HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 23-984 • 1 • . 5�,.,�,� �- � � O�N OF P� .. 1 � • REPON7' TU COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A, Patcrson UATF.: lunc 22, 199R Uircclar of Financc & Trcnsunr RF;PORT NUMI{F.R: 1'R 2J/9R SUIIJF.CT: Rcnewul of thc Ccncml Insumncc Prugnim for Ihc'I'own of 1'ickcrin� for lhc period July I, 1998 to July I. 1999, extcnJihlc lo July 1, 2001. RF,COMMF.NUATION: 'fhut Rcport 11'I'R 2)I7R bc rccciecd nnJ Ihat: I, 'I'he 'Po�vn of Pickering rcnew its genend insur�mce covcrnge Ihrough Ihe i'runk Co��•nn Compuny iGS ouAined in Alinchmcnt NI fiir Q�c �xriuJ July I. 199R lo July I. 20D1. In bc iipprovcJ unnunlly, �vilh n 199H199 totnl rcnc��•ing prcmium ol'5302,589, ri��„��rr���i,i� Inres; 2. 7'hc Jcduclihles fiir Ihc vnrious insur.ro�c covcrngcs ns dclnilcJ nn Alluchmcni 112 Uc upprovcJ; 3. 'I'hc Uircclor of finuncc, ns pnrl of Ihc Risk A1imi�gcmcnl Pragr�mi, bc nuthorizcJ to �s�nni�,i, ,� k���nn���s�ni� Dcductiblc Progrum ihrough thc IOSUIillll'l` AJjustcr und Ihc Ihmk Cawan Compnny nnJ livlhcr, Ihut thc I)ircclor Ix nulhnrind to scidc imy cluims within ihc lolnl JcJucliblc Iimi1 whcrc ii is in Ihc'Po��•n's inicrcst Io do so, 4. 7'hc Dircclor of financc bc uuthoriteJ to pay Ihc lotnl cosl ufnny insurnncc claims sctllcJ Ihnt fnll bclwcen thc prcvious dcduclihlc and �hc ncw nnc, incluJing nny adjusting nnJ Icgal fces, from thc Insurnncc Rcscrvc funJ. 5. 7'he dil�crence Ixtween thc lotnl 199811999 insurnnce premiums plus npplicnhlc mxes nnd Ihc amounts includcd in Qic 1998 Currenl O�mling 13udgG fiir insurnncc Ix tmnsfemJ to Ihc Insuruncc Rcscrve lo proviJe funding for costs rcliUcd to Ihe Gcneml Insurnncc nnd Risk Management Pmgrums; 6. Thc Dircctor of Pinancc, in co•opcmtion with thc olhcr Municipnl Trcnsurcrs in burhmn Region (Durham Municipal Insuruncc Group), continuc lo invcstigatc othcr cost snving mcnsurcs anJ aptions, incluJing cstablishing nn insuruncc pooling nrrwigcment fiu thc full sharing of insumnrc risks and tcndcring insurancdrisk mnnagcmcnt reyuircmcnls, ' with uny associuted cosls lo bc pnid fmm thc Insurancc Rcscrvc f'unJ unJ n rc�rt to hc fiicd with Council priur ta thc 1999/2000 insurnncc rcncwal; 7. Thc oppropriutc officiuls of lhc To�m oF Pickcring Ix: givcn nulhorily in givc cll'cct thcrcto. OI2ICIN: Dlrcctor of I�inancc anJ Trcusurcr AUTNORITY: 'fhc Mimicipnl Act, Scclfons 251 to 257, � , � . Report to Council TR 23/98 lune 22,1998 41 SubJect; Rcncwal of tha acncrnl Insuraacc Program for the T'own af Pickcring Pagc 2 for thc period July 1, 1998 to July 1, 1999, cxtcndiblc to 2001. I�INANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Thc. rcnewal premium of 5302,589 rcprcsents n dccrcasc of $72, I I 9 or upproximulcly 20 per ccnt o��cr thnt of thc prior ycnr, cxclusivc of applicablc tnxcs, This premium is nisa S9R,22! or, npproximnlcly 26 per cent lowcr Ihnu thc prcliminary 1998 budgcl provision, Trensferring the prcmium savings to the Reserve will provide funding for payment of claims falling within thc incrcnscd deductibics, financc nny cosls of sciting up nn insurancc pool or Icndering insurnnce and risk management progmms. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The'fown ot' Pickering is embnrking an n totnl Risk Managemcnt Program, the initinl phase of which involvcd ncgotinting rcncwing prcmiums with ihc Town's brokcr, Ihc Crank Cowan Company, Also n revicw of Jcductiblcs tvus undcrtakcn rcsulting in dtc recommended incrcasc in oll deductiblcs in thc hopc of ef�ccting lasling prcmium savings. Furthcr slcps will includc n rcvicw of all covcruges, policics, proccJures, adjusting scrvices, possiblc higher Jeductibic limits, pooling or lcndcring of co��cragcs, implcmcntution of 12isk Munngcmenl pmcliccs anJ proccdures, cluims mnnagemcnl anJ a Risk Munagcment Manual for the'1'own. Thc frank Cowan Company has guaranlceJ thc ralcs (cosl per S I,000 0l' insurancc) for a thrcc- ycar periad, should Council npprove renewnl tlimugh that compuny cnch ycar. DACKGROUND: su cc,� Gnch ycar on July I, thc To�m's gcncru) insumncc policics comc up for rcnewid. During thc prcvious 6 monlhs staUhuvc had cxtcnsivn discussions with rcprcscntatives of thc frank Cowan Compwiy, thc 7'own's in9umncc brokcr unJ couNcrparts in thc othcr municipalitics in Durhnm. Thcse cliscussions hnvc cemercd nround rcducing insumnce wsls through u variety of inenns, including a form of cooperativc purchasing nnd nn insumncc pnol. Thesc discussions, whilc positivc ns cvidcnccd by thc rcduclions in thc Town's rencwing prcmiums, havc led to further discussions wilh rcpresentnlives of thc firm of Dion Durtcll & Associnlcs, Acluarics nnd insumnce Consultnnts, which have resulted in n move to pursue n DurF�m Region insumncc pool. If implementcd, it would be similar to thal rcccntly set up by the firm in the Rcgion of Watcrloo, and busically thc same as thnl formcd by Metropolitan Toronto prior to thc formation of thc Onlario Municipal Insurnncc Exchangc (OMGX). Whilc therc �uc no assurnnces of improved covemgcs or premium snvings, this concept will bc cxplorcd thoroughly ovcr thc next months. Negotintions will continue with thc Pmnk Cownn Company und tendering insumnce requircmenls rcmain an option. As previously menlioncd, this ycar's rcnewing premium is considcmbly Icss thnn thal of 1997 nnd is closc to thc 1995 prcmium us notcd bclow: 1939 - 5255,512 ' 1994 - S257,363 1990 - 5270,842 1995 • 5294,166 1991 - 5266,341 1996 - S35f,,RGS 1992 • $245,656 1997 - 5377,58G 1993 - E238,392 199R - 5302,599 1�• �� . Report to Cauncil TR 23/98 Junc 22,1998 SubJect: Rcnewal of Ihc acncral Insurancc Program for Ihc Town of Pickcring I'ngc 3 for thc period July I, 1998 to July I, 1999, exlenJiblc to 2001. Of thc rcduclion ofS72,119, 532,911 rcsults from an incrcasc in dcductibles lo SI0,000 ucross all appropriatc lines of covcrngc. Prcdicmblc losscs, incluJing thosc fulling within thc 'Ibwn's ability to finnncc, should bc sclf insurcd through highcr risk rcicntion hcncc Ihc rccnmmcndcJ incrcnsc in dcJuctibles. Somc of this inilial snving will6c pnid out in futurc ycars, but by putling thc snvings asidc in thc Insuranec Reserve, funJs will bc ovailnble. Uy building up thc rescrvc, finnncinl ilexibility lo nssist wilh future possiblc options is also mndc availnblc. '1'hc baluncc of lhc rcduclian, bcing 539,208, results from continuing negoliulions with thc Prunk Cowun Compuny. 