 10 year forecast period. This has to be taken into consideration, with the overall objective of reaching sustainable levels while mitigating risk. 4.2 Risk Assessment The risk of an asset failing is defined by the following calculation: Risk of Asset Failure = Probability of Failure X Consequence of Failure Probability of failure has been linked to the condition assessment for each asset, assuming that an asset in "very good" condition would have a "rare" probability of failure. The following table outlines the probability factor tied to each condition rating: Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 4-2 Table 4-1 Probability of Failure Matrix Condition Rating Probability of (provided by Burnside) Condition Failure 0-20 Very Poor Almost Certain 21-40 Poor Likely 41-60 Average Possible 61-80 Good Unlikely 81-100 Very Good Rare Consequence of failure has been determined by examining each asset type separately. Consequence refers to the impact on the City if a particular asset were to fail. Types of impacts include the following: • Cost Impacts: the cost of failure to the City (i.e. capital replacement, rehabilitation, fines & penalties, damages, etc); • Social impacts: potential injury or death to residents or City staff; • Environmental impacts: the impact of the asset failure on the environment; • Service delivery impacts: the impact of the asset failure on the City's ability to provide services at desired levels; and • Location impacts: the varying impact of asset failure based on the asset's location within the City. Each type of impact was discussed with City staff and consequence of failure for each asset type was determined by using the information contained in Table 4-2 as a guide to assess the level of impact. Levels of impact were documented as ranging from "significant" to "insignificant". Location factors were considered when asset failures in specific areas would result in significant impacts to hospitals, schools, and other similar"high impact" areas. With both probability of failure and consequence of failure documented, total risk of asset failure was determined using the matrix contained in Table 4-3. Total risk has been classified under the following categories: • Extreme Risk(E): risk well beyond acceptable levels; • High Risk (H): risk beyond acceptable levels; • Medium Risk (M): risk at acceptable levels, monitoring required to ensure risk does not become high; and • Low Risk (L): risk at or below acceptable levels. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 4-3 Table 4-2 Consequence of Failure Matrix Consequence Cost Social Environmental Service Delivery Negligible or Insignificant Insignificant Cost No injury No Impact No Interruptions Small/Minor Cost Short-term/Minor Minor within Budget Minor Injury Impact-Fixable Minor Interruptions Allocations. Considerable Cost Medium-term Impact Moderate Moderate Requires Revisions Moderate Injury to Budget -Fixable Interruptions Substantial Cost Long-term Impact- Significant Major Multi-year Budget Major Injury Impacts Fixable Interruptions Significant Cost- Long-term Impact- Catastrophic Difficult to Recover Death, Serious Injury Permanent Major Interruptions • Table 4-3 Total Risk of Asset Failure Matrix Probability of Failure Consequence of Failure Insignificant Minor j Moderate Major Catastrophic Rare L L M M H Unlikely L M M M H Possible L M M H E Likely M M H H a E Almost Certain M H H Risk levels can be reduced or mitigated through planned maintenance, rehabilitation and/or replacement. An objective of this asset management plan is to reduce risk levels where they are deemed to be too high, as well as ensure assets are maintained in a way that keeps risk levels at acceptable levels. Please refer to Appendix A for the detailed risk assessment for each of the City's capital assets. 4.3 Priority Identification Through discussions with City staff and review of the asset risk of failure assessment, the following assets/categories were identified as being priorities of the City: Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 4-4 Table 4-4 Priorities Based on Asset Risk Asset/Category Description Total Risk Planned Action Bridges Michell Bridge (2621) - Medium Rehabilitation in Rehabilitation short-term capital ' Bridges Wilson Bridge (2645) High Replacement in short-term capital Bridges Whitevale Bridge (2656) High Replacement in short-term capital' Bridges Palmer Bridge (2625) Medium Replacement in short-term capital Bridges Dunbarton Rd Culvert (2672) High Replacement in short-term capital Roads Whitevale Road(12) High Replacement in short-term capital Roads Salem Road (812) High Replacement in short-term capital Third Concession Road Replacement in Roads (67, 69) High short-term capital Roads North Road (640) High Replacement in short-term capital Sixth Concession Road Replacement in Roads Medium (810) short-term capital Roads Glengrove Road (252) Medium Replacement in short-term capital Roads Vistula Drive (1035) Medium Replacement in short-term capital Roads Bowler Drive (872) Medium Replacement in short-term capital Based on 2014/2015 preliminary City budgets. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 4-5 4.4 Long-term Forecast For many years, lifecycle costing has been used in the field of maintenance engineering and to evaluate the advantages of using alternative materials in construction or production design. The method has gained wider acceptance and used recently in the management of capital assets. By definition, lifecycle costs are all the costs which are incurred during the lifecycle of a capital asset, from the time it is purchased or constructed, to the time it is taken out of service for disposal. The stages which an asset goes through in its lifecycle are as follows: Figure 4-1 Asset Lifecycle Diagram Purchase Install Investment Costs Commission Operate Maintain Monitor Operating Costs Throughout Life of Assets To End of Useful Life Removal/Decommission Disposal Costs Disposal • In defining the long-term forecast for the City's asset management strategy, costs incurred through an asset's lifecycle were considered and documented. Please note that road base and road surface assets were assessed with respect to capital needs on a consolidated basis. Similarly, bridge and bridge deck assets were assessed in the same manner. Asset Replacement Analysis In forecasting the City's asset replacement needs, comparisons were made between the following scenarios: • Scenario 1: Replacement forecast based on "PSAB 3150 Asset Data" o The strategy was to maintain current maintenance levels. The outcome of this scenario was to retain the current service levels therefore assets had to be replaced more quickly. The degradation of the assets was rapid and would lead to increased infrastructure deficits. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 4-6 • Scenario 2: Replacement forecast based on "Desktop Condition Data"; o The strategy was to apply increased maintenance practices as well as theoretical degradation curves. The levels of service were maintained at a higher level longer, but still were not extending the life of the assets beyond the target replacement. • Scenario 3: Replacement forecast based on "Consultant Studies and Discussions with City Staff'. o The strategy was to apply increased maintenance practices and use the information from the Roads Needs study and Bridge Inspections Reports. There were also discussions with City staff to verify how the assets were reacting in their environment. This scenario identified an extended useful life of many assets beyond the target replacement and was more cost effective. Scenario 1: Replacement forecast based on "PSAB 3150 Asset Data, Replacement Only" The replacement forecast based on the PSAB 3150 asset data provides a snap shot of assets at or nearing the end of their useful lives from a purely financial accounting perspective. Figure 4-2 shows the forecast over a 10-year period, where approximately $70.5 million (replacement cost) in capital assets are showing as "immediate needs". This scenario, simply illustrates that these assets have reached the end of their useful lives as assigned by staff. Please refer to Appendix E for charts and graphs depicting the 10 year forecast for this scenario. Figure 4-2 Replacement Schedule Based on "PSAB 3150 Asset Data" Asset Replacement Schedule Scenario 1- PSAB 3150 Asset Data Total Replacement Cost $220,478,678 (see Appendix E) 90,000,000 80,000,000 i• 70,000,000 O 60,000,000 50,000000 • 40,000,000 •Pedestrian Bridges • 30,000,000 ■Bridges&Culverts ■Road Surface 20,000,000 10,000,000 ■ lay e pyh O,tio p,Y'\ p'ti� pti� e p"L1 p,1'L e �e ti ti ti ti ti ti v v ti ti as \�F Year of Replacement Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 4-7 Scenario 2: Replacement forecast based on "Desktop Condition Data" Figure 4-3 below shows the asset replacement forecast developed using the condition data discussed in Chapter 2, still assuming the asset will only be replaced. Under this scenario, approximately $21.9 million road and bridge assets are showing as immediate needs. While the condition data scenario below provides a more realistic view of replacement needs over the forecast period, it is not financially feasible, given the City's current annual capital investment amounts. Significant grant funding would be required to assist in catching up on the immediate capital need requirements. What's more, rehabilitation programs have not been included in this scenario. Figure 4-3 Replacement Schedule Based on "Desktop Condition Data" Asset Replacement Schedule Scenario 2- Desktop Condition Data Total Replacement Cost$169,128,035 (see Appendix E) 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 " 20,000,000 e a' 15,000,000 •Pedestrian Bridges I z •Bridges&Culverts 10,000,000 1 ' , ' , ■Road Surface n u. 5,000,000 0 eea'' yo1a �Otih �oti6 'yO11 '1e 'LO19 'Oti� 'LOti1 OD' �ti'�i � ea • `F Year of Replacement Please refer to Appendix E for charts and graphs depicting the 10 year forecast for this scenario. Scenario 3: Replacement forecast based on "Consultant Studies and Discussions with City Staff" A capital replacement scenario was developed that takes the condition information and adjusts replacement timing based on identified priorities and City staffs knowledge and experience with Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 4-8 the assets. Figure 4-4 shows the capital needs forecast under this scenario. All immediate needs have been distributed within the forecast period. In total, approximately $100.3 million in assets (inflated) are shown as replacement needs in the 10-year forecast. This is the recommended scenario for the City. For the recommended scenario to be feasible, the level of service adjustments discussed in Chapter 2 are required in conjunction with current level of service amounts in order to effectively maintain and rehabilitate the assets as needed. The financing strategy discussed in the next Chapter will incorporate the level of service adjustments into the recommended financing analysis. Please refer to Appendix D for details. Figure 4-4 Replacement Schedule Based on "Consultant Studies and Discussions with City Staff' Asset Replacement Schedule Scenario 3- Consultant Reports and Staff Discussions Total Replacement Cost $100,328,199 (see Appendix E) 35,000,000 30,000,000 ✓ 25,000,000 0 u E. 20,000,000 a 15,000,000 Pedestrian Bridges ■Bridges&Culverts 10,000,000 •Road Surface 5,000,000 taiLrIl1 a5 10- Le ,tip .ti0 b 0 0 4 tiro ,� 19 e we 1. 1 1. P '19 ,0 ti ti P ti ti 19 ti as ,cam• Year of Replacement Please refer to Appendix E for charts and graphs depicting the 10 year forecast for this scenario. 4.5 Procurement Methods The City has a procurement by-law/policy that ensures efficient and effective tendering of asset related projects. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 5. FINANCING STRATEGY Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 5-1 5. FINANCING STRATEGY 5.1 Scope and Process The financing strategy outlines the suggested financial approach to funding the recommended asset management strategy outlined in Chapter 4, while utilizing the City's existing budget structure. This section of the asset management plan includes: • Annual expenditure forecasts broken down by: o Maintenance/non-infrastructure solutions; o Renewal/rehabilitation activities; o Replacement/disposal activities; and o Expansion activities. • Actual expenditures in the above named categories for 2011, 2012 and 2013 budgeted amounts; • A breakdown of annual funding/revenue by source; • Identification of the funding shortfall, including how the impact will be managed; and • All key assumptions are documented within Appendix B. The long-term financing strategy forecast(including both expenditure and revenue sources) was prepared, consistent with the City's departmental budget structure, so that it can be used in conjunction with the annual budget process. Various financing options, including taxation, reserves, reserve funds, debt, user fees and grants were considered and discussed with City staff during the process. Figure 5-1 provides a visual representation of how various financing methods can be used for both initial asset purchases as well as asset replacements. For the recommended asset management strategy scenario, a detailed ten (10) year plan was generated. The plan identifies specific maintenance & non-infrastructure solutions, renewal & rehabilitation, replacement & disposal, and expansion activities required for the 10 year forecast period as described in Chapter 4. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 5-2 Figure 5-1 Financing Methods of Lifecycle Costs New Assets Financing Methods Replacement Assets 1 Development Charges(Growth) Purchase Reserves/Reserve Funds Purchase Debentures Install Taxation Install User Fees Commission Grants Commission Other 11 Operate Operate Maintain Maintain Monitor Tax Supported Operating Budget Monitor (Throughout Life User Fees Operating Budget (Throughout Life of Assets) of Assets) (To End of (To End of Useful Life) Useful Life) Removal/Decommission Removal/Decommission Proceeds on Disposal Funding of Disposal/ j Decommissioning Costs / Disposal Disposal l 5.2 Historical Results Table 5-1 outlines the historical tax supported maintenance/non-infrastructure costs for 2011 and 2012, as well as 2013 budgeted results. All maintenance for assets was funded through taxation revenue. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1Pickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 5-3 Table 5-1 Road and Bridge Historical Results Maintenance & Non-Infrastructure Solutions • Actual Actual Budget Description 2011 2012 2013 Asset Maintenance 2,743,907 2,211,993 2,418,450 Taxation Funding 2,743,907 2,211,993 2,418,450 Net Unfunded - Tables 5-2 outlines the historical capital results for 2011, 2012 and 2013 budgeted results for renewal/rehabilitation, replacement/disposal, and expansion. The capital funding includes the use of grants, development charges for growth (expansion) related costs, reserve/reserve funds, debentures as well as contributions from the operating budget. Table 5-2 Road and Bridge Historical Results Renewal/Rehabilitation, Replacement/Disposal & Expansion Actual Actual Budget Description 2011 2012 2013 Capital Expenses 2011 and 2012 Roads and Bridges Capital(from FIR) 1,320,006 _ 2,816,990 7,793,400 Capital Financing Grants and Subsidies 200,000 248,400 - Debentures - 175,000 550,000 Capital Paid from Property Taxes 20,46.7 1 _ 25,000 50,000 Other Revenue(York Region Project) - - 450,000 Reserves/Reserve Funds 1,099,539 2,299,590 3,026,253 Reserve Fund:DC-Roads and Related _ - _ 69,000 3,717,147 Total Capital Financing 1,320,006 2,816,990 7,793,400 Total Capital Expenses less Capital Financing 5.3 Financing Strategy Table 5-3 shows the road and bridge tax supported expenditure forecast for maintenance, renewal/rehabilitation, replacement/disposal and expansion for the 10 year forecast period. While this summary only shows high level cost classifications, further detail can be obtained from Appendix F and the asset management model provided to City staff for future use. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1Pickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 5-4 Table 5-3 Road and Bridge Expenditure Forecast Summary Asset Lifecycle Costs Forecast(Inflated) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Maintenance:Current Service LewIs 2,466,819 2,516,155 2,566,478 2,617,808 2,670,164 2,723,568 2,778,039 2,833,600 2,890,272 2,948,077 Maintenance:LOS Adjustment 184,957 188,856 192,429 196,278 200,203 204,207 208,291 212,457 216,706 221,041 Total Asset Maintenance 2,651,776 2,704,811 2,758,907 2,814,086 2,870,367 2,927,775 2,986,330 3,046,057 3,106,978 3,169,116 Renewal/Rehabilitation - - - - - - - - - - Renewel/Rehabilitation-LOS Adjustment 1,279,246 710,000 829,145 84,413 - 537,324 - - 96,031 115,039 Total Renewal/Rehabilitation 1,279,246 710,000 829,145 84,413 - 537,324 - - 96,031 115,039 Replacement/Disposal 4,419,804 3,296,516 18,096,078 11,600,747 3,837,146 2,505,573 5,329,347 16,267,043 19,338,872 15,637,074 Replacement/Disposal-LOS Adjustment - - - - - - - - - - Total Replacement/Disposal 4,419,804 3,296,516 18,096,078 11,600,747, 3,837,146 2,505,573 5,329,347 16,267,043 19,338,872 15,637,074 Expansion:DC Related 5,518,534 852,115 5,704,909 4,702,263 3,651,713 - - 4,786,237 17,257,974 1,928,520 Expansion:LOS Adjustment 1,035,000 585,000 - - - - - - - - Total Expansion(excl.Contributed) 6,553,534 1,437,115 5,704,909 4,702,263 3,651,713 - - 4,786,237 17,257,974 1,928,520 Total 14,904,360 8,148,442 27,389,040 19,201,509 10,359,227 5,970,671 8,315,676 24,099,337 39,799,855 20,849,751 Items in Table 5-3 labelled as "LOS Adjustment" refer to the level of service analysis discussed in Chapter 2 and Appendix D. Expansion related costs labelled as "DC related" refer to projects identified in the City's Development Charge Background Study (please refer to Appendix F). Table 5-4 summarizes the recommended strategy to finance the asset related costs identified in Table 5-3. Table 5-4 Breakdown of Annual Road and Bridge Funding (Revenue) by Source Funding(Revenue)by Source Forecast 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Taxation 2,651,776 2,704,811 2,758,907 2,814,086 2,870,367 2,927,775 2,986,330 3,046,057 3,106,978 3,169,118 Grants 568,000 15,000 - - - - - - -Other Contributions 285,000 - - - - - - - - - Debentures 2,800,000 2,350,000 10,800,000 3,300,000 - - - - - Development Charges Reserve Funds 2,759,267 426,057 2,852,455 2,498,883 3,286,542 - - 1,403,455 6,127,672 1,479,652 Gas Tax Reserve Funds 700,000 900,000 1,666,409 1,716,401 1,767,893 1,820,930 1,875,558 1,931,824 1,989,779 2,049,472 Capital Reserve Fund 5,140,317 1,752,573 9,311,269 8,872,139 2,434,425 1,221,967 3,453,789 17,718,001 28,575,427 14,151,508 Total 14,904,360 8,148,442 27,389,040 19,201,509 10,359,227 5,970,671 8,315,676 24,099,337 39,799,855 20,849,751 9 Excludes any Federal/Provincial funding beyond 2015. These lifecycle costs are being recovered through several methods. • Taxation funding is suggested for all maintenance costs as well as level of service adjustment related costs, related to operations. • As the City has recently applied for provincial grant funding, grant funding has been included for this item based on the terms and conditions of the grant application. • The portion of newly acquired or constructed assets that are "growth (DC) related" are shown as financed by development charges. • Federal Gas Tax has been shown as a stable and long-term funding source for eligible capital projects. • The City will be dependent upon maintaining healthy capital reserves/reserve funds in order to provide the remainder of the required lifecycle funding over the forecast period. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 5-5 This will require the City to proactively increase amounts being transferred to these capital reserves during the annual budget process. While the annual funding requirement may fluctuate, it is important for the City to implement a consistent, yet increasing annual investment in capital so that the excess annual funds can accrue in capital reserve funds specifically for roads and bridges. In order to fund the recommended non-growth related road and bridge asset requirements over the forecast period using the City's own available funding sources (i.e. using taxation, gas tax funding and debentures), an increase in the City's taxation levy of 3.4% (above inflationary adjustments) for the first 5 years of the forecast and approximately 1% (above inflationary adjustments) for the remaining 5 years of the forecast would be required. However, if other funding sources become available (i.e. grant funding) or if maintenance and rehabilitation practices allow for the deferral of capital works, then the impact on City taxation would decrease. Please refer to further financing strategy details provided in Appendix F. 5.4 Funding Shortfall Assuming the City maintains adequate capital reserve funds, the recommended asset management strategy discussed in Chapter 4 will be fully funded. It is believed this can be accomplished through each annual budget process. However, the recommended asset management strategy does defer significant capital replacements, in comparison to the condition based scenario (i.e. scenario 2). In the event that certain deferred replacements result in increased risks and/or projected asset failures, further funding may be required to address the costs associated with accelerating replacement timelines. In addition, in the event that the City is not successful in recent grant applications, additional funding would be required in the short- term. A fundamental approach to calculating the cost of using a capital asset and for the provision of the revenue required when the time comes to retire and replace it is the "sinking fund method". This method first estimates the future value of the asset at the time of replacement, by inflating the current value of the asset at an assumed annual capital inflation rate. A calculation is then performed to determine annual contributions which, when invested in a reserve fund, will grow with interest to a balance equal to the future replacement cost. The contributions are calculated such that they also increase annually with inflation. Under this approach, an annual capital investment amount is calculated where funds are available for short-term needs while establishing a funding plan for long-term needs. Annual contributions in excess of capital costs in a given year would be transferred to a "capital replacement reserve fund" for future capital replacement needs. This approach provides for a stable funding base, eliminating variances in Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H.IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 5-6 annual funding requirements, particularly in years when capital replacement needs exceed typical capital levy funding. Please refer to Figure 5-2 for an illustration of this method. Figure 5-2 Sinking Fund Method Sinking Fund Method($120,000 asset,10 year Iifel ..., On Dec.31 of the 10th y , an the reserveearbalfund ce is in exactly equal to the asset's replacement cost. mere'" es< Je`rater ji11 Replacement Cost on Dec.31 St`ere El Annual Interest Earned •Annual Contribution ■Beginning of Year Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year From a road and bridge asset base perspective, the estimated annual sinking fund requirement, based on using the calculations discussed above, is approximately $15.0 million (in 2013 dollars). Based on the City's 2013 budget, current annual road and bridge capital investment is approximately $4.1 million, however only $3.1 million is coming from the City's "own revenue" sources. This would provide a high level estimate of the City's annual infrastructure funding deficit for roads and bridges at$10.9 million (in 2013 dollars). Under the recommend financing strategy, the City would be making proactive attempts to mitigate this funding gap over the forecast period. Please see Figure 5-3 below for a 10 year forecast of implementing this strategy. The red portion indicates the result of implementing recommended increases in available funding sources (resulting in increases in capital investment). The green represents optimal annual capital investment amounts. Please note "optimal" capital investment funding can come from a number of additional sources, such as grants, donations, debt and other contributions. