HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 03-13 Report To Council PI ~KERING Report Number: FIN 03-13 Date: February 25, 2013 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Recommendation: 1. That Report FIN 03-13 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor be approved; and, a) That the 2013 Current Budget expenditure for personnel costs, consisting of salaries and wages (Account 1100), overtime (Account 1200) and employer contributions (Account 1400), in the total amount of $47,010,223 be approved; , b) That the 2013 Gross Current Budget expenditures for City purposes in the amount of $32,077,075 (excludes personnel expenditures) less estimated current revenues of $28,910,678 (City Revenues of $27,952,563 plus $758,115 for assessment growth plus supplementary taxes of $200,000) and net transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve of $2,082,963 ($2,560,338 less $477,375) for City operations be approved; ' c) That the Capital from Current expenditure in the amount of $1,960,569 funded by $1,335,569 from property taxes and $625,000 from a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve be approved; d) That the total final City levy under paragraphs a), b) and c) above, plus an additional $100,000 for the Emerald Ash Borer Program - Phase 1, for a total final levy of $49,529,226 being an increase of approximately 3.75% over the 2012 budget, be approved; 2. a) That the 2013 Capital Budget for the City of Pickering with a Gross Expenditure of $24,189,278 be adopted as presented below; b) That the following capital financing sources be approved as presented in the 2013 Capital Budget: Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 2 Transfer from Current Fund to Capital Fund $1,335,569 Transfers from Reserves: - Rate Stabilization Reserve (7021) 625,000 . - Rec. Complex Pool Reserve (7035) 9,000 - Vehicle Replacement Reserve (7040) 100,000 - Replacement Capital Reserve (4611) 40,000 - Move Ontario Reserve (7043) 40,000 - Financial Systems Reserve (7049) 35,000 - Self-Insurance Reserve (7020) 70,000 - Provision for Eastern Branch Library 125,000 Res (7042) Transfers from Reserve Funds: - Develo,pment Charges (7610 to 7620) 4,137,397 - Parkland Development (7502) 70,000 - Federal Gas Tax Funds (7505) 3,145,000 - City Share Dev. Charges Projects (7022) 2,136,503 - Third Party Contribution (7501) 200,000 Debt - 5 yr - 1,205,000 Debt -10 yr 1,658,124 Debt - 15 yr 4,875,000 Internal Loan - 5 yr 872,000 Internal Loan - 10 yr 200,000 Provincial Grant - Invest in Ontario 205,250 Provincial Grant - Trans. Initiatives 70,000 Federal Grant - Community Infrastructure 333,396. Improvement Fund York Region Funding Agreement 1,210,000 Durham Region Grant 29,021 Sale of Land - Duffin Heights (1595) 1,100,000 Other 263,018 Total . $24.189.278 c) That total external debt financing of $7,738,124 for the projects identified in the 2013 Capital Budget, and as indicated in this report, in the amount of $1,205,000 for a period not to exceed 5 years, $1,658,124 for a period not to exceed 10 years and $4,875,000 for a period not to exceed 15 years be approved; , Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 3 d) That the internai loans in the amount of $1,072,000 be undertaken at the discretion of the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer; e) That projects identified in the 2013 Capital Budget as being financed through the issuance of debt be subject to additional, specific approval of the expenditure and the financing by Council; fl That any debt repayment, interest or financing provisions contained in the annual Current Operating Budget not used in the current year's payments requirements may, at the discretion of the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer, be used to apply towards additional principal repayment, outstanding loan or debt charges or to reduce debt, internal loans or any other amounts to be financed; ' - g) That all Capital expenditures or portions thereof, approved in the 2013 Capital Budget to be financed through the issuance of debt, may, at the discretion of the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer, be financed through internal loans, current or capital funds or a combination thereof; h) That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer, be authorized to make draws from Reserve and Reserve Funds for projects included in the approved capital budget up to the amount approved; i) That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to apply any excess funds through the issuance of debentures as provided for under Section 413 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended; 3. That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to transfer: a) Any surplus current operating funds at year-end in excess of approximately $125,000 in the following ratio: 30% to the Rate Stabilization Reserve (7021), and 70% to the City Share DC Projects Reserve (7022); b) Any funds necessary from the Rate Stabilization Reserve in order to ensure that the Current Budget results in a year end surplus of no less than $125, 000; c) The balance in the Economic Stabilization Reserve (7045) to the Rate Stabilization Reserve (7021) and that the Economic Stabilization Reserve be closed; 4. That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, in order to ensure that the budget plan accommodates any reallocation of 2013 current operating expenditures and revenues resulting from any reorganization and to reflect any adjustment in taxes or tax rates due to Provincial and Regional tax policy changes; Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 4 5. That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to use any under expenditures from projects funded from Reserves or Reserve Funds to fund over expenditures for approved projects funded from the same source(s); 6. That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to: a) Undertake transactions in the spot or forward (12 months or less) currency markets in order to effect United States dollar denominated expenditures in the Current or Capital Budgets; b) Enter into leases or rental agreements for the provision of vehicles or equipment required for temporary use during periods of equipment breakdown or repair or during periods of increased need (e.g. inclement weather); c) Restate the 2013 Current Operating and Capital Budgets to reflect both the City s reorganization in 2013 and any Fire Services negotiated settlement; 7. That Council pass the attached General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law which provides for the fees and charges that are incorporated into the 2013 Current Budget; 8. That the (Acting) Division Head Finance & Treasurer be authorized to adjust, where appropriate, the per kilometre travel expense reimbursement rate during the year in order to maintain a reasonable level of reimbursement with any increase in cost being met from under expenditures in other accounts; 9. That Council approve the continuing engagement of the firm of Watson and Associates to complete the following projects: City Development Charge Study, Seaton Development Charge Study, City-wide Seaton Development Charge Study, Seaton Financial Impact Study and any other studies related to Seaton and/or Duffin Heights; 10. That Council approve a debt cap payment limit for external debt and internal loans of 15% of the total taxation revenues; 11. That Council approve the exemption of the indoor soccer dome capital project from the Fair Wage Policy for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Construction contracts (FIN 070); 12. That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to initiate or defend any assessment appeals necessary to protect the City's interests including the engagement of the firm Walker Poole Nixon LLP and the firm of Municipal Tax Equity Consultants; Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 j Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 5 13. That any funds remaining unspent in account 5719.1201.6183 (General Upgrades), at the end of any fiscal year be transferred to the Reserve for Accessibility Initiatives; and, 14. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given authority take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. - Executive Summary: This report contains a summary of the 2013 Current and . Capital Budgets and a discussion of the Recommendations contained in this report. Financial Implications: The 2013 Current and Capital Budgets, if adopted as amended, will result in a property tax levy increase of 3.75% (City Share Only) over last year which translates into a 1.05% increase in the City's share of the total property tax bill. This increase, when combined with the Region and the School Boards increase, results in an increase of 2.35% on the total property tax bill. The above excludes any property tax shifts due to reassessment and potential Provincial tax policy changes. Any changes as a result of Provincial Tax Policy changes will be adjusted in the calculation of the final tax rates. The changes below resulted from the Executive (Budget) Committee's review of the Current and Capital budgets on a"line-by-line" basis resulting in the following changes: Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 6 Current Budget Additions: General Government Section Grants Eurasian Water milfoil (EWM) $30,000 Durham Deaf Association 1,000 Current Budget Reductions: Regional Councillor J. O'Connell's (5,300) Regional Councillor B. McLean's (3,500) Telephone Account Adjustment 310 Clerk's Office Subscriptions 250 Sub-Total Net Current Budget Changes 22,260 Staff Recommended Reduction (Civic Complex Building Repairs and Maintenance -Reduction in (22,260) Carpeting from $40,000 to $17,740) Total Net Current Budget Changes 0 Discussion: The Recommendations put forth are those necessary to adopt and provide authority and direction for the 2013 Current and Capital Budgets for the City of Pickering. 2013 Current Budget During the budget discussions last spring, staff presented a proposed 2013 tax levy increase in the range of 5.0 to 5.5%. This forecast was based on information available at that time and to continue current City service levels and maintain a strong financial position for the rate stabilization reserve. In October 2012, Report CAO 18-12 presented to Council a 2013 base budget guideline of 4.9%. Subsequent to that report, Councit directed staff to provide the City with a budget levy increase of no more than 3.75% and to maintain current service levefs. The 2013 budget (Current and Capital) have met this fiscal challenge, maintaining City services and reducing the City's use of the rate stabilization reserve. Although staff did meet the financial and service level target, there were reductions made to the Capital and Current budget to reach the budget target. Attachment 1 provides a high level breakdown of the 3.75% budget levy increase. The 3.75% increase translates into an average increase of approximately $58.21 per year or $1.12 per week for the average residential dwelling in Pickering (based on an assessment value of $345,000). Report Ff N 03-13 . February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 7 At the February 14th Executive (Budget) Committee meeting, Council was presented with a proposed budget levy increase of 3.75%. As noted earlier, Council made a small number of changes to the Current Budget that did not affect the tax levy. Tax Increase Summary The 3.75% tax increase translates into an increase of 1.05% on the total tax bill. The 3.75% levy increase compares favorably to other municipalities, especially when one considers that Pickering has had the lowest tax rate among its Durham Region Lakeshore neighbours for over fifteen years. Adding the Region's tax increase for Pickering (2.35%) and the School Board's estimated 0% increase, the total increase for the residential ratepayer will be approximately 2.35%, which is slightly below the rate of inflation. Table One below provides a summary of the financial impact of the proposed 2013 tax levy increase based on various assessed values. Table One Financial Impact of Budget Increase City Share Only Residential Assessment $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 Increase Over 2012 $16.87 $33.74 $50.61 $67.48 This is the first year of the Province's four year reassessment cycle. Assessment related increases are phased in over four years and assessment related decreases are implemented immediately. The City does not receive any additional revenue as a result of reassessment. The corresponding property tax rates are adjusted for the increase in reassessment values to create an overall property tax neutral position on a total property class basis. In other words, the City does not raise additional taxation revenue due to reassessment. The impact on the individual homeowner is based on their specific reassessment increase, relative to the City-wide average of 3.16%. There are also assessment related tax shifts for the Region and Education. These impacts will be based on the average reassessment increases on a Region-wide basis and for Education on a Province-wide basis. Reassessment Assessment Related Increase Impact on Taxes Below 3.16% Decrease E uals 3.16% No Im act Above 3.16% Increase - l Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 8 Reduction in the Use of One Time Funds Last year, the 2012 budget included a reduction to the draw from the Rate Stabilization Reserve of $257,000. The 2013 budget continues this direction by reducing the draw by an additional $477,375. Over the first three years of this current Council term, the draw has been reduced by $1,234,000. The 2014 and 2015 financial plan maintains this course and provides for further reductions of draws from the Rate Stabilization Reserve. Supplemental Taxation Revenue Supplemental taxation revenue of $200,000 is now included in this year's budget. This revenue source was excluded in previous years, mainly due to the fact that the City's assessment growth was always so low that supplemental taxation was difficult to predict with any confidence. With the ongoing development of Duffin Heights and other construction projects, it is now fiscally appropriate to include supplemental taxation in the City's budget. Accessibility Initiatives The allocation of $40,000 in the 2013 Capital Budget, and a similar amount in prior years, is to provide for minor capital improvements identified by staff during- the year. This allocation is in addition to substantial amounts for a number of specific accessibility projects included elsewhere in the annual Capital budget in the amount of $1,547,187. Attachment 2 provides a breakdown of the City's planned accessibility investments for the years 2013 to 2016. 2013 User Fees & Charges Schedule Every year, the City reviews its user fees, mainly for various recreational and cultural programs, to partially reflect the cost of delivering these programs. Council passed Resolution #149/03 confirming the City's existing user fees through a specific by-law. This By-law has been updated as part of each year's budget process. Other fees have been introduced to address industry trends and their associated costs. Debt Financing of Capital Projects The Capital Budget utilizes $8.8 million in debt (external and internal loans.) This year, the City will pay $4.418 million in interest and principle payments to service the current debt. The City's current outstanding debt as of December 31, 2012 is $20.9 million. For 2014, the debt charges are predicted to increase to $5.1 million based on the current capital forecast. However, the 2014 debt forecast is sensitive to interest rate changes and timing of capital projects. Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 9 Recommendation 10 establishes a new guideline for the City as it pertains to debt financing (external debt and internal loans). The recommended debt capital payment . limit (15%) establishes a higher threshold in comparison to the Provincial legislation of 25% based on all revenue sources. The proposed debt capital limit is a more conservative approach in relation to the Province and is beneficial to the City. 2013 Tax Rates As has been the case for the last few years, the 2013 Property Tax rates and corresponding levy By-law will be presented to Council. - 2013 Capital Budget This year, the draft Capital Budget totals $24.1 million which includes $4.9 million for the indoor soccer dome. Recommendation 11 provides an exemption to the City's Fair Wage Policy for the indoor soccer dome project. The indoor soccer dome capital and operating costs are being funded by the Pickering Soccer Club (PSC). For this project, the City's role can be viewed from the perspective of being a"fiscal agent or middle man" in securing the debt financing in contrast to its traditional role of being a mortgagee and paying off the debt obligation. Therefore, an exemption to the Fair Wage Policy is appropriate. In other words, the indoor soccer dome is not a traditional city project and should be exempt from this Policy. The major capital projects are listed below. Table Two . External Debt and Internal Financing of Capital Projects City of Pickering 5, 10 and 15 Year Debt Financing 2013 Ca ital Bud et Capital Project Code Debt - 5 Description Years , 5320.1306 $215,000 4 Ton Dum Truck with Plow ' 5320.1329 300,000 Grader 5325.1301 240,000 Kingston Rd. - Brock Rd Section Streetlights 5325.1302 200,000 Brou ham B-Pass Streetli ht Installation 5700.1304 250,000 Civic Com lex Sim lex Fire Panel 5311.1306 130,000 Pedestrian Brid e over Amberlea Creek 5325.1307 150,000 Upgrade Intersection Pedestrian Signal on Valle Farm Rd. 5340.1303 275,000 Fire Re ional Radio Pro'ect - Phase 1 5700.1302 • 108,000 Civic Complex Brick Cladding Repairs - Phase 1 5719.1303 209,000 West Shore Accessibility Upgrades and Alterations Total Five Year Debt $2,077,000 Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 10 Capital Project Code Debt -10 Description Years $ 5320.1310 $550,000 Liverpool Rd. (North of School to Krosno) Reconstruction 5410.1301 550,000 Claremont Draina e Feature Cleanout 5731.1308 558,124 Rec. Complex Banquet Hall & Washroom Renovations 5780.1305 200,000 Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation Total Ten Year Debt $1,858,124 Capital Project Code Debt - 15 Description Years 5711.1301 $4,875,000 Indoor Soccer pome Total Fifteen Year Debt $4,875,000 Total Debt Financed Projects 8 810124 The major capital projects are listed below: Indoor Soccer pome $4,875,000 William Jackson Dr. Improvements and Culvert Structure - 3,000,000 Design Park Crescent Road Reconstruction 875,000 Petticoat Creek Librar and Communit Centre Roof Re air 580,000 Liver ool Rd. North of School to Krosno Reconstruction 550,000 Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation 444,383 Government Grant Funding The 2013 Capital Budget proposes to use various grants to reduce the City share of the project's cost. The major grants are: Federal Gas Tax Grant ($3,145,000), Provincial & Federal Grants related to Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund ($333,396), and Investing in Ontario Grant ($205,250). 2014 - 2017 Capital Forecast Included in the budget is the City's 2014 - 2017 Capital Forecast. This document outlines the City's current financial plan including preliminary costs associated with Seaton. On page three of the forecast, you will notice that the total capital forecast is for $198.7 million of which $94.6 million will be funded from debt and internal loans. This means that for every dollar spent, $0.476 is projected to come from debt financing sources. Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 11 This capital forecast captures all previously discussed visions and projects, and will be revisited on an annual basis to ensure fiscal feasibility to confirm Council's interest in proceeding with the project. The proposed new Operations Centre project has been deferred to 2014. The project has been deferred in order for the project's cost to be "fine tuned" and to develop various financing strategies. It is anticipated that by the end of 2013, staff will have better cost information and would have explored various financial options. Multi-Year Financial Plan Last year, staff presented to Council a multi-year high level financial plan for the years 2013 to 2016. At the Executive Budget Committee meeting of February 14, 2013, staff presented a financial projection for the years 2013 to 2017 based on a"status quo" ~ scenario. (Status quo being simply defined as maintaining existing services and not including Seaton or any major capital projects). Under this financial scenario, the City is able to reduce its reliance on the rate stabilization draw, keep a healthy balance in its rate stabilization reserve and maintain financial flexibility. Seaton Financial Impact Study Within the next few months, it is staff's intent to bring forward a report on the fiscal impact of Seaton on Pickering. This study and its financial impact are an important component to the City's long-term financial forecast. In other words, when the fiscal impact of Seaton is added to the existing financial forecast, Council will have a more complete financial picture and its long-term financial implications. Attachments: 1. Breakdown of 3.75% Budgetary Levy Increase 2. Acces,sibility Forecast 2013 to 2016 3. By-law to Confirm General Fees and Charges 2013 4. Budget Presentation, February 14, 2013 Prepared By: James Halsall Stan Karwowski ~ (Acting) Manager, Budgets & (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Internal Audit Report FIN 03-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: 2013 Current & Capital Budget Page 12 Approved / Endorsed By: ~ Tom Melymu Paul Bigioni Director, City evelopment Director, C rpor e Se ices & City Solicitor -V-~ > ~ Steve R olds Richard Holborn Director, Culture & Recreation Director, Engineering & Public Works ' Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City. Council 4wo - Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer , AT7'ACHMENT #,L_TO REPORT # ~!b,L,.e3 - I3 Attachment 1 Breakdown of 3.75% Budgetary Increase Personnel Expenditures: . Salaries 2.10% Benefits 1.25% 3.35% Increase to Vehicle Res. 1.15% Debt Charges 0.64% Net Utilities Increase 0.46% Decrease in Rate Stab. 1.05% EAB 0.21 % Other Changes 0.27% Sub Total 7.13% Assessment Growth -1.59% . Supp Tax Revenues -0.42% Changes in Dept. Rev -1.37% 2013 Proposed Budgetary Inc. 3.75% Comments Benefits increased mainly due to OMERS rate increase and increased costs associated with the City's benefits plan. (Detailed explanation of the OMERS rate change is found on the next page). Net Utilities Increase reflects the net increase of the various utilities accounts (water, hydro and natural gas). Other Changes captures both the increases and decreases associated with the various expenditure accounts. The increase in various departmental revenue accounts is reflected in the Departmental Revenue summary page. This page captures increase in revenues and the use of Federal Gas Tax funding that is treated as a revenue source. • i City of Pickering ATTACHMENT#.Z-TO REPORT#Lig-03-t3 2013 Accessibility Capital Projects Forecast 2013 to 2016 Project Description 2013 ' Rec Complex Banquet Hall & Washroom Renovations (gross cost =$786,843) $460,843 Valley Farm Road to Liverpool Road Multi Use Trail 425,000 Accessibility Upgrades/Alterations to West Shore 314,344 Brock Road Sidewalk/Streetlights 203,000 Beechlawn Park Walkway and Lighting 95,000 Accessibility Upgrades (Washrooms, Entrances) 40,000 Kinsmen Park Pathway . 35,000 Don Beer Accessible Platform for Rink 8,000 ' Recreation Complex Change Room Benches 6,000 $1,587,187 2014 Recreation Complex Registration/Permit Counter Replacement $130,000 Delaney Rink Mechanical, Boards & Floor (gross cost =$1,050,000) 100,000 Claremont Washroom Renovations 90,000 Kinsmen Park Pathway 50,000 . $370,000 2015 Recreation Complex Reception Counter Replacement $120,000 Accessibility to Sports Fields (Pathways) 100,000 Accessibility Upgrades (Ramps, Washrooms, Entrances) 45,000 $265, 000 2016 Don Beer Arena New Reception Area $250,000 Elevator at Greenwood Community Centre 250,000 Finch Avenue Sidewalks 200,000 Accessibility to Sports Fields (Pathways) 100,000 Accessibility Upgrades (Washrooms, Entrances, Counters) 45,000 $845,000 Grand Total $3,067,187 In addition to the above expenditures the City plans on investing an additional $3.3 million on sidewalks, to meet accessibility requirements. The City's five year Accessibility Plan (2012-2016) identified the need to spend $1.9 million on sidewalks. ATTACHMENT#..L-TO REPORT#L9D1-!3 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/13. Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 6191/03 to confirm General Municipal Fees Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law 6191/03, as amended, on October 14, 2003 to confirm general municipal fees. Whereas Schedule "I" to By-law 6191/03 was updated and replaced under By-law, 6338/04, By-law 6519/05, By-law 6652/06, By-law 6677/06, By-law 6748/07 By-law 6857/08, By-law 6951/09, By-law 7032/10, By-law 7119/11 and By-law 7194/12; Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "I" to By-law Number 6191/03, as amended, is hereby deleted and Schedule "I" attached hereto is substituted therefore. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 25th day of February, 2013. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk I ~ Schedule I PICKERING Summary of Fees & Charges 2013 Corporate Services Department To be considered by Executive (Budget) Committee on February 14, 2013 " and approved by Council on February 25, 2013 Disclaimer: The following are a list of the current fees and charges in place in the City of Pickering at the time of printing. These fees and charges are subject to review and change. Please contact the appropriate City Department for the actual fees in place at any specific time, or if you I require any further information. I E. & O. E. Fire Services Division ; Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) AP~Y/N)b1e Effective Date Information Co of emer enc fire res onse re ort $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Re uest for clearance/status letter $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase File Searches (Searches from our existing filing $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase network Inspections Legal Inspections (Generally requests from legal $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase firms Multi-Unit Residential Inspections $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase u on re uest Mercantile Ins ections u on re uest $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Business and Personal Services Inspections $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase u on re uest Industrial Ins ections u on re uest $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Da Care Ins ections u on re uest $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Group/Foster Home Inspections $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase u on re uest Occu ant Load Ins ections u on re uest $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Liquor Licensing Requests (AGCO) $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase u on re uest Inspection requests not within scheduled hours Actual Costs Actual Costs N No Increase of work (if applicable, includes (if applicable, includes other additional rates) other additional rates) Federal and/or Provincial Property Inspections $300.00 $300.00 N No Increase (upon request) (Not applicable to properties with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)) Alarm Response First response to malicious and/or nuisance Nil Nil N No Increase false alarms, for same address, within 12 month eriod Second and subsequent malicious and/or $410.00 $410.00 ~ N No Increase nuisance false alarms, for same address, within 12 month period, per fire apparatus dispatched First response to false alarm as a result of work Nil Nil N No Increase being performed on a fire alarm system or emergency system, for same address, within 12 month period Second and subsequent false alarm as a result $410.00 $410.00 . N No Increase of work being performed on a fire alarm system . or emergency system, for same address, within 12 month period, per fire apparatus dispatched First response to unapproved open air burning, Nil Nil N No Increase for same address, within 12 month period I x Fire Services Division Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User.Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap~Y/N)b1e Effective Date Second and subsequent response to $410.00 $410.00 N No Increase unapproved open air burning, for same address, within 12 month period, per fire apparatus dispatched Fires on or beside rail lines (Railway properties) Actual Costs - Actual Costs N No Increase (if applicable, includes (if applicable, includes use of fire apparatus use of fire apparatus and other additional and other additional rates) rates) Other Securit Ke Safes Boxes - $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase If it is necessary to retain private contractor, rent Actual Costs (If Actual Costs (If N No Increase special equipment not normally carried on a fire applicable, includes applicable, includes apparatus in order to determine origin and use of fire apparatus use of fire apparatus cause, suppress or extinguish a fire, preserve and, other additional and other additional property, prevent fire spread, make safe or rates) rates) otherwise eliminate an emergency Standby for movie shoots Actual Costs (If Actual staffing costs N March 1, 2013 ' applicable, includes plus $200.00 per hour use of fire apparatus for use of fire and other additional apparatus and any rates) other additional rates Propane facility fire protection and safety review $300.00 $300.00 N No Increase of Risk and Safety Management Plan Fire Extin uisher Trainin $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Fire apparatus on scene of a motor vehicle $410.00 $410.00 N No Increase accident and/or fire for non resident (MTO Rates Office of Sustainability User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee HST Applicable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) (Y/N) Effective Date Business Directory $25.00 $0.00 N (no longer sold) Filming Fees: (general) Parks use $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase Road use $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Fire Services Fees Actual Costs Actual Costs Y No Increase Staff Overtime $200.00 Actual Costs Y March 1, 2013 Filming Fees for feature films and TV series Prep/Strike Fee $75.00/hr $75.00/hr Y No Increase Feature film or TV series $150.00/hr $150.00 /hr Y No Increase Filming fees for other film $0.00 Up to $200.00/hr Y March 1, 2013 productions i.e. commercials, (fee negotiated with music videos film company) - I I ' . ~ Legislative Services Division Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap)b1e Effective Date Bod Rub Licences Owner - not o erator $250.00/ r $250.00/ r N No Increase O erator - not owner $250.00/ r $250.00/ r N No Increase Ownec/O erator $500.00/ r $500.00/ r N No Increase Attendant $150.00/ r $150.00/ r N No Increase Business Licences Home Base Business $50.00/ r $50.00/ r N No Increase Wreckin Yard $20.00/ r $20.00/ r N No Increase Markets (<100 stalls $200.00/da $200.00/da N No Increase Markets >99 stalls 11000.00/da $1000.00/da N No Increase i Public Hall, $10.00/ r $10.00/ r N No Increase Temporarily keeping a prohibited $200.00/day $200.00%day N No Increase animal ' Pet Sho s $250.00/ r $250.00/yr N No Increase Boardin Kennels $250.00/ r $250.00/ r N' No Increase Breeders $250.00/ r $250.00/ r N No Increase Horse Ridin Establishment $250.00/ r $250.00/ r N No Increase Late fees -(Boarding, Breeders, $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Pet Shops & Horse Establishment) Taxi Licences Plate Owner Licence $250.00/ r $250.00/ r N No Increase Brokera e License $150.00/ r $150.00/ r N No Increase I Taxicab Driver's License (Two $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Years) Clean Air Cab Plate License $1000.00/ r $1000.00/ r N No Increase , Plate Owner Licence-Clean Air $125.00/yr $125.00/yr N No Increase ' Cab Ci Plate Licence '$2000.00/ r $2000.00/ r N No Increase Other Taxicab Fees ' Transfer of owner's late $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase A eal $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase Replacement Driver's Licence $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Re lacement Taxicab Plates $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Replacement of Tariff $10.00 $10.00 N No Increase Card/Passenger R & R Chan e of Re istered Vehicle $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Lease Filin $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Re-inspection without taxicab $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase meter ~F' Legislative Services Division HST User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Appl cable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) (Y/N) Effective Date Re-inspection with taxicab meter $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Late Cancellation/No Show for $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Inspection Plate Eli ibili List (annuall $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase Cat & Do Licences Sterilized $20.00/ r $20.00/ r N No Increase Unsterilized $50.00/ r $50.00/ r N No Increase Microchi - sterilized $15.00/ r $15.00/ r N No Increase Microchi - unsterilized $40.00/ r $40.00/ r N No Increase Re lacement * $5.00/ea $5.00/ea N No Increase Im oundment Fees Impoundment of dog or cat wearing current animal licence ta or microchip ed 1st occurrence $40.00 $40.00 N No Increase 2nd or subse uent occurrence $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase After re ular workin hours $120.00 • $120.00 N No Increase Dail Care Fee $15.00/da $15.00/da N No Increase Impoundment of dog or cat not wearing current animal licence ta or microchi ed 1 st occurrence $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase 2nd or subsequent occurrence $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase 3rd or subsequent occurrence $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase After re ular workin hours $120.00 $120.00 N No Increase Dail Care Fee $15.00/da $15.00/da N No Increase Service Fees - Owner Transfer of ownership of an $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase animal. Non-Resident-Transfer of $200.00 . $200.00 N No Increase ownership Pick up and disposal of deceased owned animals Small - medium size $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Medium - extra lar e size $80.00 $80.00 N No Increase Ado tion Fees Do s $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase Cats $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase ~ Legislative Services Division Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap~Y/N)b1e Effective Date Obedience Do Trainin $100.00 $100.00 Y No Increase Adult Video Owner/O erator $1,500.00/ r $1,500.00/ r N No Increase Owner - not o erator $1,400.00/ r $1,400.00/ r N No Increase Operator - not owner $100.00/ r $100.00/ r N No Increase Fireworks Permits $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Hawker / Peddler Licence _ Temporary Use (per day/per $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase location) Stationa Use $250.00/ r $250.00/yr N No Increase Si ns Tem ora Si n- one month $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase Portable Sign Licence $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase Banner and Inflatable Si n $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase Sidewalk Si n $100.00/ea $100.00/ea N No Increase Billboard Annual Licence $500.00/ea $500.00/ea N No Increase Additional fee for any sign $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase installed prior to licence insurance Redemption Fee - election si ns $25.00/ea $25.00/ea N No Increase Redemption Fee - all signs less $25.00/ea $25.00/ea N No Increase than 2 m2 Redem tion Fee - all other si ns $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase Si n Variance - all other signs $100.00/ea $100.00/ea N No Increase Fence Variance Sup orted $100.00/ea $100.00/ea N No Increase Contested $250.00/ea $250.00/ea N No Increase Sidewalk Snow Clearin Less than 50' $106.25 $106.25 N No Increase Grater than 50' or corner lot $156.25 $156.25 N No Increase Commissioning & Certification $15.00 up to 5 $15.00 up to 5 N No Increase of Documents (commissioning signatures signatures for pension forms is $5.00 per $5.00 per unofficially exempt) signature after 5 signature after 5 ~ Legislative Services Division . Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable Effective Date (Y/N) Lotteries Bazaar, Break open Raffle 1.5% of gross 1.5% of gross N No Increase prize value prize value (minimum fee of (minimum fee of $15.00) $15.00) Other . Marria e Licence $100.00/ea $100.00/ea N No Increase Marria e Ceremonies $250.00/ea $250.00/ea Y No Increase Burial Permits $25.00/ea $25.00/ea N No Increase Tree Cuttin Permit $100.00/ea $100.00/ea N No Increase Traffic & Parkin Removal of obstruction from City $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase road Return Fee = basketball net or $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase other item Retum Fee - sho ing cart $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Photoco in ' Up to five pages free - additional $0.50/ea $0.50/ea Y No Increase pages Council A enda $350.00/ r $350.00/yr Y No Increase , Executive/Planning Agenda $350.00/yr $350.00/ r Y No Increase Park Vendor Permits Kinsmen Park $3,000.00 $3,000.00 N No Increase Dunmoore Park - $2,500.00 $2,500.00 N No Increase Bev Mor an Park $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N No Increase Chris Graham Fields $2,500.00 $2,500.00 N No Increase Princess Diana Park $2,500.00 $2,500.00 N No Increase St. Mary's Sports Field/Amberlea $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N No Increase Park (one vendor to service both sites) , Legal Services , Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap~Y/N)b1e Effective Date Nota $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Draft Plan of Subdivision - A reement Fee $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Y No Increase Approval Package Fee (Release $500.00 $750.00 _ Y March 5, 2013 to Regist Office -Assum tion Packa e Fee $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Y No Increase - Clearance Release Fee $1,100.00 $1,100.00 N No Increase Amending Subdivision Agreement $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Y No Increase II - Major Amending Subdivision Agreement $400.00 $400.00 Y No Increase - Minor Clearance Release Fee $1,100.00 $1,100.00 N No Increase Approval Package Fee (Release to Re ist Office) - Traditional $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase -Common Element $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Y No Increase Site Plan Agreement Fee (Standard Form) $900.00 $900.00 Y No Increase A reement Fee Custom Form $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Y No Increase Amendin Site Plan A reement $400.00 $400.00 Y No Increase Part Lot Control B -law - Base Fee $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase - Per Unit Fee $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase - Seconda Process Fee $100.00 $100.00 Y No Increase A reements B-laws & Processes Develo ment A reement - Major $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Y No Increase Develo mentA reement-Minor $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Y Nolncrease DevelopmentAgreement - $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Y No Increase Amendment - Major Development Agreement - $400.00 $400.00 Y No Increase Amendment - Minor Combined Site Plan/Development $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Y No Increase Agreement Assumption Package Fee - Major $1,000.00 $1,250.00 Y March 5, 2013 Assumption Package Fee - Minor $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase Model Home A reement $750.00 $750.00 Y No Increase Right of Re-entry $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Letters/Assumption Request Documentation Road Dedication/Naming $300.00 $300.00 Y No Increase By-law Proc. ~ Legal Services Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap~Y/N)b1e Effective Date Road Closing Process $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Y No Increase (Preparation of all documents to stop-up and close, i.e. Notices, . RTC, By-laws) Transfer of Land/Easements $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Miscellaneous Agreements (Road $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Y No Increase Improvements/Servicing, etc.) - Major Miscellaneous Agreements (Road $750.00 $750.00 Y No Increase Improvements/Servicing, etc.) - Minor Release of Agreements - $300.00 $300.00 Y No Increase Develo ment Related Release of Agreements - $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase _ Encroachment/Licence/ Miscellaneous Release of Easements $300.00 $300.00 Y No Increase (Preparation and processing of By laws, RTC, Resolutions) Search Fee Process - Per PIN $15.00 $15.00 Y No Increase Document Download - Teraview $5.00 $5.00 Y No Increase (Per pocument) Transfer Release & Abandonment $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Administration Fee - Letter of $250.00 $250.00 Y No Increase Credit Draw Insurance (Per Draw) , Misceltaneous $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Reporting/Disbursement Fees Letter Teraview/Document Review Sign- $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase off Release of Miscellaneous $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Documentations (Certificates/Orders, Postponements, Notices) ~ Finance Division Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap~~b1e Effective Date Bidders cost to pick up tendering package: Range: Range: Price range based upon the size of the $30.00 to $100.00 $30.00 to $100.00 N No Increase tendering document package, drawings, soils report, consulting reports - relative to the size of the project Letter of Credit Administration Draw Fee $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase (Excluding Subdivision and Development Agreements) NSF Cheques $42.50 $45.00 N March 1, 2013 Electronic Pa ment Correction $42.50 $45.00 N March 1, 2013 Post Dated Che ue Retrieval Fee $42.50 $45.00 N March 1, 2013 New Roll Number Set U Fee $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Residential A portionment Fee $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Commercial Ap ortionment Fee $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Ownershi Change Administration Fee $30.00 $30.00 N No Increase Preparation of Property Tax Registration $450.00 $450.00 N No Increase Extension Agreement Receipt for Income Tax er roll number $10.00 . $10.00 N No Increase *If you are 65 years of age or older as of $0.00 $0.00 N No Increase December 31, 2013, the fee for an Income 'I Tax Receipt will be $0 for those properties in the RT tax class Property Tax Account Analysis/Research - $35.00/hr $35.00/hr N No increase includes archival records (One hour min.) Addition of water/sewer lien er roll number $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Addition of POA lien per roll number $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Addition of Development Charges lien per roll $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase number Duplicate Tax Bill er roll number $10.00 $10.00 N No Increase Statement of Account er roll number $10.00 $10.00 N No Increase Tax Certificates - No Verbal rovided $65.00 $65.00 N No Increase Tax Certificates Faxed (24 hour turn around) - $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Verbal provided ' 357/358 Applications $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase (De endin on value of rebate Tax Collection/Tax Re istration Letters $30.00 $30.00 . N No Increase Tax Billing for Mortgage Company $10.00 $12.50 N June 1, 2013 (Annual fee for Final Payment Listing Per roll number Farm Debt Letter $65.00 $65.00 N No Increase i Operations & Fleet Services Division Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excludirrg HST) Appl~ble Effective Date Sports Tournaments - User Fee $500.00/weekend $500.00/weekend N No Increase Excludes league tournaments (2-3 days) (2-3 days) • $250.00/day $250.00/day Sport Camps- User Fee $500.00/week (Full Park) $500.00/week (Full Park) N No Increase $250.00/week (Partial $250.00/week (Partial Park) Park) Park Permit Fee $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Temporary Fence Enclosures $175.00 $175.00 N No Increase (Beer Tent) Sport Field Lighting Fee Youth Groups $11.00/hr Youth Groups $11.00/hr N No Increase Adult Groups $21.00/hr Adult Groups $21.00/hr Sports Field Booking Permit Fee $25.00/field/season $25.00/field/season N No Increase Artificial Turf Soccer Field Youth Groups $20.00/hr N March 5, 2013 $80.00/hr - Adult full rate to be Adult Groups $40.00/hr implemented in 2014 season (youth will be 1/2 price) Road Occupanc Permits $25.00 $50.00 N March 5, 2013 Road Occupancy Permits with $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Barricades (including street parties) Special Events/Picnics/School $100.00 $100.00 Y No Increase Events - Picnic Tables (5 per load) - Delivery & Pick Up Special Events/Picnics/School $25.00 $25.00 Y No Increase Events - Garbage Cans (5 per load) Delivery & Pick Up Special $25.00 $25.00 Y No Increase Events/Picn ics/BBQ's/School Events -,Barricades (5 per load) Delivery & Pick Up Driveway Entrance Curb Cut Min Charge $207.00 Min Charge $207.00 Y No Increase $39.00/m (5.3m plus) $39.00/m (5.3m plus) Driveway Entrance 9 metres x $1,500.00 , $1,600.00 N March 5, 2013 400 millimetres Driveway Entrance 9 metres to 15 $1,500.00 $1,600.00 N March 5, 2013 metres Plus $160.00 per metre in Plus $165.00 per metre excess of 9 metres in excess of 9 metres Plus $40.00 per coupler Plus $45.00 per coupler when required when required ~r . -Operations & Fleet Services Division Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable Effective