HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 17-13 <<f�050 Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PLN 17-13 Date: September 3, 2013 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 12-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/12 Pine Ridge Tower Limited (formerly Cambridge Centre Village Inc.) Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Registered Plan 456 (1473, 1475 & 1485 Whites Road) Recommendation: 1. That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 12-001/P, submitted by Pine Ridge Tower Limited (formerly Cambridge Centre Village Inc.), on lands being Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Registered Plan 456, to allow a maximum site density of 228 units per net hectare in order to facilitate the development of a 12 storey, 227 unit apartment building, be approved, as outlined in Appendix I to Report Number PLN 17-13, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward the draft by-law to adopt Amendment No. 25 to the Pickering Official Plan to Council for enactment; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/12, submitted by Pine Ridge Tower Limited (formerly Cambridge Centre Village Inc.) on lands being Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Registered Plan 456, to permit the development of a 12 storey, 227 unit apartment building, be endorsed as outlined in Appendix II to Report Number PLN 17-13, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment to Council for enactment; and 3. Further, that an amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, as generally set out in Section 3.5 of Report Number PLN 17-13 be endorsed, and brought forward for Council approval with the implementing Zoning By-law. Executive Summary: The subject lands are located on the east side of Whites Road north of Kingston Road, and opposite Dunfair Street (see Location Map, Attachment #1). Pine Ridge Tower Limited (formerly Cambridge Centre Village Inc.) submitted applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment initially proposing the development of the lands municipally known as 1473, 1475 and 1485 Whites Road for a 16 storey rental apartment building containing 228 units (see Original Site Plan and Original Building Elevation, Attachments #2 & #3). Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 2 In response to concerns identified by City staff, agency staff as well as comments from the public, the applicant has made a number of improvements to the proposal in order to minimize impacts on the townhouse development to the north and enhance the design of the building. The key changes include: • reduction of the maximum building height to 12 storeys • reorientation of the building mass to Whites Road • provision of additional on-site landscaping and outdoor amenity area/play area • reduction in the amount of at-grade parking • deletion of the southerly driveway, and • improvement of the on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation The changes have resulted in a 12 storey rental apartment building containing 227 units (see Revised Site Plan and Revised Building Elevation, Attachments #4 and #5). The proposal is consistent with policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and the Durham Regional Official Plan, by providing for intensification and redevelopment of vacant lands through infilling within the built up area and promoting the use of existing and planned infrastructure. The proposed development establishes a high density residential use along Whites Road, a Regional Transit Spine. It is also 120 metres north of Kingston Road and the future Durham Bus Rapid Transit. The development is considered compatible with the existing medium and high density surrounding land uses. A strong relationship with Whites Road will be established by the design of the proposed development which is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines. The recommended Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments provide for appropriate density and performance standards for the development of this vacant infill site resulting in transit supportive intensification along a future transit spine. Site plan approval will address detailed design and technical matters. Staff recommend that the applications be approved, and the implementing zoning by-law and the amendments to the Official Plan and the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines be finalized and forwarded to Council for adoption. Financial Implications: Woodlands Neighbourhood policies of the City's Official Plan require vehicular access from Delta Boulevard to Whites Road through lands already owned by the City. Cost sharing between the applicant and the City will be required for the construction of this public road which is a Development Charge project. Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 3 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject property is located on the east side of Whites Road, north of Kingston Road (see Location Map, Attachment#1), and comprises three lots having a combined land area of approximately 0.997 of a hectare of developable land, with approximately 117 metres of frontage along Whites Road. The site, which slopes from west to east (an approximately 3.0 metres change in elevation), is presently vacant with some remaining small trees and shrub vegetation. Surrounding the subject lands to the north is a townhouse condominium development, to the east is a retail commercial plaza, and to the south is a six storey residential apartment building. Across Whites Road to the west is the Dunbarton High School. 