HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 24, 2012 C 00 Si Minutes/Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee Wednesday, October 24, 2012 PICKERING 2 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Doug Dickerson, Chair, City Councillor, Ward 2 David Pickles, Vice-Chair, City Councillor, Ward 3 Peter Rodrigues, Regional Councillor, Ward 3 • Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Chantal Whitaker, Coordinator, Sustainability Shauna Muir, (Acting) Coordinator, Sustainability Renee Michaud, Executive Assistant, Council Office (Recording Secretary) Guests: Brian Kelly, Manager of Sustainability, Region of Durham Gilbert Boehm, Supervisor, Energy Management and Projects Absent: • Mayor Ryan Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development Item/ Details & Discussion& Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Presentation: Region of Durham Local Action Plan Brian Kelly Region of Durham Brian Kelly gave a presentation on the Region of Durham Community Climate Change Local Action Plan which was • approved at Regional Council on March 9, 2011. He mentioned that the preparation started in 2009, followed by Phase 1 in 2010 which identified the framework, goals and objectives. Phase 2 then spread out over 2011 and 2012 with community consultations and stakeholder presentations. Phase 3, Program Development & Approvals, started in the last quarter of 2012 with a completion date of mid 2013. The Vision is "Durham Region is to be a carbon neutral, sustainable, prosperous and resilient community with a high quality of life." Community targets established for reduction of GHG emissions are: • 5% by 2015 • 20% by 2010 • 80% by 2050 It was noted that it is not a set of programs that have now been given final approval; it.is a Plan. Individual programs Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 will be further developed (in conjunction with municipal partners where applicable) and brought back for individual approval before being implemented. The following is a list of potential programs for consideration: • Durham Partners in Project Green • Comprehensive Residential Retrofit • Green Affordable Housing • Durham Green Building Guideline • Smart Grid Initiative • Offshore Wind Power Generation • Durham Mini-Deep Lake Water Cooling • Durham Biofuels Program • Bio-Methane Production and Use • Local Food Hub • Urban Agriculture Program • Farm-Friendly Regulations • Durham Five Million Trees • Durham,Green Planning/Transit-Oriented Guidelines • Durham Freecycle Program • Durham Green Procurement Guideline • Community Climate Fund • • Climate Education Program To date, work has been focused on climate mitigation. Councillor Rodrigues questioned what the impact of increased vehicular traffic in Durham would be on GHG emissions and whether the proposed targets could still be met. B. Kelly stated that the targets were measured against 2007 baseline emissions and also takes into consideration growth and the transition to more hybrid vehicles and greater use of transit in urban areas. The Local Action Plan was approved at Regional Council two weeks ago and a summarized version should be available on the Durham Region's website in a few months. They are also drafting a pamphlet for quick and easy reference. Table 1 from the presentation shows Estimated Impacts of the Community Climate Change Local Action Plan in three categories; environment, economic and social. Discussion followed on Green Affordable Housing and the benefits for the homeowners and the builders. Implementation would require changes to the Ontario Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Building Code and the province has not endorsed any recommendations submitted to date. A special exemption was submitted for the Seaton Project, but it was denied. T. Melymuk indicated that the Durham Green Building Guidelines are similar to the ones developed as part of the placemaking guidelines. There may be an opportunity to enhance the neighbourhood designs to make them more sustainable and to ensure cost savings for the builders. Councillor Dickerson mentioned that some builders are now considering placement of the house on a lot to take advantage of better solar exposure. It was noted that the Energy Star market Ontario is 21% and about 7% in the Region of Durham. The Durham Mini-Deep Lake Water Cooling would be a good program for the Whitby and Oshawa area as there is an opportunity to use the existing infrastructure along the waterfront. From the 18 programs listed there are 2 which are favorable for implementation at this time. Implementation Strategies were discussed and B. Kelly stressed the need of implementing program through community delivery agents and partnerships. T. Melymuk mentioned that it is great to have the support from the regional level and to see that other municipalities are moving forward with endorsing sustainability plans. B. Kelly indicated that Pickering is by far the leader in the Region. Councillor Dickerson expressed thanks to Brian Kelly for this in-depth presentation and mentioned that Pickering is excited to continue the partnership with the Region as we are very encouraged by this report. 2. Upcoming Report to Council regarding FIT 2.0 and T. Melymuk Solar Rooftop Lease on specific facilities C. Whitaker G. B oehm T. Melymuk indicated that we are positioning ourselves to participate in a FIT 2.0 project with Veridian and Solera. Staff are reviewing a proposal and will be forwarding a Report to Council in December for approval. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Our participation would involve a rooftop lease at the Claremont Community Centre. It was also noted that staff is considering making an application for a microFit project at the Petticoat Creek Community Centre in 2013(to be included in the 2013 budget submission to Council). 3. Other Business T. Melymuk announced that Shauna Muir will be filling in during Chantal's Maternity Leave as Acting Coordinator, Sustainability, Councillor Dickerson welcomed Shauna to the Committee and also expressed his appreciation to Chantal for her continued commitment to the sustainable programs undertaken by the committee. Chantal's last day is November 12th Councillor Rodrigues enquired why there is no community representatives on the Sustainable Advisory Committee and suggested that this be reviewed. C. Whitaker announced that the City of Pickering is the recipient of a "Smart Commute Durham Employer of the Year" issued by Metrolinx. The Region nominated the City for its programs. The award presentation will be made at a reception on Thursday, November 29th at the St. Lawrence Hall, 157 King Street East, Toronto. Committee members interested in attending should RSVP by November 15th. Tom Melymuk will be attending. Both Councillor Dickerson and Councillor Pickles expressed an interest in attending. 4. Next Meeting To be determined. Meeting Adjourned: 3:45 pm - Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02