Date YL/N). Driveway Entrance extension of $170.00 per metre $175.00 per metre N March 5, 2013 existing culvert Plus $40.00 per coupler Plus $45.00 per coupler Min Charge $210.00 Min Charge $250.00 Driveway Entrance, culvert other Contract Cost Contract Cost Y No Increase than as described above (time and materiai) (time & materiai) New rural driveway entrance $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase (No Culvert) Commemorative Tree and Plaque $600.00 $600.00 N No Increase Commemorative Bench and $1,200.00 $1,200.00 N No Increase Plaque Hydro/lighting charges for tennis $300.00 per court per $300.00 per court per N No Increase courts season season Encroachment Agreement (New) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase - must be registered Encroachment Agreement $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase (Renewal) - must be registered Registration of Encroachment $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Agreements Assignment of Encroachment $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase Agreements , . ~t ' I Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Charge (Excluding Fee Excluding ~Applicable Proposed Fee Effective Date HST) HST ~N~ Fitness Services Personal Training Personal Training Individual Session - Members $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase ` - Non-members $70.00 $70.00 Y No Increase Personal Training Intro Pack - Members $103.32 $103.32 Y No Increase - Non-members $123.98 $123.98 Y No Increase Personal Training 6 pack - Members $330.00 $330.00 Y No Increase - Non-members $379.50 $379.50 Y No Increase Personal Training 12 pack - Members $600.00 $600.00 Y No Increase - Non-members $690.00 $690.00 Y No Increase Personal Training 18 Pack - Members $900.00 $900.00 Y No Increase - Non-members $1,035.00 $1,035.00 Y No Increase Personal Training Buddy Training - Members $72.06 $72.06 Y No Increase - Non-members $84.78 $84.78 Y No Increase Personal Training Buddy Training 3 People - Members $90.08 $90.08 Y No Increase ' - Non-members $106.25 $106.25 Y No Increase Personal Training Group Training Programs Core Training -10, 1 hour sessions $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Outdoor Beach Bootcamp - 10, 1 hour $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Fitness Boxing - 10, 1 hour sessions $175.00 $175.00 Y No Increase Biggest Loser -16, 1 hour sessions $289.00 $289.00 Y No Increase Personal Training Sports Specific One Athlete - Members $72.05 $72.05 Y No Increase - Non-members $84.77 $84.77 Y No Increase Two Athletes Members $41.50 $41.50 Y No Increase - Non-members $48.82 $48.82 Y No Increase Three Athletes - Members $31.12 $31.12 Y No Increase - Non-members $36.61 $36.61 Y No Increase Four Athletes - Members $25.94 $25.94 Y No Increase - Non-members $30.51 $30.51 Y No Increase Five Athletes - Members $22.83 $22.83 Y No Increase - Non-members' $26.85 $26.85 Y No Increase Pilates Reformer Training Single $70.00 $70.00 Y No Increase 5- class $297.50 $297.50 Y No Increase Buddy 2- 3 persons $50.00 $50.00 Y No Increase ~ 5- class $212.50 $212.50 Y No Increase • Small Group 4- 8 persons $30.00 $30.00 Y No Increase 5- class $127.50 $127.50 Y No Increase I Nutritional Consulting - Ii Introductory Session ' - Member $118.39 $118.39 Y No Increase I - Non-members $139.28 $139.28 Y No Increase Introductory Session FamPly/Friend Member $169.12 $169.12 Y No Increase , . ~ i Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Charge (Excluding Fee Excluding Applicabte Proposed Fee ' HST) HST (Y/N) Effective Date ' Introductory Session Family/Friend Non-member $198.97 $198.97 Y No Increase Keep on Track Six - 15 minute consults, Member $118.39 $118.39 Y No Increase Keep on Track Six - 15 minute consults, Non-member $139.28 $139.28 Y No Increase ~ Full Service Twelve - 30 minute consults, Member $423.38 $423.38 Y No Increase Full Service Twelve - 30 minute consults, Non-member $498.09 $498.09 Y No Increase Cifestyle Nutrition One class - Member $81.05 $81.05 Y No Increase One class - Non-member $95.36 $95.36 Y No Increase Successful Eating Plan One class - Member $81.05 $81.05 Y No Increase One class - Non-member $95.36 $95.36 Y No Increase Initial Consultation - Member ' $72.25 $72.25 Y No Increase - Non-members $85.00 $85.00 Y No Increase Follow Up Session - Member $34.00 $34.00 Y No Increase - Non-members $40.00 $40.00 Y No Increase Nutrition Programming Healthy Eating per session $12.50 $12.50 Y No Increase Weight Management per session $12.50 $12.50 Y No Increase Nutrition Info Session per session $15.00 $15.00 Y No Increase I Personal Best Nutrition per session $12:50 $12.50 Y No Increase Nutrition - 1 hour seminar per session $10.00 $10.00 Y No Increase Child Supervision Service C.S. 1 Hour - Member $3.50 $3.50 N No Increase C.S. 10 Pass - Member $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase C.S. 1 Hour - Non-rriembers $5.00 $5.00 N No Increase C.S. 10 Pass - Non-members $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Programs Fitness Registered - youth Giriz Club (Rename Active Girls) One class $5.75 $5.75 N No Increase Boyz Club (Rename Active Boys) One class $5.75 $5.75 N No Increase Kids Nia One class $6.00 $6.00 N No Increase Fitness Registered - family Family Fit Challenge Six, 1-hour classes, 1 adult & 1 child $63.00 $63.00 N No Increase Six, 1-hour classes, 1 additional family $15.00 $15.00 N No Increase Family Fit Yoga 12 60-minute classes 1 adult & 1 child (per class) $10.80 $10.80 N No Increase each add. Fam mem (per class) $2.50 $2.50 N No Increase Family Fit Cardio Box 12 60-minute classes 1 adult & 1 child (per class) $10.80 $10.80 N No Increase each add. Fam mem (per class) $2.50 $2.50 N No Increase , Family Fit Zumba 12 60-minute classes 1 adult & 1 child (per class) $10.80 $10.80 N No Increase each add. Fam mem (per class) $2.50 $2.50 N No Increase Zumbatomic one class $5.75 $5.75 N No Increase Fitness Registered - teens Club Sport Conditioning One class $8.00 $8.00 N No Increase F.I.T. Club " One class $8.00 $8.00 N No Increase F.I.T. Club Fast Track " One class $41.67 $41.67 N No Increase F.I.T. Club Challenge * One class $35.00 $35.00 N ' No Increase Teen Bootcamp One class $7.50 $7.50 N No Increase Teen Kickboxing One class $7.50 $7.50 N No Increase Teen Yoga One class $7.50 $7.50 N No Increase 4 ' Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST g Applicable Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excludin Fee HST Excluding YIN Effective Date ~ HST ~ ~ Fitness Teen Camp Five, 6-hour classes $298.00 $298.00 N No Increase Fitness Registered - adult Base Camp One class $10.80 $10.80 Y No Increase Boot Camp One class $10.80 $10.80 Y No Increase Bellydancing One class $8.64 $8.64 Y No Increase Cyclefit One class $8.64 $8.64 Y No Increase Kickboxing One class $8.64 $8.64 Y No Increase Nia One class $8.64 $8.64 Y No Increase Personal Best One class $12.60 $12.60 Y No Increase Pilates (Intermediate) One class $8.64 $8.64 Y No Increase Pilates (Beginner) One class $8.64 $8.64 Y No Increase PREP One class $10.80 $10.80 Y No Increase Tai Chi One class $8.64 $8.64 Y No Increase Urban Poling One class $8.60 $8.60 Y No Increase Yoga (Progressive) One class $8.64 $8.64 Y No Increase Women's Weight Training One class $10.00 $10.00 Y No Increase Pre/Post Natal Fitness One class $8.64 $8.64 Y No lncrease Fitness Registered - adult 55+ Nia for Seniors One class $6.00 $6.00 N No Increase Osteo Breakthrough One class $6.00 $6.00 N No Increase Pilates Style Fitness One class $6.00 $6.00 N No Increase Stretch and Strengthen One class $4.20 $4.20 Y No Increase Summer Fit One class $4.20 $4.20 Y No Increase Yoga for Older Adults " One class $6.00 $6.00 N No Increase Zumba Gold One class $6.00 $6.00 Y No Increase Spinning and Strength Studio - Prime Drop in participants - one class $12.00 $12.00 Y No Increase Members extra fee - one class $6.00 $6.00 Y No Increase Mind and Body Studio Drop in participants - one class$12.00 $12.00 Y No Increase Members extra fee - one class $6.00 $6.00 Y No Increase Aquatic Programs Swim Preschool Ten - 30 minute classes $88.00 $88.00 N No Increase Swim Kids 1-5 Ten - 30 minute classes $88.00 $88.00 N No Increase Swim Kids 6-10 Ten - 45 minute classes $98.00 $98.00 N No Increase Summer Swim (DIP) Session Nineteen - 45 minute classes $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase Youth Programs Ten - 45 minute classes $94.55 $94.55 N No Increase Canadian Swim Patrol Ten - 1 hour classes $95.55 $95.55 N No Increase . Bronze Star • Ten - 1.5 hour classes $111.00 $111.00 N No Increase Bronze Medallion & Emergency First Twenty-four hour program $219.00 $219.00 N No Increase Aid ' Bronze Cross Twenty-four hour program $164.00 $164.00 N No Increase NLS Forty hour program $257.01 $257.01 Y No Increase Leader/Assistant Instructor Forty hour program $215.89 $215.89 Y No Increase Red Cross/Lifesaving Society Water Forty-five hour program $269.86 $269.86 Y No Increase Safe Instructor Withdrawal fee for Leadership Sixteen hours $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Standard First Aid/CPR Sixteen hours $104.00 $104.00 Y No Increase Standard First Aid/CPR (Staf) Sixteen hours $73.50 $73.50 Y No Increase SFA/CPR Recert Eight hours $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase SFA/CPR Recert (Staffl Eight hours $42.00 $42.00 Y No Increase CPR Six hours $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase CPR (Staffl Six hours $42.00 $42.00 Y No Increase 4 cz Cuiture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST Fee Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Applicable Excluding Effective Date HST) HST (YIN) CPR Recert Four hours $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase CPR Recert (Staffl Four hours $25.00 $25.00 Y No Increase Aqua Adults Ten - 55 minute classes $87.34 $87.34 Y No Increase Aqua Adults Ten - 30 minute classes $59.85 $59.85 Y No Increase Private Classes Ten - 30 minute classes $265.00 $265.00 N No Increase Semi-Private Classes Ten - 30 minute classes $159.65 $159.65 N No Increase Aquafit Ten - 55 minute classes $84.11 $84.11 Y No increase Aquafit Twenty - 55 minute classes $145.79 $145.79 Y No Increase Aquafit Thirty - 55 minute classes $170.09 $170.09 Y No Increase Specialty Aquafit, Nice'n Easy Ten - 40 minute classes $71.96 $71.96 Y No Increase Specialty Aquafit, Nice'n Easy Twenty - 40 minute classes $106.54 $106.54 Y No Increase 'I Aquafit for Arthritis Ten - 40 minute classes $71.96 $71.96 Y No Increase i Aquafit for Arthritis Twenty - 40 minute classes $106.54 $106.54 Y No Increase ' Aquafit Pay As You Go $12.00 $12.00 Y No Increase Aquafit Pay As You Go Senior $6.00 $6.00 Y No Increase 5 Pass $60.00 $60.00 Y No increase 10 Pass $120.00 $120.00 Y No Increase ' Senior 5 pass ' $30.00 $30.00 Y No Increase Senior 10 pass $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase High Five for Aquatics Four hours $66.95 $66.95 Y No Increase Private/ Semi-Private 30 minutes $26.50 $27.83 Y July 1, 2013 Museum Education Outreach Programs (for students) (Per Student Fee) No HST for students/ HST for adults/seniors Weaving Wizards One - 2 hour class $4.50 $4.75 N/Y April 1, 2013 Buzzsaws & Building Blocks One - 2 hour class ' $4.50 $4.75 N/Y April 1, 2013 Wonderful Wool One - 45 minute class $3.00 $3.25 N/Y April 1, 2013 Thingamajigs One - 1 hour class $3:50 $3.75 N/Y April 1, 2013 Settlers Workshop Fracture One - 2 hour class $5.00 $5.25 N/Y April 1, 2013 Christmas Past One - 2 hour class $5.00 $5.25 N/Y April 1, 2013 Fracture One - 2 hour class $5.00 $5.25 N/Y April 1, 2013 Sheep to Shawl One - 2 hour class $5.00 $5.25 N/Y April 1, 2013 Stunning Stencils One - 2 hour class $5.00 $5.25 N/Y April 1, 2013 Wordsmiths One - 2 hour class $5.00 $5.25 N/Y . April 1, 2013 The Hand That Rocks The Cradle One - 2 hour class $185.00 $195.00 N/Y A ril 1, 2013 Museum Public Outreach Pro rams for non-students Per Partici ant Fee HST for non- students Buzzsaws & Buildin Blocks One - 2 hour class $4.50 $4.73 Y A ril 1 2013 Settler's Worksho One - 2 hour class $5.00 $5.22 Y A ril 1, 2013 Shee to Shawl One - 2 hour class $5.00 $5.22 Y A ril 1, 2013 Stunnin Stencils One - 2 hour class $5.00 $5.22 Y A ril 1, 2013 The Hand That Rocks the Cradle One - 2 hour class $185.00 $194.69 Y A ril 1, 2013 Thin ama'i s One - 1 hour class $3.50 $3.76 Y A ril 1 2013 Weavin Wizards One - 2 hour class $4.50 $4.73 Y A ril 1 2013 Museum Guest S eaker Presentations Flat Rate Cost The Hand That Rocks the Cradle One - 2 hour resentation $185.00 $194.69 Y A ril 1 2013 Guest S eaker Presentations One - 1 hour resentation $100.00 $101.77 Y A ril 1 2013 Preschool Programs Toddler Playgroup Twelve - 1 hour classes $99.00 $101.00 N April 1, 2013 Artful Toddler Twelve - 1.25 hour classes $125.00 $127.00 N April 1, 2013 Kindergarten's Coming Twelve - 2 1/4 hour classes $162.00 $165.00 N April 1, 2013 P.S. Writing is Fun Twelve - 1 hour classes $99.00 $101.00 N April 1, 2013 , ~ Culture & Recreation Division • Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Charge (Excluding Fee Applicable Proposed Fee HST) Excluding (YIN) Effective Date HST Tots In Action Twelve - 2 hour classes $138.00 $141.00 N April 1, 2013 Learn to Read Twelve - 1 1/4 hour classes $125.00 $127.00 N April 1, 2013 Wiggles'n Giggles . Twelve - 45 minute classes $87.00 $89.00 N April 1, 2013 Tumble Tots Twelve - 45 minute classes $87.00 $89.00 N April 1, 2013 Bouncin' Buddies Twelve - 45 minute classes $87.00 $89.00 N April 1, 2013 Jumpin' Jax Twelve - 45 minute classes $87.00 $89.00 N April 1, 2013 Junior Gym Twelve - 1 hour classes $102.00 $104.00 N April 1, 2013 Parent & Tot Skate Twelve - 30 minute classes $80.00 $82.00 N April 1, 2013 Beginner/Pre School Skating Twelve - 30 minute classes $80.00 $82.00 N April 1, 2013 Advanced Skating Twelve - 45 minute classes $96.00 $98.00 N April 1, 2013 Family Fun Twelve - 1 hour classes $117.00 $119.00 N April 1, 2013 Kids Nia Eight - 45 minute classes $40.00 $40.00 N No Increase Salsa Babies Six - 45 minute classes $72.00 $72.00 Y No Increase Salsa Tots Six - 30 minute classes $60.00 $60.00 N No Increase Children & Youth Programs Creative Steps Twelve - 30 minute classes $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Pre-Ballet Twelve - 45 minute classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Primary Ballet Twelve - 45 minute classes ' $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Hip Hop Twelve - 45 minute classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Jau Twelve - 45 minute classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase , Children's Art Ten - 1.25 hour classes $73.00 $73.00 N No Increase Youth Art (does not include supplies). Ten - 1.5 hour classes $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Cartooning for Kids Ten - 1.25 hour classes $73.00 $73.00 N No Increase Babysitter's Training Course Eight - 1.5 hour classes $65.00 $65.00 N No Increase Home Alone Four - 1.5 hour classes $35.00 $35.00 N tVo Increase Breakdancing Ten - 1 hour classes $61.00 $61.00 N No Increase - Mad Science Eight - 1 hour classes $124.00 $129.99 N April 1, 2013 ' Children's Guitar - Level 1 Eight - 1 hour classes $70.00 $70.00 N No Increase Girls Night Seven weeks - 2 hour classes $61.00 $61.00 N No Increase ~ Karate Three months - 1 hour classes $94.00 $94.00 N No Increase Badminton Twelve - 1 hour classes $59.00 $62.00 N April 1, 2013 Summer Assistant Counsellor Minimum 2 sessions or 4 weeks $81.00 $84.00 N April 1, 2013 Summer