HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 22, 2013I� 1) Invocation Council Meeting Agenda Monday, April 22, 2013 Council Chambers 7:00 pm Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) Disclosure of Interest III) Adoption of Minutes . Page Council Meeting Minutes, March 25, 2013 1 -12 Special Council Minutes, April 8, 2013 13 -15 Special In Camera Council Minutes, April 8, 2013 Under Separate Cover Planning & Development Committee Minutes, April 8, 2013 16 -25 Executive Committee Minutes, April 15, 2013 26 -35 IV) Presentations 36 V) Delegations 37 VI) Correspondence 38 -39 VII) Committee Reports 40 -46 a) Report PD 2013 -04 of the Planning & Development Committee, April 8, 2013 b) Report EC 2013 -04 of the Executive Committee, April 15, 2013 VIII) Reports — New and Unfinished Business 47 -94 IX) Motions and Notice of Motions X) By -laws 95 -107 XI) Confidential Council - Public Report XII) Other Business Accessible For information related to accessibility requirements please contact c p R LN � � Linda Roberts G Phone: 905.420.4660 extension,2928 TTY: 905.420.1739 Email: IrobertsO- Dickerina.ca XIII) Confirmation By -law FOR INFORMATION ONLY • Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment, February 6, 2013 and March 20, 2013 • Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, February 27, 2013 Caw o0 _ Council Meeting Minutes '�' Monday, March 25, 2013 FICKERNG 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers Present: Mayor Ryan Councillors: K. Ashe D. Dickerson B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles P. Rodrigues Also Present: P. Bigioni - Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor R. Holborn - Director, Engineering & Public Works T. Melymuk - Director, City Development S. Reynolds - Director, Culture & Recreation B. Douglas - Fire Chief D. Shields - City Clerk M. Carpino - Manager, Culture & Recreation T. Barnett - Senior Planner — Site Planning G. Smith - Manager, Municipal Operations & Fleet Services L. Roberts - Committee Coordinator 5:45 pm — Main Committee Room (1) Delegation Geoff Miller, Project Architect Routhwaite Dick and Hadley Architects Inc. Re: New Pickering Operations Centre Review of Design Alternatives R. Holborn, Director, Engineering & Public Works appeared before Council to give them an update on the design alternatives to the new Pickering Operations Centre. He noted that in order to continue moving forward with the project that the City needed to select a design for the building. Bob Goyeche, Neda Kazerani and Geoff Miller of Routhwaite Dick and Hadley Architects Inc and Dennis O'Connell of Independent Project Managers appeared before Council to Cali o0 _ I Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 25, 2013 PICURNG 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers provide information on the new Pickering Operations Centre. Through a power point presentation they reviewed 3 design options with Council. A question and answer period ensued regarding leasing of second floor, making sure the building is big enough, inclusion of a greenhouse for seasonal plantings, review of parking area and number of spaces and information on the future Animal Shelter. Council took a recess and reconvened the regular meeting of Council at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. (II) Invocation Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the I nvocation. (III) Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. (IV) Adoption of Minutes Resolution #43/13 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Pickles Council Minutes, February 25, 2013 Joint Planning & Development and Executive Committee Minutes, March 4, 2013 Carried (V) Delegations 2. Laura Drake Laura Drake appeared before Council and provided an overview of the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee's 2012 accomplishments and 2013 work plan. She noted improvements made to their buildings with the installation of concrete and steel supports to better protect artifacts and protect against weather. Many improvements were accomplished during 2012, all of which have contributed to making the buildings more accessible, including addressing the drainage and lighting issues. Improved technology has increased the ability to catalogue and accession donations in a timely fashion. She explained the procedures for de-accessioning _ for Ministry review, noting the impact this has 2 3. E Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 25, 2013 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers on grants received, which resulted in $39,000 being received towards their operating budget. She also noted the many hours and vast resources which are contributed by the many volunteers. Ms. Drake explained their strategic objectives and noted that their educational programs are very well received and also noted their expansion into social media where their many achievements can be shared. She noted part of their 2013 plans were to recruit younger volunteers to assist in programs and activities. She thanked Mayor and Council for their continued support. Eileen Higdon Eileen Higdon appeared before Council to express her concerns with the lack of democracy within the Pickering East Shore Community Centre's organization. She stated that since appearing before Council in January, the minutes from PESCA are still unavailable. She also noted that no public notice was given for a change in their meeting times. She expressed concerns with the lack of accountability regarding a shortfall in revenues and the inability to obtain financial statements. A question and answer period ensued. Maurice Brenner Maurice Brenner appeared before Council and through the aid of a power point presentation, presented the 2012 accomplishments of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. He explained their mission in promoting equitable treatment, respect and understanding in the community among persons with disabilities. He noted they hope to exceed the legislated requirements whenever possible. He stated that over the next 20 years persons with disabilities will represent 20 % of Ontario's total population. He provided an overview of events held in 2012, as well as the Committee's accomplishments regarding policy review which included the Accessibility Parking By -law, standards for curb cuts and sidewalks, as well as pedestrian signals and requirements for full service gas stations. Mr. Brenner also noted that as part of their outreach to Pickering residents, they currently have a completed accessibility survey on the City's website. He also noted accomplishments achieved through a good working relationship with City staff and networking with community agencies. Sue Wilkinson appeared before Council to provide an overview on the 2013 proposed work plan for the Accessibility Advisory Committee. She noted their desire to continue to build on events such as the Accessibility Awareness Event which will be held on June 1St. She also noted they have partnered with the Advisory Committee on Diversity to host a wellness forum as well as the continuation of student engagement programs. 3 5. A -�i�� Sue Wilkinson Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 25, 2013 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers Sue Wilkinson appeared before Council to address amendments to the parking by -law as it relates to accessible parking. She provided an outline with respect to a motion which was supported by the Accessibility Advisory Committee to address the inadequacy of accessible parking spots given our current demographics and aging population. She noted it was their desire to increase the number of accessible parking spaces to 15% in order to address these needs. She also stated the size of the accessible spaces is equally important for ease of loading wheelchairs. She quoted Stats Canada research, noting the majority of disabilities are most often related to mobility. She also noted that accessible parking spaces should be associated with a protected walkway. A question and answer period ensued with members posing questions related to neighbouring municipalities to the east and what percentages were being incorporated there. They also questioned any existing requirements under the Building Code or Planning Act. Discussion also ensued with respect to the number of people abusing permits and the number of occurrences when accessible spots are difficult to find. Mike Sawchuck, Tate Besso Mike Sawchuck and Tate Besso appeared before Council and through the aid of a power point presentation, provided the 2012 report and 2013 work plan on behalf of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. He outlined the 2012 accomplishments which included training, improvements to the heritage register, continued pursuit of properties for a heritage designation as well as preparing for the 2013 Doors Open program. Mr. Sawchuck explained the proposed projects for 2013 which include a review and update of the heritage register, website improvements, and new heritage designations as well as continued training and outreach opportunities. He noted the Doors Open program will be held on October 5th, 2013. He also noted plans for a Whitevale heritage plaque program as well as the creation of a salvage and storage policy. Mr. Sawchuck noted the present register is limited in scope, noting the register should be a one stop shop for properties of heritage significance. He also noted the Committee is actively pursuing additional properties for designation, noting the importance of working with the owners. Tate Besso appeared before Council and provided an overview with respect to updating the City's website information for heritage properties to make it more reader friendly as well as the creation of new brochures. A question and answer period ensued with clarification being provided regarding the difference between registered and designated properties as well as the costs involved. It was also questioned whether the plaque program would implement access of information electronically by way of scanning codes on the plaques. Discussion also took place with 0 Cirt o� Council Meeting Minutes ' -' Monday, March 25, 2013 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers respect to the owner's involvement when considering properties for designation as well as the possible implementation of a tax relief program as an incentive for heritage property owners. 7. . Tony Bitonti, Senior Manager Media Relations, Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation Tony Bitonti, Senior Manager Media Relations, OLG appeared before Council and through the aid of a power point presentation, outlined OLG's modernization plan. He provided background information, noting their purpose includes the promotion of responsible gambling, enhancing Ontario's economic development, generating revenues for the Province and ensuring the public good. He noted over the last 7 years, OLG has contributed between 1.7 and 2.0 billion annually to the Province, of which 40 million goes to problem gambling strategy. He provided a brief history of lottery and gaming and also noted he had included in his presentation comments from Ontario Mayors with respect to hosting a gaming site. Mr. Bitonti explained the requirements for municipalities in establishing new gaming sites. He also noted that the goal of the modernization process is to be more customer focused by putting gaming facilities where the people are. He also provided information on processes currently in place to deal with problem gamblers. A detailed question and answer period ensued with members posing numerous questions for clarification. Among the items discussed were revenue sharing agreements between municipalities and the modernization of bingo. Members also questioned the creation of zones, and the process involved when selecting a host site. Community consultation plans and requirements were discussed and it was questioned what would constitute public consultation and whether having Council pass a motion would initiate this process. Also questioned were the timeframes and the processes for rezoning as well as the next steps in the process of becoming a host municipality. Concerns were also noted in regards to social responsibility and how it is felt within the community. It was requested that a package be forwarded to the Members for clarification and further review. It was also requested whether a profile of residents to these sites could be obtained. (VI) Correspondence Corr. 09 -13 Clinton Shane Ekdahl 129 Avenue E South Saskatoon, SK S7M 1 R7 Resolution #44/13 5 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Rodrigues Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 25, 2013 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers That Corr. 09 -13 received from Clinton Shane Ekdahl, seeking Council support in the establishment of a recognized National Day of the Honey Bee by way of forwarding letters of support to all respective MP's, MPP's and the Minister of Agriculture and Food to help increase awareness of the threats facing the Honey Bee be endorsed. Carried 2. Corr. 10 -13 Prem Noronha - Waldriff Accessibility Advisory Committee Re: City of Pickering Parking arking By -law A discussion period ensued and it was questioned what size of property would be needed to accommodate this increase in accessible parking spaces, as well as how many parking spots would be lost as a result. Staff was requested to look into criteria for minimum standards under the existing Building Code or Planning Act. Councillor O'Connell noted that while she agrees with a need to increase the percentage of accessible parking spots, there needs to be increased enforcement as well. Councillor Rodrigues requested staff to contact area businesses to request their input on accessible parking spaces. Resolution #45/13 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Corr. 10 -13 received from Prem Noronha - Waldriff on behalf of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, with respect to amendments to the Parking By -law regarding accessible parking. The Committee is recommending that the By -law be amended to reflect 15% of parking bays be made accessible to better meet the needs of persons with disabilities be referred to staff for further review. Carried 3. Corr. 11 -13 Arnold Mostert Waterfront Coordinating Committee Re: 2012 Annual Report and 2013 Work Plan 1.1 tai 0� _ Council Meeting Minutes ' Monday, March 25, 2013 PICXERING 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers Resolution #46/13 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Corr. 11 -13 received from Arnold Mostert, submitting the 2012 Annual Report and the proposed 2013 Work Plan on behalf of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee be received for information be received for information. Carried 4. Corr. 12 -13 Cristina Celebre Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Re: 2012 Annual Report and 2013 Work Plan Resolution #47/13 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Corr. 12 -13 received from Cristina Celebre, submitting the 2012 Annual Report and the proposed 2013 Work Plan on behalf of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be received for information. Carried 5. Corr. 13 -13 Marisa Carpino Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Re: 2012 Annual Report and 2013 Work Plan Resolution #48/13 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Corr. 13 -13 received from Marisa Carpino, Manager, Culture & Recreation, submitting the 2012 Annual Report and the proposed 2013 Work Plan on behalf of the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee be received for information. Carried 7 Cttq °o Council Meeting Minutes joaft Monday, March 25, 2013 OCKEWNG 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers 6. Corr. 14 -13 Tanya Ryce Advisory Committee on Diversity Re: 2012 Annual Report and 2013 Work Plan Resolution #49/13 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Corr. 14 -13 received from Tanya Ryce, submitting the 2012 Annual Report and the proposed 2013 Work Plan on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Diversity be received for information. Carried 7. Corr. 15 -13 Prem Noronha - Waldriff Accessibility Advisory Committee Re: 2012 Annual Report and 2013 Work Plan Resolution #50/13 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Corr. 15 -13 received from Prem Noronha - Waldrif f, submitting the 2012 Annual Report and the proposed 2013 Work Plan on behalf of the Accessibility Advisory Committee be received for information. Carried (VII) Committee Reports a) Report JT 2013 -01 of the Joint Planning & Development and Executive Committee Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, Report LEG 01 -13 Nicou Inc., Plan of Subdivision 40M -2343 -Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision Council Decision C &I �� _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 25, 2013 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers 1. That Nature Haven Crescent within Plan 40M -2343 be assumed for public use; 2. That the works and services required by the Subdivision Agreement within Plan 40M -2343, which are constructed, installed or located on lands, dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except for Blocks 40, 43, 44 and 45; and 3. That the Model Home Agreement and the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments relating to Plan 40M -2343 be released and removed from title. 2. Director, City Development, Report OS 01 -13 Marketing & Business Development Program -2012 Year End Summary Council Decision That Council receive for information, the 2012 Marketing & Business Development Year End report. 3. Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, Report FIN 04 -13 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act— Adjustment to Taxes Council Decision That Report FIN 04 -13 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor be received; 2. That the write -offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Resolution #51/13 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor McLean That Report JT 2013 -01 of the Joint Planning & Development and Executive Committee, dated March 4, 2013, be adopted. Carried 9 Cttq oo Council Meeting Minutes _ Monday, March 25, 2013 PICNERNG 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers (VIII) New and Unfinished Business Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 06 -13 Pickering Sports Medicine & Wellness Centre -Lease Agreement Resolution #52/13 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Pickles Council Decision That Report CR 06 -13 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Pickering Sports Medicine & Wellness Centre lease agreement be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute a revised lease agreement pursuant to which the Angela Dye Physiotherapy Professional Corporation will be permitted to operate the "Wellness Centre" at the Pickering Recreation Complex from the 1st day of January, 2013 to the 31st day of December 31, 2017, that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Culture & Recreation and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; and 3. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to enter into a new lease agreement pursuant to which the Wellness Health Centre Ltd. will be permitted to operate the "Wellness Spa Area" at the Pickering Recreation Complex from the 1st day of January, 2013 to the 31st day of December 31, 2017, that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Culture & Recreation and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor. Carried (IX) Motions & Notice of Motions 3708 Brougham Road Discussion ensued and it was questioned whether the City had undertaken a cost benefits assessment on this property. Moved by Councillor Rodrigues Seconded by Councillor McLean Resolution #53/13 10 Call o0 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 25, 2013 PICKERPsIG 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers WHEREAS many properties are being demolished in Brougham; WHEREAS the Hamlet is becoming a ghost of its previous years, which is diminishing the quality of life and vibrance of the community; WHEREAS there may still be sound economic value in preserving this property; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff investigate the possibility of the viability of maintaining this property. Carried Unanimously on A Recorded Vote (X) By -laws 7270/13 Being a by -law to amend By -law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of traffic and parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. 7271/13 Being a by -law to dedicate that part of Lot 11, Registrar's Compiled Plan 819, designated as Part 4, Plan 40R- 27805, as public highway. Resolution #54/13 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor McLean That By -law Nos. 7270/13 through 7271/13, be approved. Carried (XI) Confirmation By -law By -law Number #7272/13 Councillor McLean, seconded by Councillor Rodrigues moved for leave to introduce a By -law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Regular Meeting of March 25, 2013. 11 (XII) Adjournment Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Ashe That the meeting be adjourned at 9:55 pm. Dated this 25th day of March, 2013. 