HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 02-13 Report to Council - PICKERING Report Number: cao 02-13 Date: February 25, 2013 From. Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Pickering East Shore Community Association - Revenue Sharing Agreement - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 02-13 regarding the Pickering East Shore Community I Association revenue sharing agreement be received; 2. That Council authorize staff to cancel the revenue sharing agreement with Pickering East Shore Community Association by giving 12 months written notice; 3. That Council authorize staff to review all existing agreements and/or informal arrangements with Community Associations with the intent of normalizing all such existing agreements to a fair and equitable base, and report back to Council with a proposed protocol; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the. necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: For approximately 30 years, the East Shore Community Centre was jointly managed by the Pickering East Shore Community Association (PESCA) and the City of Pickering. PESCA administered and managed the rental of the Gymnasium, Room 2 and Room 4 on behalf of the City to third parties. Rental revenue of the Gymnasium for social functions on Saturdays has been split equally between PESCA and the City. All other rental revenue for the Gymnasium, Room 2 and Room 4 had.been collected and retained by PESCA. In 2006, in order to streamline facility bookings at East Shore Community Centre, the ' City took over administering and managing the rental of the Gymnasium, Room 2 and Room 4(as well as all other spaces in the Centre). Report CAO 02-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: Pickering East Shore Community Association Page 2 Further to proceedings at the Executive (Budget) Committee Meeting held on Thursday, February 14, 2013, staff are recommending the cancellation of the revenue sharing agreement between PESCA and the City for rent collected for the Gymnasium, Room 2 and Room 4. Financial Implications: 12 months written notice to cancel the Pickering East Shore Community Association revenue sharing agreement will not directly impact the City of Pickering's 2013 Current Budget. Discussion: For over 40 years, a number of City owned facilities have been jointly managed by various community/neighbourhood associations and the City of Pickering. In the early 1970s, the Town of Pickering neighbourhood recreation .resources were turned over to Neighbourhood Associations. This allowed the Associations a means of securing financial resources through the rental of their facilities and developing worthwhile programs that met the unique needs of those living within the neighbourhood. This provided the means through which residents could be involved in decisions affecting recreation in their neighbourhood. For approximately 30 years, the East Shore Community Centre was jointly managed by the Pickering East Shore Community Association (PESCA) and the City of Pickering. PESCA administered and managed the rental of the Gymnasium, Room 2 and Room 4 on behalf of the City to third parties. Rental revenue of the Gymnasium for social functions on Saturdays has been split equally between PESCA and the City. All other rental revenue for the Gymnasium, Room 2 and Room 4 had been collected and retained by PESCA. PESCA had used this revenue to contribute to capital improvements for the Community Centre, program development and to contribute to the well-being of the East Shore Community. In 2006, in order to streamline facility bookings at East Shore Community Centre, the City took over administering and managing the rental of the Gymnasium, Room 2 and Room 4(as well as all other spaces in the Centre). The existing revenue sharing agreement between PESCA and the City for rent collected for the Gymnasium, Room 2 and Room 4 continued. Recently, residents and other community associations have communicated that it is time to revisit the existing revenue sharing between the Pickering East Shore Community Association and the City of Pickering. There needs to be a fair funding model for all community associations seeking support from the City of Pickering. Further to proceedings at the City's Executive (Budget) Committee Meeting held on Thursday, February 14, 2013, staff. recommend that the Pickering East Shore Community Association be given 12 months written notice for the cancellation of their revenue sharing agreement with the City of Pickering. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CAO 02-13 February 25, 2013 Subject: Pickering East Shore Community Association Page 3 There is a need for staff to review all other facility agreements with community associations. These agreements include Brougham Recreation Association (Brougham Hall), Canadian Progress Club - Durham South (Front Street Centre), Claremont Lions Club (Claremont Community Centre), Greenwood Residents Association (Greenwood Community Centre), Mt. Zion Community Association (Mt. Zion Community Centre), and Whitevale Residents Association (Whitevale Community Centre). These facility agreements require community associations to conduct the general maintenance and cleaning of the facility at their expense. The Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor does not recommend any immediate changes to these agreements. Staff will report back to Council with recommendations in September 2013. Attachments: 1. Letter of Understanding between the Pickering East Shore Community Association and the City of Pickering. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino ' Stephen tz6y'nolds Manager, Cultur Recreation Director, Culture & Recreation Paul Bigioni " Director, Cor ora S ices & City Solicitor SR:Ig Recommended for the consideration of Pickering ' y Counci 211 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENi# ~ TO REPORT# CA(:) 02-'~ ~%0- REC'O'AW% ~ P~~ ICKERING Letter of Understanding . between the Pickering East Shore Community Association (PESCA) . ` , and . . fthe City of Pickering . For approximately thirty years the East Shore Community Centre has been jointiy managed by the Pickering East Shore Community Association (PESCA) and the City.of Pickering. . . PESCA has administered and managed the rentaf of the Gymnasium, Room 2 and . Room 4 on behalf of the City to third parties. Rental revenue of the Gymnasium for social functions on Safurdays has been split equally between PESCA and the City. All . other rental revenue for the Gymnasium, Room 2 and Room 4 has been collected and . retained by PESCA. , PESCA has used this revenue to contribute to capital . improvements for the Community Centre, program development and to contribute to the well being of the East Shore Community. In order to streamline facility bookings at East Shore Community Centre, effective June 5th, 2006, the City wil) administer and manage the rental of the Gymnasium, Room 2 and _ Room 4(as weH as aq other spaces in the Centre). The exisfing financial arrangemeot befween PESCA and the City for rent coflected for the Gymnasium, Raom 2 and Room 4 will continue. The following outlines the Agreement between the Pickering East Shore Community Association (hereinafter referred to as "PESCA") and the City of Pickering (hereinafter referred to as "the City"), regarding the use, reservations and monies collected at the Easf Shore Community Centre ("ESCC"), specifically for the Gymnasium, Mesting Room . 2 and Meeting Room 4(hereinafter referred to collective[y as "the Subject Premises"} - effective June 5'f', 2006. • 50% of rental revenue collected by ttie - City for Social Functions held in the Gyrrinasium on Saturdays will be remitted to PESCA, less GST. • All other rental revenue collected by the City for the Subject Premises will be , remitted to PESCA on a quarterly basis, less GST. • The PESCA Executive retains complete and unencumbered care, custody and ; control over funds turned over to it under this arrangement. PESCA will provide the City with a copy of their annuai financial stafement identifying the disbursement of funds received from rental revenue. - . , . Agreement between • Page 1 Of 5 the Pickering East Shore Community Association (PESCA) and the City of Pickering . i . A:i "fACHNiEiVT# ~ T0 REFORT #_C&0 OZ. _I3 . PaT 2 oP- G> • The City will issue facility permits for. PESCA to continue to operate their community programs at no cost (see Appendix 1]. PESCA will manage its own pragrams, . provide and pay for all personnel and supplies required for its purposes and will collect and keep all monies due for these programs. Existing days and times when these -programs take place will remain unchanged untif such time that the programs cease to exist or when PESCA and the City come to a mutual agreement. • PESCA reserves the right ta substitute current programs with new ones in the existing time slots. Also, new programs could be added, at no cost, if fhe opportunity ' presents itself and if there is avaiiability at the centre. . 0 The City will issue facility permits for PESCA's monthly Executive meetings at no.. cost, with such meetings.being held the second Wednesday of each mDnth from ' 7:30pm to 10:30pm when this agreement is signed. Date and time subject to change based on availability.. . 