Youth Leadership Nine - 3 hour classes $124.00 $128.00 N April 1, 2013 Ten - 3 hours classes $135.00 $139.00 N April 1, 2013 Recreational Basketball Clinic Six - 2 hour classes $47.00 $47.00 N No Increase Recreational Volleyball Clinic Six - 2 hour classes $47.00 $47.00 N No Increase Ball Hockey Ten - 1.5 hour classes $60.00 $62.00 N April 1, 2013 HIGH FIVE One Day - 7 hour class $62.00 $62.00 N No Increase Indoor Games Ten - 1.5 hour classes $60.00 $62.00 N April 1, 2013 Children's Table Tennis Ten - 1.5 hour classes $70.00 $70.00 N No Increase Make Up Workshop One 3 hour workshop $30.00 $30.00 N No Increase Cookin for Teens Ei ht - 1.5 hour classes $71.00 $71.00 N No Increase Teen Art Ten - 1.5 hour classes $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Teen Photography Six - 2 hour classes $52.00 $52.00 N No Increase Parent /Child Fhdtography Six - 1.25 hour classes $90.00 $90.00 N No Increase P/C Photo ra h 2nd child Six - 1.25 hour classes $36.00 $36.00 N No Increase Mother/Daughter Hip Hop Twelve - 45 minute classes $85.00 $55.00 N No Increase M/D Hip Hop (2nd child) Twelve - 45 minute classes $43.00 $43.00 N No Increase Tap Twelve - 30 minute classes $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Contemporary Dance Twelve - 45 minute classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Indian Dance Twelve - 45 minute classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase 17 Culture Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Charge (Excluding Fee Applicable Proposed Fee HST) Excluding (YIN) Effective Date HST Adult Programs Art Ten - 2 hour classes $80.53 $80.53 Y No Increase Art - Acrylics Eight - 2 hr classes $73.45 $64.60 Y No Increase Adult Guitar Eight - 1 hour classes $62.83 $62.83 Y No Increase Ballroom Dance Ten - 2 hour classes $91.15 $91.15 Y No Increase Beading/Jewellery Making Eight - 1.5 hour classes $86.73 $86.73 Y No Increase Bellydance Twelve - 1 hour classes ' $75.22 $75.22 Y No Increase Spanish, Beginner/Int. Ten - 2 hour classes $75.22 $75.22 Y No Increase Photography, Beginner Six - 2 hour classes $48.67 $48.67 Y No Increase Karate Three months - 1 hour classes $86.72 $86.72 Y No Increaso Skating Twelve - 45 minute classes $86.72 $86.72 Y No Increase Men's Power Hour Twelve - 1 hour classes $45.13 $45.13 Y No Increase Badminton Twelve - 1.5 hour classes $66.37 $66.37 Y No Increase Volleyball, Competitive Ten - 2 hour classes $70.79 $70.79 Y No Increase Volleyball, Recreation Twelve -1.5 hour classes $63.71 $63.71 Y No Increase i Cake Decorating Ten - 2.25 hour classes $68.14 $68.14 Y No Increase ' Polish Cooking Eight - 2 hour classes $131.85 $131.85 Y No Increase Oriental Fusion Eight - 2 hour classes $131.85 $131.85 Y No Increase African Drumming Ten - 1.5 hour classes $63.72 $63.72 Y No Increase African Dance Ten - 1.5 hour classes $92.92 $92.92 Y No Increase Digital Camera WS's One - 2 hour class $23.00 $23.00 Y No Increase Older Adult Programs Line Dancing Twelve - 1 hour classes $32.74 $34.54 Y April 1, 2013 Latin Line Dancing Ten - 1 hour classes $28.32 $28.85 Y April 1, 2013 Clog Dancing Ten - 1 hour classes $28.32 $28.85 Y April 1, 2013 , Art Class Ten - 2 hour classes $42.92 $43.80 Y April 1, 2013 ~ Museum Programs Kids in the Village Summer Craft & One - 2 hour class $4.87 $6.19 Y April 1, 2013 Games Pro ram Christmas Craft Club Combo Four - 2 hour classes $51.33 =$48 Y April 1, 2013 Mother's Day Tea One - 1.5 hour sitting $17.70 Y April 1, 2013 Summer Solstice/Harvest Suppers One - 3 hour class (weeknight) $46.02 Y April 1, 2013 Christmas Craft Club One - 2 hour class •$14.16 Y April 1, 2013 Hearth and Home Cooking One - 2.5 hour $0.00 Y April 1, 2013 Hearth and Home Cooking Series Three - 2.5 hour classes $79.65 $88.50 Y April 1, 2013 Hearth and Home Cooking Series Four - 2.5 hour classes $0.00 $119.47 Y April 1, 2013 PMV Workshop One - 3 hour class $17.70 $19.03 Y April 1, 2013 Back in Time Tea and Tour One - 2 hour presentation $7.96 $8.41 Y April 1, 2013 Pioneer Immersion (Home School) Nine - 2 hour classes $0.00 $90.00 N April 1, 2013 Camps March Break Camp Extend a Camp Five days $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Full Day Program Five days $170.00 $170.00 N No Increase Half Day Camp Five days $88.00 $88.00 N. No Increase Mad Science Five days $220.00 $230.00 N April 1, 2013 Museum Time Traveller Camp Four days $136.00 $136.00 N No Increase Five days $170.00 $170.00 N No Increase Culture & Recreation Division , Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Charge (Excluding Fee Applicable Proposed Fee HST Excluding Y/N Etfective Date ~ HST ~ ~ Summer Camps - AdventurelArtlSports Full Day Program Four days $136.00 $136.00 N No Increase Five days $170.00 $170.00 N No Increase Act One Drama Club $192.00 $192.00 N No Increase Skateboard Camp $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase Camp Mini Pidaca Half Day Program Four days $70.00 $70.00 N No Increase Five days $88.00 $88.00 N No Increase Extend-a-Camp 4 Days $54.00 $54.00 N No Increase 5 Days $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Mad Science Camp Full Day Program Five days $220.00 $220.00 N No Increase Memberships: Pickering Recreation Complex • " Pre Expansion Memberships • Health Club Adult, full Annual $486.20 $486.20 Y No Increase Adult, daytime Annual $416.27 $437.09 Y September 1, 2013 Adult, grandfather, ful1, corp Annual $364.65 $364.65 Y No Increase Adult, grandfather, day, corp Annual , $312.20 $312.20 Y No Increase * Squash Adult Full, Annual $600.30 $600.30 Y No Increase Adult Daytime, Annual $487.20 $511.56 Y September 1, 2013 Adult, grandfather, day, corp Annual $365.40 $365.40 Y No Increase " Racquetball Adult Full, Annual $491.19 $491.19 Y No Increase Adult Daytime, Annual $420.71 $441.75 Y September 1, 2013 Adult, grandfather, day, corp Annual $315.53 $315.53 Y No Increase * Combination ' Adult Full, Annual • $604.53 $604.53 Y No Increase Adult, grandfather, full, corp Annual $483.62 $483.62 Y No Increase * Tennis Adult Resident, Full, Annual $515.61 $515.61 Y No Increase Adult Resident, Daytime, Annual $422.33 $443.45 Y September 1, 2013 " Tennis Adult Non-resident, Full, Annual $583.25 $583.25 Y No Increase Adult Non-resident, Daytime, Annual $498.52 $523.45 Y September 1, 2013 " Golden Adult Full, Annual $1,146.05 $1,146.05 Y No Increase Adult Daytime, Annual $933.23 $979.89 Y September 1, 2013 Family Annual $2,199.12 $2,199.12 Y No Increase " Fitness Class Memberships Fitness Memberships Annual $376.95 $376.95 Y No Increase Seasonal $157.50 $157.50 Y No Increase . ~ ~ Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Char e Fee Proposed Fee g (Excluding Excluding ApPlicable Effective Date HST) HST ~Y/N) Youth Annual $157.50 $157.50 Y No Increase Family Annual $787.50 $787.50 Y No Increase New Expansion Memberships . Basic Health Adult Annual $486.20 $486.20 Y No Increase Seasonal $217.90 $217.90 Y No increase Adult corporate Annual $388.96 $388.96 Y No Increase Family Annual $835.87 $835.87 Y No Increase Health + Adult Annual $586.95 $586.95 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $264.12 $264.12 Y No Increase Adult Corporate $469.56 $469.56 Y No Increase Youth Annual $197.81 $197.81 Y No Increase Youth Seasonal $107.53 $107.53 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,177.14 $1,177.14 Y No Increase Student Annual ' $262.50 $262.50 Y No Increase Student Seasonal $131.25 $131.25 Y No Increase Specialty Health Adult Annual $769.00 $769.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $346.05 $346.05 Y No Increase Adult Corporate $615.20 $615.20 Y No Increase Youth Annual $297.81 $297.81 Y No Increase Student Annual $350.00 $350.00 Y No Increase Student • Seasonal $157.50 $157.50 . Y No Increase Youth Seasonal $207.53 $207.53 Y No Increase Basic Squash Adult Annual $600.30 $600.30 Y No Increase ' Seasonal $258.19 $258.19 Y No Increase Adult corporate Annual $480.24 L7$218.69 .24 Y No Increase Youth Annual $218.69 Y No Increase Seasonal $105.27 .27 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,042.98 2.98 Y No Increase Squash + Adult Annual $676.20 $676.20 Y No Increase ' Adult Seasonal $304.29 $304.29 Y No Increase Adult Corporate $540.96 $540.96 Y No Increase Youth Annual $218.69 $218.69 Y No Increase Youth •Seasonal $105.27 $105.27 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,342.34. $1,342.34 Y No Increase Student Annual $315.00 $315.00 Y No Increase Student Seasonal $157.50 $157.50 Y No Increase Basic Racquetball Adult Annual $491.19 $491.19 Y No Increase Seasonal $205.52 $205.52 Y No Increase Adult corporate Annual $392.95 $392.95 Y No Increase Youth Annual $218.77 $218.77 Y No Increase Se,asonal $105.21 $105.21 Y No Increase Family Annual $943.78 $943.78 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST g Applicable Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excludin Fee HST) Excluding (Y/N) Effective Date HST Racqueffiall + Adult Annual $615.30 $615.30 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $276.88 $276.88 Y No Increase Adult Corporate $492.24 $492.24 Y No Increase Youth Annual $218.77 $218.77 Y No Increase Youth Seasonal $105.27 $105.27 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,251.11 $1,251.11 Y No Increase Basic Tennis (Resident) Adult Resident Annual $515.61 $515.61 Y No Increase Resident Seasonal $217.08 $217.08 Y No Increase Youth Resident Annual $229.72 $229.72 Y No Increase Resident Seasonal $105.27 $105.27 Y No Increase Family Resident Annual $990.40 $990.40 Y No Increase I Tennis + (Resident) Adult Resident Annual $679.35 $679.35 Y No Increase Resident Seasonal $305.70 $305.70 Y No Increase Youth Resident Annual $229.72 $229.72 Y No Increase Resident Seasonal $105.27 $105.27 Y No Increase Family Resident Annual $1,363.62 $1,363.62 Y No Increase Basic Tennis (Non-Resident) Adult Non-resident Annual $583.25 $583.25 Y No Increase Non-resident Seasonal $245.21 $245.21 Y No Increase Youth Non-resident Annual $254.60 $254.60 Y No Increase Non-resident Seasonal $112.29 $112.29 Y No Increase Family Non-resident Annual $1,173.92 $1,173.92 Y No Increase Tennis + (Non-Resident) Adult Non-resident Annual $747.29 $747.29 Y No Increase Non-resident Seasonal $336.28 $336.28 Y No Increase Youth Non-resident Annual $254.60 $254.60 Y No Increase Non-resident Seasonal $112.30 $112.30 Y No Increase ~ Family Non-resident Annual $1,502.43 $1,502.43 Y No Increase Golden Adult Annual $1,575.00 $1,575.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $708.75 $708.75 Y No Increase Adult Corporate $1,260.00 $1,260.00 Y No Increase Youth Annual $437.57 $437.57 Y No Increase Youth Seasonal $183.77 $183.77 Y No Increase Family Annual $3,018.85 $3,018.85 Y No Increase Fitness Class Memberships Basic Fitness Adult Annual $376.95 $376.95 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $157.50 $157.50 Y No Increase Youth Annual $165.37 $165.37 Y No Increase Family Annual $787.50 $787.50 Y No Increase Specialty Fitness Adult Annual $559.00 $559.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $251.55 $251.55 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Char e Fee Proposed Fee g (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date HST) HST (Y(N) Memberships: Pickering Rec. Complex and Dunbarton Indoor Pool Aquatic Memberships Adulf Annual $169.90 $169.90 Y No Increase Family Annual $297.63 $297.63 Y No Increase Youth/Disabled/Senior Annual $113.39 $113.39 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $75.10 $75.10 Y No Increase Family Seasonal $111.61 $111.61 Y No Increase Youth/Disabled/Senior Seasonal $48.19 $48.19 Y No Increase Kick-Start Program $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Pickering Museum Village Season Pass Family/Daycare (2 adults, 5 children) $53.10 $57.52 Y April 1, 2013 Season Pass Twin (1 adult, 1 guest) $29.82 $29.82 Y No Increase Season Pass Day Care (2 adults, 10 children $0.00 $97.35 Y. April 1, 2013 Admissions & Passes Fitness Admissions Fitness Class - Basic Single Admission $8.19 $8.19 Y No Increase Fitness Class - Basic Five Pass $40.95 $40.95 Y No Increase Fitness Class - Specialty Single Admission $12.00 $12.00 Y No Increase Fitness Class - Specialty Five Pass $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase Fitness Room Single Admission $11.68 $11.68 Y No Increase Fitness Room Five Pass $58.40 $58.40 Y No Increase Fitness Room Ten Pass $116.80 $116.80 Y No Increase Arena Admissions Public Skating Single Admission - Youth $2.97 $2.88 Y August 1, 2013 Ten Pass - Youth $23.54 $23.01 Y August 1, 2013 Single Admission -Adult $3.94 $3.98 Y August 1, 2013 Ten Pass -Adult $31.42 $31.86 Y August 1, 2013 Family Pass $9.29 $8.85 Y August 1, 2013 Family 10 - Pass ' $49.03 $50.44 Y August 1, 2013 Parent & Tot Single Adult Admission $1.95 $1.77 Y August 1, 2013 Senior Skate Single Admission $0.97 $0.89 Y August 1, 2013 Shinny Single Admission $5.31 $4.43 Y August 1, 2013 Twenty Pass $78.45 $70.80 Y August 1, 2013 Special Promotion (Toonie Skate) $1.77 $1.77 Y No Increase (Family Day Skate & Saturdays) Youth Single $1.77 $1.77 Y No Increase Family Single $4.42 $4.43 Y August 1, 2013 Racquet Sports Admissions Squash/Racquetball Prime Time $13.35 $13.35 Y No Increase Non-prime Time $10.89 $10.89 Y No Increase Tennis Prime Time $33.01 $33.01 Y No Increase Non-prime Time $26.02 $26.02 Y No Increase Family Day Activity Passport $13.27 $13.27 Y No Increase Swimming Admissions Youth/SeniodDisabled Single Admission $2.23 $2.23 Y No Increase Youth/Senior/Disabled Ten Pass $18.87 $18.87 Y No Increase Adult Single $3.49 $3.49 Y No Increase Adult Ten Pass $30.58 $30.58 Y No Increase Family Single $7.00 $7.35 Y July 1, 2013 Family Ten Pass $60.15 $63.16 Y July 1, 2013 *7 1;1 Culture ~ Recreation Division - Current Fee Proposed HST - • User Fee or Charge ~ (Excluding Fee Excluding Applicabte Proposed Fee HST) (YIN) Effective Date HST Special Promotion (Toonie Swims) (Family Day Swim & Saturdays) Youth Single $1.77 $1.77 Y No Increase Family Single $4.42 $4.42 Y No Increase Museum Admissions - General Public Admissions Adults SingleAdmission $4.87 $6.19 Y April 1, 2013 Student/Senior SingleAdmission $3.98 $4.87 Y April 1, 2013 Children SingleAdmission $3.09 $3.54 Y Apri11,2013 Family SingleAdmission $14.60 $17.70 Y Apri11,2013 Museum Admissions - Education Tours School Tours - Basic Half day, per student $6.64 $7.25 Y April 1,2013 School Tours - Christmas in the Village Half day, per student $7.52 $8.25 Y April 1,2013 School Tours - Community Connections Half day, per student $0.00 $7.75 N April 1,2013 ~ School Tours - School Days Half day, per student $6.64 $7.25 Y April 1,2013 School Tours - Stencilling Half day, per'student $7.08 $7.75 Y April 1,2013 , School Tours - Wonderful Wool Half day, per student $6.64 $7.25 Y April 1,2013 ' School Tours - Candlemaking Full day, per student $12.39 $15.00 Y April 1,2013 School Tours - Dairy Day Full day, per student $11.06 $11.75 Y April 1,2013 j School Tours - Weaving Full day, per student $11.95 $12.75 Y April 1,2013 Multi Day Tours Full day, per student $12.39 $12.75 Y April 1,2013 School Tours - Conflict and Change Full day, per student $11.06 $13.25 Y April 1,2013 School Tours - Toys, Games and Leisure Activities Full day, per student $10.62 $11.25 Y April 1,2013 School Tours - Stencilling Full day, per student $10.62 $11.25 Y April 1,2013 School Tours - Blacksmithin Full da , er student $13:27 $14.25 Y A ril 1 2013 A S irit Walk Studsnt Performance / Educ. lesson $7.52 $8.50 N A ril 1, 2013 Museum Admissions - Public