HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 19, 2013Minutes /Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Wednesday, June 19, 2013 7:00 pm Main Committee Room — Civic Complex Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Dragos Nita, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Donald Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Graham Lowman, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Chalmers, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 Marisa Carpino, Director, Culture & Recreation Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Devin Poole, Clerk Typist (Recording Secretary) Absent: Terry Arvisais, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Stuart Suckling, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Brian James, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1. Call to Order and Welcome L. Drake called to order at 7:05 pm and welcomed everyone. 2. 1 Approval of Agenda & Minutes Motion: That the agenda for June 19, 2013 be approved. Moved by P. Savel Seconded by G. Lowman Carried Motion: That the minutes for May 28, 2013 be approved as amended by L. Drake. Moved by G. Lowman Seconded by P. Savel Carried Page 1 CORP0228 -2/02 3. Budget Update M. Carpino advised the committee that the Collins house foundation work is scheduled for early July. M. Carpino updated the committee on the Picnic Shelter; drawings have been revised and are being reviewed by TRCA. M. Carpino advised the committee that staff are collecting quotes on the restoration of the Bandshell. M. Carpino updated the committee on the temporary measures taken with regard to Oddfellows Hall. As per the direction of the CAO, the Oddfellows Hall can be reopened for public use. 4. PMV Foundation Report T. Arvisais absent from meeting, no report given. 5. Sub - Committee Reports Capital D. Hudson suggested that the feasibility committee tour other Item to be discussed in museums for a behind the scene look at their welcome centers. the feasibility committee meeting. Collections Committee members Collections Committee meeting was rescheduled for Monday, are encouraged to tour these locations on their June 24, 2013 own or in pairs and K. Pyke advised the committee that staff have determined the provide reports to the committee. offsite storage location for museum artifacts. M. Carpino advised that this space is available indefinitely as it currently does not have any facility users. K. Pyke advised that once artifacts have been relocated the trailers will be removed from the Museum site. M. Carpino advised that staff are collecting quotes for security at this site. Councillor McLean suggested linking a security system at the site to the one currently operated by the City. G. Lowman advised the committee that a wireless security system that does not need a dedicated phone line is also available as an option. K. Pyke advised that while drafting the report on 2012 activities for the Community Museum Operating Grant (CMOG). She noted that the Museum currently has a total of approximately 785 records digitized in the database. This is more than double the number of properly digitized and catalogued records that were complete one year ago. CORP0228 -2/02 Page 3 CORP0228 -2/02 Special Events Councillor McLean suggested that the Museum might consider participating in Sundays on the Porch at the Nautical Village. T. Ryce advised that the museum has been invited to join events there for Culture Days in the fall. T. Ryce notified the committee that there were 200 people in attendance at the Duffin's Creek Spring Fair however the financial figures were. not available for distribution at the present time. T. Ryce reminded the committee that special events are not money makers and that the City needs to look at revising the way they offer events. Enhancing the History in Action Saturdays as mini events could bring more revenue to the Museum. D. Hudson requested, in the future, that event participant and revenue report for the Duffin's Creek Spring Fair be provided at K. Pyke will provide at the advisory committee meeting immediately following the the next advisory event. D. Hudson would also like the committee to review the committee meeting. major expenditures for the event. L. Drake advised that there were other items sold during the Fair; including family passes, and various items from the Gift Shop. G. Lowman volunteered his time to visit the Museum during operating hours as a good will ambassador. Tanya Ryce to purchase nametag for G. Lowman 6. Strategic Plan Update K. Pyke provided an update on the status of 2013 Strategic Plan Goals, Objectives and Tasks: the Museum has been working towards building relationships with local community partners. The Museum is partnering with Heritage Pickering and the Ontario Heritage Trust for Doors Open Pickering this fall. Also working closely with the TRCA to acquire land adjacent to the Museum site. K. Pyke identified that the photo day for wedding photographers may not be possible in 2013. Staff will determine whether this is feasible for fall 2013 with scheduled site construction. T. Ryce updated that the Cultural Services section is working on a process and program to solicit corporate sponsorships. This program is being developed with information gathered from the centre for municipal excellence in marketing and the guidance of sponsorship representatives from surrounding municipalities including Mississauga, Whitby and Oshawa. The new program will allow for equal recognition across all marketing partnerships and customized packages to meet the Page 3 CORP0228 -2/02 objectives of the Marketing partner. K. Pyke notified the committee that the development of a static /travelling exhibit has been deferred until 2014. The Museum currently has approx. 1800 digital images on file and they did initiate podcasts; however they have not been put on YouTube yet. This will be done by the end of the year. A standard operation procedure will be developed for the green bin waste program, in consultation with Pickering Sustainability. Museum staff are working with Parks Canada on the acquisition of artifacts. Have been notified by the City Clerk that the PMV Foundation can use funds to purchase additional artifacts for the craftsman cottage. K, Pyke stated that the Education Summit Goals deferred until 2014. K. Pyke advised that it's not appropriate, as per the City Clerk, for the PMV Foundation to set up a bursary because it's not in the foundations mandate. Item to be removed from the strategic plan. K. Pyke reported that WWI Education Day has been deferred until 2014 because program development expenses will require funding in the budget. Tourism and Marketing goals — web -based virtual artifact access for public is deferred until 2015. Artifact podcasts and blogs will be up and running before the end of the year. Now on 6 social media sites. Now have 250 friends on Facebook. Rebranding will take place at the same time as the opening of the new Visitor Services Centre. The Museum is currently working towards a virtual exhibit at the Craftsman cottage site as well as the development of promotional material that will be displayed on buses to engage members of the community. General discussion ensued regarding Christmas in the Village, the Spirit Walk and other events. Competitive analysis has been deferred to be part of the Visitor Services Centre Feasibility Study. L. Drake advised the committee that the Museum needs funds to support programming and staff. CORP0228 -2/02 Meeting Adjourned: 9:15 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228 -2/02 D. Hudson requested comparison data from other museums for the upcoming budget. T. Ryce advised that doing a marketing comparison would take away from staff time towards other projects, if the work is to be part of the feasibility study, that staff would not be working on the project. K. Pyke informed the committee that the City of Pickering has the strongest educational programs amongst our fellow museums. No other museum has the number of volunteers that the PVM has. 7. Adjournment Next meeting — September 24, 2013 at 7:00 pm at Pickering City Hall — Main Committee Room. Motion: This meeting is adjourned at 9:15 pm. Moved by Laura Drake Seconded by Paul Savel Carried Meeting Adjourned: 9:15 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228 -2/02