HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 21-12 city 00 A Report to Executive Committee PI KERING Report Number: CS 21-12 Date: June 11., 2012 109 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 21-12 of the Director, Community Services, regarding the Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment be received; 2. That the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority be authorized to assume a leadership role in partnership with the City of Pickering to undertake the project; 3. That the proposal from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for services related to the Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment, in a gross amount of$532,334 and a net project cost of$479,383 including net HST, disbursements, and a 15% contingency be approved; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to fund the above mentioned project through a transfer from: a) the Development Charges Reserve Fund — Stormwater in the amount of $57,526; b) the DC-City's Share Reserve in the amount of$421,857; 5. That a report be presented to Council upon completion of the Class Environmental Assessment; and 6. Further that appropriate City of Pickering staff be authorized to enter into any agreements to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: The Frenchman's Bay Master Plan (Master Plan) outlined a series of recommendations and projects to be completed by the City for the purposes of addressing public safety issues and degraded water quality within Frenchman's Bay and it's tributary watersheds. The Master Plan proposed a phased approach for dealing with key priority sites over the first 5 years of the implementation of the plan. One of the key projects identified for completion within Phase 1 of the Master Plan is the undertaking of the Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment (Amberlea Creek EA). The purpose of the Amberlea Creek EA is to provide a Report CS 21-12 June 11, 2012 Subject: Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment Page 2 comprehensive assessment of the watershed to identify the causes of existing erosion, and provide a series of recommendations to address the issue, with due consideration to risk of public safety. The 2010 Capital Budget provided funds for the completion of the Amberlea Creek EA, as well as the detailed design, and construction phases of the project. Subsequent to funding approval, City staff requested a proposal from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) to undertake the work. TRCA offers the use of the Conservation Ontario's Class Environmental Assessment for Remedial Flood and Erosion Control Projects (CAEA), which fulfills the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Municipal Class EA) process, but is specific to erosion control projects, which can only be completed by a Conservation Authority. In addition, TRCA has over 35 years of experience in the planning and construction of erosion and slope stabilization projects. Staff are of the opinion that retaining TRCA to complete this project is covered under the Purchasing Policy as a sole source purchase in accordance with Section 09.04 (d) which involves goods and services for which there is no reasonable substitute or competitive product, and Section 09.04 (e) the supply of which is controlled by a vendor with a monopoly. A CAEA can only be undertaken by a Conservation Authority, which is TRCA in this jurisdiction. In accordance with Section 09.09 of the City's Purchasing Policy, a sole source purchase exceeding $125,000 is subject to Council approval. It is therefore recommended that the City retain the services of TRCA to complete the Amberlea Creek EA, being the only body authorized to undertake this type of EA. Financial Implications: 1. Estimated Project Costing Summary-Environmental Assessment Estimated Cost $409,645 Contingency (15%) 61,447 Total 471,092 HST (13%) 61,242 Total Gross Project Cost 532,334 HST Rebate (11.24%) (52,951) Total Net Project Cost to City $479,383 CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 21-12 June 11, 2012 Subject: Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment Page 3 1 1, 1 2. Approved Source of Funds 2010 External Subdivision Works Capital Budget Location Project Source of Funds Budget Required Code Amberlea Creek Erosion Control 5321.1005 DC Funded Debt— $2,402,400 $0 10 year Development Charges Reserve 327,600 57,526 Fund DC-City's Share 0 421,857 Reserve Total Funds Required $2,730,000 $479,383 The 2010 Development Projects (DC Funded) Capital Budget included $2,730,000 for the Amberlea Creek EA, as well as the detailed design, and construction phases of the project. At this time we are proceeding with the environmental assessment component, which is expected to continue into fall 2013. This consulting services assignment, based on TRCA's letter proposal, totalling $479,383 including net HST, disbursements, and a 15% contingency falls within the budget approval. The remainder of the funds will be available for the implementation of the preferred alternatives, which will be identified in the Amberlea Creek EA. The funding allocation for the project was approved at 12% Development Charges Reserve Fund and 88% DC Funded Debt— 10 year. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer is recommending a change in the financing for this portion of the project. At the time of passing the 2010 Capital Budget the City had not accumulated sufficient funds in the DC-City's Share Reserve for funding. Since that time, the City has accumulated approximately $3.2 million in this Reserve, therefore, debt financing will not be required. Recommendation 4 provides the authority for the Treasurer to transfer City's share from the DC-City's Share Reserve and the Development Charges Reserve Fund in the amount not to exceed $479,383 as required to finance this project. However, it is possible that the City's share of the balance of this project, being the actual design and construction, will have to be debt financed. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 21-12 June 11, 2012 Subject: Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment Page 4 112 Discussion: Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan The Master Plan, approved at the regular Council meeting of April 19, 2010, outlined a series of projects to be implemented over a 25 year time frame. The Master Plan was intended to be used as a guide for the City for the purpose of addressing public safety concerns related to flooding, erosion, and the degraded water quality within Frenchman's Bay and it's tributary watersheds. The Master Plan had outlined a phased approach for addressing these concerns, namely Phase 1 (5 year plan), and Phase 2 (5 to 25 year plan). The Master Plan addressed Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process thereby requiring more detailed investigations at the project-specific level in order to fulfill the outstanding requirements for the specific Schedule B and C projects identified in the Master Plan. Due to the scale of the work involved with addressing the erosion issues along Amberlea Creek, the Master Plan had identified these works as a Schedule C project. Schedule C projects need to fulfill Phases 3 and 4 prior to filing an Environmental Study Report (ESR) for public review, in order to ensure compliance with the Province of Ontario's Environmental Assessment Act. The Master Plan provided a number of recommendations to address the erosion issues experienced along the main valley of Amberlea Creek, all of which were specific to the watershed south of Bayly Street. The recommendations provided in the Master Plan will be expanded to include a comprehensive assessment of all open channel areas within the watershed, generally located from Sheppard Avenue south to the creek outlet at Frenchman's Bay. Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment In the 2010 Capital Budget, funds in the amount of$2,730,000 were approved to undertake the Amberlea Creek EA, complete detailed design, obtain approvals, and construction of the preferred alternative. Subsequent to approval, City staff requested a proposal from TRCA to undertake the work (Attachment 1). Proposal and Work Plan from TRCA A letter proposal and work plan was received from TRCA dated May 22, 2012 (Attachment 2) that detailed how the assignment would be undertaken at a cost of$532,334, including HST, disbursements, and a 15% Contingency, for a total net cost to the City in the amount of$479,383. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 21-12 June 11, 2012 Subject: Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment Page 5 113 Through the proposal process, TRCA brought Conservation Ontario's Class Environmental Assessment for Remedial Flood and Erosion Control Projects (CAEA) process to the attention of City staff. The CAEA process, which fulfills all the requirements of the Municipal Class EA process, are specific to flood and erosion control projects. The CAEA is intended to provided Conservation Authorities (CA's) a streamlined approach and sets out the specific technical requirements for completing erosion control projects. One key difference between the CAEA process, and the Municipal Class EA process, is the mandatory requirement for a Community Liaison Committee, which will aide in overseeing the community engagement component of the EA, which is consistent with the City of Pickering's Corporate Priorities. A CAEA can only be completed by a Conservation Authority, such as TRCA. In addition to the benefits of using the CAEA process, a number of approvals will be required from the Department of Oceans and Fisheries (DFO), Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), Ministry of Transportation (MTO), and the TRCA. Through past experience on similar projects, TRCA has gained the experience and knowledge required for obtaining approvals from the various regulatory agencies in a timely manner which was evidenced by the work that TRCA has completed for the City to date, such as the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance Environmental Assessment, and through their participation on the Master Plan. Based on the discussion above, staff are of the opinion that the project would be considered a sole source in accordance with the City's Purchasing Policy Section 09.04 (d) for the purchase involves goods and services for which there is no reasonable substitute or competitive product and under Section 09.04 (e) the supply of which is controlled by a vendor with a monopoly, given that a CAEA can only be undertaken by a Conservation Authority, which is TRCA in this jurisdiction. Furthermore, in accordance with Section 09.09, a single source or sole source purchase exceeding $125,000 is subject to Council approval. It is recommended that the City retain the services of TRCA to complete the Amberlea Creek EA, being the only body authorized to undertake this type of EA. Attachments: 1. City's Request for Proposal for Consulting Services, dated November 19, 2010 2. Letter Proposal from TRCA dated May 22, 2012 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: ,10111/#01r Nick Lorrain Evere Buntsma, NPD, CMM Coordinator, Water Resources Director, Community Services CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 21-12 June 11, 2012 Subject: Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment Page 6 • 114 0 arilee Gadzovski, M.Sc.(Eng.), P.Eng. Gillis A. Paterson, C.M.A Senior Water Resources & Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Environmental Engineer .•i. Rich- d Holbor /P. Eng. - Divi ion Head, Engineering Services MG:nI Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit Council • � / r 2-7, 2012. Tony Preve•el, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised C[f!f O� _- Pickering Civic Complex �TTA( MENT# _/ TOREPORT# _ cl'�� One The Esplanade ,r Pickering,Ontario �I Of,_2 Canada L1V 6K7 - � i Direct Access 905.420.4660 � '� � Free F Toll F 1.866.683.2760 I'ICKERING Toll reepickering.com OPERATIONS&EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT r. Engineering Services Division 1 1 5 Division 905.420.4630 Fax 905.420.4650 engser @cityofpickering.com November 19, 2010 • Nick Saccone Director, Restoration. Services Boyd Field Centre Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 9755 Canada Company Ave. Woodbridge, ON M3N 1S4 Subject: Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment Project Filer O: D-8100-001-10 As discussed recently with Laura Stephenson of your office, the City of Pickering is requesting a proposal for services with respect to the Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment (EA) Project. As TRCA has been the lead agency in successfully completing several erosion control projects for other GTA municipalities over the last number of years, the City of Pickering believes there is a benefit by having TRCA complete this project, which is anticipated to , be a Schedule C project, as defined by the Class EA process. The subject site, as shown in Figure 1, is essentially all the open water courses of Amberlea Creek from the CN railway tracks north of Sheppard Ave to the outlet at Frenchman's Bay, with the major erosion issues previously identified south of Bayly Street. The project was identified within Phase.1 (5 Year Plan) of the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (FBSWMMP). However, during the FBSWMMP process TRCA ecology staff noted concern with this project as the preferred alternative. of hardening the creek would most likely mean removal of the heavily vegetated valley that has been designated an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) in order to facilitate an access road. As mitigation for the loss of the ESA was not built into the selection of the preferred alternative there was concern that this was selected as the most viable option. It was agreed that in order to move forward with approval of the Master Plan document as a whole, the City of Pickering would retook at all the viable alternatives when the Schedule C EA for the Amberlea Creek Erosion works commenced. Amberlea Erosion Control Project November 19, 2010 1 1 6 ATTACHMENT 1. _._ ROREPORT# L'S a.I-l2. Page 2 of Therefore, as stated above this project is envisioned to proceed as a Schedule C project, as defined in the Class EA process, and as such will require Phase 1 through Phase 4 be completed. The City would also like to complete part of Phase 5, which would involve completion of the detailed design and obtaining the necessary approvals from the required agencies, and would request that part of the assignment be detailed separately: If the TRCA is interested in pursuing this project, in a lead role capacity please provide a detailed proposal including scope, cost and schedule by December 17, 2010, for the City to consider. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 905.420.4660 ext. 2067. Yours truly, M arilee Gadzovski, M.Sc.(Eng.), P.Eng: Senior Water Resources & Environmental.Engineer MG:mg Attachment Co Laura ura Stephenson; Manager, Project Management Office, TRCA Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer • Division Head, Engineering Services „,:\ . `1c.`_ r`r6_ .r _.,_/ o REPORT#. _p?Hz- __...1__c; .3._-,m. , cn 1 1 '7 . 11.1 „ � z m ��� m1 tG( r,iI w CJ , MI is ,I �' w Z � 1 1 ' i1g 113r., IN a� I ."'- - - v.02- ., t A E y. 0 0., �Y,�-r ns- y7**s �+' ' k , ,., 1 cd,,, .. ,,,‘... 7>>. c5,,e t so no 0,-0 vosswo i''' Ii ■ tilwi tont , %WI 70 4 % "••••T'r---1 - SO 0;i4sttoo •, Kt 10/$4 0 s ks. o g vi N0� ��t�o0•�� t% o# ‘ 1 , At‘t*: ■ -Ow' ‘0 ' 0 1 IP 4111k 9. 0���I 1� ##�� c�.. ° se* co ., 0 „...o, oiil et 0 :5 0 LA' 01. 4Atl 4 .. .<?* # •75 *fi 4 70 .4. . , , . -2 g ‘ . , -_,40” -r.6..,_ . . . , „I < 5 t '1/413 li r 0 '-•... WI ,„.