HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 10-13eft,, 4 Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERIlyG Report Number: PLN 10 -13 Date: July 2, 2013 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Downtown Pickering Intensification Study Built Form Vision (Phase 1) (Part of the Pickering Official Plan Review) File: D- 2000 -014 Recommendation: That Report PLN 10 -13 of the Director, City Development, regarding the Downtown Intensification Study be received for information; 2. That Council endorse in principle the Downtown Pickering — A Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment Report prepared by Urban Strategies Inc. dated June 2013 as set out in the Executive Summary Excerpt in Appendix I to Report PLN 10 -13, and authorize staff to initiate an Official Plan Amendment and to finalize the Urban Design Guidelines to implement the vision and redevelopment framework; 3. That Council accepts the proposal dated June 12, 2013 from Urban Strategies Inc. to prepare a new Downtown Zoning By -law and to assist staff with finalizing the Urban Design Guidelines to implement Phase 2 of the Downtown Intensification Study in an amount including disbursements not to exceed $107,350 (HST included), and a net cost not to exceed $96,672 (net of HST rebate); 4. That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the project from property taxes and Continuing Studies Reserve as provided in the approved 2013 Current Budget for Planning, Consulting & Professional account 2611.2392.0000; 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to enter into any agreements to give effect hereto; 6. That staff be authorized to apply to the Ministry of Infrastructure for funding through the Places to Grow Implementation Fund to assist staff in initiating a broad community engagement program as part of the review of intensification and redevelopment opportunities along the City's corridors and nodes outside of the downtown, as part of the City's Growth Plan Implementation exercise; and, 7. Further, that a copy of Report PLN 10 -13 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for information. Report PLN 10 -13 Subject: Downtown Intensification Study July 2, 2013 Page 2 Executive Summary: The purpose of this Report is to present the report entitled Downtown Pickering — A Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment (Vision and Framework Report) prepared by Urban Strategies Inc., in association with HDR /iTrans, and Halsall Associates. The Vision and Framework Report is a result of one and a half years of study and enhanced public engagement by Urban Strategies and City staff. It contains a comprehensive framework for intensification, investment and growth management in downtown Pickering to 2031 and over the longer term. The public engagement process consisted of interviews with key stakeholders, a day long interactive design workshop to discuss and consider challenges and opportunities in the downtown, and three community open houses to solicit input and feedback regarding the development of a built form vision, proposed official plan policy recommendations, design guideline recommendations and a zoning strategy for downtown. A fourth open house will be held on July 2, 2013, to present the key recommendations from the consultant's report and will be followed by a presentation to the Joint Planning and Executive Committee meeting. Staff is recommending that Council authorize staff to initiate an Official Plan Amendment, and to extend the engagement of Urban Strategies to prepare the associated Zoning By -law and to assist staff with finalizing the Urban Design Guidelines to implement the downtown vision. The Ministry of Infrastructure recently created a Places to Grow Implementation Fund that provides funding opportunities to municipalities and other organizations with the implementation or evaluation of growth planning in Ontario. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to apply to the Ministry of Infrastructure for funding through the Places to Grow Implementation Fund to assist staff in undertaking a broad community engagement program as part of the review of intensification and redevelopment opportunities outside of the downtown. Financial Implications: Proposal Amount Proposed Cost (including disbursements) $85,000 Optional Amount — Public Meeting 10,000 Total Cost $95,000 HST (13 %) 12,350 Gross Proposal Cost $107,350 HST Rebate (11.24%) (10,678) Net Proposal Cost to City 96 672 Report PLN 10 -13 July 2, 2013 Subject: Downtown Intensification Study Page 3 The 2013 Current Budget for Planning & Design section of the City Development Department contains a provision of $50,000 for the Downtown Intensification Program. Due to the importance of this project, uncommitted funds from other consulting studies in Planning & Design will be directed to this initiative in order to provide sufficient funding for this project to proceed. These other studies were to be financed from property taxes and the Continuing Studies Reserve. Note that the optional, amount included on the above table is between $8,000 to 10,000. This optional provision is for a coordinated public meeting and council presentation when the by -law is finalized. Staff are not sure if this item will be required at this time. For the purpose of this report, a maximum provision has been included. 1. Background 1.1 In December 2011, City Council approved the proposal submitted by Urban Strategies Inc., in association with HDR/iTrans and Halsall Associates, to undertake a study related to the Downtown Intensification Program The key focus of the study was to establish a built form vision for the downtown. In support of the vision, Urban Strategies prepared supporting official plan policy recommendations, design guideline recommendations and a zoning strategy through a comprehensive public engagement process. 1.2 The Downtown Intensification Study consisted of a highly collaborative process to engage the public, agencies and stakeholders The following is a summary of the key elements from the public engagement process: February 15, 2012: Interviews were held with key stakeholders, including landowners, local residents and representatives from the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance, Ontario Power Generation, Durham College, the Ajax- Pickering Board of Trade, the Durham West Arts Centre, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and Durham Region, to discuss key issues and opportunities within the downtown March 7, 2012: The first community open house was attended by approximately 120 people to confirm the assessment of current conditions and to develop guiding principles and a vision statement for the future of downtown Report PLN 10 -13 July 2, 2013 Subject: Downtown Intensification Study Page 4 • May 10, 2012: A day long stakeholder workshop was held to discuss future considerations and opportunities in the downtown with specific emphasis on public space, built form, mobility and place- making being the important drivers for growth within the downtown. A scale model of the downtown was available at the workshop. The outcome of these discussions resulted in plans, drawings and new buildings being added to the scale model, and were displayed at the second community open house held later that evening, attended by approximately 50 people • February 13, 2013: The third community open house was attended by approximately 36 people. The draft vision and policy directions were presented for the downtown, followed by round table sessions to receive input on the types of uses and buildings, how people get around, and public and green spaces. Participants in each group talked about what they liked about the proposed vision, what they would like to see done differently, and what was missed in their focus areas In addition to the open house sessions, there were a number of meetings with representatives from Pickering Town Centre and Loblaws, and with the landowners from Downtown South to consider challenges, opportunities and design concepts that could potentially enhance the redevelopment of these lands. A number of ideas and concepts that came out of these meetings were carried forward into the proposed built form vision 2. Discussion 2.1 The Vision and Framework Report contains a comprehensive framework for intensification, investment and growth management in Downtown Pickering to 2031 and over the longer term An outline of the Vision and Framework Report is provided below: • Chapter 1: Background & Context - provides the context for the downtown study and explains existing conditions • Chapter 2: The Vision - articulates the community vision for the downtown and includes a vision statement, guiding principles to direct development and investment in the downtown, and the key features of the long term built form vision to 2031 and beyond • Chapter 3: Place- making & Sustainability - identifies the main place- making opportunities within the downtown and contains policy recommendations for new attractions, establishments, public spaces and sustainability initiatives to make the downtown a distinct place Report PLN 10 -13 Subject: Downtown Intensification Study July 2, 2013 Page 5 • Chapter 4: Public Realm - provides an outline of the proposed