HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 01-13 cis 4 Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PLN 01-13 Date: January 14, 2013 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Review of Front Yard Parking Standards within Residential Areas City of Pickering File: D-3300-002 Recommendation: 1. That Report PLN 01-13 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding Review of Front Yard Parking Standards within Residential Areas in the City of Pickering be received; and 2. Further, that Council authorize staff to proceed with the Work Plan for the Review of Front Yard Parking Standards, attached as Attachment#1 to Report PLN 01-13. Executive Summary: This report recommends that staff be authorized to undertake a review of regulations respecting front yard parking standards in residential areas and report back to Planning and Development Committee with recommended changes to the City's Zoning By-laws to better regulate this matter. This matter has been raised by Councillors on various occasions in the past. • The purpose of this review is to examine front yard parking in relation to driveway widths and open space requirements in residential areas throughout the City. The objective is to establish new Zoning By-law standards related to front yard parking which support and respect streetscape and urban design principles, and to implement a consistent and contemporary set of front yard parking standards throughout the City. It is anticipated that the review will take approximately 12 -18 months to complete. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications to the City at this time. The review will be conducted by Staff. 1. Background 1.1 Front Yard Parking The issue of excessive vehicle parking within front and exterior side yards in residential areas is becoming very common across the municipality. The matter of controlling vehicle parking in front yards has been raised by Councillors in response to concerns and complaints about impacts on drainage and Report PLN 01-13 January 14, 2013 Subject: Review of Front Yard Parking Standards Page 2 neighbourhood aesthetics. Staff has also been requested to review the policies of other municipalities related to driveway widening for additional off street parking. In order to deal with this matter, staff is proposing to initiate a City-wide review to regulate front yard parking related to ground oriented dwellings with direct motor vehicle access from a public street. 1.2 Issues with Front Yard Parking The general provisions of the City's current zoning by-laws do not have specific regulations limiting the amount of allowable area within the front yard to accommodate additional off-street parking. Consequently, residents are able to pave their entire front yard in order to park additional vehicles on the driveway. Front yard parking can adversely impact several streetscape elements including: • Streetscape and neighbourhood aesthetics — neighbourhood aesthetics and streetscapes are compromised when the majority of the front yard is paved and parked on • Supply of temporary on-street parking — little opportunity for on-street parking due to inadequate spacing between widened curb cuts • Stormwater management— a decrease in permeability, due to a wider driveway, reduces the amount of soft landscaping areas, which allow for more efficient natural stormwater management • Reduction in greenspace —further widening of curb cuts and access driveways will result in the reduction of available "soft" landscaping to provide an attractive streetscape • Insufficient space for boulevard planting —widened driveways reduce the size of soft landscaping areas which are required for the appropriate growth of trees in the public boulevard This review will attempt to establish appropriate zoning by-law standards to mitigate the negative impacts of front yard parking. 1.3 Current Driveway width standards and guidelines The City has recently implemented new zoning by-law provisions stipulating maximum driveway standards in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and other infill projects in South Pickering to address concerns with respect to front yard parking. It is anticipated that the new zoning by-law for Seaton will have similar zoning provisions to regulate the width of driveways. As part of this study, staff Report PLN 01-13 January 14, 2013 Subject: Review of Front Yard Parking Standards Page 3 will evaluate whether the current zoning provisions within Duffin Heights, to regulate front yard parking through restrictions on driveway widths in other areas of the City, has been effective. The Review of Front Yard Parking Standards meets the objectives of the City's Draft Sustainable Guidelines. Draft Guideline 2.17 refers to the need for residential site design to maximize permeability through limitations on paved driveway widths. Based on the house form (single, semi or townhouse dwelling) the guideline recommends a maximum paved driveway width. This study will review the maximum driveway widths recommended in the Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines. 1.4 Ensuring Appropriate Standards are in place The City has reviewed and implemented various zoning standards incrementally over the years to address issues and accommodate changing requirements. As a result, there are different definitions, standards and provisions related to front yard parking across the City. The objective of this study is to update the City of Pickering Zoning By-laws to implement a consistent and contemporary set of definitions and zoning by-law standards throughout the municipality. A work plan for the Front Yard Parking Study is outlined in Attachment #1 to this Report. The study is expected to take approximately 12 to 18 months to complete. 2. Communication Strategy 2.1 Residents • open houses will be held in each ward to discuss the Background Study and understand potential issues throughout the municipality • comments received will be considered for incorporation into proposed amendments 2.2 Building Industry • Staff will host a meeting with representatives from the building industry to seek input 2.3 News Media and Website • all open houses and public meetings will be posted on the City of Pickering website and in the News Advertiser • comment sheets and forms to become an interested party will be posted on the City's website Report PLN 01-13 January 14, 2013 Subject: Review of Front Yard Parking Standards Page 4 Conclusion: It is recommended that Council receive this report and authorize staff to undertake the work plan for the Front Yard Parking Study as outlined in Attachment#1. Attachments 1. Front Yard Parking Study—Work Program Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Meliss Markh m, MCIP, RPP Neil Carroll, V. IP 'PP Principal Planner, Development Review Director, Planning & Development ' Niles :u ', MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design MM:jf Recommended for the consideration of.Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • co C)CO Cr) CO Cr) N- C N- c- N- r- C) E N N N N N N L L Z H p O) a) J N C C ,.. C CD Q. > V) U) > U) C E � "U U U a) 0 co (a U " Li) U) = U) O = as o U 0 U Q U)a) -0 -a -0 a C c C CO CO CO CO CO CO 4 CI) (/) (I) U C U) L a) >, Q as E >+ C >, Ca Q C C .0 ._ E a)E C '� a) C a) O C) a) E L D C 0 a) 0) (L C E LE O oZS U)�.+ E> V c E L a L • •- 0) 4 Co a) ( O _ O) a) c E —O Q L >' 0 C 4--' U 03 L i V p o E C C L a s Q > - t 3 0 o ° 0 c o c 4- 0 0 -0 4- >, C a) °' c` C ° o o ca) a) E Co c E a) ° o C c — U o L (a o O a) U a) Q a) O _ co o c 4- U oc a) o. E N o co •p c N (� (/) O 0 a) ° ±-2. 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