12 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 25, 2013 5:45 PM - Main Committee Room 7:00 PM - Council Chambers Carried Mayor Ryan Debbie Shields City Clerk cly ,� Special Council Meeting Minutes NN Monday, April 8, 2013 6:30 pm Main Committee Room Present: Mayor Ryan Councillors: K. Ashe D. Dickerson B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles P. Rodrigues Also Present: J. Parent - Division Head, Human Resources D. Shields - City Clerk (1) Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. (IV) Confidential Matters Resolution #55/13 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Council move In Camera in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act and Procedural By -law 7212/12, in that the matters to be discussed relate to personal matters about an identifiable individual. Carried 1. Confidential Verbal Update by Division Head, Human Resources 2. Appointment to Advisory Boards and Committees General discussion ensued on this matter Resolution #56/13 1 Catq Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 1 R� 6:30 pm Main Committee Room Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Rodrigues That Council rise into open session of Council. Carried Confidential Verbal Update by Division Head, Human Resources General discussion ensued on this matter. Refer to the In Camera minutes for further information. [City Clerk has custody and control of the In Camera minutes] 2. Appointment to Advisory Boards and Committees General discussion ensued on this matter. Refer to the In Camera minutes for further information. [City Clerk has custody and control of the In Camera minutes] The following applicants were appointed to City Advisory Committees: Adam Temple to the Accessibility Advisory Committee Rolland Lattouf and Tom Reimer to the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Graham Lowman to the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Resolution #57/13 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That the recommendations considered at the Closed Meeting'of Council be approved. Yes Councillor Dickerson Councillor McLean Councillor O'Connell Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan Carried on a Recorded Vote No Councillor Ashe Councillor Rodrigues I1y fi.. 3 tea. �f��c33.T. G (IV) Confirmatory By -law By -law Number 7273/13 Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 6:30 pm Main Committee Room Councillor Dickerson, seconded by Councillor Pickles moved for leave to introduce a By -law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Special Meeting of Council of April 8, 2013. Carried (V) Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm. Dated this 8th day of April, 2013 3 Mayor David Ryan Debbie Shields City Clerk Present: Mayor Ryan Councillors: K. Ashe D. Dickerson B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles P. Rodrigues Also Present: Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodriaues T. Prevedel - Chief Administrative Officer P. Bigioni - Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, (Acting) City Clerk T. Melymuk - Director, City Development D. Shields - City Clerk C. Rose - (Acting) Chief Planner N. Surti - Manager, Development Review & Urban Design M. Markham - Principal Planner — Development Review M. Yeung - Planner II L. Roberts - Committee Coordinator (1) Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. (II) Delegations John Presta, Director of Environmental Services, Region of Durham Re: Report PLN 07 -13 Proposed Telecommunication Utility Poles John Presta, Director of Environmental Services, Region of Durham, appeared before the Committee to provide an overview of Durham's water supply system. Through the aid of a power point presentation, he outlined the purpose and objectives of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control systems, including improved operations, process monitoring and regulatory compliance. He also noted the provision of a standardized communications systems at all facilities. He provided an outline of the various tower locations throughout Pickering as well as the approval process for a safe and secure water system. Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodrigues A question and answer period ensued with Members questioning the appearance of the towers as well as their placement. They also questioned whether the Region would consider joint usage of telecommunications utility poles for better integration of infrastructure. 2. Grant Morris, Planning Consultant, Grant Morris Associates Ltd. Re: Report PLN 05 -13 1897 Woodview Avenue Grant Morris appeared before the Committee on behalf of Maxcom Developments. He stated that while there is no problem with the rezoning of the property, their issue is with the transfer of land to the City of Pickering. He stated ownership was given to the City with the understanding that Nordane Drive would go through. He stated that in the event this is not the case, Maxcom Developments should be reimbursed and indicated he was putting the City of Pickering on notice in this regard. 3. Sylvia Spencer Re: Report PLN 06 -13 720 Sheppard Avenue Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Avenue East, Pickering, appeared before the Committee with respect to zoning by -law amendment application for property located at 720 Sheppard Avenue. She noted the previous concerns that have not been addressed, including the sidewalks and the snow clearing of the sidewalks, noise and nuisance parking issues. She also questioned the permitted uses to be located, noting the problems that could result from having a convenience store located there. She had concerns with personal service shops, noting the noise and ventilation problems that could potentially ensue and does not want to see antennas on buildings, as they are unsightly. She discussed the concerns related to the permitted uses such as hours of operation as well as the impact on area homes and requested that convenience stores be removed from the permitted uses in the zoning by -law. 4. Crist Seepe Re: Report PLN 06 -13 720 Sheppard Avenue Crist Seepe appeared before the Committee representing the owner of 720 Sheppard Avenue. He stated the owner is in peril of losing the building, as it is currently 80% vacant, and that by leasing it out, it would recreate the jobs lost as well as bring back the tax revenues. He also noted the owner was willing to remove the convenience store from the permitted uses on the property. 2 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodrigues A question and answer period ensued with members questioning business uses and hours of operation. (IV) Planning & Development Reports 1. Director, City Development, Report PLN 05 -13 Craig Marshall 1897 Woodview Avenue Brian Moss, appeared before the Committee representing Craig Marshall. He noted they had reviewed the report and concur with the recommendations. No members of the public appeared in support of or opposition to the report. Discussion ensued with members requesting clarification on the issue of the conveyance of land with staff providing clarification on matters of precedence as well as the City's obligations to do so and the process used to determine fair market value. Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Ashe That Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 8/12, submitted by Craig Marshall, to amend the zoning of the subject lands to permit the creation of thirteen lots for future residential development on lands municipally known as 1897 Woodview Avenue, be approved; 2. That the draft zoning by -law to implement Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 8/12, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 05 -13, be finalized and forwarded to City Council for enactment; 3. That the request made by Craig Marshall, to permit the division of the subject lands, municipally known as 1897 Woodview Avenue, through land severance rather than by draft plan of subdivision, be approved; 4. That Informational Revision #18 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Highbush Neighbourhood Map (Map 20) to delete the street connection from Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent, as set out in Appendix II, be approved; 5. That City staff begin the process of stopping -up, closing and declaring surplus the parts of Nordane Drive within Plans 40M -1861 and 40M -1892 required to 3 Ctq o0 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes PICKEMG Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodrigues complete the lotting pattern shown on Attachment #3, with the intent of conveying them to Craig Marshall for an amount to be determined by an appraisal and satisfactory to the City Solicitor; and that the sale of the lands will be subject to: a) all required easements; b) the preparation of the appropriate reference plans, at no cost to the City, legally describing the parts within Plans 40M -1861 and 40M -1892 being stopped -up, closed and conveyed; c) the preparation of an appraisal to determine the value of the lands; d) the payment of all legal costs and disbursements by Craig Marshall (the applicant); and e) Craig Marshall (the applicant) entering into the appropriate Development Agreement with the City for the development of the residential lots; and 6. Further, that Council authorize staff to bring forward the by -law required to formally stop -up and close the parts of Nordane Drive with Plans 40M -1861 and 40M -1892 required to complete the lotting pattern shown on Attachment #3 for enactment and registration. Carried 2. Director, City Development, Report PLN 06 -13 Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 6/12 Navraj Properties Inc. 720 Sheppard Avenue A brief discussion period ensued. Recommendation Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Ashe That Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 6/12, submitted by Navraj Properties Inc., to permit additional office and commercial uses on lands municipally known as 720 Sheppard Avenue be approved; and 2. Further, that the draft zoning by -law to implement Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 6/12, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 06 -13, be finalized and forwarded to City Council for enactment with the deletion of convenience store use under permitted uses. Carried 0 ��� NJ Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodrigues 3. Director, City Development, Report PLN 07 -13 Proposed Telecommunication Utility Poles The Regional Municipality of Durham 2105 Rosebank Road 1611 Pepperwood. Gate 583 Eyer Drive 1610 Dersan Street Discussion ensued and Councillor Ashe expressed his desire for the Region of Durham to work with all other partners in order to integrate infrastructure to minimize the landscape. Recommendation Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor McLean That the Region of Durham be advised that City Council supports the proposed 18.0 metre high telecommunication utility pole to be located at 2105 Rosebank Road, based on the design and other details submitted with this request; 2. That the Region of Durham be advised that City Council supports the proposed 18.0 metre high telecommunication utility pole to be located at 583 Eyer Drive based on the design and other details submitted with this request; 3. That the Region of Durham be advised that City Council supports the proposed 18.0 metre high telecommunication utility pole to be located at 1611 Pepperwood Gate based on the design and other details submitted with this request; and 4. Further, that the Region of Durham be advised that City Council supports the proposed 18.0 metre high telecommunication utility pole to be located at 1610 Dersan Street based on the design and other details submitted with this request. Carried (III) Part `A' Information Reports Nilesh Surti, Manager, Development Review and Urban Design gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. He outlined the notification process procedures and also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before the by -law is passed, that 5 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodriques person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Zoning Amendment Application A 3/13 OPB Realty Inc. 1355 Kingston Road, Pickering Town Centre A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to the above noted application. Mila Yeung, Planner II, provided an overview of zoning application A 3/13. She indicated the application was to permit a farmer's market on an on going basis at the Pickering Town Centre, 1355 Kingston Road. No members of the public appeared in support of or opposition to the application. A discussion period ensued. Councillor O'Connell questioned whether the approval of this application would prohibit vendors from setting up elsewhere and also whether there were any regulations for ensuring local produce. She requested staff look into what other municipalities are doing and also questioned any policies that relate to the setting up of farmer's markets in parking lots and the ensuing reduction in parking spaces. Councillor Dickerson requested staff look into defining "locally grown" and any related liability issues. It was also suggested that the Region of Durham be used as a resource. 2. Draft Plan of Subdivision SP- 2013 -01 Zoning By -law Amendment A 2/13 Orchard Ridge (Pickering) G.P. Inc. 560 Park Crescent Melissa Markham, Principal Planner, Development Review, provided an overview of zoning application A 2/13. She explained the purpose of the application was to permit the residential development of 51 lots on property municipally known as 560 Park Crescent. Jeff Solly, Director of Land Development, Sorbara Development Group, appeared before the Committee and introduced Bryce Jordan. Bryce Jordan, Planning Manager, GHD appeared before the Committee on behalf of the applicant. He noted that at a public meeting held in the Council Chambers in late 2012, a good exchange of information and ideas had been received. In a 9 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodrigues continuation of discussions held at that time, he addressed the concerns related to lot frontages and tree preservation and noted he was in attendance this evening to hear from the residents. Councillor Ashe questioned whether a traffic study had been completed and the connectivity of the woodlot to Cliffview Road. Paul White, 507 Cliffview Road appeared before the Committee to provide an overview of resident's concerns with respect to the above application. He provided the City Clerk with copies of their concerns obtained through community meetings held on December 12, 2012 and March 13, 2013 with the Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association. He noted that while the majority of residents have few concerns relating to the style and nature of the proposed houses, their concerns relate.mostly to the impact of increased traffic. He noted they would like to see the ditches retained, utilies buried whenever possible as well as retaining their distinct neighbourhood. He also noted their concerns with street alignment into and out of the development with their desire to minimize the flow of vehicles. He indicated one option to open a new street onto Park Crescent through the extension of Cliffview Road. He also noted the use of cul de sacs and expressed their concerns with tree preservation and the importance of an accessible pedestrian connection. John Evanoff, 521 Broadgreen Street, appeared before the Committee. He stated his concern was for the builder to stay more in line with the lot frontages in the existing neighbourhood, being at least 50' frontages and up. He questioned the registration process and if there were any claims to the existing pathways. He stated 60' lot frontages would help address the traffic and safety concerns. Philip Warne, 518 Cliffview Road, appeared before the Committee and stated his concerns with respect to the protection and enhancement of the existing neighbourhood. He also stated his desire to see the ditches retained and the elimination of sidewalks. He noted his desire to see Cliffview Road as the only access to the area, which would help alleviate traffic issues. Deborah Bissett, 688 Hillview Crescent, appeared before the Committee, stating her concerns with traffic flow, noting Oklahoma is already a very busy street and that she would like to see a street going off Downland to have the traffic split. She also stated that the December, 2012 submission from Mr. White was not a fair representation of the community. Cat Beattie, Pickering resident, appeared before the Committee, stating her understanding was that the comments from the December, 2012 meeting were to be withdrawn and that the March, 2013 comments better reflect the concerns of the community. She also questioned why other comments from residents were not 7 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodrigues noted in the information report. She noted a number of cul de sacs currently exist in other neighbourhoods within the City of Pickering and questioned why this could not be done on Cliffview. She was in agreement with a traffic study being conducted, and stated the end of Cliffview Road needed to be finished off. She also expressed her concerns with tree preservation and questioned any regulations or by -laws to protect this. Josie Newman, 307 -580 Bloor Street East, appeared before the Committee. She noted that she had lived in the Newman House and stated she felt the ambiance of the property would be detracted from if they allowed an entrance from the west side. She also stated she would like additional information with respect to the preservation of trees and vegetation as well as the archaeological assessment, as the information she had reviewed was unclear. Gord Clewes, 965 Essa Crescent, appeared before the Committee in opposition to the proposed development and questioned why the remaining property surrounding the Newman home is so small, stating he would like to see more property retained along with the heritage home. Mary Humphrys, Pickering resident, appeared before the Committee and stated the West Shore Community Association had held their first annual general meeting where they had identified concerns with respect to 560 Park Crescent. She noted they are happy with the heritage designation and were also in favour of a traffic study being conducted. She stated their primary concerns relating to traffic and safety issues need to be addressed as well as pedestrian access. She also agreed that a one way street was a good option to consider. She questioned whether the sales office would take up one or two lots. Jasmin Rauh- Munch, 507 Marksbury Road, appeared before the Committee. She requested the Committee take into consideration their unique community and stated the proposed lot sizes are not suitable to the community. She also stated a one way street would help address the safety concerns. She stressed the need for a proper signal light to be installed at Oklahoma Drive and Eyer Drive. Andy McKinnon, a Pickering resident appeared before the Committee stating he would like to see Cliffview as a cul de sac. This would help divide the traffic impact on the community. He also questioned why they could not have a connection for direct access out to Whites Road. He stated he would like to see a greater effort in preserving the mature trees as well as the character of the neighbourhood. Elio Antunes, 506 Park Crescent, appeared before the Committee and noted his concerns with the traffic and preserving the character of the community. He stated these could be impacted by lot sizes. He also stated he was in agreement with a traffic study being done. 9 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodriaues Charlotte Polychronis, 491 Broadgreen Street, appeared before the Committee. She stated the need for a pathway to connect the two communities and also felt the pitch of the road was too steep, which was a concern to her. Ashely Bridgeman, 39 Lincoln Street, Ajax appeared before the Committee, stating she had previously lived in this community and noted her desire to move back. She stated a pedestrian access through the development is important, as well as maintaining it through the winter months. She noted the importance of gaining a real picture of surrounding areas in terms of lot sizes such as on Downland, where varying lot sizes exist. She felt this would enable all economic levels to locate here. Mike Cuciurean, 39 Lincoln Street, Ajax, appeared before the Committee, stating his concerns with traffic, noting it should be split by connecting Downlands through in order to lessen the impact on the community. He also felt a re- evaluation of the engineering studies was needed with respect to the grading concerns. Mike Borajac, 507 Broadgreen Street, Pickering, appeared before the Committee, stating he felt the trees at the back of his property enhance the value of his property. He would like to see a restricted covenant placed on each property to prohibit the trees from being cut down. Discussion ensued with Councillor Ashe noting he would like to see a traffic study be made a requirement and full consideration be given to alternatives, including cul de sacs with respect to road patterns. He also stated he would like to have further discussion relating to the character of the community as well as the size of homes and percentage of lot coverage, pedestrian connection and any potential legal ramifications of placing a covenant on new lots for the protection of the mature trees. Councillor O'Connell requested to have the lot sizes of surrounding properties clearly identified as part of the process on all future rezoning applications, and that it be noted on the public notice mail outs. She noted she would like to see more of an explanation provided with respect to grading issues and requested schematics on the proposed walkway She also noted for future consideration that the intersection of Oklahoma be looked into for upgrading as a separate item, as the current IPS system does not make sense for this location. (II) Other Business The Chief Administrative Officer was requested to action the following: Councillor McLean requested clarification on the approval process for requests for exemption from the noise by -law. He noted concerns for approvals without Council consultation and would like to have the process looked into. E (III) Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm. 10 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 8, 2013 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Rodrigues �'; tm�,2.!ce:. �� - = -. Present: Mayor Ryan Councillors: K. Ashe D. Dickerson B. McLean J. O'Connell — arrived at 7:30 pm D. Pickles P. Rodrigues Also Present: Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe T. Prevedel - Chief Administrative Officer P. Bigioni - Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor R. Holborn - Director, Engineering & Public Works T. Melymuk - Director, City Development M. Carpino - Director, Culture & Recreation B. Douglas - Fire Chief C. Rose - (Acting) Chief Planner S. Karwoski - (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer M. Gadovski - Manager, Water Resources G. McGregor - Manager, Sustainability and Special Projects N. Surti - Manager, Development Review & Urban Design R. Pym - Principal Planner — Development Review D. Shields - City Clerk L. Roberts - Committee Coordinator (1) Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. (II) Delegations Lloyd Thomas Re: Report CAO 03 -13 Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Lloyd Thomas appeared before the Committee on behalf of the Whitevale and District Residents' Association to provide a better understanding of what Seaton means to the community. He stated that with the huge increase in population proposed, �rzi (6 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe nothing of this magnitude has been done before. He outlined their concerns with traffic congestion as a result of the increase in population. Mr. Thomas discussed the traffic concerns, outlining the intention for Sideline 26, the bridge over Duffin's Creek and the four lane by -pass through Seaton and their proposed construction schedules and what this would mean to new commuters. He stated with traffic congestion of this magnitude, people would take the most direct route, which would lead them through Whitevale. He stated this was not a suitable route, and was not safe for this amount of traffic. He also noted the resulting chaos for the current residents of Pickering that use Altona Road, Whites Road and Brock Road. Mr. Thomas also noted concerns with the proposed timeframes for the construction of the bridges required in the Central Pickering Development Plan. He stressed the importance of getting the bridges built as soon as Seaton is developed as well as the Altona by -pass to move traffic. Mr. Thomas also noted their lack of opportunity to study the report and all associated documentation. A question and answer period ensued with respect to transit lines and the by -pass. 2. Marion Thomas Re: Report CAO 03 -13 Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Marion Thomas appeared before the Committee to note her concerns relating to the Fiscal Impact Study. She stated this was based on assumptions that the growth in Seaton will produce 1500 units per year and assessment would remain as predicted with 40 acres per year of employment lands. She noted the City is predicting the non road capital program for Seaton would result in the need to supplement the development charges with tax dollars which would be shared by all residents, not just Seaton. She questioned the staggering implications should the assessments go down. She provided a chart outlining the development charges in surrounding municipalities, showing Pickering as the lowest. Ms. Thomas also discussed the implications surrounding the two crossings required of the West Duffin Creek. She noted that since it is not anticipated that the roads will be built prior to the next DC review, it was possible that the developers as well as the Province of Ontario would not be contributing to the costs associated with building these bridges. She also stated her concern with the lack of opportunity to review the numerous reports associated with this and also noted that portions of the report require further 2 • E Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe clarification. She also noted their desire to be involved in the discussions surrounding the Memorandum of Understanding. A question and answer period ensued with respect to traffic concerns, sidewalk requirements for bridges, forecast for employment lands as well as the community parks, where concerns were noted regarding night illumination. Also discussed was the possibility of a heritage enclave for displaced heritage homes and a demonstration barn. 3. Julie Schembri Re: Report CAO 03 -13 Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Julie Schembri appeared before the Committee, stating she had looked back at the land exchange guidelines and noted the majority of the issues were not under the control of the City of Pickering. She stated their residents' association would like to see a sustainable community, noting this was much larger than Whitevale, it would impact all of Pickering. She noted the need to equalize the burden of financing infrastructure, stating their association would like to be involved in creative solutions for roads, bridges, transit, housing and employment lands as well as the preservation of the heritage homes and would continue with their commitment. A question and answer period ensued. 