HomeMy WebLinkAboutES 01-13 city°, Report to —���— Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: ES 01-13 Date: January 21, 2013 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Don Beer Memorial Park— Relocation - . File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report ES 01-13 from the Director, Community Services regarding the relocation of the Don Beer Memorial Park be received; 2. That Council authorize staff to enter into an Agreement with Transport Canada for the lease of the new park site located at 1607 Highway 7 in Brougham, on such terms as are satisfactory to the Director, Community Services, and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; 3. That Council authorize staff to enter into an Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation for the cost-sharing of the construction of the Don Beer Memorial Park, substantially in the form as attached to this report; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: As part of the Highway 407 East Extension Environmental Assessment, it was recognized that the Don Beer Memorial Park would be impacted by the proposed realignment of Highway 7 to permit the new Brock Road and Highway 407 interchange. Council requested the Ministry of Transportation to relocate and replace the ball diamond, playgrounds and parking, all at the expense of the Ministry of Transportation to compensate for the loss of the park (Report OES 45-09). One of the Minister of the Environment's Conditions of Approval for Highway 407 East is that the Ministry of Transportation compensate the City of Pickering for the loss of Don Beer Memorial Park. Staff have located a suitable site at 1607 Highway 7, owned by Transport Canada and have prepared a concept site plan and cost estimate for the reconstruction of the park at this location. In order to secure the property for City use as the new Don Beer Memorial Park, the City will have to enter into a long-term lease agreement with Transport Canada. 1 Report ES 01-13 January 21, 2013 Subject: Don Beer Memorial Park - Relocation Page 2 As the new park site is larger than the existing site, and some upgrades are being proposed to bring the new facilities up to current standards, the Ministry of Transportation has indicated that they will only cover the costs for direct replacement and not the upgrades. An estimated cost of$900,000 was approved for the park replacement in the 2011 Parks Capital Budget, which was to be 100% funded by the Province. This value needs to be increased by approximately $444,383 to reflect the current estimated costs for the project, which is $1,344,383. As such, approximately $206,365 of the additional $444,383 required is to be funded by the City, and will be recommended in the 2013 Capital Budget and financed through a combination of an internal loan and property taxes. City staff do not have the resources available to prepare tender documents and administer the construction of this project if it is to proceed in 2013. As such, the engagement of a landscape architectural firm is required and will be initiated by staff. Should Council decide not to proceed with the reconstruction of the park at the new location at this time, the Ministry of Transportation is prepared to provide compensation in the amount of$1,035,371. This lump sum represents the Ministry's proportionate share of construction, including 10% for design and contract administration, and the cost for the survey and geotechnical investigations. Financial Implications: The estimated cost of$900,000 approved in the 2011 Capital Budget was based on the replacement value of the Don Beer Memorial Park in its existing size, meanwhile the proposed new park site is larger than the existing site. This increase in size together with some proposed upgrades brings the new facilities up to current standards, resulting in an additional 2013 Capital Budget request of$444,383. The Ministry of Transportation's share of the direct replacement cost will increase by $238,018 from $900,000 to $1,138,018. The City's share of$206,365 toward the project will be financed by a combination of an internal loan of$200,000, and property taxes in the amount of$6,365, subject to 2013 budget approval. Discussion: Through the 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Study, August 2009, the City of Pickering was advised that the existing