public realm network for the downtown, a description of the different types and functions of open spaces, design considerations and recommended policy directions Chapter 5: Mobility - outlines the proposed mobility network and policy directions for the downtown consisting of the: • Street Network (new road connections, road types, function and cross - section details) • Transit Network (existing, planned and potential transit routes with the main focus on the GO Station, the Transit Hub north of the 401 and priority transit waiting areas) • Pedestrian Network (existing and proposed pedestrian network with the focus on the hierarchy of pedestrian routes, trials and midblock connections, road crossings and pedestrian connectivity across the Pickering Town Centre lands) • Cycling Network (consisting of a connected network of existing and proposed dedicated on- street lanes and multi -use paths) • Parking provisions in downtown and policy recommendations regarding the location, design, and access to parking • Chapter 6: Land Use and Built Form — contains objectives and proposed policy recommendations and design guidelines for land use designations and built form, with specific attention to building heights, transitioning and massing, street edge design, building materials and green design • Chapter 7: Precincts — contains descriptions, images and proposed policy recommendations for the development and redevelopment for the six precincts identified through the downtown study • Chapter 8: Growth to 2031 - identifies the areas in the downtown anticipated to grow and redevelop within the 2031 horizon, and provides supportive policy recommendations to achieve the population and employment targets. A key assumption set for the population and employment growth targets to 2031 is a resident to job ratio of 1:1, which is similar to the existing ratio in the downtown and complementary to attaining a `complete' community in the downtown over time • Chapter 9: Implementation - sets out the steps and technical studies in support of implementing the vision and development framework, and also proposes a list of strategic capital projects that could serve as catalysts for development or redevelopment in the downtown Report PLN 10 -13 Subject: Downtown Intensification Study July 2, 2013 Page 6 • Appendices - contains a discussion and recommendations on a zoning strategy for downtown Pickering, which is based on the consultant's analysis of zoning by -law models, review of Pickering's current zoning by -laws, and their experience with zoning by -laws in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada and the United States of America A copy of the Vision and Framework Report has been circulated to members of Council under separate cover and the document has also been posted on the City's website. Staff supports the report as a framework for intensification, investment and growth management in downtown Pickering to 2031. It is consistent with the Urban Growth Centre policies in the Growth Plan for the Great Golden Horseshoe, the designation of an Anchor Hub in Metrolinx's Big Move and the policies in the Region of Durham's Growth Plan conformity amendment (ROPA 128). It is therefore'recommended that Council endorse in principle the Downtown Pickering — A Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment Report prepared by Urban Strategies Inc. dated June 2013. 2.2 The Vision and Framework Report sets the stage to initiate an Official Plan Amendment for the downtown and to finalize Urban Design Guidelines With Council's endorsement of the Vision and Framework Report, there is a need to move forward with the implementation phase over the summer. The policy recommendations in the Vision and Framework Report provide the basis for staff to prepare an Official Plan Amendment to add new policies and population and employment targets for downtown Pickering. The Vision and Framework Report provides the basis for finalizing the Urban Design Guidelines and preparing a new Downtown Zoning By -law. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to initiate an Official Plan Amendment and to finalize the Urban Design Guidelines to implement the vision and redevelopment framework. 