HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 24, 2013 Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i . . January 24, 2013 PICKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues M. Sawchuck, Vice-Chair W. Jamadar D. Rundle S. Sheehan C. Sopher J. Van Huss C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: T. Besso, Chair . S. lyer E. Mason M. Munawar Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome M. Sawchuck welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Staff Facilitator i L. Roberts provided an overview of a new pilot program being implemented for advisory boards and committees. She provided an outline of the program, explaining that a staff facilitator would preside over the meetings rather than the current Chair or Vice-Chair beginning in February. The staff facilitator will be an impartial component to the Committee to maintain flow of agenda items and assist with questions and provide advice if needed. This would enable all committee members to concentrate on the Committee's mandate. The program will proceed on a trial basis, with Committee member feedback welcomed. . - - App o al of Minutes Na, Moved by D. Rundle ~ Seconded by J. Van Huss That the minutes of the November 22, 2012 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried Page 1 Item / Details,& Discussion & Concl,usion Action Items / Status Ref # ' (summary Qf.discussion) (include ,deadline as appropriate) 4.0 Business Arising from Minutes 4.1. 2013 Meeting Schedule tt was the consensus of the Gommittee to continue to hold L. Roberts to action meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month. L. Roberts will book the meeting rooms and forward a schedule to members. 4.2 Work Plan M. Sawchuck provided an update with respect to the work plan as follows: Training E. Mason had arranged an information seminar with Burt Duclos as speaker in December which was well attended. C. Celebre noted the Ontario Heritage publication offers information seminars and noted she would forward this onto E. Mason for possible future seminars. W. Jamadar suggested monthly updates be distributed to members regarding the work plan. Heritage Register M. Sawchuck noted this is an ongoing project. C. Celebre noted there are a number of properties on the list which have been demolished. She noted she has prepared a rough draft from demolition permits received in order to update the listing. It was requested that staff look into whether Council approval was required in order to update the listing. C. Sopher questioned whether Provincially owned pcoperties C. Celebre/M. which have been changed into private ownership were noted Sawchuck/C. Sopher accordingly as well as any alterations to the buildings. C. to action Celebre will work with M. Sawchuck and C. Sopher on reviewing and updating the list. It was questioned whether the scope of the list could be increased to include private properties. M. Sawchuck noted the difficulties with linking the photos to the map through Flickr. C. Celebre noted the City has a detailed mapping system and C. Celebre to action she would check with the IT department to inquire whether it would be feasible to use this as opposed to Google maps. Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status R@f # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as ` appropriate) Discussion ensued with respect to having a one page brochure listing the key points for each property. The next steps for the register: • C. Sopher to look into Provincial properties • C. Celebre to look into shifting the register from google C. Sopher to action maps to the City's GIS system. C. Celebre to action Following this, it was suggested that photos be taken from sites, possibly revisit some of these sites in order to elaborate on the property descriptions. Councillor Rodrigues suggested setting dates for the work plan ' items. M. Sawchuck to action. M. Sawchuck to action ' Designations C. Celebre noted that John Sabean and Gordon Zimmerman had completed a historical evaluation for the Fox and Fiddle. She noted sufficient information had been obtained to proceed to list the property. She noted she would forward the report electronically to the members. Discussion ensued with respect to listing versus designating. M. Sawchuck noted there is no real impact on the owner by listing a property as opposed to having it designated. The Committee felt it would be the best approach to contact the owner to inquire about his participation in Doors Open. M. Sawchuck noted he would contact the owner in this regard. M. Sawchuck to action Discussion ensued with respect to additional properties to list, with one possibility being the log home on Altona Road. J. Van Huss volunteered to look into this property. Another property noted was 5113 Brock Road, which the Committee had previously discussed placing on the 2013 work plan. C. Celebre noted a draft plan of subdivision had been received and she had suggested that a heritage report be done, however was not aware if a report was completed. Moved by C. Sopher Seconded by J. Van Huss . That the Committee request the applicant to submit a heritage evaluation for the lands located at 5113 Brock Road which is subject to application 18T90016 (R) submitted by The Cairo Group. Page 3 Itein/ _ Details~& Discussion & Conclusion - Action Items / Status Ref (sumrriary of discussion) (include deadline as aPpropriate) Carried Doors Open C. Celebre noted she had an up to date listing of participants for the Doors Open program. She indicated 27 letters had gone out to potential participants, noting 10 had responded they would participate, as well as three City of Pickering sites. She currently has two agreements to participate signed off and stated she would send reminders out next week to follow up with the balance who had agreed to participate. She noted the property descriptions would need to be completed in March. C. Celebre to action M. Sawchuck noted the Casper William house had agreed to participate and also stated he would follow up with the Brewery. He also suggested the possibility of involving local artists to participate by linking them to the properties on the tour. A draw could be held at the conclusion of the event. He will put together a proposal for the next sub committee meeting on February 14'h. It was suggested a reminder be sent out for this meeting. M. Sawchuck to action Website Content - M. Sawchuck passed around a brochure from Hastings which featured properties on their walking tour, questioning if the Committee could prepare something similar. It was noted that we could possibly use the existing format already in place with our brochure to pursue this. S. Sheehan noted she is putting together a summary list of designated properties and it was questioned whether members would like to volunteer to aid in pulling the list together. J. Van J. Van Huss/W. Huss and W. Jamadar volunteered to prepare some Jamadar to action background information on one designated property each for the next meeting. S. Sheehan noted she would forward out S. Sheehan to action the information she has. C. Sopher noted the Whitevale Residents Association would be attending the OMB appeal hearing on January 28th as party status. The two part hearing will deal with the Heritage District as well as the transportation issues. C. Celebre noted that further to the last meeting, C. Rose had spoken with the City Solicitor with respect to clarification on these matters. She noted that an opinion on this would be made at the Board hearin , so no further comments could be made at this point. 5.0 Correspondence 6.1 Civic Awards Nominations Page 4 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) , (include deadline as appropriate) It was noted the deadline for receiving nominations is February 7, 2013. Nominations can be submitted to the Customer Care Centre. 6.0 Other Business 6.1) C. Celebre noted the pre hearing conference for the Newman House has been rescheduled for March 2013. She also noted they have not yet submitted an application. C. Sopher q.uestioned the designation of trees. 6.2) Councillor Rodrigues passed around a news article regarding tree designations as well as the publication "Pathmaster". He also had copies of John Sabean's book available for members to view. 8.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting Moved by W. Jamadar Seconded by S. Sheehan ' The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 5