1.2 Applicant's Original Proposal The original proposal consisted of a 16 storey, 228 unit rental apartment building (see Original Site Plan and Original Building Elevation, Attachments #2 and #3). Initially the building was proposed as multi-level, "T" shaped building featuring 3, 6 and 9 storeys along the Whites Road frontage. The portion of the building perpendicular to Whites Road was proposed to step up to 14 and 16 storeys and then step down to 9 storeys at the easterly end of the building. While outdoor landscaped areas were proposed, outdoor amenity areas or children's play areas were not specified. 1.3 Applicant's Revised Proposal Based on comments from the City staff, agencies and area residents, the applicant has submitted a revised plan proposing a redesigned site plan and building elevations (see Revised Site Plan and Revised Building Elevations, Attachment#4 and #5). City staff have worked with the applicant to achieve an improved building mass in order to minimize impacts on the townhouse development to the north; provide additional on-site landscaping and an outdoor amenity/play area; reduced surface parking; improved site vehicular and pedestrian circulation; and enhanced treatment of ground floor units along Whites Road. The applicant revised the vehicular site access to reflect the Region of Durham's comments showing one right-in/right-out driveway at the north end of the site. Specifically, the revisions to the proposal include the following: • reduction in building height from 16 to 12 storeys • reorientation of the building mass to be parallel to Whites Road Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 4 • reduction in residential density from 229 units per net hectare to 228 units per net hectare • reduction in floor space index (FSI) from 2.9 to 2.4 • deletion of the southerly driveway • widening of the resident only vehicular access to permit ingress and egress to Delta Boulevard (unrestricted public walkway will be maintained) • increased on-site landscaped areas and added outdoor amenity area/children's play area • relocation of the service and loading area away from the adjacent townhouse development to the north; and • addition of a second level of underground parking The revised proposal complies with the allowable FSI of the Official Plan. The proposed Official Plan Amendment is to increase, by site specific exception, the maximum allowable residential density to 228 units per net hectare. 2. Comments Received 2.1 Public comments from public meetings and written submissions On June 21, 2012, a Public Open House meeting was held by the owner to inform area residents about the original development proposal. Five residents attended the Open House meeting. The owner advised that the following comments were verbally expressed by area residents at the meeting: • the building height should be reduced by six storeys • the November and December shadows have too great of an impact • there would be increased security problems • there would be a decrease in property values, and • there are objections to the proposed increases in traffic and population The City Development Department received a petition dated July 30, 2012, containing approximately 55 signatures from the residents of 735 Sheppard Avenue. Key concerns listed by the petition include inappropriate building scale, light blockage, decrease in property values, and traffic. Approximately eleven residents/landowners attended the Public Information Meeting held September 4, 2012, and voiced their comments regarding the original proposal. Specifically, the concerns identified are as follows: • Whites Road and Kingston Road are at capacity and cannot accommodate additional traffic • Delta Boulevard cannot handle additional traffic from the proposal • inadequate resident and visitor parking ratios are proposed • the shadows cast by the proposed development are too great Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 5 • the proposed development would have a negative impact on property values of adjacent townhouses • the proposed height and density is incompatible with existing low and medium density housing • a maximum of 6 storeys should be permitted • a park for children is required • the proposed development does not comply with the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines On August 13, 2013, the City Development Department held a Public Open House meeting to inform the community of the revisions to the proposal. Approximately 10 members of the public attended the meeting. Comments received from the public included: • support for the reduction in building height and resulting reduction in shadow impact on surrounding development • support for the introduction of more housing options in rental housing • concern that the proposed density did not substantially change from the original proposal • rental housing is not appropriate and would not generate as much property tax revenue for the City as would a condominium development • the proposal should include accessible apartment units • concern over the impacts on the surrounding area from the construction of the proposal • concern regarding the traffic congestion the proposal would add to the already congested areas of Whites Road, Kingston Road and Sheppard Avenue • inquiry regarding rental pricing 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments Region of Durham • the Region of Durham Planning Department has advised that the proposal conforms to the policies of the Living Areas designation and the Regional Corridor overlay of the Regional Official Plan • in accordance with Regional By-law 11-2000, the Official Plan Amendment application