2.3 It is most appropriate that Urban Strategies Inc. be retained to prepare a new Downtown Zoning By -law At staff's request, Urban Strategies Inc. submitted a proposal to prepare a Downtown Zoning By -law and to assist staff in finalizing the Urban Design Guidelines (see Proposed Scope and Budget for Downtown Pickering Zoning By -law in Appendix II). The proposed amount was $85,000 excluding HST. There was a further $10,000 proposed as an optional budget amount for a public meeting at the end of Phase 3 of their work program. At this time, staff are not sure if this meeting will be necessary. As a result, the project cost may be in the range of $85,000 to $95,000 excluding HST, resulting in a net cost to the City in the range of $86,496 to $96,672, after HST rebate. Report PLN 10 -13 Subject: Downtown Intensification Study July 2, 2013 Page 7 The amount provided in the 2013 Current Budget for the Planning & Design section, Consulting & Professional, Downtown Intensification Program is $50,000, of which a-portion has already been committed to complete earlier work. Due to the importance of this project, uncommitted funds from other consulting projects budgeted or carried over in the Planning & Design section will be redirected to provide sufficient funding in order to retain the consulting services of Urban Strategies. In accordance with the Purchasing Policy item 10.05, where the project or annual cost of a consulting or professional service assignment is expected to be more than $30,000 and the initiating Director intends to acquire the service without obtaining written proposals, the Director shall submit a report to Council to obtain approval to engage the services of a particular consultant. Staff believes retaining Urban Strategies to prepare the draft Zoning By -law would provide the best value to the City. Their involvement and familiarity with the downtown area, their experience and engagement with the downtown community and key stakeholders, and their broad portfolio and skill set to formulate similar zoning by -laws for other urban communities, are proven assets to capitalize on and to maintain the momentum. Therefore, it is recommended by the Director that Council retain Urban Strategies Inc. to prepare a new Downtown Zoning By -law. 3. Next Steps 3.1 A fourth community open house is scheduled for the afternoon of July 2, 2013, followed by an evening presentation to the Joint Planning and Executive Committee meeting on the project deliverables A fourth community open house is scheduled for the afternoon of July 2nd where information on the proposed built form vision, urban design guidelines, official plan policy directions and zoning strategy will be provided. The open house will be followed in the evening by a presentation by Urban Strategies on the project deliverables to the Joint Planning and Executive Committee meeting. 3.2 The Ministry of Infrastructure's Places to Grow Implementation Fund may be available to help engage residents in future discussions on intensification and redevelopment opportunities outside of the downtown With the approval of ROPA 128 and the Downtown Intensification Study moving into the implementation phase, staff will need to recommence its Growth Plan conformity exercise. This includes a review of possible intensification and redevelopment opportunities along the City's corridors and nodes outside of the downtown. It would be appropriate to initiate a broad community engagement program similar to the downtown study so that the ideas and opinions of Pickering residents and businesses can be incorporated from the onset of the review. Report PLN 10 -13 Subject: Downtown Intensification Study July 2, 2013 Page 8 Recently, the Ministry of Infrastructure announced the creation of a Places to Grow Implementation Fund which provides funding to municipalities and other organizations engaged in the implementation, advancement or evaluation of growth planning in Ontario. Projects eligible for funding include projects to train, educate and /or communicate public awareness and understanding of growth planning principles and solutions. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to apply to the Ministry of Infrastructure for funding through the Places to Grow_ Implementation Fund to assist staff in initiating a broad community engagement program as part of the review of areas outside of the downtown. Appendices: Appendix I Executive Summary Excerpt from the Downtown Pickering — A Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment Report prepared by Urban Strategies Inc., dated June 2013 Appendix II Proposed Scope and Budget for Downtown Pickering Zoning By -law from Melanie Hare /Anthony Greenberg, Urban Strategies Inc. dated June 12, 2013 Report PLN 10 -13 Subject: Downtown Intensification Study Prepared By: D" Jacobs, MCIP, RPP rincipal Planner — Policy Grant McGregor, MCIP, PP Manager, Sustainability Special Projects DJ:GM:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering i y Cou cil Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer July 2, 2013 Page 