7'hc actunl nmount transfcrrcd ro thc Rcscrve may bc Icss, dcpcnding upon uny necessnry policy chnngcs und asscts (vchicles) nddcd during thc ncxt 12 months. Thc Insurancc Rescrvc Fund currcntly has a baluncc of 5250,000. Risk Mnnaecmcnt: Thc purchasc of insurnncc is only onc part of o Risk Munagcment I'rogram anJ nnly onc mcans oF financing losses. Othcrs incluJc sclf insurancc ur risk rcicnlion, risk moiJnncc unJ clnims manngcmcnt. Itisk Manngemcnt in Ihc publi� scctar is, slntcd simply, scrving thc public in a snfc und ciTeclivc mannce It incluJes inspcction nf fi�cilitics nnd scrvices, ndvicc to Council nnJ Dcpartments and Ihc usc of insurancc scrvices nnJ mnnugemcm of asscts und liiihilitics. Snmc timc ogo Ihc Dirccror uf Pinnncc proJuced a Itisk Managcmcnl Manual liir thc Pro��inrc of Ontario and Uic Municipal I'inancc Olticcrs Associution which �vas distrihulcJ to all municipalitics in Ontario. This publicntion will bc rcproJuccJ anJ distrihulcJ to all bcpartmcnt ilwJs to assist thcm in hclping us control wsts iu Hickcrinb. li is hopcd tha�, ns Ihc ycar jlf06fCS5C9� Oj1Ci8U06 (ICrilfl(I1Ctl15 K'III I1C (If0�9lIMI 1110(L' IIIPOf01(III011 IIIIII Uti515lOf1Cl' IIl llll` ilfl`.IS of insuruncc clnims scltlemcnt nnd risk mnnagcmcnt, thcrcby furthcn c�lping lo control risks rmJ costs. In thc nrcu of Claims blanugrmcnl, highcr dcJurliblcs nrc Ixing rccommcndcJ to ussist in cnntrolling costs. It will bc n fc�v ycars hefnrc rcsulls cnn bc sinlcJ with absolutc ccrtninty but savings shauld rcsulL A new Insuroncc Adjuslcr has Ixcn uppointcJ, I..V. Wnikcr tmd Associotcs, lo bclter assist in the munngemcnt and scUlemcnt of cluims. Clnims falling within thc dcductiblc will, most likcly, continuc lo bc refcrccJ to the Adjuslcr fiir scttlanent undcr a Rcimburvnblc DeJuctiblc Progmm �vith our insurers. In limc, nn inlcmul Clnims Revicw CommiQcc may bc cstablishcJ to nssist in dcaling wilh thosc claims thnt can hc scIIIcJ quickly und simply, thcrcby polenlially rcducing costs. On thc odJ occasion wlun cxpert municipal Icgal linbility opinions orc rcquircJ, udvice will lx sought, in conjunction with our insurcrs unJ Ihc Town Solicitor, from u firm spccializing in these nrens af luw. ATTACNMENTS: 1998-1999 Insurancc Program Camparison of PropascJ 1998 Insurancc Prcmium Rcnewal imd Approvcd 1997 Premiums Prcpnrcd Dy: ApprovaUGnJorccd 13y: a �r --o-- � � Oillis A, Palcrson Ofllis A,1'ntcrson Director of financc & Trcasurcr Dircctor nf I�innncc &'1'rcnsurcr OAP/md Copy: T,1. Quinn, acncrol Mnnngcr ��� FRAN� COWAN COMPANY LIMITED 43 Insurance Managers For Publlc Enfitles 4 COWAN STREET EAST PRINCETON-OMARIO NQI 1 VO April 27, 1998 Mt. Gil Paterson, C.M.A., Director of Corparate Services, Corporation of the Town af Pickering, I The Esplanade, AITACHMENT# � TpqEp�p�N PICKERING, Ontario. .Z�� 3/y$ LIV 6K7 Re: 1998 - /999 Insurance Progmm Dear Gil: We are now pieased lo enclose four copies of our 1998 Insurance Repart setting out the Town's coverages on renewal. We have also enclosed lhe following:- • An appropriate supply oF Automobile Liability Certificates for �he licensed vehicles. • February 1998 issue of Cowan News • Year 2000 Bulletin N° I Jated February t998 AdminSstration should carefully examine Exhibit "A" (Property Schedule - Buildings, Contents, Unlicenced Equipmem), Exhibit "F3" (Licenced Automobile Fleet - Town) and Exhibit "C" (Licenced Automobile Fleet - Transit) to deiertnine if thesc lis�s are acwrate and up•lo-date. Any changes or discrepancies should bc reponeJ io us. This letter serves to confirtn that ihe Insurance Program is bound and covered, e(feciive Renewal Date as set out in our Insurance Rcpon. I will be contacting you shonly io arrange an appointment to review our curcent Repon. Renewals will be held pending specific instructions. We trust the enclosed will be found in order anJ if you havc any queslions, plcasc do not hesitate to cali, /jmb Encis, Telophone (519) 458-4331 Your. sincerely, FRANK C A CO ANY LIMITED Davi W, Reed, A.I.I.C., 'ce-President Facslmile (519) 458-4366 , ii �� RRANK COWAN COMPAN(�Y LIMITED 9NwNK� q///JM�I/1 �i psr[ Gllililll /'n)vr(on, Qnlarle COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE PROCRAM FOR CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF pICKERING 1998 INDEX Risk Managemen[ • Pages 2• 3 Comments and Revisiona • Page 4 Highlights of Coverage • Pages 5• 6 Cost Analysfs • Page 7 Description of Coverages - Pages 8• 29 Exhlbit A- Property Schedule - Pages 30 - 35 Exhiblt B• Au[omobile Schedule Rown� • Pages 36 • 37 Exhlbit C• Automobile Schedule rtransro • Page 38 PREPARED BY.• MR. DAV/D W. REEO, A.LI.C., VICE•PRESIOENT, FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED, PRINCETON, ONTARIO. DATE: Aprl127, 1998 THIS IS A CONDENSED REPORT OF YOUR INSURANCE CO!