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 5-7 Figure 5-3 • Annual Infrastructure Funding Gap Analysis (Inflated) $25,000,000 $20,000,000 _ - $15,000,000 - $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 •Current Capital with Inflation Y Recommended Funding Increase v Optimal Funding To further mitigate the potential infrastructure funding deficit, the City could consider: • Decrease expected levels of service to make available capital funding; • Issuing debt for significant and/or unforeseen capital projects (this would have the impact of spreading out the capital repayment over a defined term, constrained by debt capacity limits). • Actively seeking out and applying for grants; • Taxation rate increases (where needed); or • Implementing operating efficiencies (i.e. reduced operating costs to allow more capital investment). Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1Pickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 6. RECOMMENDATIONS Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx 6-1 6. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations have been provided for staff(and Council's consideration): • That this Road and Bridge Asset Management Plan be received and approved by Council; • That consideration of this Road and Bridge Asset Management Plan be made as part of the annual budgeting process to ensure sufficient funds are available to fund the asset management plan; • That the City considers using a "capital reserve fund" for roads and bridges capital purposes, ensuring capital investments accrue interest annually, and that contributions to this roads/bridges capital reserve fund be considered during the budget process. The current level of funding for asset replacement and renewal at the City will not sufficiently fund required capital needs or close the infrastructure funding gap. As such, it is recommended that the following road/bridge impacts be considered during the annual budget process: • Initiation of a roads crack seal program in 2014 (and every year thereafter) at a cost of $100,000 annually (amount to be reviewed annually); • Initiation of a bridge washing program in 2014 (and every year thereafter) at a cost of $35,000 annually (amount to be reviewed annually); and • Annual increase to the City's taxation levy of 1.0% each year (after inflationary adjustments) to be dedicated to the roads and bridges capital program, starting in 2015. This amount is to be allocated to a roads and bridges capital reserve fund, and be used to fund the related capital program. Substantial investment in roads and bridge capital needs will be required over the forecast period. Through the recommendations provided above, proactive steps would be taken to increase capital investment as well as reduce the annual infrastructure funding gap for these assets. Enhanced maintenance plans will assist in maintaining adequate asset conditions, mitigate asset risk as well as potentially defer capital needs within the forecast period. In addition, the City should pursue available capital grants wherever possible to further reduce the infrastructure funding gap. Through the creation of this plan, City staff have been provided with a model in which amendments and revisions can be made as needed. It is anticipated that the final plan adopted by Council will be monitored and updated frequently by City staff as part of the budget process, with refinements and specific recommendations being provided with respect to the priority of each individual project. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H.IPickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx APPENDIX A DETAILED ASSET OVERVIEW AND ASSET INVENTORY Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx A-1 APPENDIX A - DETAILED ASSET OVERVIEW AND ASSET INVENTORY A.1 Asset Age Analysis Each asset is tracked based on estimated total useful life and remaining service life. Using this information, an age analysis of the City's assets can assist in identifying potential areas of focus for the asset management plan. The table below provides a summary of the age analysis undertaken including the weighted (based on replacement cost), average useful life and weighted average remaining useful life of the roads and bridges assets. This analysis can assist in identifying potential short-term priorities within specific asset areas. Weighted Average (rounded) Asset Type Remaining %Remaining Useful Life Useful Life Useful Life Road Base 40 12 29% Road Surface 17 4 22% Bridge Structures and Culverts 43 10 24% Bridge Decks 45 17 38% Pedestrian Bridges 40 25 61% Total useful life and remaining service life for each capital asset is documented later in this appendix. While this analysis can be useful in looking at the overall age characteristics of specific asset areas, asset condition (see below)will assist in providing a more accurate assessment of assets reaching the end of their useful life. A.2 Road Assets The City's road assets make up a key service that reflects the economic and social development of the community. The road assets are made up of the following asset types: • Road Surfaces: o Asphalt— Urban, Semi-Urban, and Rural; o Surface Treatment—Semi Urban, and Rural; o Gravel— Rural; and • Road Bases— Urban and Rural. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx A-2 Together at the current replacement cost these road assets account for $358.2 million dollars of the City's assets. Road Assets Asset Type Replacement Costs 2013 Total Percent Environment Urban Semi-Urban Rural $ Road Surface-Asphalt 113,346,855 18,246,394 17,422,220 $149,015,469 81% Road Surface-Surface Treatment 2,572,227 16,306,153 $18,878,380 10% Road Surface-Gravel 16,871,357 $16,871,357 9% Road Surface Sub Total $113,346,855 $20,818,621 $50,599,730 $184,765,206 Percent 61% 11% 27% Road Base-Under Asphalt 120,871,652 20,211,401 $141,083,053 81% Road Base-Under Surface Treatment 5,926,617 $5,926,617 4% Road Base-Under Gravel 26,409,210 $26,409,210 15% Road Base Sub Total $120,871,652 $52,547,228 $173,418,880 Complete Road Total $234,218,507' $20,818,621 $103,146,958 $358,184,086 Percent 65% 6% 29% Complete Road Replacement Cost Total $358,184,086 12 r_i Asphalt Surface Treatment Gravel Watson&Associates Economists Ltd H:1Pickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx A-3 Roadside Environment Replacement Costs Total $358,184,086 •Urban •Semi-Urban Rural The City of Pickering has a vast network of roads totaling 447.5 km of centre line roads. To establish more appropriate asset management processes the road assets were split into two asset types as Road Surfaces and Road Bases. Road asset management best practices identify that a paved road will replace the .asphalt surface twice before requiring the reconstruction of the road base. For the purposes of this report the roadside environment has been defined as follows: • Urban Environment— development occurs along the roadways and the roadway design includes curbs and/or gutters and storm sewers. • Semi-Urban Environment — development occurs along the roadway and the roadway design includes open ditches or swales and does not include curbs and/or gutters or storm sewers • Rural Environment — rural roads which abut sparse farm/residential or open space development. A.2.1 Road Surfaces The City is currently in the latter stages of a Road Needs Study that began three years ago, the results have been included in this study. Road Needs studies provide road surface condition assessments for all road segments. Condition of the road segments was reviewed and condition indexes were calculated, based on the Ontario Good Roads Approved, MTO methodology. This engineering assessment for road distress indices and road ride comfort rating, produce a calculated condition index for each road segment (generally intersection to intersection). The overall condition rating of the City's road surfaces is 80%, based on the weighted average surface condition index, which is identified as a Good rating. Only 28 of the City's road surface Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx A-4 segments having a condition rating under 40 (range is 0 — 100, where 100 is a new road), which means only 2.5% of the City's road surfaces are in poor condition. Over 91% of the City road surfaces have a pavement condition index of greater than 61, which is outstanding, for a City the size of Pickering. These condition values identify that the City's road surfaces are in great shape and potentially outperforming their expected lifecycles, and indicates that most of these assets are well designed, constructed and maintained. Road Surface Condition &Length Asset Type Useful Life Average Condition Length(km) Percent Urban Semi-Urban Rural Overall Road Surface Asphalt 20 88.70 79.36 83.10 87.50 300.7 67% Road Surface Surface Treatment 20/10 54.90 60.11 59.11 40.3 9% Road Surface Gravel 10 65.26 65.26 106.5 24% Overall Average 88.70 76.56 69.18 Road Length 235.4 31.3 180.8 447.5 Percent 53% 7% 40% Road Surface Length - Surface Type 24% Road Surface Asphalt •Road Surface Surface Treatment Road Surface Gravel 1 Road Surface Length - Roadside Environment 40% •Urban •Semi-Urban ;1000110, lif , Rural Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H.IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx A-5 Roadside Environment Replacement Costs Total $358,184,086 •Urban •Semi-Urban e Rural Road Surface Replacement Cost Total $184,765,206 •Road Surface Asphalt •Road Surface Treatment 13 Road Surface Gravel A.2.2 Road Bases Road bases are very difficult to assess without intrusive drilling of bore holes. However, the surface inspections can reveal some potential road base issues which can be addressed via maintenance spot improvements or small capital road reconstruction betterments. One of the City's infrastructure challenges is with its road bases. The total replacement cost of this asset type is $173 million. We believe that these costs may be under-estimated and should be reviewed in the future. Almost all the gravel road bases which account for 15% of all road replacement costs have exceeded their lifecycle expectancy, report a minimal Net Book Value and based on the data have poor conditions. This may also lead one to believe that these road bases must be a high priority replacement need. However, the City cares for these gravel road bases via their gravel resurfacing program and other maintenance practices. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx A-6 With the great condition of the City's asphalt road surfaces one can believe that that the subsurface road bases are also in excellent condition. The only real challenges that have been noted are the surface breaks caused by rapid growth due to utility needs. These surface breaks can lead to some road base reductions in their lifecycle in the future. Road Base Replacement Cost Total $173,418,880 4% •Road Base-Under Asphalt •Road Base-Under Surface Treatment ■Road Base-Under Gravel A.3 Bridges/Culverts The City undertakes bi-annual bridge and large culvert (greater than 3 meter), inspections by qualified engineers. These condition assessments are completed using the up to date Ministry of Transportation documented inspection methodology (OSIM), which can then calculate a Bridge Condition Index (BCI) for each structure. Each inspected bridge/culvert structure BCI was compared to the published MTO bridge degradation curve. This established a projected schedule of capital rehabilitations and final replacement for these assets. The engineering reports establish the appropriate maintenance needs and timing of capital improvements and replacements of bridge/culvert structures. The average condition of inspected bridges/culverts owned by the City is Good even though the average age is over half of the useful life of these assets: The City continues to work hard to keep up with the replacement of these structures as many have been constructed before 1960. Even with a relatively aggressive bridge replacement program this asset type still remains as the most critical with respect to capital replacement program, due to their age and extremely high replacement costs. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H.IPickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx A-7 Bridge Assets Replacement Useful Life Age Condition Percent Cost Bridge Structures 30/40/45/50 37 71.5 47,413,973 65% Inspected Culverts 40/50 37 72.3 12,605,072 17% Bridge Decks 45 38 Not Available 5,289,257 8% Pedestrian Bridges 40 15 84.4 7,305,600 10% Total $72,613,902 Total Bridge & Culvert Replacement Costs Total $72,613,902 8% •Bridge Structures •Inspected Culverts E Bridge Decks •Pedestrian Bridges Watson&Associates Economists Ltd H:1Pickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx A-8 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Value (2013$) Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC $ 60,387,273 $ 31,537,664 $ 28,849,609 $ 173,418.879 803 1425 Spruce Hill Rd 1965 7/1/1965 7/1/1965 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 1,888 S 1,888 $ - $ 19.717 0 0 0 804 552 Browning Ave _ 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) _ $ 11,045 $ 6,213 $ 4,832 $ 21,150 18 216 18 805 558 Simpson Ave _ 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,037 $ 6,771 $ 5,266 $ 23,049 18 216 18 806 84 Altona Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) _ $ 985 $ 985 $ - $ 28.624 0 0 0 807 162 WlnetteRd 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 17,160 $ 6,850 $ 10,511 $ 31,159 25 300 _ 25 808 9039 Dow St,CI 1972 7/1/1972 7/1/1972 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) _ $ 4,766 $ 4,766 $ - $ 31,243 0 0 0 809 87 Evelyn Ave 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 1,077 $ 1,077 $ - $ 31,284 0 0 0 810 5111 Greenridge Dr,Gr 1970 7/1/1970 7/1/1970 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,108 $ 4,108 $ - $ 31,532 0 _ 0 0 • 811 8099 Livingston St,CI 2001 7/1/2001 7/1/2001 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,930 $ 6,305 $ 15,625 $ 33,931 29 348 29 812 2072 StonehurstRd 1954 7/1/1954 7/1/1954 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 2,338 $ . 2,338 $ - $ 33,829 0 0 ' 0 813 8105 Lome St,CI 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,406 $ 6,943 $ 463 $ 34,905 3 36 3 814 8096 Livingston St,CI 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,097-_$ 6,831 $ 286 $ 35,531 2 24 2 815 8090 Victoria St,CI 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,383 $ 6,553 $ 831 $ 35,806 5 60 5 816 8093 Victoria St,CI 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 8,018 $ 7,116 $ 902 $ 38,884 5 60 5 817 762 Montgomery Park Rd 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,851 $ 10,165 $ 10,688 $ 41,685 21 252 21 818 5093 Orchard Heights Dr,Br 1953 7/1/1953 7/1/1953 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 2,887 $ 2,887 $ - $ 42,041 0 0 0 819 777 Quigley St 1970 7/1/1970 7/1/1970 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 5,692 $ 5,692 $ - $ 43,687 0 0 0 820 2075 Jomar Ave 1954 7/1/1954. 7/1/1954 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,029 $ 3,029 $ - $ 43,833 0 0 0 821 129 DunfairSt 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 8,814 $ 8,483 $ 331 $ 44,124 2 24 2 822 9054 Wixon Rd,CI 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 25,811 $ 9,356 $ 16,454 $ 46,014 26 312 26 823 9045 David St,CI 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 9,456 $ 8,628 $ 827 $ 45,855 . 4 48 4 824 9042 Henry St,CI 1976 7/1/1978 7/1/1976 40 _ 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 10,174 $ 9,284 $ 890 $ 49,340 4 48 4 825 1033 Menitton Rd(Sheppard Ave 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 5,588 $ 5,588 $ - $ 49,511 0 0 0 • 826 1596 Bonita Ave 2006 7/12008 7/12006 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 41,210 $ 6,697 $ 34,513 $ 50,453 34 408 34 827 158 Woodgrange Ave 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,189 $ 13,375 $ 6,814 $ 50,568 14 168 14 828 185 Toyenvale Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-.Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 1,910 $ 1,910 $ - $ 55,502 0 0 0 829 405 ClitNiew Rd 1964 7/1/1964 7/1/1964 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 5,105 $ 5,105 $ - $ 55,807 0 0 0 830 _ 9075 Lane St,CI 1973 7/1/1973 7/1/1973 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 9,356 $ 9,239 $ 117 $ 56,204 1 12 1 831 132 Rodd Ave 1970 7/1/1970 7/1/1970 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 8,430 $ 8,430 $ - $ 64,708 0 0 0 832 5090 Donnalea Ave,Br 1953 7/1/1953 7/1/1953 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,522 $ 4,522, $ - $ 65,840 0 0 0 833 141 Dyson Rd 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,649 $ 12,114,$ 1,536 $ 66,192 5 60 5 835 9057 Wixon Rd,CI 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,995 $ 14,498 $ 25,497 $ 71,301 26 312 26 838 792 Quartz St 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 37,900_$ 18,476 $ 19,424 $ 75,772 21 252 21 837 2042 Rosebank Rd 1965 7/1/1965 7/1/1965 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,082 $ 7,082 $ - $ 73,984 0 0 0 838 9072 Joseph St,CI 1973 7/1/1973 7/1/1973 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,459 $ 12,303 $ 156 _$ 74,847 1 12 1 839 8102 Livingston St,CI 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 29,944 $ 19,838 $ 10,106 $ 75,001 14 168 14 840 147 Rougemount Dr 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 40,559 $ 21,801 $ 18,759 $ 81,199 19 228 19 841 201 Rosebank Rd 1965 7/1/1965 7/1/1965 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,589 $ 7,589 $ - $ 79,274 0 0 0 842 8081 Old Brock Rd,CI 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 40,419 $ 23,746 $ 16,673 $ 79,343 17 204 17 843 2024 Heska Rd 1978 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 16,863 $ 15,387 $ 1,475 $ 81,775 4 48 4 844 2018 Speke Rd 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 _ 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 16,863 $ 15,387 $ 1,475 $ 81,775 4 48 4 845 135 Rodd Ave 1970 7/1/1970 7/1/1970 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) _ $ 11,084 $ 11,084 $ - $ 85,073 0 0 0 848 138 Bella Vista Dr 1975 _ 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,195 $ 17,057 $ 1,137 $ 85,754 3 36 3 847 6000 Concession Rd 6_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,005 $ 3,005 $ - $ 87,338 0 0 0 848 750 Alliance Rd 1983 7/1/1963 7/1/1983 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,815 $ 7,815 $ - $ 89,444 0 0 0 849 1000 Twyn Rivers Dr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,958 $ 19,748 $ 31,212 $ • 92,527 - 25 300 25 850 3006 Concession Rd 3_ 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,604 $ 22,526 $ 6,078 $ 92,850 9 108 9 851 -RD 8129 Concession Rd 8 2002 7/1/2002 7/1/2002 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 63,875 $ 16,767 $ 47,108 $ 97,113 30 360 30 852 8087 Wellington St,CI 1974 7/1/1974_ 7/1/1974 40 40 8-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,132 $ 18,415 $ 717 $ 95,782 2 24 2 A-9 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization Value (2013$) (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 853 1920 Southview Dr 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,260 $ 28,271 $ 21.98.9 $ 96,242 18 216 18 854 432 _ Bea point Prom 1932 7/1/1932 7/1/1932 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,022 $ 3,022_ $ - $ 97,898 0 0 0 855 4036 Sideline 16 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,393 $ 3,393 $ - $ 98,803 0 0 0 856 786 Plummer St 1969 7/1/1969 7/1/1969 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,170 $ 12,170 $ - $ 101,703 0 0 0 857 144 Dyson Rd 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ , 21,988 $ 20,595 $ 1,373 $ 103,541 3 38 _ 3 858 8066 Acorn Ln,CI 1988 7/1/1988 7/1(1988 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Basel $ 50,917 $ 31,186 $ 19,730 $ 106,485 16 192 16 859 2468 Finch Ave 1971 7/1/1971 7/1/1971 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 15,671 $ 15,671 $ - $_ 110,659 0 0 0 860 1006 Twyn Rivers Dr 1970 7/1/1970 7/1/1970 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,548_$ 14,548 $ - $ 111,663 0 0 0 861 180 Oakwood Dr 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E 1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 35,098 $ 27,638 $ 7,458 $ 113,928 9 108 9 862 2015 Martins St 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1976.. 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,964 $ 21,867 $ 2,097 $ 116,210 4 48 4 883 2021 Chenywood Ave 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 24,009 $ 21,308 $ 2,701 $ 116,430 5 60 5 864 159 Pine Ridge Rd 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 67,590 $ 28,191 $ 41,399 $ 122,728 25 300 25 885 4015 Concession Rd4_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,109 $ 4,109 $ - $ 119,398 0 0 0 866 3027 Concession Rd 3_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,147 $ 4,147 $ - $ 120,501 0 0 0 867 2012 Davidson St 1978 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 25,919 $ 23,651 $ 2,288 $ 125,692 4 48 4 888 759 Montgomery Park Rd 1971 7/1/1971 7/1/1971 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 17,818 $ 17,818 $ - $ 125,818 0 0 0 869 2000 Finch Ave 1971 7/1/1971 7/1/1971 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,920 $ 18,920 $ - $ 133,807 0 0 0 870 3000 Concession Rd 3_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,664 $ 4,664 $ - $ 135,524 0 0 0 871 5003 Whitevale Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,730 $ 4,730 $ - $ 137,454 0 0 0 872 2286 Valley Farm Rd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 61,415 $ 39,152 $ 22,263 $ 138,493 15 180 15 873 5102 Sideline 18_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,960 $ 4,960 $ - $ 144,136 0 0 0 874 3021 Concession Rd 3_ _ 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 6-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,256 $ 29,302 $ 1,953 $ 147,315 3 36 3 875 798 McKay Rd 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50519 $ 38,597 $ 12,022 $ 150,254 10 120 10 876 5033 Concession Rd 5_ 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 67,090 $ 42,770 _$ 24,320 $ 151,289 15 180 15 877 5024 Concession Rd 5_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 5,452 $ 5,452 $ - $ 158,424 0 0 0 878 177 Oakwood Dr 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 83,394 $ 42,740 $ 40,855 $ 167,834 20 240 20 879 3048 Dersan St 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 35,367 $ 33,157 $ 2,210 $ 166,694 3 36 3 880 2099 Fairport Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 5,848 $ 5,848 $ . - $ 169,944 0 0 0 - 881 5060 North Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 8,175 $ 6,175 $ - $ 179,447 0 0 0 882 6042 Sideline 16_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 6,183 $ 6,183 $ - $ 179,668 0 0 0 883 3012 Concession Rd 3_ 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 55,570 $ 43,762 $ 11,809 $ 180,382 9 108 9 884 2098 Fairport Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 6,382 $ 8,382 $ - $ 185,450 0 0 0 886 765 Montgomery Park Rd 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 97,551 $ 57,311 $ 40,240 $ 191,494 17 204 17 887 4006 Concession Rd 4_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 6,664 $ 6,664 $ - $ 193,656 0 0 0 888 402 Park Cr 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 148,379 $ 27,821 $ 120558 $ 193,848 33 396 33 889 . 171 Toyenvale Rd 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 103,150 $ 58,022 $ 45,128 $ 197,519 18 216 18 890 735 Sandy Beach Rd 1980 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 16,557 $ 18,557 $ - $ 199,860 0 0 0 891 5036 Concession Rd 5_ 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 112,053 $ 49,023 $ 83,030 $ 211,666 23 276 23 892 5009 Whitevale Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ •7,083 $ 7,083 $ - $ 205,830 0 0 0 893 3018 Concession Rd 3_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,091 $ 7,091 $ - $ 206,049 0 0 0 894 783 Salk Rd 1969 7/1/1969 7/1/1969 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 24,769 $ 24,769 $ - $ 206,987 0 0 0 895 3009 Concession Rd 3_ 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 64,629 $ 50,898 $ 13,734 $ 209,788 9 108 9 896 3015 Concession Rd 3_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,733 $ 7,733 $ - $ 224,711 0 0 0 897 5021 Concession Rd 5_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,771 $ 7,771 $ - $ 225,827 0 0 0 898 6036 Brougham Rd,Br 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 173,117 $ 32,459 $ 140,657 $ 226,167 33 398 33 899 5042 Concession Rd 5_ _ 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 145,889 $ 45,590 $ 100,299 $ 235,721 28 336 28 900 5018 Whitevale Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40. 