Tours School Tours - Basic Half da er student $7.00 $7.30 N A ril 1 2013 School Tours - Christmas in the Villa e Half da er student $8.00 $8.41 N A ril 1,2013 ! School Tours - Communi Connections Half da er student $0.00 $7.30 N A ril 1,2013 School Tours - School Da s Half da er student $7.00 $7.30 N A ril 1,201•3 School Tours - Stencillin Half da er student $7.50 $7.52 N A ril 1,2013 School Tours - Wonderful Wool Half da er student $7.00 $7.30 N A ril 1 2013 School Tours - Candlemakin Full da er student $13.00 $15.04 N A ril 1, 2013 School Tours - Dai Da Full da er student $11.50 $11.77 N A ril 1, 2013 School Tours - Weavin Full da er student $12.50 $12.83 N A ril 1, 2013 Multi Da Toucs Full da er student $12.50 $12.83 N A ril 1, 2013 School Tours - Conflict and Chan e Full da er student $13.00 $14.97 N A ril 1 2013 School Tours - To s, Games and Leisure Activities Full da er student $11.00 $12.43 N A ril 1 2013 School Tours - Stencillin Full da er student $11.00 $11.28 N A ril 1 2013 School Tours - Blacksmithin Full da er student $14.00 $14.38 N A ril 1, 2013 A S irit Walk Student Performance / Educ. lesson $7.52 $8.50 N A ril 1 2013 Rental Fees: Pickering Rec. Complex and Don Beer Arena Ice Rental Rates Pickering Youth Affiliate Hourly rate, prime time $165.09 $168.29 Y August 1, 2013 ' Hourly rate, non-prime time $124.06 $126.44 Y August 1, 2013 Adults & Residents Affiliate Hourly rate, prime time $185.10 $188.70 Y August 1, 2013 Hourly rate, non-prime time $140.07 $142.77 Y August 1, 2013 Commercial & Non-Resident Hourly rate, prime time $205.11 $209.11 Y August 1, 2013 Hourly rate, non-prime time $165.09 $168.29 Y August 1, 2013 Elementary Schools Hourly rate, prime time $165.09 $168.29 Y August 1, 2013 Hourly rate, non-prime time $74.05 $75.43 Y August 1, 2013 High School/Industrial Hourly rate, prime time $185.10 $188.70 Y August 1, 2013 Hourly rate, non-prime time $108.07 $110.13 Y August 1, 2013 Summer Ice Hourly rate, prime time $205.11 $209.21 Y August 1, 2013 Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST ' User Fee or Charge (Excluding Fee Excluding Applicable Proposed Fee HST) HST (Y/N) Effective Date Pad Rental Leagues Hourly rate $74.05 $76.54 Y August 1, 2013 General Flat rate, full day $1,716.25 $1,750.57 Y August 1, 2013 General Hourly rate $79.54 $81.13 Y August 1, 2013 Day-Camp Use (weatherrelated) Hourly rate $12.50 $12.50 Y No increase Pickering Museum Village Schoolhouse (rentals available year round) Resident Flat rate, whole day $407.08 $407.08 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate, whole day $486.73 $486.73 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $146.02 $146.02 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly rate $172.57 $172.57 Y No Increase, Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental $274.34 $274.34 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate, 2 houts day of rental $327.43 $327.43 Y No Increase Daytime Business, Resident Flat rate, business hours $247.79 $247.79 Y No Increase Daytime Business, Non-Resident Flat rate, business hours $305.31 $305.31 Y No Increase Communiry Group Flat rate, max. 4 hours $115.04 $128.31 Y April 1,2013 Chapel (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) No Increase Resident Hourly rate $154.87 $154.87 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly rate $185.84 $185.84 Y No Increase Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental $274.34 $274.34 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental $327.43 $327.43 Y No Increase Odd Fellows Hall (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident Flat rate, whole day $407.08 $407.08 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate, whole day $486.73 $486.73 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $106.19 $106.19 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly rate $123.89 $123.89 Y No Increase Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental $194.69 $194.69 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental ,$230.09 : $230.09 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate, max. 4 hours $115.04 $123.90 Y April 1,2013 Bandstand (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident Hourly rate ' $137.17 $137.17 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly rate $163.72 $163.72 Y No Increase Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental $247.79 $247.79 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental • $296.46 $296.46 Y No Increase Grounds for Photos (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident Hourly rate $53.10 $57.52 Y April 1, 2013 . Non-Resident Hourly rate $61.95 $66.37 Y April 1, 2013 Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental $92.92 $97.34 Y April 1, 2013 Non-Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental $110.62 $115.04 Y April 1, 2013 Photography Club Flat rate, max. 4 hours (public hrs.) $0.00 $123.90 Y April 1, 2013 Grounds for Picnics/Social Gatherings (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident Flat rate, whole day $407.08 $407.08 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate, whole day $486.73 $486.73 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate, 4 hours $0.00 $128.31 Y April 1, 2013 Redman House (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident Flat rate, whole day $292.04 $292.04 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate, whole day $353.98 $353.98 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $57.52 $57.52 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly rate $75.22 $75.22 Y No Increase Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental $92.92 $92.92 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate, 2 hours day of rental $110.62 $110.62 Y No Increase Daytime Business, Resident Flat rate, business hours $194.69 $194.69 Y No Increase ~ Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST ' User Fee or Char e Fee Proposed Fee g (Excluding Excluding APPlicable Effective Date HST) HST (Y/N) Daytime Business, Non-Resident Flat rate, business hours . $230.09 •$230.09 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate, max. 4 hours $115.04 $128.31 Y April 1,2013 Chairs (up to 100 chairs) Per chair $1.33 $1.33 Y No Increase PMV Education Kits One week rental $26.55 $26.55 Y No Increase Pickering Rec. Complex & Dunbarton Indoor Pool ~ Pool Rentals 'I Private Rental - Rec Complex Hourly rate, max 19 (RC) $105.30 $105.30 Y No Increase Private Rental - Dunbarton Pool Hourly rate, max 19 (DIP) $89.25 $93.72 Y September 1, 2013 Private Rental - Rec Complex Hourly rate, max 50 (RC) $127.05 $127.05 Y No Increase Private Rental Hourl rate max 50 DIP $111.00 $111.00 Y No Increase S nchronized Pool Rental Hourl rate non- rime DIP $67.63 $72.10 Y Se tember 1, 2013 Pickering Swim Club Hourly rate, prime time (RC) $64.81 $68.70 Y September 1, 2013 Pickenng Swim Club Hourly rate (DIP) $67.63 $72.10 Y September 1, 2013 Master Swim Program Hourly rate (DIP) $81.92 $85.20 Y September 1, 2013 Extra Lifeguard Hourly rate $21.75 $23.06 Y July 1, 2013 instructor Hourly rate $25.59 $27.13 Y July 1, 2013 I Board of Education Hourly rate $64.81 $64.81 Y No Increase , Swim Meet Houriy rate $130.76 $130.76 Y No Increase I Additional Facility Staff for Swim Hourly rate $41.74 $41.74 Y No Increase Pickering Rec. Complex Facilities Combatants Room Off Court Training Hourly rate $23.50 $23.50 Y No Increase Martial Arts Hourly rate $28.00 $28.00 Y No Increase Boyz and Giriz Birthday 2 hours $174.30 $174.30 Y No Increase After Hour Tennis Rentals Four Courts Hourly rate $104.23 $109.44 Y August 1, 2013 Pool Meetin Room Swim Party Rental Flat rate, 1.5 hours $34.86 $34.86 Y No Increase Meeting Room 1 • Resident Flat rate, whole day $154.69 $154.69 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, whole day $200.45 $200.45 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $29.41 $29.41 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $42.49 $42.49 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, business hours $96.95 $96.95 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, business hours $131.81 $131.81 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate, max. 4 hours $30.81 $30.81 Y No Increase Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 Resident Flat rate, whole day $251.75 $251.75 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, whole day $343.15 $343.15 Y No Increase ~i Resident Hourly rate $42.48 $42.48 Y No Increase ' Non-resident Hourly rate $59.92 $59.92 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, business hours $131.81 $131.81 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, business hours $176.48 $176.48 Y. No Increase Community Group Flat rate, max. 4 Hours $62.77 $62.77 Y No Increase Meeting Rooms 1, 2& 3 Resident Flat rate, whole day $411.78 $411.78 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate; whole day $515.27 $515.27 Y No Increase gcz Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Charge (Exciuding Fee Applicable Proposed Fee HST) Exciuding (Y/N) Effective Date HST Resident Hourly rate $63.18 $63.18 Y No Increase Non-resident Houriy rate $83.88 $83.88 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, business hours $188.46 $188.46 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, business hours $257.09 $257.09 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate, max. 4 hours $66.19 $66.19 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate, whole day $818.12 $818.12 Y No Increase 0'Brien Meeting Room A or B • Resident Flat rate, whole day $217.88 $217.88 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, whole day $274.52 $274.52 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $42.48 $42.48 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $63.18 $63.18 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, business hours $90.41 $90.41 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, business hours • $131.81 $131.81 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate, max. 4 hours $36.52 $36.52 Y No Increase O'Brien Meeting Rooms A& B Resident Flat rate, whole day $440.10 $440.10 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, whole day $538.15 $538.15 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $83.88 $83.88 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $119.83 $119.83 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, business hours $188.46 $188.46 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, business hours $263.63 $263.63 Y No Increase Tournament bookings Flat rate, per day $220.26 $220.26 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate, max. 4 hours $66.19 $66.19 Y No Increase New Year's Eve Flat rate, whole day $871.50 $871.50 Y No Increase Pickering Rec. Complex East or West Salon Resident Flat rate, whole day (Monday - Sunday) $630.00 $630.00 Y No Increase 'Non-resident Flat rate, whole day (Monday - Sunday) $819.00 $819.00 Y No Increase Sunday, resident Flat rate, daytime $392.18 $392.18 Y No Increase Sunday, non-resident Flat rate, daytime $490.74 $490.74 Y No Increase Children's Banquets Flat rate, max. 4 hours $125.54 $125.54 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate, whole day $1,437.98 $1,437.98 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate, whole day $1,581.77 $1,581.77 Y No Increase Special Events Musical Flat rate, residenUcommunity group $1,660.86 $1,660.86 Y No Increase Resident 1/2 Day Flat rate, max. 6 hours $326.82 $326.82 Y No Increase Non-resident 1/2 Day Flat rate, max. 6 hours $424.86 $424.86 Y No Increase Pickering Recreation Complex East & West Salons (Both Rooms) Resident Flat rate, whole day (Monday - Sunday) $1,165.00 $1,165.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, whole day (Monday - Sunday) $1,514.50 $1,514.50 Y No Increase Sunday, resident Flat rate (daytime) $735.59 $735.59 Y No Increase Sunday, non-resident Flat rate (daytime) $898.48 $898.48 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $2,178.75 $2,178.75 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $2,396.63 $2,396.63 Y No Increase Special Events Musical Flat rate - resident/community group only $3,320.00 $3,320.00 Y No Increase EntertainmenUPrivate Concerts NEW Deposit $570.63 $570.63 Y No Increase Resident 1/2 Day Flat rate, max. 6 hours $604.35 $604.35 Y No Increase Non-resident 1/2 Day Flat rate, max. 6 hours $735.59 $735.59 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Char e Fee Proposed Fee g (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date HST) HST (Y/N) Petticoat Creek Community Centre Paris or Franklin Meeting Room Resident Flat rate $360.00 $360.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $544.69 $544.69 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $92.34 $92.34 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate $125.54 $125.54 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate $29.05 $29.05 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $45.65 $45.65 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $79.89 $79.89 Y No Increase Paris & Franklin Meeting Rooms Resident Flat rate $653.63 $653.63 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $850.75 $850.75 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $171.19 $171.19 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate $258.34 $258.34 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate $29.05 $29.05 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $79.89 $79.89 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $114.12 $114.12 Y No Increase NewYear's Eve, resident Flat rate $1,321.41 $1,321.41 Y No Increase Children's Banquets, resident Flat rate, resident/community group $125.54 $125.54 Y No Increase Don Beer Banquet Hall Resident Flat rate $490.74 $490.74 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $599.68 $599.68 Y No Increase Day.time, business, resident Flat rate $171.19 $171.19 Y No Increase Daytime, business, nori-resident . Flat rate $240.70 $240.70 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday, resident Hourly rate $50.00 $50.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday, non-resident Hourly rate $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase Sunday, resident Flat rate (daytime) $347.00 $347.00 Y No Increase I Sunday, non-resident Flat rate (daytime) $473.00 $473.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets (Community Flat rate $121.00 $121.00 Y No Increase Group Only) Tournament Rate Flat rate, daily, Don Beer only $236.50 $236.50 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident . Flat rate $946.00 $946.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $1,156.00 $1,156.00 Y No Increase West Shore Community Centre II Resident Flat rate $630.00 $630.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $820.00 $820.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $165.00 $165.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate $249.00 $249.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday, resident Hourly rate $77.00 $77.00 Y No Increase Sunda to Thursda non-resident Hourl rate $110.00 $110.00 Y No Increase Friday, resident Flat rate $472.00 $472.00 Y No Increase Frida non-resident Flat rate $615.00 $615.