�ERAGES WHICH ARE OFFERED AS � A COMPLETE INSURANCE PROGRAM. ANYCHANGES TO THE OVERALL PROCRAM ARE TO 9E t.; AGREED TO AS PART OF THE REVIEW PROCESS, NOTHING HEREIN ALTERS THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED IN THE PRINTED INSUkANCE CONTRACT. � REF:60775FMRQmG �' TeleOnone�579�aSB�Ai31 Toll Free 1•BOP765•a0pp , Foz15791CSB•ES66 . . � � �.�.� , . : NICHLIGHTS Q'F COV�RA4! CLA55 OF INSURANGe SUu�MARY OF COVERAGEfi LIMITS/AMOLNTe �ARt,� Property Insurance ToWI Sum Insured S 92,219,770. Deductible S 500./10,000. Electronlc Data Totat Sum Insured 5 1,509,500. Processing Deductible 5 1,r�, Boiler and Machinery Llmit per Accident • Comprehensive S 25,000,000. Deductible S 5,000. PART C owned Automobile �7owm Owned Automoblie cTranslu Excess Automoblle Rown and Transitl Primary Llmit Sectlon 3 rtnira vam� Deductible • Relmbursement Agreement SeCtIOn 6 iDlrect Compensatlom Deductlble No Physlcal Damage • 1951 Fwd Flre Truck (Paradesl All Perils Deductible • All O[her Vehicles Primary �Imi[ Section 3 nn�ro aarcv� Deductible • Relmbursemen[ Agreement SeCtlOn 6 �mrect tompenunoni Deductlble All Perlls Deduc[Ible Excess of Prlmary Llmit •6� i ' S 10,000,000. S 1,000. $ 1,000. $ 5,000. $ 10,000,000. $ 1,000. S 1,000. S 5,000. S 5,000,000. 45 �� 1997 • 999 EXPIRINO ANNU14LI'��Q,,oREMIUM S 314Ja!?. COST ANALlf513 RENEWAI PROGRAM ,) 1998•1999 TERfd IART A S,Q�!lR�Q CAfUALTY POLICY: MUNICIpAI UADILITY ERRORS AND OMISSIONS NON-0WNED AUTOMOBILE ENVIRONMENTAI LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE CRIME COUNCILLORS' ACCIDENT CONFLICT OF INTEREST LECALEXPENSE �ART � PROPERTY ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSINC 801LER AND MACHINERY PART C OWNED AUTOMOBILE ROWNI OWNED AUTOM081LE RRANSIT) EXCESS AUTOMOBILE ROWNI EXCESS AUTOMOBILE RRAN51T1 S !. t 108,027. 31,711. 364. 11,688. 3,423. 1,366. 800. 3,618. 56,447. 2,556. 8,713. 31,102. 95,930. 258. 2,973. QfJNUAL PREMIUM 5 358.976. PLUS APPLICABLE TARES .�: �, � , '-,�.:��� . -., _. . . ,_.4.: � . � . . .. , 47 , � � <<, COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE PROGRAM SUMMARY OF INSURANC� COyERAGES �i 998 -1999 � , ;� :�, , 8; � �: ;:: _ �_: � : � .;.-'_ = �' _; . � .�8 • _ _ , ,� �„ ` ; PART A : CQNIBINED CASUALTY PQLI�Y � f { � � ��� � � ; �: , ., � s �� g i � � � � �, t S (' ` � u : t, _ i . r# t r V1' Z ?t � -<' . ; ' �� d .. .,-; .9_• �� i;?_° � . �:`_ .,:Tf � , {�t�:i � i� t ,7, ; � ����rf_� il. _° tf':�- - . { r���� I.S ���4 . . . �� i J; � i ��{ . ti. _ ... �§ �� _ . J K �.� f{ �y,( � � . . F .'t � f. , - . � . � . � �t; .�.:, . . �� . ' � i:e "4 1 _ II.:.' . . t ( . . . "i - ( ( t �( . } 3 �" tf :1 a 99 MUNICIPAL LIABILITY INSURAkCE ■ Llmit • 515,000,000. r S 5,000. Third Party Claims Deductlbte Ilncluding expensesl applfes to each claim. ■ eodily Injury, Property Damage, Personal Injury and Employers' Liabllity. ■ Insures the Town against Ilab�lity imposed by la�v for damages because of bodily Injury or death to any person resulting from the operatlons of the Town and for damages to or destruction of property of others caused by an accident, ■ Insures the Town against Ilability Imposed by law for damages because of Personal , In)ury sustained by any person caused by false arrest, detention or Imprlsonment, malicious prosecutlon, Iibei, slander, defamation of character, humiliatlon, Invaslon of privacy, wrongful evictlon, wrongful entry and discriminatlon. ■ Included as Insureds are Members of Council, Employees, Statutory Officers, Fire• Fighters and Volunteers whlle performing their dutles as such. eoards, Commissions and Committees Including their Officers, Employees and Volunteers, are also Included as Insureds while performing thely duties. ■ Includes reimbursement of legal fees to defend wrongful dlsmissal actions subJect to a Ilmit for any one clalm of 5100,000. wlth an annual aggregate for all claims of S 2Q0,000., subJect to S 5,000. Oeductible. ■ Blanket Tenan[s' Legal Llabllity included. ■ Voluntary Property Damage IP.U.C.1 included. .�p. 1 . 1`, �[ , t r�r;:,` 1� r,,. �� ,. +, y , ��'� 50 MUNICIPAL LIABILIi'Y INSURANC! ■ VoluntaryCompensatlonforEmployeesorVotunteerWorkerslS50.Weeklylndemnlryl Included. ■ Munlcipal Marina Llabillry Included. + Maipractice Coverage included. o Liquor Licence Act of Ontarlo Included. • Environmental Llabiliry Exclusion. ■ The Definitlon of Insured Is extended to include; ■ Student Workers of any Insured. ■ Indlvlduals recrui[ed by the Insured for the purpose of Instructing participan[s in various programs made avaflable by the Insured. •tt• �, :�i .1 , ��:� �+.t 1. ��, . .. . , - . . �. � . _ • . 3� ijC Si lRRORS AND OMISSIOkS LIABILI r Y INSURANCE ■ Llmlt • S 15,000,000. • Insures the Town agalns[ Ilabillry Impased upon It by a court of Civll Law for compensatory damages because of a wrongful act. ■ Covers clalms made during the Policy perlod arising from wrongful acts occurring during that pollcy period. It also covers claims made during the term of our Policy arising from wrongful acts occurring prior [o inceptlon of our Policy, provided the Town had no knowledge of such wrongful acts when the pollcy was taken out. ■ Will pay compensatory damages Imposed upon the Town as a result of a negllgent act, error or omission, In the adminlstratlon of the Town's employee benefit programs. • The S 2,500. Deductible appHes only to the Insured Corporation. All other individual Insureds are covered from tne ffrst dollar of any loss. ■ Some excluslons apply such as claims arising ou[ of breach of contrac[, or negotlatlon/selection/awarding of a contract, oranyclalm arising from Environmental Impalrment. ■ The Deflnitlon of Insured Is extended to include any student