Don Beer Memorial Park site located at 1800 Highway No. 7 would be impacted. The land required to construct the Brock Road and Highway 407 interchange will displace Highway No. 7 further north into the existing park site. Council requested The Ministry Of Transportation to relocate and replace the park features, namely the ball diamond, playgrounds and parking, all at the expense of the Ministry of Transportation (Report OES 45-09). CORP0227-07/01 revised 2 Report ES 01-13 January 21, 2013 Subject: Don Beer Memorial Park - Relocation Page 3 Staff have been working with Transport Canada to find another site in the Hamlet of Brougham community that would be suitable to relocate the park onto. Transport Canada identified 1607 Highway 7 as vacant land under their ownership, that they would be willing to provide at a nominal rate, for the park location. Staff investigated the site and prepared a concept site plan to ensure that the existing park features could be accommodated on this site. A topographic survey and geotechnical investigations were also performed on the site. Pickering Baseball Association, who use the ball diamond at the existing park, were consulted to ensure that the proposed facilities would meet their current needs. They advised that the existing diamond was substandard in size and requested that the diamond be constructed to a size and configuration similar to their Kirky Field in Brockridge Park. The park design includes a hardball diamond complete with a grass infield and lighting, a playground area sized to accommodate the existing play structures, an asphalt basketball court to replace the existing court, a gravel parking area with 32 spaces and associated walkways and perimeter trees. • The estimated cost for the reconstruction of the park is $1,344,383 including design and contingency. As the new park site is larger than the existing site (5.82 acres vs. 3.13 acres) and some upgrades are being proposed to bring the new facilities up to current standards, the Ministry of Transportation has indicated that they will only cover the costs for direct replacement and not the upgrades. As such, approximately $206,365 will be required above what the Ministry is willing to compensate the City. In anticipation of relocating the Don Beer Memorial Park, an estimated amount of $900,000 was approved for the park replacement in the 2011 Parks Capital Budget, fully funded by the Province. This value needs to be increased by $444,383 to reflect the current estimated cost of$1,344,383 for the project. Should Council decide not to proceed with the reconstruction of the park at the new location at this time, the Ministry of Transportation have advised that they will proceed to provide the City with compensation for a future park project. The Ministry is prepared to enter into an Agreement with the City that will fulfill Ministry of Transportations' obligations under the Hwy 407 EA Conditions of Approval. They have advised that they are comfortable with the cost estimate provided to them, excluding compensation for the 10% contingency that was included in the estimate should the City proceed in this manner. The approximate value that would be provided to the City as compensation is $1,035,371. As City staff do not have the resources or available time to prepare tender documents and provide full time contract administration for the construction of this project in 2013, the engagement of'a landscape architectural firm is recommended. CORP0227-07/01 revised 3 Report ES 01-13 January 21, 2013 Subject: Don Beer Memorial Park - Relocation Page 4 The lease with Transport Canada for the existing Don Beer Memorial Park was terminated on October 31, 2012 and the park has since been vacated. A new lease agreement with Transport Canada will be required for the proposed park site. Discussions with Transport Canada have progressed to the point that they are ready to prepare a long-term lease agreement for the property known as 1607 Hwy 7 in Brougham for the new Don Beer Memorial Park. Staff anticipate that the lease agreement and park design can be completed in time for a late spring 2013 construction start and completion of the project in late fall 2013. Attachment: 1. Concept Site Plan 2. Location Map 3. Draft Financial Contribution Agreement from Ministry of Transportation Prepared By: Approved/Endoirsed By: r Arnol• Mostert, ALA Everett B sma., NPD, CMM C••rdinator, Landscape & Parks Director, Community Services Development 1PP ' / ,AI Al l' Richa d Holbo! , P. Eng. Stan Karwowski, MBA, CMA Divi on Head, Engineering Services (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer A :am Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit Council / % gCLAC • 4, Zot 3 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised 4 • ATTACH M E NT#_..._/_ 'ICI rREPOR-3 ..,5-mil r3 H I G H W A Y 7 . PO .5. 