HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 14, 2013 Citq °0 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING IN CAMERA COUNCIL MEETING PICKERING AGENDA Monday, January 14, 2013 Main Committee Room 5:30 pm • I) Disclosure of Interest II) Delegations Robbie Goulden Re Corr. 01-13 Solar Panel Installation III) Correspondence Corr. 01-13 Motion to Endorse Robbie Goulden, Director of Marketing 1-3 Solera 1845 Sandstone Manor, Suite 15 Pickering, ON L1W 3X9 Correspondence received from Robbie Goulden of Solera Power Company seeking Council support for Long Holdings Inc. to construct roof top solar panels at 590 Granite Court, Pickering. Under the new Ontario Power Authority Fit 2.0 program, by securing Council support, this will strengthen their application for the installation of these panels by awarding them priority points. Corr. 02-13 Motion to Endorse Utilia Amaral 4-7 Director, Government Relations (Canada) SunEdison 595 Adelaide Street East, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5A 1N8 Correspondence received from Utilia Amaral, Director, Government Relations, SunEdison, seeking Council support for the installation of roof top solar panels at 1075 Squires Beach Road, Pickering. Under the new Ontario Power Authority Fit 2.0 Accessible • PICKER. (�)G For information related to accessibility requirements please contact �'� Linda Roberts Phone: 905.420.4660 extension 2928 TTY: 905.420.1739 Email: IrobertsCc citvofpickerina.com • program, by securing Council support, this will strengthen their application for the installation of these panels by awarding them priority points. Corr. 03-13 Motion to Endorse Tracy Zheng, Business Development Manager 8-18 Sky Solar 100 Leek Crescent, Unit 12 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3E6 Correspondence received from Tracy Zheng, Sky Solar, seeking Council support for the installation of roof top solar panels at 1734, 1736 & 1738 Orangebrook Court, 963- 979 Brock Road, 1400 Squires Beach Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, and 895 Sandy Beach Road, Pickering. Under the new Ontario Power Authority Fit 2.0 program, by securing Council support, this will strengthen their application for the installation of these panels by awarding them priority points. IV) Confidential An In Camera meeting of Council has been scheduled in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act and Procedural By-law 7212/12, in that the matters to be discussed relate to the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board and litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board. V) Motion to Move In Camera 1) Confidential Report CAO 01-13 Seaton Community OMB Update VI) 'Confirmation By-law VII) Adjournment • Roberts, Linda CC)c. c. c-: t — ( 3 From: Robbie Goulden [r.goulden @soleraenergies.com] Sent: January-08-13 3:39 PM ORIGINAL TO: To: Roberts, Linda COPY TO: Subject: Request for Municipal Support Hi Linda, ,CORK.. FILE TAKE APR.ACTION _.. L-.;/-aarse- Please include our request for Municipal Support for a solar power installation at 590 Granite Court for Long Holdings Inc. on the agenda for the Council meeting on January 14. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. -R EXPERIENCE COUNTS CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PROJECTS ROBBIE GOULDEN Partner/ Director of Marketing 905 421-0430 http://www.soleraenereies.com 1 • 1 O ° era sustainable energies . co rim pa ny REQUEST FOR A MUNICIPAL SUPPORT RESOLUTION FOR A ROOFTOP SOLAR INSTALLATION FOR LONG HOLDINGS INC PRESENTED BY ROBBIE GOULDEN, SOLERA SUSTAINABLE ENERGIES Co. PROJECT LOCATION: 590 GRANITE COURT, PICKERING SYSTEM SIZE: 222 kW - FEED IN TARIF RATE: 54.8 CENTS PER WATT THIS IS A RE-APPLICATION UNDER FIT 2.0, LONG HOLDING'S ORIGINAL APPLICATION IS TIME STAMPED UNDER FIT 1.0 WHICH QUALIFIES IT FOR 1 APPLICATION POINT AN ADDITIONAL 2 POINTS WILL BE GRANTED FOR PROJECT READINESS AND THE CITY OF PICKERING'S MUNICIPAL SUPPORT WILL GUARANTY AN ADDITIONAL 2 APPLICATION POINTS BRINGING THE TOTAL TO 5 POINTS DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION FOR FIT CONTRACT JANUARY 18, 2013 a� • c.0,„ ,000/70•,■1" 4 3 s " � .� - k ,. '::„.. 6 teue ` / " Y yr ‘i.,; ' '—. lk - ('y Y 4 mo V T ILL. !:--4> , w td a ,,.3„.,- •r *Y^. 