worker of any Insured. . ��. ,i; '� 52�' NON•OVI�NlD AUTOMOBILB INSURANCE ■ Llmlt • 515,000,000. ■ Provides legal Ilabllity protectlon agalnst clalms arising out of accidents Involving vehicles not owned by the Insured but being operated on Its behalf. . Physical Damage Insures the Iegai Ilablllty of the Insured for damage to vehicles not owned by them to a Ilmlt of S 500,000. with all perlls claims being subJect to a S 500. deductible. ■ Excess of personal automoblle Ilabiliry Insurance for Counclllors, Adminlstrators, Sta[utory Officen, Employees, Volunteer Fire•Fighters and otherVOlunteers agalnst claims arlsing out of an accldent occurring when such person Is driving on the business of the Town Including drlving to and from work. Thls coverage applles when contractually assumed by the Town, and is only In excess of the Insurance on the automoblle driven by such person and In no event less than [he legal minimum Ilmit of 5 200,000. and Is subJect to the policy Ilmit of the Town's Non•Owned Automoblle Po�icy. ,�s, � � EMVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY INSURANCE �� Llmit of Liabllity Any One Clalm S 1,000,000. Annual Aggregate S 2,000,000. Self•Insured Retentlon S 5,000. ■ This policy protects the Insured agalns[ Ilabllity caused by EnvlronmenWl Imrairment arising out of their operatlons for clalms because of bodily In�ury, properry damage or Environmental Impairment. ■ Munlcipat Corporatlons are exposed to third party claims for environmental damages arising from, but not Ilmited to, such risks as the ownership and/or operatlon of: • waste disposal sites ■ gravel pits or rock quarries ■ sal[ and salt treated sand including the appllcation thereof ■ weed and brush spraying • sewage systems ■ water systems ■ underground fuel tanks • unlicansed equlpment te.g. road gradersl ■ The Environmental Llablliry pollcy Is written on a Claims•Made form which means that the policy will respond to a claim FIRST made against the Insured during the polfcy perlod. ■ The self•Insured retention applles to the total amount of each clalm Including all costs and expenses, ■ The Envlronmenta� policy Is a Llabiliry cuntract which provides protectlon for thlyd party clalms and, [herefore, some expenses are excluded, Including, but not Ilmited to the following: fal Expenses incurred to clean•up, or repalr, the Insured's own property or property rented to the Insured; Ibl Flnes, penalties and punitive damages; Ic1 llabllity assumed by the Insured under any contract or agreement except any agreement with Her MaJesry the oueen In Right of Ontario as represented by the Minlster of the Environment. •14• . � . . .. . . � . � �.. � � ���. . .. so cRiM� iHSURaNC� �n[:�;ni � .� Commercial elanket eond Package which includes: 5 1,000,000. • Money Orders and Counterfelt Paper Currencv • Forgery • Audit Expense ISUb•Llmit S 100,000.1 Broad Form Money and SECUritles • Inslde and ouulde the premises 100,000. ■ The bond Insures the loss oF money, securitles or other property sustalned through the frautlulent or dishonest acts of any of the Town�s Employees, Members of Councll, and Members of all eoards, Commisslons and Committees appolnted by and under the lu�lsdic[ion of Councll, and Indlviduals wno are temporarlly hlred for the sole purpose of collecting revenues. Individuals to Include balllffs appolnted, contracced or otherwise engaged. ■ eroad Form Money insures loss of monies and securities sus[ained by the Town by the actual destructlon, disappearance or wrongful abstractlon thereof. ■ The audit expense coverage provldes for the relmbursement of reasonable expenses incurred by the Insuretl [o prepare proof of a valid loss under the pollcy and Is In addltion to the overall bond Ilmit. •�s• � COUNCILLORS' �kCCi�lNT 55� @enefits Pavable are as follows: Princlpat Sum for loss of llfe g �pp,ppp, CapiW) Sum for Dismemberment S 100,000. Weekly Indemniry • Total Loss of Time S 500. IPayable for Llfe► Weekly Indemnity • Partlal Loss of Tlme S 250. (Payable fOf One Yedfl Funeral Expenses S 6,500. Blanket Accident Expenses S 5,000. ■ Thls policy insures one Town Mayor/Regional Counclllor, three Regional Counctllo�s IDUrham)ROwn Counclllor and three Town Counclliors and nine llbrary eoard Members on a twenty•four hour a day basis whether engaged In Councll dutles or otnerwise. ■ Benefits are payable, as described, In the event of accidental InJury. Death from natural causes is excludetl. ■ A schedule of Dlsmemberment Benefits Is set out In the pollcy and payments are made in accordance with this schetlule. . Weekly Indemnities are payable In full and are not sub)ect to pro rata payments or earned Income restrictlons. ■ Blanket Accldent expenses Inclutle Dental, Chlropractic, Registered Nune, Podlatrist, Ambulance, Drugs, Crutches, etc. THESE BENEFITS ARE PAYABLE RECARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THE INJURED PERSON IS IN RECEIPT OF OTHER BENEFITS. •76• � �:.' S6�, MUNICIPAL CONFLICT OF INTERBST INSURANCE ■ This form of Insurance provldes for the relmbursement of legal fees and expenses incurred by elected orappointed members of Council who are charged under [he Munlcinal Confllct of Interest Act provided that a court finds; (1) there has been no contravention; or (21 contraventlon has occurred by reason of Inadvertence, remoteness, or Insignificance; or (31 contraventlon has occurred by reason of a bona flde error In Judgement. ■ Coveiage is provlded for 90% of incurred expenses up to a maximum Ilmit of 5 100,000. in respect of each Indivldual Insured's clalm. p Th(s Insurance also applies to any member of a Board, Commission or Committee of the