39J 171 29J ..rn +v s 54'46 .,(.. I':' I ',TO 0 \ „,..„ OM .q ICI I ,.r x X NI'i GRAVEL PARKING I� III 4;. mii_ x 6PwcPS 1 I1 I ( 5 RA• A ? S7Xf37 MD (p - --- 0 0 0 0 \0 POi(6W, -_ ...� • I o LP R TB.01 N�r ..r• 'h. c.....1.11:1 50XEP NiP.A \,\piiis . it t \` \ ❑ \\*: II r____] ■ < u- ~= Ell _u ORCHARD ✓'i %H 26■2-0019 *v.....,111 �" _ HEIGHTS DR I-FT RESERVE -&T Si..w PI5 00502-0015 • f) L ,,,:) •r 931315. ' j •••..1 is l�. nMEAGER lPo ry,.(" WN 26402-0006 City of Pickering Community Services Department Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation Concept Site Plan i ATTACH MENT# 229. TO REPORT# cS of-13 __L 0 o , • o ■ -73 fr AEXISTING DON BEER y iMEMORIAL ' 0. % S *\ 4-Iti �a�' � CREE a 0010 PROPOSED DON BEER GR� MEMORIAL 04 t^ C 73 ko \ . il.Sil 1 City of Pickering Community Services Department Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation Location Plan 6 ATF"ACt MENT# 3 TOREPORT#Fs o/-13 of t� THIS AGREEMENT is effective as of the day of 2012. BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Ministry of Transportation for the Province of Ontario (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry"); -and- City of Pickering (hereinafter referred to as the"City"); WHEREAS on June 3,2010,the Ontario Ministry of the Environment("MOE") approved the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment,and on July 7,2011 the Federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency("CEAA")approved the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment (the"EA"); AND WHEREAS the Notice of Approval issued by the Ontario Minister of the Environment for the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment (EA), provided in Condition 12.3, under the heading Municipal Infrastructure, that: "The proponent shall compensate the City of Pickering for the displacement of the recreational facilities located at Don Beer Memorial Park in the City of Pickering. The facilities generally include a baseball diamond with a backstop, lighting, bleachers, outfield fencing, benches, a basketball court, a children's playground with climbing equipment and swing set, a gravel parking area for approximately 25 vehicles, and vehicular access thereto. The proponent shall not be responsible for any costs related to property acquisition." Page 1 of 15 7 Prre,Chf,1 ENT# 3 TO REPORT# 01-13 2) of 15 AND WHEREAS the Ministry, as proponent, intends to open to traffic, by 2015, Highway 407 East Phase 1 which includes 22 kilometres of new east-west highway from Brock Road in Pickering to Harmony Road in Oshawa, and a 10 kilometres north-south highway, West Durham Link (WDL), connecting Highway 407 East to Highway 401; AND WHEREAS the City operates the existing recreational facilities located at Don Beer Memorial Park(the"Park")in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS the City intends to replace the Park that will be displaced with the construction of the Highway 407 East; AND WHEREAS the Ministry and the City have agreed to enter into this agreement whereby the Ministry will compensate the City for the displacement of the Park, thereby fulfilling the Ministry's obligation in condition 12.3 of the Notice of Approval, and to set out the mutually agreed upon terms and conditions for the replacement of the Park, as shown in Schedule"A"; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements of the Parties hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the Parties covenant and agree as follows: DEFINITIONS 1. In this Agreement, a) "Administrative Overheads", means any amounts associated with City staff working on Page 2 of 15 8 AT TACHMENT#__3___TOREPORT# CS 01-13 _L.of or providing administrative support for the Works; b) "Park" means the existing recreational facilities located at the Don Beer Memorial Park located in the City of Pickering at 1800 Highway 7, which generally include a