9 Approved /Endorsed By: Catherine Rose, MCIP, OP (Acting) Chief Planner Thom s Melym k, IP, RPP Director, City Development Stan arwowski (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Appendix I to Report PLN 10 -13 Executive Summary Excerpt from the Downtown Pickering A Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment Report prepared by Urban Strategies Inc,, dated June 2013 _ its Ti- VVIP, e Y } ,,•�'; lid t Gam' •,.,ra• � tii .i 1\ _ " "-'" � 1: .1 X Ilk i LLJ W Z O z cc w Y U d Z O I- Z 0 0 U) "O N O i L (ll E C m m .O -C N O .Q' ` cn O C C +C T 0- 0- - Cf) O +J (a cn "O C -O (n C V 0 f1 U Q (B O (6 O� fn (ll C (ll YLD 6 C m Q f6 U C fn (n O to S? i N i U (II U fll (n U o C � s o o '> f } Q p a a p o fu ii (n O C R 6 c a) N YzCO Co +� p C N p .� (n (n ` O fll +� p O (6 bA d (6 LO E u, � (6 L N U v U) U ++ C � C O ++ .� 4-- Q) C � � O � � C � Q) X O Vi +0 � O >i ,0 � � � y � L � CO > N CO O O uOj O p (6 *� U C p V C (6 U >� U U) L fly C Cl) X •� a� (ll ~ O O cn O L L'10 L Q O = fn T > O C C C fll "t3 t3 C p U 0 C (B T3 p N (%) c s U o E p C > N p C (II E O +� CO co y C Q E f6 — +J O C a O o a E .O C o O L (6 fll E p E OU C + -6 (ll "6 O 0 to ,O i f3 (ll p i u) i p C O O O O O "a O p, O C fll -0 C O "O C f6 U i O ++ M Q Q > U fB C O t0 U N V m E - in (� O f ? 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Ext Toronto, ON Canada M5T 2C8 fax 416 340 8400 www.urbanstrategies.com mhare@urbanstrategies.com June 12, 2013 Downtown Pickering Intensification Study Grant McGregor /Catherine Rose Melanie Hare /Anthony Greenberg MEMO Project Number 11112 Subject Proposed Scope and Budget for Downtown Pickering Zoning By -Law .............................................................................................. ............................... As requested, please find below a proposed scope and budget for preparation of a new Zoning By -law and extract the previously prepared Urban Design Guidelines to implement the Downtown Pickering Vision and Redevelopment Framework. With the finalization of the Downtown Pickering: Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment, there is a need to prepare three related components of implementing policies: an Official Plan Amendment, Urban Design Guidelines and a Zoning By -law. This proposal outlines a scope and budget for Urban Strategies, working collaboratively with City Planning staff and Legal Counsel, to take the lead role in drafting the Zoning By -Law and related schedules, and to extract the Urban Design Guideline Recommendations from the Downtown Pickering: Vision for Intensification and Framework into a standalone document. The Zoning By -Law and Urban Design Guidelines will complement but not duplicate the policies of the Official Plan Amendment (to be prepared by City Staff). With regard to the Zoning By -law, we propose to utilize a combination of a traditional, performance -based and form based zoning approaches to adequately address the complex and urban nature of development planned for the Downtown. Building on the Vision and Redevelopment Framework, the Zoning By -Law will be structured with an overall set of provisions and also precinct- specific provisions which address various aspects of built form, urban design and mobility including: • Massing, including height, floor plate size, lot coverage, and stepbacks; • Siting & Location of buildings and open space; • Materiality, including glazing and other design considerations; • Parking standards and design requirements; • Public realm and parkland requirements; • Mobility related infrastructure such as bicycle parking facilities, private driveways and loading /servicing areas; • Phasing and holding provisions. The proposed scope contains three phases and includes opportunities for City team working meetings, consultation with major land owners and the public and presentation to Council. URBAN STRATEGIES INC 197 Spadina Avenue, Suite 600 tel 416 340 9004 ext. Ext Toronto, ON Canada M5T 2C8 fax 416 340 8400 www.urbanstrategies.com mhare@urbanstrategies.com Phase 1: Project Commencement & First Draft (July — September, 2013) MEMO Phase one will consist of further reviewing the existing City policy framework (Official Plan and Zoning By -law), developing a structure for the Downtown Zoning By -Law with input received from City staff, and developing the first draft of the Zoning By -Law and Urban Design Guidelines. This phase will consist of three half day -long working session with City staff. The objective of the first meeting will be to review the guidelines and policy recommendations of the Vision & Framework and determine which components of the document contents will be located into each implementation policy component (OPA, By -law and Design Guidelines). Urban Strategies will lead the workshop, providing a summary of background research and will provide any relevant precedent materials for discussion. By the end of this first meeting, a high -level structure for the Zoning By -Law and Urban Design Guidelines will be determined. Following this meeting, Urban Strategies will refine the outlines and commence a first draft of both documents. The Urban Design guidelines will be extracted from the Downtown Pickering: Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment and re- structured and refined as necessary through discussions at the initial working session. A second and third working session will be scheduled mid -way through and at first full draft completion of the two draft components. This phase will conclude with a draft Zoning By -Law and Urban Design Guidelines to be circulated for stakeholder consultation during the second phase. Deliverables: Zoning By -law Outline Urban Design Guidelines Outline Draft Zoning By -Law Draft Urban Design Guidelines Meetings: City /Consultant Working Meetings 3 — half day meetings Phase 2: Precinct Consultation (September — November, 2013) Subsequent to the preparation of the first drafts of the Zoning By -Law and Urban Design Guidelines, the project team consisting of the consultant and city team will conduct precinct - specific stakeholder workshops with landowners, agencies and the public to present and discuss the draft OPA, draft By -Law provisions and draft Design Guidelines. For consultation purposes, the Downtown will be divided into three precincts: • City Centre South (All study area lands south of Highway 401) • City Centre East (All study area lands north of Highway 401 and east of Glenanna Road) • City Centre West (All study area lands north of Highway 401 and west of Glenanna Road) A second round of precinct specific stakeholder workshops with landowners, agencies and the public for each precinct will be held to confirm the refinements to the draft By -Law provisions. For South Downtown, it is anticipated a third meeting may be required and has been budgeted. Any additional meetings will be billed at an additional cost (not included in the fees included in this URBAN STRATEGIES INC 197 Spadina Avenue, Suite 600 tel 416 340 9004 ext. Ext Toronto, ON Canada M5T 2C8 tax 416 340 8400 www.urbanstrategies.com mhare@urbanstrategies.com MEMO proposal). Following the last of the precinct- specific consultation, Urban Strategies will finalize each document. Deliverables: Revised draft Zoning By -Law Revised draft Urban Design Guidelines Meetings: Public Consultation: Seven (7) three hour meetings (2 per City Centre East & West; 3 per City Centre South) Phase 3: Finalizing the By -Law (November- December, 2013): On the basis of feedback in Phase 2, Urban Strategies will finalize the Zoning By -Law and Urban Design Guidelines and present the final drafts to Council. We have anticipated that there may be an interest in a coordinated public meeting and council presentation (afternoon /evening) and have provided optional budget for this component. Deliverables: Final draft Zoning By -Law Final draft Urban Design Guidelines Meetings. Presentation to Council Public Meeting (optional budget of $8,000- 10,000) Budget We propose to undertake this assignment for $80,000 in fees and $5,000 in disbursements (printing, plotting, mileage, meals, meeting materials), taxes not included. This budget is calculated on the hourly rates outlined below and broken down by phase as follows: Phase 1 $37,965 Phase 2 $39,960 Phase 3 $2,075 TOTAL Fees: $80,000 Disbursements: $5,000 GRAND Total: $85,000 Additional Public Meeting $8,000 - 10,000 Additional Stakeholder Meetings $3,000 - $5,000 Staff Melanie Hare, Partner $240 /hour Craig Cal, Planner $130 /hour Anthony Greenberg, Planner $130 /hour Ingrid Stromberg, Urban Designer $130 /hour Technical Support: $85 /hour URBAN STRATEGIES INC 197 Spadina Avenue, Suite 600 tel 416 340 9004 ext. Ext Toronto, ON Canada M5T 2C8 fax 416 340 8400 www.urbanstrategies.com mhare@urbanstrategies.com MEMO Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with our proposed scope of work and budget to create the Downtown Pickering Zoning By -law. We would be pleased to answer any questions or discuss any aspect of this proposal with you. Yours very truly, URBAN STRATEGIES INC. Melanie Hare, MCIP, RPP, LEED AP Partner I signify that I have reviewed the above proposal and hereby authorize Urban Strategies Inc. to undertake the work for the fee, as described above. Signature Date