HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 39-12 cis 4 Report to Executive Committee PI - KERI Report Number: CS 39-12 Date: November 12, 2012 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 39-12 of the Director, Community Services regarding Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan be received; 2. That the Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan be endorsed by Council; 3. That City staff be directed to work with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to look for external funding sources to assist with the construction costs; 4. That City staff be directed to coordinate with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and other service clubs identified as park users, to prepare detailed designs in preparation for construction; and 5. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for their information, and that they be advised of Council's decision on this matter. Executive Summary: The Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan being presented in this report is an update and expansion of the Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park Master Plan that was endorsed by Pickering Council and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority in 2002. A number of changes were made to the plan, to include the proposed reconstruction of the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance and its connection to the east and west spits, and to bring the plan up to date with the community's current, and projected needs. Financial Implications: The cost for the park upgrades as indicated on the Master Plan, excluding the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance reconstruction and public washroom/change rooms has been estimated by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects at $3.3 million. The project has been broken down into three potential phases and included in the City's 5 year capital budget forecast (2013-2017). Report CS 39-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Page 2 Some works included in the Master Plan, such as providing a connection to the harbour entrance walkways from the east and west spits may be completed with the harbour entrance works. In addition, entrance road upgrades required to bring equipment and materials to the site for the harbour entrance will assist in the future park upgrades. The proposed park washroom/change rooms and storage facilities for the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club has been estimated by Elevation Architects Inc. at approximately $750,000 which would be cost shared between the City and the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club. The costs for this facility is not part of the $3.3 million estimate. Discussion: The Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan has been developed by the City of Pickering, in partnership with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, as an update and expansion of the Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park Master Plan endorsed by Pickering Council and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority in 2002 (Attachment#1). The plan now includes Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park (which includes the west spit), Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance and the east spit to Millennium Square (Attachment#2). With the proposed reconstruction of the harbour entrance, discussions with the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club for more permanent facilities, and the removal of the leash free area from the plan as requested by the West Shore residents, it was decided that the master plan should be revised to bring it up to date. Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects who had prepared the original master plan were retained to undertake the revisions that were made through consultation with City and TRCA staff. Frenchman's Bay is one of a series of large coastal wetlands along the north shore of Lake Ontario and the area covered in this master plan represents a major ecological component of the Lake Ontario Shoreline and Pickering Waterfront. Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park features coastal wetlands, forest, meadow and barrier beach/dune communities. The bulk of the park area was purchased by the TRCA in the late 1960's and a number of additional properties have been acquired along the two spits to bring this waterfront area into public ownership. In the early 1990's the TRCA, with the assistance from the local community, developed a park plan for this area. The plan was revisited in 2002 and again in 2012. The objective of this park plan, which has been consistent since land acquisition and though the various plan revisions, is: • to preserve, protect and enhance the valuable ecosystem components of the site • to develop park infrastructure that will maintain and improve the users experience of the site by