is exempt from Regional approval • the updated Environmental Noise Analysis recommends upgraded construction requirements and warning clauses be included in all rental agreements • Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 6 Region of Durham • the updated Phase I and II Environmental Site (continued) Investigation reports dated July 31, 2012, and September 19, 2012, indicate that the results of the soil and groundwater testing were below the parameters of the Ministry of Environment Table 2— Potable Groundwater Standard; the Region requires the filing of a Record of Site Condition (RSC) • sanitary sewer and water services are available • the Region requires a road widening across the Whites Road frontage to obtain a width of 22.5 metres from the centerline of the road • the revised proposal, with one right-in/right-out driveway at the north end of the subject site is consistent with the policies of the Regional Official Plan • the Region requires, as a condition of site plan approval, the construction of an 80 metre northbound right turn taper into the site from Whites Road Toronto and Region • the TRCA has advised that the subject lands Conservation Authority are not in the screening area and do not (TRCA) require TRCA review Engineering & Public Works • generally satisfied with the proposal at this time; detailed drawings regarding landscaping, stormwater management and grading will be reviewed through the site plan approval process • a development agreement will be required to address any off-site works, road restoration, land transfer, easements, utility relocation, cost sharing, grading, drainage, and securities, as well as, cost recovery for the Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road downstream stormsewer over sizing, and the Northeast Quadrant study Fire Services • details of emergency vehicle access will be finalized through the site plan review process Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 7 Durham District School • the Board has no objections to the proposed Board development • 29 elementary school students and 14 high school students are expected to be generated from the proposed development and will attend Altona Forest Public School, and Dunbarton High School Durham Catholic District • the Board has no objections to the proposed School Board development • 15 elementary school students and 15 high school students are expected to be generated from the proposed development and will attend St. Elizabeth Seton Elementary School, and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The proposal complies with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan and the Durham Regional Official Plan The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides provincial direction for land use planning and development in Ontario with which municipal planning decisions must be consistent. The PPS states that opportunities for intensification and redevelopment shall be identified where the availability of suitable existing or planned infrastructure and public service facilities can accommodate projected needs. The proposal provides for intensification within an urban area already served by existing infrastructure as well as transit and which will be served by a rapid transit system in the future. The proposal conforms to the provisions of the PPS. The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) provides a framework for managing growth in the Greater Golden Horseshoe including direction for where and how to grow. The development of the subject site for the proposed high density development satisfies the Growth Plan objective of encouraging new growth to be directed to the built-up areas of the community through intensification along roadways that support established transit services. The subject lands are designated "Living Areas" with a "Regional Corridor" overlay within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Within the Living Areas designation, lands are encouraged to be developed in a compact form through higher density uses. In conjunction with the policies for Living Areas, lands within the Regional Corridor shall be planned and developed as high density mixed-use areas, which include residential, commercial and service areas. The Regional Plan also encourages local official plans to maximize permissible densities on vacant lands within urban areas as well as intensification and redevelopment along arterial roads. Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 8 The Regional Plan was recently amended to bring it into conformity with the Provincial Growth Plan and now requires local municipalities to investigate ways of increasing densities of new residential development and redevelopment in urban areas to reduce the per capita cost of municipal services and to utilize land more efficiently. The proposal conforms to the policies of the Durham Region Official Plan. 3.2 The intensification areas identified through the City's preliminary Growth Plan conformity work included the subject lands Along with adjacent lands to the east and south along Kingston Road and the vacant lands to the west across Whites Road, the subject lands were included within the intensification area identified through the City of Pickering's preliminary Growth Plan conformity work undertaken in 2010. This conformity work is scheduled to resume later in 2014. The proposal intensifies a site identified within an area considered appropriate for intensification. 