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 8,015 $ 8,015 $ - $ 232,901 0 0 0 901 5012 Whitevale Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base $ 8,109 $ 8,109 $ - $ 235,849 0 0 0 902 9030 Old Brock Rd,CI 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-As.halt Base $ 8,234 $ 8,234 $ - $ 239,277 0 0 0 903 804 Jodrel Rd 2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 210,970 $ _ 29,008 $ 181,962 $ 241,980 35 420 35 1 904 4012 Concession Rd 4_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-As.halt Base $ 8,461 $ 8,481 $ - $ 245,872 0 0 0 1 A-10 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Year Date Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Value (2013$) Useful Life Useful Life Service Life (Years) (Years) Amortization Inflated HC (Years) (Months) (Years) 905 3003 Concession Rd 3_ 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 131,531 $ 64,121 $ 67,409 0 262,960 21 _ _ _ 252 21 906 8075 Old Brock Rd,CI 2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 224,672 $ 30,892 $ 193,779 $ 257,695 35 420 35 907 3024 Concession Rd 3_ 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 55,518 $ 52,049 $ 3,470 $ 261,669 3 36 3 908 5006 Whitevale Rd __ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 9,011 $ 9,011 $ - $ 261,867 0 0 0 909 5015 Whitevale Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 9,019 $ 9,019 $ - $ 262,087 0 0 0 910 6060 Kinsale Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 9,030 $ 9,030 $ - $ 262,397 0 0 0 911 3030 Scarborough/Picketing Townll 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) 5 9,270 $ 9,270 $ - $ 289,394 0 0 0 912 150 RougemountDr 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E-i-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 166,487 $ 58,189 $ 110,298 $ 289,764 27 _ 324 27 913 4024 Golf Club Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 9,846 $ 9,848 $ - $ 286,134 0 0 0 914 5030 Concession Rd 5_ 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 130,156 $ 82,976 $ 47,182 $ 293,511 15 180 15 915 5000 Whitevale Rd,Wh 1969 _ 7/1/1969 7/1/1969 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 36,272 $ 36,272 $ - $ 303,118 0 0 0 918 5039 Concession Rd 5_ 1996 7/1/1996 7/1/1996 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 176,794 $ 72,928 $ 103,866 $ 327,735 24 288 24 917 2147 Dixie Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 10,968 $ 10,968 $ - $ 318,726 0 0 0 918 756 Montgomery Park Rd 1985 7/1/1965 7/1/1965 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 30,517 $ 30,517 $ - $ 318,781 0 0 0 919 2039 Rosebank Rd 1965 7/1/1985 7/1/1965 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,349 $ 31,349 $ - $ 327,470 0 0 0 920 5078 Sideline 24_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,505 $ 11,505 $ - $ 334,330 0 0 0 921 1590 Appleview Rd 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1996 40 40 _ E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 191,576 $ 79,025 $ 112,551 $ 355,138 24 288 24 922 9027 Old Brock Rd,CI 1991 7/1/1881 7/1/1991 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 179,630 $ 96,551 $ 83,079 $ 359,616 19 228 19 923 7024 Concession Rd 7_ 1995 7/1/1895 7/1/1995 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 237,301 $ 103,819 $ 133,482 $ 448,254 23 276 23 924 738 Sandy Beach Rd 1967 7/1/1967 7/1/1967 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 49,862 $ 49,862 $ - $ 465,744 0 • 0 0 925 774 Dillingham Rd 1970 7/1/1970 7/1/1970 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 62,113 $ 62,113 $ - $ 476,749 0 0 0 926 2283 Valley Farm Rd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 223,364 $ 142,395 $ 80,969 $ 503,693 15 180 15 927 2006 Scarborough/Pickering Townli 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,124 $ 18,124 $ - $ 526,687 0 0 0 4402 RU-3 Sideline#4 2009 7/1/2009 7/1/2009 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 820,207 $ 71,768 $ 748,439 $ 875,319 37 444 37 4569 RU-3 Sideline#4 2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 40 40 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,221 $ 3,014 $ 45,207 $ 51,497 38 456 38 5081 Sandtrap Court 2003 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 31 31 E-1-Rural Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 96,595 $ 1,558 $ 95,037 $ 141,611 31 372 22 928 5027 Concession Rd 5_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-2-Rural Road-Concrete(Base) $ 4,442 $ 4,442 $ - $ 129,079 0 0 0 929 3039 Old Whites Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 5,111 $ 5,111 $ - $ 148,532 0 0 0 930 6063 Kinsale Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 12,121 $ 12,121 $ - $ 352,224 0 0 0 931 8120 Balsam Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 17,907 $ 17,907 $ - $ 520,371 0 0 0 932 9051 Claremont St,Cl 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 558 $ 558, $ - $ 16,222 0 0 0 933 9048 Bundy St,CI 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 637 $ 637 $ - $ 18,520 0 0 0 934 RD 876 Marksbury Rd Extension 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 10,484 $ 6,421 $ 4,063 $ 21,926 16 192 16 935 4021 Factory St,Wh 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 842 $ 842 $ - $ 24,467 0 0 0 936 4018 Byron St,Wh 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) „i$ 906 $ 906 $ - $ 26,335 0 0 0 937 5084 Sideline 20_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 917 $ 917 $ _- $ 26,650 0 0 0 938 _ 6012 Sideline 34_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 955 $ 955 $ - $ 27,764 0 0 0 939 7039 Sideline 30 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 961 $ 961 $ - $ 27,932 0 0 D 940 5048 Mill St,Wh 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,156 $ 5,310 $ 848 $ 27,967 6 72 6 941 584 St.Martins Dr 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 1,052 $ 1,052 $ - $ 30,583 0 _ D 0 942 5054 Churchwin St,Wh 1978 7/1/1878 7/1/1978 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,745 $ 5,818 $ 928 $ 30,844 8 72 6 943 5057 Churchwin St,Wh 1978 7/1/1878 7/1/1978 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 8,789 $ 5,838 $ 931 $ 30,752 6 72 6 944 RD 9102 Track Street,CI 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 1,120 $ 1,120 $ - $ 32,560 0 0 0 - 945 9090 Sideline 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 1,408 $ 1,408 $ - $ 40,926 0 D 0 946 8051 Sideline 22_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) - $ 1,418 $ 1,418 $ - $ 41,217 0 0 0 947 RD 4042 Sideline 34_ 1930 _ 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 1,453 $ 1,453 $ - $ 42,225 0 0 0 948 3045 Pine Heights Tr 1942 7/1/1942 7/1/1942 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 1,564 $ 1,564 $ - $ 42,982 0 0 0 949 5051 Gladstone St,Wh 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 9,738 $ 8,399_$ 1,339 $ 44,241 6 72 6 - 950 5072 Sideline 28_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 _E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 1,689 $ 1,689 $ - $ 49,078 0 0 0 951 810 Montgomery Park Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 1,721 $ 1,721 $ - $ 50,020 0 0 0 952 RD 10012 Uxbridge/Pickering T!L_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) _$ 1,845 $ 1,645 $ - $ 53,629 0 0 0 A-11 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization Value (2013$) (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 953 7048 Sideline 22_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 2,444 $ 2,444 $ - $ 71,020 0 0 0 954 7036 Sideline 34_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 2,704 $ 2,704 $ - $ 78,567 0 0 0 955 5087 Country Ln 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 2,760 $ 2,760 $ - $ 80,194 0 0 0 956 5081 Sideline 22_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 2,883 $ 2,883 $ - $ 83,786 0 0 0 • 957 825 Frisco Rd 1948 7/1/1948 7/1/1948 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 4,916 $ 4,916 $ - $ 95,116 0 0 0 958 7063 Sideline 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 3,295 $ 3,295 $ - $ 95,758 0 0 0 958 RD 8135 Sideline 32 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 3,440 $ 3,440 $ - $ 99,986 0 0 0 960 8000 Concession-Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 3,482 $ 3,482 $ - $ 101,184 0 0 0 961 5045 Sideline 34_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 6-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 3,572 $ 3,572 $ - $ 103,796 0 0 0 962 8045 Sideline 28_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 3,679 $ 3,679 $ - $ 106,902 0 0 0 963 4033 Mulberry Ln 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 3,933 $ 3,933 $ - $ 114,290 0 0 0 964 8042 Sideline 30_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 4,098 $ 4,098 $ - $ 119,100 0 0 0 965 RD 4045 Sideline 24_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 4,129 $ 4,129 $ - $ 119,993 0 0 0 966 9000 Sideline 34_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 6-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 4,390 $ 4,390 $ - $ 127,562 0 0 0 967 840 Squires Beach(Station Rd) 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 4,484 $ 4,484 $ - $ 130,292 0 0 0 988 3042 Forestream Tr 1942 7/1/1942 7/1/1942 40 40 _E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 4,954 $ 4,954 $ - $ 136,130 0 - 0' 0 969 8016 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 4,922 $ 4,922 $ - $ 143,039 0' 0 0 970 7045 Sideline 28_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 5,006 $ 5,006 $ - $ 145,461 0 0 0 971 3051 Tillings Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 5,072 $ 5,072 $ - $ 147,393 0 0 0 872 8018 Sideline 22_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 5,477 $ 5,477 $ - $ 159,171 0 0 0 973 8033 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 5,641 $ 5,641 $ - $ 163,928 0 0 0 974 8039 Sideline 34_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 5,652 $ 5,652 $ - $ 164,242 0 0 0 • 975 7018 Concession Rd 7_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 5,823 $ 5,823 $ - $ 189,218 0 0 0 976 7012 Concession Rd 7_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 5,825 $ 5,825 $ - $ 169,264 0 0 0 977 8114 Sideline 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,398 $ 6,398 $ - $ 185,912 0 0 0 978 4030 Sideline 22_ 1930 ' 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,411 $ 6,411 _$ - $ 186,313 0 0 0 979 3036 Rosebank Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,598 $ 8,598 $ - $ 191,750 0 0 0 980 7003 Concession Rd 7_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,664 $ 6,664 $ - $ 193,650 0 0 0 981 8006 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 _7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,668 $ 6,668 $ - $ 193,765 0 0 0 982 7006 Concession Rd 7_ - 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,756 $ 6,756 $ - $ 196,317 0 0 0 983 10015 Uxbridge/Pickering T/L_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,788 $ 6,786 $ - $ 197,193 0 0 0 984 7009 Concession Rd 7_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,798 $ 6,798 $ - $ 197,535 0 0 0 985 8003 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 6-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 8,822 $ 6,822 $ - $ 198,247 0 0 0 986 RD 10009 Uxbridge/Pickering T/L_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) • $ 6,834 $ 6,834 $ - $ 198,584 0 0 0 987 4003 Concession Rd 4_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 6,958 $ 6,958 $ - $ 202,201 0 0 0 988 8027 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,037 $ 7,037 $ - $ 204,491 0 0 0 989 6030 Sideline 20 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 6-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,115 $ 7,115 $ - $ 206,768 0 0 0 990 8021 Concession-Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 6-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,152 $ 7,152 _$ - $ 207,846 0 0 0 992 5075 Sideline 24 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 6-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,423 $ 7,423 _$ - $ 215,706 0 0 0 993 7021 Concession-Rd 7_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,466 $ 7,466 $ - $ 216,957 0 0 0 994 843 Kellino St 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,543 $ 7,543_ $ - $ 219,206 0 0 0 995 9021 Sideline 20_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1(1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,595 $ 7,595 $ - $ 220,701 0 0 0 996 8012 Concession Rd 8_ � 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,622 $ 7,622 $ - $ 221,490 0 0 0 997 7015 Concession Rd 7 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,766 $ 7,786 $ - $ 225,668 0 0 0 998 8030 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 7,853 $ 7,853 $ - $ 228,204 0 0 0 999 7054 Sideline 14 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural RoadGravel(Base) $ 9,157 $ 9,157 $ - $ 268,085 0 0 0 1000 8036 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 8,267 $ 9,267 $ - $ 269,285 0 0 0 1001 2009 Sideline 34_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 9,845 $ 9,845 $ - $ 286,096 0 0 0 1002 8009 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 10,102 $ 10,102 $ - $ 293,564 0 0 - 0 1003 3033 Rosebank Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 10,128 $ 10,128 $ - $ 294,304 0 0 0 1004 8054 Sideline 20 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 10,239 $ 10,239 $ - $ 297,555 0 0 0 A-12 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Install In Service Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name Year Date TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Value (2013$) Useful Life Useful Life Service Life (Years) (Years) Amortization Inflated HC (Years) (Months) (Years) 1005 8048 Sideline 24 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 10,478 $ 10,478 $ - $ 304,485 0 0 0 1006 8024 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 10,559 $ 10.559 $ - $ 306,843 0 0 0 1007 4000 Concession Rd 4_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 10,642 $ _10642 $ - $ 309,239 0 0 0 1008 8015 Concession Rd 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 10,768 $ 10,768 $ - $ 312,913 0 0 0 1008 5114 Sideline 8 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 10,998 $ 10,998 $ - $ 319,612 0 0 0 1011 4039 Sideline 16 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 12,536 $ 12,536 $ - $ 364,282 0 0 0 1013 7072 Sideline 2 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 13,744 $ 13,744 $ - $ 399,410 0 0 _ 0 1014 7051 Sideline 20_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 13,910 $ 13,910 $ - $ 404,226 0 0 0 1015 8123 Sideline 2_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 14,370 $ 14,370 $ - $ 417,578 0 0 0 1016 5099 Sideline 16_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 14,950 $ 14,950 $ - $ 434,436 0 0 0 1017 9003 Sideline 32_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 15,059 $ 15,059 $ - $ 437,608 0 0 0 1018 9006 Sideline 30_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 15,100 $ 15,100 $ - $ 438,809 0 0 0 1019 9012 Sideline 28_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 15,210 $ 15,210 $ - $ 442,011 0 0 0 1020 8015 Sideline 32_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 15,746 $ 15,748 $ - $ 457,581 0 0 0 1021 9015 Sideline 24_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 15,825 $ 15,825 $ - $ 459,865 0 0 0 1022 6018 _North Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 _E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 15,843 $ 15,843 $ - $ 480,384 0 0 0 1023 9084 Sideline 12_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 15,953 $ 15,953 $ - $ 463,601 0 0 0 1024 8117 Sideline 8_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 15,954 $ 15,954 $ - $ 463,631 0 0 0 1025 6024 Sideline 26 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 16,098 $ 16,088 $ - $ 467,800 0 0 0 1026 6048 Sideline 14_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 _E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 16,338 $ 18,338 $ - $ 474,774 0 0 0 1027 9009 Sideline 28_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 16,729 $ 18,729 $ - $ 486,134 0 0 0 1028 4027 Sideline 26_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 16,770 $ 16,770 $ - $ 487,325 0 0 0 1029 8108 Sideline 12_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 17,497 $ 17,497 $ - $ 508,462 0 0 0 1030 6021 Sideline 28_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 _ 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 17,589 $ 17,599 $ - $ 511,417 0 0 0 1031 7089 Balsam Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 17,753 $ 17,753 $ - - $ 515,904 0 0 0 1032 7057 Sideline 12 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 18,046 $ 18,046 $ - $ 524,401 0 0 0 1033 6027 Sideline 22_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 18,219 $ 18,219 $ - $ 529,434 0 0 0 1034 7060 Westney Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 19,322 $ 19,322 $ - $ 561,487 0 0 0 1035 9093 Balsam Rd 1969 7/1/1969 7/1/1969 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 69,317 $ 69,317 $ - $ 579,273 0 0 0 1036 9087 Westney Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 _E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 20,001 $ 20,001 $ -_$ 581,230 0 0 0 1037 7066 Sideline 6_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 20,810 $ 20,810 $ - $ 604,738 0 0 0 1038 6057 Sideline 4 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 21,302 $ 21,302 $ - $ 619,038 0 0 0 1039 6054 Salem Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 22,239 $ 22,239 $ - $ 646,247 0 0 0 4325 Sideline 4,Concession 5 to Hi 2008 7/1/2008 7/1/2008 40 40 E-3-Rural Road-Gravel(Base) $ 426,545 $ 47,986 $ 378,558 $ 446,510 38 432 36 1040 6039 Tisha Rd,Br 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ . 1,135 $ 1,135 $ - $ 32,996 0 0 0 1041 9069 Barber St,CI 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 8,995 $ 7,983 $ 1,012 $ 43,822 5 60 5 1042 6006 Concession Rd 8_ 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 31,208 $ 13,652 $ 17,553 $ 58,947 23 276 23 1043 5096 Spring St,Br 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 1,996 $ 1,996 $ - $ 58,006 0 0 0- 1044 5086 Old North Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 2,559_ $ 2,559 $ - $ 74,350 0 0 0 1045 4009 Forbrock St 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 2,787 $ 2,787 $ - $ 80,996 0 • 0 0 1046 8057 Sideline 20_ 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 3,805 $ 3,805 $ - $ 104,789 0 0 0 1047 5069 North Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 4,271 $ 4,271 $ - $ 124,123 0 0 0 1048 6003 Concession Rd 8_ 1969 7/1/1969 7/1/1989 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Traatrnent(Base) $ 15,825 $ 15,825 $ - $ 132,250 0 o 0 1049 RD 8132 Westney Rd 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 103,992 $ 19,499 $ 84,494 $ 135,860 33 396 33 1050 10003 Uxbridge/Pickering T/L 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 117,805 $ 39,759 $ 78,o46 $ 205,035 27 324 27 1051 7027 Concession Rd 7_ 2001 7/1/2001 7/1/2001 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) _$ 158,079 $ 45,448 $ 112,631 $ 244,587 29 348 29 1052 7030 Concession Rd 7_ 2001 7/1/2001 7/1/2001 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 158,228 $ 45,491 $ 112,738 $ 244,817 29 348 29 1053 7033 Concession Rd 7 2001 7/1/2001 7/12001 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 158,842 $ 45,867 $ 113,175 $ 245,768 29 _ 348 29 1054 9032 Hoxton St r 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) S 191,309 $ 35,870 $ 155,439 $ 249,934 33 396 33 1055 6009 Concession Rd 6_ 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 153,807 $ 87,291 $ 88,517 $ 290,538 23 276 23 1056 10006 Uxbridge/Pickering T/L_ 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999_ 40 40 E4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 168,709 $ 56,939 $ 111,770 $ 293,632 27 324 27 A-13 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base • Useful Service 2012 Replacement Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization Value (20135) (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 1057 7000 Concession Rd 7_ 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 277,470 $ 52,026 $ 225,445 $ 362,499 33 396 _ 33 1058 5063 North Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930_ 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 14,684 $ 14,664 $ - $ 426,131 0 0 __ 0 1059 10000 Uxbridge/Pickering T/L_ 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 272,315 $ 91,906 $ 180,408 $ 473,953 27 324 _ 27 1060 5105 Greenwood Rd 1930 7/1/1930 7/1/1930 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 16,895 $ 16,695 $ - $ 485,183 0 0 _ 0 1061 _ 5129 Audley Rd 2003 7/1/2003 7/1/2003 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 387,592 $ 87,303 $ 280.289 $ 538,898 31 372 31 1062 5120 Salem Rd 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 339,935 $ 108,230 $ 233.706 $ 549,253 28 336 _ 28 4319 Sideline 16-Regional Road# 2008 7/1/2008 7/1/2008 _ 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 136,318 $ 15,336 $ 120,982 $ 142,699 38 432. 36 • 4321 Sideline 18-Dutchnaster Nun 2008 7/1/2008 7/1/2008 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 132,283 $ 14,882 $ 117,401 $ 138,475 38 432 36 4323 Paddock Road-Hwy 7 to Save 2008 7/1/2008 7/1/2008 40 40 E-4-Rural Road-Surface Treatment(Base) $ 180,851 $ 20,346 $ 160,505 $ 169,316 36 432 36 1063 90 Rosebank Rd 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,878 $ 12,176 $ 7,703 $ 41,573 16 192 16 1064 RD 1938 Penny Lane 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,574 $ 3,440 $ 134 $ 17,891 2 24 2 1065 726 Regan PI 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 2,070 $ 2,070 $ - $ 24,984 0 0 0 1086 237 Houston Ct 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 6,830 $ 5,549 $ 1,281 $ 25,314 8 96 8 1067 1563 Shademaster Dr - 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,633 $ 5,305 $ 9,329 $ 26,088 26 312 26 1088 1557 Helm St 2004 7/1/2004 7/1/2004 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,818 $ . 3,998 $ 14,817 $ 25,881 32 384 32 1089 2369 Beare Ct 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,665 $ 7,437 $ 4,229 $ 28,306 15 180 15 1070 2342 Underhill Ct 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40. E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,804 $ 7,843 $ 4,962 $ 26,778 16 192 16 1071 744 Willowside Ct 1980_ 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 _ 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,582 $ 6,160 $ 1,422 $ 28,101 8 96 8 1072 243 Anthony Ct 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,595 $ 6,171 $ 1,424 $ 28,148 8 96 8 1073 747 Streamside Ct 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 15,144 $ 8,518 $ 6,625 $ 28,998 18 216 18 1074 504 Wafarer Ln 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 10,612 $ 7,826 $ 2,786 $ 30,509 11 132 11 1075 561 Fairview Ave 1970 7/1/1970 7/1/1970 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,983 $ 3,983 $ - $ 30,573 _ 0 0 0 1076 228 Gilmoss Rd 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 15,745 $ 8,463 $ 7,282 $ 31,522 19 228 19 1077 39 Petunia PI 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,922 $ 8,495 $ 3,428 $ 33,296 12 144 12 1078 RD 1932 Golden Ridge Road _ 2002 7/1/2002 7/1/2002 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,963 $ 6,028 $ 16,935 $ 34,911 30 360 30 1079 1169 Deerhurst Ct 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,619 $ 8,146 $ 10,473 $ 35,170 23 276 23 1080 300 Victor Ct 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,516 $ 6,483 $ 1,033 $ 34,146 6 72 6 1081 369 HanworthCt 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,477 $ 7,547 $ 11,929 $ 35,365 25 300 25 1082 2069 Collingsbrook Ct 2001 7/1/2001 7/1/2001 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,234 $ 6,680 $ 16,554 $ 35,949 29 348 29 1083 225 Kimton Ct 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,170 $ 9,055 $ 4,116 $ 35,043 13 156 13 1084 1380 Oberon Ct 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,189 $ 8,989 $ 3,200 $ 35,043 11 132 11 1085 492 Boxworth PI 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,979 $ 3,979 $ - $ 35,254 0 0 0 1086 2435 Hadrian Ct 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,006 $ 8,790 $ 10,216 $ 37,019 22 264 22 1087 2247 Femcliff Crcl(Parkdale St) 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,425 $ 9,556 $ 4,868 $ 36,130 14 168 14 1088 2277 Comell Ct 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,894 $ 10,983 $ 7,711 $ 36,696 17 204 17 1089 2268 Grovedale Ct 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,813 $ 9,450 $ 3,363 $ 36,838 11 132 11 1090 495 Begley St 2002 7/1/2002 7/1/2002 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 25,085 $ 6,585 $ 18,500 $ 38,138 30 360 30 1091 501 Albacore Manor Mnr 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,109 $ 9,668 $ 3,441 _$ 37,688 11 132 11 1092 2057 Benedictine Ct 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,495 $ 9,615 $ 3,880 $ 37,888 12 144 12 • 1093 1584 Dunchurch St 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,379 $ 8,284 $ 13,095 $ 38,819 25 300 25 1094 2120 Escott Ct 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,200 $ 9,762 $ 4,437 $ 37,783 13 156 13 1095 1539 Pebble Ct 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,191 $ 9,728 $ 3,463 $ 37,924 11 132 11 . 