HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 17, 1999Pickering Race Relations & Equity Committee Meeting MEETING MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex Main Committee Meeting Room on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councillor Dave Ryan, Town of Pickering Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Valerie Jones, Town of Pickering Marisa Carpino, Town of Pickering Kim Kranc, Town of Pickering Fred Gibson,P.C.C.C.A. Tanya Gulliver, Social Development Council of A/P Mobeen Khaja, M.C.O.D. Jacqui Steer, Bayview Heights Public School Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Catholic School Board Lewis Williams, Durham District School Board Emily Nakada, St. Mary Catholic High School Rep. Monika Jensen, Aviary Group Phil Matsushita, PineRidge Secondary School Ian Weber, Town of Pickering Krystle Holley, St. Mary Catholic High School Rep. Tara Singh, PineRidge Secondary School Rep. Luiga Ayotte, Durham District School .Board Ujeeta Mistry, PineRidge Secondary School Rep. Regrets: Jill Foster Nicole Rioux Sandy Russell Aisha Umar Gary Ranalli 1) Welcome & Introductions: Councillor Ryan welcomed all in attendance and informed Committee of new members. 2) Strategic Planning Process Updates: Gary .Ranalli compiled a handout summarizing 5 key areas of group discussion from last meeting. All members were in agreement to add "Equity" as a key area. Committee members were requested to review handout and make notes to be discussed at the next Race Relations Meeting. The Committee must determine the next steps and how to incorporate key areas into our community. Gary Ranalli will be asked to facilitate the Committee through the next stages. 3) Updates: Mobeen Khaja- Hospital fundraiser managed to raise approximately $5,000 for the Ajax/Pickering Hospital. Lewis Williams- Students throughout Durham schools holding a Multicultural Festival at the Board office the evening of Thursday, November 18th. All are invited to attend. Jane Kiyonaga- Durham Catholic School Board completed Race Relations Program. All Durham Schools were represented. Students expressed various ideas and participated in role playing to get their point across. Tanya Gulliver- Social Development Council have created murals throughout Whitby and Oshawa which show diversity and multi racial concepts, images and themes. Students presented ideas in skits to various schools throughout the region. Jacqui Steer- Nashville Conference discussed Social Issues and went over aims and objectives booklets on various workshops. 4) Correspondence: Pickering Public Library Board has requested the Town of Pickering review issues regarding parking for disabled at the Central Library. New Legislation is in effect to increase the size of the parking spaces. This will be a problem at the Civic Complex as there will be even less spaces available and very little room to add more. The Library has brought this to the Town's attention. This is now being addressed by the Town. Councillor Ryan announced that there is an upcoming event at Queen's Park to discuss the Ontario Disabilities Act. The American Disabilities Act is a strong Legislation binding on all facilities in the U.S. Councillor Ryan, among others, are in the process of looking at this Legislation and looking at how to strengthen Legislation in Ontario. 5) July 1, 2000: Councillor Ryan asked Committee to consider combining the commemoration of March 21 and July 1. The Committee can brainstorm and discuss whether it is easier to celebrate each separately or to combine the two. • Concerns as to whether students will be available to help out with July 1. • Student involvement in "Through our Eyes" is very important. • Suggestion made to change the celebration to February to tie it in with Heritage week. Could have display at Pickering Town Centre, this would give the display a great deal of exposure in the community. Mobeen Khaja referred to the past celebration of the United Nations display in the Pickering Town Centre. Various groups had displays and entertainment. Large numbers of people went through the mall to see the information. 6) Racial Minorities Reference Group: Stephen Reynolds- discussed invitation to Racial Minorities Reference Group which is linked with the Durham Region Local Training Board. It is being held on Wednesday, November 24th, 1999 at the Durham Region Police Station. • Tanya Gulliver advised Committee that this meeting will be her last meeting as her contract with the Social Development Council is ending. Councillor Ryan thanked Tanya on behalf of the Town and the Committee for her active participation and contribution. 7) Other Business: Social Development Council • There are language instructors for newcomers to Canada. • They have conducted a wellness survey with residents to see what they think might be needed to make the community more diverse, to allow easier access to transportation for the disabled. • Web information access. • In the process of adding a "211" information number for information on community services. • New mentoring program for women to enable them to get job experience and feel confident in going back to work. • New youth centre 8) Future Meeting Dates: It is agreed that Committee Meetings will be held the 2nd Wednesday of every month throughout the year 2000 (with the exception of the next meeting). The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 7th, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. (pizza provided). Location: Pickering Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Main Committee Meeting Room. The following is a list of the meeting dates for 2000; Wednesday, January 12, 2000 Tuesday, February 8,2000 Wednesday, March 8, 2000 Tuesday, April 11, 2000 Wednesday, May 10, 2000 Tuesday, June 13, 2000 Due to Meeting Room Booking conflicts a few of the dates for 2000 meetings will have to. be held on Tuesday evenings. The rest of the meeting dates for 2000 are to follow. This meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.