'S \ ,,,,,' sy 1845 Sandstone Manor,Suite 15,Pickering,ON L1 W 3X9 t:905 421-0430 fax 905 421-0042 • www.soleraenergies.com 2 01-08-13; 10.00 ; 9054209685 # 1/ 1 mstai" � " � 1T2o0 ro nAdtoe l aOidne t i:e Street H W Tt,Suite 1600 ARI0 T 416.967.7474 F 416-967-1947 www.powe ra a thortty.on.ca •ESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION ction 6.1(d)(i)-FIT Rules,Version 2.0 OPARP/GFrr•015r3 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.0. Resolution NO: Date: WHEREAS L o es G Ho 1-1:=2.‘N GS C... (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 9.0e 1.F—c c ' 0 LA Pal 4'tzOJCC. (the"Project")on ;'90 C>rZA►�c�-r€ Gdu C�`C' P tt�G RC,.►G oN (the"Lands")in T% o F P c L v.-eV-it-4 �r under the Province's FIT Program; • AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of 'T-F(€ .i i y .=)E- indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the GIrv`, supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. • This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. (Note: signature lines for councilors or other representatives,as appropriate) G - • FIT reference number: FAT G1'Wbt-Z (Note:Must be Inserted by Applicant to complete Application) 2012 Page 1'11 Corr. 09-13 ORIGINAL TO: 4SunEdison® COPY TO: -! simplifying solar -- (wo ■ ;ZQ i coR December 19, 2012 TAKE APR.ACTION C mCrk" 0" p L.,A. Dear Ms. Shields: Re: Request for Municipal Council Resolution We are writing to request a municipal resolution for small roof-top solar(under 500 kW) in your municipality. SunEdison is seeking support from your council. Under the new FIT rules, solar project applications are prioritized based on a point system that is implemented by the Ontario Power Authority, and points are awarded if municipal council support is obtained. SunEdison will be submitting applications for the upcoming FIT application window, and would like to include your council's resolutions as part of our application submission. Further details on the FIT program and the point system are provided in Appendix B. SunEdison has developed 3 roof top solar projects in Pickering and is seeking support from your municipal council to ensure cohesive planning and our successful execution of these projects. (See Appendix A for additional project details.) Under the new FIT rules, applications are prioritized based on a point system, and points are awarded if municipal council support is obtained. SunEdison will be submitting applications to the FIT application window, and would like to include your council's resolutions as part of our application submission. Each project is 500kW in size and will deliver meaningful benefits to the landowner and Ontario's overall energy infrastructure. In addition, local jobs will be created for the construction and operation of these projects. As well, local businesses, restaurants and supply houses often benefit throughout the construction and operation phases of these types of projects. During the 20-year operation period of these projects, SunEdison will be performing regular on-site maintenance and services, thereby, also generating local long-term employment. Other benefits of roof top solar are many including, but not limited to, the following: • Distributed generation eases grid congestion, • Generates electricity where it's consumed, avoiding costly grid losses • Enables local participation in renewable energy generation • Creates new incomes for communities SunEd ison 1-877-322-1710 infocanada @sunedison.com Canada Headquarters 416-521-9111 www.sunedison.com 595 Adelaide Street East,Suite 400 Toronto,Ontario M5A 1N8 4 V. SunEdison simphfying solar The window for submitting applications is expected to open soon and your prompt response on ways we can gain your council's support would be highly appreciated. In Appendix C, we have provided a project specific resolution template provided by the OPA. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please let us know if we can provide further information or meet in person at your convenience to discuss our projects and your township. Sincerely, Utilia Amaral Director, Government Relations(Canada) • About SunEdison SunEdison is a global provider of solar-energy services. As the largest solar energy company in North America, we develop, finance, install, operate, monitor and maintain solar developments around the world. As-a subsidiary of MEMC, a leading provider of silicon wafers to the semiconductor and solar industries, SunEdison has a global perspective in the solar industry. Beginning in 2007, SunEdison made significant investments in Ontario due to Ontario's market potential and the provincial government's dedication to renewable energy. SunEdison Canada