HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 24, 2013 City o¢i Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee ° �i� —'-° October 24, 2013 PICKERIN 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues T. Besso S. Iyer W. Jamadar T. Reimer D. Rundle C. Sopher J. Van Huss D. Shields, City Clerk C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage L. Roberts, Recording Secretary D. Marlowe, Accessibility Coordinator Absent: E. Mason M. Sawchuck S. Sheehan Item/ Details& Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1,0; Welcome D. Shields welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Election- Chair and Vice-Chair D. Shields presided over the Committee in order to conduct elections for the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair, providing an outline of the process. As only one member had come forward for appointment as Chair, Jutta Van Huss was acclaimed as Chair for the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee for a term ending November 30, 2014. D. Shields asked for any members interested in the position of Vice-Chair. As only one member came forward for the position of Vice-Chair, Charles Sopher was appointed as Vice-Chair for the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee for a term ending November 30, 2014. D. Shields informed the Committee that she had concluded her facilitator pilot project and she would be preparing a report which would be going forward at the end of 2014. Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/ Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) 2.0 Delegations -- Dave Marlowe, Accessibility Coordinator, City of Pickering, appeared before the Committee to provide training on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act as mandated by the province. 3.0 Minutes J. Van Huss assumed the Chair. Moved by W. Jamadar Seconded by T. Besso That the minutes of the September 26, 2013 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 4.0 Business Arising from Minutes 4.1) Doors Open Update T. Besso provided members with an update of the Doors Open program which had taken place on October 5th. He noted that while the weather was not ideal, the overall feedback was good, even though general attendance was down from 2011. He indicated the sub-committee was working with Heritage Trust to determine why attendance had dropped. He stated the program may need to go through several cycles to determine the true market. J. Van Huss noted that feedback she had received indicated a lot of residents were unaware of the program, they felt there was not enough advertising, and there were some language barriers. C. Celebre noted attendance could have been better in 2011 due to extensive advertising as a result of it being held in conjunction - with the City of Pickering's Bicentennial celebrations. She also stated that the Claremont site was very successful, and discussed some suggestions the sub-committee were considering for the next event; • Changing the time of year to hold the event • Rotating sites • Advertising • Interactive website for walking tours with a self-guided map for residents to do at their own pace to generate more interest T. Reimer suggested signage in strategic areas. Page 2 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/ Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) C. Celebre noted she is putting together a report. The surveys filled out during the program have gone to Ontario Heritage Trust, and once their report has been prepared, they will forward the results onto us. ,:-5 fl ,w . New Business -` 5.1) Heritage Permit— 3195 Factory Street C. Celebre provided members with an overview of the heritage permit application received for 3195 Factory Street to remove and replace part of the building, which had been forwarded through email to all members. She provided a brief history of renovations completed over the past six months. She reviewed the recommendations listed, noting that the applicant was in agreement with the proposed recommendations. She explained the main concern the owners had was with respect to water damage, they wanted to ensure the structure would be protected against any future water damage. Discussion ensued with respect to the application. C. Sopher noted that the principal of heritage conservation was to repair and restore before replacement. C. Celebre noted she had had extensive conversations with the owners of the property regarding the previous minor heritage permits including materials for the windows, siding and roof replacement. She also noted she had suggested to the owner that they submit one heritage permit application, but instead the owner chose to submit individual applications in the last six months. She explained that a lot of effort went into trying to match what was there, emphasizing that the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guide is a guide only, and all efforts are made to encourage repair rather than replacement. C. Sopher noted his concern with setting a precedent on this, stating it was important to encourage people in a heritage conservation district on the reuse of conservation materials. C. Rodrigues questioned why windows would not be considered more than minor renovations. C. Sopher questioned whether the Committee could change the process as identified in the Heritage Conservation District Guide to allow the Committee to consider items such as windows, etc. which encourage residents to maintain their houses, but noted there is a lack of enforcement. Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion& Conclusion Action Items / Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) Discussion ensued with respect to the use of materials and the lack of enforcement. Moved by Councillor Rodrigues Seconded by C. Sopher That the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee review and comment on all minor heritage permit applications with respect to roofing, windows, siding and detached garages. Carried Further discussion ensued with respect to the recommendations contained in the ERA Architects Inc. report to be addressed as part of the application review process as follows; • Provide grading and/or swales at the east side of the house to ensure water is directed away from the house • Provide building details at the connection of the new roof to the existing house —this area should be appropriately flashed • Where possible, salvage existing timbers, boards and other materials and/or hardware for reuse on this property or other heritage place; and • Update/redline building permit drawings to reflect the wood siding, roof shingle, door and window treatments described in the "Heritage Application — Kitchen Restoration". C. Sopher questioned the salvage materials, how they will be used and how this process be followed through. Moved by T. Besso Seconded by W. Jamadar That the Committee support the recommendations of ERA Architects Inc. and recommend that staff request the Building Department review the plans to ensure the grading/or swales directs the water away from the house. Carried 5.2) Del Management Solutions Inc. C. Celebre provided an overview of properties located at 325 Highway 7, 1710 Whitevale Road and 2865 Sildeline 16, which were previously distributed through email. She explained these Page 4 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items Ref# fsummary o f discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) properties are proposed for demolition by Infrastructure Ontario and was bringing this before the Committee to determine whether there was any heritage significance. She noted that while they fall within the boundaries of the Seaton Urban Area, they are not identified as Heritage Lots in the Seaton policy. Discussion ensued on pursuing the protection of these properties. Moved by T. Besso Seconded by C. Sopher That Heritage Pickering recommends staff move forward and investigate a heritage evaluation review on the above three properties. Carried. 5.3) 1390 and 1450 Whitevale Road C. Celebre advised members that she had received an intent to demolition two barns and outbuildings located on Mattamy lands. The barns and outbuildings from 1390 and 1450 Whitevale Road are located on the proposed Mattamy Subdivision Plan. She noted that 1390 and 1450 Whitevale Road properties are heritage lots on the Seaton Plan and listed on the City's Municipal Register. The applicant had provided heritage assessments for the barns and outbuildings, which were passed around for members to review. She noted she was looking for comments from the Committee, whether there were any issues or potentially if the Committee would like to pursue designation. Members reviewed the materials provided and discussion ensued with. J. Van Huss questioning whether the Committee felt there was sufficient merit to pursue designation. The general consensus of the Committee is noted as follows: • that while it was regrettable to consider demolition, they do not oppose the proposed demolition of 1450 Whitevale Road; • concerns were noted over loss of barns on character roads • the Committee would like to know whether the Museum or any other organizations would be interested in obtaining salvage items and look into how they would have access to these items; and • it was questioned how the Committee could follow up and Page 5 Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) - document salvage materials. • It was recommended that 1390 Whitevale Road be placed on the November 28th agenda for consideration as the information was not available. 6.0 Correspondence 6.1) Heritage Matters The Heritage Matters publication was received for information. 6.2) CHO News The CHO News •ublication was received for information. 7.0 Other Business 7.1) C. Sopher provided an overview of the workshop some of the members had attended in Ajax on October 3rd. He noted it was a very informative workshop, which was well attended, providing information on the functionality of heritage districts, what makes them work, what doesn't work. J. Van Huss noted they had also discussed property values, insurance, signage and access to websites. She also provided the website for members to access information from the workshop. www.waterloo.ca/hrc 7.2) Councillor Rodrigues questioned workplan updates. It was noted that this would be placed on all future agendas for updates. 8.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting: November 28, 2013 The meeting adjourned at 9:55 pm. Copy: City Clerk • • Page 6