baseball diamond with a backstop, lighting, bleachers, outfield fencing, benches, a basketball court, a children's playground with climbing equipment and swing set, a gravel parking area for approximately 25 vehicles,and vehicular access. c) "Regional Director" means the Regional Director of the Central Region of the Ministry of Transportation for the Province of Ontario,or a nominee. d) "Works" means all the work necessary to relocate the Park to a new property chosen by the City (and located at 1607 Highway 7), including without limitation the detailed design, all necessary environmental approvals, utility . relocations, construction, construction administration,traffic control and safety during construction. SCOPE OF WORK 2. The City shall be responsible for and undertake and execute the Works in accordance with all applicable law and shall ensure that the Works are completed in compliance with: (a) Applicable Ontario Provincial Standards and Specification; (b) Applicable City of Pickering approved standards and specifications (c) Contract drawings and documents; and (d) the terms and conditions of this Agreement and that all Works within the Ministry's right-of-way ("ROW") are subject to Ministry inspection and approval. 3. The City shall be responsible for obtaining all permits required for the Works prior to construction and in compliance with any other applicable provisions in this Agreement. Page 3of15 9 . ATTACHMENT# 3 TOREPORT# LS °1-13 `- of 1 .5 4. In undertaking the Works, the City, as proponent of the Works, shall comply with the Environmental Assessment Act and the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process and obtain from the Ministry of Environment, as well as the Ministry of Natural Resources, all clearances required by the Environmental Assessment Act(Ontario), if any. 5. The City shall secure all necessary approvals to carry out the Works, including obtaining an encroachment permit and any other permits required from the Ministry and from any other federal agency such as Transport Canada,prior to starting construction of the Works. 6. The City shall be responsible for the design and preparation of the, contract drawings and documents for the Works. The City shall submit the contract design packages to the Ministry for review and for approval of any portion of the Works that involve a highway under Ministry's jurisdiction. 7. The City may, in its discretion,undertake additional work beyond the scope of the Works shown in Schedule "A" of this Agreement. For greater certainty, the parties understand and agree that such additional work is entirely the City's responsibility and that the Ministry shall not provide any financial contribution for such additional works. 8. The City shall obtain the Ministry's approval for any changes to the Works having a cost in excess of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000). Such approval shall be obtained prior to the additional work being performed and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The approval of any such changes by the Ministry shall not effect the maximum financial contribution of the Ministry set out in section 16 herein 9. The City shall be fully responsible for traffic control and safety during construction of the Works, including the supply, installation and maintenance of all traffic control devices and warning signs that the Ministry requires within its jurisdiction, which shall be carried out in accordance with Ministry approved standards, specifications,policies and practices. Page 4 of 15 10 AT°TACHMENT#3 TOREPORT# ES oi-13 5 of rS 10. The City shall keep full records of the progress of the Works, including quality assurance and inspection records, and shall provide them, with the exclusion of any personal information which may be contained therein, at the Ministry's request within two business days notice. 11. When the Works are completed under this Agreement or when the City is of the view that the Works are completed, the City shall provide written notice to the Regional Director, and the Regional Director shall cause the Works within Ministry's ROW to be inspected, and if the Regional Director fords the Works have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract drawings and documents, the Regional Director shall give the City written notice that the Works have been completed. CONSTRUCTION TENDER 12. The City shall tender the contract for the construction of the Works. The City shall provide the Ministry with a copy of the unit bid prices for the Works immediately following the close of the tender. 