1098 285 Creekview Crcl(Broadgreen E 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,887 $ 9,361 $ 2,528 $ 38,585 9 108 9 1097 594 Trellis Ct 2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 34,025 $ 4,678 $ 29,347 $ 39,026 35 420 35 1098 1777 Lutterworth Ct 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 8,307 $ 7,788 $ 519 $ 39,152 3 36 3 1099 2253 Rosefield Rd 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-As.halt Base) $ 19,945 $ 11,718 $ 8,227 $ 39,152 17 204 17 1100 2432 Maple Hill Ct 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,979 $ 9,703 $ 11,276 $ 40,862 22 264 22 1101 2348 LynmarCt 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 15,858 $ 10,506 $ 5,352 $ 39,719 14 168 14 1102 683 Patmore Ur 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt Base) $ 3,345 $ 3,345 $ - $ 40,380 0 0 0 1103 1051 Pine Grove Ave 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,775 $ 11,167 $ 9,608 $ 41,592 19 228 19 1104 684 Fuschia Ln 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,429 $ 11,900 $ 7,529 $ 40,634 16 192 16 A-14 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Install In Service Useful Service 2012 2012 Net Book Cost Remaining Remaining Remaining Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name Year Date TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Value (2013$) Useful Life Useful Life Service Life (Years) (Years) Amortization (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 1105 714 Sangro Ln 1980 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 `E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,391 $ 3,391 $ - $ 40,930 _ 0 0 0 1106 899 Bronwen Ln 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,394 $ _ 3,394 $ _ - $_ 40,972 0 0 _ 0 1107 687 Brixton Ln 1980 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,400 $ 3,400 $ - $ 41,041 0 0 0 1108 1479 Briar Wood Gate 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ _ 8,808 $ 8,257 $ 550 $ 41,514 3 36 3 1109 1521 Woodruff Cr 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,985 $ 10,664 $ 3,322 $ 41,514 10 120 10 1110 1286 Birchwood Ct 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,862 $ 10.129 $ 2,733 $ 41,750 9 108 9 1111 1401 Driftwood CI 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,986 $ 12,241 $ 7,744 $ 41,797 16 192 16 1112 240 Foster Ct 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,354 $ 9,225 $ 2,129 $ 42,080 8 98 8 1113 1368 Miranda Ct 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,883 $ 10,978 8 3,907 $ 42,789 11 132 11 1114 2390 Gandalf Ct 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 16,135 $ 11,0$3 $ 5,042 $ 42,930 13 158 13 1115 2402 ReesorCt 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 _E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,595 $ 12,815 $ 7,981 $ 43,072 16 192 16 1116 24 Fawndale Rd 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 17,234 $ 11,418 $ 5,818 $ 43,187 14 168 14 1117 486 Elvira Ct 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,882 $ 4,882 $ - $ 43,257 0 0 0 1118 RD 1944 Sandhurst Cr 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 8-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,213 $ - 11,384 $ 10,829 $ 44,705 20 240 20 1119 648 Fanshaw PI 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,674 $ 3,674,$ - $ 44,347 0 0 0 1120 2338 Peachwood Ln 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,228 $ 13,002 $ 8,226 $ 44,395 16 192 16 1121 2375 Hollyhedge Dr 1988 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 17,743 $ 11,755 $ 5,988 $ 44,442 14 168 14 1122 375 GreycoatLn 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,818 $ 11,894 $ 11,124 $ 45,921 20 240 20 1123 _ 354 Patio Ln 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,969 $ 11,198 $ 11,772 $ 45,921 21 252 21 1124 636 Shearer Ln 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 3,713 $ 3,713 $ - $ 44,820 0 0 0 1125 585 Old Orchard Ave 1965 7/1/1985 7/1/1965 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,309 $ 4,309 $ - $ 45,009 0 0 0 1128 1647 Heathside Cr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,336 $ 12,984 $ 7,372 $ 45,859 15 180 15 1127 357 Samford Ln 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,699 $ 11,553 $ 12,148 $ 47,360 21 252 21 1128 9066 Franklin St,CI 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 -E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 26,152 $ 10,134 $ 16,018 $ 47,485 25 300 25 1129 2399 Terracotta Ct 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,176 $ 13,583 $ 8,593 $ 46,376 16 192 16 1130 2202 WheatsheafLn 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,419 $ 11,355 $ 3,064 $ 46,803 9 108 9 1131 198 Frontier Ct 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 30,107 $ 9,408 $ 20,898 $ 48,645 28 336 28 1132 218 Rosebank Rd 1965 7/1/1965 7/1/1965 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,546 $ 4,546 $ - $ 47,488 0 0 0 1133 1344 Aberfoyle Ct 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt LBase) $ 18,988 $ 12,579 $ 6,408 $ 47,559 14 168 14 1134 549 Bayview St 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990' 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 25,219 $ 14,186 $ 11,033 $ 48,292 18 216 18 1135 729 Morden Ln 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1980 40 40 _E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 4,006_$ 4,006 $ - $ 48,362 0 0 0 1136 54 Stonehampton Ct 1999_ 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,620 $ 9,659 $ 18,961 $ 49,813 27 324 27 1137 2195 Bramblewood Ct 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,986 $ 11,802 $ 3,185 $ 48,645 9 108 9 1138 1914 Banbury Ct 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,865 $ 13,939 $ 7,926 $ 49,306 15 180 15 1139 1392 Montclair Ln 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,685 $ 13,042 $ 6,644 $ 49,306 14 168 14 1140 1554 Greyabbey Ct 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,612 $ 9,879 $ 21,733 $ 51,077 28 336 28 1141 _ 174 Toyenvale Rd 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,520 $ 10,985 $ 2,535 $ 50,109 B 96 8 1142 18 Valley Gate 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,007 $ 12,830 $ 5,177 $ 50,286 12 144 12 1143 168 Toyenvale Rd 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,179 $ 12,953 $ 5,227 $ 50,770 12 144 12 1144 2304 Harrowsmith Ct 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,535 $ 14,366 $ 8,169 $ •50,818 15 160 15 1145 1302 Alder Ct 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 17,295 $ 13,187 $ 4,108 $ 51,337 10 120 10 . 1146 1274 Newmark PI 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 _ 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 17,362 $ 13,239 $ 4,124 $ 51,537 10 120 10 1147 297 Brian Ct 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 10,684 $ 9,749 $ 935 $ 51,810 4 48 4 1148 1030 Menitton Rd 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,729 $ 7,449 $ 32,280 $ 51,904 33 398 33 1149 1482 Orion Ct 2006 7/1/2006 7/12006. 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 42,395 $ 6,889 $ 35,506 $ 51,904 34 408 34 1150 818 Lune Ct 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,053 $ 10,362 $ 691 $ 52,093 3 36 3 1151 9060 Barclay St,CI 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 27,618 $ 12,773 $ 14,845 $ 53,793 22 264 22 1152 1395 Boyne Ct 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,205 $ 14,793 $ 8,412 $ 52,329 15 18D 15 1153 1145 Butternut Ct 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,520 $ 14,994 $ 8,526 $ 53,037 15 180 15 1154 318 Eyer Dr 1971 7/1/1971 7/1/1971 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,578 $ 7,578 $ - $ 53,510 0 0 0 1155 1259 Deerhaven Ln 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-AspheB(Base) _$ 30,686 $ 11,968 $ 18,918 $ 56,082_ 25 300 25 A-15 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Nagle TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization Value (2013$) (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 1156 1133 StarviewCt 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,741 $ 14,403 $ 7,337 $ 54,454 14 168 14 ' 1157 2256 Cottenwood Crcl(W Leg)_ 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 27,764 $ 16,311 $ 11,453 $ 54,502 17 204 17 1158 282 Gallant Ct 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 26,264 $ 16,086 $ 10,177 $ 54,927 16 192 16 1159 510 Radom St 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,789 $ 11,523 $ 20,265 $ 58,672 26 312 26 1160 435 Sunrise Ave 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 6,253 $ 6,253 $ - $ 55,399 0 0 _ 0 1161 1117 Lawson St 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,193 $ 14,703 $ 7,490 $ 55,588 14 188 _ 14 1162 1774 Mulmur Ct 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,944 $ 11,198 $ 747 $ 56,296 3 36 _ 3 1163 330 Edge Ln 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,283 $ 10,880 $ 423 $ 56,485 2 24 2 1164 2229 Madonna Ct 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,663 $ 14,502 $ 5,162 $ 56,532 11 132 11 1165 477 Bayshore Ct 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,330 $ 10,905 $ 425 $ 58,721 2 24 2 1166 2241 Linwood St 1989 7/1/1889 7/1/1989 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $' 28,895 $ 16,976 $ 11,919 $ 56,721 17 204 17 1167 219 Nomad Rd 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,406 $ 14,717 $ 6,690 $ 56,957 13 156 13 1168 1329 Ashfeld Ct 1986 7/1/1988 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,910 $ 15,178 $ 7,732 $ 57,383 14 188 14 1169 1656 Gablehurst Cr(S Leg)_ 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,268 $ 15,415 $ 7,653 $ 58,280 14 188 14 1170 639 Alderwood Place 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 33,167 $ 12,852 $ 20,315 $ 60,223 25 300 25 1171 72 Tomlinson Ct 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 30,179 $ 16,221 $ 13,958 $ 60,417 19 228 19 1172 2238 Unwood St 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,583 $ 15,180 $ 5,403 $ 59,177 11 132 11 1173 1587 Cloudberry Ct 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,632 $ 15,216 $ 5,416 $ 59,319 11 132 11 1174 2051 Whiskey Gate 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,274 $ 15,158 $ 8,116 $ 59,413 12 144 12 1175 2232 Halsey Ln 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,698 $ 15,265 $ 5,433 $ 59,508 11 132 11 1176 1036 WoodviewAve 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 32,487 $ 14,213 $ 18,274 $ 61,367 23 276 23 1177 1461 Minstrel Mnr 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,130 $ 11,325 $ 1,805 $ 59,650 6 72 6 1178 1229 Foxwood Tr 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,239 $ 15,432 $ 4,807 $ 60,076 10 120 10 1179 2259 Cottenwood Crcl(E Leg)_ 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 30,627 $ 17,993 $ 12,634 $ 60,122 17 204 17 1180 279 Layton Ct 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,815 $ 17,649 $ 11,166 $ 60,263 18 192 16 1181 RID 1935 Golden Ridge Road 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 46,273 $ 8,676 $ 37,596 $ 60,452 33 396 33 1182 1157 Tranquil!Ct 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 26,829 $ 17,103 $ 8,725 $ 60,500 15 180 15 1183 411 Surf Ave 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 29,470 $ 18,051 $ 11,420 $ 61,633 16 192 16 . 1184 1744 Pinecreek Cl 1979 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,814 $ 12,407 $ 2,407 $ 61,728 7 84 7 • 1185 414 Tullo St 1988 7/1/1968 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 29,538 $ 18,092 $ 11,448 $ 61,775 16 192 16 1186 1452 Kate's Ln 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,127 $ 12,306 $ 820 $ 61,869 3 36 3 1187 555 Browning Ave 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,686 $ 18,615 $ 13,070 $ 62,200 17 204 17 1188 303 Petticoat Ln 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,743 $ 11,854 $ 1,890 $ 62,436 6 72 6 1189 408 Surf Ave 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 29,854 $ 18,286 $ 11,569 $ 62,436 16 192 16 1190 291 Broadgreen St 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,887 $ 11,978 $ 1,910 $ 63,080 6 72 6 1191 579 Monica Cook PI 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 36,455 $ 13,215 $ 23,240 $ 64,990 26 312 26 1192 1127 Castle St 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 33,938 $ 19,090 $ 14,848 $ 64,986 18 216 18 1193 1410 LamourRd 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 34,061 $ 19,159 $ 14,902 $ 65,223 18 216 18 1194 1768 Hensall Ct 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,969 $ 13,096 $ 873 $ 65,836 3 38 3 1195 396 Marksbury Dr 1988 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,977 $ 19,586 $ 12,391 $ 66,876 18 192 16 1198 390 Victory Dr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 25,347 $ 17,426 $ 7,921 $ 67,442 13 158 13 1197 1593 Bonita Ave 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 38,992 $ 14,135 $ 24,858 $ 69,514 28 312 26 1198 15 Valley Gate 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 24,217 $ 17,254 $ 8,962 $ 67,631 12 144 12 1199 384 Hillview Cr 1988 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 27,171 $ 16,001 $ 9,170 $ 68,056 14 168 14 1200 255 Maitland Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 27,209 $ 18,026 $ 9,183 $ 68,151 14 188 14 1201 1179 Nordane Dr 1996 7/1/1996 7/1/1996 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 37,945 $ 15,652 $ 22,293 $ 70,341 24 288 24 1202 453 Breezy Dr 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 7,709 $ 7,709 $ - $ 68,302 0 0 0 1203 63 Brookbridge Gate 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 24,605 $ 17,531 $ 7,074 $ 68,717 12 144 12 1204 309 Cannello Ct 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 15,168 $ 13,082 $ 2,086 $ 68,908 8 72 6 1205 _ 345 Hillcrest Rd 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 27,511 $ 18,226 $ 9,285 $ 68,908 14 168 14 1206 1347 Woodside Ln 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 26,057 $ 17,914 $ 8,143 $ 69,331 13 156 13 • A-16 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID MS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization Value InflHated ated)HC (Years) (Months) (Years) 1207 270 Callahan St _ 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt Base) $ 34,100 $ 20,888 $ 13,214 $ 71,315 16 192 _ 16 ®i c Prohill St MM. 7/1/2001 7/1/2001[i E-5-Urban Road-As'halt Base) $ 48,040 $ 13,812 $ 34,229 $ 74,330 29 348 _ 29 MINMEN Mountain Ash Dr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 41,418 $ 16,050 $ 25,369 $ 75,206 25 300 25 MIN 2108 Grafton Ct 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 4D 40 E-5-Urban Road-As phalt Base $ 38,229 $ 21,504 $ 16,725 $ 73,204 18 216 18 ® 9063 Franklin St,CI MMMEILI 7/1/19970!' E 5-Urban Road-A-i halt Base $ 41,589 $ 16,118 $ 25,473 $ 75,515 25 300 25 1212 8084 Bovingdon PI,CI 1986 7/1/1988 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 29,340 $ 19,437 $ 9,902 $ 73,488 14 168 14 1213 120 Cattail Ct 1986 7/1/1988 7/1/1986_ 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 29,509 $ 19,550 $ 9,959 $ 73,913 14 168 14 1214 1473 Hedgerow PI 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 15,251 $ 13,535 $ 1,716 $ 73,980 5 60 5 1215 9033 William St,CI 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 44,167 $ 14,906 $ 29,260 $ 76,870 27 324 27 1216 2126 Blalrwood Ct 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,043 $ 21,962 $ 17,081 _$ 74,763 18 216 18 1217 324 Abingdon Ct 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,105 $ 18,195 $ 4,910 $ 74,999 9 108 9 1218 2274 Redwood Ln 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,149 $ 18,229 $ 4,919 $ 75,141 9 108 9 1219 1317 Broadoak Cr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 30,037 $ 19,900 $ 10,138 $ 75,235 14 188 14 1220 732 Drava St 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 33,366 $ 21,271 $ 12,095 $ 75,241 15 180 15 • 1221 1527 Parkside Dr 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 15,983 $ 14,984 $ 999 $ 75,329 3 36 3 1222 RD 1926 Rushton Road 2006 7/1/2006 7/1/2006 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 61,953 $ 10,067 $ 51,886 $ 75,849 34 408 34 1223 600 Wharf St 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 05-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,560 $ 19,635 $ 8,925 _$ 75,991 13 156 13 0 EMU Bloomfield Court 2000 7/1/2000 7/1200000` E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base $ 48,557 $ 15,174 $ 33,383 $ 78,458 28 336 28 1225 717 Alyssum St 1960 7/1/1980 7/1/19600' 0' E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 6,334 $ 6,334 $ - $ 78,483 0 0 0 1226 1485 Belinda Ct 2006 7/1/2006 7/1/2006 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 62,455 $ 10,149 $ 52,308 $ 76,463_ 34 408 34 , 1227 1416 Napanee Rd 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,564 $ 19,287 $ 20,276 $ 79,097 21 252 21 1228 1063 West Ln 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,681 $ 19,335 $ • 20,326 $ 79,292 21 252 21 1229 1494 Aspen Rd 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 26,908 $ 19,844 $ 7,063 $ 77,360 11 132 11 1230 2168 Trailwood Ct 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 24,225 $ 19,077 $ 5,148 $ 78,636 9 108 9 1231 2318 Meriadoc Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,414 $ 20,812 $ 10,602 $ 78,683 14 168 14 1232 1184 Sparrow Crcl 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,058 $ 18,838 $ 24,220 $ 81,335 23 276 23 1233 627 Balaton Ave 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 46,832 $ 15,806 $ 31,026 $ 81,509 27 324 27 1234 444 Chipmunk St 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 8,946 $ 8,946 $ - $ 79,260 0 0 0 1235 471 Lynx Ave 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 40,865 $ 21,985 $ 18,900 $ 81,812 19 228 19 1236 1698 Glen Eden Ct 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 40,878 $ 24,015 $ 16,862 $ 80,241 17 204 17 1237 1497 Aspen Rd 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 27,942 $ 20,608 $ 7,335 $ 80,336 11 132 11 1238 1398 Sturgeon Ct 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 35,960 $ 22,925 $ 13,036 $ 81,091 15 180 15 1239 48 Littleford St 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 32,507 $ 21,536 $ 10,971 $ 81,422 14 168 14 1240 1542 Pebble Ct 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,353 $ 20,910 $ 7,443 $ 81,516 11 132 11 1241 534 Pleasant St 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 05-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,181 $ 23,998 $ 15,183 $ 81,942 16 192 16 1242 1440 Spruce Hill Rd 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1878 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,099 $ 15,611 $ 2,489 $ 82,225 6 72 6 1243 2324 Crossings Ct 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,607 $ 20,188 $ 23,439 $ 84,935 22 264 22 1244 195 Chantilly Rd 2000 7/12000 7/1/2000 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 52,657 $ 16,455_$ 36,202 $ 85,081 28 336 28 1245 582 Old Orchard Ave 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,723 $ 24,330 $ 15,393 $ 83,075 16 192 16 1246 1888 Echo Point Ct 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 33,337 $ 22,088 $ 11,251 $ 83,500 14 168 14 1247 2027 Mapleview Ct 2002 7/1/2002 7/1/2002 40 40 0-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 56,793 $ 14,908 $ 41,885 $ 86,348 30 360 30 1248 1193 Hummingbird Ct 2002 7/1/2002 7/1/2002 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asp halt Base $ 56,825 $ 14,917 $ 41,909 _$ 86,394 30 360 30 1249 1341 Kirkwood Ln 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 33,601 $ 22,261 $ 11,340 $ 84,161 14 168 14 1250 1623 Ramblebeny Ave 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 29,273 $ 21,589 $ 7,684 $ 84,161 11 132 11 1251 189 LekaniCt 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 47,955 $ 18,583 $ 29,373 $ 87,075_ 25 300 25 1252 1223 Pinevlew Ln 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,122 $ 20,179 $ 25,944 $ 87,124 23 _ 276 23 1253 3 Ashwood Gate 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 40,491 $ 24,801 $ 15,690 $ 84,681 16 192 16 1254 1075 Thicket Cr 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,870 $ 21,289 $ 22,381 $ 87,306 21 252 21 1255 1470 Jacqueline Ave 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 18,077 $ 18,947 $ 1,130 $ 85,200 3 36 3 1256 1902 Larksmere Ct 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 37,866 $ 24,140 $ 13,726 $ 85,389 15 _ 180 15 1257 1187 Chickadee Ct 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 46,586 $ 20,381 $ 26,205 $ 88,000 23 276 23 • A-17 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date Value (2013$) (Years) (Years) Amortization Inflated HC (Years) (Months) (Years) 1258 327 Hampton Ct 1978 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,640 $ 17,286 $ 3,354 $ 86,003 7 84 7 7 1259 681 Helen Cr 2008 7/1/2006 7/1/2006 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 70,666 $ 11,483 $ 59,183 $ 86,516 34 408 _34 1280 246 Moorelands Cr 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,396 $ 19,009 $ 4,387 $ 86,712 8 96 8 1261 1835 Fleldlight Blvd 1979' 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,049 $ 17,628 $ 3,420 $ 87,703 7 84 7 1262 1374 Village St 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 46,878 $ 21,681 $ 25,197 $ 91,308 22 264 22 1263 1027 Sheppard Ave 1973 7/1/1973 7/1/1973 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,848 $ 14,862 $ 186 $ 89,199 1 12 1 1264 123 Daylight Ct 1986 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 35,675 $ 23,835 $ 12,040 $ 89,357 14 168 14 1265 231 Cowan Circle(Not Klima St) 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 45,829 $ 23,487 $ 22,342 $ 92,232 20 240 20 1268 1413 Napanee Rd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,751 $ 25,341 $ 14,410 $ 89,640 15 180 15 1267 1491 Aspen Rd 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) ' $ 30,406 $ 23,184 $ 7,221 $ 90,254 10 120 10 1288 222 Dunn Cr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 33,938 $ 23,332 $ 10,606 $ 90,301 13 156 13 1269 213 Rosebank Rd 2003 7/1/2003 7/1/2003 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 63,709 $ 15,131 $ 48,578 $ 93,399 31 372 31 1270 474 Cecylia Ct 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 57,926 $ 18,102 $ 39,824 $ 93,594 28 336 28 1271 2265 Femcliff Crcl 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 36,373 $ 24,097 $ 12,276 $ 91,104 14 168 14 1272 1048 Sweetbriar Ct 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 47,086 $ 24,131 $ 22,954 $ 94,761 20 240 20 1273 273 Engel Ct 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 44,240 $ 27,097 $ 17,143 $ 92,521 16 192 16 1274 9024 Old Brock Rd,CI 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 37,018 $ 24,525 $ 12,494 $ 92,721 14 188 14 1275 RD 873 Rosebank Rd 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 47,780 $ 25,682 $ 22,098 $ 95,655 19 228 19 1276 528 Wharf St 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 44,623 $ 27,332 $ 17,292 $ 93,324 16 192 16 1277 5108 Trimbles Ln,Gr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 37,316 $ 24,722 $ 12,594 $ 93,465 14 168 14 1278 1506 Stonepath Crcl 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,808 $ 22,687 $ 6,122 $ 93,513 9 108 9 1279 1829 Kelvinway Ln 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 41,552 $ 26,490-$ 15,063 $ 93,702 15 180 15 1280 1708 Culross Ave 1978 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,380 $ 17,685 _$ 1,696 $ 93,985 4 48 4 1281 366 Breda Ave 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 53,892 $ 20,883 $ 33,009 $ 97,856 25 300 25 1282 372 Moretta Ave 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 53,917 $ 20,893 $ 33,024 $ 97,900 25 300 25 1283 1124 