HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Information Report PD 09-12 • city 00 Information Report Report Number: 09-12 For Public Information Meeting of PICKERING Date: October 1, 2012 In Accordance with the Public Meeting Requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 12-002/P Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2012-02 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2012-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/12 Nanak Creations Inc. 283-299 Finch Avenue (Part of Lot 1, Plan 388, Block 39, Plan 40M-2086) City of Pickering 1.0 Property Location and Description • the subject properties are located on the southwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1) • the subject lands consist of two large residential lots with a total area of approximately 0.5 of a hectare • the properties have a frontage along Finch Avenue of approximately 52 metres and along Altona Road of approximately 63 metres • the properties are currently vacant • surrounding uses are: north - an agricultural lot on the opposite side of Finch Avenue south residential, semi-detached dwellings east vacant commercial lot on the opposite side of Altona Road west - residential, semi-detached dwellings 2.0 Applicant's Proposal • the applicant is proposing to develop the subject property with a 24 unit common element condominium development consisting of 3-storey townhouse dwelling units (see Attachments #2 & #3) • the applicant has submitted official plan and zoning by-law amendments to permit the land use, and draft plan of subdivision and draft plan of condominium to implement the proposal; each of these requires a public information meeting 3 • Information Report No. 09-12 Page 2 • access for the development is a private condominium road that will have access off of Finch Avenue • the official plan amendment application requests the land be designated medium density in order to permit the requested number of dwelling units • • • the zoning by-law amendment application proposes performance standards that would reflect the proposed lots and dwelling siting • an application for draft plan of subdivision has been submitted in order to create a single block on a registered plan so that the individual lots can be created through part lot control; the draft plan also creates a block for a road widening • the application for approval of a draft plan of common element condominium is required for the private road and other common element features (e.g. visitor parking and an on-site parkette) 3.0 Official Plan and Zoning 3.1 Provincial Growth Plan • the 2006 Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Places to Grow) directs a significant amount of new growth to be accommodated through intensification of land uses within a municipality's built-up area 3.2 Durham Regional Official Plan • the Regional Plan designates the subject property as "Living Areas" • the predominant use of lands in this designation is to be housing, but limited retailing of goods and services in appropriate locations may also be permitted • the Plan also states that"Living Areas" shall be developed in compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads • the applicant's proposal appears to meet the intent of the Durham Regional Official Plan, but will be further assessed against the policies and provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan during processing of the applications 3.3 Pickering Official Plan • the lands are designated "Urban Residential — Low Density Areas"; the lands are within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood • "Urban Residential Area — Low Density Area" permits residential uses, including townhouse dwelling units, at a density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare • the proposed 24 unit townhouse development will have a net residential density of approximately 48 units per net hectare; therefore, an official plan amendment is required since the applicant's proposal exceeds the maximum density range 4 Information Report No. 09-12 Page 3 • the Rouge Park Neighbourhood polices for the subject lands: • discourage designs which require the use of reverse frontages, berms and significant noise attenuation fences adjacent to Finch Avenue and Altona Road unless it can be justified for a limited portion • encourage a "neighbourhood focus" at the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road through the utilization of structural massing, architectural elements, and landscaping that establishes a strong relationship with the intersection; and • require new development to have regard for the Rouge. Park Management Plan • Schedule II -Transportation Systems designates both Finch Avenue and Altona Road as "Type B Arterial Roads"; they are designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic with some access restrictions and typically require a • right-of-way width of 30 to 36 metres; a road widening on Finch Avenue is required • the Official.Plan Amendment application will be assessed against the policies and intent of the Official Plan during the further processing of the application • 3.4 Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines • the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines contain certain development goals, including: . • Finch Avenue will serve as the backbone of the Neighbourhood; development adjacent to this primary road should establish a strong visual and physical relationship with the street,-a relationship which is evident through the Neighbourhood • the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road will be the central focus of the Neighbourhood; this will be accomplished through development controls requiring high-quality building and landscape design, and the provision of a mix of uses including educational facilities and multi-unit residential development, as well as limited retail, commercial, institutional, and office uses • residential areas feature a variety of housing types of high-quality design arranged on efficient street patterns; housing types may include detached, semi-detached, townhomes, and multi-unit dwellings which contribute to a lotting pattern and streetscape that are aesthetically pleasing, diverse, encourage social interaction within a neighbourhood, and support safe environments • since Finch Avenue will serve as the Neighbourhood's "backbone", access restrictions to Finch Avenue will be less stringent compared with Altona Road • new development along Finch Avenue and Altona Road should employ innovative architectural and urban-design techniques to humanize the street, mitigate the effects of traffic, and present an attractive frontage along these roads 5 • Information Report No. 09-12 Page 4 • appropriate design treatments could include the use of: single-loaded service roads; homes oriented towards Finch Avenue and/or Altona Road, and accessed via private rear lanes; enhanced flankage elevations featuring ample glazing, entrances and architectural detailing; and multi- floor buildings sited close to existing streets, thereby using their building mass as a separator between the road and rear amenity areas • development around the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road • will be the "heart" of the Neighbourhood, both in appearance and function; the use of appropriate building heights, massing, architectural • features and landscaping will establish a focal point at this intersection • the Tertiary Plan of the Neighbourhood identifies a "neighbourhood focus" at the four corners of the intersection, which requires a strong presence at Finch and Altona to define the area as a centre; this can be accomplished by building close to the street, providing outdoor public space (squares, plazas), and the use of hard and soft landscaping • architecturally significant structures that relate to the built heritage of this area are encouraged; this would include use of similar architectural styles and building materials • in order to provide for a suitable visual focus at the Neighbourhood. Centre, building heights will preferably range from 8.5 to 15 metres in height (generally 3 to 5 storeys), with nothing less than a height typically achieved with 2 storeys, while being sensitive (that is, minimize the casting of shadows) to adjacent development 3.5 Zoning By-law 3036 • the properties are currently zoned "A" — Rural Agricultural Zone under Restricted Area Zoning By-law 3036 • the existing zoning permits among other uses one detached dwelling with a minimum lot frontage of 60 metres and a minimum lot area of 0.8 of a hectare • the existing zoning does not reflect the intent of the Pickering Official Plan policies or the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines • an amendment to the existing zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposal • the application is to amend the existing zoning by replacing the rural agricultural zone with an urban residential zone that would permit a multi-unit residential townhouse development consisting of a maximum of24 units 6 Information Report No. 09-12 Page 5 3.6 Draft Plan of Subdivision and Common Element Condominium Description • • the application for approval of the draft plan of subdivision is proposed to create a single block of land only for residential development, plus a block for road widening • the creation of a block in a plan of subdivision is required in order to qualify for part-lot-control for the creation of the individual lots • the condominium proposal will be a common element condominium for private internal roads, visitor parking area, a play ground, a community mail box and possibly some perimeter landscaping elements • a common element condominium refers to a residential development where each dwelling unit is individually owned (freehold ownership), and where amenities or physical features are collectively owned by the unit owners as tenants in common 4.0 Results of Circulation 4.1 Resident Comments • none received in response to the circulation to date 4.2 Agency Comments • Canada Post • no objections; mail delivery will be from a community mailbox Hydro One • no objections Durham District • no objection; approximately 12 elementary pupils School Board could be generated by the development and they will be accommodated within existing facilities Durham Catholic • no objection; students generated from the District School Board development will attend St. Monica Catholic School 4.3 Department Comments • none received in response to the circulation to date 4.4 Staff Comments • in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with and sensitive to the existing surrounding neighbourhood and abutting residential dwellings 7 Information Report No. 09-12 Page 6 • assessing the appropriateness of the requested increase in density, considering such matters as compatibility with adjacent uses and the Provincial policy direction to intensify within the built-up area • ensuring conformity with the City's Official Plan and Neighbourhood policies, including but not limited, to the establishment of a "neighbourhood