providing enhanced trails, formal parking and passive interpretive opportunities • to develop innovative resolution to community issues CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 39-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Page 3 A number of features of the 2002 master plan were implemented, including the decommissioning and reforestation of Buenavista Drive, installation of post and rope barricades and planting of Marram Grass to stabilize the sand dunes, and the construction of the waterfront trail to Sunrise Avenue. Much of the "hard" park infrastructure such as the parking and boardwalks has not been implemented to date. Major Park Plan Components The Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan focuses on the following major components: a) Meadow, Coastal Wetland and Dune Enhancements As a continuation to work previously completed, site restoration from the previous residential development, plantings and habitat creation will be done in the meadow and wetland areas. Further, dune restoration plantings are proposed along the east and west spits to enhance and further build-up and stabilize these barrier beach areas. b) Fish Habitat Improvements As part of the harbour entrance reconstruction and other shoreline works, improvements will be made along the shoreline to improve fish habitat. This includes structures such as root wads, boulders, logs and mud flats. c) Vehicular Access/Termination and Parking Beachpoint Promenade will be improved through a widening to permit lay-by parking from the existing residential properties at the west end to the existing parking area. Beyond this point, vehicular access to the boat launch and washrooms/change rooms and storage facilities will be reduced to a single lane road with lay-bys and a separate raised walkway to encourage and provide a safe route for pedestrians and cyclists. Public vehicular access will terminate at a small parking area at the boat launch that is intended for short-term parking for drop-off, boat launching and barrier free parking. The balance of the current road to the east end of the west spit and parking will be eliminated and replaced with a boardwalk through the dunes to the reconstructed harbour entrance breakwater. A bus turn-around and drop-off area is also proposed at the south end of West Shore Boulevard to provide an alternate means of commuting to the park, other than personal vehicles. This could also be used by school groups coming to use the park for outdoor field trips. d) Boat Launch A small craft boat launch is proposed in the current beach launch area into Frenchman's Bay on the west spit. By formalizing the launch area, there will be better control of the location and the size of boats that can be launched and it will eliminate unnecessary disturbance of the shoreline in the various locations that is currently occurring. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 39-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Page 4 e) Docking Facilities Provision has been made for docking that could accommodate a boat to ferry pedestrians and cyclists from the boat launch area on the west spit to a dock on the east spit, to provide a direct route across the harbour entrance for waterfront trail users during the'summer season. f) Public Washrooms/Change Rooms and Storage Facilities Public washrooms and change rooms are proposed in conjunction with a seasonal storage facility for the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club. The storage facility will replace the temporary storage that the club has in trailers further down the west spit. This structure is to be located adjacent to the proposed small craft boat launch. This is also the proposed location for the pontoon boat dock. g) Trail Improvement/Alignment As a continuation of the trails that have been previously constructed, additional trails and boardwalks are proposed to provide safe and controlled access into the various ecosystems and features of the park. A hierarchy of trail types and experiences will be provided. A three metre wide walkway is proposed down the spine of both spits, to provide pedestrian access to the walkways on the harbour entrance breakwaters. h) Picnic Area A small informal picnic area with a children's play structure is proposed in close proximity to the lay-by parking and beach area. i) Interpretive Area An Open-air teaching area with natural stone benches and interpretive signs displaying information on the various ecosystems within the park is proposed to educate local students and various park users alike. Public Consultation As part of this update to the Park Master Plan, two public information meetings were held: March 3rd and May 19th, 2012. There were approximately 125 and 80 attendees respectfully. At both meetings a presentation was made followed by a question and answer period. The comments received were addressed in a Q&A document that was posted on the City of Pickering website (Attachment#3). A number of revisions were made to the plan in response to resident comments received. Master Plan Implementation The Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan has been broken into 3 phases in order to manage construction and budget. The phases can be summarized as follows: • CORP0227-07/01 revised • Report CS 39-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Page 5 Phase 1 (approximately $900,000) • upgrades to Beachpoint Promenade including lay-by parking to the existing parking area and lighting • construction of raised walkway and access drive to boat launch area • main entrance signage • trailhead to waterfront trail • access gates Phase 2 (approximately $1,900,000) • boardwalk to harbour entrance • small Craft boat launch • decking at boat launch • wetland, shoreline and dune restoration • site works associated with public washrooms/change rooms Phase 3 (approximately $500,000) • trail construction • park furniture (benches, waste receptacles) • picnic and children's play area • interpretive area • site restoration Refer to the Preliminary Cost Estimate by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects, dated August 15, 2012 (Attachment#4) for a more detailed breakdown. The construction of the public washrooms/change rooms in association with the canoe club storage facility is not included in this cost estimate and has been shown as a separate line item in the City's 5 year capital budget forecast. Implementation of the Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan has been proposed to proceed upon completion of the reconstruction of the harbour entrance. As such, Phase 1 could proceed as early as 2014, Phase 2 and the construction of the washroom/change rooms in 2015 and Phase 3 in 2017. Attachments: 1. Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park Preliminary Development Plan prepared by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects, dated February 2, 2002 2. Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan drawings prepared by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects, dated June 18, 2012 3. Q&A - Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan 4. Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Preliminary Cost Estimate prepared by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects, dated August 15, 2012 CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 39-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Page 6 Prepared By: Approved/Endorse• By: Arnold Mostert, O.A.L.A. Eve ett Bun sma, NPD, CMM Coordinator, Director, Community Services Landscape & Parks Development Darrell Selsky, CET, ' MM I i • Richa'• W. Hol Torn, P. Eng. Supervisor, Divi 'on Head, Engineering Services Engineering & Capital Works AM:am Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cty Council al216Kea 64074.- 34 2012, Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised y0/ j-i � '7� s ., �Z DO � �L1 / � '� �i .. ;..: ',. � . .�ti N ',� �� � �� °m a � �r'F ^ F�.�'� �. � Z K 7.- � " = � . .�- �ys�rr. : - a ,r��je:!'", \ : �"'q�' 4 y � Q -. > �� , ., 9?'�� k �� ?� � 4 C - e p ` ��BG� �y. 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What is the schedule for the reconstruction of the Harbour Entrance and the proposed works within the park? Can the construction of both not all be done at the same time? Harbour Entrance - The Schedule 'C' Environmental Assessment for the new harbour entrance that was completed October 2nd, 2009, was designed as a stand-alone project, and the funding requests for this project reflected accordingly. The City anticipates that the funding will be in place shortly, permitting the construction of the west breakwater to occur in 2012, and the east breakwater following in 2013. This project is expected to take 12 months. Park Construction -Although, it would be desirable to complete all the park construction in the same time frame, funding will most likely not permit this. It is our intent to phase the projects in such a manner to ensure no impact on newly constructed areas. As such, the harbour entrance will need to be constructed first as it is located at the far end of the spit. Relocation of the Canoe Club - The relocation of the Canoe Club and their associated parking can be done once a new facility and parking are constructed. At this point, public vehicular traffic can be eliminated from the west spit, and the accessible boardwalk structure can be built to the new west breakwater. The other proposed park amenities such as the picnic and play area, interpretive area/outdoor classroom, and associated signage, trail enhancements etc. will follow. These works will all be dependent on available funding, either through the City of Pickering budget, or grant money from external sources. What is the estimated cost to complete all the proposed improvements? The estimated cost for the Harbour Entrance reconstruction and directly associated works is around 9 million dollars. A cost estimate for the balance of the proposed improvements within the park as shown on the Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan is being prepared by Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc. who has been retained by the City to prepare plans. This information will be available shortly. ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# 2s 39"12) Zof 8 How will the works be funded? Harbour Entrance Reconstruction - is proposed to be jointly funded by the Government of Canada, Province of Ontario and City of Pickering. Funding requests have been put forward to the Federal and Provincial Governments. Operational Maintenance - as part of the operational maintenance of the harbour entrance, there have been discussions to set up a reserve fund for the maintenance/dredging of the harbour entrance that could be funded by the various boat clubs that are located on the Bay. Park Improvements - Funding for the general park improvements, including the proposed park washrooms and change rooms, will be through the City of Pickering and Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA). Waterfront Regeneration Trust is aware of our desire to do improvements to this park, and have it on their list of potential projects should funding come available through them. The Pickering Rouge Canoe Club will be arranging funding for their canoe storage facility. Why do the new breakwaters for the harbour entrance need to be made longer? Will the construction of the harbour entrance affect the quality of water at the beach during construction and in the long term? The new breakwaters are proposed to be approximately 35 metres longer than the existing breakwaters. The purpose of this is that the lake is approximately 1.5 metres deeper at this location. This significantly reduces the amount of breaking waves in the entrance and provides additional depth for silt deposit at the mouth of the harbour entrance so that dredging needs to be done less frequently. Frenchman's Bay is located within an area of water currents know as a littoral sub-cell that extends from East Point Park to Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Sediment transport within this cell is from west to east. The sediment supply generated by bank and nearshore erosion within this littoral sub-cell is very small. The proposed breakwater structures will not impact regional sediment transport. Construction of the harbour entrance will involve the placement of clean, inert quarried stone material into the waters offshore of the east and west spits. The increase in turbidity is expected to be low, short-lived and limited to the area close to the structure. As the water currents in this area flow from west to east, construction of the breakwater will have no adverse effects on water quality of the beach area. A turbidity monitoring program will be undertaken during construction to ensure this. • f)s 39--/V 0 ATTACHMENT# 3f TOREPORT# k-...___ , .. .. , , . , /r-^N 7 E'.•E1111';147% s; .e. : R ,-,--.::"4'i.-71--...----- ".-"‘:' / fi -i''. •,:'',, \ ' \ \ ,,,--- •:,... if...-< —11„-...:';'..,-------'927,..',',:,-, - -- '-' I'' -----"1 1 1 ',......,. , \ .. ..--..,-..--4'.:-.....-- 4 ',,,,' ! V--I ! : . I ::!..4.I ry• ..., . _ '..,.,.. , ' :.: „.. .i......:;;;;"-,.........:1,-f- . C.,,, ,,i i, ,.,,:-.., ....\,..,■\--;;J. , t ......._ ..... ... . ,....--, 1 . , 4 f i...•, '. • '‘,. 1 .;.". i .>.' ' !i:r:. '''• ''. ..'1 .4" „.,,, ... 1 se ,. 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Public access to the park and safety will be of prime consideration during the construction of the harbour entrance. The staging area and material storage will be limited to end of the spit, in the approximate location where the Scudellari. Residence was recently demolished. This area will be fenced to restrict public access. A construction management plan is being prepared for the harbour entrance construction that will address issues such as truck traffic, noise etc. that will need to be approved by the City prior to the commencement of construction. How was the location for the proposed Pickering Rouge Canoe Club selected and were other sites considered? The location for a facility for the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club has been proposed at the west end of the west spit. The Canoe Club have been actively searching for a location for a permanent facility for a number of years, and through discussions with TRCA and City staff, the proposed location appears to be the most feasible. The condition of the water, shoreline and limited boat traffic here make this location the most desirable. The shoreline and Bay are in public ownership at this location as well. Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park was considered, however it was ruled out after the residents on Front Street strongly opposed the proposal. Locations on the west spit closer to the harbour entrance were also considered and ruled out by the TRCA. A suggested location on the east spit closer to Liverpool Road would not be desirable due to the shortage of parking at the end of Liverpool Road and limited access through Millennium Square. As well, the Bay and shoreline are not in Public ownership at this location. A Community Centre should be built in this location, not a Canoe Club facility The proposed facility for the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club is to replace their current temporary facility farther down the spit, to provide a home for the residents of Pickering that actively participate in water sports on the Bay. The facility is intended to be a seasonal storage facility. Due to the fact that the west spit is a dynamic barrier beach, a permanent assembly building such as a Community Centre would not be permitted in this location. Can a by-law be passed to prohibit Jet-Skis or reduce speed on the Bay? At the request of Council in the 1970's, a speed limit of 10 km/h on Frenchman's Bay was imposed federally. In 2009, in response to public complaints regarding speeding, the City of Pickering installed signs and private buoys throughout the Bay to aid Durham Regional Police with enforcement action in the area. The Durham Regional Police Marine Unit Officers are aware of the situation and have ATTACHMENT#3 TO REPORT# c'S 39-IL of_51_ issued several tickets and cautioned numerous boaters regarding the speed limit in the Bay. Public feedback received over the past two boating seasons indicates that there has been a noticeable improvement. Any regulations passed on the Bay would have to be imposed by the Federal Government through the Small Vessel Regulations (Canada Shipping Act). There may be restrictions available to limit horsepower that can be applied. Some smaller lakes have imposed no power vessels at all. Applying these restrictions on the Bay will have a significant impact to boating, not to mention the negative economic spin off effects on tourism in our community. Passing a by-law to prohibit Jet-skis is currently not permitted, and the process to implement one would be tedious and quite costly. The best way to address this concern is with stronger enforcement of the current legislation. Our Municipal Law Enforcement Officers are readily available to speak with anyone regarding this issue, and have direct contact with Durham Regional Police Services Marine Unit Officers. That being said, there are only two full time and two part time officers on the unit with three lakes to patrol, limiting the amount of time that can be spent patrolling Frenchman's Bay. The officers patrol the Bay as part of their Lake Ontario patrol routine. Their patrol times are Thursday to Sunday from 7 am to 5 pm. If offences are witnessed outside these days, the public can assist the police by obtaining bow numbers from the vessels or plate numbers from the vehicles towing the speeding boats. This information can be relayed through our Municipal Law Enforcement Officers or to the non-emergency number from the DRPS (905-579-1520 ext 6234). Officers will follow up with a warning to the alleged offenders. Only in the case of a marine emergency, should you can dial *16 for the Coast Guard or 911 for the Police. Can the old cottage foundations remain as a historic landmark? Typically, old building foundations and other structures are removed when properties such as this are naturalized. Often the structures pose a safety risk to the public. During construction, if some of the foundations can be incorporated into the overall design and are not a risk, consideration will be made to preserve them. Will vehicles traffic and parking be permitted on the West Spit? Can the road way not remain open to the end of the spit? No vehicular traffic (with the exception of maintenance and emergency vehicles) will be permitted on the West Spit. A boardwalk structure is to be constructed to the harbour entrance to provide an accessible path for pedestrians and cyclists. A turn around and gate are proposed at the current informal boat launch area at the west end of the spit. A minimal amount of vehicle and trailer parking (less ATTACH— 3 TO REPORT# CS 3y'JZ of , than what currently exists today), has been shown at this location with a number of these spaces being for barrier free parking. The desire is to be naturalize this section of the spit through additional plantings of Marram Grass and the like, to stabilize the dunes and protect and enhance the area for migratory and shoreline nesting birds and other fauna. Maintaining vehicular traffic and parking on the spit would defeat this purpose. .,ri- ,:i*,14.,„"!:I'lli,,'-.'":0,:;i.::',..;..,./‘',-:•*1;.i.,,,&....,.§.i.1,,I,d,';'ON.,k,t,:::.''.!:1'"' ,,.'ii �£ 4• � a`zc V .F °. 'fit : �. �. _ '1s ark k `" illf* -` 3.;,,,,.:1-N.' s ;y g rt „ f , '' . a, 3 itt .<�x"'��.�� � ��,w. mss. h. ,N ` y% '.. 