Insured as defined in 7he Munlcival Conflict of Interest Act. .i�• ;� ;: '� , 0 J / LEGAL EXPENS! INSURANCB ■ Thls form of Insurance provides for the relmbursement of legal fees Including disbursements Incurred by Municipal Corporatlons, elected or appolnted members, employees and volunteers, for charges under any Statute of the Province of Ontarlo lexcep[ for [he Highway Traffic Act and the Munlclpal Conflict oflnterest Ac�. ■ Examples of the more common Statu[es where such exposure exists are: • Environmental Protec[ion Act • Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act • Occupatlonal Health and Safety Act • Ontarlo Water Resources Act • Pesticides Act ■ Munlclpai Electlons Act . Coverage is provided for 90% of legal fees and disbursements up to S 100,000. sub)ect [o an annual aggregate for all claims of S 250,000. ■ Coverage applies to both Guilty and Not Guilty outcomes, �e ; �, ^ ; � r�i' • . �g , � � PART B ,. � � � � �, � � � � � � I . �y I � �• 19 + . + ° ` �, t ... x .. . � r, � ,t ... . l PROPERTY INSURANC! s�� ToWI Amount of Insurance as per schedule of coverage; S 92,219,770. Deductible: S 500./10,000. For a Ilst of assets Insured refer to Exhlbit'A" Nlahllahts of the Cover orovlded are: ■ Blanket Amount on Insured Property ■ Replacement Cost on assea unless specfficaliy Ilmited or excluded ■ All Risk Coverage ■ Replacement on same site not required but settlement cost shal� be based on replacing property on same si[e ■ Coverage provided for increased cost of repalrs or replacement to the damaged portlon of the propertN due to enforcement of any ByLaw, Regulatlon, Ordlnance or law • Permisslon is granted to make atlditions, alterations and repalrs, for proper[y to remaln vacant, for unrestricted use of the property and to keep and use such materlals as are usual to [he Insured�s business ■ 60 Day notice of cancellatlon • Some property and perlls are excluded from coverage Isee policy for all such exclusionsl unless specifically included and clted in the poilcy. •�o• � �s • . 60 ' scHrouu o� eovu�w BASIS OF LOSS � SETiIEMENT � � APPIIUBLE RiDER NO• 1 � 1. BWnkat AmOUnt On Property InSUretl: ReplaCBment Coit IeKdutllnp Items spodflaGy insuretl� 2. SDad�le Llmlt of insuronce on the followlnq: W Flro Hall, Brouqh7m RBO��ement COSt @I Park Stoiape Bulltllnq, Centennlal Park RepWCemBnt CoSt Itl S[0�3q! i0tl P.A. Bulltllnp, KUSm2� P2�It REplateroe�t COSt Itll StORpE BUlltllllp, N!5 Dersan Raatl RlG�2ClRIEOt COf[ 1!1 ChrlStla� HOUS9, SIS Whl[eVa1B ROatl Attutl USh V2IUB Ifl Raln Shelter, 55 Whitevale Rwd Replacement Cost 191 VaG�t DWBlll�p, G3fipB 6 Sh04 LOt 22, ACLU21 GSII V31U9 Plan 43, 4939 OIE BrOtk Roatl, Pltkering Ito be tlemollihetll Ihl AltonaCOmmunlryten[re ReplacementCOit 111 Dwelling atl�atent [o Claremont Communlry Park R2pl3t0rtle�t COSt Ito b0 tlertlollshetll 3. llmlt on Valuable Papers: 4. llmlt on A[counts Recelvable: S. llmlt Of Ex[ra ExpenSB InsUretl a[ Any One LOpttOn: 6. BuslnesS Intercuptlon • Crou Revenue: 7. Rent or Rentll Value Form: 8. Chlckro0m Llablllty: On Ilablllry Imposetl by law upan tne msuretl tor loss or tlamape to personal pfOpBffyOf OIhlR IfICIUtlIIIq COn(uSIOn Of p00tlSOfIIV WhIlBfU[h pfOpORyIS If1 p1B CUStOtlY Of UIB IOSUfltl 2f b011B8 Of OtnelWlS! In th2 COUlS! Ot IhB IOSUfBO'f cneckroom operaaon. 9. II IS O�dBRt00tl 30tl 0pf!!tl Cb3CCRI�ANK llAfINC GANACA LMR[D', IS I�CIUtllG as 7n AtltlltloNl Insurea wlttl rPSpecc to tne Motlel 277E Of/ Set Press wltll AC[eS50fIQf. It IS (URhl� UIItl8fSt000 00tl BptCBtl Ih3[ ptl0f OOUCO Of W II[011atl0115h011 bB qIVBO to Cidbank Leaslnp llmltetl. 10. It If U11tllRt00tl B�tl i9f!!tl that with �BSplR IO Brouqh2m COrt1rtIUl11ty ClOUB, BIOUphalil FIfQ HitlOntl llbl'dry anC AltOna COmmunity Hall, the InSUfEtl Sh011 fEatl: Hef Ma�Qfry q1e Oueen In itlqllt of UnaOa reprlSenteO by the Mlnlstry of Publlc WO�kS 000 COfpOfitlOn Of ItIB TOwn Of 01[I(lflflq. ioR ER NO• 4 1. Flne arts Fortn: 2. IOSS If any, wlth rospect to tne Items as pef Ilst on flle, Is Oayable to •ROYAL ONTARp MUfNM', 2f thllf IntCfESt m3V appl2f. �� UMIT OR AMOUNT QFINSURAHCE S 88,090,700. i0,000. 7,000. 10,000. 70,000. 10.000. 1,000. 50,000. 45,000. 80�000. 300,000. Y50,000. 1,000.000. 2,070,000. 250,000. 5,000. 1,070. jjf� DESCNIPTION RIDER Na� 7. Exhlbltl0� Fomt: scewuu o� covw►w • �61 BASIS OF lOSS SEiTIENENi UMR OR AMOUNT APPpCABIE QFINSURANCE as ver um vrovmee Qgqume�r. AppIId61E t0 Rltll� N0.1 10 EXCEPTION: •ChedcroomUa5111ry S SW, Appllpble to Rlder Nos. Y 6 3 500 In no event shalt the topl tletluctlble exceetl 5 t0,ono. In anv one accunence. TOTAL AMOUNT OF INSURANCE S 92,Y19,770. r; . . . ; �. . s �: ;:,.: . . �,ii'� •t2• •��'� S� �. !DP INSURA�'C! 1lLECTRONIC DATA PROCESSINGI Blanket Amount of Insurance on: Data Processing SVstems and Equlpment 51,424,900. Data Processing Medla Llmit 34,600. Data PPOC855111g EXtI'a ExpBI15e Llmlt 50,000. TOTAL S 1,509,500. Deductible , 1,000. ■ Svstems and Eauiqment • Insures agalnst All Risks of direct physlcal loss or damage to Data Processing Systems and Equlpment, Including loss or damage whlle In transit or temporarllV removed from the premises. Covers loss or damage caused by mechanical fallure, faulty construction, deslgn errors, dryness or dampness In atmosphere, corroslon, rust, short circuit, blow•out or other electrical dlsturbances; dishonest, fraudulent or crlminal acts of employees, earthquake and flood damage. ■ Data Processln4 Media • Insures against All Risks of direct physical loss or damage [o da[a processing media including loss or damage while In transit or temporarlly removed from the premises. ■ x ra xaense • Insures the necessary Extra