4. Charles Sopher Re: Report CAO 03 -13 Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Charles Sopher appeared before the Committee stating his disappointment in the direction the City is taking with regards to heritage matters. He noted that based on OMB decisions the cultural heritage should be protected, which would include houses and barns. He noted many are currently vacant and should be returned to the owners. He also noted his concerns related to traffic, stating Whitevale should not become gridlocked, and Seaton should not become an unsustainable tax burden to the residents. He stated that the City would be held accountable by future generations. Mr. Sopher also noted concerns with the lack of reasonable time to consider applications and make recommendations to Council. A question and answer period ensued. 3 (III) Matters for Consideration Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe Chief Administrative Officer, Report CAO 03 -13 Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing - Fiscal Impact Study of the Seaton Community, - Seaton Draft Plans of Subdivision, - Seaton Zoning By -law - Required Technical Studies Tony Prevedel, Chief Administrative Officer, provided an outline of Report CAO 03- 13, stating this report represents a significant milestone, as it encompasses 21 draft plans of subdivision. He highlighted the two key issues in the report, being the authorization for staff to represent the City of Pickering issues list for the Seaton Community Phase Three at the OMB hearing on May 27th as well as to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Pickering and the Seaton landowners in order to address the fiscal impacts. Mr. Prevedel also introduced Cam Watson and David Uusitalo of Watson & Associates, noting they would be available to answer any questions. A detailed discussion period ensued. Matters relating to erosion control, stormwater management and concerns for the size of stormwater ponds were questioned with staff providing clarification as required. Traffic analysis was noted as a high priority. It was noted that the Region of Durham will be running buses in Phase One. Also discussed were the locations for Places of Worship as well as fencing and landscaping. Members also questioned the size and depth of front porches. Discussion took place with respect to the financial impacts, noting the importance of not creating any financial burdens on the City. Formulas for Development Charges were discussed, and a process to look at determining a more appropriate amount. Also discussed was the need to stress the importance of the Whitevale by -pass being completed in Phase One at the OMB hearing. Traffic impacts were discussed as well as the need for sufficient transit infrastructure. Members requested to be kept updated on any further discussions between now and the OMB hearing. Mayor Ryan made note of the omission of the Steeles/Taunton link in the report, stating he would like to see this issue addressed. Recommendation Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Mayor Ryan 4 0 N IBC Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe That Report CAO 03 -13 of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the Seaton Phase 3 Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, Fiscal Impact Study, Draft Plans of Subdivision, Zoning By -law and various Technical Studies be received; 2. That Council endorse the City of Pickering Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Hearing, set out in Appendix I to Report CAO 03 -13, and authorize staff, with the assistance of outside counsel and expert witnesses, to: a) present the Issues List and defend the City's interests at the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing; b) request the Board's inclusion of those conditions of subdivision approval as generally set out in Appendix II to this Report, as may be necessary to address the City's concerns in the event the Board is prepared to approve any or all of the Seaton subdivision plans under consideration at the hearing; c) present and defend the City's Seaton Zoning By -law at the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing as generally set out in Appendix III to this Report; and d) finalize as may be necessary and required through the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing, the Seaton plans of subdivision subject to the conditions of approval, and the Seaton Zoning By -law; 3. That Council authorize staff to conduct discussions with the Seaton landowners to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding for Council's consideration, which MOU shall ensure that the development of Seaton does not create a financial burden on the City, and shall address to the City's satisfaction the financial issues identified in the Fiscal Impact Study of the Seaton Community prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and dated April 4, 2013; and 4. Further, that Report CAO 03 -13 of the Chief Administrative Officer be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Region of Durham, the Seaton landowners and the Whitevale and District Residents Association. 2. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 03 -13 Tender for Roof Replacement at Petticoat Creek Community Centre & Library - Tender No. T -3 -2013 Recommendation 5 Carried Unanimously On a Recorded Vote - M Veal- Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe That Report CR 03 -13 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Roof Replacement at Petticoat Creek Community Centre & Library be received; 2. That Tender No. T -3 -2013 submitted by T. Hamilton & Son Roofing Inc. in-the amount of $505,070.45 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $580,780.00 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $523,010.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the project as provided for in the 2013 Community Centres and Library Capital Budgets in the amount of $523,010.00 from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Carried 3. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 04 -13 Tender No. T -2 -2013 - Tender for Roof Replacement at Fire Hall #5 Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Report CR 04 -13 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Roof Replacement at Fire Hall #5 be received; 2. That Tender No. T -2 -2013 submitted by T. Hamilton & Son Roofing Inc. in the amount of $119,778.87 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $136,729.00 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $123,129.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; C.1 I Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the project as provided for in the 2013 Fire Services Capital Budget in the amount of $123,129.00 from Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Carried 4. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 05 -13 Solstice Sport Inc. Beach Volleyball - Licence Agreement Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Report CR 05 -13 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Solstice Sport Inc. Beach Volleyball licence agreement be received; and 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a revised licence agreement pursuant to which Solstice Sport Inc. will be permitted to operate beach volleyball programs in Diana, Princess of Wales Park from May 1, 2013 to April 30, 2018, that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Culture & Recreation and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor. Carried 5. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 07 -13 Tender for West Shore Community Centre Entrance & Washroom Renovation Project - Tender No. T -8 -2013 Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Report CR 07 -13 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the West Shore Community Centre Entrance & Washroom Renovation Project be received; 7 C`t,J Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe 2. That Tender No. T -8 -2013 submitted by Direct Construction Co. Ltd. in the amount of $162,720.00 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $236,566.00 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $213,035.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to fund the project as follows: a) the sum of $70,940.00 as provided for in the 2013 Community Centres Capital Budget to be funded from the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF) Federal Grant; b) the sum of $142,000.00 as provided for in the 2013 Community Centres Capital Budget to be funded from a five -year internal loan at a rate to be determined; and c) the balance of $95.00 to be funded from property taxes; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Carried 6. Director, Engineering & Public Works, Report ENG 03 -13 T -1 -2013 Asphalt Resurfacing on Various City Streets Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Report ENG 03 -13 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the tender for Asphalt Resurfacing on Various City Streets be received; 2. That Tender No.T -1 -2013 submitted by D.Crupi & Sons Limited in the amount of $1,229,510.39 (HST included) and a net cost of $1,107,212.19 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 3. That the total gross project cost of $1,382,434 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $1,244,925 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 9 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the project by transferring the sum of $1,244,925 from Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund, as provided for in the 2013 approved Roads Capital Budget; and 5. Further that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Carried 7. Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, Report FIN 06 -13 Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2012 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Committees Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson It is recommended that Report FIN 06 -13 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor regarding the Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2012 be received for information. Carried (III) Other Business Councillor O'Connell requested staff look into any background information on the banning of gas powered .leaf blowers and to research what other area municipalities may have in place. 2. Councillor O'Connell requested staff look into the Region of Durham's Development Charges By -law and questioned staffs position on this. She requested background information be provided to Council as well as any future matters that relate to Regional matters. 3. Councillor McLean requested staff look into the place of worship on Highway 2 west of Dixie Road as the boarded doors and windows create an unsightly appearance. 7 4 J Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe 4. Councillor McLean gave notice that he would be bringing forward a Notice of Motion with respect to placing a question on the ballot for the next municipal election regarding casinos. He also questioned the process for this. (IV) Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm. 10 Presentations Presentation of Certificates Brian James Vice Chair Pickering Public Library Board Presentation of Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal April 22, 2013 Delegations Roger Anderson Region of Durham Re: Annual Address to Council 2. Rik Ganderton, President and CEO David Brazeau, Director of Public Affairs Rouge Valley Health System Re: Annual Hospital Update 3. Bill Zolis Ajax- Pickering Board of Trade Re: Annual Update April 22, 2013 Correspondence Corr. 16 -13 John Hazlewood Dan Horchik Elizabeth Plashkes Alan Powell Fair Hospital Parking Charges April 22, 2013 Pages Motion for Direction 39 Correspondence received from John Hazlewood, Dan Horchik, Elizabeth Plashkes and Alan Powell, seeking Council support for fair hospital parking charges by way of forwarding letters to the Premier, the Minister of Health and Long Term Care and all respective MP's, MPP's requesting that parking fees at Ontario Hospitals be reduced and capped at a fair rate. Shields, Debbie C-c7 (- r . l (0 — Subject: FW: Fair Hospital Parking Charges To: Mayor Ryan and Council of Pickering We are a grass roots, advocacy group seeking a reduction of parking charges at Ontario Hospitals. We are supported by an interdenominational prayer group that represents at least seven denominations. This is not a campaign to undermine the excellent work of our hospitals. Over the last three years we have talked to hospital executives, municipal councils, and members of the provincial legislature. We have not been able to talk to the Ministry of Health except through correspondence. To get an idea of our efforts we have a website, www. fairhospitalparkingcharges.org, that outlines our campaign. On November 13, 2012, the council of the City of Markham adopted the following resolution: "That the City of Markham hereby requests that the Province of Ontario reduce and cap at a fair rate the parking charges at Ontario Hospitals, including Markham - Stouffville Hospital." We would appreciate your support as well. It would strengthen the resolutions that have been passed by the City of Markham, the City of Oshawa, and the Town of Whitchurch - Stouffville. We are available to make a presentation to your council if you deem it necessary. We can be reached at 905 - 640 -3222 for Alan Powell or hazlenuts.central @svmpatico.ca for John Hazlewood. Submitting a copy of your resolution to the Premier, or the Minister of Health and Long Term Care with a copy to your local member of the legislature is what we're advocating. We would also like, with your permission, to post your council's response on our website. We thank you for your consideration of this issue. Yours truly, John Hazlewood Dan Horchik Elizabeth Plashkes Alan Powell Fair Hospital Parking Charges CLtq o t PICKERING April 22, 2013 Committee Reports a) Report PD 2013 -04 of the Planning & Development Committee P & D Pages 1. Director, City Development, Report PLN 05 -13 19 -37 Craig Marshall 1897 Woodview Avenue Recommendation That Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 8/12, submitted by Craig Marshall, to amend the zoning of the subject lands to permit the creation of thirteen lots for future residential development on lands municipally known as 1897 Woodview Avenue, be approved; 2. That the draft zoning by -law to implement Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 8/12, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 05 -13, be finalized and forwarded to City Council for enactment; 3. That the request made by Craig Marshall, to permit the division of the subject lands, municipally known as 1897 Woodview Avenue, through land severance rather than by draft plan of subdivision, be approved; 4. That Informational Revision #18 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Highbush Neighbourhood Map (Map 20) to delete the street connection from Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent, as set out in Appendix II, be approved; 5. That City staff begin the process of stopping -up, closing and declaring surplus the parts of Nordane Drive within Plans 40M -1861 and 40M -1892 required to complete the lotting pattern shown on Attachment #3, with the intent of conveying them to Craig Marshall for an amount to be determined by an appraisal and satisfactory to the City Solicitor; and that the sale of the lands will be subject to: a) all required easements; b) the preparation of the appropriate reference plans, at no cost to the City, legally describing the parts within Plans 40M -1861 and 40M -1892 being stopped -up, closed and conveyed; c) the preparation of an appraisal to determine the value of the lands; d) the payment of all legal costs and disbursements by Craig Marshall (the applicant); and e) Craig Marshall (the applicant) entering into the appropriate Development Agreement with the City for the development of the residential lots; and 6. Further, that Council authorize staff to bring forward the by -law required to formally stop -up and close the parts of Nordane Drive with Plans 40M -1861 and 40M -1892 required to complete the lotting pattern shown on Attachment #3 for enactment and registration. 2. Director, City Development, Report PLN 06 -13 38-49 Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 6/12 Navraj Properties Inc. 720 Sheppard Avenue Recommendation That Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 6/12, submitted by Navraj Properties Inc., to permit additional office and commercial uses on lands municipally known as 720 Sheppard Avenue be approved; and 2.. Further, that the draft zoning by -law to implement Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 6/12, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 06 -13, be finalized and forwarded to City Council for enactment with the deletion of convenience store use under permitted uses. 3. Director, City Development, Report PLN 07 -13 50 -66 Proposed Telecommunication Utility Poles The Regional Municipality of Durham 2105 Rosebank Road 1611 Pepperwood Gate 583 Eyer Drive 1610 Dersan Street Recommendation That the Region of Durham be advised that City Council supports the proposed 18.0 metre high telecommunication utility pole to be located at 2105 Rosebank Road, based on the design and other details submitted with this request; 2. That the Region of Durham be advised that City Council supports the proposed 18.0 metre high telecommunication utility pole to be located at 583 Eyer Drive based on the design and other details submitted with this request; 3. That the Region of Durham be advised that City Council supports the proposed 18.0 metre high telecommunication utility pole to be located at 1611 Pepperwood Gate based on the design and other details submitted with this request; and 4. Further, that the Region of Durham be advised that City Council supports the proposed 18.0 metre high telecommunication utility pole to be located at 1610 Dersan Street based on the design and other details submitted with this request. Committee Reports April 22, 2013 b) Report EC 2013 -04 of the Executive Committee Executive Pages 1. Chief Administrative Officer, Report CAO 03 -13 1-235 Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing - Fiscal Impact Study of the Seaton Community, - Seaton Draft Plans of Subdivision, - Seaton Zoning By -law - Required Technical Studies Recommendation 1. That Report CAO 03 -13 of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the Seaton Phase 3 Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, Fiscal Impact Study, Draft Plans of Subdivision, Zoning By -law and various Technical Studies be received; 2. That Council endorse the City of Pickering Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Hearing, set out in Appendix I to Report CAO 03 -13, and authorize staff, with the assistance of outside counsel and expert witnesses, to: a) present the Issues List and defend the City's interests at the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing; b) request the Board's inclusion of those conditions of subdivision approval as generally set out in Appendix II to this Report, as may be necessary to address the City's concerns in the event the Board is prepared to approve any or all of the Seaton subdivision plans under consideration at the hearing; c) present and defend the City's Seaton Zoning By -law at the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing as generally set out in Appendix III to this Report; and d) finalize as may be necessary and required through the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing, the Seaton plans of subdivision subject to the conditions of approval, and the Seaton Zoning By -law; 3. That Council authorize staff to conduct discussions with the Seaton landowners to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding for Council's consideration, which MOU shall ensure that the development of Seaton does not create a financial burden on the City, and shall address to the City's satisfaction the financial issues identified in the Fiscal Impact Study of the Seaton Community prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and dated April 4, 2013; and 4. Further, that Report CAO 03 -13 of the Chief Administrative Officer be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Region of Durham, the Seaton landowners and the Whitevale and District Residents Association. 2. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 03 -13 236-243 Tender for Roof Replacement at Petticoat Creek Community Centre & Library - Tender No. T -3 -2013 Recommendation That Report CR 03 -13 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Roof Replacement at Petticoat Creek Community Centre & Library be received; 2. That Tender No. T -3 -2013 submitted by T. Hamilton & Son Roofing Inc. in the amount of $505,070.45 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $580,780.00 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $523,010.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the project as provided for in the 2013 Community Centres and Library Capital Budgets in the amount of $523,010.00 from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. 3. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 04 -13 244-252 Tender No. T -2 -2013 - Tender for Roof Replacement at Fire Hall #5 Recommendation That Report CR 04 -13 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Roof Replacement at Fire Hall #5 be received; 2. That Tender No. T -2 -2013 submitted by T. Hamilton & Son Roofing Inc. in the amount of $119,778.87 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $136,729.00 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $123,129.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the project as provided for in the 2013 Fire Services Capital Budget in the amount of $123,129.00 from Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. 4. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 05 -13 253-262 Solstice Sport Inc. Beach Volleyball - Licence Agreement Recommendation Recommendation 1. That Report CR 05 -13 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Solstice Sport Inc. Beach Volleyball licence agreement be received; and 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a revised licence agreement pursuant to which Solstice Sport Inc. will be permitted to operate beach volleyball programs in Diana, Princess of Wales Park from May 1, 2013 to April 30, 2018, that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Culture & Recreation and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor. 5. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 07 -13 263-272 Tender for West Shore Community Centre Entrance & Washroom Renovation Project - Tender No. T -8 -2013 Recommendation 1. That Report CR 07 -13 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the West Shore Community Centre Entrance & Washroom Renovation Project be received; 2. That Tender No. T -8 -2013 submitted by Direct Construction Co. Ltd. in the amount of $162,720.00 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $236,566.00 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $213,035.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to fund the project as follows: a) the sum of $70,940.00 as provided for in the 2013 Community Centres Capital Budget to be funded from the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF) Federal Grant; b) the sum of $142,000.00 as provided for in the 2013 Community Centres Capital Budget to be funded from a five -year internal loan at a rate to be determined; and c) the balance of $95.00 to be funded from property taxes; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. 6. Director, Engineering & Public Works, Report ENG 03 -13 273-284 T -1 -2013 Asphalt Resurfacing on Various City Streets Recommendation That Report ENG 03 -13 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the tender for Asphalt Resurfacing on Various City Streets be received; 2. That Tender No.T -1 -2013 submitted by D.Crupi &.Sons Limited in the amount of $1,229,510.39 (HST included) and a net cost of $1,107,212.19 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 3. That the total gross project cost of $1,382,434 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $1,244,925 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the project by transferring the sum of $1,244,925 from Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund, as provided for in the 2013 approved Roads Capital Budget; and 5. Further that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 7. Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, Report FIN 06 -13 285-292 Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2012 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Committees Recommendation It is recommended that Report FIN 06 -13 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor regarding the Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2012 be received for information. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS April 22, 2013 PAGES Director, Engineering & Public Works, Report ENG 05 -13 49 -61 Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs - Tender No. T -9 -2013 Recommendation 1. That Report ENG 05 -13 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding Tender T -9 -2013 for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs be received, 2. That Tender No. T -9 -2013 as submitted by Ore Construction Ltd. for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs in the total tendered amount of $337,475.17 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $371,456.00 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs and the total net project cost of $334,508.00 be approved; 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a) that the sum of $50,800.00, as provided for in the 2013 approved Current and Capital Budgets, be funded from property taxes; b) that the sum of $124,149.00, as provided for in the 2013 approved Current Budget for Sidewalks — Sidewalk Rehabilitation Program, be funded from Federal Gas Tax grant, c) that the sum of $64,987.00, as provided for in the 2013 approved Capital Budget for Parks, be funded by a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve; d) that the sum of $10,569.00, as provided for in the Current Budget for Development Control - Road Maintenance Asphalt & Concrete Works, be funded from other revenues collected from fees and charges required and related to building permits and cash -in -lieu; e) that the sum of $84,003.00 for the Transit Bus Pads be funded by a recovery from Durham Region Transit; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. 2. Director, Engineering & Public Works, Report ENG 08 -13 62 -94 Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation - Request for Proposal No. RFP 1 -2013 - Landscape Architectural Consulting Services Recommendation That Report ENG 08 -13 from the Director, Engineering & Public Works be received; 2. That RFP 1 -2013 submitted by Landscape Planning Limited in the amount of $70,218.20 (HST included) and a net cost of $63,233.66 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 3. That the total gross project cost of $77,240.02 (HST included), and a net project cost of $69,557.03 (net of HST rebate), including the proposed amount and associated costs be approved; 4. That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the project as follows: a) the sum of $69,557.03 be financed from external funds provided by the Ministry of Transportation as approved in the 2011 Parks Capital Budget; b) the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. - pu I UKIN Man: From: Richard W. Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs - Tender No. T -9 -2013 - File: A -1440 Recommendation: Report to Council Report Number: ENG 05 -13 Date: April 22, 2013 That Report ENG 05 -13 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding Tender T -9 -2013 for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs be received; 2. That Tender No. T -9 -2013 as submitted by Ore Construction Ltd. for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs in the total tendered amount of $337,475.17 (HST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $371,456.00 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs and the total net project cost of $334,508.00 be approved; 4. That Council authorize the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a) that the sum of $50,800.00, as provided for in the 2013 approved Current and Capital Budgets, be funded from property taxes; b) that the sum of $124,149.00, as provided for in the 2013 approved Current Budget for Sidewalks — Sidewalk Rehabilitation Program, be funded from Federal- Gas Tax grant; c) that the sum of $64,987.00, as provided for in the 2013 approved Capital Budget for Parks, be funded by a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve; d) that the sum of $10,569.00, as provided for in the Current Budget for Development Control - Road Maintenance Asphalt & Concrete Works, be funded from other revenues collected from fees and charges required and related to building permits and cash -in -lieu; e) that the sum of $84,003.00 for the Transit Bus Pads be funded by a recovery from Durham Region Transit; and Report ENG 05 -13 Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs Tender No T -9 -2013 April 22, 2013 Page 2 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: As part of the 2013 Current Budget and Capital Budget, various municipal maintenance and construction projects were approved that require the supply and installation of concrete and asphalt products. Tender No. T -9 -2013 was issued on Thursday, March 14, 2013 and closed on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 with seven bidders responding. The low bid submitted by Ore Construction Ltd. is recommended for approval. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $371,456.00 and an estimated net cost of $334,508.00 (net of HST rebate). Financial Implications: 1.Tender Amount T -9 -2013 $298,650.59 HST (13 %) 38,824.58 Total $337,475.17 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary T -9 -2013 — Tender for Asphalt & Concrete Repairs City of Pickering Portion $216,101 Durham Region Transit Portion — Bus Pads 82,550 298,651 Associated Costs Materials Testing 8,000 Miscellaneous Costs 1,500 Construction Contingency 20,571 Total $328,722 HST (13 %) 42.734 Total Gross Project Cost $371,456 HST Rebate (11.24 %) (36,948) Total Net Project Cost Report ENG 05 -13 Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs Tender No T -9 -2013 3. Source of Funds Capital and Current Budgets April 22, 2013 Page 3 Description Project Code Funding Source Available Required Budget Budget Operations - Roads Asphalt and Concrete 2320.2408.0002 Property Taxes $40,000 $33,312 Repair Program Operations - Roads Storm Sewer Repairs 2320.2408.0002 Property Taxes 10,000 6,157 (Partial) Operations - Sidewalks Sidewalk Rehabilitation 2323.5981.0000 Federal Gas Tax 200,000 124,149 Program Grant Subtotal $250,000 $163,618 Operations - Parks Rouge Valley Park 5780.1313.0000 Rate Stabilization $90,000 $64,987 Pathway Reserve Operations - Parks Beechlawn Park 5780.1329.0000 Property Taxes 15,000 11,331 Walkway (partial) Subtotal $105,000 $76,300 Planning & Development Development Control Road Maintenance 2613.2407.0000 Other Revenue $25,000 $10,569 (fees & charges) Subtotal $25,000 $10,569 Third Party Recoverable Durham Transit Transit Bus Pads 3290.0001 Region of $84,003 $84,003 Durham Subtotal $84,003 $84,003 TOTAL $464,003 $334,508 Net Project Costs over under Approved Funds $129,495 The total tender amount includes a provisional rate of $100 per square metre for any unanticipated asphalt grind and overlay work that may arise during the contract. Any extra work deemed necessary may be accommodated within the total approved budget amount available. Report ENG 05 -13 April 22 -, 2013 Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs Tender No T -9 -2013 Page 4 Discussion: Annual maintenance programs requiring the supply of materials and labour for the repair of roads, curbs and sidewalks are included in the tender for asphalt and concrete repairs. Similar to last year's program, various concrete and asphalt projects were combined into one tender in an effort to achieve cost efficiencies. Projects included in this tender are walkways for Rouge Valley Park and Beechlawn Park. This tender also includes a third party component for the construction of concrete transit bus pads on municipal boulevards, which is fully recoverable from Durham Region Transit. Tender No. T -9 -2013 was issued on Thursday, March 14, 2013 and closed on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 with seven bidders submitting a bid. The low bid was submitted by Ore Construction Ltd. Ore Construction Ltd. has previously worked for the City on Tender T -24 -2012 Asphalt and Concrete Repairs and are deemed acceptable by the Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure. The Health & Safety Policy, current WSIB, Council Amendment to Draft #7 (CAD -7), Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, proof of compliance with Confined Space Entry Regulations, copies of certified training and procedures, list of employees trained in confined space entry procedures as submitted by Ore Construction Ltd., have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and are deemed acceptable. The Certificate of Insurance has been reviewed by the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer and is deemed acceptable. In conjunction with staff's review of the contractor's previous work experience and the bonding available on this project, the tender is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, the Engineering & Public Works Department, and Durham Region Transit recommends the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Ore Construction Ltd. for Tender No. T -9 -2013 in the amount of $337,475.17 (HST included) and that the total net project cost of $334,508.00 be approved. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated Wednesday, April 3, 2013 2. Email dated August 28, 2012 from Durham Region 3. Location Maps Report ENG 05 -13 Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs Tender No T -9 -2013 Prepared By: D rell Selsky, CET, CMU III Manager, Capital Projects & Infr structure Vera A. F/elgemacher CSCMP, CPPO, CPP13, C.P.M., CMM 111 Manager, Supply & Services Caryn Kong, CGA Senior Financial Analyst Capital & Debt Management DS:ds Approved /Endorsed By: April 22, 2013 Page 5 Rich rd W. (born, P. Eng. Dir, tor, En ineering & Public Works Stan Karwowski (Acting Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council j16�IZ AO J- 1 Zz' 2-O! Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT.# TO REPORT# ECEI - - °4 APR 4 'IC TI ICI I I CITY OF PICKERINS PICKE, RING �sv�►tiF> =R� � To: °Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Wanager, Capital Works & Infrastructure Subject: Tender No. T -9 -2013 Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs - File: F- 5400 -001 Memo April 3, 2013 Tenders have been received for the above project. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News and on the City's website inviting companies to download the tendering documents and drawings for the above mentioned tender. Seven (7) bidders submitted a. tender for this project. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010 -001, Item 13.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions unit prices shall govern and extensions will be. corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010 -001, Item 13.03(w). Three (3) bids have been retained for review at this time. Copies of the tenders are attached for your review along with the summary of costs. SUMMARY Harmonized Sales Tax Included adder, B" _ , T obit Tendered Amount : After Calculation ChecK Ore Construction Ltd. $337,475.16 $337,475.17 Serve Construction Ltd. $391,299.46 $391,299.45 Ashland Paving Ltd. $395,362.46 $395,362.46 Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors Ltd. $421,846.85 $478,516.69 2274084 Ontario Ltd. o/a GMP Contracting $424,519.53 $424,519.53 Trisan Construction $536,732.49 $536,732.49 Royalcrest Paving $647,210.89 $647,210.89 ATTACHMENT# l� TO REPORT # -EN G o.�'- 13 Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 31, the fG11G�Anyw2 -1 be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise when you wish us to proceed with this task. (a) A copy of the currently dated and signed Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) 'A copy of the current Workplace Injury Summary Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Workplace Injury Summary Report document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) A copy of the current Clearance Certificate issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) Proof of compliance with amended Confined Space Entry Regulations (September 30, 2006). Copies of certified Training and Procedures to be used on this project; (e) A list of employees trained in the confined space entry procedure who will be working on this project; (f) The City's certificate of insurance or approved alternative form shall be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer; (g) The City's Accessibility Regulations for Contracted. Services form currently dated and signed; (h) list of Sub - Contractors in accordance with General Conditions Item 37; and (i) Waste Management Plan to be used on this project in accordance with Tendering Specifications Item 18. Please include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (e) noted above, are acceptable to the Co- ordinator, Health & Safety; (b) if item (f) — Insurance — is acceptable to the (Acting) Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit; (c) any past work experience with the low bidder Ore Construction Ltd. including work location; (d) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (e) the appropriate account number(s) to which.this work is to be charged; (f). the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (g) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (h) related departmental approvals; and (i) related comments specific to the project. Please do not disclose any information to enquiries except you can direct them to the City's website for the unofficial bid results as read out at the public tender opening. Bidders will. be advised of the outcome in due course. If ylu require further information, please feel free to contact me or.a member of Supply & Se 'ices. I L/ di VAFrg Attachments April 3, 2013 Tender No. T -9 -2013 Page 2 Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs'. ATTACI;MENT# ! TO REPORT# ENG' OS 13 of 1. Cat 00 APR 4 2913 iii I I CITY OF mCKERINr PICKERIl V G ENGINEERING To: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Manager, Capital Works & Infrastructure Subject: Tender No. T -9 -2013 Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs - File: F -5400 -001 Memo April 3, 2013 Tenders have been received for the above project. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News and on the City's website inviting companies to download the tendering documents and drawings for the above mentioned tender. Seven (7) bidders submitted a tender for this project. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010 -001, Item 13.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010 -001, Item 13.03(w). Three (3) bids have been retained for review at this time. Copies of the tenders are attached for your review along with the summary of costs.. SUMMARY Harmonized Sales Tax Included Bidder '_ . Total Tendered Amount After Calculation Check Ore Construction Ltd. $337,475.16 $337,475.17 Serve Construction Ltd. $391,299.46 $391,299.45 Ashland Paving-Ltd. $395,362.46 $395,362.46 Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors Ltd. $421,846.85 $478,516.69 2274084 Ontario Ltd. o/a GMP $424,519.53 $424,519.53 -Contracting Trisan Construction $536,732.49 $536,732.49 Royalcrest Paving $647,210.89 $647,210.89 ACHMENT# TO REPORT# IL N U 05 -13 of 2- Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 31, the following will be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise when you wish us to proceed with this task. (a) A copy of the currently dated and signed Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) A copy of the current Workplace Injury Summary Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Workplace Injury Summary Report document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) A copy of the current Clearance Certificate issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) Proof of compliance with amended Confined Space Entry Regulations (September 30, 2006). Copies of certified Training and Procedures to be used on this project; (e) A list of employees trained in the confined space entry procedure who will be working on this project; (f) The City's certificate of insurance or approved alternative form shall be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer; (g) The City's Accessibility Regulations for Contracted Services form currently dated and signed; (h) list of Sub - Contractors in accordance with General Conditions Item 37; and (i) Waste Management Plan to be used on this project in accordance with Tendering Specifications Item 18. Please include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (e) noted above, are acceptable to the Co- ordinator, Health & Safety; (b) if item (f) - Insurance - is acceptable to the (Acting) Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit; (c) any past work experience with the low bidder Ore Construction Ltd. including work location; (d) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (e) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (f) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (g) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (h) related departmental approvals; and (i) related comments specific to the project. Please do not disclose any information to enquiries except you can direct them to the City's website for the unofficial bid results as read out at the public tender opening. Bidders will be advised of the outcome in due course. If y ',u require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Se ices. 1 VAF /jg Attachments April s, zu13 Tender No. T -9 -2013 Page 2 Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs ATTACH MENT# --2:�— TO REPORT# LNG o5 -i3 --L of .2/ Pelzowski, Mike From: Tony Francis [Tony. Francis @Durham.ca] Sent: April -17 -13 12:27 PM To: Pelzowski, Mike Cc: Selsky, Darrell; Woolley, Don; Smith, Grant; Felgemacher, Vera; David Gooding Subject: RE: T -9 -2013 Mike, This email is confirmation that Durham Region Transit will participate in T -9 -2013 being awarded to Ore Construction Ltd. for the construction of concreted standing areas and walkways at bus pads. We understand that the results are based on the original quantity of 95 stops and that actual costs will reflect actual quantites. I look forward to working with you again. Tony Tony Francis Supervisor, Scheduling 44 William Street, Oshawa, ON (Office) 905 - 571 -5019 Ext. 225 (Fax) 905 - 571 -7390 tony.francis @durham.ca From: Mike Pelzowski [ mailto :mpelzowski(dpickering.ca] Sent: April -16 -13 12:26 PM To: Tony Francis Cc: Darrell Selsky; Don Woolley; Grant Smith; Vera Felgemacher Subject: T -9 -2013 Mr. T. Francis Supervisor Scheduling Durham Transit Tony, Attached are the bidder results of the Concrete and Asphalt Tender T -9 -2013 for your information and file. Could you please reply noting confirmation and acceptance of the results and participation in the program. Of note, the results are based on the original transit pad quantity of 95 which was recently revised via your memo of March 15, 2013 to 100 pads. Consequently, actual costs will reflect actual quantities. ATTAt'HMt.NT# __;� _ OREP©RT# GNU & -I D- '�_ of Thanks Mike Pelzowski CET. Coordinator, Roads & Infrastructure Maintenance Contracts Engineering & Public Works Department 905.420.4660 ext. 5227 1 1.866.683.2760 1 TTY 905.420.1739 Cell 905.767.6154 mmPelzowski0)r)ickering.ca Your City, Right Now. pickkeering.ca 0 CityApp . eNews twitter In facebook This message is for the use of the intended recipient(s) only and may contain information that is privileged, proprietary, confidential, and /or exempt from disclosure under any relevant privacy legislation. If you are not the intended recipient or authorized agent thereof, you are hereby notified that any review, retransmission, dissemination, distribution, copying, conversion to hard copy, taking of action in reliance on or other use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this message in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete or destroy all copies of this message. Report No. ENG 05 -13 Attachment # 3 1 of 2 Engineering & Public Works Department Attachment for TenderT -9 -2013 Beechlawn Park Walkway Location Map — Beechlawn Park Proposed Construction Includes: Beechlawn Park Walkway and Lighting Installation - The proposed works to include installation of a new asphalt walkway. W w Q ° W > __... ° w z > � z _ M ch ° ° �i m a! m DRIVE J W _...;......