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets (Community Flat rate $121.00 $121.00 Y No Increase Grou Onl NewYear's Eve, resident Flat rate $1,273.65 $1,273.65 Y No Increase NewYear's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $1,542.60 $1,542.60 Y No Increase East Shore Community Centre Room 2 or Room4 - Meeting Resident . Hourly rate $29.41 $29.41 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly rate $42.49 $42.49 Y No Increase ~71 Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST • User Fee or Charge (Excluding Fee Applicable Proposed Fee HST Excluding (Y/N) Effective Date ~ ~ HST Gymnasium - Meeting/Sports Resident Hourly rate $40.68 $40.68 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly rate $52.24 $52.24 Y No Increase Room 2 and Room 4- Social Resident Flat rate $231.00 $231.00 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate $315.00 $315.00 Y No Increase New Years Eve - Resident Flat rate $462.00 $462.00 Y No Increase New Years Eve - Non-Resident Flat rate $636.00 $636.00 Y No Increase Gymnasium- Social Resident Flat rate $490.74 $490.74 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate $599.68 $599.68 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $946.00 $946.00 Y. No Increase NewYear's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $1,156.00 $1,156.00 Y No Increase Community Room ' Daily Flat rate $303.25 $303.25 Y No Increase Meeting - Resident Hourly rate $33.25 $33.25 Y No Increase Meeting - Non-Resident Hourly rate $44.25 $44.25 Y No Increase Social - Resident Hourly rate $55.25 $55.25 Y No Increase Social - Non-Resident Hourly rate $66.25 $66.25 Y No Increase Rental Extra Fees Listing Community Groups 12 bookings $133.00 $133.00 Y No Increase Administration Fee $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase Maintenance Fee Hourly rate $29.43 $29.43 Y No Increase Damage/Security Deposit $200.00 $200.00 Y. No Increase Damage/Security Deposit (Jack & Jill $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase I Parties) II New Staff Overtime for Event Hourly rate $40.00 $40.00 N No Increase (early/late opening) I PerForming Rights Tariff Without Flat rate (301 - 500 capacity) $61.69 $61.69 Y No Increase Dancing - Banquet Hall Performing Rights Tariff Without Flat rate (1 - 101 capacity) $20.56 $20.56 Y No Increase Dancing - Petticoat Creek Community Centre Paris Room, Petticoat Creek Community Centre Franklin Room, O'Brien Room A, ' O'Brien Room B, East Shore Community Centre Community Room, East Shore Community Centre Room #2 and East Shore Community Centre Room #4 ' PerForming Rights Tariff Without Flat rate (101 - 300 capacity) $29.56 $29.56 Y No Increase I Dancing - West Salon, East Salon, I~ O'Brien Rooms, Don Beer, Westshore Communiry Centre, . Petticoat Creek Community Centre Banquet Hall and East Shore Community Centre Gymnasium Performing Rights Tariff With Flat rate (301 - 500 capacity) $123.38 $123.38 Y . No Increase Dancing - Banquet Hall Culture & Recreation Division Proposed Current Fee HST Fee Proposed Fee . User Fee or Charge (Exciuding Excluding Applicabie Effective Date HST) HST (Y/N ) Performing Rights Tariff With Flat rate (1 - 101 capacity) $41.13 $41.13 Y No Increase Dancing - Petticoat Creek Community Centre Paris Room, Petticoat Creek Community Centre Franklin Room, O'Brien Room A, O'Brien Room B, East Shore • Community Centre Community Room, East Shore Community i Centre Room #2 and . East Shore Community Centre Room i #4 . Performing Rights Tariff With Flat rate (101 - 300 capacity) $59.17 $59.17 Y No Increase Dancing - West Salon, East Salon, O'Brien Rooms, Don Beer, Westshore Community Centre, ' . Petticoat Creek Community Centre Banquet Hall, East Shore Community Centre Gymnasium Events Pre-teen Dance Single Admission $8.75 $8.75 N No Increase Poinsettia Tea Single Admission $5.31 $5.31 Y No Increase Big Band Single Admission $4.87 $5.31 Y March 1, 2013 Big Band (Seniors Month) Single Admission $5.31 $5,31 Y No Increase Museum Events Adults $5.75 $7.08 Y April 1, 2013 Museum Events Students/Seniors $4.87 $5.75 Y April 1, 2013 Museum Events Children $3.98 $4.42 Y April 1, 2013 Museum Event Family $17.70 $22.12 Y April 1, 2013 A Spirit Walk Single Admission $14.60 $15.93 Y April 1, 2013 Miscellaneous ~ ReplacementAccess Card $10.62 $10.62 Y No Increase Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Set dressing & clean Up, houriy $70.75 $70.75 Y No Increase Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Shooting time, hourly $141.51 $141.51 Y No Increase Kindergym Birthday Parties $116.81 $116.81 Y No Increase Creative Play Birthday Parties $147.00 $147.00 Y No Increase Dance Birthday Parties $145.00 $145.00 Y No Increase Heritage Birthday Parties 12.children $163.72 $163.72 Y No Increase. Mystery Parties 12 children $163.72 $163.72 Y No Increase Tea Parties 12 children $163.72 $163.72 Y No Increase Equipment Rental (Gym @ ESCC) Charge for usage of sports equip. (no $22.12 $23.89 Y April 1, 2013 staff) Games Room Party (PCCC / ESCC) 12 children $132.74 $137.25 Y April 1, 2013 Games Room Party (PCCC / ESCC) 24 children $154.87 $159.29 Y April 1, 2013 Sensational Sports Parties 12 chiidren $132.74 $137.25 Y April 1, 2013 Sensational Sports Parties 24 children $154.87 $159.29 Y April 1, 2013 Recreation Complex Filming Hourly • $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Program Administration Fee HST will be added to applicable programs $9.43 $9.43 Y No Increase Membership Administration Fee $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase NSF Charge Per cheque $42.50 $42.50 N No Increase Additional Receipt Charge Per family $4.72 $4.72 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed HST User Fee or Char e Fee Proposed Fee g (Excluding Excluding APPlicable Effective Date HST) HST (Y/N) Marketing Promotions City Brochure Advertising Full page $691.13 $691.13 Y No Increase Half page $466.80 $466.80 Y No Increase " Classes may vary from 5 to 15 weeks Classes may vary from 5 to 15 weeks. Single class participation is available Must also provide completed criteria listing prior to confirmation ~ Planning & Development Department Current Fee Proposed Fee _ HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable Effective Date (Y/N) These fees are im osed under the authorit of the Plannin Act R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 Development Control Curb Cut - new development not Min charge $207.00 (5.3m or Min charge $207.00 (5.3m or Y No Increase assumed by municipality, infill building less) less) permit or industrial/commercial $39.00/m (5.3m plus) $39.00/m (5.3m plus) Y No Increase develo rnent Municipal Consent Fee $300.00/application $300.00/application N No Increase Curb Infill $185.00/m $185.00/m Y No Increase Sidewalk Repair $250.00/m $250.00/m Y No Increase Pre-installed Storm Sewer Connection Contract cost + admin fee Contract cost + admin fee Y No Increase FiIlfTopsoil Permit One Year Permit $500.00 +$1,000.00/hectare to $500.00 +$1,000.00/hectare to N No Increase a max $4,500.00 a max $4,500.00 One Year Extension $500.00 $500.00 N. No Increase Newspaper Box Pad Permit Application $50.00/box $50.00/box N No Increase Newspaper Box Installation $250.00 -$500.00 $250.00 -$500.00 N No Increase Newspaper Box Annual Maintenance $15.00/box $15.00/box N No Increase Road Cleaning Contract cost + 15% Contract cost + 15% Y No Increase Damage Deposits Pool $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Water/Sewer Connection $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Residential Building Permit-Rural $1,500.00 $1,500.00 N No Increase Residential Building Permit-Urban $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N No Increase Commercial Building $2,000.00 -$5,000.00 $2,000.00 -$5,000.00 N No Increase Road Damage/Fill Topsoil Permit N No Increase Rural Paved Road $5,000.00/km $5,000.00/km N No Increase Rural Surface TreaUGravel Road $10,000.00/km $10,000.00/km N No Increase Residential Development Review Fee $50.00/unit $50.00/unit N No Increase Storm Water Maintenance Fee $2,000.00/hectare $2,000.00/hectare N No Increase Development Review Inspection Fee Based on total cost of works Based on total cost of works N No Increase <$500,000 4.5% 4.5% N No Increase $500,000 -$1 mil 4.0% 4.0% N No Increase >$1 million 3.5% 3.5% N No Increase Development Review Inspection Fee Based on cost of site works Based on cost of site works N No Increase Site Pian <$500,000 4.5°/a 4.5% N No Increase $500,00 -$1 mil 4.0% 4.0% N No Increase >$1 million 3.5% 3.5% N No Increase Pool Enclosure Permit $150.00 $150.00 N No increase Planning Documents Pickering Official Plan $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase Official Plan Compendium $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Development Guidelines $5.00-$10.00 $5.00-$10.00 N No Increase Special Studies $10.00-$20.00 $10.00-$20.00 N No Increase Zoning By-laws 5-$10.00/ea 5-$10.00/ea N No Increase Summary Residential Applications $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Mapping . $5.00-$25.00 $5.00-$25.00 N No Increase Planning & Development Department Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) (YIN) Effective Date Address Booklet $25.00-$50.00 $25.00-$50.00 N No Increase Fiche Prints Price Varies Price Varies N No Increase Special Mapping Requests $46.73/hr $46.73/hr Y No Increase Photocopies - 6 or more pages $0.50/ea $0.50/ea Y No increase Planning Applications Telecommunications Tower Approval $2,700.00 $2,700.00 N No Increase Minor Variance Accessory Structure $225.00 $225.00 N No Increase Existing Grade Related Residential $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Building Vacant Land $1,600.00 $1,600.00 N No Increase Application Tabling $225.00 $225.00 N No Increase Special Meeting $800.00 $800.00 N No Increase Zoning By-law Amendment - Major ~ $12,000.00 $12,000.00 N No Increase Zoning By-law Amendment - Minor 2 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 N No Increase Zoning By-law- Recirculation $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Additional fee if within Oak Ridges $1,000.00 ' $1,000.00 N No Increase Moraine or Greenbelt Zoning By-law- Removal of Holding $2,400.00 $2,400.00 N No Increase Zoning By-law- Extension of Temporary $2,400.00 $2,400.00 N No Increase Use B -law MinisterZoning OrderAmendment - $1,700.00 $1,700.00 N No Increase Ma'or 9 MinisterZoningOrderAmendment - $1,100.00 $1,100.00 N Nolncrease Minor 10 Pickering Official Plan Amendment - $20,000.00 $20,000.00 N No Increase Ma'or 3 Pickering Official Plan Amendment- $10,000.00 $10,000.00 N No Increase Minor 4 Pickering Officiai Plan Amendment - $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Recirculation Additional fee if within Oak Ridges $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Moraine or Greenbelt Regional Official Plan - Amendment (not $5,400.00 $5,400.00 N No Increase art of a Pickerin OPA Land Division No Increase Comments $750.00 $750.00 N No Increase Clearance of Conditions $325.00 $325.00 N No Increase Council authorization to proceed by land $0.00 $2,400.00 N March 5, 2013 division instead of draft plan of subdivision' Neighbourhood Development Guideline $375.00 $375.00 N No Increase Amendment 5 Draft Plan of Subdivision No Increase Base Fee $10,700.00 $10,700.00 N No Increase Per Unit Fee $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase Recirculation $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Additional fee ifwithin Oak Ridges $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Moraine or Greenbelt Revisionsto DraftApproved Plan- $1,100.00 $1,100.00 N No Increase - redline revisions Draft Plan of Condominium $6,700.00 . $6,700.00 N No Increase 32 1 I Planning & Development Department Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) AP(pY/N'ble Effective Date Recirculation $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Condominium Conversion $1,100.00 $1,100.00 N No Increase Revisions to a DraftApproved Plan - $1,100.00 $1,100.00 N No Increase redline revisions Site Plan Residential $2,700.00 +$190.00 per $2,700.00 +$190.00 per N No Increase dwellin unit dwellin unit Commercial $2,700.00 +$910.00 for each $2,700.00 +$910.00 for each N No Increase 2000m2 2000mz Industrial $2,700.00 +$540.00 for each $2,700.00 +$540.00 for each N No Increase 2000m2 2000m2 Minor Revision $800.00 $800.00 N No Increase Major Revision $2,700.00 $2,700.00 N No Increase Clearance $275.00 $275.00 N No Increase Peer Reviews 8 $0.00 Full recovery of City costs + N March 5, 2013 - 10% admin. fee Minor Revision to Approved Condo Site $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Plan (by unit owner) I.e. decks, sheds, fences File Reactivation 6 $0.00 $500.00 N March 5, 2013 Opinion Letter for Complex Inquiries $0.00 $500.00 N March 5, 2013 Licence2oning Compiiance Letter $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase 1. An application for an amendment that is more significant in scale and scope than a minor zoning amendment, and which may have greater impact beyond the subject lands, as determined by the Director of Planning or designate. Major applications must meet one or more of the following , conditions: - applications relating to more than one property - a site specific application, if considered to represent a large scale redevelopment - any change in use and/or zone category, except as identified under a minor amendment - an application involving significant changes to the development standards or general provisions of the by-law 2. An application for minor or small scale zoning amendment having no significant impact on adjoining lands, as'determined by the Director of ~ Planning or designate. Minor applications must be site specific and meet one or more of the foliowing conditions: ' - request for additional permitted use, within an existing building with no significant impact on existing development standards i - changes in development standards or zone to accommodate a residential severance to create one additional lot - application for Temporary Use 3. An application that is more significant in scale and scope than a minor amendment and which may have greater impact or policy implications beyond the subject lands, as determined by the Director of Planning or designate. Major applications must meet one or more of the following conditions: - applications relating to more than one property - a site specific application if considered to represent large scale redevelopment or significant change to the designations and permitted uses - an appiication involving significant changes to the policies of the Official Plan 4. An application for a minor, site specific and small scale amendment or exception to Official Pian policies and designations, having limited impact or . policy implications beyond the subject lands, as determined by the Director of Planning or designate. 5. An application to amend a Neighbourhood Development Guideline when the development proposal would necessitate an amendment to the Guideline or there is no other planning application being processed by Council. 6. To reactivate planning applications that have been inactive over 2 years. If the file has been inactive longer than 5 years, the current applicable fees will be required. 7. Charged only if no other planning applications are being processed by Council. 8. The applicant is responsible for the City's full costs of undertaking the peer review of any studies or drawings submitted in support of the application. This requirement applies to matters such as, but not limited to, the peer review of traffic, marketing, environmental, noise, engineering drawings and reports, and architectural drawings. 