13. The City shall, in its discretion, obtain either a performance bond or a standby irrevocable letter of credit or other performance security as it deems appropriate from the contractor in favour of both the Ministry and the City, in an amount reasonably acceptable to the City, to secure performance of the contract with the City as tendered in accordance with this Agreement. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION 14. Subject to section 16 of this Agreement,the Ministry and the City agree that the costs in respect of the Works as detailed in Schedules `B" attached to this Agreement are for estimating purposes only and that it is the intention of the parties to pay the actual costs in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. For additional clarity, it is Page 5 of 15 11 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# ES 01-13 of C7 understood and agreed by the City that it will not seek to recover from the Ministry any amounts for Administrative Overheads, and as such this is indicated by a"zero'amount in Schedule`B'. 15. Subject to section 16 of this Agreement, the Ministry shall reimburse and pay the City for the actual costs of the Ministry's share for each component of the Works as set out in Schedule `B" of this Agreement. 16. The parties understand and agree that, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the maximum financial contribution by the Ministry to the City in respect of the Works shall not exceed $1,138,017.82, inclusive of applicable taxes (the "maximum financial contribution"). The City shall be responsible for any costs in excess of the maximum financial contribution in respect of the Works. INVOICING 17. The City shall,from time to time,invoice the Ministry for its share of the actual costs payable by the Ministry to the City under this Agreement in respect of the Works. The City shall submit all invoices to the Head, Planning and Engineering, Major Projects Office, Ministry of Transportation, or a nominee. 18. The Ministry shall pay invoices submitted by the City within 60 days. GENERAL 19. The City warrants that it has taken all necessary steps, done all acts, passed all by-laws and obtained all approvals within its power legally required to give it the authority to enter into this Agreement. 20. The City shall accommodate audits by the Ministry of the Works performed by the City at the discretion of the Ministry and on three business days' notice. The City agrees to allow on-site Page 6 of 15 12 ATTACHMENT#3 TOREPORT# ES 01-13 audits by the Ministry during regular business hours. 21. The City shall indemnify and save harmless the Ministry from and against all claims, actions, causes of action or liability for loss, damage, accident or injury (hereinafter referred to collectively as "claims") in any manner arising due to, out of, from or in connection with the Works undertaken and performed by the City, its agents or it's consultants or contractors in connection with this Agreement,howsoever such claims may arise. 22. The City hereby agrees to put in effect and maintain insurance for the duration of the Works, at its own cost and expense indemnifying the City and the Ministry from and against all claims for damage or injury to property and/or persons,including loss of life to persons, occurring on lands affected by the Works mentioned in this Agreement. Such insurance will include but not be limited to the following: (a) Comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount of not less than Five Million ($5,000,000.00) Dollars in respect of bodily injury or death of any one person in any one occurrence; (b) insurance shall be maintained with a company or companies licensed to do business in the Province of Ontario; (c) the City shall ensure that the policy names the Ministry as an additional insured; (d) the City shall promptly furnish the Ministry with certificates of the • insurance signed by the insurance company at the request of the Ministry; and, (e) the policy shall not be subject to cancellation or amendment without reasonable notice to the Ministry and the policy shall contain a cross liability endorsement. Page 