__I BANBURY U U Ln W = U1 COURT Q T QL.._......�L ._....._...... DRIVE �. SUBJECT O AREA w � ° J 2� W � -- w Z O > Y� ° W � Z> U Q J h °,� 10 1 O _ 11 PICKERING PARKWAY C2 Location Map — Beechlawn Park Proposed Construction Includes: Beechlawn Park Walkway and Lighting Installation - The proposed works to include installation of a new asphalt walkway. l a Report No. ENG 05 -13 Attachment # 3 2 of 2 Engineering & Public Works Department Attachment for Tender T -9 -2013 Rouge Valley Park Pathway COU TWYN' RIVERS DRIVE O HOWELL OW BRIMWOOD > Q O 3 Q K O D D� COURT STREET -A CRESCENT Q LITTLEFORD O C G1 > STOVER O CRESCENT DRIVE C� OO�ie� V�OOOV\�� LF 0 G SUBJECT, PARK LAWSON STREET TWYN RIVERS DRIVE � l F HOWELL j O RICHARDSON Q O D� STREET CRESCENT STREET LITTLEFORD O C G1 > STOVER O CRESCENT DRIVE - - Q Z � GWENDOL YN O STREET iJ Q < RIVE - Location Map — Rouge Valley Park Pathway Proposed Construction Includes: Rouge Valley Park Pathway Resurfacing - The proposed works to include removal and replacement of the existing pathway. nom From: Richard W. Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Report to Council Report Number: ENG 08 -13 Date: April 22, 2013 Subject: Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation - Request for Proposal No. RFP 1 -2013 - Landscape Architectural Consulting Services - File: A -1440 Recommendation: That Report ENG 08 -13 from the Director, Engineering & Public Works be received; 2. That RFP 1 -2013 submitted by Landscape Planning Limited in the amount of $70,218.20 (HST included) and a net cost of $63,233.66 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 3. That the total gross project cost of $77,240.02 (HST included), and a net project cost of $69,557.03 (net of HST rebate), including the proposed amount and associated costs be approved; 4. That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the project as follows: a) the sum of $69,557.03 be financed from external funds provided by the Ministry of Transportation as approved in the 2011 Parks Capital Budget; b) the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Don Beer Memorial Park is being relocated to 1607 Highway 7, Brougham, due to impacts on the existing park location from the Highway 407 extension. City staff do not have the resources available to prepare tendering documents and administer the construction of this project. As such, a request for proposal was issued. The firm Landscape Planning Limited is being recommended for award of this contract at a lump sum price of $62,140 (HST extra). Report ENG 08 -13 April 22, 2013 Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation Request for Proposal No. RFP 1 -2013 Landscape Architectural Consulting Services Page 2 In accordance with Purchasing Policy Procedure PUR 010 -001 Item 10.04(b), an award -for consulting and professional services over $50,000 is subject to approval by the Treasurer, CAO and Council. Financial Implications: $62,140.00 8.078.20 (6,984.54) z. Estimated Nroiect costin RFP -1 -2013 — Landscape Planning Limited $62,140.00 10% Contingency 6,214.00 Total Cost $68,354.00 HST (13 %) 8,886.02 Total Gross Amount $77,240.02 HST Rebate (11.24%) (7,682.99) Total Net Project Cost $69,557.03 3 Approved Source of Funds 2011 and 2013 Parks Capital Budget Location Project Code Source of Funds Budget Required Don Beer Memorial 5780.1107 External Funds Park (Ministry of $900,000 $69,557 Transportation) 5780.1305 External Funds (Ministry of 238,018 0 Transportation) Internal Loan — 10 year 200,000 0 Property Taxes 6,365 0 Total Funds Required $1,344 .383 $6957 The total estimated project cost, including consulting fees, construction, surveying, soils and materials testing, a 10% contingency and net HST is $1,344,383. At this time we are proceeding with the consulting portion of the project. The tendering for the construction of the park is expected to proceed in early summer with construction commencing in late summer. The construction costs will be reported separately. The Report ENG 08 -13 April 22, 2013 Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation Request for Proposal No. RFP 1 -2013 Landscape Architectural Consulting Services Page 3 proposed consulting fees are well below the estimated allowance of 10% of the estimated construction costs. Discussion: As part of the Highway 407 East Extension Environmental Assessment, it was recognized that the Don Beer Memorial Park would be impacted by the proposed realignment of Highway 7 to permit the new Brock Road and Highway 407 interchange. Council requested that the Ministry of Transportation relocate and replace the ball diamond, playgrounds and parking, all at the expense of the Ministry of Transportation to compensate for the loss of the park (Report OES 45 -09). This became one of the Minister of the Environment's Conditions of Approval for Highway 407 East Extension. Staff have located a suitable site at 1607 Highway 7, owned by Transport Canada, have prepared a concept site plan and cost estimate for the reconstruction of the park. As authorized by Council (Report ES 01 -13), staff have obtained a draft lease agreement from Transport Canada for the proposed park site and are finalizing a cost sharing agreement with the Ministry of Transportation. The new Don Beer Memorial Park will include a hardball diamond complete with a grass infield and lighting, a playground area sized to accommodate the existing play structures, an asphalt basketball court, a gravel parking area with 32 spaces and associated walkways and perimeter trees, to replace the facilities that were lost with the demolition of the original park location. As mentioned in Report ES 01 -13, City staff do not have the resources available to prepare tendering documents and administer the construction of this project if it is to proceed in 2013. Request for Proposal RFP -1 -2013 was issued on February 14, 2013. Seven companies were invited and five proposals were received by the submission date of March 5, 2013. One addendum was issued. The proposals were evaluated based on the following criteria: • Experience on similar projects • Understanding of project • Work plan and deliverables • Project team overview • Quality of references • Quality of proposal • Pricing The proposal provided by Landscape Planning Limited scored the highest points by the Evaluation Committee and was deemed to be the most suitable firm for this project. The firm, whose office is located in Concord, has been providing Landscape Architectural consulting services to many municipalities throughout the Greater Toronto Report ENG 08 -13 April 22, 2013 Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation Request for Proposal No. RFP 1 -2013 Landscape Architectural Consulting Services Page 4 Area for 40 years and has extensive experience in park design and construction administration services. References for Landscape Planning Limited have been checked and are deemed acceptable by the Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure. The Health & Safety Policy, a current WSIB Workplace Injury Summary Report and Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board as submitted by Landscape Planning Limited, have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and deemed acceptable. The Certificate of Insurance has been reviewed and is deemed acceptable. The Engineering & Public Works Department recommend that the Landscape Architectural consulting services for the Don Beer Memorial Park relocation be awarded to Landscape Planning Limited. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated April 9, 2013 and March 6, 2013 2. Report ES 01 -13 Prepared By: Approved /Endorsed By: Arnold godert, OALA Senioq Coordinator Lands ape & Parks Development Vera A. Fe emacher CSCMP, PPO, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM III Manager, Supply & Services AM:ds Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit"ouncil Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 3Ri an d W. Ho orn, P. Eng. ctor, Engineering & Public Works I if ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# ENCn C) Z`1 3 of �— cilv,ao RECEIVED �N� �. zo 13 CITY OF PK:KER[Nr -' Memo ENGINEERING To: /Richard Holborn April 9, 2013 Director, Engineering & Public Works From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Manager, Capital Works and Infrastructure Subject: Request for Proposal No. RFP -1 -2013 Landscape Architectural Consulting Services, Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation - File: F- 5300 -001 Further to memo dated March 6, 2013 five (5) proposals proceeded to Stage II of the evaluation process. Each member of the Evaluation Committee has completed evaluating the five (5) proposals, completing Stage II of the evaluation process. An Evaluation Committee meeting was held Tuesday, March 12, 2013 to evaluate the proposals resulting in a combined average score for each proposal. One (1) proposal's combined average score did not meet the minimum threshold value and therefore did not proceed to Stage III. In Stage III of the evaluation process, a scoring of the pricing was performed and combined for an overall score of each proposal. During Stage IV – Cumulative Score - all scores were combined and in accordance with Part 3 – Evaluation of Proposals, Item 3.2.4, at the conclusion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III were combined and the two (2) highest ranking proponents may be selected for an interview in Stage V. The combined totals of the two (2) highest ranking proponents were compared resulting in a substantial point difference, consequently, Stage V – Evaluation of Interview was not required. In conclusion, the highest ranking proponent selected for contract negotiations in accordance with Part 4, Terms and Conditions of the RFP process is Landscape Planning Limited with a lump sum price of $62,140.00 (HST extra). Reference: Part 3 Evaluation of Proposals, Item 3.2 Stages of Proposal Evaluation, 3.2.4 Cumulative Score - a copy of the Stage III - Evaluation Committee Summary of Average Scores form is attached. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Procedure PUR 010 -001 Item 10.04 (a) "An award up to $50,000 is subject to the approval of the Treasurer and the CAO" and (b), "An award over $50,000 is subject to the additional approval of Council ", please prepare a Report to Council to include the following items: (a) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (b) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (c) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT# "N A 2- of i_ (d) related departrrentah appr."oval's and (e) related comments specific to the project. P ase do not disclose any information to enquiring proponents during this time — they will be advised of the outcome in due dourse. — lea "se direct enquires to Supply & Services. l� VAF /jh Attachments April 9, 2013. Page 2 Request for Proposal No. RFP -1 -2013 Landscape Architectural Consulting Services Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT# of ;.ai �- - Gtx=➢ —.—tom " - ��`'.Q `` -�.� .. 5i -� jsxn VC,IN 'A Ah - -� To: Richard Holborn March 6, 2013 Director, Engineering & Public Works From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Request for Proposal No. RFP -1 -2013 Landscape Architectural Consulting Services, Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation Submission Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2013, 2:00 pm (local time) - File: F -5300 -001 Request for Proposals were invited from seven (7) companies and five (5).companies responded by the official submission date and time. One (1) addendum was issued. Evaluation of proposals is performed in five (5) stages. Reference: Part 3, Evaluation of Proposals, Item 3.2 Stages of Proposal Evaluation: 3.2.1 Stage I — Review for Compliance Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals comply with all of the mandatory requirements. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Submission Date will be provided an opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Rectification Date will be excluded from further.consideration. 3.2.2 Stage 11- Scoring Stage II will consist of a scoring by the City of each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria. 3.2.3 Stage III — Evaluation of Pricing Stage III will consist of a scoring of the pricing submitted. The evaluation of price will be undertaken after Stage l and II have been completed. 3.2.4 Stage IV - Cumulative Score At the conclusion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III will be combined and the two (2) highest ranking proponents may be selected for an interview in Stage V. 3.2.5 Stage V — Evaluation of Interview" Stage' V will consist of a scoring of the interview which will be added to the Stage IV scoring. At the conclusion of Stage V, the highest ranking proponent will be selected for Contract negotiations in accordance with Part 4 — Terms and Conditions of the RFP process. M ATTACHMEN -r# V )_ "i ORE PORT 3.2.6 Tie Score In the event of a tie score in Stage V, the selected proponent will be determined in accordance with the City's Purchasing Procedures. All five (5) proposals will proceed to Stage II. Attachments are as follows: 1. Evaluation Form — Stage I 2. Evaluation Form — Stage II (to be used by Evaluation Committee Members) 3. Evaluation Form — Stage II Rating Criteria 4. Copies of the proposals received Please co- ordinate an appropriate date and time for a meeting of the evaluation committee. Each. member should review the submissions carefully according to the rating criteria before the meeting time. Please do not disclose any information to enquiring proponents during this time — they will be advised of the outcome in due course. Please direct inquiries to Supply & Services. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Services. VAF /jh Attachments March 6, 2013 Request for Proposal No. RFP -1 -2013 Page 2 Landscape Architectural Consulting Services, Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation ATTACHMENT #_ J— TO REPORT# of . Request for Proposal Lanaacape Architectural Consulting Services Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation RFP -1 -2013 Stage 1 — Evaluation Form Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals comply with all of the mandatory requirements. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Submission Date will be provided an opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Rectification Date will be excluded from further consideration. Proposals are to include the following mandatory requirements: A. Submission Form (Appendix B) B. Rate Bid Form (Appendix C) C. Reference Form (Appendix D) D. Acknowledge Addendum #1 E. Table of Contents (Appendix E Item_ C) F. Profile (Appendix E Item C) Company Item A Item B Item C Item D Item E Item F Cosburn Gib_ erson . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Consultants Inc. Henry Kortekaas & ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Associates JSW+ Associates ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Landscape Planning ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Limited NAK Design ✓ ✓ ✓ Vol Strategies. ATTACHMENT #_L— TOREPORT# FN G, 6` -13 6-Of g . <equest for Proposal RFP -1 -2013 Landscape Architectural Consulting Services Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation Stage II Evaluation Form Stage II will consist of a scoring by the City of each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria. Proponents should refer to Appendix E – RFP Particulars – Section D. Rated Criteria for a breakdown of the Rated Criteria. D. RATED CRITERIA The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP. Experience on Similar Projects = 20 Points Provide three (3) relevant examples of past projects within the last five (5) years that are comparable in scope and magnitude. This should include a project synopsis that identifies the team members assembled who worked on the project, the current project status, budgeted costs versus actual costs; . scheduling issues and resolutions, and design challenges, efficiencies. Provide client names, contacts and up -to -date contact phone numbers. Please advise the references that the City may be contacting them. Understanding of Project = 15 Points The Proposal..shall include information that provides: a. Information that the Proponent understands the objectives and requirements of this project; Proponents must relate these objectives to past experience or expertise of the Proponent and /or their team; b. Identification of "value- added" services brought by the Proponent's team; and c. A summary of the risks, problems or issues associated with'the. Work and how they will be mitigated. Work Plan and Deliverables = 15 Points The Proponent is to articulate, clearly and concisely, the following: a. An indication of how soon the Proponent can commence the work; b. A detailed work plan indicating the method, tasks, deliverables; c. A schedule that identifies Work phases (by Gantt Chart or other similar illustration) including key dates for major deliverables (design development, working drawings, tender documents, tendering, construction administration and post construction) in the Proponent's detailed work plan; d. Proposed staffing roles and the amount of time that they will be dedicated to this project; and e. State the assumptions regarding the roles and involvement of the City staff. Experience on Similar Projects 20 15 Understanding of Project 15 10 Work Plan and Deliverables 15 10 Project Team Overview, 15 14 Quality of References 15 10. Quality of Proposal 5 3- Pricing 15 10 Total Points 100 68 Experience on Similar Projects = 20 Points Provide three (3) relevant examples of past projects within the last five (5) years that are comparable in scope and magnitude. This should include a project synopsis that identifies the team members assembled who worked on the project, the current project status, budgeted costs versus actual costs; . scheduling issues and resolutions, and design challenges, efficiencies. Provide client names, contacts and up -to -date contact phone numbers. Please advise the references that the City may be contacting them. Understanding of Project = 15 Points The Proposal..shall include information that provides: a. Information that the Proponent understands the objectives and requirements of this project; Proponents must relate these objectives to past experience or expertise of the Proponent and /or their team; b. Identification of "value- added" services brought by the Proponent's team; and c. A summary of the risks, problems or issues associated with'the. Work and how they will be mitigated. Work Plan and Deliverables = 15 Points The Proponent is to articulate, clearly and concisely, the following: a. An indication of how soon the Proponent can commence the work; b. A detailed work plan indicating the method, tasks, deliverables; c. A schedule that identifies Work phases (by Gantt Chart or other similar illustration) including key dates for major deliverables (design development, working drawings, tender documents, tendering, construction administration and post construction) in the Proponent's detailed work plan; d. Proposed staffing roles and the amount of time that they will be dedicated to this project; and e. State the assumptions regarding the roles and involvement of the City staff. ATTACHMENT#LIL TO REPORT# LN 6-) -0 "13 _ of Project Team Overview =15 Points It is.important that the Work be provided by a staff team that can demonstrate knowledge of, and experience in providing similar services for projects of comparable nature, size and scope. In particular, the Proponent should provide an overview of the key personnel who would be primarily involved in the project and include the following: a. Identify the prime firm submitting the Proposal and the sub - consultant firms that will be assembled to undertake the work. b. The name, title, mailing address, phone number, fax number and e-mail of the Design Project Leader; c. Condensed resumes and professional credentials of each individual on the Project Team that highlights their education, training, and work history; d. The respective roles of the team members and their current office locations. Team members named in this RFP cannot be replaced without written approval from the City of Pickering; e. Current and future project list that will be undertaken by members of the Proponent's team including their current workload (i.e., identify other competing priorities that are assigned to each member within this project timeline); and f. Organizational chart that clearly defines the chain of command for each individual with the team. Quality of References — Total Points = 15 Points Relevance of projects similar in scope and value completed over the last five (5) years. Complete Appendix D — Reference Form Quality of Proposal — Total Points = 5 Presentation of proposal, examples, details, content organization and how well instructions are followed. V r-r z 2) 3 CD WI C� fD 0 3 CD CD m 3 s CD. 0 Sv CD ATTACHMENT# 1.,._ TOREPORT #x_09 -t 3 of_ Cnz "0r D'7 nn U) M oo s„ W P' cQ' r CD (n ;5. G) a. 3 0 77 -1 r' C rn W CD o o fn 9 M o� X o Cn CD a CD CD N yy' 0 C 0 Q CD U) CD h Q. (Q p CD .gy R. o CL -U cr O CD C o CD cD cD 3 Z7 CD p C CD �G n C O ",OO M O � 1U O CO c� O D r r CL o -0m Mwm r- �(Dy = ri. -h o o 0 =-°a �, O CA 0 O w P H -n �cD =� (D n O CO N 0) Ct Cl) o O (DD w O n� CD N ATTACHMENT #— TOREPORT# ENG 0�'I j of °0 Report to Executive Committee !