HomeMy WebLinkAboutOS 02-13 e``q Report to Executive Committee OND Report Numaer: os 02-13 Date: February 11, 2013 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development . Subject: Sustainable Pickering Program - 2012 Year-end Summary - File: D-1000-003 Recommendation: 1. That Council receive Report OS 02-13 respecting the 2012 Year-end Summary for information. Executive Summary: This Report provides a summary of the actions and accomplishments undertaken through the City's 2012 Sustainable Pickering Program. . A significant amount of work in 2012 was devoted to the development of the City's Celebrating Sustainable Neighbourhoods program, expected to launch in the spring of 2013. This new program encourages the community to engage in creative neighbourhood projects that are aligned with the City's Sustainable Pickering program. Also, in 2012 on-going work contin'ued with the Partners for Climate Protection Program, and is expected to be completed in early 2013. This work included collecting the latest inventories of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from community and municipal operations as part of the monitoring program on energy consumption and GHG reductions. Financial Implications: The 2012 Sustainable Pickering Program was funded through Council's budget process. Discussion 2012 Program 1. -The second version of the Measuring Sustainability Report was released in 2012. The Measuring Sustainability Report provides baseline information and data that is used to track our progress of transforming to a more sustainable city over time. The second report included an update on the indicators that were first reported on in 2010, as well as additional data that better represents the number and variety of matters the City has an interest in tracking. The 2012 Report measures 55 indicators of sustainability. The indicators are grouped into five sections: healthy environment, healthy economy, healthy society, responsible development, and responsible consumption. I Report OS 02-13 February 11, 2013 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Program Page 2 2. Significant work was completed in 2012 on the development of the City's Celebrating Sustainable Neighbourhoods program. This new program is intended to be an annual,program that will be launched in the spring of 2013. The aim is to encourage community engagement and volunteerism, promote positive relationships between City staff, Council and members of our community, and provide opportunities to implement creative neighbourhood projects that are aligned with our Sustainable Pickering program. The neighbourhood groups involved in the program will work on completing a neighbourhood activity that supports one or more of the 55 indicators of sustainability that are listed in Pickering's Measuring Sustainability Report. The program is intended to run from March to November 2013 and will be followed by a celebration event in February 2014. 3. Community and Corporate Energy and GHG Emission reports were updated. , i In 2012, Durham Sustain Ability was retained to provide an update on Pickering's corporate and community energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. The report identified key challenges and barriers to fully implement the Corporate Emissions Reduction Strategy, and to complete milestones 4 and 5 of the 5 milestone FCM Partners for Climate Protection Program. The Partners for Climate Protection , Program is a network of Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing greenhouse gases and acting on climate change, and Pickering will be one of 13 municipalities to complete the program, out of the 88 total who took part. 4. The Office of Sustainability and the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee completed and participated in a number of important corporate and community sustainability programs, initiatives and events in 2012. A. Smart Commufe Durham In 2012, the City was awarded the Smart Commute Durham Employer of the Year. This is a significant achievement that recognizes staff's outstanding commitment to the Smart Commute program. Smart Commute is an initiative of Metrolinx and the Cities and Regions of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) to reduce traffic congestion and take action on climate change through the promotion of sustainable modes of transportation. Throughout the year, Office of Sustainability staff organized and participated in a number of Smart Commute events, including Bike to Work Day, Clean Air Commute Week, Smart Commute Week and a Presto giveaway. In addition to these events, staff also undertook a commuter survey in 2012, as a follow up to a survey conducted in 2008. The data collected is being used by staff and Smart Commute to develop and promote effective commuting options. Report OS 02-13 February 11, 2013 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Program Page 3 B. Sustainable Pickering Day Staff and the Advisory Committee, in partnership with the Pickering Town Centre (PTC), hosted the 7th annual Sustainable Pickering Day event on March 31, 2012, to coincide with 2012 Earth Hour. The theme was `Local Food and Urban Gardening'. Attendees participated in a variety of activities, were educated on the importance of local food, and how to grow their own fruits, vegetables and herbs, as well as given the opportunity to purchase locally grown/made products from our vendors. , C. Community Engagement Programs Throughout the year, staff regularly engaged the local community in our Sustainable Pickering program through communication tools such as news releases and eNewsletters. At the end of 2012, approximately 450 members of the public had subscribed to the Sustainability eNewsletter. The eNewsletters provide regular updates on a variety of topics, including environmental initiatives and projects like Pickering's Downtown Intensification Study. Also, as in previous years, staff and the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee distributed a number of Sustainable Pickering contribution packages to local businesses. In 2012, a total of $16,700 in contributions was received from local businesses to help fund existing and future programs. This represents a 40% increase from 2011. Along with traditional communication tools, staff used various social media channels to engage the greater community in Sustainable Pickering initiatives. Sociat media provides an opportunity to share in a two way dialogue, and although still in its early stage, is proving to be a successful tool that staff will continue to take advantage of. Over the course of the year, staff also participated in a number of internal staff committees that are examining ways of enhancing the City's'communication and engagement efforts, including the Corporate Communications Team and the Community Engagement Core Team. D. Corporate Engagement Initiatives The Office of Sustainability continues to engage and promote the City's sustainability efforts through sustainability training for all,new staff hires. Staff participated in a workshop in 2012 with the Durham Environmental Coordinating Committee (DECC) on developing common content and learning strategies that municipalities could , incorporate into their sustainability training. The office will continue to collaborate with DECC in 2013, to better streamline our training. ' E. External Partnerships • ' The Office of Sustainability actively participated in a number of external working groups and committees in 2012, including the Durham Environmental Coordinating Committee, the GTA Clean Air Councit, Durham Partners in Project Green, and Durham Region Roundtable on Climate Change. These partnerships allow staff to share their expertise with colleagues within the region and across the country, and learn from others working in the field of sustainability. Report OS 02-13 February 11, 2013 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Program Page 4 Durham Partners in Project Green (DPPG), a program of Durham Sustain Ability, was launched in 2012. The program focused on addressing energy efficiency opportunities for Durham businesses. Two of the five workshops that DPPG has held were in Pickering. Of those attending, 37% of the total Durham participants represented businesses in Pickering. In late 2012, the Director, Office of Sustainability attended the `Forwarding Adaptation in the Great Lakes Region' conference in Michigan. The three-day conference focused on how climate change impacts cities and its residents within the Great Lakes region. In 2013, the City of Pickering will support the Region of Durham in their local action plan on climate change. In 2012, staff undertook a research project in partnership with Natural Resources Canada on compact thermal energy storage. An assessment was done on the compact thermal energy storage technologies and their potential integration into residential, commercial and institutional buildings for the City of Pickering. This study was fully funded by Natural Resources Canada. It is anticipated the study results will be released this year. Prepared By Approved/Endorsed By: ~ Xo, Shauna Muir Grant McGregor, MCI , RPP (Acting) Coordinator, Sustainability Manager, Sustainability and Special Projects Tho as Mely uk, MCIP, R Director, City evelopment Doug Dickerson Deputy Mayor and Chair, Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee SM:GM:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City uncil - 2-0`3 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer