HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 26, 2012 Page 1 Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee July 26, 2012 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Wickham Jamadar Ellen Mason Janet Mehak Denise Rundle Mike Sawchuck, Vice-Chair Charles Sopher Jutta Van Huss Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor Rodrigues Tate Besso, Chair Sally Sheehan Elke Pryswitt Isabelle Janton, Planner II Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome M. Sawchuck welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Delegations Nicole Brewster appeared before the Committee. She provided a detailed outline of the proposed plans for property she had recently purchased at 335 Whitevale Road. She provided handouts with photos of the structure as well as a drawing of the proposed front porch. Ms. Brewster provided the following details of the proposed alterations; • Noted need to address drainage issues • Repair sagging roof • Plans to use large wooden posts on wrap around porch • Will stay within the current width dimensions for porch area • Will use deckboards on porch • Replace garage doors with windows • Current doors and windows are not consistent • Timeline for porch would be this Fall • Will acquire an architect to prepare drawings • Currently has a contractor Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Ms. Brewster noted she was seeking the Committee’s thoughts on whether there would be any problems going forward prior to her beginning the process with the architect and the submission of permits. A question and answer period ensued with respect to the porch dimensions and side yard setbacks. M. Sawchuck provided information on the permit process. He also noted that given the presentation tonight, it would appear the proposed plans for the home would be in keeping with the original design and period of the home. He also informed Ms. Brewster that the Committee members would be available to answer any questions and provide guidance with respect to the proposed alterations to her home. 3.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by: W. Jamadar Seconded by: J. Van Huss That the minutes of the June 28, 2012 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 4.0 Business Arising from Minutes 4.1) 560 Park Crescent M. Sawchuck noted that the appeal period had passed. L. Roberts noted an appeal had been received and would follow up with the Legal Department for further details. 4.2) 2012 Workplan Updates Training E. Mason provided an update with respect to training. She noted she had contacted Bert Duclos from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. She noted he would be available to make a presentation to the Committee with respect to how the Committee can best use its resources. He had indicated he would require 2 hours for his presentation, and it was suggested this be planned for October, with a separate evening to take full advantage of this presentation. It was also suggested the Committee invite all Councillors to attend as well. E. Mason also noted M. Sawchuck had agreed to do a presentation, and it was suggested this be done as a follow up E. Mason to action – coordinate date/time for presentation prior to next meeting Page 3 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) to Mr. Duclos, possibly at the beginning of 2013. E. Mason noted she had also been in contact with the Ontario Architectural Association for a presentation with regards to heritage renovations. Heritage Register M. Sawchuck provided an update on the Heritage Register, noting the properties on the current listing are all mapped, including the Federal and Provincial lands as well as the Whitevale Heritage District. He indicated the next steps would be to add all the designated properties as well as the registered Federal and Provincial lands. He noted he would be creating a Flickr account for members to upload the photos they have taken. This can then be uploaded to google maps. E. Mason questioned whether anyone still had the email from M. Sawchuck indicating the coloured areas each person would photograph. J. Van Huss noted she would look into this and email it out again. It was also questioned where all the old photographs would be that were taken over the years. M. Sawchuck suggested the possibility of a “then” and “now” photo album. M. Sawchuck noted we would continue to move along with photographing properties and requested volunteers to assist with this. It was noted that photographs were required for all the designated properties. M. Sawchuck noted that the current list of 16 designated properties was inaccurate, stating that 3 had been de- designated through a repealing by-law. He suggested separating the different types of designations, noting the importance of getting in the different levels of designations. He stated he would work on this, noting that with some minor changes, it would create a stronger document. Heritage Designations W. Jamadar provided an update on the Burkholder property. He noted Councillor Rodrigues had spoken with Betty Burkholder, and noted she would not support the designation of her property at this time. He noted an email had been sent and they would be in contact again. W. Jamadar indicated he had forwarded an email to John Sabean with respect to the E. Burnell House and was just All members – prior to next meeting J. Van Huss to action M. Sawchuck to action W. Jamadar to action Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) waiting to hear back. He noted he would provide a further update at the next meeting. Doors Open M. Sawchuck provided an update on the Doors Open program. He noted the need for more member volunteers and J. Mehak and W. Jamadar volunteered to assist, along with E. Mason and C. Sopher. The following suggestions were made; • Remain with same number of sites as last time (18) • Shift the focus – look towards Claremont area • M. Sawchuck will prepare letter to go out to potential sites • Prepare a list of sites at next meeting • Photograph sites once chosen • Possibility of including the Fox & Fiddle Pub as well as the Brewery M. Sawchuck noted that when choosing the sites, they do not need to be historic sites, just something of interest to residents. All members – bring list of potential sites for next meeting 5.0 Other Business 5.1) J. Van Huss noted that E. Pryswitt was continuing to look into the possibility of creating a community village for the relocation of heritage homes. It was suggested that the Town of Markham Planning Department be contacted for a presentation to the Committee in the future with respect to the creation of a heritage village. 5.2) L. Roberts informed the Committee that D. Quaife had submitted his resignation. She noted an ad would be placed sometime in August to advertise this vacancy. 5.3) C. Sopher noted his concerns with respect to the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP). He stated that he felt the plan is ignoring the heritage district, noting this is evident in the Seaton community plans on the City’s website. Discussion ensued on how best to address this, and it was suggested that C. Sopher prepare correspondence for the Committee to review at the next meeting. It was also noted he would email the Committee with further details on these plans. 5.4) It was the consensus of the members present that the Committee would not meet in August. C. Sopher to action Page 5 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.5) J. Mehak noted the website Ontario Abandoned Places.com is a good site to view. She noted that 1130 Taunton Road as well as the Redman Farm are on there, which allows you to view the interior of these structures. 6.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting- September 27, 2012 Moved by W. Jamadar Seconded by C. Sopher The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. Copy: City Clerk