3.3 A site specific Official Plan amendment to allow a maximum residential density of 228 units per net hectare supports the goals and objectives of the Pickering Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridor" in the Pickering Official Plan, which permits a density range of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare, and a maximum floor space index (FSI) of 2.5. The applicant is proposing 227 units on 0.997 of a hectare of developable land, resulting in a density of 228 units per net hectare. The applicant has submitted an Official Plan Amendment application for a site specific exception to permit a maximum density of 228 units per net hectare. The proposed Official Plan Amendment is appropriate and is supported by staff as representing good planning. The proposal for rental apartment units implements Section 6.2(c) of the Official Plan, which states that City Council shall encourage the provision of an adequate range of housing and tenure types to be available and integrated within the City's neighbourhoods to meet the needs of existing and future populations. The proposal also complies with Section 6.5, which states that City Council shall maximize the efficiency of existing infrastructure and minimize the consumption of vacant land by encouraging major intensification in Mixed Use Areas and the infill development of vacant or underutilized blocks of land. The proposal reflects both major intensification and infill development that makes efficient use of existing and planned resources and infrastructure. Furthermore, the development provides for an alternative house form and tenure within the neighbourhood which is sensitive to and compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood. Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 9 3.4 Design and transportation objectives of the Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies are addressed The Woodlands Neighbourhood policies of the Pickering Official Plan require new development to establish buildings on Whites Road close to the street edge, with the front doors facing the street, and with a specified percentage of their front walls required to be located within build-to-zones. The neighbourhood policies also require that new dwellings along Whites Road frontage have a minimum of four functional storeys. The proposal achieves a consistent and urban street wall element with at grade uses enhancing the streetscape through the incorporation of the following design elements: • the primary wall of the four storey base of the building is sited parallel to and setback 3 metres from Whites Road • the building occupies approximately 78 percent of the Whites Road frontage • the ground floor along Whites Road contains at grade apartment units with direct access to private patios • views into the surface parking area from Whites Road are minimized, and • the main building entrance fronts Whites Road Vehicular access on Whites Road is restricted to right-in/right-out only. Accordingly, the neighbourhood policies require easements from Delta Boulevard to Whites Road to facilitate convenient vehicular access from the subject lands to Delta Boulevard and subsequently to the signalized intersection at Kingston Road where full turning movements are available. At the northeast corner of the site, a two-way vehicle access, restricted to building residents, is proposed to access City owned lands. These City owned lands are to be developed as a public road that will connect to the adjacent Delta Boulevard. Design of this road will be finalized through site plan approval. Cost sharing between the applicant and the City will be required for the road with the City's contribution coming from Development Charges. The proposed pedestrian access to Delta Boulevard will not be restricted. The applicant will be required to enter into agreements with the City, Region and other agencies as appropriate, for the payment of but not limited to the following: • off-site works including the construction of a public road connecting Delta Boulevard, • contributions to the cost of a downstream stormwater management facility, • cost recovery for the Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road downstream stormsewer over sizing, and • cost recovery for the Northeast Quadrant study. Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 10 3.5 The proposal is consistent with the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines The subject lands are located within the Woodlands Neighbourhood for which Development Guidelines have been established and adopted by Council. The Guidelines state that new residential development shall be integrated into the area in a manner that is both respectful of the character of the existing neighbourhood and serves as an interface between this area and the surrounding lands. The guidelines also state that the southeast corner of Sheppard Avenue and Whites Road (the site of the existing townhouses) shall act as a transition area between the higher buildings on Whites Road and the lower buildings on Sheppard Avenue. The four storey building height proposed for the Whites Road frontage is slightly higher than the existing two and a half storey townhouses providing both a transition and compatibility in height and built form. Impact on the existing townhouses is reduced through the redesign of the proposed building where the greater building mass is adjacent to Whites Road, rather than perpendicular to Whites Road. The Access Concept contained in the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, schematically demonstrates access to individual properties as well as opportunities for shared access and coordinated internal access in the quadrant. Updating of the Access Concept is required to reflect approvals granted since the adoption of