HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 14, 2001fu sw Pickering Advisory. Committee On Race Relations & Equity Notes Wednesday, November 14, 2001 7:15 p.m. Chair: Councillor Rvan Present: Dave Ryan — Chair Fred Gibson — Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Luigia Ayotte, Durham District School Board Robert Cutting, Durham District Catholic School Board Matthew Carmichael, Community Appointee Kisho Umar, Community Appointee Margaret Eskins, Community Appointee Ian Weber, Community Appointee Dave Waldriff, City of Pickering Debbie Kearns, City of Pickering Guest: Brian Chandler, Resident Regrets: Lewis Williams, Durham District School Board Dave Ryan advised that Monika Jensen has resigned due to family and work commitments. He further advised that Ikram Makki has moved out of Pickering and will be unable to attend the meetings. ' 1. City of Pickering Accessibility Action Plan Dave Waldriff provided an overview of the Accessibility Action Report highlighting the following points: a list of priorities was prepared and forwarded to the Manager, Building Services and the Coordinator, Recreation Programs. The following were some items included on this list: ➢ listening accessibility in the Chambers ➢ lift or elevator at the East Shore Community Centre ➢ automatic doors at the Seniors Centre and Council Chambers ➢ TTY at five locations • key facilities identified are Petticoat Creek Library, Claremont Community Centre, Seniors Centre, Recreation Complex and Civic Complex • Sandy Russill wishes to address Council regarding their active role in this program • funding will be included in each years budget to address items on the list 2. Heritage Week Dave Ryan advised that money has been set aside in the budget to cover the costs of an event to be held during Heritage Week. He requested that Committee Members consider this issue and provide ideas at the December meeting. 3. Other Business a. Dave Ryan advised that Doris Beer, a teacher at St. Wilfreds Catholic School, wishes to address the Committee at their next meeting regarding a program she is involved in concerning `Anti - Bullying'. Councillor Ryan will invite Ms. Beer to attend the December meeting. b. There is evidence of increased gang activity within Pickering with two groups known as the `Major Oaks Boys' and `Pickering Parkway Boys'. Joe Mitschang, of the Durham Regional Police will be invited to attend the December meeting to make a presentation on this issue. c. Matthew distributed copies of a proposal for shooting a video at various events throughout Pickering with the inclusion of a speakers corner. The following comments were made: Pickering Advisory Committee On Race Relations & Equity Notes Wednesday, November 14, 2001 7:15 p.m. Chair: Councillor • Margaret suggested using students from the high schools to participate in preparing the video • Matthew recommended Rogers Cable be approached also • Dave Ryan also suggested that students may wish to assist in this endeavor under their 40 hours of Community Service • Luigia recommended approaching Student Councils for participation by students • Robert proposed inviting Rogers Cable to coach students in the use of ,the equipment, could be used as a co -op project • Luigia stated that if a group of students are involved a teacher should be in attendance supervising • Luigia advised that she would approach Lewis Williams concerning this matter 4. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.