7 of 15 13 ATTACkMENT# 3 TOREPORT# ES o/-13 23. Any notices to be given under the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given by personal delivery, or sent by electronic facsimile, or mailed by prepaid registered mail, or delivered by courier service. Subject to change by either party with written notice, notice shall be addressed as follows: To the Ministry: Lou Politano,P.Eng. Regional Director, Central Region Ministry of Transportation 2nd Floor,Building D 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 Telephone: (416)235-5400 Facsimile: (416)235-5266 To the City: Ms. Debbie Shields City Clerk,City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 • Telephone: 905-420-4660 Facsimile: 905-420-4650 Notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given on the date of personal delivery, the date of electronic facsimile transmission,or the date of delivery by courier service,or in the case of service by registered mail, five(5) days after the date of mailing. Page 8 of 15 14 ATTACHMENT# 3_ TO REPORT# -S of 713 THIS AGREEMENT shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement effective as of the day first above written. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Transportation for the Province of Ontario • MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION SIGNED this day of 2012. The City of Pickering Title SIGNED this day of 2012. Page 9 of 15 15 ATTACHMENT TO REPORT#E S 0/'13 Page 10 of 15 16 i:krrAcHmENT k._.. To REPORT#E s oH3 SCHEDULE"A"TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MINISTRY AND THE CITY OF PICKERING KEY PLAN CITY'S PROPOSED WORK Page 11 of 15 17 ATTACH MENT# 3 rn,.TO PORT# 1=�' G 1-1 3 13 of 15 60200601 0 609 6 622220E 0.1-5.T0.2012 SKETCH SHOWING TOPOGRAPHY OF H I G H Al A Y ] PART OF LOTS 11-14 PLAN 530 AND PART OR LOTS 12-15 PLAN 10 (R o o d b e f w e e b o 0 0 0 0 0 o l o 11 s 5 & 6) CONCESSION 5 • �dt �^ „pa TOWN OF PICKERING a mat b a p tla ., 4t REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM •.sa.0111x t1-p1.:--- — — —---:—.7,,,= — 7 _ — —— _ _—• � (,__� _"t� SCALE 1 : 500 :•3 f, — — —— _ 2.9J 2.9J um 11 020 ..4— 54.46 OSIwMrM /_ '_ • -- t 0 3 4 p b 10 20 1.. •• IVAN 5. WALLACE O.L.S. LTD. NIB I' r: ,A:t,�r — L ___1i � 1 I zmc� ; �l� GRAVEL `ARKINC� � ;� '�ifii I�1 II ` 1��'I ,'- *P- 0k AI e.191- E4p ofImpaab>.. 417 swop AREA ••� t 1418 — € 1 *4 tr. tr. O ? irk 21- j 1« �j aua�s FLAY A ��Or� 1\,1 #«�_ r:ice v- �►���� 1,`,\1 4 x .� OAP....4 CO j ow Iv : itit j i c new Poe SLLD®AREA \,1 1''1 _ ... — _ 1` —OR i ° ,4711, ; \ \ \ gy TWM � � y 6i �? MOWED\\�\�\� \$9 Ok IL I *MG td d LP +.-l' I,g;; WWII Pup \ \ \ \ ��,�=. ° 'K Eil ECW a wp.tvtM a.a ii 44 1LP? 1, \ ❑ lir �'��\ ��` ° #1624 -x x x-xx_x J` 'a\ L ' N \\p 11 / PIN T. 01-0011 �.. i� ''-s` �.1. n X'' . x x `' j4� , a,tti P )120 NN ORCHARD �X'": �E1 4..• HEIGHTS DR PIN 26402-0019 °f, « ——I— l PIN 26401-0014 1-FT RESERVE C ryN ---GGG z� •J y efsEp I x _ "` ' ft*. ....,0. _ _ x-x-x -x- x-x- PeraW E '� '4,- PIN 26402-0006 Page 12 of 15 18 A T TACHMENT# ..R. TO REPORT# E S of-)3 of. I SCHEDULE "B"TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MINISTRY AND THE CITY OF PICKERING ES_ TIMATED COST BY THE CITY . (Estimate as of November 5,2012) • Page 13 of 15 • 19 a ..e. ( i '(iE{`vT# = °f F:EPC)RT# ES. -l3 . of- . . Item Description Est. Unit Unit Total Cost MTO MTO Cost City of Pickering City of No. Qty. Price Share Share Pickering Cost 1.0 Site Preparation 1.1 Clearing, grubbing, removals and disposal Lump Sum $20,000.00 54% $10,1300.00 46% $9,200.00 (note 1) 1.2 Siltation control/tree preservation fence 600 LM $20.00 $12,000.00 100% $12,000.00 0% 1.3 Post and wire fence construction control 85 LM $16.00 $1,360.00 100% $1,360.00 0% fence 1.4 Strip and stockpile topsoil(note 1) Lump Sum $30,000.00 54% $16,200.00 46% $13,800.00 1.5 Rough grade and shape park features, Lump Sum $105,000.00 54% $56,700.00 46% $48,300.00 including load, haul and place materials (note 1) 1.6 Load, Haul and Place Topsoil for fine Lump Sum $20,000.00 54% $10,800.00 46% $9,200.00 grading(note 1) 1.0 Sub-Total: $188,360.00 $107,860.00 $80,500.00 2.0 Site Servicing . 