WilcroftCt 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 49,969 $ 28,108 $ 21,862 $ 95,685 18 216 18 1284 393 Marksbury Rd 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 46,069 $ 28,217 $ 17,852 $ 96,346 16 192 16 1285 1762 Bicroft Ct 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,887 $ 17,650 $ 2,237 $ 96,441 5 60 5 1286 1723 Charlotte Crcl 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ - $ - $ - $ - 6 72 8 1287 420 Sandcastle Ct 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,999 $ 23,587 $ 27,412 $ 99,334 22 264 22 1288 2405 Alpine Ln 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 46,136 $ 28,259 $ 17,878 $ 96,488 16 192 16 1289 2244 Linwood St 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,031 $ 26,892 $ 23,139 $ 100,161 19 228 19 1290 1814 DreyberCt 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,882 $ 19,390 $ 1,293 $ 97,480 3 38 3 1291 1130 Forestview Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,465 $ 26,146 $ 13,319 $ 98,850 14 168 14 1292 1518 Woodruff Cr 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 30,482 $ 24,004 $ 6,477 $ 98,944 9 108 9 1293 1105 Waterford Gate 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 51,048 $ 24,886 $ 28,162 $ 102,056 21 252 21 1294 186 Mountain Ash Dr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 56,314 $ 21,822 $ 34,492 $ 102,253 25 300 25 1295 1464 Ada Ct 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) _$ 21,123 $ 19,803 $ 1,320 $ 99,558 3 38 3 1298 1917 Bumside Dr 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 51,054 $ 29,994 $ 21,060 $ 100,219 17 204 17 1297 615 Foxglove Ave 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 8,443 $ 6,443 $ - $ 101,919 0 0 0 4298 1551 Voyager Ave 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 65,121 $ 20,350 $ 44,771 $ 105,220 28 336 28 1299 2045 Amaretto Ave 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1899 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 61,014 $ 20,592 $ 40,422 $ 106,193 27 324 27 1300 2165 Timber Ct 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,762 $ 25,013 $ 6,749 $ 103,100 9 108 9 1301 1599 Holbrook Ct 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 4D E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 59,878 $ 21,832 $ 38,043 $ 108,388 26 312 28 1302 2063 Swan PI 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 61,322 $ 20,896 $ 40,626 $ 106,728 27 324 27 j 1303 2189 Harvest Dr 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,951 $ 25,162 $ 6,790 $ 103,714 9 108 9 1304 2141 Dixie Rd 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 61,459 $ 20,742 $ 40,717 $ 106,967 27 324 27 1305 1114 Lawson St 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 54,286 $ 30,536 $ 23,750 $ 103,950 18 216 18 1306 126 Barry Dr _ 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 42,011 $ 27,832 $ 14,179 $ 105,225 14 168 14 1307 252 Moorelands Cr 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,467 $ 23,130 $ 5,338 $ 105,509 8 96 8 1308 540 Front St 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 53,868 $ 31,648 $ 22,221 $ 105,745 17 204 17 A-1B 1 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Useful Service Replacement Install In Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name year Date TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Value 2013$ Useful Life Useful Life Service Life (Years) (Years) Amortization Inflated HC (Years) (Months) (Years) 1309 1314 Broadoak Cr 1966 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ _ 42,331 $ 28,044 $ 14,287 $ 106,028 14 168 14 1310 567 Fairview Ave 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 54,422 $ 31,973 $ 22,449 $ 108,831 17 204 17 ' 1311 342 Hillcrest Rd 1986 7/1/1988 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 42,708 $ 28,294 $ 14,414 $ 108,973 14 168 _ 14 1312 287 Ironstone Mnr 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,583 $ 20,341 $ 3,243 $ 107,138 6 72 6 1313 2354 Tawnbeny St 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,161 $ 28,594 $ 14,567 $ 108,106 14 168 14 1314 459 Leaside St 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,221 $ 12,221 $ - $ 108,282 _ 0 0 0 1315 1139 Lancrest St(Not Lawcrest) 1987 7/1/1987. 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,045 $ 30,629 $ 17,416 $ 108,343 _ 15 180 15 1318 114 Rainy Day Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,212 $ 30,735 5 17,477 $ 108,720 15 180 15 1317 81 Rouge Hill Ct 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 55,384 $ 32,538 $ 22,846 $ 108,720 17 204 17 1318 164 Lytton Ct 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt jBase) $ 57,743 $ 28,706 $ 31,037 $ 112,468 22 264 22 1319 588 Haller Ave 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 9,062 $ 8,062 $ - $ 109,382 0 0 0 1320 1857 Everton St 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,924 $ 21,102 $ 822 $ 109,759 2 24 2 1321 630 Balaton Ave 1980 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 9,097 $ 9,097 $ - $ 109,805 0 0 0 1322 1811 Portland Ct 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 41,375 $ 28,446 $ 12,930 $ 110,090 13 156 13 1323 1705 Wollaston Ct _ 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,358 $ 21,898 $ 1,460 $ 110,090 3 36 3 1324 570 Fairview Ave 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 9.124 $ 8,124 $ - $ 110,137 0 0 0 1325 6 Brimwood Ct 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 52,776 $ 32,325 $ 20,451 $ 110,373 18 192 16 1326 249 Moorelands Cr 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 56,298 $ 33,075 $ 23,223 $ 110,515 17 204 17 1327 27 Fawndale Rd 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 56,730 $ 29,074 $ 27,656 $ 114,171 20 240 20 1328 812 Hewaon Dr 1979 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 _E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,716 $ 22,375 $ 4,341 $ 111,318 7 84 7 1329 2262 Forest Park Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 44,801 $ 29,681 $ 15,120 $ 112,215 14 168 14 1330 1845 Brands Ct 2006 7/1/2006 7/1/2006 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 92,757 $ 15,073 $ 77,684 $ 113,561 34 408 34 1331 2132 Colonial St 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 42,935 $ 29,518 $ 13,417 $ 114,239 13 156 13 1332 426 West Shore Blvd 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ - $ - $ - $ - 4 48 4 1333 1509 Cricket Ln 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Bass) $ 23,899 $ 21,211 $ 2,689 $ 115,899 5 60 5 1334 1732 Glenanna Rd 1979 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,053 $ 23,495 $ 4,559 $ 116,890 7 84 7 1335 RD 1923 Spartan Court 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 74,707 $ 23,346 $ 51,361 $ 120,709 28 336 28 1336 2378 Theoden Ct 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 47,271 $ 31,317 $ 15,954 $ 118,402 14 168 14 1337 1560 Wingarden Cr 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 68,735 $ 24,918 $ 43,818 $ 122,538 26 312 26 1338 60 Richardson St 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 52,799_ $ 33,659 $ 19,140 $ 119,063 15 180 15 1339 204 Rosebank Rd 1979 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 28,699_ $ 24,036 $ 4,664 $ 119,583 7 84 7 1340 387 Victory Dr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 44,943 $. 30,898 $ 14,045 $ 119,583 13 156 13 1341 1659 GablehurstCr(N Leg)_ 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 47,875_ $ 31,717 $ 16,158 $ 119,914 14 168 14 1342 1090 Rockwood Dr 2001 7/1/2001 7/1/2001 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 80,361 $ 23,104 $ 57,257 $ 124,338 29 348 29 1343 1581 Dunbarton Rd 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 42,088 $ 31,039 $ 11,048 $ 121,000 11 132 11 1344 597 St.Martins Dr 1969 7/1/1969 7/1/1969 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) _ $ 14,519 $ 14,519 $ - $ 121,330 0 0 0 1345 1524 Una Rd 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 25,029 $ 22,213 5 2,816 $ 121,378 5 80 5 . 1346 1428 Spruce Hill Rd 1996 7/1/1996 7/1/1996 40 - 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 67,467 $ 27,830 $ 39,637 $ 125,068 24 288 24 1347 1798 Diefenbaker Ct 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 37,436 $ 29,481 $ 7,955 $ 121,519 9 108 9 1348 I 456 Yoram'St 1968 I 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 IE-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,725 $ 13,725 $ - $ 121,608 0 0 0 1349 2102 Duncennon Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) _$ 53,930 $ 34,380 $ 19,550 $ 121,614 15 180 15 1350 705 Fordon Ave 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1980 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 10,089 $ 10,089 $ - $ 121,778_ 0 0 0 1351 845 Cortez Ave 1961 7/1/1961 7/1/1961 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 10,204 $ 10,204 $ - $ 122,133 0 0 0 1352 441 Mink St 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 _E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,945 $ 13,945 $ - $ 123,555 0 0 0 1353 1536 Millbank Rd 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 25,497 $ 22,628 $ 2,868 $ 123,645 5 60 5 1354 RD 870 Sandy Beach Rd 2006 7/1/2006 7/1/2006 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 101,143 $ 18,438 $ 84,707 $ 123,828 34 408 34 1355 1078 Secord St 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 65,810 $ 30,437 $ 35,373 $ 128,181 22 264 22 1356 1422 Nipiasing Ct 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 64,310 $ 31,351 $ 32,959 $ 128,570 21 252 21 1357 1081 Copley St 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 66,060 $ 30,553 $ 35,507 $ 128,667 22 284 22 1358 2171 Maple Gate Rd 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 _ 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 25,759 $ 22,882 $ 2,898 $ 124,920 5 _ 60 5 1359 1320 Femam St 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,138 $ 33,216 $ 16,921 $ 125,581 14 168 14 A-19 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization Value (2013$) (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 1360 465 Oliva St - 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) 9 14,179 $ 14,179 $ - $ 125,628 0 0 _ o 1361 1620 Meadowridge Cr 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,762 $ 32,274 $ 11,487 $ 125,817 11 132 11 1362 1753 Kiley Ave 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 26,704 $ 25,035 $ 1,669 $ 125,882 3 36 _ 3 _ 1363 1689 Deerbrook Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,288 $ 33,316 $ 16,972 $ 125,959 14 188 _ 14 1364 ' 780 Orangebrook Ct 1973 7/1/1973 7/1/1973 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,147 $ 20,882 $ 264 $ 127,040 1 12 1 1365 , 2198 Bridge Gate Cr 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 34,342 $ 27,903 $ 8,439 $ 127,281 8 96 _ 8 _ 1386 2217 Liverpool Rd 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,302 $ 30,950 $ 8,352 $ 127,576 9 108 9 1367 1183 Sandhurst Cr 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 65,359 $ 33,497 $ 31,863 $ 131,538 20 240 _ 20 _ 1368 1602 Falconwood Way 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 73,947 $ 26,806 $ 47,141 $ 131,829 28 312 26 1369 1548 Taplin Dr 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 65,874 $ 35,407 $ 30,467 $ 131,878 19 228 _ 19 1370 1292 Chartwell Ct 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,158 $ 33,107 $ 15,049 $ 128,131 13 156 13 1371 537 Commerce St 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 56,904 $ 36,276 $ 20,628 $ 128,320 15 180 15 1372 1093 Rockwood Dr 1893 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) .$ 66,135 $ 32,241 $ 33,894 $ 132,219 21 252 21 1373 642 Kingfisher Dr 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 66,068 $ 35,512 $ 30,558 $ 132,267 19 228 19 1374 75 Rougemount Dr 2003 7/1/2003 7/1/2003 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 90,228 $ 21,429 $ 68,799 $ 132,276 31 372 31 1375 2315 Major Oaks Rd 1994 7/1/1894 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 68,033 $ 31,465 $ 36,568 $ 132,510 22 264 22 1378 1603 Golden Ridge Rd _ 2003 7/1/2003 7/1/2003 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 90,520 $ 21,499 $ 69,022 $ 132,705 31 372 31 1377 1176 Shadow PI 2002 7/1/2002 7/1/2002 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 87,510 $ 22,971 $ 84,536. $ 133,048 30 380 30 1378 483 Vistula Dr • 1968 7/1/1988 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,594 $ 14,594 $ - $ 129,309 0 0 0 1379 573 Douglas Ave 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ - $ - $ - $ - 16 192 16 . 1380 543 Front St 1989 7/1/1889 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 65,970 $ 38,758 $ 27,213 $ 129,501 17 204 17 1381 8069 Acorn Ln,CI 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 62,035 $ 37,996 $ 24,038 $ 129,737 16 192 16 1382 1692 Honeywood Cr 1988 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 -E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 51,835 $ 34,340 $ 17,494 $ 129,832 14 168 14 1383 RD 2453 Roaebank Road 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 99,626 $ 18,680 $ 80,946 $ 130,156 33 396 33 1384 1326 Dancourt Dr 1986 7/1/1888 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 52,174 $ 34,565 $ 17,609 $ 130,682 14 168 14 1385 2235 Linwood St 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 66,572 $ 39,111 $ 27,461 $ 130,682 17 204 17 1386 2301 Annan Woods Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 57,972 $ 36,957 $ 21,015 $ 130,729 15 180 15 1387 2360 Chapman Ct 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 52,344 $ 34,678 $ 17,668 $ 131,107 14 168 14 1386 399 Park Cr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 46,945 $ 33,448 $ 13,497 $ 131,107 12 144 12 1389 1905 Ashford Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 58,412 $ 37,238 $ 21,174 $ 131,721 15 180 15 1390 2357 Arathom Ct 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 52,627 $ 34,865 $ 17,761 $ 131,815 14 168 14 1391 1617 Falconcrest Dr 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 45,996 $ 33,922 $ 12,074 $ 132,240 11 132 11 1392 1638 Rowntree Cr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 47,571 $ 33,894 $ 13,677 $ 132,854 12 144 12 1393 45 Stover Cr 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 88,308 $ 35,008 $ 33,300 $ 137,472 20 240 20 1394 1747 Ridgewood Ct 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1889 40 _ 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 68,136 $ 40,030 $ 28,106 $ 133,752 17 204 17 1395 2339 Bentley St 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 64,429 $ 39,482 $ 24,968 $ 134,743 16 192 16 1398 2081 Regal Cr 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 69,713 $ 37,471 $ 32,242 $ 139,564 19 228 19 1397 2180 Cedarwood Ct 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 41,860 $ 32,964 $ 8,895 $ 135,877 9 108 9 1398 2372 Hollyhedge Dr • 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 60,316 $ 38,453 $ 21,865 $ 138,019 15 180 15 1399 1635 Rathmore Cr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,805_$ 34,774 $ 14,032 $ 136,302 12 144 12 _ 1400 1226 Foxwood Tr 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 74,424 $ 32,561 $ 41,864 $ 140,586 23 276 23 1401 675 Modlin Rd 1980 7/1/1960 7/1/1980 40 _ 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,421 $ 11,421 $ - $ 137,861 0 0 0 1402 1386 Saugeen Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 . E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 61,533 $ 39,227 $ 22,308 $ 138,758 15 180 15 1403 2414 Shay Dr ' 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1885 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 52,310 $ 35,963 $ 16,347 $ 139,183 13 156 13 1404 1854 Memory Ln 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 27,915 $ 28,868 $ 1,047 $ 139,750 2 24 2 1405 498 TanzerCr 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,808 $ 35,848 $ 12,760 $ 139,750 11 132 11 1406 1605 Dixie Rd 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 66,911 $ 40,983 $ 25,928 $ 139,935 16 192 16 1407 1488 Aspen Rd 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,111 $ 33,950 $ 9,181 $ 139,939. 9 108 9 1408 38 Gwendolyn St 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,293 $ 35,834 $ 14,459 $ 140,456 12 144 12 1409 2186 Pine Glen Dr 1995 7/1/1895 7/1/1995 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 76,588 $ 33,507 $ 43,081 $ 144,672 23 276 23 1410 1295 Flavelle Ct 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,315 $ 34,110 $ 9,204 $ 140,600 9 108 9 • A-20 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Install In Service Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name 'Year Date TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Value (2013$) Useful Life Useful Life Service Life (Years) (Years) Amortization Inflated HC (Years) (Months) (Years) 1411 1166 Meldron Dr 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 71,982 $ 36,891 $ 35.091 $ 144,867 20 240 20 1412 131 Delta Blvd 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 79,851 $ 30,942 $ 48,9.09 $ 144,991 25 300 25 _ 1413 450 Breezy Dr 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) - $ 15,938 $ 15,938 $ - $ 141,214 0 0 0 _ 1414 1323 Post Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 56,549 $ 37,463 $ 19,085 $ 141,639 14 168 14 1415 591 Chapleau Dr ' 1980 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,767 $ 11,767 $ - $ 142,043 0 0 0 1416 702 Garvolin Ave 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 11,872 $ 11,872 $ - $ 143,312 0 0 0 '1417 606 Broadview St 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 53,872 $ 37,037 $ 16.835 $ 143,339 13 156 13 _ • 1418 609 Commerce St 1979 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 'E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 34,424 $ 28,830 $ 5,594 $ 143,434 7 84 7 1419 1668 Glenanna Rd 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 51,733 $ 36,860 $ 14,873 $ 144,480 12 144 12 1420 1866 Poppy Ln 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 29,068 $ 27,976 $ 1,090 $ 145,512 2 24 2 1421 1431 Spruce Hill Rd 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 31,294 $ 29,338 $ 1,956 $ 147,495 3 36 3 1422 1199 Strouds Ln 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 85,647 $ 31,047 $ 54,600 $ 152,689 26 312 26 1423 1099 Pine Grove Ave 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 76,405 $ 37,247 $ 39,157 $ 152,751 21 252 21 1424 1377 Aral!Cr 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 52,173 $ 38,477 $ 13,695 $ 149,998 11 132 11 1425 1172 Woodview Ave 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 81,847 $ 35,808 $ 46,039 $ 154,608 23 276 23 1426 381 Hillvlew Cr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 59,982 $ 39,724 $ 20,237 $ 150,187 14 168 14 1427 696 Miriam Rd 1960 7/1/1980 7/1/1960 40 40. _E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,489 $ 12,489 $ - $ 150,754 0 0 0 1428 1217 Treetop Way 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 87,317 $ 31,652 $ 55,665 $ 155,666 26 312 26 1429 438 Sunrise Ave 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 17,063 $ 17,063 $ - $ 151,179 0 0 0 1430 1383 Eramosa Cr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 67,125 _$ 42,792 $ 24,333 $ 151,368 15 180 15 1431 2321 Meriadoc Dr 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 80,171 $ 37,079 $ 43,092 $ 158,152 22 264 22 1432 723 Reytan Blvd 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1980 40 40 _E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 12,567 $ 12,567 $ - $ 151,699 0 0 0 1433 2220 Rigby Dr 19!13 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 52,978 $ 39,071 $ 13,907 $ 152,313 11 132 11 1434 1181 Granby Ct 1998 7/1/1998 7/1/1998 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 88,136 $ 31,949 $ 56,186 $ 157,125 26 312 26 1435 531 Anniand St 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 72,965 $ 44,691 $ 28,274 $ 152,596 16 192 16 1436 210 Rosebank Rd 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 73,258 $ 44,871 $ 28,388 $ 153,210 16 192 16 1437 1111 Waterford Gate 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 61,514 8 40,753 $ 20,761 $ 154,075 14 168 14 1438 516 Liverpool Rd 1979 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 _E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,502 $ 18,846 $ 3,657 $ 93,760 7 84 7 1439 2271 Bridle Path Crcl 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 47,650 $ 37,525 $ 10,126 $ 154,674 9 108 9 1440 768 McPherson Ct 1979 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 37,284 $ 31,226 $ 6,059 $ 155,354 7 84 7 1441 1136 Va(leyview Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 _E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 68,968 $ 43,967 $ 25,001 $ 155,524 15 180 15 1442 1674 Silver Spuce Dr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 56,043 $ 39,931 $ 16,112 $ 156,518 12 144 12 1443 1750 Lydia Cr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 58,859_ $ 40,466 $ 18,394 _$ 156,610 13 156 13 1444 12 Woodview Dr 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 75,291 $ 46,116 $ 29,175 $ 157,461 16 192 16 1445 51 Littleford St 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 93,380 $ 31,516 $ 61,864 $ 162,525 27 324 27 1446 447 Breezy Dr 1988 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 17,825 $ 17,825 $ - $ 157,933_ 0 0 0 1447 2211 Liverpool Rd 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 42,875 $ 34,873 $ 8,002 $ 158,166 8 96 8 _ 1448 2174 Wildrose Cr 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,814 $ 38,441 $ 10,373 $ 158,452 9 108 9 1449 96 Old Forest Rd 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 81,571 $ 43,844 $ 37,72i-$ 163,303 18 228 19 1450 1545 Pebble Ct 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 33,729 $ 31,621 $ 2,108 $ 158,972 3 36 3 1451 2177 Meadowlane Cr 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 49,076 $ 38,648 $ 10,429 $ 159,303_ 9 108 9 1452 57 Howell Cr 1887 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 5-5-Urban Road-As)$((jBase) $ 70,685 $ 45,082 $ 25,623 $ 159,397 15 180 15 1453 2417 Reyleen Cr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 _E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 59,924 $ 41,198 $ 18,726 $ 159,444 13 156 13 1454 1289 Bayfield St 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphat(Base) $ 49,679 $ 39,122 $ 10,557 $ 181,257 9 108 9 1455 1863 Rosefield Rd 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 40. E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(_Base) $ 33,405 $ _ 30,482 $ 2,923 $ 161,995 4 48 4 1456 621 Parkham Cr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 92,080 $ 35,681 $ 56,399 $ 167,195 25 300 25 1457 1072 Thicket Cr 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 85,965 $ 39,759 $ 46,206 $ 167,438 22 264 22 1458 2428 Abott Cr 1984 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 86,165 $ 39,851 $ 46,314 $ 167,827 22 264 22 _ 1459 1057 Pine Grove Ave 1994 7/1/1994_711/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 86,382 $ 39,952 $ 46,430 $ 168,250 22 264 22 1480 1503 Stonepath Crcl 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,444 $ 39,725 $ 10,719 $ 163,742 9 108 9 1461 507 Radom St 1969 7/1/1969 7/1/1969 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,724 $ 19,724 $ - $ 164,828 0 0 0 • A-21 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization Value (2013$) (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 1462 2087 Primrose Ct 1893 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 85.211 $ 41.540 $ 43,671 $ 170,357 21 252 21 1463 192 McLeod Cr 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 51,041 $ 40,194 $ 10,848 $ 165,678 9 108 9 1464 1148 Westcreek Dr 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 86,719 $ 48,779 $ 37,940 $ 166,056 18 218 18 1465 2429 Conacher Cr 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 87,863 $ 40,837 $ 47,226-_$ 171,135 22 284 22 1466 1096 Pine Grove Ave 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 87,882 $ 40,645 $ 47,237 $ 171,172 22 264 22 1467 525 Uverpool Rd 1965 7/1/1965 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 16,079 $ 18,079 $ - $ 167,958 0 0 0 _ 1468 833 Balaton Ave 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 13,979 $ 13,979 $ - $ 168,738 0 0 0 1469 2345 Baggins St 1988 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 67,617 $ 44,796 $ 22,821 $ 169,362 14 168 _ 14 1470 1154 Westcreek Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 75,523 $ 48,146 $ 27,377 $ 170,307 15 180 15 1471 1018 Sheppard Ave 1986 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 81,747 $ 50,070 $ 31,877 $ 170,963 18 192 16 1472 RD 2438 Clearside Court 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 4D 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) _$ 97,117 $ 37,633 $ 59,484 $ 178,340 25 300 25 1473 1419 Graceland Ct 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 89,531 $ 50,361 $ 39,170 $ 171,440 18 - 216 18 1474 1359 Amberlea Rd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) . $ 76,069 $ 48,494 $ 27,575 $ 171,538 15 180 15 1475 654 Krosno Blvd 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 14,234 $ 14,234 $ - $ 171,818 0 0 0 1476 837 Squires Beach(Station Rd) 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 61,674 $ 43,943 $ 17,731 $ 172,242 12 144 12 __ 1477 1108 Waterford Gate 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 90,317 $ 50,803 $ 39,514 $ _ 172,946 18 216 18 1478 1458 _Cobbler's Ct 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 35,791 $ 31,764 $ 4,026 $ 173,586 5 _ 60 5 1479 378 Vicki Dr 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 111,369 $ 34,803 $ 78,566 $ _ 179,946 28 336 28 1480 312 Eyer Dr 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 34,971 $ 33,860 $ 1,311 $ 175,077 2 24 2 1481 2183 Gossamer Dr 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 95,541 $ 41,799 $ 53,742 $ 180,475 23 278 23 1482 1881 Royal Rd 1996 7/1/1996 7/1/1996 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 97,513 $ 40,224 $ 57,289 $ 180,767 24 288 24 1483 1003 Twyn Rivers Dr 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 84,305 $ 51,637 $ 32,688 $ 178,311 18 192 16 1484 1256 Garland Cr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1897 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 100,198 $ 38,827 $ 61,371 $ 181,935 25 300 25 1485 1178 Rouge Forest Cr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 100,251 $ 38,847 $ 61,404 $ 182,032 25 300 25 1486 1530 Parkside Dr 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 38,058 $ 35,679 $ 2,379 $ 179,375 3 36 3 1487 2465 Finch Ave 2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2007 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 158,641 $ 21,538 $ 135,103 $ 179,665 35 420 35 1488 338 Oklahoma Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 71,748 $ 47,532 $ 24,214 $ 179,705 14 168 14 1489 1382 Amberlea Rd 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 94,325 $ 53,058 $ 41,267 $ 180,621 18 216 18 1490 86 Dalewood Dr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 84,803 $ 46,172 $ 18,631 $ 180,981 12 144 12 1491 861 Silicone Dr 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 86,601 $ 53,043 $ 33,558 $ 181,114 16 192 16 1492 8072 ,Canso Dr,CI 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 86,989 $ 53,281 $ 33,708 $ 181,925 16 192 18 1493 1332 Chamwood Ct 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 72,746 $ 48,194 $ 24,552 $ 182,209 14 168 14 1494 69 Fiddlers Ct 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 -E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 95,228 $ 53,566 $ 41,662 $ 182,350 18 218 18 1495 489 Timmins Gdns 1968 . 