9. A major Minister's Zoning Order application is where the proposed use or standards do not comply with the City's zoning by-law and a Report to Council is required. 10. A minor Ministers Zoning Order application is where the proposed use or standards comply with the City's zoning by-law. ~ Planning & Development Department Current Fee Proposed Fee HST proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Exciuding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap~Y/N)b1e Effective Date Building Permit Fees These fees are imposed under the authority of the Building Code Act, 1992, C.23 , , Demolition Permit $10.00/each 100m 2 of floor $10.00/each 100m 2 of floor N No Increase area min $100.00 area min $100.00 Conditional Permit 10% of Appl. Permit Fee to a 10% of Appl. Perrnit Fee to a N No Increase max of $2,500.00 in addition to max of $2,500.00 in addition to applicable fee applicable fee Change of Use Permit $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase Occupancy Permit for Unfinished Building $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Alternative Solution $100.00/hr (4 hour min) $100.00/hr (4 hour min) N No Increase Resubmission of Incomplete Application 25% of Appiication Fee 25% of Application Fee N No Increase Revision to Permit $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Transfer of Permit $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase , Re-examination Change in House Model $300.00 +'fee prescribed in Part $300.00 + fee prescribed in Part N No Increase B for any additional area B for any additional area Re-examination Other Than Above 10% of applicable permit fee to 10% of applicable permit fee to N No Increase a max of $1,000.00 a max of $1,000.00 Certification of House Models $5.00/m 2 of floor area $5.00/m 2 of floor area N No Increase Reactivation of Dormant File $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Building Permit Surcharge 25% of Fee ($100.00 min) 25% of Fee ($100.00 min) N No Increase Additional Inspection $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Building Permit Fee $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Assembly Occupancies $12.80/each mz of floor area $13.00/each mz of floor area N March 5, 2013 Institutional Occupancies $15.00%ach m2 of floor area $15.50/each mZ of floor area N March 5, 2013 Residential Occupancies $10.85/each m2 of floor area $11.00leach mz of floor area N March 5, 2013 Business & Personal Service $8.50/each m2 of floor area $8.50/each mz of floor area N No Increase (single storey) Business & Personal Services $10.60/each m2 of floor area $11.00/each m2 of floor area N March 5, 2013 multi le store Farm & Unserviced Storage Buildings $3.75/each m2 of floor area $3.75/each mZ of floor area N No Increase Parking Garages Industrial occupancies to Industrial occupancies to N No Increase include parking garages (see include parking garages (see below) below) Industrial Occupancies $6.45/each m2 of floor area $6.50leach mZ of floor area N March 5, 2013 Interior Partitioning & Finishing $2.15/each m2 of floor area $2.15/each mz of floor area N No Increase Minor Residentiai Structures and $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Alterations Temporary Tents $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Temporary Sales Centres $1,050.00 $1,050.00 N No Increase Minor Non-Residential Structures $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase Alterations, Building and Structures $10.35/each $1,000 of $10.35/each $1,000 of N No Increase Not Provided Above construction value construction value Building permit fees are required to meet the City costs to administer and enforce the Building Code Act. Building permit fee amounts will not exceed the anticipated reasonable City costs to administer and enforce the Act following implementation of the changes in this schedule Sign Permit Fees Ground Sign $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Wall Sign $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase Development Sign $250.00 $250.00 • N No Increase 4 Planning & Development Department ' Current Fee Proposed Fee Applicable HST User Fee or Charge proposed Fee . (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) (Y/N) Effective Date Biliboard Permit - $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Additional fee for any sign installed prior $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase to ermit issuance Sign Variance - ground sign, wall sign or $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase develo ment si n Miscellaneous Charges Compliance Letter- within 10 days $125.00 per request $125.00 per request N No Increase Compliance Letter - within 2 days $200.00 per request $200.00 per request N No Increase Recovery of costs for Grow-Op $0.00 $2,100.00 per investigation Y March 5, 2013 Investi ations minimum Administrative Fee for Processing . $0.00 $500.00 N March 5, 2013 Grow-O Investi ations . , ~ . ATTACHMENT#_±f-TO REPORT#_LI.9 cd-l3 2013 Current & Capital Budgets & A Brief Financial Overview 2013-2017 Executive Committee February 14, 2013 1 How the Budget Works ~ - Debt Current Budget ; •Salaries/wages ~ Capital Budget •utilities Property Tax •Fuel j •Roads Grants •WinterControl •Parks •Debt Payments •Sidewalks User Fees •Reserve/ Reserve •Storm Water Mgmt. Fund Contributions Reserve/ Reserve Funds Outside: Development Charges Grants Other 2 1 Balancing the Budget ■Collective Agreements ■Capital Financing $ ■Municipal Inflation •Cost containment (operating ■Maintaining City Infrastructure efficiencies) •Assessment Growth •Permanent Service ~ Adjustments/ Reductions ' ~ Acce{~tb(e'f ~cr~seo 3 Municipal Inflation vs. C.P.I. Consumer Price Index or CPI is typically based on a basket of goods and services used by on average household Municipalities usually have a Municipal Price Index or MPI that uses a different basket of goods MPI is higher than CPI due to heavier reliance on labour, utilities and ' energy cost a I 2 Development Charges & Assessment Growth Development Charges... Paid for through building permits and used to fund new infrastructure (capital costs) related to growth Assessment Growth... New revenue (property taxes) that pays for expanding services to an expanding city Assessment growth is not always equivalent to... "Profit" or "Gravy° available to reduce tax rates 5 Development Charges ■The growth related needs of the City were last identified in the (July) I 2009 Development Charges Study ' ■The 2009 study identified approximately $303 million in gross capital project costs I , ■The current DC By-Law expires in one year (July, 2014). (DCA, under ' subsection 9.1 sets a five year limif for DC By-laws) •It is staff's intent or goal to start the process in March to be completed well in advance of the July, 2014 deadline date s 3 Reserves & Reserve Funds . I Reserves & Reserve funds are critical Why are they critical? ✓To pay bills (liquidity) ✓To cover liabilities and emergencies ✓For effective asset management (ensure funds are available to renew or replace assets while "charging" the appropriate taxpayer) ✓To make investments I What happens without Reserves and Reserve Funds? , •Costs will increase (debt service costs, short-term borrowing costs) ■Reduction in capital works and investments •Could have liquidity problems and have to issue a second tax levy increase •Loss of flexibility to take advantage of future senior government stimulus funding programs 7 I~I I I,~ ~I,~1~ i~l '\\I1~ I'\ I I ~ ~ CANADA'SNATIDNALNENSPAPkft -•s TCLSDAY.fEBHUARY5,7013 ' ilKANi'b Ottawa looks to boost spending Limited Uutloiig-iemi cash seen as Le>[ way to pump np lnirastrucnire prnJects in 2013 budyet BILI.CURRT OiTAtYA . dil[IIt[tt lNt }1'i11C:ty'S 2013 IP.tSf 1ID21120y, bUt OIhHr ihe nrn G.3rn1 nlwtion in xo~$ bu4¢1 vitl renen~ an <zstiog . ecrew that it is dm wty In ~he L rz yeafa dadgc~ u•u nb;cd 'm ' 7A: CcmceaNvc gmmunem is iiJ asw:nu. pr.T.n li burlyet Eicrns and no dCCislu.~u lut yufi a16 tlu release of rep~r,ng to commit Io~tcln en~inB its 111W Ycae WhPC fiave M1em o;"e aX, be'ri3L4hc ilu :a.3 huAyjth notromid. ~!h trtr inhastnitture Ir. is sm3 p¢awamd most yrovin:c¢ ue ecen~ pLwring enter~s tu~ acd imcii~m4 6udget tn an ~ nb ~quaa< ~tra,ped Eor cash. Bo~'numaftn gr.ac - -Hc H' 's sdle&letl to more Projeca -➢nJuNng pam Ft y; ]np1s are fa[ug puainY CzeatWt emnmric growth om . Aisti. }is ai~ fnr ihe Anrlg.t nenhipc ~rifh Iha prWrtr ~nnar wUc tc.hdde gr.d;uk a.~d fu of dght lede.~a1 fuuAr. L~ afiap.. Wedne,d' } i~tsva 3n a eut of limitd pabi<[avd;. , asma ~astv;t~ua. fiq uy a~ a Vxf t1+emc ui ihe lunehmn Epttafi m tfl_ ;m In one o18e ~ery kw amas o1 ' Some 5oorcet ne5ec[ a vrvi um- neM b~~Eget.lht ultlnlit ¢a I: noaic tlub of GraAa enpezted ixw RMndng. Tnan:e ha;tructwe pLn th.u wtll nm at to bsimx Webuclu Yn xns hr ftfiret,rog e Potential new stimulus funding s 4 Reserves & Reserve Funds How much do we have in reserve funds anyway? 2011 Financial Statements shows a balance close to $47.8 million i •This is the cash position at the end of 2011 (does not account for projects that have not yet drawn their allocation from the reserve funds: therefore balance is higher than projected) ■The balance includes both obligatory reserve funds (Development Charges) and restricted reserve funds (WSIB). These reserve funds have strict rules around their use 2011 Current Reserve Fund Position shows $38.4 million •This is the estimated position at the end of 2011 after all projects commitments have been withdrawn The City also has $28.8 million in additional reserves of which $17.13 million is the Rate Stabilization Reserve. (December 31, 2011) 9 Obligatory and Restricted Reserve Fund Breakdown (December 31, 2011) , $50,000,000 / • . m~ ■ WSIB (Rest(cted) $40,000,000 ' ■ Parkland - Reserve Fund ~ oThird Parry Contributions , $30,000,000 ■ Federal Gas Tax J $34.1 m $20,000,000 _ ~ * Development charges f $10.000,000 Reserve Funds • ~ 4 io ! I l ~ Draft Capital Forecast 2013 to 2017 $60,000,000 $50,000,000 ju I I $40,000,000 $30,000,000 _ _ I $20,000,000 $10,000,000 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 a Capital ■ Major Projects ■ Seaton FIS Capital Major projects are: 2013 - Indoor Soccer pome ($4.9 m); 2014 New Operations Centre ($24.0 m); 2015 - Museum Visitor Building ($7.25 m); 2016 - Library expansion ($13.5 m) and City Hall expansion ($6.3m); 2017 - Seniors Centre ($6.0 m) and Community Park ($6.5 m) 2014 and beyond major projects are visions and not currently funded 11 Long-term Debt Approach Debt includes long-term debt, internal loans and capital leases The term of debt must be equal to or less than the life of the asset The Province limits the total amount of debt that a municipality can issue to 25% of its "own-source revenues". (All revenues less Federal and Provincial Grants) 12 6 Pickering's 2013 Debt Limit br>Ontario ' MlnlstN o,l NunlJpa! AjJWn n~wl Ibusfng Mfnbt2re dcs a1ju7rcs munfaf y~t.~.s et du loyem:nt . 777 eaY street, . rn ror Bu1', Totonlo, OnM(to 'MSG 2f5 . Torcnm (Ontarto) MSG SEs 2013 ANNUAL REPA (UNDER • • 4. ~s a~~k_~ ,,~,.v10 02k3{ m-+z, tFIRCLEAN FLAG .ti J `Ct t ~ a, ~ (tA ~ ~ a r x g ~ ~ UNI(31PALdT' ~ Pc~~6<`.'~'~r - ~.~r~~r ~x'?` ~ ~ a ~ °~"v,"~^~ ~ . FUP E TIER~ ~ Du 4 A~}~ kfi. k~ "5 }~y ~ tt~ aL.f l~ ~ P-5 k # L€,+ a` ~ ts~ ~REPAYIA~i~L~M1,7' fi ~h~~j The repaymenttimit has been tatMateO based on data mntafnrd in tha J.011 FinanNal InPormation Retum, as subrMtted to thc M+nistry. This Ihntt repaescnts the maxfmwn aniawnt wMch the munSCipaUty had avaltaDle as oT uecember 31, 2011 in wmmit Eo paymmts retaking`to debt and finarictaL otiligaNon. Prior W;he authortzaHon bytounctt of a long hmm 8ebt or tinanctal ubllgaUon, thls llmtt must be ad]usCed by theTYeasurer 1n the prestribe.d manner. The. Ifmk h eHecHve Jawary0l, 2013. The 2013 draft budget includes debt payments of $4.4 million - a difference of 13 a roximatel 9.6 million City Recommended Debt Strategy Senior staff do not recommend using the 25% debt "CAP" Staff recommend that the debt "CAP" be set at 15% of total taxation Revenues as stated in Council report CAO 18-12 - Higher Standard Using this approach the City's debt "CAP" (2013) would be $8.1 million in contrast to the $14.0 million ooo's 2012 2013 2014 15% CAP $7,714 $8,093 $8,441 Debt/ Proj. 4,112 4,418 5,101 Unused Debt Capacity $3,602 $3,675 $3,340 14 7 City of Pickering Forecasted " Draft Debt Charges $11,000,000 ~ $9,000,000 $7,000,000 ~ $5,000,000 $3,000,000 $1,000,000 e1 1~11 -Principal& lnterest ----Forecast t191A DebtCap Council can control the timing of capital projects that in-turn will impact on the debt payments 15 Guideline for Debt - 15% of Total Taxation Revenues The projected debt charges are below the City's 15% "Cap" ~ The debt charge forecast excludes major projects The strategy for major projects is for the City to maximize alternative financing sources (grants, DC's, reserves) and to use debt as the financing source of last resort The City will have to strategically plan the timing of future major capital projects to ensure that the 15% guideline is followed and to take advantage of potential senior level grant and or stimulus funding is 8 Debt Charges Projection Assuming No More Debt $5,500,000 - - - $5,000,000 - - $4,500,000 - - ~ $4,000,000 $3,500,000 53,000,000 $2,500,000 -l $2,000,000 _T -r__'"_ 20 13 2074 20 1S 2p>6 20 1, 20 78 ?079 17 2013 Budget Summary jTotaLCitykOperations 4.50 Less: Assessment Growth -1.60 City Base Budget 2.90 Decrease - Draw Rate Stab. 1.05 Supp Taxes -0.42 Phase 1- EmeraldAsh Borer 0.22 FroposediBudget 10111103F, The 3.75% draft budget levy increase translates into an increase of $58.21 or $1.12 per week for an average residential dwelling in Pickering based on an assessment value of $345,000 1$ . 9 I . , ' Overall Tax Impact Residential Total Tax Im act Share Impact of Proposed on Total Tax Bill* Increase Total Tax Bill City 28.0% 3.75% 1.05% Education 16.6% 0.00% 0.00% Region 55.4% 2.35% 1.30% Increase in TotalTax Bifl - 2.35% ~ In 2012, the total impact was 2.11 % * The allocation is based on the 2012 Council approved tax rates 1s 2013-2017 Financial Projection (Status Quo - No Seaton or major projects) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 DrBft Proforma Proforma Proforma Proforma (Millions) (Millions) (Millions) (Millions) (Millions) ' Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget City Budget Before Debt & Reserve Draw $47.82 $49.48 $50.85 $52.80 $54.62 Debt 4.42 5.10 5.86 7.63 9.15 Sub Total $52.24 $54.58 $56.71 $60.43 $63.77 Rate Stabilization Draw -2_71 -2_48 -1_58 -1_38 -0_68 Final Levy $49.53 $52.10 $55.13 $59.05 $63.09 777 771 ~ 5 +yJry.M~ ~ Levj/ % ~3 75°1o a, 3 5 ~Niir_to 4 5%0 ~4 5 to 5.5% 5 5 to 6 5.5 to 6 5%; Rate Stab. Ending Bal. $72.97 $11.24 $10.40 $12.27 $72.34 20 10 Long Term Financial Challenges & Opportunities • Seaton - Financial impact (Report coming in near future) • Build up Reserves to reduce our reliance on short term debt Step#1 - Vehicle Replacement Reserve 21 2013 Budget Report Recommendations will include the following: 1. Council to confirm that the budget was developed using the cash basis of accounting as per Ont. Regulation 284/09 2. Anycommittee decisions to be re-allocated to their proper cost centre for accounting and expenditure control purposes . 3. The budget be revised to reflect the recent reorganization 22 11 Thank You Next Step 2013 Capital Budget Would you please turn to page . seven in your capital budget book 23 12