the Guidelines as well as the current direction in transportation planning for Whites and Kingston Roads. An amendment will be brought forward to Council for endorsement at a later date. 3.6 Compatibility with the surrounding neighbourhood has been achieved through the building's scale, massing and siting Compatibility of the proposal with the surrounding neighbourhood is achieved by dealing with the elements of scale, massing, siting, setbacks and shadowing. The applicant has applied angular planes at the northerly and easterly property limits to achieve compatible building height, massing and setbacks. Angular planes can be used to shape the scale, height, spacing and character of development and assist in achieving transitions in an area. Transitions can take the form of gradual changes in scale, height, mass or use and ensure that development does not overwhelm or negatively affect neighbouring land uses. Application of angular planes resulted in a decrease in building height from 16 to 12 storeys, locating the massing of the building parallel to Whites Road, and an increased setback of 18.5 metres from the north property line. Staff consider the resulting 12 storey building, massing and setbacks to be compatible with the adjacent existing developments. Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 11 Further, staff consider that particular design elements of the proposed development has achieved compatibility with the adjacent uses and neighbourhood through the following design considerations: • the subject site is sufficiently large to provide an appropriate setback to existing townhouse development and still achieve intensification of the site • the four storey base along Whites Road is compatible with the existing townhouses to the north and appropriately frames the east side of Whites Road by providing a street-wall edge • the number of units overlooking the existing townhouse rear yards is greatly minimized by an 18.5 metre setback to a wall with no balconies and a 45 metre setback to balconies • the grade-related units on Whites Road provide active at-grade uses creating a comfortable urban condition along Whites Road • the density and height are appropriate in terms of the site's close proximity to future rapid transit service and existing retail/service-commercial uses • the stepping of the upper levels of the 12 storey building minimizes adverse shadows • the connection to Delta Boulevard through a future public road ensures pedestrian and vehicular permeability within the neighbourhood 3.7 Shadow impact on the adjacent townhouses will be minimal Residents expressed concerns that shadows cast by the proposed development are too great. A shadow study has been submitted in support of the proposal. It identifies the shadow impacts of the revised development on the surrounding properties during the spring (March 21st), summer (June 21st), fall (September 21st) and winter (December 21st) seasons for the morning, afternoon, late afternoon and early evening hours. Best practise in assessing shadow impact is that shadow impacts should not exceed two hours in duration on private outdoor amenity areas during the spring, summer and fall seasons. The shadow study shows that the proposal will cast shadows for approximately two hours on the most westerly and southerly blocks of townhouses and the children's play area located to the north of the subject lands only during the winter solstice. However, the study also shows that the shadows cast by the proposal on the rear patio areas of the townhouses are not new shadows. The townhouses themselves cast shadows on the townhouses' rear patio areas during the spring, fall and winter seasons. Staff is satisfied that the shadow impacts on the townhouse development is minimal. Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 12 3.8 Traffic issues and road improvements are not anticipated as a result of this proposal Residents also raised concerns with respect to the potential for higher traffic levels along Whites Road and Delta Boulevard as a result of this development. In order to identify operational concerns and recommend road network improvements, the submitted Transportation and Parking Study, prepared by Stantec, investigated the traffic effects of the proposed development on the surrounding area and the intersections of Whites Road/Sheppard Avenue, Whites Road/Kingston Road and Kingston Road/Delta Boulevard. The Study found that under the existing conditions these intersections, with the exception of the Whites Road/Kingston Road intersection, operate at a good level or near capacity in both am and pm peak hours. During the pm peak hour the Whites Road/Kingston Road intersection exceeds the planned capacity. Further an examination of the findings of the Study demonstrates that the peak hour trips generated by the proposal represent a negligible percentage of the peak hour trips that already move through the intersections. The Study concludes that the impact of traffic generated from the proposed development on any of these intersections is considered to be negligible, and would likely be less than the typical day-to-day fluctuations in peak hour traffic. As a result, there are no physical road capacity improvements required along Whites Road and Delta Boulevard to accommodate the proposed development. It is anticipated that future traffic monitoring and signal timing adjustments by the Region will assist in addressing the impacts related to anticipated changes in the study area traffic. No traffic concerns are anticipated as a result of this development. The Study's recommendations included the following transportation features: • channelization of the Whites Road site access to restrict it to a right-in/right-out • a gated, tenant only vehicular access to Delta Boulevard • internal walkways providing unrestricted access to Whites Road and Delta Boulevard for ease of access to transit and amenities • bicycle parking facilities City staff have reviewed the Study and concur with its conclusions and recommendations. 3.9 Sufficient parking will be available to serve the proposed development Another concern raised by area residents was that the proposed resident and visitor parking ratios are inadequate. Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 13 The City's typical parking requirement for apartment type dwellings is a minimum rate of 1.2 parking spaces per dwelling unit plus 0.3 parking space per unit for visitors. On this basis, the proposed development would require a total of 341 parking spaces (273 spaces for residents and 68 spaces for visitors). The applicant is proposing a total of 305 parking spaces (101 underground resident parking spaces and 106 surface parking spaces for visitors and residents), an 11 per cent reduction in the required number of parking spaces to be provided on-site. At the request of staff, the applicant's traffic consultant contacted Durham Region municipalities and found that the Town of Ajax, Town of Whitby and the City of Oshawa have permitted parking reductions ranging from 7% to 32% from their typical parking requirements where development proposals meet the following conditions: • rental apartment occupancy (as surveys show that there is relatively low vehicle ownership as compared to other housing types) • well served by existing and planned public transit, and • located in close proximity to retail and service commercial uses The subject site has attributes that are similar to other developments where parking requirements have been reduced. Specifically, the development will be rental, well served by existing transit (Durham Region Transit and GO Transit), within 120 metres of Kingston Road and the future Durham Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service, located in close proximity to retail and service commercial uses along Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road, and well served by existing and planned improvements to the active transportation network (sidewalks, and walkways). Staff concur that the overall supply of 305 parking spaces is sufficient to accommodate the parking demands for the proposed development. 3.10 Public concerns include that the proposal will have negative impacts on private property values Another concern that was expressed by the area residents was regarding the impact on property values of the existing homes in the area as a result of this development for high density, rental apartments. Property value is influenced by a number of factors such as location, proximity to services and amenities, local economics, home improvements and condition, home and property size, and dwelling style. Impact on property value is not a consideration under the Planning Act in the review of development applications. However, appropriate development that is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood can positively contribute to the immediate area and the community as a whole. Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 . Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 14 3.11 Additional concerns raised by the public have been addressed by the applicant The applicant has provided the following information to the City Development Department in response to questions raised from the public at the August 13 Public Open House meeting: • applicable accessibility requirements will be met • daily construction times will be weekdays 7 am to 7 pm • a full-time construction manager will be on site • construction fencing will be erected around the perimeter of the property as per City requirements • rental rates are anticipated to range from $1,290.00 to $1,690.00 per month (this is subject to review) 3.12 The noise study recommends all units be equipped with air conditioning and upgraded glazing A noise impact study prepared by Valcoustics Canada Ltd., submitted in support of the application recommends that all units be equipped with air conditioning and upgraded glazing. It also recommends that appropriate warning clauses be included in all lease agreements advising tenants of potential noise concerns from the rooftop mechanical units on the adjacent commercial plaza to the east. 3.13 The proposal achieves a Level 1 sustainability rating The applicant submitted a Sustainability Report that is based on the City's Draft • Sustainability Guidelines. Staff have reviewed the report and rated the proposal as achieving and exceeding Level 1 . The proposal incorporated many of the elements set out in the Guidelines such as enhanced access to amenities, increased residential density, native species planting, reduction in the use of fertilizer, enhanced access to amenities, utilization of transit, and reduction of parking requirements. There will be additional opportunities to improve this rating as additional sustainability measures become available through the site plan approval process and detailed building design. 