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,587 $ 20,587 $ - $ 182.404 0 0 0 1496 2066 Craighurst Ct 2001 7/1/2001 7/1/2001 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 121,957 $ 35,062 $ 86,894 $ 188,696 29 348 29 1497 153 Rougemount Dr 1934 7/1/1934 7/1/1934 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 5,448 $ 5,448 $ - $ 183,200 0 0 0 1498 2153 Pebblestone Cr 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,041 $ 40,858 $ 9,383 $ 185,467 8 98 8 1499 672 Antonio St 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 15,384 $ 15,384 $ - $ 185,704 0 0 0 1500 1338 Greenvale Cr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 74,217 $ 49,188 $ 25,048 $ 185,892 14 188 14 1501 1756 Monteagle Cml 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,471 $ 37,004 $ 2,467 $ 186,034 3 38 3 1502 1911 Fairfield Cr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 82,623 $ 52,672 $ 29,951 $ 186,317 15 180 15 1503 2117 Sherman Cr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 70,148 $ 48,227 $ 21,921 $ 186,648 13 156 13 1504 1305 Norfolk Sq 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 82,898 $ 47,958 $ 14,938 $ 186,895 10 - 120 10 1505 1190 Sparrow Crcl 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 110,905 $ 37,430 $ 73,474 $ 193,026 27 324 27 1508 2226 Abbey Rd 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 65,281 $ 48,145 $ 17,136 $ 187,887 11 132 11 1507 2292 Denvale Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 83,251 $ 53,073 $ 30,179 $ 187,734 15 180 15 1508 1389 Saugeen Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 83,712 $ 53,366 $ 30,346 $ 188,773 15 180 15 1509 1250 Wildflower Dr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 107,110 $ 41,505 $ 85,805 $ 194,485 25 300 25 _ 1510 1795 Esplanade South 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 58,225 $ 45,852 $ 12,373 $ 189,000 9 108 9 1511 2393 Wi(dwood Cr 1958 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 91,078 $ 55,784 $ 35,292 $ 190,474 18 192 18 1512 624 Colmar Ave 1961 7/1/1961 7/1/1961 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 15,930 $ 15,930 $ - $ 190,662 0 0 0 • • A-22 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Install In Service Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name Year Date TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Value (2013$) Useful Life Useful Life Service Life (Years) (Years) Amortization Inflated HC (Years) (Months) (Years) 1513 1311 Braebum Cr 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 64,614 $ 49268 $ 15,346 $ 191,796 10 120 10 1514 258 Dahlia Cr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) - $ 76,706 $ 50,817 $ 25,888 $ 192,127 14 168 14 1515 2105 Duncannon Dr 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 100,334 $ 56,438 $ 43,896 $ 192,127 18 216 _ 18 1516 1512 New St 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 39,667' $ 35,204 $ 4,463 $ 192,363 5 60 5 1517 1238 Silver Maple Dr 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt Base) $ 105,842 $ 46,306 $ 59,536 $ 199234 23 276 23 1518 1515 New St - 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 40,056 $ 35,550 $ 4,506 $ 194,252 5 _ 60 5 1519 1066 White Pine Cr 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 100,248 $ 48,871 $ 51,377 $ 200,420 21 _ 252 21 1520 2123 Alanbuny Cr 199D 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt Base $ 101,937 $ _ 57,339 $ 44,597 $ 195,196 18 216 18 1521 1650 Heathside Cr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 86,707 $_ 55,276 $ 31,431 $ 195,527 15 180 15 1522 1247 Wildflower Dr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 111,396 $ 43,166 $ 68,230 $ 202,269 25 300 25 1523 9 Woodview Dr 1996 7/1/1996 7/1/1996 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 110,004 $ 45,377 $ 64,628 $ 203,922 24 288 24 1524 1241 White Cedar Dr 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 107,980 $ 47,241 $ 60,739 $ 203,971 23 278 23 1525 117 Sundown Cr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 79,100 $ 52,404 $ 26,696 $ 198,125 14 168 14 1526 1151 Mossbrook Sq 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 103,540 $ 58,241 $ 45,299 $ 198,266 18 216 18 1527 2250 Parkdale St 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 69,224 $ 51,053 $ 18,171 $ 199,022 11 132 11 1528 2192 Fieldstone Crcl 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 53,876 $ 43,775 $ 10,102 $ 199,683 8 96 _ _ 8 1529 294 Downland Dr 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) _$ 41,235 $ 37,627 $ 3,608 $ 199,967 4 48 4 1530 111 Lightfoot PI 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 .40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) _$ 79,930 $ 52,954 $ 26,976 $ 200,203 14 168 14 1531 1878 Guild Rd 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 104,576 $ 58,824 $ 45,752 $ 200,250 18 216 18 1532 2208 Bushmill St 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 54,060 $ 43,924 $ 10,136 $ 200,365 8 96 8 1533 1711 FoleyetCr 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 42,537 $ 39,879 $ 2,659 $ 200,486 3 36 3 1534 711 Poprad Ave 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 16,688 $ 16,688 $ - $ 201,442 0 0 0 1535 1446 Strouds Ln 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 109,899 $ 48,081 $ 61,818 $ 207,595 23 276 23 1536 1899 Beechlawn Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 89,555 $ 57,091 $ 32,464 $ 201,950 15 180 15 1537 2048 Amaretto Ave 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 72,348 $ 51,546 $ 20,799 $ 202,045 12 144 12 1538 339 Oklahoma Dr 1968 7/1/1966 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,804 $ 22,804 $ - $ 202,045 0 0 0 1540 1644 Heathside Cr 1987 _ 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 89,744 $ 57,212 $ 32,532 $ 202,375 15 180 15 1541 1069 Thicket Cr 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 104,458 $ 50,923 $ 53,535_ $ 208,836 21 252 21 1542 1826 Jaywin Crcl 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,189 $ 40,471 $ 2,898 $ 203,462 3 36 3 1543 1726 Glenanna Rd 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,177_$ 40,478 $ 2,699 $ 203,501 3 36 3 1544 1877 Huntsmill Dr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 4D 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 72,870 $ 51,920'$ 20,950 $ 203,509 12 144 12 1545 264 Sandstone Mnr 1979 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40. E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 49,069 $ 41,095 $ 7,974 $ 204,456 7 84 7 1546 1735 Glendale Dr 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 6-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 108,668 $ 50,259 $ 58,409 $ 211,657 22 264 22 1547 1277 Gardenview Sq 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 69,515 $ 53,005 _$ 16,510 $ 206,342 10 120 10 1548 1232 Foxwood Tr 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) i $ 69,982 $ 53,361 $ 18,621 $ 207,729 10 120 _ 10 1549 2205 Bemwood Sq 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 64,092 $ 50,472 $ 13,619 $ 208,043 9 108 9 1550 1434 Spruce Hill Rd 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 113,800 $ 49,787 $ 64,012 $ 214,985 23 276 23 1551 207 Rosebank Rd 1979 7/1/1979 7/1/1979 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,100 $ 41,958 $ 8,141 $ 208,751 7 84 7 1552 1662 Glenanna Rd 1984 7/1/1884 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 75,173 $ 53,561 $ 21,812 $ 209,942 12 144 12 1553 1759 Gloucester Sq 1978 7/1/1878 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 46,231 $ 39,874 $ 6,357 $ 210,026 8 72 6 1554 2159 Windgrove Sq 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 107,563 $ 55,126 $ 52,437 $ 216,473 20 240 20 1555 2384 Duberry Dr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 79,024 $ 54,329 $ 24,695 $ 210,263 13 156 13 1556 2093 Fairport Rd 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 _E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 108,400 $ 52,845 $ 55,555 $ 216,717 21 _ 252 21 1557 2289 Greenmount St 1987 7/1/1887 7/1/1987 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 93,554 $ 59,641 $ 33,913 $ 210,988 15 180 15 _ 1558 2312 Major Oaks Rd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 93,597 $ 59,668 $ 33,929 $ 211,065 15 180 15 1559 2381 Denby Dr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 79,503 $ 54,658 $ 24,845 $ 211,538 13 156 13 1560 1671 Eagleview Dr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 4D 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 75,981 $ 54,137 $ 21,845 $ 212,199 12 144 _ 12 1561 1280 Amberwood Cr 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 65,590 $ 51,652 $ 13,938 $ 212,907 8 108 9 ' 1562 2351 Melman St 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 85,247 $ 56,478 $ 28,771 $ 213,521 14 168 14 1563 351 Merinet Cr 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 24,302 $ 24,302 $ - $ 215,318 0 0 0 1564 2003 Finch Ave 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 164,917 $ 30,922 $ 133,995,$ 215,455 33 398 - 33 A-23 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Replacement Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization Value (2013$) (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 1565 771 Feldspar Ct 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 81,100`$ 55,756 $ 25,344 $ 215,787 13 156 13 _ 1568 108 Edmund Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 88,152 $ 57.076 $ 29,076 $ 215,788 14 168 14 1567 1476 Meadowview Ave 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 45,794 $ 42,932 $ 2,862 $ 215,836 3 36 3 1569 2363 Pepperwood Gate 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 95,880 $ 61,124 $ 34,757 $ 218,213 15 180 15 1570 2408 Duberry Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 86,511 $ 57,313 $ 29,197 $ 216,886 14 168 14 _ 1571 1042 Hogarth St 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 111,107 $ _ 56,943 $ 54,165 $ 223,807 20 240 20 _ 1572 1407 Oionabee Dr 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 112,220 $ 54,707 $ 57,513 $ 224,354 21 252 21 1573 1884 Pickering Pkwy - 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 139,371 $ 43,553 $ 95,817 $ 225,189 28 336 28 1574 2295 Strathmore Cr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 97,095 $ 61,898 $ 35,197 $ 218,953 15 180 15 1575 1802 Esplanade North 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 87,461 $ 57,943 $ 29,516 $ 219,068 14 168 14 1576 488 Batory Ave 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 24,885 $ 24,885 $ - $ 220,480 0 0 0 1577 1841 Glengrove Rd 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 112,886 $ 66,321 $ 46,565 $ 221,597 17 204 17 1578 333 Oklahoma Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 89,471 $ 59,275 $ 30,196 $ 224,101 14 168 14 1579 1817 Geta Crcl 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 6-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 47,588 $ 44,613 $ 2,974 $ 224,289 3 36 3 1580 2078 Darwin Dr - 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 115,516 $ 62,090 $ 53,426 $ 231,281 19 228 19 1581 1142 Senator St 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 100,048 $ 63,781 $ 36,267 $ 225,612 15 180 15 1582 105 Steeple Hill 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 100,467 $ 64,048 $ 38,419 $ 226,556 15 180 15 1583 1875 Valley Farm Rd 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,197 $ 45,185 $ 3,012 $ 227,163 3 36 3 1584 1365 Chiron Cr 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 79,195 $ 58,407 $ 20,789 $ 227,690 11 132 11 1585 30 Riverview Cr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 81,562 $ 58,113 $ 23,449 $ 227,784 12 144 12 1586 2054 Cognac Cr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 81,714 $ 58,221 $ 23,493 $ 228,209 12 144 12 1587 2111 Lynn Heights Dr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 85,831 $ 59,009 $ 26,822 $ 228,376 13 156 13 1588 741 Sandy Beach Rd 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 91,477 $ 60,603 $ 30,873 $ 229,124 14 168 14 1589 1883 Redbird Cr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 82,374 $ 58,691 $ 23,682 $ 230,051 12 144 12 1590 2214 , Liverpool Rd 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 70,985 $ 55,901 $ 15,084 $ 230,418 9 108 9 1591 546 Ilona Park Rd 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 19,097 $ 19,097 $ - $ 230,524 0 0 0 1592 423 West Shore Blvd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 102,352 $ 65,249 $ 37,103 $ 230,807 15 180 15 1593 21 Fawndale Rd 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 83,439 $ 59,450 $ 23,989 $ 233,027 12 144 12 1594 1298 Sultana Sq 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 78,647 $ 59,969 $ 18,679 $ . 233,452 10 120 10 1595 1533 Parkside Dr 1978 7/1/1978 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 51,471 $ 44,394 $ 7,077 $ 233,830 6 72 6 1596 462 Esse Cr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 103,813 $ 68,181 $ 37,632 $ 234,102 15 180 15 1597 1271 Laurier Cr 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 79,411 $ 60,551 $ 18,860 $ 235,719 10 120 10 1598 1869 Lodge Rd 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,648 $ 44,390 $ 4,257 $ 235,908 4 48 4 1599 1084 Sandcherry Ct 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 125,028 $ 57,825 $ 67,202 $ 243,520 22 264 22 1800 1202 Strouds Ln 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 125,568 $ 58,074 $ 67,492 $ 244,572 22 264 22 1601 801 McKay Rd 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 73,388 $ 57,793 $ 15,595 $ 238,218 9 108 9 1602 2387 McBrady Cr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 89,567 $ 61,577 $ 27,990 $ 238,318 13 156 13 1603 2366 Middleton St 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 105,724 $ 67,399 $ 38,325 $ 238,411 15 180 15 I 1604 321 Stonebridge Ln 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 47,707 $ 45,918 $ 1,789 $ 238,836 2 24 2 1605 2135 Maury Cr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 89,816 $ 61,748 $ 28,067 $ 238,978 13 156 13 1606• 1054 Pine Grove Ave 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 126,675 $ 58,587 $ 68,088 $ 246,731 22-- 264 22 1607 1717 Listowell Cr 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,854 $ 47,676 $ 3,178 $ 239,686 3 36 3 1608 1823 Alwin Crol 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 50,965 $ 47,779 $ 3,185 $ 240,206 3 36 3 1609 1820 Denmar Rd 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 51,078 $ 47,884 $ 3,192 $ 240,732 3 36 3 1610 1371 Arcadia Sq 1894 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 127,899 $ 59,153 $ 68,745 $ 249,114 22 264 22 1611 360 Sanok Dr 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 124,507 $ 63,810 $ 80,697 $ 250,574 20 240 20 1612 2162 Ma•le Gate Rd 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E5-Urban RoadAs.halt Base $ 75,077 $ 59,123 $ 15,954 $ 243,701 9 108 9 • 1613 678 Modlin Rd 1980 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,209 $ 20,209 $ - $ 243,937 0 0 0 j 1614 690 Beni Ave 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,400 $ 20,400 $ - $ 246,251 0 0 0 1615 708 Tatra Dr 1980 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 20,403 $ 20,403 $ - $ 246,287 0 0 0 1616 2423 Canterbury Cr 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 130,646 $ 60,424 $ 70,222 $ 254,485 22 264 22 • • A-24 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name Year Date TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life (Years) (Years) Amortization Value (2013$) (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 1617 1285 Rosebank Rd 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-As.halt Base) $ 130,916 $ 60,549 $ 70,367 $ 254,991 22 264 22 1618 NEM Eastbank Rd NEM 7/1/1977 1/0135511MEM�' E-5-Urban Road-As•halt Base $ 51,100 $ 45,352 $ 5,749 $ 247,810 5 60 5 1619 2090 Faiport Rd 2000 7/1/2000 7/1/2000WM/KM E-5-Urban Road-As•halt Base $ 158,165 $ 49,427 $ 108,739 $ 255,556 28 336 28 WEE 1404 Se.uinS• IIKEZEMIEBED 11112:M ' E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base $ 127,914 $ 82,358 $ 65,556 $ 255,730 21 252 21 1621 1848 Faylee Cr 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 49,707 $ 47,843 $ 1,864 $ 248,849 2 24 2 1622 288 Broadgreen St 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-5-Urban Road Asphalt(Base) $ 51,324 $ 45,550 $ 5,774 $ 248,896 5 60 5 1823 2144 Dixie Rd 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 132,229 $ 61',156 $ 71,073 $ 257,549 22 284 22 11111322/111n2a Edgewood Rd MilEig 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 53,119 $ 49,799 $ 3,320 $ 250,380 3 36 - 3 1625 - 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 129,755 $ 63,255 $ 88,499 $ 259,410 21 252 21 1628 Mal Silverthorn Sq 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 100,690 $ 66,707 $ 33,983 $ 252,202 14 168 14 1627 1308 Beckworth Sq 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 77,972 $ 61,403 $ 18,569 $ 253,099 9 108 9 1628 669 Grenoble Blvd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 113,194 $ 72,161 $ 41,033 $ 255,256 15 180 15 1629 276 Atwood Cr 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 124,386 $ 76,186 $ 48,200 $ 260,136 18 192 16 1630 657 Krosno Blvd 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1980 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 21,742 $ 21,742 $ - $ 262,450 0 0 0 1831 1500 Aspen Rd 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 55,694 $ 52,213 $ 3,481 $ 262,498 3 36 3 1632 1572 Fairport Rd 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 147,016 $ 64,320 $ 82,697 $ 277,710 23 276 23 1633 363 Sanok Dr 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 140,105 $ 68,301 $ 71,804 $ 280,102 21 252 21 . 1834 651 Lublin Ave 1960 7/1/1960 7/1!1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 22,670 $ 22,670 $ - $ 273,844 0 0 0 1635 693 ZatorAve 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) - $ 22,674 $ 22,674 $ - $ 273,891 0 0 0 1636 2223 Abbey Rd 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 98,152 $ 69,933 $ 28,219 $ 274,116 12 144 12 1637 102 Highbush Tr 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 142,925 $ 76,822 $ 66,103 $ 286,134 19 228 19 1638 234 Cowan Crcl 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 5-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 75,042 $ 60,972 $ 14,070 $ 278,130 8 96 8 1639 1653 Brookshire Sq 1986 7/1/1988 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 111,174 $ 73,653 $ 37,521 $ 278,461 14 168 14 1640 720 Reytan Blvd 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,159 $ 23,159 $ - $ 279,547 0 0 0 1641 99 Old Forest Rd 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 144,796 $ 77,828 $ 66,968 $ 289,880 19 228 19 1642 2411 Beaton Way 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 106,057 $ 72,914 $ 33,143 $ 282,192 13 156 13 1843 846 Clements Rd 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 86,945 $ 68,469 $ 18,476 $ 282,225 9 108 9 1644 1838 Glenview Rd 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 143,874 $ 84,526 $ 59,348 $ 282,428 17 204 17 1645 1789 Pickering P 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base $ 59,997 $ 56,247 $ 3,750 $ 282,777 3 36 3 1646 603 Annland St 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 23,507 $ 23,507 $ - $ 283,751 0 0 0 1647 2280 Valley Farm Rd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 126,085 $ 80,366 $ 45,699 $ 284,281 15 180 15 1648 315 Eyer Dr 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 56,952 $ 54,817 $ 2,136 $ 285,120 2 24 2 1649 2084 Baylawn Dr 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 137,213 $ 84,043 $ 53,170 $ 286,962 16 192 16 1650 RD 1941 Rosebank Road 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 219,812 $ 41,215 $ 178,597 $ 287,172 33 396 33 1851 417 Marksbury Rd 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 138,207 $ 84,852 $ 53,555_$ 289,040 16 192 16 1652 2298 Somergrove Cr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ _ 128,385 $ 81,845 $ 46,540 $ 289,513 15 180 15 1653 2129 Benton Cr 1985 7/1/1965 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 109,856 $ 75,526 $ 34,330 $ 292,299 13 156 13 1654 1841 Longbow Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 129,704 $ 82,687 $ 47,018 $ 292,488 15 180 15 1655 1632 Rawlings Dr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 104,849 $ 74,705 $ 30,144 $ 292,819 12 144 12 1656 519 Liverpool Rd 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Bass) $ 151,719 $ 81,549 $ 70,170 $ 303,740 19 228 19 1857 1575 Fairport Rd 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 118,468 $ 78,485 $ 39,983 $ 296,730 14 168 14 1658 753 Alliance Rd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 133,414 $ 85,051 $ 48,363 $ 300,853 15 _ 180 15 1659 849 Clements Rd 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 143,870 $ 88,120 $ 55,750 $ 300,884_ 16 192 16 1680 1009 Twyn Rivers Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 133,553 $ 85,140 $ 48,413 $ 301,188 15 180 15 1881 2156 Cedarcrofi Cr 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 105,709 $ 77,960 $ 27,749 $ 303,917 11 132 11 1662 1908 Bainbridge Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 137,328 $ 87,547 $ 49,781 $ 309,879 15 180 15 1683 1244 Woodsmere Cr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 175,936 $ 68,175 $ 107,781 $ 319,456 25 300 25 1684 1356 Ambedea Rd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 137,955 $ 87,947 $ 50,009 $ 311,094 15 180 15 1865 1860 RosefeldRd 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1978 