now employs 30 people in Ontario, and is focused on developing and delivering solar energy throughout all of Ontario. To date, SunEdison has created more than 1,000 full-time and part time jobs in Ontario and has invested significantly in the manufacturing of green energy products in the Province of Ontario. Through the arrangement between MEMC and Flextronics, MEMC brand solar • modules are being manufactured at the Flextronics facility in Newmarket. This facility employs 400 people from the local community. In addition, SunEdison reached commercial operation on Ontario's first FIT contracted utility-scale solar project in Ingleside, Ontario in 2011. December 19,2012 Page 2 of 6 5 ` SunEdison simplifying solar Appendix B—OPA Point System Applications are ranked based on a point system. Points are awarded according to the table below. Application Prioritization and Ranking Project Type Priority Points Community Participation Project 3 Aboriginal Participation Project 3 Education or Health Participation Project 2 Non-Project Type Priority Points Municipal Council Support 2 Aboriginal Support 2 Project Readiness 1 Pre-Existing Application Time Stamp is on 1 prior to July 4, 2011 Pre-Existing Application Time Stamp is on or 0.5 after July 5, 2011 Education or Health Host 2 System Benefit 1 December 19,2012 Page 4 of 6 6 120 Adelaide Street West,Suite 1600 ONTARIO Toronto,Ontario M5/1 171 T 416.967.7474 fi'f�YilE7L/IAJ I HOPJTY et(' F 416-967-1947 www.powerauthori ty.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE:MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: WHEREAS SunEdison Canada Origination FN 2 LP (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a Rooftop solar project (the"Project")on 1075 Squires Beach Rd. (the"Lands")in under the Province's FIT Program; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of • indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. . This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives,as appropriate.) FIT reference number: FIT-FM8K6RI (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 Page 1 of 1 7 ORIGINAL TO: p - COPY TO: u Roberts, Linda �� From: Tracy Zheng [tracy.zheng@skysolargroup.com] 11 �+ o Sent: January-09-13 2:32 PM ;CORR. ? FILE To: Roberts, Linda 'TAKE APR.ACTION Subject: Municipal Support From Pickering 0-{—'t01-∎ Ac7 ny%/orSc-) Attachments: 1734 Orangebrook Court, Pickering.pdf; 963-979 Brock Road, Pickering.pdf; 1400 Squires Beach Road, Pickering.pdf; 1735 Bayly Street, Pickering.pdf; 1736 Orangebrook Court, Pickering.pdf; 1738 Orangebrook Court, Pickering.pdf; 1840 Clements Road. Pickering.pdf; 1842 Clements Road, Pickering.pdf; 895 Sandy Beach Road. Pickering.pdf; Article of Corporation.pdf Hi Linda, Thanks a lot for explaining the application requirements to me clearly. Sky Solar Canada is a developer specializing on solar projects.SelectEnergy Partners Inc. has formed partnership with us recently, entrusting us to help them to apply for OPA's FIT 2.1 program.As a result, I need to apply for municipal support for their buildings. I have attached the authorization letter from President,Jack Pong,of SelectEnergy Partners Inc. in the email below for your reference.Also, I attached their article of cooperation in case you needed. SelectEnergy Partners Inc. is planning on submitting applications for FIT 2.1 contracts during the OPA's application window.As such,we are formally requesting the Municipal Counsel Support from the City of Pickering for our applications. We are submitting 9 applications to build Solar Rooftop projects on the attached properties, in the corresponding sizes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 647-4483681. Thanks, Thanks, Tracy Zheng - Business Development Manager SOLAR A leading global renewable energy developer, investor and IPP Mobile: 647 448 3681 Fax: 905 889 0006 tracy.zhengCaskysolargroup.com www.skysolargroup.com 100 Leek Crescent, Unit 12 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3E6 From: Richard Lu jmailto:rlvCa>skysolargroup.coml Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 6:14 PM To: Tracy Zheng; jack(acitycoredevelopments.com Cc: Helen Plats; Frank Ruffolo Subject: FW: SelectEnergy Partners Inc. 1 8 Tracy here is the authorization for the Citycore listed buildings—please do your best to get the points from the City. SelectEnergy Partners Inc. is the Applicant name. Thanks Richard Lu President, Managing Director SKY SOLAR (CANADA) LTD., Mobile: 647 986 6060 Tel: 