HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 06-13 Cat/ = Report to Council PI KERI Report Number: PW 06-13 Date: October 28, 2013 From: Richard W. Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report PW 06-13 from the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program be received; 2. That Council approve an exemption to Purchasing Policy— 09.03 — Single Source Item (d), which states: "the extension or reinstatement of an existing contract would prove most cost effective or beneficial. The extension shall not exceed one year." This will allow an additional one year extension to Gray's Landscaping and Snow Removal, to provide snow removal for seniors and persons with disabilities, for the period of November 1, 2013 to April 30, 2014; 3. That Council support the expansion of the program from 300 to 350 participants and adjust the boundary to make Taunton Road the northern most limit in order to include the new Duffin Heights neighbourhood for the 2013/2014 winter season; 4. That Council authorize staff to prepare a report on future expansion of the program for the 2014/2015 winter season to include Hamlets, north of Taunton Road; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action in order to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Due to the increased demand for participation in the Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program, staff are recommending that the 9 9 9 program be expanded from 300 to 350 participants, and that the boundary for the program be extended north to Taunton Road. Staff will be reviewing future needs and service parameters and will report back to Executive Committee on the feasibility of expanding the program to Hamlet areas. In lieu of preparing a one year contract for the 2013/2014 winter season, staff is recommending that Gray's Landscaping and Snow Removal, who has been our contractor for the last three seasons, be provided a further one year extension of their contract based on their 2012/2013 unit prices and a proration of their guaranteed minimum payment to reflect the increase in participants from 300 to up to 350. Report PW 06-13 . October 28, 2013 Subject: Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Page 2 Financial Implications: Gray's Landscaping and Snow Removal has agreed to provide this service for the 2013/2014 winter season at the 2012/2013 unit prices per location. The guaranteed minimum payment per season will be prorated to adjust the number of properties in the program from 300 to up to 350. The additional cost impact to the guaranteed minimum payment, which covers the first six snow clearings of the season, amounts to $5,250 plus applicable HST. Discussion: The Seniors Snow Removal program commenced in 1975 with very few seniors and disabled persons participating. Since that time the program has expanded to encompass over 300 participants. City of Pickering staff were originally utilized to provide the service, but with the growth of the City and the program, the work was eventually tendered out to private contractors. • During the planning stages for the 2013/2014 program registration, staff made the decision to increase the program registration limit to 325 participants to acknowledge new development in Duffin Heights and previous year's demand for the program, as some residents had to be placed on a waiting list. This information was provided to Council in CAO Correspondence CAO 72-13 on September 26, 2013 (Attachment#1). Due to the successful registration held October 9, 2013 at the Pickering Recreation Complex, the program is full at 325 participants, and there are still residents on the waiting list. Staff is now recommending that the program be expanded to up to 350 participants for the 2013/2014 winter season. As mentioned in correspondence CAO 72-13 staff will be reviewing options to increase the service parameters for the 2014/2015 program. That information will be contained in a future report to the Executive Committee. Gray's Landscaping and Snow Removal was awarded the Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing contract through the award of Quotation Q-74-2010. The award was a two year contract for the winter of 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. Through clause 09.03 (d) of the Purchasing Policy, the contract was extended for one year, which was the winter of 2012/2013. Although the Purchasing Policy only allows for extensions of one year, staff recommends a further one year extension with Gray's Landscaping and Snow Removal for the winter of 2013/2014. This extension will allow time for staff to review the service parameters and prepare a new multi year procurement document commencing the winter of 2014/2015. Previous to the hiring of Gray's Landscaping and Snow Removal in 2010, the program experienced numerous problems with delivery of service. Gray's has reduced complaints to a minimum, and service is being provided in a timely fashion. The Contractor visits each address at the end of the season to inspect, clean up and repair any damage that may have occurred during snow clearing at no additional cost to the City of Pickering. Report PW 06-13 October 28, 2013 Subject: Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Page 3 It is the recommendation of the Engineering & Public Works Department that the contract for the Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program be extended to Gray's Landscaping and Snow Removal for the 2013/2014 season. Attachments: 1. CAO Correspondence CAO 72-13 2. Letter from Gray's Landscaping & Snow Removal dated September 10, 2013 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: l Grt Smit Ric, rd Hol••rn, P. Eng. Nll nager, Operations & Fleet Services Di ector, Engineering & Public Works GS:Ir Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council aZ,e4A, © Z!,zo(3 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACI,MEN ;•_ / COREPORT# Pw 04-13 CAO 72-13 qty 00 Memo To: Mayor Ryan and September 26, 2013 Members of Council From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Copy: Director, Engineering & Public Works Customer Care Centre Subject: Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program File: 0-2040 Over the years, we have modified the Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing program to ensure those residents who really need the service are able to receive it. This has, of course, always been based on our available budget dollars. The current program limit is 300 households, serving residents in our urban area (south of Rossland Road). However, this year we have extended the area to south of Taunton Road to ensure residents in Duffin Heights are included. Traditionally, the program would be filled within a month. However, our records indicate that last year the program was filled within a week of the start of registration, and we had 29 residents on our waiting list, as compared to 9 the year before. In order to provide us with an opportunity to review the actual need, I have asked staff to increase the cap of 300 to 325 this year. Since we have never served the residents in our hamlets (north of Taunton Road); we are looking at the feasibility of doing so. Staff are currently investigating the cost to extend the service north of Taunton Road. A report is being prepared to provide options for Council's consideration to increase the service parameters for the Fall 2014 —Winter 2015 snow clearing program. The report will also request Council's consideration to extend the contract with our existing service provider by one year, to provide us with time to complete a review of our program needs. It should be pointed out that we have received excellent service from our existing provider. • Our walk-in registration will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 at Pickering Recreation Complex. Following that, residents can register through the Customer Care Centre. 6P • ATTACHMENT#2___ TOREPORT# IOW 66-13 ____L of_____L_ ir v Lernistving 414 Snow Removal September 10, 2013 Attention: Rob Gagen As per our phone discussion, we are willing to price hold for both seniors and facility snow contracts for a one year extension. Thank you for the opportunity to work with the City again. We are looking forward to it. Ben Gray 708 Front Rd PHONE (647)223-4403 gitalg I Pickering,On FAX (905)837-5028 Loatrapkog 113.ribtamit I L1W1P2 EMAIL grays_snowremoval @hotmail.com WEB SITE www.grayslandscapingsnow.ca e SCRIBE�A eSCRIBE ■Workflow Status: eSCRIBE Approval Workflow MEETtaGS,EVQLVfD Workflow Information Initiator: Stoddart,Katherine Document: PW 06-13 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Started: 10/22/2013 11:50 AM Status: Approved Last run: 10/22/2013 12:01 PM Tasks ....J —_,.-..�__.._.._.._.._. The following tasks have been assigned to the participants In this workflow.Click a task to edit it.You can also view these tasks in the list Tasks. ?Assigned To Title Due Date Status Related Content Outcome Shields, PW 06-13 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing.doa Review 10/22/2013 Completed PW 06-13 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Snow Approved Debbie #%`r.:e Clearing Workflow History • The following events have occurred in this workflow. ri Date Occurred Event Type -User ID Description Outcome 10/22/2013 11:50 AM Workflow Initiated Stoddart,Katherine eScribe Approval Started 10/22/2013 11:50 AM Task Created Shields,Debbie Approval Task Assigned 10/22/2013 12:01 PM Task Completed Shields,Debbie Document Approved 10/22/2013 12:01 PM Workflow Completed System Account Document was Approved • • • • •