-PIC K E R I N Report Number: ES 01 -13 Date: January 21, 2013 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Don Beer Memorial Park — Relocation -. File: A -1440 Recommendation: That Report ES 01 -13 from the Director, Community Services regarding the relocation of the Don Beer Memorial Park be received; 2. That Council authorize staff to enter into an Agreement with Transport Canada for the lease of the new park site located at 1607 Highway 7 in Brougham, on such terms as are satisfactory to the Director, Community Services, and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; 3. That Council authorize staff to enter into an Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation for the cost - sharing of the construction of the Don Beer Memorial Park, substantially in the form as attached to this report; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: As part of the Highway 407 East Extension Environmental Assessment, it was recognized that the Don Beer Memorial Park would be impacted by the proposed realignment of Highway 7 to permit the new Brock Road and Highway 407 interchange. Council requested the Ministry of Transportation to relocate and replace the ball diamond, playgrounds and parking, all at the expense of the Ministry of Transportation to compensate for the loss of the park (Report OES 45 -09). One of the Minister of the Environment's Conditions of Approval for Highway 407 East is that the Ministry of Transportation compensate the City of Pickering for the loss of Don Beer Memorial Park. Staff have located a suitable site at 1607 Highway 7, owned by Transport Canada and have prepared a concept site plan and cost estimate for the reconstruction of the park at this location. In order to secure the property for City use as the new Don Beer Memorial Park, the City will have to enter into a long -term lease agreement with Transport Canada. ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# EN G, 0 -13 Report ES 01 -13 Of January 21, 2013 Subject: Don Beer Memorial Park - Relocation Page 2 As the new park site is larger than the existing site, and some upgrades are being proposed to bring the new facilities up to current standards, the Ministry of Transportation has indicated that they will only cover the costs for direct replacement and not the upgrades. An estimated cost of $900,000 was approved for the park replacement in the 2011 Parks Capital Budget, which was to be 100% funded by the Province. This value needs to be increased by approximately $444,383 to reflect the current estimated costs for the project, which is $1,344,383. As such, approximately $206,365 of the additional $444,383 required is to be funded by the City, and will be recommended in the 2013 Capital Budget and financed through a combination of an internal loan and property taxes. City staff do not have the resources available to prepare tender documents and administer the construction of this project if it is to proceed in 2013. As such, the engagement of a landscape architectural firm is required and will be initiated by staff. Should Council decide not to proceed with the reconstruction of the park at the new location at this time, the Ministry of Transportation is prepared to provide compensation in the amount of $1,035,371. This lump sum represents the Ministry's proportionate share of construction, including 10% for design and contract administration, and the cost for the survey and geotechnical investigations. Financial Implications: The estimated cost of $900,000 approved in the 2011 Capital Budget was based on the replacement value of the Don Beer Memorial Park in its existing size, meanwhile the proposed new park site is larger than the existing site. This increase in size together with some proposed upgrades brings the new facilities up to current standards, resulting in an additional 2013 Capital Budget request of $444,383. The Ministry of Transportation's share of the direct replacement cost will increase by $238,018 from $900,000 to $1,138,018. The City's share of $206,365 toward the project will be financed by a combination of an internal loan of $200,000, and property taxes in the amount of $6,365, subject to 2013 budget approval. Discussion: Through the 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Study, August 2009, the City of Pickering was advised that the existing Don Beer Memorial Park site located at 1800 Highway No. 7 would be impacted. The land required to construct the Brock Road and Highway 407 interchange will displace Highway No. 7 further north into the existing park site. Council requested The Ministry Of Transportation to relocate and replace the park features, namely the ball diamond, playgrounds and parking, all at the expense of the Ministry of Transportation (Report OES 45 -09). CORP0227 -07101 revised ATTACHMENT ## L TO REPORT# EiV �k A-43 Report ES 01 -13 of January 21, 2013 Subject: Don Beer Memorial Park - Relocation Page 3 Staff have been working with Transport Canada to find another site in the Hamlet of Brougham community that would be suitable to relocate the park onto. Transport Canada identified 1607 Highway 7 as vacant land under their ownership, that they would be willing to provide at a nominal rate, for the park location. Staff investigated the site and prepared a concept site plan to ensure that the existing park features could be accommodated on this site. A topographic survey and geotechnical investigations were also performed on the site. Pickering Baseball Association, who use the ball diamond at the existing park, were consulted to ensure that the proposed facilities would meet their current needs. They advised that the existing diamond was substandard in size and requested that the diamond be constructed to a size and configuration similar to their Kirky Field in Brockridge Park. The park design includes a hardball diamond complete with a grass infield and lighting, a playground area sized to accommodate the existing play structures, an asphalt basketball court to replace the existing court, a gravel parking area with 32 spaces and associated walkways and perimeter trees. The estimated cost for the reconstruction of the park is $1,344,383 including design and contingency. As the new park site is larger than the existing site (5.82 acres vs. 3.13 acres) and some upgrades are being proposed to bring the new facilities up to current standards, the Ministry of Transportation has indicated that they will only cover the costs for direct replacement and not the upgrades. As such, approximately $206,365 will be required above what the Ministry is willing to compensate the City. In anticipation of relocating the Don Beer Memorial Park, an estimated amount of $900,000 was approved for the park replacement in the 2011 Parks Capital Budget, fully funded by the Province. This value needs to be increased by $444,383 to reflect the current estimated cost of $1,344,383 for the project. Should Council decide not to proceed with the reconstruction of the park at the new location at this time, the Ministry of Transportation have advised that they will proceed to provide the City with compensation for a future park project. The Ministry is prepared to enter into an Agreement with the City that will fulfill Ministry of Transportations' obligations under the Hwy 407 EA Conditions of Approval. They have advised that they are comfortable with the cost estimate provided to them, excluding compensation for the 10% contingency that was included in the estimate should the City proceed in this manner. The approximate value that would be provided to the City as compensation is $1,035,371. As City staff do not have the resources or available time to. prepare tender documents and provide full time contract administration for the construction of this project in 2013, the engagement of a landscape architectural firm is recommended. CORP0227 -07101 revised ATTACH M ENT # L- TOREPORT# E)Y6, of Report ES 01 -13 Subject: Don Beer Memorial Park - Relocation January 21, 2013 Page 4 The lease with Transport Canada for the existing Don Beer Memorial Park was terminated on October 31, 2012 and the park has since been vacated. A new lease agreement with Transport Canada will be required for the proposed park site. Discussions with Transport Canada have progressed to the point that they are ready to prepare a long -term lease agreement for the property known as 1607 Hwy 7 in Brougham for the new Don Beer Memorial Park. Staff anticipate that the lease agreement and park design can be completed in time for a late spring 2013 construction start and completion of the project in late fall 2013. Attachment: 1. Concept Site Plan 2. Location Map 3. Draft Financial Contribution Agreement from Ministry of Transportation Prepared By: Z juz� Arno Mostert, ALA Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Rich d HolboM, P. Eng. Divi,"on Head, Engineering Services :am Approved/Endorsed By: Everett Btsma, NPD, CMM Director, Community Services Stan Karwowski, MBA, CMA (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council t" JaIt �'ot Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227 -07/09 revised ATTACHMENT# Z TO REPORT# Ell G O H J 311 H I G H W A Y 7 �aeva e.�...v vv. e...�. va 3 • a) ro I X bRA _ IN9 `gam ..r •, r l PpSf t ry . o LY om RN ZMG } -OpCd � F-7 X X W ORCHARD w w.�..• HEIGHTS OR *m IRA City of Pickering Community Services Department Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation Concept Site Plan A,TTACHMENT .TC',REPOP,T',� .-/ TO REPORT # F-N 6� 6� -13 3 of :! T141S AGREEMENT is effective as of the day of 2012. BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Ministry of Transportation for the Province of Ontario (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry"); -and - City of Pickering (hereinafter referred to as the "City"); WHEREAS on June 3, 2010, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment ( "MOE ") approved the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment, and on July 7, 2011 Ahe Federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency ( "CEAA") approved the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment (the "EA "); AND WHEREAS the Notice of Approval issued by the Ontario Minister of the Environment for the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment (EA), provided in Condition 12.3, under the heading Municipal In, ff�,astructure, that: "The proponent shall compensate the City of Pickering for the displacement of the recreational facilities located at Don Beer Memorial Park in the City of Pickering. The facilities generally include a baseball diamond with a backstop, lighting, bleachers, outfield fencing, benches, a basketball court, a children's playground with climbing equipment and swing set, a gravel parking area for approximately 25 vehicles, and vehicular access thereto. The proponent shall not be responsible for any costs related to property acquisition." Page 1 of 15 ,.`"',A'_- r'iENT# ! TO REPORT# I =NG 0k=15 q 0f_1� AND WHEREAS the Ministry, as proponent, intends to open to traffic, by 2015, Highway 407 East Phase 1 which includes 22 kilometres of new east -west highway from Brock Road in Pickering to Harmony Road in Oshawa, and a 10 kilometres north -south highway, West Durham Link (WDL), connecting Highway 407 East to Highway 401; AND WHEREAS the City operates the existing recreational facilities located at Don Beer Memorial Park (the "Park ") in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS the City intends to replace the Park.thaf will be displaced with the construction of the Highway 407 East; AND WHEREAS the Ministry and the City %have agreed to 'enter into this agreement whereby the Ministry will compensate the City for the displacement of the Park, thereby fulfilling the Ministry's obligation in condition: 12.3 of the Notice of Approval, and to set out the mutually agreed upon terms and conditions for the replacement of the Park, as shown in Schedule "A "; NOW THEREFORE- in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements of the Parties hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties covenant and agree as follows: DEFINITIONS 1. In this Agreement, a) "Administrative Overheads ", means any amounts associated with City staff working on Page 2 of 15 �N, TEACHMENT#—;t— TO!°EPORT #LA CA 0--13 of e- or providing administrative support for the Works; b) "Park" means the existing recreational facilities located at the Don Beer Memorial Park located in the City of Pickering at 1800 Highway 7, which generally include a baseball diamond with a backstop, lighting, bleachers, outfield fencing, benches, a basketball court, a children's playground with climbing equipment and swing set, a gravel parking area for approximately 25 vehicles, and vehicular access. c) "Regional Director" means the Regional Director of the Central Region of the Ministry of Transportation for the Province of Ontario, or a nominee. d) "Works" means all the work necessary to relocate the Park to a new property chosen by the City (and located at 1607 Highway 7), including without limitation the detailed design, all necessary environmental approvals, utility relocations, construction, construction administration, traffic control and safety during construction. SCOPE OF WORK 2. The City shall be responsible for and undertake and execute the Works in accordance with all applicable law and shall ensure that the Works are completed in compliance with: (a) Applicable Ontario Provincial Standards and Specification; (b) Applicable City of Pickering approved standards and specifications (c) Contract drawings and documents; and (d) the terms and conditions of this Agreement and that all Works within the Ministry's right -of -way ( "ROW ") are subject to Ministry inspection and approval. 3. The City shall be responsible for obtaining all permits required for the Works prior to construction and in compliance with any other applicable provisions in this Agreement. Page 3 of 15 ATTACHMENT# !, TO REPORT# 24(, _0-13 to Of I- 4. In undertaking the Works, the City, as proponent of the Works, shall comply with the Environmental Assessment Act and the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process and obtain from the Ministry of Environment, as well as the Ministry of Natural Resources, all clearances required by the Environmental Assessment Act (Ontario), if any. 5. The City shall secure all necessary approvals to carry out the Works, including obtaining an encroachment permit and any other permits required from the Ministry and from any other federal agency such as Transport Canada, prior to starting construction of the Works. 6.. The City shall be responsible for the design and preparation of the, contract drawings and documents for the Works. The City shall submit the contract design packages to the Ministry for review and for approval of any portion of the Works that involve a highway under Ministry's jurisdiction. 7. The City may, in its discretion, undertake additional work beyond the scope of the Works shown in Schedule "N'. of this Agreement. For greater certainty, the parties understand and agree that such additional work is entirely the City's responsibility and that the Ministry shall not provide any financial contribution for such additional works. 8. The City shall obtain the Ministry's approval for any changes to the Works having a cost in excess of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000). Such approval shall be obtained prior to the additional work being performed and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The approval of any such changes by the Ministry shall not effect the maximum financial contribution of the Ministry set out in section 16 herein 9. The City shall be fully responsible for traffic control and safety during construction of the Works, including the supply, installation and maintenance of all traffic control devices and warning signs that the Ministry requires within its jurisdiction, which shall be carried out in accordance with Ministry approved standards, specifications, policies and practices. Page 4 of 15 ATIWCH MENT# z- TOREPORT# I of 10. The City shall keep full records of the progress of the Works, including quality assurance and inspection records, and shall provide them, with the exclusion of any personal information which may be contained therein, at the Ministry's request within two business days notice. 11. When the Works are completed under this Agreement or when the City is of the view that the Works are completed, the City shall provide written notice to the Regional Director, and the Regional Director shall cause the Works within Ministry's ROW to be inspected, and if the Regional Director finds the Works have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract drawings and documents, the Regional Director shall give the City written notice that the Works have been completed. CONSTRUCTION TENDER 12. The City shall tender the contract for the construction of the Works. The City shall provide the Ministry with a copy of the unit bid prices for the Works. immediately following the close of the tender. 13. The City shall, in its- discretion, obtain either a performance bond or a standby irrevocable letter of credit or other performance security as it deems appropriate from the contractor in favour of both the Ministry and the City, in an amount reasonably acceptable to the City, to secure performance of the contract with the City as tendered in accordance with this Agreement. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION 14. Subject to section 16 of this Agreement, the Ministry and the City agree that the costs in respect of the Works. as detailed in Schedules `B" attached to this Agreement are for estimating purposes only and that it is the intention of the parties to pay the actual costs in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. For additional clarity, it is Page 5 of 15 A T TACH MENT #__ °Z . TO EPORT# LN G` 6g, 13 of �_ understood and agreed by the City that it will not seek to recover from the Ministry any amounts for Administrative Overheads, and as such this is indicated by a "zero" amount in Schedule `B'. 15. Subject to section 16 of this Agreement, the Ministry shall reimburse and pay the City for the actual costs of the Ministry's share for each component of the Works as set out in Schedule `B" of this Agreement. 16. The parties understand and agree that, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the maximum financial contribution by the Ministry td.the City in respect of the Works shall not exceed $1,138,017.82, inclusive of applicable taxes (the "maximum financial contribution "). The City shall be responsible for any costs in excess of the maximum financial- contribution in respect of Works. INVOICING 17. The City shall, from time to time, invoice the Ministry; for its share of the actual costs payable by the Ministry to the City under this Agreement in respect of the Works. The City shall submit all invoices to the Head, Planning and Engineering, Major Projects Office, Ministry of Transportation, or a nominee. 18. The Ministry shall pay invoices submitted by the City within 60 days. GENERAL 19. The City warrants that it has taken all necessary steps, done all acts, passed all by -laws and obtained all approvals within its power legally required to give it the authority to enter into this Agreement. 20. The City shall accommodate audits by the Ministry of the Works performed by the City at the discretion of the Ministry and on three business days' notice. The City agrees to allow on -site Page 6 of 15 ? T4I CHMENT# ?' TO EPORT# E 146 -0$ -13 I ofd audits by the Ministry during regular business hours. 21. The City shall indemnify and save harmless the Ministry from and against all claims, actions, causes of action or liability for loss, damage, accident or injury (hereinafter referred to collectively as "claims ") in any manner arising due to, out of, from or in connection with the Works undertaken and performed by the City, its agents or it's consultants or contractors in connection with this Agreement, howsoever such claims may arise. 22. The City hereby agrees to put in effect and maintain insurance for the duration of the Works, at its own cost and expense indemnifying the Cityand the Ministry from and against all claims for damage or injury to property and/or persons, including loss of life to persons, occurring on lands affected by the Works mentioned in this Agreement. Such insurance will include but not be limited to the following: (a) Comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount of not less than Five Million ($5,000;000.00) Dollars in respect of bodily injury or death of any one person in any one occurrence; (b) insurance shall be- maintained with a company or companies licensed to do business in the Province of Ontario; (c) the City shall ensure that the policy names the Ministry as an additional insured; (d) the City shall promptly furnish the Ministry with certificates of the insurance signed by the insurance company at the request of the Ministry; and, (e) the policy shall not be subject to cancellation or amendment without reasonable notice to the Ministry and the policy shall contain a cross liability endorsement. Page 7 of 15 w r�vo, a x -13 �.'" E "�;��E�"l #._�...WM_ 'i O REPaRT# O; 1 23. Any notices to be given under the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given by personal delivery, or sent by electronic facsimile, or mailed by prepaid registered mail, or delivered by courier service. Subject to change by either party with written notice, notice shall be addressed as follows: To the Ministry: To the City: Lou Politano, P.Eng. Regional Director, Central Region Ministry of Transportation 2nd Floor, Building D 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 Telephone: (416) 235 -5400 Facsimile: (416) 235 =5266 Ms. Debbie Shields City Clerk, City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 Telephone: 905- 420 -4660 Facsimile: 905 -420 -4650 Notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given on the date of personal delivery, the date of electronic facsimile transmission, or the date of delivery by courier service, or in the case of service by registered mail, five (5) days after the date of mailing. Page 8 of 15 T `'HMENT# TOREPORT# '' 3 103 THIS AGREEMENT shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. _IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement effective as of the day first above written. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Transportation for the Province of Ontario SIGNED this day of 2012. The:City of Pickering Title SIGNED this day of 2012. Page 9 of 15 ,T—).ACH,MENT# TOREPORT#—L&�*' of —j 1— Page 10 of 15 ACHMEW -1 —AL Qi SCHEDULE "A" TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MINISTRY AND THE CITY OF PICKERING KEY PLAN CITY'S PROPOSED WORK Page I1 of 15 I A", -h-AicpmENT#—l--- TO IKE PORT of SKETCH SHOWING TOPOGRAPHY OF H I G H W A Y 7 PART OF LOTS I ', - 14 PLAN 530 AND PART OR LOTS 12-15 PLAN 10 (Recd b & CONCESSION 5 TOWN OF PICKERING REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCALE 7:500 IVAN S. WALLACE C.L.S. LTD. MW4 x —X —x_ CPAV5- W, sari AREA rc W, SOPEP AFEA Lp 'r7N, co Lp. z sow AMA F 7 0 W4sEDkL Map L-7 71 Lp. Al rTN ? Lp: 't ;x— X-- azt z z ORCHARD HEIGHTS DR RESERW —.1 PIN 2W7-0014 LP 0 �A — -,;2�-, x x PIN 26i —=06 Page 12 of 15 A,T i,A0; MENT# 2_ TO REPORT # -_Cn -. 0�' —, 3 of SCHEDULE `B" TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MINISTRY AND THE CITY OF ESTIMATED COST BY THE CITY (Estimate as of November 5, 2012) Page 13 of 15 Item Description No. Est Unit Qty. Unit Price Total Cost MTO Share MTO Cost City of Pickering Share City of Pickering Cost 1.0 1.1 Site Preparation Clearing, grubbing, removals and disposal 2.0 Lump Sum $20,000.00 54% $10,800.00 46% $9,200.00 each (note 1) $13,000.00 2.1 Storm sewer (300mm dia. or comparable 275 LM $120.00 $33,000.00 1.2 Siltation control/ tree preservation fence 600 LM $20.00 $12,000.00 100% $12,000.00 0% 1.3 Post and wire fence construction control 85 LM $16.00 $1,360.00 100% $1,360.00 0% each $2,200.00 fence 10DIA $4,400.00 0% each 2.3 Catch basin /manhole 3 1.4 Strip and stockpile topsoil (note 1) $11,400.00, Lump Sum $30,000.00 54% $16,200.00 46% $13,800.00 1.5 Rough grade and shape park features, $3,400.00 Lump Sum $105,000.00 54% $56.700.00 46% $48,300.00 Culverts (300mm dia.) including load, haul and place materials each $1,200.00 $7,200.00 100 % - $7,200.00 0% 4500 (note 1) $3.20 $14.400.00 100% - - 0% -- 1.6 Load, Haul and Place Topsoil for fine 100mm dia. perforated rigid PVC drain pipe Lump Sum $20,000.00 54% $10,800.00 46% $9,200.00 0% grading (note 1) 2.8 200mm dia. Solid rigid PVC collector pipe 225 LM 540.00 $9,000.00 100% Ball fields line fence Ball fields home run fence and gates 5-fier spectators bleachers Players benches 3.10 Relocation of Benches 3.11 Waste receptacle 4.0 Soft Landscaping 4.1 Perimeter Trees 4.2 Fine grade and seed 4.3 Fine grade and sod 5.0 Miscellaneous 5.1 Mobilization and Demobilization costs 5.2 Costs of Bonding 6.0 Summary Total Sections 1.0 -5.0 7.0 Pre- desian Works: 7.1 Topographic survey 7.2 Geotechnical Investigations 145 LM $115.00 $16,675.00 1.0 Sub - Total: $188,360.00 0% $107,860.00 175 $80,500.00 2.0 Site Servicing 100% $13,125.00 0% Page 14 of 15 - - 2 each $6,500.00 $13,000.00 2.1 Storm sewer (300mm dia. or comparable 275 LM $120.00 $33,000.00 100% $33,000.00 0% $10,000.00 0% bioswele construction) .. 3 precast curbs proposed in lieu of wooden post parking barrier - 0% 2.2 Catch basin 2 each $2,200.00 $4,400.00 10DIA $4,400.00 0% each 2.3 Catch basin /manhole 3 each $3,800.00 $11,400.00, 1009% $11,400.00 0% $ 467,602.50 2.4 Manhole 1 each $3,400.00 $3,400.00 100 % $3;400.00 0% $21,000.00 2.5 Culverts (300mm dia.) 6 each $1,200.00 $7,200.00 100 % - $7,200.00 0% 4500 Hard Ball Field - drainage• $3.20 $14.400.00 100% - - 0% -- 2.7 100mm dia. perforated rigid PVC drain pipe 1200 LM $20.00 $24,000.00 100% - - $24,000.00 0% $20,000.00 2.8 200mm dia. Solid rigid PVC collector pipe 225 LM 540.00 $9,000.00 100% $9,000.00 0% $15,000.00 2.9 Relocation of Septic Bed Electrical and L'ohtino 1 each Lump Sum $15,000.00 - 0% $35,000.00 100% $15,000.00 2.10 Electrical Servicing 1 Lump Sum $40,000.00 100% $40,000.00' " 0% 2.11 Sports lighting for hard ball fields 1 each $1601000.00 $160.000.00 100% $160,000.00 - 0% -- 2.12 Pathway lighting system Lump Sum $30,000.00 0% 100% $30,000.00 2.13 Parking Area lighting systems Lump Sum $15,000.00 100% $15,000.00 :'0% 2.0 Sub - total: $352,400.00 $307,400600 $45,000.00 3.0 Hard Landscape 3.1 Gravel parking area (note 2) 1250` .m2- $35.00 $43,750.00 84% $36,750600 16% $7,000.00 3.2 Standard OPSD Driveway Entrance 1 -' Lump Sum $5,500.00 100% $5,500.00 0% 3.3 Precast concrete curb at parking area (note 21 each -- '$200.00 $4,200.00 100% $4,200.00 0% 3) 3.4 Standard Asphalt Pathways (note 4) 750 m2 552600. $39,000.00 10% $3,900.00 90% $35,100.00 3.5 Basketball Court " Lump Sum -s $35,000.00 100% $35,000.00 0% 3:6 Play Area curbing 80 LM 5120.00 $9,600.00 100% $9,600.00 0% 3.7 Play Area Safety Surfacing 380 m2 1 $35.00 $13,300.00 100% S13,300.00 0% 3.8 Play Area equipment, sign and Lump Sum $6,000.00 - 100% $6,000.00 0% commemorative plaque relocation 3.9 Hard Ball Fields - - Ball fields infield surfacing, homepiate and 1500 m2 $27.00 $40,500.00 100% S40,500.00 0% mound construction (clay) Ball fields sod and field mix 10515 m° $13.50 $141.952.50 100% $141,952.50 0% Ball fields warning tracks - - 1200 m2 $7.50 :'$9,000.00 100% $9,000.00 0% Ball fields backstops and player enclosures - 1 each $65,000.00 $65,000.00 100% $65,000.00 0% Ball fields line fence Ball fields home run fence and gates 5-fier spectators bleachers Players benches 3.10 Relocation of Benches 3.11 Waste receptacle 4.0 Soft Landscaping 4.1 Perimeter Trees 4.2 Fine grade and seed 4.3 Fine grade and sod 5.0 Miscellaneous 5.1 Mobilization and Demobilization costs 5.2 Costs of Bonding 6.0 Summary Total Sections 1.0 -5.0 7.0 Pre- desian Works: 7.1 Topographic survey 7.2 Geotechnical Investigations 145 LM $115.00 $16,675.00 100% $16,675.00 0% $202,796.00 175 LM $75.00 $13,125.00 100% $13,125.00 0% Page 14 of 15 - - 2 each $6,500.00 $13,000.00 100% $13,000.00 0% $206.3r.5.211 4 each - $2,500.00 $10,000.00 100% $10,000.00 0% 2 existing parking lot is 1050 sq in in area .. 3 precast curbs proposed in lieu of wooden post parking barrier 100% 0% 3 each $500.00 $1,500.00 100% $1,500.00 0% 1 each $500.00 $500.00 100% $500.00 0% 3.0 Sub - total: $ 467,602.50 $425,502.50 $42,100.00 -T0 each $350.00 $21,000.00 100% $21,000.00 0% 4500 m2 $1.30 $5,850.00 100% $5,850.00 0% 4500 m2 $3.20 $14.400.00 100% _ $14 400.00 0% -- 4.0 Sub - total: $41,250.00 $41,250.00 $0.00 Lump Sum $20,000.00 100% $20,000.00 0% Lump Sum $15. 000.00 100% $15,000.00 0% 5.0 Sub - total: $35,000.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 $1,084,612.50 10% contingency $108,461.25 sub -total $1,193,073.75 Design and Construction $119,307.38 Administration Fees @ 10% Construction Sub - total: $1,312,381.13 $917,012.50 $167,600.00 $91,701.25 $16,760.00 $1,008,713.75 5184,360.00 $100,871.38 $18,436.00 $1,109,585.13 $202,796.00 Lump Sum $3,950.00 $3,950.00 Lump Sum $4,800.00 S4,800.00 Predesign Works Sub -total $8,750.00 $8,750.00 $0.00 Total Construction & Pre- design Costs: $1,321,131.13 $1,118,335.13 $202,796.00 Administrative Overheads $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Net H.S.T. @ Page 14 of 15 1.76% $23,251.91 $19 682.70 $3 569.21 Total Estimated Price: $1 add 383.03 $1 $1,138,017.821 $206.3r.5.211 Notes: 1 existing park area is 12,573 sq in and proposed construction area approx 23,560 sq m - existing park 54% of proposed developed area 2 existing parking lot is 1050 sq in in area 3 precast curbs proposed in lieu of wooden post parking barrier Schedule "B" Notes: - Cost sharing will be base on actual costs rather than estimated costs. - The Ministry shall not be responsible for the cost to operate, maintain and provide energy for the illumination, and any other operational costs for the New Don Beer Memorial Park. - The parties agree that the maximum financial contribution by the Ministry to the City to satisfactorily complete the Works shall not exceed $1,138,017.82 (inclusive of applicable taxes). Page 15 of 15 By -laws April 22, 2013 7274/13 Being a by -law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By -law 3036, as amended to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham at 1897 Woodview Avenue in the City of Pickering. (A8/12) [Refer to Planning Pages 28- 30] 7275/13 Being a by -law to amend Schedule "B" — Part B of By -law 7137/11 identifying the Fees Payable for Building Permits (By -law attached) 7276/13 Being a by -law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By -law 3036, as amended by By -law 1889/84 to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, being Concession 1, Part Lot 28, Part 1, 40R- 10000, in the City.of Pickering (A 6/12)(By -law attached) 7277/13 Being a by -law to dedicate those parts of Lot 8, Plan 282, designated as Parts 33 and 35, Plan 40R- 11207, as public highway. (By -law attached) Call 00 Memo To: Debbie Shields March 22, 2013 City Clerk From: Kyle Bentley Chief Building Official Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, City Development Subject: Amendment to Schedule "B" of By -law 7137/11 Council currently has in place By -law 7137/11, which is required to provide for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act within the City. This by -law includes a schedule of fees that are payable for building permits. On February 25, 2013 Council approved By -law 7268/13 which adopted annual user fees and charges for various City programs and services. An amendment to the fees schedule of By -law 7137/11 is now required to reflect those changes that were made to building permit fees. Please find attached a draft by -law for Council's consideration, which includes the amended schedule "B ". It would be appreciated if the by -law could be included in the April 22, 2013 Council agenda. w.- KB:jm JABYLAWskBuilding By- laws \By -law 7137 -11 \Amendments \Memo to council -amendment to by -law 7137 -11 to suit 2013 user fees.doc Attachment The Corporation of the City of Pickering Being a by -law to amend Schedule "B" — Part B of By -law 7137/11 identifying the Fees Payable for Building Permits. Whereas, pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3(1) of the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, chapter 23, provides that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering is responsible for the enforcement of the Act within the City of Pickering; Whereas section 7 of the Building Code Act, 1992 authorizes the Council of a municipality to pass certain By -laws prescribing classes of permits, permit application of documents, fees, inspections and other related matters; and Whereas, as a result of recent fee amendments, the schedule within the By -law to identify fees payable for Building Permits must be amended to reflect the new fees. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: Schedule "B" of By -law 7137/11, as amended, is hereby deleted and replaced with Schedule "B" attached hereto. By -law passed this 22nd day of April, 2013. D94FT David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk Schedule B — Part B Fees Payable for Building Permits Item New Buildings and Additions... Fee Payable 1. Assembly Occupancies $13.00 for each square meter of floor area or part thereof. 2. Institutional Occupancies $15.50 for each square metre of floor area or part thereof. 3. Residential Occupancies apartment buildings, hotels, motels, $11.00 for each square metre of floor detached, semi - detached and area or part thereof. townhouse dwellings, & other residential occupancies 4. Business and Personal Service & Mercantile Occupancies single storey buildings $8.50 for each square metre of floor area or part thereof. multiple storey buildings $11.00 for each square metre of floor area or part thereof. 5. Industrial Occupancies farm buildings, unserviced storage buildings, $3.75 for each square metre of floor unfinished basements area or part thereof. Parking garages and other industrial $6.50 for each square metre of floor buildings area or part thereof. 'Alterations, Repairs and Other Structures 6. Interior Partitioning and Finishing, $2.15 for each square metre of floor including area or part thereof. tenant alterations apartment in houses 7. Minor Residential Structures and $100.00 Alterations, including decks, gazebos (each) incidental partitioning of a basement fireplace, wood stove (each) garage, carport, storage shed (each 50m) water and sewer connection other similar minor projects associated with a residential use Schedule B —Part B Fees Payable for Building Permits Item New;Buildings-antlFAddit" i ' Fee Payable F yr � w; 8. Minor Non - Residential Structures, _ $200.00 including school portables (each) temporary prefabricated trailers (each) temporary tent (each) other similar minor structures associated with a non - residential use 9. Temporary Sales Centres $1050.00 10. Alterations, buildings and structures $10.35 for each $1,000 of construction not provided for in Items 1 to 8 1 value or part thereof. For the proper interpretation and application of this Schedule, see Notes following Schedule B —,Part B Fees Payable for Building Permits Notes: 1. The following guidelines for calculating floor areas and fees apply to the specific building types and construction indicated. In order to determine the applicable occupancy, recourse shall be had to the building code and its appendices. 2. Floor area shall be measured to the outer face of exterior walls and to the centerline of party walls or demising walls. No deductions shall be made for openings within the floor area (e.g., stairs and stair openings, ducts, elevators, escalators). Floor area shall include all habitable areas, including mezzanines, finished attics and enclosed balconies. (a) Assembly Occupancies: The "Assembly Occupancies" rate shall apply to the total floor area of floors, which are principally of assembly use.. Other rates shall be applied to other floors based on the principal use of the total floor area. (b) Institutional Occupancies: The "Institutional Occupancies" rate shall apply to the floor areas of floors, which are principally of institutional use. Other rates shall be applied to other floors based on the principal use of the total floor area. (c) Residential Occupancies: For detached, semi - detached and townhouse dwellings, the floor areas of unfinished basements, attached garages, porches and decks shall not be included in the area calculations, but the fee is inclusive of these areas. For the other residential occupancies, the "Residential Occupancies" rate shall apply to the floor areas of floors, which are principally of residential use. Other rates shall be applied to other floors based on the principal use of the total floor area. (d) Business and Personal Services & Mercantile Occupancies: The "Business and Personal Services & Mercantile Occupancies" rate shall apply to the floor areas of floors, which are principally of business and personal service or mercantile use. Other rates shall be applied to other floors based on the principal use of the total floor area. Schedule B — Part B Fees Payable for Building Permits (e) Industrial Occupancies: Each "Industrial Occupancies" rate includes incidental finished office space to a maximum of 10% of the total floor area. The "Interior Partitioning and Finishing" rate shall be applied where additional finished space is provided. Other rates shall be applied to other floors based on the principal use of the total floor area. 3. "Construction value ", as used in Item 10 of Schedule B — Part B, means the value of the proposed construction as determined by the chief building official, whose determination of that value shall be final. uwuit:n _„ .... I To: Debbie Shields City Clerk From: Cristina Celebre Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage Copy: Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Subject: Zoning By -law Amendment Application A 06/12 Navraj Properties Inc. 720 Sheppard Avenue City of Pickering Amending By -law 7276/13 Memo April 11, 2013 Statutory Public Meeting Date December 3, 2012 Planning & Development Committee Date April 8, 2013 Purpose and Effect of By -law To permit additional office and commercial uses within the existing building on lands known as 720 Sheppard Avenue. Council Meeting Date April 22, 2013 As per Planning & Development Committee's Note resolution, the convenience store use has been removed from implementing by-law 7276 -13. CC:jf J:tDowments0evelopment\D -3300 Zoning By -law Amendments (A Applications)\2012W 06 -12 Navraj Properties IncWlemo Clerk Draft by -law chart.doc Attachments By -law Text By -law No.. 7276/13 - Page 2 (2) Subsection .5.(1) Uses Permitted "SC- 5F Zone; of By -law 1889/84, is hereby repealed and replaced by the following "clause: 5. .(`I) Uses Permitted ("SC-5" Zone) . No person, shall, within the lands zoned "SC 5" on ;Schedule attached to this By -law, use any lot,or erect ;.alter or use any building or structure for any. purpose except the following: (a) business office. (b) professional office (c) personal service shop (d) medical..office facility (3): Clause 5:(2) (k) Special Restrictions = ``SC -5 ", Zone; of By -law 1889/84, is hereby amended by renumbering and re- alphabetizing this clause in order to incorporate the following: 5. (2) (k) Special. Restrictions (b), All medical office and related usesshall not exceed.50% of the gross: leasable floor area of the building All garbage shall be stored entirely m the building.- By -law 3036 By -law 3036, as amended,, is hereby further amended,only to the extent necessary to "give effect to the provisions of this By -law as set out in Section 1. and 2. above. Definitions and subject matter not specifically dealt with. in this By -law shall .be governed by relevant provisions of By -law. 3036, as amended: 4. Effective Date This By -law shall come into force in accordance. with the provisions of the Planning Act. By -law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 22 day of April, 2013. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk Memo To: Debbie Shields April 5, 2013 City Clerk From: Denise Bye Supervisor, Property & Development Services Copy: Director, City Development Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Director, Engineering & Public Works (Acting) Chief Planner Manager, Development Control Subject: Request for Road Dedication By -law Owner: Christopher Lazaridis LD 103/12 Part Lot 8, Plan 282, Pickering (Parts 33 and 35, 40R- 11207) Oakburn Street - File: Roadded.539 The owner has applied to sever part of Lot 8, Plan 282 to create one new development lot fronting Oakburn Street (the "severed parcel "). One of the conditions of the Land Division Committee is that the reserve fronting the severed parcel (Part 33, Plan 40R- 11207) be dedicated as a public highway to permit legal road access to Oakburn Street. Further, on September 15, 1997, Nugget Construction Co. Limited entered into a Development Agreement with the City for the development of three new development lots. Road Dedication By -law 5238/98 was passed dedicating the reserves fronting those newly created lots, however, Part 35, Plan 40R- 11207, a one foot reserve running along a portion of the south -west limit of Oakburn Street, was not dedicated at that time. As the owner has complied with all of the conditions of LD 103/12 and, as the development adjacent to Part 35, Plan 40R -11207 has been completed, it is now appropriate to enact the required by -law dedicating Parts 33 and 35, Plan 40R -11207 as a public highway. Attached are a location map and a draft by -law for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for April 22, 2013. DB:bg JAPmp & Dev\ROADDEDZECG539 Oakbuftmemos\memo to debbie.dw Attachments DETAIL INSET SCALE NT.S (n U) 0- 1 'IT Z � I- Q � z m w V Q PART 33, O 40R -11207 LAWSON ST. LAN CF PART 35, 40R -11 207 w 0 cn W I L C ,Q w o� T z W COURT w STREET Q M Cn o w � Cn 0 Q SWEETBRIAR CRT. O LAWSON STREET O OD VIE BJ CT :S)E O T LOT SER IN w TWYN RIVERS DRIVE w > � Q Q o City of Pickering City Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Part of Lot 8, Plan 282, Being PtS. 33 & 35, 40R -11207 OWNER City of Pickering DATE March 21, 2013 DRAWN BY JB 07\ FILE No. ROADDED # 539 SCALE 1:5,000 CHECKED BY DB H 0 ourcer Teranet Enterprise. Me. and K. supplier.. All right. Reserved. Not a plan of ..-er. 2012 MPAC and Its eu here. All rl hte Reserved. Not a Ian of S.- . PN -10 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By -law No. 40"A�� Being a by -law to dedicate those parts of Lot 8, Plan 282, designated as Parts 33 and 35, Plan 40R- 11207, as public highway. Whereas The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of those parts of Lot 8, Plan 282, designated as Parts.33 and 35, Plan 40R- 11207, and wishes to dedicate them as public highway. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Those parts of Lot 8, Plan 282, designated as Parts 33 and 35, Plan 40R -11207 are hereby dedicated as public highway (Oakburn Street). By -law passed this 22nd day of April, 2013. FK 4 "' David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk Roadded.539 IN' ce Fri's a N i c_ Present: David Johnson — Chair Eric Newton Bill Utton Shirley Van Steen — Vice -Chair Also Present: Mila Yeung, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer Lesley Dunne, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer Absent: Tom Copeland Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 6, 2013 7:00 pm Main Committee Room David Johnson, Committee Chair acknowledged the presence of Peter Rodrigues, Regional Councillor _ Ward 3 (1) Adoption of Agenda Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Eric Newton That the agenda for the Wednesday, February 6, 2013 meeting be adopted. Carried Unanimously (II) Adoption of Minutes Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Bill Utton That the minutes of the 1St meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held Wednesday, January 16, 2013 be adopted. Carried Unanimously 1 Ctq no _ Committee of Adjustment V Meeting Minutes _ Wednesday, February 6, 2013 PI T 7:00 pm Main Committee Room (III) Reports P /CA 12/13 to P /CA 15/13 — SR & R Bay Ridges Ltd. Units 111, 112, 113 & 120 1250 St. Martins Drive City of Pickering The applicant has requested the following reliefs from the Zoning By -law 2520, as amended by By -law 6705/06: • to permit 4 townhouse units in a townhouse building block to be located outside the building envelope, whereas the by -law requires all buildings and structures shall be located entirely within the building envelope • to permit a building envelope setback of 3.7 metres to the south property line for townhouse unit 111, whereas the by -law requires a building envelope setback of 4.0 metres to the south property line • to permit a building envelope setback of 3.5 metres to the south property line for townhouse units 112 and 113, whereas the by -law requires a building envelope setback of 4.0 metres to the south property line • to permit a building envelope setback of 2.2 metres to the south property line for townhouse unit 120, whereas the by -law requires a building envelope setback of 4.0 metres to the south property line The applicant requests approval of these variances in order to obtain Zoning By- law compliance to recognize an as built condition. M. Yeung, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Patrick Bakos, agent, was present to represent the application. Kelly Hill- Berardi of 253 Lake Driveway and Ada O'Connor of 90 Melrose Street were present to obtain additional information on the applications. In response to questions M. Yeung, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer explained the applications and the zoning by -law requirements. Ca 00 _ Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes 4 Wednesday, February 6, 2013 PI :ER 1NG_' 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Moved by Shirley Van Steen Seconded by Bill Utton That application P /CA 12/13 to P /CA 15/13 by SR & R Bay Ridges Ltd., be Approved on the grounds that the 4 townhouse units in the townhouse building block requiring the following variances: • to permit 4 townhouse units in a townhouse building block to be located outside the building envelope • to permit a building envelope setback of 3.7 metres to the south property line for townhouse unit 111 • to permit a building envelope setback of 3.5 metres to the south property line for townhouse units 112 and 113 • to permit a building envelope setback of 2.2 metres to the south property line for townhouse unit 120 are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the lands, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law, and therefore recommends Approval of the proposed variances, subject to the following condition: 1. That the requested variances apply only to the units 111, 112, 113 and 120 of the townhouse building block as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans. Carried Unanimously K ..... —F I N Co- ERA" a N (IV) Adjournment Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Bill Utton Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 6, 2013 7:00 pm Main Committee Room That the 2nd meeting of the 2013 Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 7:14 pm and the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, February 27, 2013. Carried Unanimously M�zo I L KC� � Assistant Secretary- Treasurer E r " imm ION103 Present: Tom Copeland David Johnson — Chair Eric Newton Bill Utton Shirley Van Steen — Vice -Chair Also Present: Mila Yeung, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer Lesley Dunne, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer (1) Adoption of Agenda Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Eric Newton Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2013 7:00 pm Main Committee Room That the agenda for the Wednesday, March 20, 2013 meeting be adopted. Carried Unanimously (II) Adoption of Minutes Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Bill Utton That the minutes of the 2nd meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held Wednesday, February 6, 201,3 be adopted. Carried Unanimously 1 Committee of Adjustment �` °� - Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2013 I 7:00 pm Main Committee Room (III) Reports P /CA 16/13 & P /CA 17/13 OPB Realty Inc. 1809 & 1815 Liverpool Road P/CA16/13 The applicant requests relief from Zoning By -law 3036, as amended by By -law 5994/02 to permit a minimum building setback of 4.0 metres and a minimum setback of 1.5 metres to a patio, whereas the by -law requires a minimum building setback of 9.0 metres. P /CA 17/13 The applicant requests relief from Zoning By -law 3036, as amended by By -law 5994/02 to permit a minimum building setback of 3.0 metres, whereas the by -law requires a minimum building setback of 9.0 metres. The applicant requests approval of these variances in order to obtain site plan approval and building permits for the proposed two restaurant buildings. M. Yeung, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering City Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were also received from the City's Development Control Manager expressing no concerns. Written comments were also received from the City's Site Plan Committee expressing they are in support of the site plan applications and have expressed no concerns. Jim Kotsopoulos, agent, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. In response to questions from Committee Members, Jim Kotsopoulos explained the current building will be demolished and the proposed restaurants will be closer to the street to provide a better streetscape as per the Development Guidelines in the Pickering Official Plan. Jim Kotsopoulos also explained traffic circulation and road access along Liverpool Road. 2 Citq oo _ Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2013. PI TRUNG 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Moved by Shirley Van Steen Seconded by Bill Utton That application P /CA 16/13 by OPB Realty Inc, be Approved on the grounds that the minimum building setback of 4.0 metres and the minimum setback of 1.5 metres to a patio are minor in nature that are desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law; subject to the following conditions: 1. That these variances apply only to the proposed restaurant building and patio, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans. 2. That the applicant obtain a building permit for the proposed construction by March 20, 2015, or this decision shall become null and void. That application P /CA 17/13 by OPB Realty Inc, be Approved on the grounds that minimum building setback of 3.0 metres is minor in nature that is desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That this variance apply only to the proposed restaurant building and patio, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans. 2. That the applicant obtain a building permit for the proposed construction by March 20, 2015, or this decision shall become null and void Carried Unanimously 2. P /CA 18/13 — E. Roles — Amended 706 Annland Street The applicant requests relief from Zoning By -law 2520, as amended, to permit a minimum front yard depth of 4.9 metres and a minimum flankage side yard width of 4.4 metres, whereas the by -law requires a minimum front yard depth of 7.5 metres and a minimum flankage side yard width of 4.5 metres. The applicant requests approval of these variances in order to obtain a building permit to raise the existing dwelling. 3 Citq oo _ Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2013 Pr-7T1 = 7:00 pm Main Committee Room M. Yeung, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering City Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were received from the City's Development Control Manager expressing no concerns. Written comments were also received from the City's Chief Building Official indicating the total area of openings may or may not comply with Ontario Building Code requirements for spatial separation between houses due to the 1.7 metres side yard width, this item, along with other building code requirements, will be reviewed upon receipt of a building permit application. Natalie Rattery was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Moved by Tom Copeland Seconded by Eric Newton That amended application P /CA 18/13 by E. Roles, be Approved on the grounds that the minimum front yard depth of 4.9 metres and the minimum flankage side yard width of 4.4 metres are minor in nature that are desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law, subject to the following conditions: That these variances apply only to the proposed raised dwelling, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans. 2. That the applicant obtain a building permit for the proposed construction by March 20, 2015, or the decision shall become null and void. Carried Unanimously 3. P /CA 19/13 & P /CA 20/13 L. & P. Murray /A. Colella & C. McKinnon 720 & 722 Front Road The applicant requests relief from Zoning By -law 2511, as amended, to permit a minimum lot area of 430 square metres for the proposed severed parcel and for the retained parcel as created through Land Division Application LD 058/12, whereas the by -law requires a minimum lot area of 435 square metres, as approved through two Minor Variance Applications P /CA 35/11 and P /CA 36/11. 4 Citq oo - Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2013 PICKEWNG 7:00 pm Main Committee Room The applicant requests approval of these variances in order to finalize an approved Land Division Application LD 058/12. M. Yeung, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering City Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were also received from the City's Development Control Manager expressing no concerns. Cameron McKinnon, owner, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Moved by Shirley Van Steen Seconded by Bill Utton That applications P /CA 19/13 & P /CA 20/13 by L. & P. Murray /A. Colella & C. McKinnon, be Approved on the grounds that the reduced lot area of 430 square metres for the proposed severed parcel and for the retained parcel are minor in nature that are desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That these variances apply only to the proposed lots created through Land Division Application LD 058/12, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans. 2. That the lot area variances approved through Minor Variance Applications P /CA 35/11 and P /CA 36/11 are null and void. 3. That the applicant finalizes Land Division Application LD 058/12 to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee by July 22, 2013, or this decision shall become null and void. Carried Unanimously l•1 (IV) Adjournment Moved by Eric Newton ,Seconded by Shirley Van Steen Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 20, 2013 7:00 pm Main Committee Room That the 3rd meeting of the 2013 Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 7:17 pm and the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2013. 10 13 -Date - - n Ass y- i reasurer Carried Unanimously A Ctty o¢� Minutes /Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, February 27, 2013 PICKERING 7 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: M. Brenner A. Heywood - Delpeache T. Logan P. McCafferty D. Sharma D. Tierney S. Wilkinson P. Noronha- Waldriff, Staff Representative S. Milton, Staff Representative D. Shields, City Clerk R. Michaud, Recording Secretary Guest: M. Dwinnell, Supervisor, Facility Operations Absent: Councillor O'Connell K. Falconer T. Arvisais I. Fogo S. Little Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome Debbie Shields opened the meeting and introduced herself as the Staff Facilitator and welcomed Pauline McCafferty as the newest community appointee to the committee. She noted that she will be attending the meetings over the next few months as part of the pilot project to review the structure and functions of the advisory committees. The purpose is to improve workflows and streamline the work of the committees with the staff representatives. 2. Review and Adoption of the Agenda All Add one item under Correspondence - Review renovation drawings for West Shore Community Centre Age da approved. Page 1 CORP0228 -2/02 3. Review and Adoption of Minutes All Minutes - November 28, 2012 D. Shields provided clarification on the outstanding item with regards to the motion regarding the Parking By -law. She stated that the Minutes of the November 28, 2012 meeting have not yet been approved; therefore the motion could not go to February Council Meeting. Once the minutes are approved the motion will be forwarded to Council. She stated that if they are approved this evening, the motion would be placed on the March Council Meeting. Moved by M. Brenner Seconded by S. Wilkinson That the minutes of the November 28, 2012 meeting be approved. Carried S. Wilkinson requested to be added as a Delegation at the D. Shields to action. March Council Agenda to discuss the Parking By -law motion. Minutes - January 23, 2013 K. Falconer had sent an email regarding an error in the minutes under Item 5. D. Shields noted the error and the correction that was made. Moved by M. Brenner Seconded by S. Wilkinson That the minutes of the January 23, 2013 meeting be approved, as amended. Carried } 4. Correspondence All Review Renovation Drawings for West Shore Community Centre M. Dwinnell, Supervisor, Facility Operations appeared before the Committee to outline the retrofitting that will be completed this year to the West Shore Community Centre. He stated that the following work would be completed; new sliding doors, expansion of the foyer, upgrades to existing washrooms, installation of a new accessible washroom, new ramp and cover over entrance. He noted that he expected the project to be completed by August 2013. Page 2 CORP0228 -2/02 Page 3 CORP0228 -2/02 M. Brenner questioned whether the upgrades considered Durham Transit being able to come onto the site for service delivery. He noted that at this time people had to go to Bayly to the transit stop and he felt if the bus could come onto the site it would be better. He questioned whether the City could consult with Durham Transit and see if that is something that could be accomplished. P. McCafferty questioned whether the floor at the sliding doors would have a threshold because thresholds are usually difficult for wheel chairs to maneuver. M. Dwinnell stated that this one would be flush with the floor. A question and answer period ensued. M. Dwinnell noted that the existing washrooms did not have enough room to make them fully accessible and that was why they were building the separate accessible washroom. He noted that the upgrades met the accessibility requirements and noted that the ramp would have hand rails on both sides. Partnership for Wellness Forum Memo received from Advisory Committee on Diversity to confirm the Committee's participation in the joint Wellness Forum on Saturday, May 4, 2013 to be held in the Council Chambers and the lobby at Pickering City Hall. D. Shields mentioned that they are trying to confirm keynote speakers for the event. Moved by M. Brenner Seconded by S. Wilkinson That the Accessibility Advisory Committee partners with the Advisory Committee on Diversity for the joint Wellness Forum and that the two committee representatives for the sub working group will be Maurice Brenner and Sue Wilkinson. Carried 5. Business Arising from the Minutes All Accessible Parking — Comments from K. Thompson, Manager By -law Enforcement Services D. Shields provided the Committee with information obtained from the K. Thompson, Manager, By -law Enforcement Services. She noted that By -law Enforcement Services did not support the regulation of providing two different sizes for accessible parking spots. She noted that it would be very difficult to enforce the criteria for the two different sizes and would recommend that the Page 3 CORP0228 -2/02 Page 4 CORP0228 -2/02 . City maintain one size for all accessible parking. Pedestrian Signals — Memo from J. Cafarelli, Traffic Engineering Supervisor, Region of Durham P. Noronha - Waldriff mentioned that Joe Carafelli has expressed an interest to attend one of our meetings to provide clarification on the pedestrian crossing times at signalized intersections in the City of Pickering. Committee members agreed that this Prem to invite J. would be a great idea and would give them an opportunity to ask Cafarelli for the next questions. meeting if available. 6.0 Committee Appointments D. Shields D. Shields mentioned that the Clerk's Office needs direction from the committee in regards to the attendance of two Committee Members. She noted that numerous attempts had been made to follow up with members to no avail. She stated that she had heard one Committee member had health issues and would not be returning but had no official resignation letter. She noted that she felt it was appropriate to fill this position without a resignation letter and needed a motion to do so. Moved by M. Brenner Seconded by D. Tierney To proceed with the recruitment of a new committee member. It was the consensus of the Committee that the Clerk's Office To be added to the would attempt to contact the other Committee Member before agenda for the next the next meeting to find out their intentions regarding meeting. membership on the Committee. D. Shields advised that the Clerk's office will review the current list of candidates from the last posting and also advertise to fill the vacancies. 7.0 2012 Work Plan Updates / 2013 Work Plan Items All Prem circulated a draft memo which will be presented to Council in March highlighting the committee's 2012 Accomplishments and the 2013 Proposed Work Plan. Committee members were asked to review and provide Committee members comments to Prem by Friday, March 8th. A revised copy will be to review and provide circulated to committee members before going to Council. comments to Prem by Friday, March 8 th M. Brenner agreed to present -the 2012 Work Plan Updates and the 2013 Proposed Work Plan at the March 25th Council meeting. All committee members are welcome to attend to show support. Page 4 CORP0228 -2/02 . M. Brenner asked if community organizations have been made Prem to follow -up aware to forward correspondence / invitation to the Clerk's office with K. Falconer and to be shared with committee members. He mentioned that Keith also contact Chair of Falconer, former Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Region's Accessibility would receive correspondence from various groups and Committee. organizations directly. Prem mentioned that she would follow - up with Keith to make sure that any Committee'correspondence that is forwarded to him is sent to the Clerks Office or Staff Representative. She also noted that she would inform the Chair of the Region's Accessibility Committee to forward all correspondence to the City Clerk and herself as Staff representative. D. Sharma mentioned that the 2012 Work Plan included a review of current curb cuts standards for sidewalks and also the investigation of the ones requiring repair and /or improvements. He noted that it may be difficult for the regular person to identify curb cuts that are problematic, and suggested that people in wheelchair or a scooter could assist in determining problem areas. He also questioned if any contracts completed prior to 2012 Prem to contact Scott complied with the act. It was suggested that we invite staff from Booker to invite them City Development in order to get an update on this matter. to the next meeting to provide update. S. Wilkinson suggested that the committee should prioritize the list of curb cuts to be done once we have an update and mentioned that she has met with a staff person to gain a better understanding of the requirements for curb cuts. It was further suggested to invite him to a future meeting as well. D. Shields mentioned that residents should be encouraged to contact the Customer Care Centre with their concerns as all calls are tracked and responded to. P. McCafferty mentioned that the curb cuts at the Pickering Town Centre are also a problem and asked if City staff could look into these as well. It was noted that this is private property; therefore the City would only become involved as part of a site redevelopment. D. Shields stated she would enquire with City staff on the I D. Shields to action. processes and standards they have to follow for curb cuts. Page 5 CORP0228 -2/02 8.0 . 2013 Accessibility Awareness Event - June 1" All P. Noronha - Waldriff mentioned that she received direction at the last meeting to proceed with booking the Pickering Town Centre for the Accessibility Awareness Event for the first Saturday in June. Discussion ensued on the date of the event and there was some concern that there was no decision made to proceed with June 1St as the actual date for the event. M. Brenner mentioned that both the June and December dates were discussed to tie in with the annual accessibility and world accessibility events taking place. The December event was seen as being problematic due to holiday displays at the mall, which was why the committee recommended proceeding with the June event. It was noted that the Abilities Centre in Whitby is hosting their one year anniversary in June and that it may be a good opportunity for the committee to showcase its work at this event. Discussion ensued on whether to approach the Abilities Centre and partnership with their event in June. Discussion also took place regarding not wanting to give up the Pickering event at the Pickering Town Centre. It was noted that the Committee really wanted to tie into the June or December accessible events and that the December timeline probably would not be able to be booked at the Town Centre. It was the consensus of the Committee to hold the Pickering event in June at the Pickering Town Centre. Moved by M. Brenner Seconded by S. Wilkinson That the Accessibility Advisory Committee holds the annual event on Saturday, June 1St at the Pickering Town Centre. Carried Accessibility Event Purpose of the event "Showcasing Accessibility in our Community" Tentative Schedule — 11 am to 3 pm Tentative Participants Guest speakers (Para Olympian) Dave Pre de — Page 6 CORP0228 -2/02 Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 7 CORP0228 -2/02 Performers — singers Justin Hines, Samantha Mutis Booth - Windreach Farms Jeff Morrison singer (Dave Marlowe has contact) Travelling show — kids on the block Dancer — lazy legs, DRPS — Special Olympics Committee members are encouraged to forward additional Committee members comments to Prem for consideration and be prepared to discuss to send comments to possible ideas for the event at the next meeting Prem before next meeting. 9.0 Other Business All D. Tierney mentioned that he did not receive the agenda. A test email will be sent to all committee members tomorrow to find out if there is an IT problem. Moved by M. Brenner That the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 7 CORP0228 -2/02