HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 10, 2013 ~itq o~ Minutes/Meeting Summary Advisory Committee on Diversity i i Thursday, January 10, 2013 PICKERING 7:00 pm Pickering Public Library Boardroom Attendees: Kevin Ashe, Councillor, Ward 1Kirk Mark, Chair Devinder Panesar, Community Appointee Catherine Reidt, Co-Chair Jacob Yacoumidis, Community Appointee Devorah Garland, Aids Committee of Durham Christy Harper, Pickering Public Library Dave Marlowe, City of Pickering Jody Morris, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Guests: Inspector Jamie Grant Inspector Jeff Haskins Shaheen Butt Absent: Carlisle Miller, Community Appointee Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Kirk Mark K. Mark welcomed everyone to the meeting and extended New Year's reetin s to all. `2#0~ ~ -~f Jody Morris 1,7 ~,Staff Facilitator., .P~Iot.P,ro J. Morris provided an overview of a new pilot program being implemented for advisory boards and committees. She provided an outline of the program, explaining that a staff facilitator would preside over the meetings rather than the current Chair or Vice-Chair beginning in February. She noted community engagement is one of the City's 5 corporate priorities and this would engage the community in a new and different way. The staff facilitator will be an impartial ' component to the Committee to maintain flow of agenda items and assist with questions and provide advice if needed. This would enable all committee members to concentrate on the Committee's mandate. The program will proceed on a trial basis, with Committee member feedback welcomed. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 A brief question and answer period ensued. - - - - - - 3.0 Approval of Minutes - ~ Moved by C. Harper Seconded by C. Reidt That the minutes of the November 8, 2012 meeting of the Diversity Committee be approved. Carried 4.0 Business Arising from Minutes 4.1) In Your Words Creative Arts Contest J. Morris provided an update with respect to the creative arts ~ contest, noting the contest closed as of December 3ra She noted* 39 written entries have been received as well as 62 art pieces. This number is approximately half of last year's entries. It was noted that while the current situation with job action in the schools may have had a negative impact on participation this year, it was felt that enough entries had been received to proceed with another great event. J. Morris noted that Spider Jones has been confirmed as guest speaker. The evaluation for written entries will take place on January 17th and the art pieces on January 1 gtn The awards ceremony will take place on March 20th. J. Morris also noted things are moving along well, and there should be no problem getting in touch with all the students. 4.2) Survey. J. Morris noted that the survey went live on the website November 23`d and will remain up for two months. She also noted post cards had gone out to all residents, notice had been in the community page of the News Advertiser, as well as a media release on December 4t". To date 53 responses have been received. A sample of the survey was passed'around with results based on 18 responses. Discussion ensued with respect to extending the time period. It was the general consensus of the Committee to extend the time frame. Suggestions were also made on how best to generate participation;, Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 I • Continue with community page ad • Media release • Promotion at Heritage Day event - have hard copies available as well as computer access to fill out survey • Have students available to assist with survey on Heritage Day - could count as their community hours • Utilize distribution lists • Have prizes available • Promote in high schools • Have available at Recreation Complex • Link to Facebook on City's website D. Garland and J. Morris will work on additional distribution lists. Councillor Ashe noted some concern with the lack of response, D. Garland/J. Morris to stating that while it may not be statistically relevant, he felt there action would still be good value from the survey. K. Mark noted a good goal would be to generate 300 responses. Discussion continued with Inspector Grant noting the difficulty , in gaining responses to surveys. He also noted the difficulty in obtaining citizen participation at community meetings as well. C. Harper noted more success through the library, as residents are already there and computers are readily available. 4.3) Heritage Day J. Morris noted Heritage Day will be held on February 23rd at the Pickering Town Centre. She noted she has confirmed performers from 11:15 am to 3:30 pm. She noted ten tables are reserved for community groups. [YOU]nity will be having a table. K. Mark questioned whether an aboriginal group could be scheduled for the opening ceremony to perForm a smudging. J. Morris noted one aboriginal group was scheduled to perform between 12 and 12:30 pm. J. Morris distributed a schedule around for volunteers to assist D. Garland/J.Morris to on the day of the event which will take place from 11:00 am to action 4:00 pm. Speeches will take place at 1:30 pm. K. Mark questioned whether the merchants.had been J. Morris to action approached to provide prizes for hourly draws. J. Morris to follow up with merchants. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 5.0 New Business - - 5.1) Human Rights Forum D. Marlowe provided an update on hosting a human rights forum. He noted he had contacted the Accessibility Advisory Committee, and stated that they had requested specifics on the forum. It was questioned whether the Committee could obtain the results from the AAC's survey to better understand trends and the best way to approach issues. Discussion ensued with respect to a theme or topic for the forum. Councillor Ashe felt mental health was an important issue and sometime in the Spring would be a good timeframe to hold an event. It was suggested that it be could be held in the Council Chambers or the Library Auditorium. Suggestions were made as follows: • co-sponsored by Diversity and AAC • hold in May to coincide with Mental Health Month • Invite Dan Carter as guest speaker • Invite George Chuvalo as guest speaker It was suggested that a member of the Committee attend the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting to provide details and inquire about their participation. K. Mark offered to attend as well as Shaheen Butt. J. Morris will contact the Accessibility Advisory Committee to confirm attendance at the meeting, and prepare speaking notes. It was noted their next meeting will J. Morris to action take place on January 23rd 5.2) Proclamations J. Morris noted she had met with a representative from the Mayor's office and received a list of dates for proclamations for 2013. She read out the list of proclamations for the members. K. Mark requested the Committee submit the following for consideration to be proclaimed for the month of June: • Portuguese Canadian Heritage Month • Italian Canadian Heritage Month 6.0 Correspondence ~ - J. Morris noted Councillor Ashe disfributed a survey conducted J. Morris to action by the Region of Durham with respect to languages. She noted that she would email this to the members. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 7.0 Other Business 7.1) D. Garland noted she is seeking a venue in Pickering to ' host an event for Black Histor~r Month. She noted February "d for the event with the 15t 22 as an alternate date. The Library Auditorium was suggested and C. Harper noted she would look into this. Mr. Butt indicated he had a contact for an African group of drummers he could ask to attend the event. It was also noted the survey could be promoted at this event. She asked that this item be placed on the next agenda. 7.2) K. Mark questioned whether the Committee members L. Roberts to action would be interested in attending any sporting events. J. Morris to check on list of events. 7.3) Councillor Ashe noted some upcoming events; • Sir John A. MacDonald birthday celebration at the Harp & Crown this Saturday from 11 - 2 hosted by MP Corneliu Chisu • Pickering Dragon Boat Club to be presented the Key to the City on Saturday at 12:00 pm at the Pickering Recreation Complex 8.0 Next Meeting & Adjournment The next meeting will be held on February 14, 2013. Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02