Expense Incurred by the Insured tn order to continue as nearly as practicable the normal operatlon of Its business, Immediately following damage to or destructlon of [he tnsured data processing system Including equlpment, as a direct result of all risks of phVslcal loss or damage. ■ Properry newly acqulred wlll be automatically covered providing notice Is glven to the Insurer promptly. In addltion, [he Insured shall review tlie above values annually and report any such changes to the Insurer. ■ The deductible wlll apply to a claim�t�nder any of the Insuring Agreemen[s or a combinatlon thereof and wlll be wa�red if a clalm also presentetl under an Automoblle pollcy whlch Includes damage to Insured property. • Maintenanceagreemen[ on equipment not requlred but, If notavallable, a deductlble Iminimum of S 1,000,1 wlll apply to losses due to breakdown or dlsturbance unless the pol�cy deductible stated above is greater In whlch case the pollty deductible shall apply. ■ loss, If any, with respect to equipment situate at the library, E/s Water street, Port Perry, Is payable to ^SCUGOC MEMORIAL PuBLiC iIBRARY", as thelr Interest may appear. � ' ' . BOILeR AND MACHINlRY INSURANC! B3 Llmlt per Accldent • Comprehenslve S 25,000,000. Extra Expense 250,OQ0. Water oamage �pp,�pp, Ammonia ConWminatlon �pp,ppp, Expedlting Expenses Inclutled Nazardous Substance Ilncluding PCB Contaminatlonl �pp,ppp, Spollage • Coods under Refrlgeratlon 50,000. Gross Revenue • all eullalnfls and Facllltles, creenwood ntuseum, Plckerin4 90,000. • oon eeer arena, BfOtk ROatl SOUth, Pickering qpp,ppp, • 5lvimminy Pool, Rea� of Dunbarton Hlgh knool, Whlte Slde Road at Sheppard Avenue, Plckerin9 100,000. • Plckerinp Recreatlon Complex,1867 Valley Fa�r11 R08tl, PltkCfl�p 1,480,000. Professlonal Fees 50�ppp, Data and Media 10,000. eylaw Cover Included Deductible 5,ppp. • Comprehensive elanket Coverage provlded Ielanket all Locations) Excluding Unlisted Sub•Statlons. ■ Insures for sudden and accidental breakdown to pressure vessels, mechanlcal ob)ects and miscellaneous electrlcal apparatus. ■ ereakdowns Insured would Include cracking, bulging, burning, exploslon, mechanical breakdown and electrical burnout. ■ Insures both damage to equlpment antl to other property, resulting from these types of breakdowns. Separate Boiler anu Machlnery insurance is necessary, because Property policies normally exclude the:e types of loss. ■ The basls of recovery from an Insured loss Is repalr or replacement cost. This etiminates the depreclation factor. ■ Broad Form Deflnitlon of Accldent provided, ■ New locatlons automatically coveretl Excluding Sub•Statlons. ■ Newly Installed obJects are covered Excluding Sub•Statlons. ■ Inspectlon and Certlficatlon 5ervice Is provlaed as required by law. •�a• � : � '�" ` � ' 601LlR AND MACHINlRY IN53JRANC: �. •' • �j� . • Computer Controt Equlpment • coverage Is provlded for breakdown of equlpment whenever it is used solely to control or operate an Insured abJect. ■ Waitlna Perlod IGross Revenuel • Flrst 24 hours aftsr the Commencement of Liablliry. ■ Llmited cover: All Eollers and Steam Englnes with respect to Steam earn, Groenwood Museum, Plckering onlV. r F k' . 0 12�-� ��'r1 . �.._ .. :� . � �J :,. �'i; . . � . . �� - c ,, ��� tj . �.: �.-.� . r�y r::'�� � ' �25• i, l� t `�;' ` +. � �i � i� .rG; � .:� � . � � +s e �,� 1 � � i3 A �; � 1p�( ,E , , _ . t; . . _ 66 � F� � � � , � � � t � ;:_ 1`� .�+ t � � . � : �t� �.: ' a: Jt 3 r, :: ,'' i �' ,' ` -a � j � : � PART C , � � � ; $, �r �� � { � � ;, � � � � � #_ �� r� �: , :� ,, :, � � � T r ��A� . 3 ii, tr Y 26 i'.: i ; r � d . - .-` Z �'�� . y �' � - 5:��[ ,r�i :��. i t� ` j; 3 , ' � ., � �;4 - — � ;j _ ��:�. � { . . }_ �} ! � .. � � : � :��. 1- " t S ' _ .. . � i, ��� k �tc;, . t. r i i a � . �� � _ , . '.'+ _ 'e- . . .���i i ' � . ' .. { 1�� 1 ; . : 66� AUTOMOBIL! FLEE4 INSURANCE (TOwn) ■ Nrlmary Limlt • S 10,000,000. any one Iiabllity ctaim. ■ S 1,000. Section 3• Thlyd Parcy Deductible • Reimbursement Agreement Ilncluding expensesl applles to each clalm, ■ Third Party Llabllity Insures the Iiabflity of the Town for Bodlly InJury or Property Damage arlsing from the use or operatlon of ali Ilcensed vehlcles owned by the TOW�. ■ Section 6- Direct Compensation • Property Damage lto the extent not at•faulU for damage to own vehicles provided as per Statute subJect to a S 1,000. Deductible. ■ Compulsory Statutory Accident Benefits provlded as per Statute. ■ Phvslcal Damaae: No Physical Damage applicable to the 1951 Fwd Fire Truck (Paradesl S 5,000. Ali Perlls Deductible applicable to AII Other Vehicles � Insures ali ilcensed vehicles owned by the 7own for physlcal damage as Intlicated above. ■ Replacement Cost coverage provlded on all required vehlcles IThus no deduction for depreciation for repalrs or replacement of vehiclesl. ■ Newly acqulred vehlcles are a�tomatically covered. ■ For a Iist of vehlcles, refer to Exhlbit °e�� ■ Coverage Is extended to Include: • Inappropriateiy Ilcensetl drivers. • Blanket Liablliry for Trailers. ■ Permission to carry explosives. ■ Permisslon to ren[ or lease. ■ Damage causetl by freezing of Fire•Fighting Apparatus, • Permission to carry passengers for compensatlon. .z�. , � . � • ' B7 m AU70AAOBILE FL!!T INSURANCE lTransit! • Primary Llmlt • S 10,000,000. any one Ilabllity c�alm, � S 1,000. Sectlon 3• Third Party Dedt�ctlble • Relmbursement Agreement Iincluding expensesl applles to each clalm. . 