1. Marram Grass Planting and Dune Restoration How is parking and traffic being addressed? In order to replace the parking that is currently permitted on the West Spit, adjacent to the current location of the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club, sixty-six parking spaces are proposed as "lay-by" parking along west end of Beach Point Promenade. Four short term car, four trailer parking and three barrier parking spaces are also proposed at the new Pickering Rouge Canoe Club location, adjacent to the small watercraft launch area. The existing parking area can accommodate 17 vehicles. This provides for a total of ninety-four spaces. A bus turn-around is proposed at the end of West Shore Boulevard, to encourage park users to take public transit to the park. By improving trail connections to and within the park, the hope is that the local community will walk or cycle to the park. ATTACH MENT# 3 TO REPORT# CS 31-i2 —... _of In order to control vehicle speed along Beach Point Promenade, traffic calming features will be introduced between the pods of lay-by parking. The roadway between the existing parking area and the proposed Pickering Rouge Canoe Club location will be constructed as a single lane with periodic lay-bys to permit oncoming traffic to pass. Is a bridge being proposed to be able to cross the harbour entrance? In order to allow sailboats enter Frenchman's Bay, the design of the bridge across the channel would either need to be extremely high, or be able to open. This type of structure would be cost prohibitive: The Master Plan has made provisions of the possibility of a ferry type service that could take pedestrians and cyclists from one spit to the other during the summer months. Are change rooms and washrooms really needed for this park? Will it not bring other unwanted uses to the park? Based on the current and proposed uses with the park, there is a need to provide public change room and washroom facilities. The Pickering Rouge Canoe Club currently has several porta-potties but no change rooms for their members and students. Permanent washrooms and change rooms are desirable, particularly for water sport activities. The City of Pickering has other park washrooms and has not experienced illegal activities at these facilities. With the proposed change room and washrooms being attached to the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club, there will be a fair bit of other activity around the area that will deter illegal activities. Why is the water quality of the whole Bay not being addressed in the Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan? The Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan includes the area of Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park, the Harbour Entrance and East Spit only. It does not include the entire area of the Bay. Please be assured that the water quality of the Bay is being dealt with under the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (endorsed by the TRCA Board and Pickering Council in 2010). To-date, $6.5 million dollars has been approved by Pickering Council for stormwater management, flood control and erosion control works including: • the installation of oil/grit separators at various locations • replacement of the Pine Creek Culverts • a stormwater management facility in the Krosno Creek watershed • erosion control protection for Amberlea Creek and Krosno Creek • overland flow route improvements in the West Shore area • flood control works for Krosno Creek. ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT# CS 39--/12) C of Staff have been diligently working on completing the necessary Environmental Assessments as required by the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act, feasibility studies, and detailed designs for these projects. As an aside, TRCA has advised that they have seen the water clarity in the bay improve dramatically over the past few years to the point where they are seeing the re-emergence of submerged aquatic plants, as evidenced by the updated mapping of the Frenchman's Bay Wetland Complex recently completed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, which showed an increase in area for these Provincially Significant Wetlands. For further information on the Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan please contact: Mr. Arnold Mostert, OALA Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Engineering Services Division City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7 Tel: 905.420.4660 ext. 2143 Fax: 905.420.4650 Email: amosterta.pickering.ca ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT#_CS 3q/, _Lot' C. SBU RN LANDSCAPE Preliminary Cost Estimate GIBERSON ARCHITECTS Project: Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Owner: City of Pickering File No: 2266 Date: August 15, 2012 Item Description at_ _Unit Unit Price Total PHASE ONE 11_0 Site Preparation 1.1 Silt and tree preservation fencing Lump Sum $30,000.00 1.2 Rough grading and filling for parking Lump Sum $20,000.00 areas 1.0 Sub-Total: $50,000.00 2.0 Walkways, Roads and Parking 2.1 Raised walkway-unit pavers 1030 m2 $105.00 $108,150.00 2.2 Raised walkway- concrete curb 632 LM $70.00 $44,240.00 2.3 Raised walkway- emergency knock- 33 each $350.00 $1 1,550.00 down bollards 2.4 Resurfacing of Beachpoint 3260 m2 $30.00 $97,800.00 Promenade, turn around and existing granular parking lot with heavy duty asphalt 2.5 Heavy duty asphalt paving laybys 1430 m2 $70.00 $100,100.00 2.6 Heavy Duty granular drive, laybys 2380 m2 $25.00 $59,500.00 and parking lot 2.7 Ditches and culverts Lump Sum $75,000.00 2.8 Beachpoint Promenade street Lump Sum $100,000.00 lighting 2.0 Sub-Total: $596,340.00 3.0 Site Structures and Features 3.1 Identification signage at main 3 each $5,000.00 $15,000.00 entrances 3.2 Trailhead to waterfront trail 1 each $10,000.00 $10,000.00 3.3 Access gates 1 each $3,000.00 $3,000.00 3.0 Sub-Total: $28,000.00 4.0 Planting and Restoration 4.1 Fine grade and sod for boulevard 10980 m2 $4.25 , $46,665.00 works 4.0 Sub-Total: $46,665.00 5.0 Miscellaneous 5.1 Subtotal items 1.0 to 4.0 $ 721,005.00 5.2 Performance bonding @1% Lump Sum $7,210.05 Page 1 ATTACHMENT#_ _ TO REPORT#_ 3I-ai of C L) 'B U RN. LANDSCAPE Preliminary Cost Estimate I BERSON ARCHITECTS Project: Frenchman' Bay Waterfront Master Plan Owner: City of Pickering File No: 2266 Date: August 15, 2012 Item Description Q. LL0R Unit Price Total 5.3 Testing @1% Lump Sum $7,210.05 5.4 Mobilization, demobilization & Division Lump Sum $14,420.10 1 requirements @2% 5.5 Contingency @ 10% Allowance $72,100.50 5.6 Professional fees @ 10% (includes Lump Sum $72,100.50 studies fees) SUB-TOTAL PHASE ONE $894,046.20 PHASE TWO 1_0 Site Preparation 1.1 Silt and tree preservation fencing Lump Sum $10,000.00 1.2 Hazardous and invasive vegetation Lump Sum $25,000.00 removal 1.0 Sub-Total: $35,000.00 2.0 Walkways, Roads and Parking 2.1 Boardwalk-3.0m wide 520 LM $1,250.00 $650,000.00 2.0 Sub-Total: $650,000.00 3.0 Site Structures and Features 3.1 Dayuse surfboard lockers Lump Sum $20,000.00 3.0 Sub-Total: $20,000.00 4.0 Boat Docks 4.1 Small Craft Boat Launch Lump Sum $75,000.00 4.2 Dock and decking at boat launch Lump Sum $275,000.00 4.0 Sub-Total: $350,000.00 5_0 Planting and Restoration 5.1 Ponds and wetland area habitat Lump Sum $50,000.00 structures and restoration planting 5.2 Shoreline restoration and Dune Lump Sum $385,500.00 plantings* 5.0 Sub-Total: $435,500.00 6.0 Miscellaneous 6.1 Subtotal items 1.0 to 5.0 $ 1,490,500.00 6.2 Performance bonding @1% Lump Sum $14,905.00 6.3 Testing @1% Lump Sum $14,905.00 6.4 Mobilization, demobilization & Division Lump Sum $29,810.00 1 requirements @2% 6.5 Contingency @ 10% Allowance $149,050.00 6.6 Professional fees @ 10% (includes Lump Sum $149,050.00 studies fees) Page 2 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# CS 3 9'I2/ of C LI SBIJ RN LANDSCAPE Preliminary Cost Estimate GIBER SON ARCHITECTS Project: Frenchman' Bay Waterfront Master Plan Owner: City of Pickering File No:.2266 Date: August 15,2012 Item Description Qty. Unit Unit Price Total SUB-TOTAL PHASE TWO $ 1,848,220.00 PHASE THREE 1_0 Site Preparation 1.1 Silt and tree preservation fencing Lump Sum $5,000.00 1.0 Sub-Total: $5,000.00 2.0 Walkways, Roads and Parking 2.1 Primary walkway-3.0m wide granular 1430 LM $55.00 $78,650.00 2.2 Secondary walkway-2.0m wide 575 LM $36.00 $20,700.00 granular walkway 2.0 Sub-Total: $99,350.00 3.0 Site Structures and Features 3.1 Seating Lump Sum $75,000.00 3.2 Waste receptacles 15 each $1,200.00 $18,000.00 3.3 Picnic tables 8 each $2,500.00 $20,000.00 3.4 bike racks 3 each $1,200.00 $3,600.00 3.5 Playarea, including equipment, Lump Sum $100,000.00 resilient surfacing, curbing and subsurface drainage 3.6 Viewing platforms 3 each $10,000.00 $30,000.00 3.7 Display boards and presentation Lump Sum $10,000.00 walls at teaching area 3.8 Interpretive signs Lump Sum $20,000.00 3.0 Sub-Total: $276,600.00 4.0 Planting and Restoration 4.1 Fine grade and sod at picnic area 4020 m2 $4.25 $17,085.00 4.0 Sub-Total: $ 17,085.00 5.0 Miscellaneous 5.1 Subtotal items 1.0 to 5.0 $398,035.00 5.2 Performance bonding @1% Lump Sum $3,980.35 5.3 Testing @1% Lump Sum $3,980.35 5.4 Mobilization, demobilization & Division Lump Sum $7,960.70 1 requirements @2% 5.5 Contingency @ 10% Allowance $39,803.50 5.6 Professional fees @ 10% (includes Lump Sum $39,803.50 studies fees) SUB-TOTAL PHASE THREE $493,563.40 Page 3 ATTACHMENT# To REPORT# 25 _31-12i Li of 4 LANDSCAPE Preliminary Cost Estimate GIBERSON ARCHITECTS Project: Frenchman' Bay Waterfront Master Plan Owner: City of Pickering File No: 2266 Date: August 15, 2012 Item Description Oh . Unit Unit Price LOA SUB-TOTAL PHASES ONE-THREE: $3,235,829.60 H.S.T. 13% $420,657.85 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $3,656,487.45 Notes: *costs provided by TRCA 1. Canoe Club building by others, including all servicing, filling and retaining structures. 2. Dune restoration works and fish habitat improvements by TRCA. Page 4