905 889 9188 FAX: 905 889 0006 rlv( skysolargroup.com it SKY SOLAR A World Leading Renewable Energy Asset Developer and IPP 100 Leek Crescent, Unit 12, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4B 3E6 www.skvsolargroup.com From: Jack Pong [mailto:jacMcitycoredevelopments.com] Sent: January-08-13 6:12 PM To: Richard Lu Subject: Re: SelectEnergy Partners Inc. Richard, In regards to the above Company SelectEnergy Partners Inc.,we as principals of this company hereby authorize any parties to release any information required by you to assist us in developing the FIT 2.o Contracts in partnership with Skysolar Canada Inc. We would appreciate all parties who are required to participate in providing any information required by our associates Sky Solar as they may need to allow them to complete the FIT Applications on our behalf. If you or any parties should have any further questions please feel free to call me directly. Thank You, Yours Very Truly, Jack Pong, President SelectEnergy _ SOLUTIONS tNC. 2250 Bovaird Drive East,Suite 114 Brampton, ON, L6R OW3 Tel: 905-595-2868 Fax:905-789-8432 ECITY CORE DEVELOPMENTS 2250 Bovaird Drive East, Suite 115,Brampton,ON, L6R OW3 Tel:416-324-8800.Tel: 905-789-7400. Fax: 905-789-8432 Note: This email and any file transmitted with it are confidential information and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please notify the 2 9 120 Adelaide Street West,Suite 1600 ONTARIOToronto,Ontario M5H 1T1 T 416-967-7474 POWER AUTHORITY _ F 416-967-1947 www.powerauthority.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: WHEREAS SelectEnergy Partners Inc. (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 250 kW roof top solar PV array (the"Project")on 1734 Orangebrook Court (the"Lands")in City of Pickering under the Province's FIT Program; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of City of Pickering indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the City of Pickering supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. • (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives,as appropriate.) FIT reference number: (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 10 120 Adelaide Street West,Suite 1600 ONTARIO Toronto,Ontario M5H 111 T 416-967-74-7474 4 POWER AUTHORITY F 416-967-1947 www.powerauthority.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: WHEREAS SelectEnergy Partners Inc. (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 250 kW roof top solar PV array (the"Project")on 963 979 Brock Road (the"Lands")in City of Pickering under the Province's FIT Program; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of City of Pickering indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the City of Pickering supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the - purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. • (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives,as appropriate.) FIT reference number: (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 11 120 Adelaide Street West,Suite 1600 ONTARIO _ Toronto,Ontario M5H 1T1 T 416-967-7474 POWER AUTHORITY F 416-967-1947 www.powerauth ority.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 • • Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: WHEREAS SelectEnergy Partners Inc. (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 250 kW roof top solar PV array (the"Project")on 1400 Squires Beach Road (the"Lands")in City of Pickering under the Province's FIT Program; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of City of Pickering indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the City of Pickering supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. • (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives,as appropriate.) FIT reference number: (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 12 120 Adelaide Street West.Suite 1600 ONTARIOToronto,Ontario M5H 1T1 sti T 416-967-7474 POWER AUTHORITY _ F 416-967-1947 www.powerauthority.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: • WHEREAS SelectEnergy Partners Inc. (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 250 kW roof top solar PV array (the"Project")on 1735 Bayly Street (the"Lands")in City of Pickering under the Province's FIT Program; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of City of Pickering indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the City of Pickering supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the • purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. • (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives, as appropriate.) FIT reference number: (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 13 120 Adelaide Street West,Suite 1600 ONTARIOToronto,Ontario M5H 1T1 T 416-967-7474 POWER AUTHORITY !ti F 416-967-1947 www.powerauthority.