7hird Party Llabllity Insures the Ilablllty of the Transit for Bodlly InJury or Properry Damage arlsing from the use or operatlon of all Ilcensed vehicles owned by the Translt. ■ Sectlon 6• DlrecC Compensation • Property Damage fto the extent not at•faulU for damage to own vehicles provided as per Statute subJect to a S 1,000. Deductible. ■ Compulsory Statutory qccident eenefits provlded as per Statute. ■ PhV51Cal Damane S 5.000. All Per115 DedUCtible ■ Insures all Iicensed vehicies owned by the Transit for physicai damage as Indicated above. ■ Reptacement Cost coverage provided on all vehicles IThus no deduction for depreclatlon for repairs or replacement of vehiclesl. ■ Newly acqulred vehlcles are automatically covered. ■ For a Iist of vehlcles, refer to Exhibit �C� ■ Caverage is extended to include; ■ Inapproprla[ely Ilcensed drivers. ■ elanket Llabillry for Trallers, • Permisslon to carry explosives. • Permisslon to rent or lease. • Permisslon to carry passengers for compensatlon. �2e� �,. } ' gg . BXCESS AUTOMOBILE POLICY ■ S 5,000,000: Excess of Primary Limlt S 10,000,000. ■ Fo�lowing form of primary coverages: Owned Automobile Fleet tTOwn and Transitt z . Zg . � s. >: l y �. ' � � lXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY SCHEDULE BUILOINGS ANU STflUCTUAES GEIULIBAARY 1 212a0001 MUN.OFfICESILIBRARY /1,THE fSPlANAOE FIAE 2 Y2400002 fIRE HAII 553 KINGSTON AD. 3 2240OW7 flflE HALL SIS WELUNGTON ST, CIAAEM 4 22400004 FIRE HALL I816 BAYIEY ST. 5 2240•1830 STOAAGE SHEO 1616 BAYIEY ST. 8 224081J5 FIAE HAIL NIS HWY/7, BROUGHAM 7 Y240•9288 FIAE HAII FINCH 6 OUfIF, PICNERING MUSEUM 8 27440093 OOOFELLOWS HALL GHEENW000 MUSEUM B 27440092 GENEAALSTORE GAEENW000 MUSEUM 10 27440091 BLACIfSMITHSNOP GHEENWOOOMUSEIIM II 21440095 COIE HOUSE GAFENWOOD MUSEUM 12 Y744•0094 COMB.BAAN GHEENWU00 MUSEUM 13 27440099 BEEF AING BAAN GREENW000 MUSEUM 14 2744�0088 BIBIE CHIIRCN GREEHW000 MUSEIIM 15 2744UOB9 CHURCH SHED GREENW000 MUSEUM 18 47440090 BAOUGHAM HOTEI GREENWOOU MUSEUM 17 27440098 COIIINS NOUSE GAEENWOOD MUSEUM IB 27440102 STORAGESHEO GAEENW000 MUSEUM IA 2744OOB7 tOG HOUSE CAEENW000 MUSEIIIA 20 27440098 LOG BARN GAEFHW000 MUSEUM 21 2744•8149 GASISIEAM BAHH GHEENWOOD MUSFUM 22 27440101 AOMISSIONS BIOG GREENWOOD MIISEUM 23 2744•1828 S10flAGE SMED GAEEHW000 MUSEIIM 24 2744�1829 PAVIllION GAEENWOOD MUSEUM IIBRARY 15 17450109 LIBRARY 17I0 ROUGEMONf UR. 48 Z7450104 UBRARY NIS CENTRAL ST, CIAAfMOHT 27 27450105118flARY SIS WHITEV�IE R0, WHI1EVAl 48 t7458195 LIBflARY WIS WESTHEY R�, GAEENW000 .�. 11,217,100 844,200 178,600 804,400 2,700 LIMITS 30,000 1,273,000 105,OW 35,000 54,700 114,800 21,800 10,9W 57,900 14,200 1�8,700 J8,J00 18,400 78,100 82,200 188.700 224,000 4,400 18,400 821,700 49,000 38,700 729,100 69 � °� � 70 � EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY SCHBDULB @UIIUIHOS ANO STRUCTURES TBANSPoRTATIO YB 1315�0006 TRANSITIWORNS CENTRE �ERSAN BO.W. 3,193,900 90 2340•0007 SANO OOME OERSAN AD.W. 128,500 31 23200008 STOAAGE SHED OERSAN AD.W. 28,100 32 Y3200010 SAIT DOME OEASAN NU.W. 128,500 3J 2320•0009 STORAGE BLOG DFRSAN AO.W. 77,600 34 STUAAGEIGARAGE OERS!N RO.W. 5JJJ00 PKS 8 RECfLIB 35 47180011 COMM.CENTREIl18 WIS IIVEAP00l RO.S. 2878,600 POOL 9B Y713•0012 OUNBAAION POOI W;S WHITES R0. 1,9JB,100 COMPLE% 37 27300085 AECAEATION COMFIE% 1867 VALLEY FAAM R0. 29,171,000 AAENA �B 27150014 DON BEEA AAENA WIS OIILINGHqM R0. 6,I57,700 PARNS 8 flEC 39 211B 0015 GYMISRS.CFHTRE NIS NINGSTON R0. 452,500 40 27190077 COMM.CENTAE SIS BAYIfY ST.IWEST SHOHEI 711,700 41 27190011 COMM.CFNTRE EIS BAOCK RD. BAOUGHAM 107,000 42 27180018 PARK BIOG. OON BEER PApK, BNOUGHAM 15,200 49 27190070 COMM.CENTAE EIS BAOCN AD. CIAAEMONT 530,400 44 271900781.8.ClUBHOUSE WIS BAOCK A0. CIAAEMONT 92,300 45 2718•0019 FIELOHOUSE CIAAEMONT PARK 99,900 48 211B�1B27 PICNIC SHEUER CIAAEMDNT PARR B,700 41 VACANT �WEltIN0. GARAGE 6 SHEO,122, PUN 49, ACV 50,000 4939 Ol0 BROCN fl0�0 48 27190080 COMM.CENiAE NIS HWTII, GREEH RIVEfl Y47,800 48 27190079 COMM.CEHTAE EIS GAEENW000 AD, GREENW00 607,900 ,31. � � exHieiT „A„ PROPERTY SCHlDULE euin�a ►rro:r�ucruaEs IAIIKS 6 AEC SO 31161l28 S10RA6F BtO�. EIS GAEENW0008D, GAEFNW00 Sl 171Y00)1 COAIAI.CENTNE WIS SIOEtINEJB. MT.210N SI 7I1P�A25 SiONAGE SHEO WIS SIOElINE/& MT.ZION 6J Ifll002] PARK S10AAGE CENTENNIAI PA�K SI 311t001t FKLDHOUSE DUNMOOAEIAAK 5S 2511-0025 FIfLONOUSE KINSMEM PAAK SS 271a1/21 flCNlt SNELTEN ItINSMEN PARR Sl 211! IA2� fICNIC SHEITEfl KIHSMEN PAAK S! i)I/0010 STOAAGEIP � Bl0 KINSMEN FAHK S9 211900AI MItIER MOUSE SIS WHI1EYAlE AD, WHITfVAI QO 2719A118 AITONA COMtA CENTAE !1 771lOOC2 CHNISiUN HOUSE SIS WHITEVIILE RD, WHITEVAt 62 I71lOOSS SUN HUT SIS WHITEVAIE RD. WHITfVAI 6J 1)IAOOA� pAIN SHEUEB SIS WHITEVAIF B0, WHITEVAI bt 211l814A TN�ILERCHANGENOOM !S W�SNIIOOAI SIS WHIIEYAIE H0. WHITEVAI 6E t11A00l1 STORAGE BtOG WS DEASAN R0. e7 1)100019 SiOAAGE SHEO NIS DEASAN RD. 6! SOCCER i1000lIGHTING I(INSMEN PARIf 69 BALL/ANK F10001IGH11NG �U IOCAl10N5 10 1ENMI5 it000lIGHi1NG Alt tOCAf10NS Ti 1ENN13 PA03 e fENCING Alt IOCAilONS 11 CREATNE PLAY SiRUCiUBES All IOCAT10N5 17 /111GR0UN0 EOUIPMENi All IOCAilONS 7t BtEACNENS ALItOCAiIOHS 7S BAll01AMONOf[NCING18�CI(ST�FS AUlOW110N5 ARENA 76 GROSS AEVENUE OON BEEA AAEN� 601AP1E1( )7 GAOSS AEYENUE CENTRAt COAE COMREX 78 GAOSS REYENUE POOI COMPIEX T8 GROSS REYfNUE AHENA COMPIEX •sz• LIMIiS IIMIiS IIMITS ACV tIMITS IIMITS 11,800 197,500 10,000 7,000 121,600 121,800 I,T00 25,700 10.000 81,900 45,0� 10,000 18,700 1,000 8.000 500 20,� 14,000 5Z600 �50,700 291,200 438.400 na,soo 268,900 12d,5W 708,000 tIMITS C00,000 IIMITS 990,000 IIMITS 190.000 LIM11S ' J00,000 �����R . . . . . F ....�. 71. , „� .�'2� EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY SCHEDULE BUIIDINOS ANO STRUCTUAE3 POOL 80 GflOSS(IEVENUE OUNBAATONPOOL LIMITS 100.000 MUSEUM BI GROSS AEVENUE GRFENWOOD MUSEUM LIMITS 90,000 GEHERAL 82 OWEtLING1T0 BE TOAN DOWNI CIAAEMONT PAHK IIMITS 80,000 83 EXTAA E%PENSE ANY ONE IOCAiION IIMITS I,000,000 84 RENTFL INCOMF IIMIiS 250,000 �:. , y •IS• � � . �'s � r. }�f " ; ,: "� � �r> � � 73 exHieir ��a�� PROPERTY SCHEDULE CONTENTS ANO E�UIPMENT FIAE OEPT. 1 ALl CONTENTS 8 E�UIPMENi INClUOING COMMUNICATION 476,A00 EUUIPMFNT GENERAL 2 MUNICIPAL COMPLEJ( CONiENTS 1,727,800 PAAKS fi REC � GENEBAI CONTEHTS 6 EOUIPMEHT INCLUOIHG COMMUNICAiION 74/,700 E�UIVMENTICOMM,CTfl CONIEH�S 4 UNIICENSEO PARKS & RECREATION EUUIPMEHT 849,800 ARFNA 5 OON BEER ARENA CONiENTS 8 f�UIPMFNT 129,100 POOL 6 UUNBAATON POOI CONIENTS 6 EO�IPMENT 41,000 COIdPIEX 7 AECREATION COMPlE7f COHTENTS 602,800 iRANSPOflTAi10 B CONTENTS 8 EUUIPMENT INCI. COMMUNICATION EOUIPMENT 216,800 WOAKSIENG 9 WOBKSIFNG. CFNTNE CONTENTS 6 EOUIPMENi INClU01NG 198,9W CDMMUNIC�TION EOUIPMENT 10 MISCELLAHEOUS ROAQ EOUIPMEHi 307,900 tl UNLICENSEDEOUIPMFNi 719,900 MUSEUM 12 GREEHW00� MUSEUM CONTEHTSIEUUIPMEHi 17,100 .�. .: ..., ::. . � ; - @XNIBIT "A" • PROPERTY SCHlDULE CONTENiS AND EUUIPMENT IIBflAflY 13 BAY RIOGES lI6AAAY CONTENTS 11 AOUGE HILL IIBAAAY CONTENTS, 1740 flOUGEMONT OA. 15 GAEFNWOOD lIBAARY COHTENTS, WIS WESiNEY AD 18 CIAREMONT 118RAAY CONTEHTS, N1S CENTqAL ST 17 WHIiEVAIE lIBRARY COHTENTS SIS WHITEVAtE RD 18 MAIN IIBA�AY, ONF iNE ESPlANOE SOUTH 19 lIBf1AAY EJ(HIBITION FOAM GENILIBAAAY 20 VAIUABIE PAPERS GENEHAL 21 ACCOUNiSflECENABIE AECREATION 22 CHECKROOM IIABiIITY MUSEUM 2J FINF AATS flOATER 8Bt,500 I,/31.300 215,600 168,100 12�,800 ZT58,100 VALUEO IIMITS 700,000 UMITS 250,000 L�MIfS 5,000 VAlUEO 1,070 P ,` •SS� - t; I' ; 31, . : i{ ' _ . . : {�` ' � N'�� M�rons oFricE t oo� CIEAKS OEPT 2 401 3 900 FIAE PAOTECTN 4 500 5 501 8 502 7 503 8 504 8 505 10 508 1� 507' i2 508 13 509 14 511 15 512 16 519 U 515 I8 516 19 514 20 521 21 522 22 523 27 524 WORKS DfPT 24 625 25 818 28 81B 21 619 4B 820 Y9 821 80 821 71 82� BXHIBIT "B" AUTOMOBILQ FLEET SCHEDUL! - TOWN 85 OIDS B8 AOYAIE B9 PONiIAC TEMPEST 93 GMC FICI(UP 51 FWO FIAE TAUCK IPAAAOESI 18 FOAU AEAIAL FIHE TAUCK 74 GMC TANK FIRE TAUCK 81 INT. PUMPER ISIAHUBYI 80 PIEACE FIAE TRUCB 78 GMC TANK FINE TAUCIf 7B INT, FIAE PUMFER 73 GMC PIEHAEViIIE PUMPEA 69 f0A0 PUMPER 77 GMC TANIf fIRE TAUCK 90 PIEACE FIAE TBUCIf BO CHEVAOIFT EMENGENCT TRUCK B5 MACK MR 686P PUMPEN 95 fAIEGHTIINER fIRE THUCN 98 fNEIGHTIINER ft80 PUMPER 91 INT. AESCUE UNIT B9 CHEV. CAPAICE B7 CHFV. C4PAICE SIATION WAfON B9 OODGE PICKUP BS OOUGEVAN 91 FORO ElIPl0A0A B1 CHEV. BLA1fR B9 6MCJIMMY B9 GMC VAN 91 CHEV. BIAZEfl 91 CHEV. BU1EB 9I CHfV. BlA1fN 92 FOAU EIIPIOREH !6 720J59 AEPL 20,000 718t9A AEPL 18.000 552487 AEPL Y1,000 KK7630 NO PHYSICAI OAMAGE C15014 AEPI 660,000 581148 REPL 169,000 A1002J AEM J17,000 9005J8 AEPL 509,000 510197 REPL 169,000 AIOB13 AEPL 327,000 560690 AEPI 727,000 54JO/B AEPL 327,000 551477 REPL 169,000 9005BI REPI 509,000 IBB150 REPL 107,000 OOt�29 AEPI ]27,000 6W771 REPI ]06.000 BIU7Y1 AEPI J47,OOD 725260 AEPI 150,000 IB21B6 AEPL 20,000 IIB2)2 BEPL 20.000 0024J� AFPL 21,000 297192 REPI 27,000 BI2904 REPI 16,000 165929 AEPL 27,000 57A2B5 REPL 2],000 526218 REPL 23.000 I2I64] REVt 2J,000 11P27B REPI 2J.000 121997 REPL 2J,000 EI5256 AEPI 2],000 7� �►s� . fl0A0S �EPT 32 J3 � 35 38 J7 38 J9 40 41 4I 43 � 45 4B 47 48 49 50 51 090 091 078 071 092 078 078 OBO OBI OA2 OB7 084 085 OB6 087 OBB 089 110 116 142 C.SFAVS.6FAC. 52 59 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 81 82 69 64 65 68 87 �oa 107 708 707 101 72A 735 738 740 741 144 745 748 747 74B 775 BXHIBIT "D" AUTOMOBIL! FLEET SCHEDULE - TOWN 84 INT. OUMP TRUCK 93 FOflO F350 STAKE 88 INT. TANOEM OUMP TRUCK 87 INT. OUMP TflUCK 93 FORD F250 PICNUP 89 INT. DUMP B9 INT. OUMP 89 INT. OUMP 81 CHEV. PICKUP 91 INT. OUMP 82 INi. OUMP 92 INT. TANOEM OUMP 92 FOHO PICKUP 93 DOOGEiRUCK 9J FOAU TAl1CK 93 FORD TAUCN 97 INT. TAUCN B9 BADGER 460 TELE. HYOHOI. UHIT BI BAOGER NYOHO:E%CAVATOA B6 SUNVAC SWEEPEH BB CNEV. CELEBAITY 91 FOflO PICKUP 9] FORD PICKUP 9J FOAD TIIUCK 94 FOAD EXM08ER 84 CNEV. TRUCK BB CHEV VAN B9 CHEV. PICIfUP B9 GMC PICKUP 89 FORO AEFUSE PACKEfl 89 FOR� CAEWCAB 90 FORO CAEW CA8 PICKUP 90 CHEV. PANFI THUCK 9D FORO OUMP 91 CHEV. BlA1ER 93 FOPD VAN ,j�, � 595158 AJ5282 531518 531505 A32681 640094 saoosa 840092 117887 334110 418729 418794 A49845 111050 A37400 A37399 4811A5 240878 112241 810821 117205 A72161 819140 BI0198 C79151 141757 152982 208447 5]17A7 A19690 A77198 A251J8 11A539 027300 122068 852659 flEPL NEPL flEPL flEPL HEPI flEPL HEPL HEPL flEPI flEPL flEPI flEPI NEPI flEPL HEPL FlEPI flEPL HEPI flEPI IIEPL flEPI HEPL flEPI HEPI NEPL REPL RfPI HEPI flEPL REPL NEPI flEPI AEPL flEPL HEPI AEPI i ia.000 28,000 114,000 114,000 16,000 114,000 114,000 114,000 19,000 114.000 114,OW 114,000 2i,000 28,000 28,000 2B4OW 114,000 205,000 145,000 26,000 18,000 2i,oaa 21,000 z�,aoo 26,000 I 14.000 2J,000 11,000 s i,000 114,000 23.000 29,000 25.000 114,000 2J.000 22,000 sat 9a8 807 808 808 810 911 830 81� 915 918 911 91B 919 920 821 827 922 924 825 918 827 H07 928 HOB H09 H10 H11 H12 soz 2a2 6XH;SIT "C" AUTOMOBILB FLEET SCHEDULB • TRANSIT b CHEV. CORSICA B OHION PUBUC BUS ISPAAEI 0 OAION BIIS ISPAREI 0 OflION BUS ISPAAEI 0 ORION BUS ISPAAEI 1 ORION PUBIIC BUS ISPAAEI 1 OflION BUS 4 ORION BUS 1 OAION BUS I OHION BUS 3 ORIOH PUBIIC BIIS 0 ORION FUBLIC BUS 4 OAION PUBIIC BUS 6 ORION PIIBLIC BUS S OAION PUBLIC BUS 1 OAION BUS 9 ORION BUS 3 ORION BUS i UNION BUS i ORION BUS 1 OAION BIIS ! OAION BUS t OflION BUS I CNEVROIET NAN01. TRANS. I OAION BUS i FOAO WAYHE HAH�I IHANS BUS I OAION tl115 • NAN01 TRAkSISiAflEI I FOAO THOMAS HAN01 TItANS. 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