HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 8, 2000Pickering Race Relations & Equity Committee Meeting MEETING MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex, Main Committee Meeting Room on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Stephen Reynolds, City of Pickering Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Valerie Jones, City of Pickering Debbie Kearns, City of Pickering Ian Weber, Community Appointee Mobeen Khaja, M.C.O.D. Jane Kiyonaga, Durham District Separate School Board Monika Jensen, Aviary Group Phil Matsushita, PineRidge Secondary School Aisha Umar, Community Appointee Manraj Pannu, Dunbarton High School Rumnik Pannu, Dunbarton High School Sakhi Hedayat. Community Representative Sandy Russill, Community Representative Deanna Santedicola, Community Representative Regrets: Councillor Dave Ryan, City of Pickering Fred Gibson,P.C.C.C.A. Lewis Williams, Durham District School Board Gary Ranalli, Pine Ridge Secondary School Jacqui Steer, Bayview Heights Public School 1) Welcome & Introductions: Steve Reynolds welcomed all in attendance and Ian Weber introduced Sakhi Hedayat. 2) Minutes of the February 8th Meeting: Steve Reynolds advised that Lewis Williams requested the following changes be made to the Minutes of the February 8th Meeting: a) Section 3 — Lewis Williams will identify if this resource material can be forwarded to Linda Linton, Pickering Public Library for use in their resource section. b) Section 4 - The Whitby Race Relations Committee membership is made up of almost community representatives. The Durham District School Board is the only community organization represented on the committee. c) Lesra Martin will not be speaking at the Henry Street High School in the evening. 3) Heritage Week (Feb. 25 & 26) — Feedback: Mobeen Khaja - advised that he has attended a number of similar events and this was one of the best. He congratulated all those who were involved in its organization. Ian Weber - also congratulated all those involved and advised that he spoke with a number of people attending the event. He stated that the Committee should be proud of their presentation. Philip Matsushita - thanked everyone who participated. This event provided great exposure and people who attended could see what is involved in race relations. Aisha Umar — a number of students requested that this event take place again next year. -2= Jane Kiyonaga — thanked Marisa for organizing the event and her calm manner throughout. She found the event to be very positive and the groups were enthusiastic. Rumnik Pannu — enjoyed very much, was impressed with the turnout. Manraj Pannu — heard a lot of talk at school about the event, it was great, enjoyed it very much. Steve Reynolds — Lewis' comments — excellent, well done, really enjoyed, impressed with quality of event, very good venue. Marisa Carpino — groups were pleased to be involved and are looking for venues such as this for exposure. A large number of groups and students were involved, public seemed thrilled, exposed cultures, great media coverage, display unit looked great. Philip Matsushita — suggested that certificates be distributed to all students who participated in this event. Marisa advised that this process has already begun. Jane Kiyonaga — advised that one participating table was involved in the selling of insurance and that it clearly stated in the letter which was distributed to all interested parties that this would not be allowed. Marisa spoke with the particular individuals and this practice ceased. Must attempt to ensure that this does not happen at future events. Marisa Carpino — advised that the staff of Pickering Town Centre were very pleased with the event. A letter under Councillor Ryan's signature will be forwarded to the Pickering Town Centre thanking them for their support and use of their facility. 4) March 21St United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Event: Mobeen Khaja — advised that a booklet containing various information including articles and poems written by students, has been sent for print for this event. A number of invitations have been mailed and flyers faxed. Marisa Carpino — advised that the event will take place at 6:30 p.m. on March 21St in the Council Chambers of the Civic Complex. This will be a more formal event with a number of speakers and entertainers including cultural dancing and singing. 5) Bishop Tutu's Acceptance Speech Ian Weber played a tape of Bishop Tutu's acceptance speech of his Honorary Doctorate given at and by the University of Toronto. 6) Strategic Planning Process: Amendments will be distributed when available. 7) Correspondence: Sandy Russill distributed copies of a Breaking the Barriers flyer, a Community Forum being held at the Ajax Community Centre on Wednesday, March 29th from 7 p.m. — 9 p.m. She encouraged attendance and advised that the School Boards were sponsoring this event, therefore, a problem should not arise if the flyers are posted in the schools. Transportation is a concern as the specialized transit shuts down at 6 p.m. Sandy further advised that the Region's Transit Study does not address barrier - free access and she would like to see something included. -3- 8) Other Business: a) Sandy Russill advised that accessibility in the Civic Complex Council Chambers is a concern and she thanked Councillor Ryan for his Motion concerning a barrier -free environment for the disabled. (related to the City of Toronto's bid to host the Summer Olympic Games) She feels positive action will be taken to remove barriers in Pickering and throughout Durham. b) Manraj Pannu advised that the Culture Show held at Dunbarton High School on March 2nd was a great success. c) Mobeen Khaja advised that the 5th Annual EID Celebrations Conference will be held on March 29th, with 300 people expected to attend d) Mobeen Khaja advised that the Association of Progressive Muslims of Ontario would be holding their 2nd Annual Canada Day Celebrations on June 30th, more than 300 were in attendance last year. e) Marisa Carpino distributed copies of the Bookmarks and Programs which were handed out at the 2000 Heritage Week Celebration Event which took place at the Pickering Town Centre February 25th and 26th. (Copies will be distributed to those not in attendance.) f) Sandy Russill questioned if the Committee has a position on Zero Tolerance in schools. Phil Matsushita and Jane Kiyonaga advised that their Boards do not have a Zero Tolerance Policy. The Boards do have a Safe Schools Policy that is utilized. g) Steve Reynolds advised that an article appeared in Municipal World that related to the Ajax Race Relations Committee. A copy of this article will be distributed with the minutes. 6) Next Meeting — Tuesday, April 11th, 2000, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Pickering Civic Complex Main Committee Room. This meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.