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 64,209 $ 58,591 $ 5,618 $ 311,380 4 48 4 1888 RD 867 Clements Rd 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 98,533 $ 76,020 $ 20,513 _$ 313,347 9 108 9 .I 1667 1814 Dixie Rd 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 112,983 $ 80,500 $ 32,483 $ 315,535 12 144 _ 12 A-25 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date (Years) (Years) Amortization Value (2013$) (Years) (Months) (Years) Inflated HC 1668 2306 Major Oaks Rd _ 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 118,957 $ 81.783 $ 37,174 $ 316,516 13 156 _ 13 1669 2420 Southcott Rd _1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 168,667 $ 78,008 $ 90,658 $ 328,521 22 264 22 1670 1714 Storrington St 1976 7/1/1976 7/1/1976 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 66,381 $ 60,572 $ 5,808 $ 321,912 4 48 4 1671 1702 Walnut Ln 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 4D 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 69,152 $ 64,830 $ 4,322 $ 325,926 3 36 3 1672 33 Rouge Valley Dr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 117,921 $ 84,019 $ 33,902 $ 329,327 12 144 12 1673 686 Naroch Blvd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 146,813 $ 93,594 $ 53,220 $ 331,069 15 180 15 1674 480 Vistula Dr 1968 7/1/1968 7/1/1968 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 37,572 $ 37,572 $ - $ 332,889 0 0 0 1675 1771 Canborough Cr 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 68,874 $ 61,126 $ 7,748 $ 334,002 5 60 5 1676 1262 RosebankRd 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 183,175 $ 60,139 $ 103,036 $ 348,013 23 276 23 1677 1208 Strouds Ln 1982 7/1/1982 7/1/1982 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 113,342 $ 66,423 $ 26,919 $ 336,438 10 120 10 1678 1335 Springview Dr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 126,984 $ 87,302 $ 39,683 $ 337,875 13 156 13 1679 1578 Dunbarton Rd 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 191,742 $ 74,300 $ 117,442 $ 348,157 25 300 25 1680 1353 Ambedea Rd 2003 7/1/2003 7/1/2003 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 237,565 $ 56,422 $ 181,144 $ 348,276 31 372 31 1881 2333 Blue Ridge Cr 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 162,574 $ 99,576 $ 62,997 $ 340,000 16 192 16 1882 1160 Sandhurst Cr 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 174,252 $ 89,304 $ 84,948 $ 350,687 20 240 20 1683 1851 Anton Sq 1986 7/1/1988 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 136,799 $ 90,630 $ 46,170 $ 342,845 14 168 14 1684 1283 Weybum Sq 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 105,835 $ 83,345 $ 22,490 $ 343,543 9 108 9 1685 795 McKay Rd 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 177,154 $ 86,362 $ 90,791 $ 354,171 21 252 21 1686 1786 Pickering Pkwy 2003 7/1/2003 7/1/2003 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 247,157 $ 58,700 $ 188,457 $ 362,338 31 372 31 1687 1021 Sheppard Ave 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 186,174 $ 104,723 $ 81,451 $ 356,499 18 216 18 1688 1253 Summerpark Cr 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 202,780 $ 78,577 $ 124,203 $ 368,199 25 300 25 1689 1898 Marshcourt Dr 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 158,565 $ 101,085 $ 57,480 $ 357,569 15 180 15 1690 1829 Glenanna Rd 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 71,536 $ 68,853 $ 2,683 $ 358,128 2 24 2 1691 2396 Wildwood Cr 1991 7/1/1991 7/1/1991 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 186,128 $ 100,044 $ 86.084 $ 372,626 19 228 19 1692 1785 Malden Cr 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 77,489 $ 72,646 $ 4,843 $ 365,221 3 36 3 1693 2138 Dixie Rd 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 127,163 $ 93,783 $ 33,380 $ 365,599 11 132 11 1694 348 Hillcrest Rd 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 199,401 $ 87,238 $ 112,163 $ 376,664 23 276 23 1695 1102 Pine Grove Ave 1992 7/1/1992 7/1/1992 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 187,649 $ 96,170 $ 91,479 $ 377,649 20 240 20 1696 1680 Mountcastle Cr 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ - 131,315 $ 93,562 $ 37,753 $ 366,732 12 144 12 1697 522 Liverpool Rd 1990 7/1/1990 7/1/1990 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 193,539 $ 108,866 $ 84,673 $ 370,603 18 216 18 1698 660 Krosno Blvd 1960 7/1/1960 7/1/1960 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 30,820 $ 30,820 $ - $ 372,022 0 0 0 1699 1729 Glenanna Rd 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 78,934 $ 74,001 $ 4,933 $ 372,033 3 36 3 1700 42 Hoover Dr 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 149,074 $ 98,762 $ 50,313 $ 373,391 14 168 14 1701 1738 Glendale Dr 1996 7/1/1996 7/1/1996 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 212,583 $ 87,690 $ 124,892 $ 394,078 24 288 24 1702 2114 Lynn Heights Dr 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 147,878 $ 101,528 $ 48,149 $ 392,932 13 156 13 1703 1121 Oakbum St 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 200,943 $ 118,054 $ 82,889 $ 394,455 17 204 17 1704 1174 Woodview Ave 1971 7/1/1971 7/1/1971 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 0 0 1705 2060 Erin Gate Blvd 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 234,248 $ 79,059 $ 155,189 $ 407,700 27 324 27 1706 1220 Autumn Cr 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 216,063 $ 94,528 $ 121,536 $ 408,137 23 278 23 1707 1608 Dixie Rd 1983 7/1/1983, 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 138,189 $ 101,915 $ 38,275 $ 397,301 11 132 11 1708 1205 Strouds Ln 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 159,488 $ 105,661 $ 53,827 $ 399,474 14 168 14• 1709 1060 Valley Ridge Cr 1993 7/1/1993 7/1/1993 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 206,484 $ 100,681 $ 105,823 $ 412,808 21 252 21 • 1710 1832 Fieldlight Blvd 1974 7/1/1974 7/1/1974 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 80,669 $ 77,644 $ 3,025 $ 403,854 2 24 2 1711 78 Rougemount Dr 2003 7/1/2003 7/1/2003 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 284,009 $ 67,452 $ 216,557 $ 418,364 31 372 31 1712 2150 Maple Ridge Dr• 1980 7/1/1980 7/1/1980 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 109,506 $ 88,974 $ 20,532 $ 405,864 8 96 8 1713 306 Creekview Crcl 1977 7/1/1977 7/1/1977 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 84,028 $ 74,575 $ 9,453 $ 407,490 5 60 5 1714 1437 Spruce Hill Rd 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 224,459 $ 98,201 $ 126,256 $ 423,996 23. 276 23 1715 5117 Greenbum PI 1985 7/1/1985 7/1/1985 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 157,000 $ 107,937 $ 49,062 $ 417,739 13 156 13 1716 1720 Bronte Sq 1976 7/1/1978 7/1/1976 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 87,475 $ 79,821 $ 7,654 $ 424,209 4 48 4 1717 1024 Sheppard Ave 1989 7/1/1989 7/1/1989 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 219.433 $ 128,917 $ 90,516 $ 430,752 17 204 17 1718 2327 Dellbrook Ave 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 192,379 $ 122,642 $ 69,738 $ 433,822 15 180 15 A-26 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Road Base Replacement Useful Service 2012 Remaining Remaining Remaining Install In Service 2012 Net Book Cost Asset ID GIS ID Asset Name TCA Date Life Life Note 1 Historical Cost Accumulated Useful Life Useful Life Service Life Year Date Value (2013$) (Years) (Years) Amortization Inflated NC (Years) (Months) (Years) . 1719 1443 Strouds Ln 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 248,526 $ - 96,304 $ 152,222 $ 451,262 25 300 25 1720 2330 Dellbrook Ave IEMM�' ' E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 185,241 $ 113,603 $ _ 51,638 $ 439,666 13 156 13 1721 93 Rosebank Rd 1988 7/1/1968 7/1/1988 IMEMMCIM E5-Urban Road-Asphalt Base $ 211,279 $ 129.409 $ 81,871 $ 441,861 16 _ 192 _ 16 1722 429 West Shore Blvd 1999 7/1/1999 7/1/1999 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt Base $ 265,627 $ 89.649 $ 175,978 $ 462,313 27 _ 324 27 1 1723 834 S.uires Beach Rd 11121EIN MEM 7/1/2003 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-As•halt Base $ 324,138 $ 76,983 $ 247,155 $ 475,194 31 372 31 1724 NEM Woodview Ave IIIEDMISZEDEI 7/1/1993 IMMINIMEMI E5-Urban Road-As.halt Base) $ 244,867 $ 119.373 $ 125,494 $ 489,546 21 252 21 1725 IKIDEMEaalllaa. 7/1/1987 7/1/19870®' E-5-Urban Road-As.halt(Base) $ 221,920 $ 141,474 $ 80,446 $ 500,437 15 180 15 1726 855 CapperstoneDr. 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 4D E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 249,049 $ 152,542_$ 96.506 $ 520,851 16 192 16 1727 1741 Bowler Dr 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 116,527 $ 109,244 $ 7,283 $ 549,215 3 36 3 1728 1665 Glenanna Rd 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 228,649 $ 151,480 $ 77,169_ $ 572,703 14 168 14 1729 261 Granite Ct 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ . 207,843 $ 148,088 $ 59,755_ $ 580,457 12 144 12 1730 1235 Foxwood Tr 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 179,938 $ 141,701 $ 38,237 $ 584,081_ 9 108 9 1731 1887 Pickering Pkwy 1988 7/1/1988 7/1/1988 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 282,837 $ 173,238 $ 109,599 $ 591,515 16 192 16 1732 1805 Valley Farm Rd 1984 7/1/1984 7/1/1984 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 213,538 $ 152,146 $ 61,392 $ 596,364 12 144 12 1733 2309 Major Oaks Rd 1987 7/1/1987 7/1/1987 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 275,530 $ 175,650_ $ 99,880 $ 621,329 15 180 15 1734 1783 Pickering Pkwy 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 193,509 $ 152,388 $ 41,121 $ 628,133 9 108 9 1735 1792 Glenanna Rd 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 226,462 $ 187,016 $ 59,446 $ 651,088 11 132 11 1736 1449 Shadybrook Dr 1975 7/1/1975 7/1/1975 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 142,142 $ 133,258 $ 8,884 $ 689,942 3 _ 36 3 1737 828 Squires Beach Rd 1981 7/1/1981 7/1/1981 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 209,872 $ 185,275 $ 44,598 $ 681,250 9 108 9 1738 1350 Highview Rd 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 252,821 $ 186,455 $ 66,365 $ 726,871 11 132 11 1739 1611 Dixie Rd 1983 7/1/1983 7/1/1983 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 253,751 $ 187,142 $ 66,610 $ 729,546 11 132 11 1740 1780 Pickering Pkwy 1997 7/1/1997 7/1/1997 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 432,605 $ 167,634 $ 264,970 $ 785,505 25 300 25 1741 1268 Rosebank Rd 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1994 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 425,143 $ 196,629 $ 228,515 $ 828,073 22 284 22 1742 1569 Fairport Rd 1995 7/1/1995 7/1/1995 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 492,328 $ 215,393 $ 276,934 $ 929,993 23 276 23 1743 8078 Old Brock Rd,CI 1986 7/1/1986 7/1/1986 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 24,795 $ 16,427 $ 8,368 $ 62,105 14 168 14 1744 513 Liverpool Rd 2005 7/1/2005 7/1/2005 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 125,497 $ 23,531 $ 101,966 $ 163,955 33 396 33 4326 RO-2&WO-6 Sheppard(Alto 2008 7/1/2008 7/1/2008 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 1,034,897 $ 116,428 $ 918,471 $ 1,083,337 36 432 36 4355 Woodview Avenue 2008 7/1/2008 7/1/2008 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 697,123 $ 64,165 $ 632,959 $ 729,753 36 432 36 4395 Front Road 2009 7/1/2009 7/1/2009 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 79,710 $ 6,975 $ 72,735 $ 65,086 37 444 37 4397 Toy Avenue 2009 7/1/2009 7/12009 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 286,186 $ 25,041 $ 261,144 $ 305,415 37 444 37 4448 Finch Ave. 2009 7/1/2009 7/1/2009 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 57,200 $ 5,005 $ 52,195 $ 61,044 37 444 37 4462 1214 Calvington Dr 2002 7/1/2009 7/12009 36 36 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,767 $ 4,741. $ 44,025 $ 74,142 33 396 26 4465 1196 Strouds 1.n 2002 7/12009 7/1/2009 36 36 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 333,029 $ 32,378 $ 300,651 $ 506,322 33 396 26 4469 RD 2444 Sunbird Trail 2004 7/1/2009 7/1/2009 37 37 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 336,328 $ 31,815 $ 304,513 $ 462,616 34 408 29 4473 1211 Tilson Ct 2002 7/1/2009 7/1/2009 36 36 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 30,007 $ 2,917 $ 27,090 $ 45,821 33 396 26 4523 1808 Avonmore S. 2002 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 34 _ 34 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 229,752 $ 16,894 $ 212,858 $ 349,304_ 32 384 24 4527 1045 Rockwood Dr 2003 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 39 39 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 80,500 $ 5,160 $ 75,340 $ 118,015 37 444 30 4531 RD 2447 Rougewalk Drive 2005 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 37 37 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 96,779 $ 6,539 $ 90,240 $ 126,436 35 420 30 • 4535 RD 2450 Mahongany Court 2005 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 37 37 E5-Urban Roed-Asphalt(Base) $ 104,458 $ 7,058 $ 97,400 $ 136,469 35 420 _ 30 4571 Toy Avenue 2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 194,577 $ 12,161 $ 182,416 $ 207,797 38 458 38 4658 Charlotte Circle • 2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 113,973 $ 4,274 $ 109,699 $ 118,933 39 468 39 4685 Liverpool Road-Whaft Street 2011 7/12011 7/12011 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 176,039 $ 6,601 $ 169,437 $ 180,811 39 468 39 4669 Valley Farm Road 2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 118,183 $ 4,432_$ 113,751 _$ 121,253 39 468 39 4680 William Street 2011 7/1/2011 7/1/2011 40 40 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 133,371 _$ 5,001 $ 128,369 $ 136,835 39 468 39 5060 _ Walrus St 2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 228,804 $ 2,858 $ 225,747 $ 229,510 40 480 40 5067 West Shore Blvd 2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 40 40 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 228,885 $ 2,861 $ 226,023 $ 229,791 40 480 40 5089 Rockwood Drive 2007 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 35 35 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 46,913 $ 670 $ 46,243 $ 53,809 35 420 30 5094 Rockwood Drive 2008 7/12012 7/1/2012 36 38 E5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 48,303 $ 671 $ 47,632 $ 50,564 36 432 32 --5101 Rushton Road 2008 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 36 38 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 43,774 $ 808 $ 43,166 $ 45,823 36 432 32 5108 Calvington Dr. 2009 7!12012 7/1/2012 37 37 E-5-Urban Road-Asphalt(Base) $ 150,881 $ 2,036 $ 148,825 $ 160,785 37 444 34 tr! ............ ... z1 !i; WA WaVagjANARRHINIIMANHUMINWPANUM MRHINIMPUW4411HIPAPAEWMAATM It! 2g; 2 2 'OE if ,sss.....ss.ssm-,ms..... ........ ..........sma,a 140111101 khAnihilagnillbahl El InETIW'r8=:" ;S">>11ffl 1 ''> 1° till; 1881t It I1881801 111:>>>>>>: t t II 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HEE CEE lee! 1 II I >_>_gg jgg gg g liEE 2n,ini AAAAMIAMAAAAAMAHHA A § tlt ti itl "550 150 T Ei Ell AliCiti E gi W--114.144-11;alttappaivi.; 2 it algilialitgaligffigArallillafflAilliAMMAggagAggg°2"g 0008888o Pr- 111111111111111111111111111111/11WIMAIMM1111111111 k 8 5 g 2; g; If; ; vih; I iN ligithillfleTilita".1511Z" jaii2108-8-0,18111 Of221.210ii li'll'WW`&415id-e111111ARMillrghg.0111 NWILTIHM021hhglinSIMMinnifiAllitt,81ANTIA(3086 .1.M3nia g, I °^I A-40 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Bridge Deck Install Useful Life Remaining 2012 Accumulated 2012 Net Book Replacement Asset ID Asset Name Year (Years) Useful Life Note 1 Historical Cost Amortization Value 2013$ ( ) $ 905,423 $ 555,703 $ 349,721 $ 5,299,257 2576 Rosebank Rd North Bridge 1950 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,429 $ 1,429 $ - $ 25,222 2577 Lot 2,Conc 7/8 1929 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,006 $ 1,006 $ - $ 28,415 2578 Lot 12/13,Conc 8 1941 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 28,810 2579 Lot 2/3,Conc 8 1950 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,689 $ 1,689 $ - $ 29,823 2580 Lot 20/21,Conc 8 1950 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,884 $ 1,884 $ - $ 33,259 2581 Reesor Cr Bridge 2007 45 39 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 31,397 $ 3,837 $ 27,560 $ 36,012 2582 Lot 20/21,Conc 8 1950 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 2,240 $ 2,240 $ - $ 39,537 2583 Lot 4/5,Conc 9 1930 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,389 $ 1,389 $ - $ 40,362 2584 Lot 26/27,Conc 9 2001 45 33 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 27,986 $ 7,152 $ 20,834 $ 43,301 2585 Hoover Bridge 1930 45, 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,522 $ 1,522 $ - $ 44,219 2586 Lot 20/21,Conc 8 1950 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 2,594 $ 2,594 $ - $ 45,798 2587 Lot 28/29,Conc 9 1947 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 2,084 $ 2,084 $ - $ 45,834 2588 Wilson Bridge 1930 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,619 $ 1,619 $ - $ 47,036 2589 Townline Bridge 1970 45 2 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete _$ 7,526 $ 7,108 $ 418 $ 57,783 2590 Altona Bridge 1930 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,634 $ 1,634 $ - $ 47,475 2591 Wilson Bridge 1930 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 2,683 $ 2,883 $ - $ 77,980 2592 Sandy Beach Rd 2007 45 39 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 48,883 $ 5,975 $ 42,908 $ 56,068 2593 Lot 34/35,Conc 2,Petticoat Cr 1970 45 2 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 11,190 $ 10569 $ 622 $ 85,891 2594 Lot 32/33,Conc 6 1930 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 3,153 $ 3,153 $ - $ 91,612 2595 Sandy Beach Rd 1960 45 Cr E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 5,636 $ 5,636 $ - $ 68,033 2596 Lehman#2 Bridge 1930 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 3,218 $ 3,218 $ - $ 93,518 2597 Lot 30/31,Conc 9 1950 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 6,458 $ 6,458 $ - $ 114,002 2598 Petticoat Cr Bridge 1985 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 11,945 $ 11,945 $ - $ 124,773 2599 Lot 10/11,Cone 9 1911 45 0 , E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 3,581 $ 3,581 $ - $ 172,859 2600 Glenanna Rd Bridge 1976 45 8 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 38,126 $ 30,924 $ 7,201 $ 184,889 2601 Lot 27/28,Conc 6/7 1966 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 23,902 $ 23,902 $ - $ 236,394 2802 Whitevaie Bridge 1929 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 8,457 $ 8,457 $ - $ 238,889 2603 Clark Hollow Bridge 1960 45 _ 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 17,392 $ 17,392 $ - $ 209,940 2804 Greenwood Bridge 1970 45 2 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 29,113 $ 27,496 $ 1,617 $ 223,458 2605 Palmer Bridge 1965 _ 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 21,551 $ 21,551 $ - $ 225,120 2606 Lot 20/21,Conc 6 1950 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 1,788 $ 1,786 $ - $ 31,528 2607 Lot 12/13,Conc 7 1988 45 20 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 33,461 $ 18,218 $ 15,243 $ 69,980 2608 Mighswander Br,Lot 30/31,Conc IX 1985 45 17 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 31,704 $ 19,375 $ 12,329 $ 84,357 2609 Linton Bridge 1986 45 18 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 37,645 $ 22,169 $ 15,476 $ 94,292 2610 Michell Bridge 1970 45 2 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 15,104 $ 14,265 $ 839 $ 115,931 2611 Bulmer Bridge 2007 45 39 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 105,661 $ 12,914 $ 92,747 $ 121,191 2612 Rosebank Rd Bridge 2003 45 35 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 91,665 $ 19,351 $ 72,313 $ 134,383 2613 Granite Ct CN Rail Separation 1979 45 11 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 143,676 $ 106,958 $ 36,717 $ 598,657 2614 Rosebank Rd CN Rail Separation 1963 45 0 E-11-Bridge-Deck-Concrete $ 69,374 $ 69,374 $ - $ 793,983 2615 Fairport Rd CN Rail Separation 1983 45 0 E-12-Bridge-Deck-Steel $ 36,525 $ 36,525 $ - $ 418,022 2616 Liverpool Rd Bridge 1996 _ 20 3 E-13-Bridge-Deck-Wood $ 16,539 $ 13,645 $ 2,894 $ 30,660 A-41 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan •Pedestrian Bridges OPTION 3 Atllustetl Ire: 2012 Revised Revised Badge Bridge Bridge Replacement cool englneeringl Install Useful Life 2012 Net Book Asset Pnbabgl 101 Consequence Risk Rehablliatlon Rehabilitation Asset ID Bridge Name Bridge Description Historical Cost Accumulated 8CI Replacement Remaining Useful ID g Length Width (2013S) Replacement Cost Year (Years) AmoMretlon Value Condliton Failure of Failure Failure Year Costs year Life 2013$ $ 6,088,000 $ 7,395,800 S 1,494,986 $ 283,749 9 1,211,238 P001 4389 Pad Bridge 1 Truss-Half Through 38.00 3.05 S 1,000.000$ 1200,000 2009 40 $ 384,778$ 33,688 $ 351,110 95.0 Vary Good Ran Major M 5 - 2053 40 P802 Pad Bridge 2 TrussCombina90n 58.90 2.95 $ 800,000 S 980,000 1970 40 75.0 Goad Unlikely Major M b - 2036 25 PB03 4159 Pad Bridge 3 Truce-Half Through 170.00 3.05 $ 2,800,000 9 3,120,000 2003 40 $ 838,432$ 199,128 $ 839,304 84.5 Very Good Ran Major M S - 2044 31 PB04 Ped Badge4 Trues-Combin.Son 7.50 1.83 $ 80,000 $ 98,000 1990 40 58.5 Average PoesibN Major H 2016 9 30.000.00 2022 9 P905 4180 Pad Bridge 5 Truss-Pony 20.28 2.00 $ 200000 $ 240,000 1998 40 $ 83,482 S 30,255 9 53,207 75.0 Good Unlikely Major M 2016 $ 60.000.00 2038 25 P806 _ Slab on Prestress GSder 49.30 2.20$ 504.000 9 804,800 1883 40 73.7 Good Unlikely Major M S - 2037 24 PB07 4181 Pad Bridge 7 TnrwPony 30.30 2.40 S 280,000$ 312,000 2008 40 S 110,812$ 18,007 $ 82,805 77.5 Good Unlikely Major M 5 - 2040 27 P908 Pad Bridge 8 Truss-Pony 8.00 1.89 S 85,000$ 102,000 2011 40 97.4 Very Good Ron Major M S - 2055 42 P509 Pad Bridge 9 Glu-Lem Girder 25.00 2.40 $ 350,000$ 420,000 2000 40 83.8 Very Good Rare Major M 3 - 2044 31 P1310 4599 Pad Bridge 10 Truss-Het(Through 13.00 2.00 S 110,000.9 132,000- 2011 40 $ 88,899$ 2,584 $ 88,314 87.5 Very Good Ran Major M S - 2056 43 PC01 Contra%Culvert 7.55 1.80-$ 88,000 9 108,800 2010 40 98.3 Very Good Ran Major M 3 - 2054 41 $042 $ 10,000 9 12,000 2912 40 $ 8,sed--S 138 S 8,495 99.0 Vary Good Rant Major M 2056 43 • APPENDIX B ASSET MANAGEMENT ASSUMPTIONS Watson&Associates Economists Ltd H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx B-1 APPENDIX B: ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions were made during the creation of the City's asset management plan. 1. STATE OF LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE a) Indexing: When inflating an asset value to a 2013 replacement value, the Non- Residential Building Construction Price Index (NRBCPI) was used for Road and Bridge/Culvert related assets. b) The City's 5 Year Capital Plan was included as a key source of information for 2014 and 2015 years. This information required that some now needs be pushed into 2016 and 2017 years. Further effort needs to be invested to work with City staff to better smooth out future capital asset replacement projects. 2. LEVEL OF SERVICE a) The increased maintenance costs for a road crack seal program was approximated based on the example of a neighbouring municipality. This identified an increase in maintenance costs for the area. b) As identified in the report bridge washing is an important maintenance task every Spring to preserve the life of a bridge. The City has not started a bridge washing program yet and this is a key improvement in level of service. The cost of this has not been identified in the financial analysis as greater detail is required to get a more accurate budget. 3. ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY a) Capital inflation rate will be assumed to be 3% annually. b) Operating budget inflation rate will be assumed to be 2% annually. c) Regarding operating expenses included in the City's current budget, it is assumed that they will increase at an operating inflation rate annually. d) The impact of Seaton development has not included in this study. e) The City Road Needs Study results were used in this project. As this study was not yet fully reviewed by the City the road improvements identified may still be adjusted. The 10 year plan was applied to this project and further adjusted to the City 5 Year Capital Plan. f) Road Bases were not identified as assets that would be replaced, because these costs were included in the road surface reconstruction costs. It is recommended that in the future the road base and road surface capital replacements be identified independently. This can be easily accomplished by relating the two assets together. It is recommended that the City invest in relating the road base and road surface assets. In some cases there are, more than one surface section that relates to one base. With proper asset IDs and a related database this process can be resolved. g) Regarding growth (DC) related road/bridge projects, only projects identified in the City's 5 year forecast as well as projects contained within the Road Needs Study have been included in this study. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx B-2 4. FINANCING STRATEGY a) Development charges rates are assumed to increase at 2% annually. b) Gas tax revenue has been identified as a funding source for the purposes of this analysis (i.e. for asset replacement purposes), and has been assumed to continue throughout the forecast period. c) Interest rate earned on a Capital Replacement Reserve Fund will be 2% annually. d) In the case where debt financing is needed, the model assumed debt terms of 20 years at 5% annual interest. For growth related debt, debt payments are shown as funded directly from the development charge reserve funds. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1Pickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx APPENDIX C DATA VERIFICATION AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT POLICY Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:Wickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx C-1 APPENDIX C City of Pickering Data Verification and Condition Assessment Policy Data Verification 1. The main source of asset data updating and editing will be though the City's PSAB 3150 compliance procedures. 2. Asset additions, disposals, betterments, and write-offs will be recorded based on the City's PSAB 3150 Compliance Policies. 3. Verification of the correct treatment of asset revisions will be completed through frequent annual reviews by the City's Treasurer as well as an annual review by the City's external auditor. 4. During years in which condition assessments are not being performed, asset replacement cost will be determined based on a combination of inflating previous current values or thorough the use of the current year's historical invoice data. Where indices are being used, the Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index (NRBCPI) shall be used for all road and bridge assets. Condition Assessment 1. Condition assessments shall be performed as outlined in Table C-1 below. Condition assessments shall be performed by qualified individuals (or companies) and shall include a review of the following: • Current asset condition (consistent with the rating format use within this report, unless City staff stipulate a new format); i. Identify any unusual wear from asset used that may hinder asset performance and eventually reduce useful life. ii. Assess asset performance and identify (if any) capital improvements that can be applied to extend the asset's useful life and/or bring the asset back to proper service levels. • Current asset replacement cost. This is to be based on replacing the asset under current legislation/requirements using the City's specifications; and • Remaining service life, assuming current maintenance and usage levels. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1Pickeringl2o13 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx C-2 Table C-1 Condition Assessment Time Table Asset Type Frequency of Condition Assessment Roads Related Every 5 years, based on Minimum Maintenance Standards Bridges and Culverts Every 2 years, based on applicable (greater than 3m) legislation Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx APPENDIX D LEVEL OF SERVICE IMPACT ANALYSIS Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Asset Management Strategy-Change in Level of Service Phase-in of Impact(in Current Year$) Departments Planned Actions 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Transportation Services-Roads and Bridges Expenditures Road Surface RenewaVRehabilitation 24,272 56,556 - - - - - - - - Bridges&Culverts Renewal/Rehabilitation 1,217,715 612,687 668,785 75,000 - 450,000 - - 73,600 85,600 Pedestrian Bridges Renewal/Rehabilitation - - 90,000 - _ - - - - - - Kinsale Road Paving-from gravel to asphalt Expansion - 551,419 - - - - - - - Salem Road Paving-from gravel to asphalt Expansion 1,004,854 - - - - - - - - Roads Maintenance(crack seal,patching,etc.) Maintenance 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 Sub-total Expenditures _ _ 2,428,171 1,401,992 940,116 256,330 181,330 631,330 181,330 181,330 254,930 266,930 Total Expenditures(Uninflated) 2,428,171 1,401,992 940,116 256,330 181,330 631,330 181,330 181,330 254,930 266,930 Total Operating Expenditures(Uninflated) 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 181.330 181,330 181,330 181,330 181,330 Total Operating Expenditures(Inflated) 184,957 188,656 192,429 196,278 200,203 204,207 208,291 212,457 216,706 221,041 Total Capital Expenditures(Uninflated) 2,246,841 1,220,662 758,785 75,000 - 450,000 - - 73,600 85,600 Total Capital Expenditures(Inflated) 2,314,246 1,295,000 829,145 84,413 537,324 - - 96,031 115,039 Planned Actions Summary Impact(Inflated) 2014 I 2015 I 2016 I 2017 I 2018 I 2019 I 2020 I 2021 I 2022 I 2023 Maintenance 184,957 188,656 192,429 196,278 200,203 204,207 208,291 _ 212,457 218,706 221,041 Renewal/Rehabilitation 1,279,248 710,000 829,145 84,413 - 537,324 - - 96,031 115,039 Replacement _ - - - - - - - - Expansion 1,035,000 585,000 - - - - - - - - Grand Total(Inflated) 2,499,203 1,483,656 1,021,574 280,691 200,203 741,531 208,291 212,457 312,737 336,080 v Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:\Pickering\2013 AM\Pickering AM Model FINAL.xlsx APPENDIX E SCENARIO ANALYSIS - CAPITAL FORECASTS Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AM1Pickering AM Plan Report Final.docx City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Scheduled Capital Replacement-Inflated Table E-1 Replacement Year Based on Scenario 1 100.0% 103.0% 106.1% 109.3% 112.6% 115.9% 119.4% 123.0% 126.7% 130.5% 134.4% Asset Type Immediate 2014 I 2015 2016 I 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 I 2022 2023 TOTAL Needs 'Total Scheduled Capital-Inflated 11 70,491,218 •11,629,910 I 14,898,984 1 20,499,579 I 7,502,865 I 31,214,527 I 5,871,581 1 12,928,273 1 16,896,496 1 22,137,932 1 6,407,319 1 220,478,6841 Road Surface 66,094,822 11,629,910 13,090,651 18,375,427 5,518,818 28,678,132 5,176,017 11,090,842 9,718,469 19,283,610 4,523,686 193,180,384 Bridges&Culverts 2,831,596 - 1,808,334 2,124,152 1,984,047 2,538,395 695,564 1,837,432 7,056,416 2,854,322 1,883,633 25,611,890 Pedestrian Bridges 1,564,800 - - - - - 121,610 - - 1,686,410 Table E-2 Replacement Year Based on Scenario 2 100.0% 103.0% 106.1% 109.3% 112,6% 115.9% 119.4% 123.0% 126.7% 130.5% 134.4% Asset Type Immediate 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 TOTAL Needs 1Total Scheduled Capital-Inflated 11 21,884,543 I 9,040,682 1 5,297,869 I 9,776,840 I 8,259,239 I 18,619,543 I 14,771,829 I 14,120,717 I 21,990,773 11,755,717 33,610,285 I 169,128,035 I 1 _ i Road Surface _ 20,319,743 6,705,878 5,297,869 8,876,840 5,846,378 18,619,543 13,482,253 13,881,629_ 21,302,157 6,065,178 33,245,815 153,643,281 Bridges&Culverts - 2,334,804 - 900,000 2,412,861 - ' 1,289,576 239,087 688,616 5,690,539 364,470 13,919,954 Pedestrian Bridges 1,564,800 - - - - - - - - - 1,564,800 Table E-3 Replacement Year Based on Scenario 3-Replacement Only 100.0% 103.0% 106.1% 109.3% 112.6% 115.9% 119.4% 123.0% 126.7% 130.5% 134.4% Asset Type Immediate 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 TOTAL Needs 'Total Scheduled Capital-Inflated II - I 4,419,804 I 3,296,516 1 18,096,076 I 11,600,747 I 3,837,146 1 2,505,573 1 5,329,347 1 16,267,043 1 19,338,672 1 15,637,074 1 100,328,1991 Road Surface - 1,485,000 396,516 17,196,078 10,950,747 3,837,146 2,505,573 5,329,347 16,267,043 16,237,165 15,637,074 89,841,688 Bridges&Culverts - 2,934,804_ 2,900,000 900,000 650,000 - - - 2,976,449 - 10,361,253 1 Pedestrian Bridges - - - - - - - 125,258 - 125,258 Table E-4 Replacement Year Based on Scenario 3-Replacement and Rehabilitation 100.0% 103.0% 106.1% 109,3% 112.6% 115.9% 119.4% 123.0% 126.7% 130.5% 134.4% Asset Type Immediate 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 I 2023 TOTAL Needs Total Scheduled Capital-Inflated II ,- 5,699,0501 4,006,516 18,926,223 11,686,160 I 3,837,146 3,042,896 6,329,3471 16,267,043 19,434,904 16,752,113 103,979,398' Road Surface - 1,510,000 456,516 17,196,078 10,950,747 3,837,146 2,505,573 5,329,347 16,267,043 16,237,165 15,637,074 89,926,688 Bridges&Culverts - 4,189,050 3,550,000 1,630,800 734,413 - 537,324 - - 3,072,480 115,039 13,829,106 • Pedestrian Bridges - _ - 98,345 _ - - - - 125,258 - 223,604 m Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1Pickering\2013 AM\Pickering AM Inventory FINAL.xlsx E-2 Figure E-1 Road and Bridge Assets Asset Replacement Schedule Scenario 1-PSAB 3150 Asset Data 90000000 80,000,000 • 70,000,000 .— 60,000,000 3 50,000,000 • V •Pedestrian Bridges E 40,000,000 II Bridges&Culverts ra rc ■Road Surface • 30,000,000 u 20,000,000 10,000,000 I MI IM M Immediate Needs 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ?022 2023 Year of Replacement Figure E-2 Road and Bridge Assets 1 Asset Replacement Schedule Scenario 2-Desktop Condition Data 40,000,000 35,000000 -. 30,000,000 I '—e. 25,000,000 ..._ ..._._._ ___._...._.. ___.. _._._.... ...... ......... __._._ 3 E 20,000,000 --- •Pedestrian Bridges •Bridges&Culverts i. 15,000,000 •Road Surface PI 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Immediate Needs 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year of Replacement 1 E-3 Figure E-3 Road and Bridge Assets Asset Replacement Schedule Scenario 3-Consultant Reports and Staff Discussions 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 _ —__ _ — g E •Pedestrian Bridges m 15,000,000 - ---- ■Bridges&Culverts •Road Surface 10,000,000 5,000,000 ■ Immediate Needs 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year of Replacement Figure E-4 Road and Bridge Assets Asset Replacement and Rehabilitation Schedule Scenario 3-Consultant Reports and Staff Discussions 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20.000,000 8 E •Pedestrian Bridges I 15,000,000 - ■Bridges&Culverts •Road Surface Y LL 10,000,000 --.—_ _ ___........—...___......._..... 5,000,000 Immediate Needs 2014 2011 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year of Replacement APPENDIX F ROAD AND BRIDGE ASSET MANAGEMENT STRATEGY & FINANCING STRATEGY Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickering12013 AMIPickering AM Plan Report Final.docx Table F-1 City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Expansion Projects-Uninflated Description Total Forecast 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Growth Projects(DCI-Roads and Related Third Concession-Brock to Valley Farm Road 3-lane urban reconstruction,Incl.storm _ 1,706,800 _1,70.6.800 Valley Farm Road-North of Third Concession to Tillings 3-lane urban construction,Incl.storm 3,150,000 3,150,000 Twyn Rivers Drive-Hoover to West Limit 2-lane urban reconstruction 1,475,000 1,475,000 Finch Avenue-Townline to Alton 3-lane urban reconstruction,Incl.storm 1,714,500' 1,714,500 Finch Avenue-Townline to Attona(opposite SP-2002-02) 3-lane urban reconstruction,incl.storm 285,600 J 285,600 Sideline 14-Hwy 7 to Seventh Concession reconstr.In conJun with 407 overpass 2,145,000 2,145,000 Notion Road-Kingston to 350m South 2-lane urban reconstruction,Incl.Storm 702,800 702,800 Audley Road(Sideline 2)Conc.k5 to Hwy 7 2-lane rural reconstruction Incl.structures 2,145,000 2,145,000 Valley Ferm/Tlllings Bridge-Ganateeklagon new structure 12,500,000 3,125,000 9,375,000 Oakwood Drive-Rougemount to Mountain Ash 2-lane urban reconstruction 958,750 958,750 Oakwood Drive-Mountain Ash to Toynevale 2-lane urban reconstruction,Incl.storm 476,250 476,250 Finch Avenue-West of Akona(Structure) culvert replacement 853,300 653,300 Scar/Pickering Townine-Finch to CPR 3-lane urban reconstruction,Incl.storm 803,200 803,200 Scar/Pickering Tawnine-CPR to Taunton/Steeles 3-lane urban reconstruction,incl.storm 5,220,800" _ 5,220,800 Kellno Street-Squires Beech to Church 3-lane urban reconstruction,Incl.storm 1,608,400 1,806,400 Squires Beach Road-Bayty to CNR Tracks 3-lane urban reconstruction,incl.storm 1,806,400 1,608,400 Valley Farm Road-Finch to Third Concession 3-lane urban reconstruction,Incl.storm 3,113,000 Total Capital Expenditures 40,262,800 5,357,800 803,200 5,220,800 4,177,900 3,150,000 - - 3,778,300 13,228,800 1,435,000 Capital Financing Provincial/Federal Grants - - - - - - - - - - - Developer Contributions - - - - - - - - - - - Growth Related Debenture Requirements - - - - - - - - - - - Non-Growth Related Debenture Requirements - - - - - - - - - - - DevelopmentChargesReserveFund-Roads 19,986,125 2,678,900 401,800 2,610,400 2,220,225 2,835,000 - - 1,107,900 4,696,350 1,101,000 Tax Supported Capital Reserve Fund-Roads 20,276,875 2,678,900 401,600 2,610,400 1,957,875 315,000 - - 2,670,400 8,530,450 334,000 Lifecycle Reserve Fund - - - - - - - - - - - Total Capital Financing 40262,800 5,357800 603,200 5220.800 4,177,900 3,150,000 - - 3,778,300 13226,800 1.435,000 • Totals(Expenditures&Funding)-Inflated I 44,402,266 5,518.534 852.115 5,704,909 4,702,263 3,651,713 - I--- f 4.786.237I 17,257,974 I 1.928.5201 71 r ■ Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H3Pickering\2013 AM\Pickering AM Model FINAL.xlsx City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Financing Strategy Table F-2 Road and Bridge Ca•ital Forecast Actual Actual Budget Forecast TOTAL Descrlpuon 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2018 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2014--2023 Prior Capital Expenses Roads and Bridges 1,320,008 2,818,990 7,793,400 - - - - - - - - - - - animal Replacement Forecast Road Surface _ 1,485,000 398,516 17,198,078 10,950,747 3,837,146 2,505,573 5,329347 18,267,043 18,237,185 15,637074 89,841,688 Britlgee B Culverts 2,934,804 2,900,000 900,000 650,000 - - - - 2,976,449 - 10,361,253 Pedestrian Bridges - - - - - - - 125,258 - 125,258 Capital Replacement Subtotal 4,419,804 3,298,516 18,008,078 11,800,747 1,837 148 2,505,573 5,329,347 16,267,043 19,338,872 16,837,074 100,328,199 Level of Service Adluslments Service Upgrades,Rehebdialbn and Renewal Works __- 2,314,246 1,205,000 829,145 84,413 - 537,324 - - 96,031 115,039 5,271,198 mated Expansion Forecast Growth Projects(DC) 5,518,534 852,115 5704.909 4,702,263 3651.713 - - 4,786,237 17,257974 1,928,520 44,402,288 GIN Expenditures 1,320,006 2,816,990 7,793,400 12,252,584 5,443,831 24630.132 16,387423 7,488,860 3,042,897 5,329.347 21,053,280 36,692,877 17,680633 150,001,663 apital Financing ProvinciayFederalGraras 200,000 248,400 - 588,000 15,000 - - - - - - - - 583,000' Debentures - 175,000 550,000 2,800,000 2,350,000 10,800,000 3,300,000 - - - - - _ 19,250,0001 New Growth Related Debentures(Roads and Bridges Orly) - - - - - - - - ReservelReservs Fund:City Share of DC Projects - 308,000 1,478,253 2,759,267 426,057 850,000 550,000 365,171 - - 1,900,000 700,000 448,868 7,999,364 Reserve Fund:Development Charges - 89,000 3,717,147 2,759,267 428,057 2,862,455 2,498,883 3,288,642 - - 1,403,455 6,127,672 1,479,652 20,833,982 ReserveiResarva Fund:Other 1,099,539 1,993,590 1,550,000 700,000 900,000 1,681409 1,716,401 1,787,893 1,820,930 1,876,558 1,931,824 1,889,779 2,049,472 16,418,266 Other:Donations and Carkbodbrts - - 450,000 285,000 - - - - - - - - - 285,000 Transfer from Operatrg 20,487 25,000 50,000 - - - - - - - - - -Reserve Fund:New Capital(Tax Supported) - _ - - 2,381,050 1,328,516 8,481,289 8,322,139 2,069,253 1,221,987 3,453,789 15,818,001 27,875,427 13,702,640 ' 84,832,052 otal Capital Financing 1320,006 2,816990 7,793400 12.252,584 5,443,631 24,630,132 16,387,423 7,488,860 3,042,897 5,329,347 21,053,280 38,892,877 17,880,833 150,001,683 Total Capital Expenses less Capital Financing - - - - Table F3 Debt Re q uiremenls Non-Growth Feinted Debt Principal Forecast YBar (Inflated) 2014 I 2015 2016 I 2017 2016 I 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Budget 2013 550 000 71.228 71229 71,228 71,228 71.228 71.228 71.228 71,228 71,228 71,228 2014 21300 000 224 679 224,679 224 679 224 679 224 679 224.679 224,679 224.679 224,679 2015 2,350 000 188,570 188,570 188,570 188,570 180.570 188,570 188,570 188,570 21316 10600.000 866,520 856,620 866,620 866,620 865,620 866,620 866,620 2017 3.300.000 264 801 264.801 264.801 264,801 264.801 264,801 2018 - - - 2019 . - - - - 2020 - - - 2021 - - 2022 2023 (Octal Annual Non-Growth Related Debt Charges II 19,000,006 11 71,228 I 295.907 I 484,477 I 1,351,097 1 1.615 897 1 1,615.897 1 1 615 897 I 1,615 897 1 1616897 I 1,615,8971 Growth Related Debt Principal Forecast year (Inflated) 2014 I 2015 I 2016 I 2017 I 2016 I 2019 I 2020 I 2021 I 2022 I 2023 Budget 2013 - - - - - - 2014 . - - . . . _ . 2015 _ _ _ - - - 2016 - - . - - 2017 - - - - - 2018 - - - - 2019 . . - - - 2020 - . 2021 - 2022 " 2023 - Total Annual Growth Related Debt Charges 1 - 1 11 N Watson d Associates Economists Ltd. 1-:tPckar412013A1APckerirg AM Model FINALdao City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Financing Strategy Table F-4 Reserve and Reserve Fund Continuity Schedules 2011 2012 2013 Forecast Development Charges Reserve Fund ITransponatlon OnlyI Actual Actual Budyet 2014 1 2015 I 2016 I 2017 1 2018 2019 2020 2021 I 2022 2023 Opening Balance 17716301 17,976,120 20,675,409 21809.245 21766.998 21.794,222 25,233,146 28,800,910 31,069,767 28,627,787 Deveopment Charge Proceeds 2,666514 2,719,946 2,774,345 2829,832 2886,428 2,944,157 ' 3.003,040 3,063,101 3,124,363 3,186,850 Transfer to Caplet 2,759,267 428,057 2,852,455 2,498,883 3,288,542 - - 1,403,455 6.127.672 1,479,652 Transfer to Operating(Debenture Payments) - - - - - - - - _ _.. Interest Earned 352,473 405,400 471,946 428.800 427.338 494,788 584,724 609,211 561.329 E06,700 Cbsing Balance r 17976,120 20,675,409 21,009,245 21 766.998 21 794,222 25,232146 28.800.910 31069.767 28,627,787 30,941,685 (Required from Deveopment Charges I I I I 2,759,267 I 4260571 2852455 I 2,498 883 1 3 286542 1 - 1 - I 14034551 6,127672 1,479.6521 'Required Debenture Funding I I I I I I I I I I I I _ I 2011 2012 2013 Forecast f Reserve Fund for City Shere of OC Protects(Transportation Only) Actual Actual Budget 2014 I 2015 I 2016 I 2017 I 2018 I 2019 2020 I 2021 2022 2023 Opening Balance 2,301,211 124,383 283,892 14,169 45,053 265.079 861,981 1,470,820 153,837 34,513 Transfers From Operating/Capital 580,000 580,000 580,000 580,000 580,000 580,000 580,000 580.000 580,000 580,000 Transfer to Capital(Transportation Projects Only) 2759.267 426,057 850,000 550.000 365,171 ' - - 1,900,000 700,000 448,868 Transfer to Operating - - • - - - - - - - Interest Earned 2.439 5.567 278 883 5.198 76,902 28,840 3,016 677 3,313 Closing.Balance 124.383 283,892 14,169 45,053 265.079 001,981 14]0020 153,837 34,513 168,958 (Required City Share of DC Protects 1 I I I 2759,267 I 4260571 2,852,455 2,203.3801 365,1711 - I - l 3.382.7831 11,130302 448,8681 .brnount taken from Reserve Fund 1 I I 1 2,7592671 4260571 850,0001 550,0001 365,1711 - I - f 1900,0001 7000001 448.868 2011 2012 2013 Forecast Gas Tax Reserve Funds_ _ Actual Actual Budget 2014 1 2015 1 2016 1 2017 I 2018 1 2019 1 2020 1 2021 1 2022 1 2023 Opening Balance 5,229,163 5.763065 6,103646 6.179.301 7300,477 8391555 9,450,357 10474615 11,461,966 12409949 Transfers From Operating/Capital 2,694,431 2,694,431 2,694,431 2.694,431 2694,431 2,694,431 2.694,431 2.694,431 2,694,431 2 694,431 Transfer to Capital(Transportation Projects Only) 700,000 900,000 1,666,409 1,716.401 1,767.893 1820,930 1,875,558 1,931.824_ 1,989,779 2049,472 Transfer to Operating Centre Project 1.500.000 1.000.000 1.000,000 - - - - - - Transfer to Operating 75,000 75, 0 75,000 - - - - - - Interest Earned �- 1%1 _ - 114,472 121,150 122,633 143,147' 164,540 185 301 205,385 224,744 243,332 261.098 Closin980010e 5,763,065 6,103,646 6,179.301 7,300,477 8,391,555 9.450 357 10,474,615 11,461.966 12409,949 13.316,006 2011 2012 2013 Forecast Capital Reserve/Reserve Funds 131.r rcp0dntbn 011141 Actual Actual Budget 2014 2015 2018 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Opening Balance 1,115259 26,886 2,433,8770 79,735 31,552 8,867.200 21,288,981 33,230,759 34,039.927 25003828 Transfers From OperatirglCaptel 1,292,150 3,685,784 6,104,975 8,273,938 10,731,035 13,228,317 14,743,983 15,959,720 18,349,056 20,100,169 Trarofer to Capital 2381,050 1,326,516 8,461,269 8.322139 2,069,253 1,221,967 3,453,789 15,818,001 27,875.427 13,702640 Transfer to Operating -- Interest Earned 527 47,723 1,552 819 173,867 417.431 651,584 667.450 490,271 628,027 Cbsing Balance 26,886 2,433,877 79,135 31,552 8,867,200 21286981 33,230,759 34039,927 25003,828 32029,384 Note.Closing reserve fund balance as a percentage of capital asset balance 0.01% 0.95% 003% 0.01% 3.17% 7.39% 11.20% 11.14% 7.94% 9.88% ■ I ■ i Co) Watson 8 Associates Economists Ltd. H,Pbkerng12013 AMTPbkedrg AM Model FINALdso City of Pickering 2013 Asset Management Plan Financing Strategy Table F5 Tax Supported Operating Budget Forecast Summary 2011 2012 --t 2013 Forecast Net Impact on Taxation • Actual Actual Budget 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2022 I 2023 •II Other Departments 34,438,399 38,443,407 40,671,678 42,378,800 43,208,300 44,052,600 44,915,800 45,798,300 46,416,076 47,332,178 48,266,578 49,219,878 50,191,776 Transfer to Capital 1,150,799 1,050,820 1,285589 1324,100 1,363,800 1,404,700 1,448,800 1,490,200 1,534,900 1,580,900 1,628,300 1,677,100 1,727,400 Sub-total:All Other Departments 35,619,198 39.494,227 41,957,245 43,700,700 44.570,100 45,457,300 46,362,600 47,288,500 47,950,978 48,913,076 49,894,878 50,896,776 51,919,178 Roads and Bddges 7,423,028 7,401.021 7,521.981 7,479,429 7,393,903 7,521,052 7,436,408 7,886,109 7,258,428_ 7,394,872 7,911,190 7,335,100 7,481.800 Transfer to Capital 20,467 25,000 50,000 - - - - - - - - - - Sub-total 7,443,493 7,428,021 7,571,981 7,479,429 7,393,903 7,521,052 7,436,408 7,896,109 7,258,428 7,394,872 7,911,190 7,335,100 7,481,800 I 1 1 Net Expenditures due to Level of Service Adjustments - -_ - 184,957 188,658 192,429 196,278( 200,203 204,207 208,291 212,457 216,708 221,041 Reserve Fund:New Capial(Tax Supported) - _ - 1,292,150 3,685,784 6,104,975 8,273,938 10,731,035 13,226,317 14,743,983 15,959,720 18,349,056 20,100,169 • Debentures New Debt-Growth Related(Roads end Bridges Only) - - - - - - - - - - - NewDebt-Other _ - - - 71,228 295,907 464,477 1,351,097_ 1,815,897 1,615,897 1,615,897 1,815,897 1,615,897 1,815,697 Transfer from Reserve Fund:Development Charges(Debt) - _ - - - - - - - - - Prior Year Surplus Adjustment 225,475 (1,002,015) - - - - - - - - - - - Total Taxation Levy 43,288,166 45,018,2331 49,529,226- 52.7254641 56,134.350 59,760.233 63,620321 67.729.744 70.255,825 72,876.1191 75.594,140 78,413,535 81,336083 Taxation Levy Analysis Prior Year Taxation Levy 41,714,993 43,288,166 45,018,233 49,529226 52,728,484 56,134,350 59,760,233 63,620,321 67,729,744 70,255.825 72,876,119 75,594,140 78,413,535 Add:Provision for Assessment Growth(see below) 525,130 483,000 758,115 495,292 527,285 561,344 597,802 638,203 877,287 702,558 728,761 756,941 784,135 Current Year Taxation Levy at 0.0%Increase 42,240,123 43,751,166 45,776,348 50,024,518 53,255,748 56,695,694 80,357,835 84,258.524 68,407,042 70,958,383 73,804,880 78,350,082 79,197,870 Addronal Increase in Taxation Levy for the year 1,048043 1,267067 3,752,878 2,703.945 2.878,602 3,064540 3262.488 3,473,220 1,848,783 1,917,736 1,989260 2.063.453 2,140,413 Total Taxation Levy 43288.166 45,018,233 49,529226 52,728.464 56.134.350 59,750,233 63620.321 67.729.744 70,255.825 72,876.119 75,554,140 78413,535 81,338 083 [Percentage Increase(Factoring In Assessment Growth) 248% 2.90% 8.20% 5.41% 5.41% 5.41% 5.41% 5.41% 2.70% 2.70% 2.70% 2.70% 2.70%1 2011 2012 2013 Forecast Actual Actual Budget 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Assessment Growth Estimate(%) 1.2% 1.0'M% 16% 1.0% 10% 1.0% 10% 1.0% 1,0% 1.0% 1.0% Figure F-1 Annual Infrastructure Funding Gap Analysis (Inflated) $25,000,000 - 020,000,000 -- • $15,000,000 - _ • $10,000,000 $5,0110,000 - -a: 50 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 •CorrentCapltal with Inflation ■Recommended Funding Increase N Optimal Funding I Watson 8 Associates Ecornmbts Ltd. H:1Pickeri gl2013 AM,Pickerirg AM Model FINAL1dsx