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION ' - Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: WHEREAS SelectEnergy Partners Inc. (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 250 kW roof top solar PV array (the"Project")on 1736 Orangebrook Court (the"Lands")in City of Pickering under the Province's FIT Program; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of City of Pickering indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the City of Pickering supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives,as appropriate.) FIT reference number: (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 14 120 Adelaide Street West,Suite 1600 ONTARIO Toronto,Ontario M5H 111 T 416-967-7474 POWER AUTHORITY _ F 416-967-1947 • www.powerauthority.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE:MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: WHEREAS SelectEnergy Partners Inc. (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 250 kW roof top solar PV array (the"Project")on 1738 Orangebrook Court (the"Lands")in City of Pickering under the Province's FIT Program; • AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of City of Pickering indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the City of Pickering supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives,as appropriate.) FIT reference number: (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 • 15 120 Adelaide Street West.Suite 1600 !,tf ONTARIO TorontoOntar o M5H 1T1 T 416-967-7474 POWER AUTHORITY Y F 416-967-1947 www.powerauthority.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: WHEREAS SelectEnergy Partners Inc. (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 250 kW roof top solar PV array (the"Project")on 1840 Clements Road (the"Lands")in City of Pickering under the Province's FIT Program; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of City of Pickering indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the City of Pickering supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives, as appropriate.) FIT reference number: (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 • 16 120 Adelaide Street West.Suite 1600 ONTARIO Toronto,Ontario M5H 1T1 T 416-967-7474 POWER AUTHORITY!iti F 416-967-1947 www.powerauthority.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: WHEREAS SelectEnergy Partners Inc. (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 250 kW roof top solar PV array (the"Project")on 1842 Clements Road (the"Lands")in City of Pickering under the Province's FIT Program; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of City of Pickering indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the City of Pickering supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives,as appropriate.) FIT reference number: (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 17 120 Adelaide Street West.Suite 1600 ONTARIO _ Toronto,Ontario M5H 111 T 416-967-7474 - POWER AUTHORITY F 416-967-1947 www.powerauthority.on.ca PRESCRIBED FORM/TEMPLATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Section 6.1(d)(i)of the FIT Rules,Version 2.1 OPARP/f-FIT-015r4 Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Rules,Version 2.1. Resolution NO: Date: • WHEREAS SelectEnergy Partners Inc. (the"Applicant")proposes to construct and operate a 250 kW rooftop solar PV array (the"Project")on 895 Sandy Beach Road (the"Lands")in City of Pickering under the Province's FIT Program; AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of • City of Pickering indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; AND WHEREAS,pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program(the"FIT Rules"),Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points,which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the City of Pickering supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands. This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. (Note: signature lines for councillors or other representatives,as appropriate.) FIT reference number: (Note:Must be inserted by Applicant to complete Application) Dec,2012 18