3.14 Technical matters will be addressed as conditions of the site plan review process A site plan application is yet to be submitted. Detail design will be addressed through the site plan approval process. Matters to be addressed through the site plan review process, include, but are not limited to: • cash-in lieu of parkland dedication • refinement of building massing and orientation Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 15 • refinement of building elevations and details of materials • resident, visitor and handicapped parking • landscaping • emergency vehicle access • secure, resident only access only to underground garage • dedication of Whites Road road widening • development and maintenance agreements for the construction of the public road connection to Delta Boulevard • development agreement with the Region for the Whites Road taper • site servicing • cost recovery for the Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road downstream • stormsewer over sizing, and the Northeast Quadrant Study, and • any other City and agency requirements 3.15 Staff support the revised proposal and the Proposed Official Plan Amendment Staff find the proposal to be consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, the Growth Plan, and the Regional Official Plan and support the proposed development. The proposal provides for appropriate intensification in Pickering's urban area, along Whites Road that is designated a transit spine, and within walking distance of the future Durham Region BRT along Kingston Road. The applicant has made several modifications to the proposal to ensure that the building is compatible with the surrounding evolving neighbourhood and adverse impacts are minimized. Based on the revised proposal, staff supports the site specific Official Plan amendment to permit a maximum residential density of 228 units per net hectare, and recommends that the By-law to adopt Amendment No. 25 be forwarded to Council for enactment (see Appendix I). 3.16 Zoning By-law to be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment The subject lands are zoned "MU-2" — Mixed Use (1473 Whites Road) and "MU-3" — Mixed Use (1475 & 1485 Whites Road) by Zoning By-law 3036. The applicant has submitted a rezoning application to permit a 12 storey, 227 unit rental apartment building. To ensure compatibility with the surrounding community and an appropriate design, the zoning by-law will have site specific provisions, including but not limited to, maximum building height, minimum building setbacks, build-to zone, minimum landscape buffer widths, maximum number of units, and minimum number of on-site resident and visitor parking spaces, and fully enclosed internal garbage storage area. Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 16 Staff supports the rezoning application and recommends that a site specific implementing by-law containing the standards attached as Appendix II to this report be finalized and be brought before Council for enactment. It is anticipated that the by-law will be brought to Council once the applicant is substantially through the site plan approval process. 3.17 Applicant's Comments The applicant has been advised of the recommendations of this report. Appendices Appendix I Draft By-law to adopt Amendment 25 to the Pickering Official Plan Appendix II Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/12 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Original Site Plan 3. Original Building Elevation 4. Revised Site Plan 5. Revised Building Elevation • • Report PLN 17-13 September 3, 2013 Subject: Pine Ridge Tower Limited Page 17 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: . (cfm4_/7 _.`7 A Deborah Wyli , MCI , RPP Catherine Rose, M IP, RPP Senior Planrer- Po icy Chief Planner ( S-- Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Thomas Me lm k, M IP, RPP ``-- Y Manager, Development Review Director, City Develo ment & Urban Design DW:jf Recommended for the consideration of Pickering . Council 0 / -i , ,I fee . '?, 2a l_3 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer REPORT PLN 17-13 By-law to Adopt Amendment 25 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Appendix I TO DRAFT The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/XX Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 25 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering. (OPA 12-001/P) Whereas pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21(1), the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; And Whereas pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; And Whereas the Region has advised that this Amendment is exempt from Regional approval; Now Therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering Hereby Enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment 25 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; and 2. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of 2013. David Ryan, M r 4 Debbie ields, City Clerk Exhibit "A" to By-law Amendment 25 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Amendment 25 to the Pickering Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to permit, as an exception, a site specific increase in the maximum permissible density for lands within the Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridor designation. Location: The Amendment affects an area of approximately 0.997 of a hectare, located on the east side of Whites Road between Kingston Road and Sheppard Avenue. The lands are legally described as Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Registered Plan 456. Basis: The lands subject to this Amendment are designated Mixed Use Areas— Mixed Corridor in the City of Pickering Official Plan and are within the Woodlands Neighbourhood. The proposed development has been designed to address the Woodlands Neighbourhood policies that require a minimum of four functional storeys for the Whites Road elevations of new dwellings fronting Whites Road, and require that the design of new residential development be