2.1 Storm sewer(300mm dia.or comparable 275 LM $120.00 $33,000.00 100% $33,000.00 0% bioswale construction) 2.2 Catch basin 2 each $2,200.00 $4,400.00 100% $4,400.00 0% 2.3 Catch basin/manhole 3 each $3,800.00 $11,400.00 100% $11,400.00 0% 2.4 Manhole 1 each $3,400.00 $3,400.00 100% $3,400.00 0% 2.5 Culverts(300mm dia.) 6 each $1,200.00 $7,200.00 100% $7,200.00 0% • Hard Ball Field-drainage: 2.7 100mm dia.perforated rigid PVC drain pipe 1200. LM $20.00 $24,000.00 100% $24,000.00 0% 2.8 200mm dia.Solid rigid PVC collector pipe 225 LM $40.00 $9,000.00 100% $9,000.00 0% 2.9 Relocation of Septic Bed 1 .each Lump Sum $15,000.00 0% 100% $15,000.00 • Electrical and Lighting 2.10 Electrical Servicing 1 Lump Sum $40,000.00 100% $40,000.00 0% 2.11 Sports lighting for hard ball fields 1 each $160,000.00 $160,000.00 100% $160,000.00 0% 2.12 Pathway lighting system Lump Sum $30,000.00 0% 100% $30,000.00 2.13 Parking Area lighting systems Lump Sum $15,000.00 100% $15,000.00 0% 2.0 Sub-total: $352,400.00 $307,400.00 $45,000.00 3.0 Hard Landscape 3.1 Gravel parking area(note 2) 1250 m2 $35.00 $43,750.00 84% $36,750.00 16% $7,000.00 3.2 Standard OPSD Driveway Entrance 1 Lump Sum $5,500.00 100% $5,500.00 0% 3.3 Precast concrete curb at parking area(note 21 each $200.00 $4,200.00 100% $4,200.00 0% 3) 3.4 Standard Asphalt Pathways(note 4) 750 m2 $52.00 $39,000.00 10% $3,900.00 90% $35,100.00 3.5 Basketball Court Lump Sum $35,000.00 100% $35,000.00 0% 3:6 Play Area curbing 80 LM $120.00 $9,600.00 100% $9,600.00 0% 3.7 Play Area Safety Surfacing 380 m2 i $35.00 $13,300.00 100% $13,300.00 0% 3.8 Play Area equipment, sign and Lump Sum $6,000.00 100%. $6,000.00 0% commemorative plaque relocation 3.9 Hard Ball Fields Ball fields infield surfacing,homeplate and 1500 m2 $27.00 $40,500.00 100% $40,500.00 0% mound construction(clay) Ball fields sod and field mix 10515 m' $13.50 $141,952.50 100% $141,952.50 0% Ball fields warning tracks 1200 m2 $7.50 $9,000.00 100% $9,000.00 0% Ball fields backstops and player enclosures 1 each $65,000.00 $65,000.00 100% $65,000.00 0% Ball fields line fence 145 LM $115.00 $16,675.00 100% $16,675.00 0% Ball fields home run fence and gates 175 LM $75.00 $13,125.00 100% $13,125.00 0% 5-tier spectators bleachers 2 each $6,500.00 $13,000.00 100% $13,000.00 0% Players benches 4 each $2,500.00 $10,000.00 100% $10,000.00 0% 100% 0% 3.10 Relocation of Benches 3 each $500.00 $1,500.00 100% $1,500.00 0% 3.11 Waste receptacle 1 each $500.00 $500.00 100% $500.00 0% 3.0 Sub-total: $467,602.50 $425,502.50 $42,100.00 4.0 Soft Landscaping 4.1 Perimeter Trees 60 each $350.00 $21,000.00 100% $21,000.00 0% 4.2 Fine grade and seed 4500 m2 $1.30 $5,850.00 100% $5,850.00 0% 4.3 Fine grade and sod 4500 m2 $3.20 $14,400.00 100% $14,400.00 0% 4.0 Sub-total: $41,250.00 $41,250.00 $0.00 5.0 Miscellaneous 5.1 Mobilization and Demobilization costs Lump Sum $20,000.00 100% $20,000.00 0% 5.2 Costs of Bonding Lump Sum $15,000.00 100% $15,000.00 0% 5.0 Sub-total: $35,000.00 $36,000.00 $0.00 6.0 Summary Total Sections 1.0-5.0 $1,084,612.50 $917,012.50 $167,600.00 10%contingency $108,461.25 $91,701.25 $16,760.00 sub-total $1,193,073.75 $1,008,713.75 $184,360.00 Design and Construction $119,307.38 $100,871.38 $18,436.00 Administration Fees @ 10% Construction Sub-total: $1,312,381.13 $1,109,585.13 $202,796.00 7.0 Pre-design Works: 7.1 Topographic survey Lump Sum $3,950.00 $3,950.00 7.2 Geotechnical Investigations Lump Sum $4,800.00 $4,800.00 Predesign Works Sub-total $8,750.00 $8,750.00 $0.00 Total Construction&Pre- $1,321,131.13 $1,118,335.13 $202,796.00 design Costs: Administrative Overheads $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Net H.S.T.@ Page 14 of 15 1.76% $23,251.91 $19,682.70 $3,569.21 Total Estimated Price:! $1,344,383.031 1 $1,138,017.821 1 $206,365.211 Notes 20 1 existing park area is 12,573 sq m and proposed construction area approx 23,560 sq m-existing park 54%of proposed developed area 2 existing parking lot is 1050 sq m in area 3 precast curbs proposed in lieu of wooden post parking barrier ATTACHMENT w OR, �� of-�3 Schedule`B"Notes: - Cost sharing will be base on actual costs rather than estimated costs. - - The Ministry shall not be responsible for the cost to operate,maintain and provide energy for the illumination,and any other operational costs for the New Don Beer Memorial Park. - The parties agree that the maximum financial contribution by the Ministry to the City to satisfactorily complete the Works shall not exceed$1,138,017.82(inclusive of applicable taxes). 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