0 PESCA will be allowed to book a meeting room from time to time for special . meetings of its Executive, at no cost. The dates and times of these meetings will be scheduled with the City: • PESCA will receive priority, one. evening (6:00pm to 11:00pm) each year to hold its , Annual General Meeting (AGM) at no cost. PESCA will receive priority, and even on special occasion have the Ci#y displace a renter, for reserving rooms from time to fime to hold community events like A!I Candidates Debates, Forums, Guest Speakers, etc., at no cost. The dates and times of these events will be scheduled with the City. • PESCA wi(I provide comprehensive general public liability insurance for PESCA programs and activities, identifying the Corporation of the City of Pickering as an addifional insured, with coverage for any one occurrence or claim of not less than . $2,000,000. . , , • PESCA will be ailowed to continue its exclusive use of two cupboards in Meeting Room 4 for storage purposes until mutually agreed by both parties. • The City and PESCA acknowledge and agree that the City will have first right of refusal to use the $ubject Premises. In these cases, PESCA will not be entitled to any rental fees or other remuneration associated with the use of the Subject ' Premises by the City. • Rental fees for the Subject Premises rrvill rema'in the same until September 2006 at which time they will be increased subject to Council's approved municipal fees and charges [see Appendix 2]. Over the foltowing four (4) years, fees and charges will be increased in order to be at par with the City's rentai fees for similar facilities. . • Current renters who have a long-standing relationship with PESCA for regular ongoing rentals will be given discounts consideration in regards to their rental fee. Refer to Appendix 1 for the list. . • PESCA.will maintain and pay for the_ current web calendars based. on the information provided by the City, until needed. If requested by the City, PESCA will include up to two (2) additional rooms to the web cafendars; the Community Room and Room 1. • PESCA will maintain its website to advertise the ESCC, providing a fink to the City . for reservation purposes and including contact information such as emaii address, . phone number, etc. The website will include ali application procedures and Agreement between Page 2 of 5 the Pickering East Shore Community AssociaUOn (PESCA) and the. City of Pickering ATTACHMENT# i TO REPORT# CI~v o2-13 Pa~~' 3 D~ s inforrnation required applicants as deemed necessary b: .e'City, includin.g all rules and regulations as well as contract information. . • The City will cantinue to advertise the ESCC (ocation on its web site as well as in the City's Services & Leisure Guide published three (3) times a year. ESCC will be allotted an equal amount of space in these publications as the West Shore Community Centre, Petticoat Creek Cammunity Centre and the Recreation Complex. • The City has the ability to cancel this agreement upon 12 months written notice to PESCA. . , . • . I . . ~ . ~ ; . ~lA.r~+..-- , . Susan Carlevaris omas J. Qui Presiderlt Chief Administrative Officer Pickering East Shore Community Association City of Pickering , (PESCA) . . . . ~ • - ; , , . i i Agreement between , Page 3 of 5 i ' the Pickering East Shore Cbmmunity Association (PESCA) and the City of Pickering . • AT1`ACHMEiVT#.~.,~1"O REPORT#_fIlvv 62 - }S 4 o~- S Appendix 1 J Existinq PESCA Proqrarns (to keep davs and times) Monday Night Badminton Monday 8:00pm-11:00pm Gym Monday Night Bridge Club Monday 6:30pm-10:30pm Room 2 and 4 Tuesday Moming Crafts Tuesday 9:00am-12:00pm Room 2 Tuesday Night Table Tennis 7uesday 7:30am-10:30pm Gym ; Wednesday Morning Volleybail Wednesday 8:30am-12:00pm Gym, Room 2& 4 Thursday Moming Bridge Thursday 8:45am-11:45am Room 2 and 4 Friday Moming Volleyball . Friday 9:00am-12:00pm Gym CurrenY renters: special considerations for discount rental fee . Church of God of Prophecy - keeping the same rate ($425/month) until the end of . the year (2006). Thereafter, 20% discount to be applied on their rate. Gym: every Sunday 10am-1:30pm Room 2: • 1st Sunday of each month 7:30-9:30pm • 4th Sunday each month 1:30-4:30pm • every Friday 7:30-9:30pm _ • Girl Guides - Monday 6:30-7:30pm -.No Charge - . • Taoist Tai Chi Sociery - Tuesday 12:30-2:00pm; same rate ($40/week) until the end. of the year. Thereafter, 12% discount to be applied on the new rate. . lhya Foundation each Sunday in Room 2& 4 from 11:30-3:00pm (except when the • Church group above uses Room 2 on the 4th Sunday) - regular rate ($900/week for both rooms with the exception that they have the rooms for 3.5h while paying for 2.5h) . Agreement between . PBge 4 Of 5 the Pickering East Shore Community Association (PESCA) " and the City of Pickering ATTACHMEiVT # ~ TO REPORT # CAO 02 -1 2-> . p►PPendix 2 PQg~ ~ oe ~ Rent Price until August 39, 2006 Resident Non-Residenf Gym _ $32.10 per hour $42.80 per hour ~ . Re ular Gym. . $374.50 , $481.50 I Social Functians .Gym . $749.00 $936.00 , New Years Eve Room 2JQr 4 $21:40 per hour $26.75 per hour Re ular Room 2 an.d 4 $192,60 $267.50 Social Functions Room 2 aad 4 , $385.20 $535.00 New Years E've . Rent Price 1 starting September 1, 2006 (to be adjusted from time to. time by the City in consultalion with PESCA) Resident Non-Resident I Gym Re ular $32.10 per hour $42.80 per hour Gym $401.25 $508.25 Socia! Functions Gym $802.50 $989.75 New Year's Eve Room 2 Qt 4 Re ular $21.40 per hour " $26.75 per hour Room 2 aad 4 $192.60 $267.50 Social Functions Room 2 and 4 $385.20 ' $535.00 New Years Eve . ~ I Agreement between Page 5 of 5 the Pickedng East Shore Community Association (PESCA) and fhe City of Pickering .