compatible with xi e sting low density development on Sheppard Avenue with respect to matters such as building heights, yard setbacks, building orientation and massing, access to sunlight, and privacy. The lands subject to this Amendment were identified as a potential intensification area through the City of Pickering's preliminary Growth Plan conformity work. The subject lands are located on Whites Road which is designated as a Transit Spine in the Region of Durham Official Plan, and within 120 metres of Kingston Road and the Durham Region Bus Rapid Transit. Transit Spine policies provide for complementary higher density. The proposed development provides for appropriate intensification in Pickering's urban area, and is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and the Durham Regional Official Plan. Amendment 25 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 Actual The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: Amendment: 1. Revising policy 11.8 — Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies, by adding a new subsection 11.8(e)(viii) and renumbering existing subsections (viii) and (ix) to (ix) and (x) respectively: (viii) despite Table 6 of Chapter Three, establish a maximum net residential density of 228 units per hectare on lands located on the east side of Whites Road, north of Kingston Road described as Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Registered Plan 456. Implementation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended; regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended; regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. • • Appendix II To Report PLN 17-13 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/12 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/12 That the implementing zoning by-law permit the establishment of multiple dwelling-vertical units in accordance with the following provisions: a. minimum lot frontage of 115 metres b. minimum lot area of 9,900 square metres c. maximum number of units of 227 units d. maximum gross floor area of 23,550 square metres e. minimum building height of 4 storeys/11 metres f. maximum building height of 12 storeys/37 metres (excluding mechanical) g. minimum build-to zone along Whites Road of 90 metres h. minimum building setback from the north lot line of 18 metres and 45 metres I. minimum building setback from Whites Road of 2.85 metres j. parking to be provided at 1.14 resident spaces per unit and 0.20 visitor spaces per unit k. building envelopes and required stepping of building heights will be indicated on a zoning schedule I. other appropriate zoning provisions as required • ATTACHMENT# / TO REPORT # /Z /V /7-/ PEN=o r� Ellmillb:41i° ST. Q �_ AVENUE �_ 111111 ■.�D � _ lllllllllllll �= JACQUELI■=m Np 11: ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT# P//�/ / 7-%3 • . - • f,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, DURHAM STANDARD CONDOMINIUM PLAN No. 191 `tee ff1 Main n'Dr6.?rlrleuw.0 „• 1 _ I nmrgt�e r ,u��, us,nrr \tit r_ — — 4111 11'71il! ►111riVI F iIIrAiri ri kl 11!ffj 1 11 --1 0 ORSCIAY MI iii Pl1 i { moat ey { 1111 (TFRRACE AT .u.` I R2 J 7TH FLOOR) g 1 q AREA snare — 7777 R L'ii I' , i • PROPOSED 19 i 16 REDDEN Y SICK - f RF�ENAAL � T„ E kr LTOIl1' � BUEIIRJC a${... I©� wnuArm , �.AeA IIIM IIM 1E0 Prifi i ri ill Fria6 lik 2'1 1 J AREA "�'' Zi li DUNFAIR STREET a 1 A 11F41/1 (TF1dtACE AT Thi IF IF P% -.-. 1 .. , 11,.:' po �`i FII % 11111 1 �1 11111 111�11111111111114111111111J1 .•i . L __ r ._..._ ._ -. - fun / un Bunn C24.‘ I N Original Site Plan Cifq°¢ FILE No: A 01/12 & OPA12-001/P �, - •���a=• APPLICANT: Pine Ridge Tower Ltd. • • i1 19 k L. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1485, 1475 and 1473 Whites Road City Development Plan 456, Part of Lots 1-3 Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF 71115 PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:July 17,2013 ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT # /2,4ni / 7—/3 II si : • ,.,.... ,... ..I::. . \.. 1 . . ty _ N 5. r •r 4 , --, rr 0 . 74,.._ ti /_ _! c • .. uc ..a. fs. ti. I M1 tca. tore. �, �;r A !' f/IAm del :,? I:11: :� • 1 ' �=: • .• , fr. �� .o J f ,4,4iv„1 y f 4. fu u1��,,, ,,i IfW.: • ./':+' . -.'''•••'''.-s'.• o, 4iln ti 1 't. fr _•K 1_1� ��, w • iM , 21t' t 1 I?I Ll` .a if la` f r '! , , . ` d. '1A.,-1� L.� 1 .ii1e'�' '.I:.: lil:,'Y�� ;ICI 'it g T S 3., w, +, r tx a ®IA! = S 1 , 1 1_ I / 1 C f 1'f I I > : q Y d. • — i . 22 . - {. e Q J 00 � 1 lr1,1 ril f r- L .ch C'7 1111,C 1 dell l� O j x ,F _ - 41 c o F— z N ? , F '' 1 ,I f. (\� d 0) H/�y T , , '. .'i m CC Ec O t ` -,,, Yn ; W a) 0 —1 i1 6 N c 0) `+- �<. t .1i S c ` w O•F ' C-r. 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I • iiliNatilei PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1485, 1475 and 1473 Whites Road City Development Plan 456, Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3 Department _ _ _- FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE:Aug.13,2013 ATTACHMENT # 5 TO REPORT # /0A A) / 7—/3 • co O N -,....., W l'' %� 'j' • _ G' i , •) ! 1•f '7; rt "?(:VD 1 it,/�' / , it 1 ,t,1,01;:sr .,_ ,., , _ ,, I, ./- .632. - j�' ^� 1 -7 y d 0.',tip. L �_ o ill ...,_ cy) A- vi,' , . ., .'",zrri71. ''''' ...1 (>CS i T 4� _- .r -1 _ J co ,, CO LL T V _3 1,Nis . co t. _.7 r C 1Ty'c,'Ii11TITIO17OA?iliZt;ZU .1 C N p Z al Pi-l 'R. rI. 1 1 1 p T O V-•f..?I V.14:114l: x.114-IN:3,1.. Q. F- r ��� "t, "'-4.i,}is. I._ (D—• O p AR, 'r• 1 p� (l e Rr - w v N p !Il 4- p ` � w O -,--, �Y -��i m - Q L(0 . , ,1' I,- ai 0 U w LU 1 cn J EL i 5 W 0_ O CO C Li )1 CC LL < c o . -'1i , olifjoipl..16-41A E,a) .,.., • . .i,if Imo ! 1 0 gli: cz