focus" at the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road through the proposed building location and design • ensuring conformity with the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines related to both site and building design • ensuring the building components that abut Finch Avenue and Altona Road have been appropriately addressed with the respect to building height, design and setbacks • ensuring appropriate site Payout, landscape areas, location and size of the parkette, location of the visitor parking spaces, service areas, and building setbacks • ensuring the provision of adequate resident and visitor parking • ensuring consistency with the City's urban design objectives • reviewing traffic impacts, on the Regional roads, and on-site traffic management to ensure appropriate traffic movements • evaluating the entrance/exit location(s) of the proposed drive aisle and ensuring its compliance with the Region of Durham and City of Pickering ingress and egress requirements • evaluating the appropriateness of 24 townhouse units fronting onto a private condominium road • evaluating the appropriateness of all proposed common element features such as the location of parking, community mailboxes and the on-site parkette • evolving the site plan further, prior to the concluding the evaluation of the applications • ensuring that the proposed development contains appropriate sustainable development components • ensuring that required technical submissions and reports meet City standards • ensuring the landowner pays its proportionate share of the cost of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study, and • ensuring the landowner pays its proportionate share of the cost of the stormwater management pond to the south 8 Information Report No. 09-12 Page 7 5.0 Procedural Information 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority • the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest • the Region of Durham has not yet provided comments about whether this Official Plan Amendment application is exempt from Regional approval 5.2 General Procedurals • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision on the official plan amendment, zoning by-law amendment, draft plan of subdivision or draft plan of condominium must provide comments to the City, either orally or in writing, before Council adopts any by-law or makes a decision for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding these applications must request such in writing to the City Clerk 6.0 Other Information 6.1 Information Received • in addition to full scale copies of the Applicant's Submitted Plans, the following documents are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department • Functional Servicing Report • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment • Planning Justification Report • Noise Feasibility Study • Stage 1-2 Archaeological Assessment • Traffic Impact Study 9 Information Report No. 09-12 Page 8 6.2 Company Principals • the owner of the properties is Nanak Creations Inc. • the principals of Nanak Creations are Yadvinder Virk and Aman Virk • the applicant is Gary Templeton of Templeton Planning Ltd. %Foe. Ashley Yearwood, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Planner II Manager, Policy AY:RP:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 10 Attachment#_I to .. .r•. -4. r . y - • 1PP 0 Q O c C.P.R. C.P Q O J Q I VIIIIINI CRE E S SUBJECT '� PROPERTY ji FINCH AVENUE FINCH AVENUE - awl v; ■V in ■ ■i�i�i�i.4 i Nam.0 1 -0=...tAAAt p 2 11,11111111111 w M 1 , PLACE o� G 1 O Q Z O Q II ��o°' IIIIIII 1����_ °o� ..OpO ` �o�° 1 � ■ _Alto''' IL En _. SPARROW ■ City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Part of Lot 1, Plan 388, Block 39, Plan 40M-2086 w OWNER Nanak Creations Inc. DATE Aug 7,2012 DRAWN BY JB '/` FILE No. SP 2012-02,CP 2012-03,OPA 12-002P,A 05/12 SCALE 1:10000 CHECKED BY AY N bate bouree.: e Ter 2 Enteend It Inc. and . .up plies. All rldht. Re.er-Ion Not a plan of .urvey. PN-14 e 2012 MPAC and It. w•-lien. All ri•ht. Re.erved. Not a •Ian a( Surve . 11 • Attachment# .- to _• Info 'fiol#'2b nt's Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision SP 2012-02, CP2012-03, OPA 12-0002P & A 05/12 - Nanak Creations Inc. . FINCH AVENUE • �„ BLOCK 3 ROAD ' ING �y , - 'I ` • 1 — 50.1 m ' ' ,` • • 13.0m , � °� ;,� •BLOCK 2 '� \\ 0.3 metre reserve 11 1 �'.b; y ^fo{• \ II Y P I ■1 ' I • ■, I 1 1 1 1 .1 3 I • 1 I E 1 ' E E 1 �,, I -- a? 1 _ I; I ,} ti 1 I. 1 O ca . � N\ 1% 1 BLOCK 1 iv i1 I Q 1. 1 II I 1 Z 7 1 1 I H I 11 1 I J M I I 1 Q -- id I I , I • i I; 11i �I I ! 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I i I t1 A 1 I , 4 1. I I, 1 . 1 I. 1 ! I --.¢—S -_-9.4 68.0m I { 1 . I I I I I 1I. C tal 1 I It II I i 1 I I I I '1, • I 1 , I I , 1 11 I 1 THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT,PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN,FEBRUARY 13,2012. Attachment#_3 to n,,ffonr ,tirp,Qeo rt C q-/,- --Infoirmation Compiled from Applicant's Submitted Condominium Plan SP 2012-02, CP2012-03, OPA 12-0002P & A 05/12 - Nanak Creations Inc. • FINCH AVENUE • ____,r --- _ _---- -- - -- . ----------- -- - l_/: -- -Ii"---_eh »er I — —=-'T:y ,,p,..-� ii` .. ROAD WIDENING - ,� II is • • ia.m - 1 I 'T I I „s„ \ • '' U` ! V 5 PROPOSED-= i `•.\Q /\ %-'s IN�b VISITOR ���0 �? � \,�I;�, fi�J' PARKING SPACES � SIO � �^\ ■� ,� ■ T ,; - - - - :.1 9 ,� I I PROPOSED PRIVATE ROAD �� I! I- d ,, - - ± izii ,� t a I r B I I 1 ,I . 1 1 I I I i ' ! 1. -I !' ! 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