HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 13, 2002Minutes / Meeting Summary PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY November 13, 2002 7:00 PM Attendees: Councillor Dave Ryan Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Lewis Williams, Durham District School Board Robert Cutting, Durham District Catholic School Board Mark Joel, Durham District School Board Bill Boyes, Resident Ian Weber, Community Appointee Joe Mitchang, Durham Regional Police Guest: Insp. Sherry Whiteway, Durham Regional Police Regrets: Matthew Carmichael, Community Appointee - Item / Ref :# Details & Discussion . &. Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Presentation Insp. Sherry Whiteway, Durham Regional Police was introduced by Councillor Dave Ryan and spoke to the Committee on Racial Profiling. She advised that the Durham Regional Police have Zero Tolerance for racism, harassment, etc. and that Racial Profiling is not done within Durham Region. The Committee expressed confidence in the policing activities within the Region. A lengthy conversation proceeded concerning this subject and the following comments were made- • Lewis advised that the United Way of Ajax/Pickering are holding an Award of Excellence Youth Luncheon on December 11 to • Better youth representation on the Committee is needed, Lewis and Robert agreed to request each school within Pickering to place two students on this Committee. • Dave requested Committee members consider and bring back to the next meeting ideas on an evening event with considerable youth involvement. The theme would be a Youth /Police /Multicultural Community event to be held the third week of March. Page 1 Item l Details & Discussion &- Conclusion Action Items /Status - Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as = appropriate) 2. Upcoming Events Marisa advised that Monday, February 17 th is Heritage Day. The Committee preferred the weekend of February 22nd to hold heritage events. Marisa will contact Pickering Town Centre to enquire if this weekend would be suitable to them. Dave advised that a meeting was held between himself, Marisa and Laura Drake of the Pickering Museum Village to discuss a Museum /Race Relations Forum. This event would take place on Sunday, June 22 "d, 2003. The museum will discuss this matter further to finalize participation and venue. 3. Ontarians With Disabilities Act Dave advised that letters were forwarded to all community organizations involved with the disabled community. An ad will be placed on the November 20th and 27th Community Page concerning this matter and requesting anyone with a disability wishing to participate on this Committee to complete an application. Dave further advised that Pickering is recognized as a leader in this area. 4. Other Business a) Bill requested and it was confirmed that the Mission Statement will be included at the bottom of each agenda. b) Fred questioned the status on the situation with the Mandarin Restaurant refusing entry of mentally challenged individuals. Dave advised that a meeting was held between himself, Councillor Holland and the Regional Director of the restaurant. The Regional Director committed to sending staff of that restaurant to Sensitivity Training. Councillor Holland was following up on this matter and a status report will be made at the next meeting. c) Marisa requested that members confirm with her participants in the Heritage Week events. Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 p.m. Copy: T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Page 2