„ . , A , 2 iy< e O'r * ,1171N /1 / -. '... . = 0. *1% *0, f$4\ o N a ' w p& c)2 Warns va0048 •100 04 000A 4 ir r,„. ' Ila■ _________ W ♦o�I oI��1� • i 0- W ATTACHMENT## TO 1-12 Z._ L of 1 1 W7ORONTO AND REGION onservation for The Living City AMBERLEA CREEK EROSION CONTROL PROJECT PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO Marilee Gadzovski Senior Water Resources and Environmental Engineer City of Pickering Operations and Emergency Services Department Engineering Services Division 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 May 22, 2012 SUBMITTED BY Laura Stephenson, Manager Project Management Office, Restoration Services Toronto and Region Conservation 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview, ON M3N 1S4 ATTACHMENT# Z TOREPORT# -I2 1 1 9 • of 11 Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project 1.0 Background Amberlea Creek is located north of Frenchman's Bay in the City of Pickering and the western sector of the Region of Durham. The Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project was identified within Phase I (of a 5 Year Plan) of the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan. However, during the Master Plan process TRCA ecology staff noted that the preferred alternative (hardening of the creek) for this project would most likely mean removal of the heavily vegetated valley that has been designated an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) in order to facilitate an access road.The lack of mitigation for the loss of the ESA was not built into the selection of the preferred alternative and as such, there was concern about the selection of this approach as the most viable option. It was agreed that in order to move forward with approval of the Master Plan document as a whole, the City of Pickering would investigate all the viable alternatives when a site specific Environmental Assessment for the proposed Amberlea Creek erosion works commenced. Among the alternatives to be considered during the EA process, are those outlined in the Master Plan. This includes an option to protect the section of channel downstream of the Bayly Street culvert. 2.0 Purpose The Study Area defined for this Class EA consists of the open watercourses of Amberlea Creek from the CN tracks north of Sheppard Avenue to the outlet of Frenchman's Bay. The majority of the erosion issues are understood to be located in the lower 590m of the watershed south of Bayly Street. The EA will consider the need to protect at risk valley walls against further erosion, with focus on the downstream channel and Bayly culvert outlet. Construction impacts (eg access), mitigative strategies and habitat compensation requirements will also be evaluated. 3.0 Project Scope In partnership with the City of Pickering,TRCA is proposing to take the lead role in the commencement of a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) which will facilitate the required Amberlea Creek erosion works. The planning and design phases of the project will be completed under the Class Environmental Assessment process in accordance with Class Environmental Assessment for Remedial Flood and Erosion Control Projects (2002). Standard to the Class EA process is the evaluation of the "do nothing" alternative, which must determine and describe the anticipated effects at the site should no remedial work be undertaken. TRCA has outlined the major tasks in five phases in Table 1. Table 1. Proposed Scope of Work Phase I • Obtain all available biophysical, socioeconomic, cultural and Define Problem engineering information available from past studies • Identify data gaps, and develop TRCA work plan updating requisite existing conditions database to support Class EA • Prepare problem /opportunity statement for Class EA Phase II • Identify and evaluate preliminary alternative solutions to the problem Identify/Evaluate • Define study area boundaries Alternatives • Coordinate required surveys and studies (fisheries, terrestrial, archaeological) • Prepare Request for Proposal for consulting services (fluvial geomorphology and geotechnical engineering) to support the Class EA • Prepare Request for Proposal for a Public Facilitator to assist with PICs Toronto and Region Conservation 2 ATTACHMENT# Z TOREPORT#_CS_P-1-12 of 120 Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project • Prepare revised work plan and cost estimate for approval by City of Pickering • Select the preferred consulting teams • Prepare detailed inventory of the environment • Prepare alternatives • Identify positive and negative effects of each alternative • Evaluate solutions with agency/public input • Select/confirm preferred solution Phase III • Identify alternative design concepts for the preferred solution Select Preferred • Identify net positive and negative effects of each alternative design Solution concept including mitigating measures • Evaluate alternative design concepts • Consult with review agencies and public • Select/confirm preferred design concept • Prepare preliminary designs for preferred solution Phase IV • Prepare ESR and circulate for agency/public input Prepare • File the ESR for 30 day review and issue Notice of Completion Environmental • Respond to any Part II Order requests Study Report • Prepare cost estimate for approval by City of Pickering for Phase V (ESR) activities (including Consulting fees associated with preparation of detailed design costs based on the preferred solution) Phase V* • Pending Minister of approval, complete detailed designs, incorporating Detailed Design, mitigating measures and habitat compensation plan and Approvals, • Secure permits and approvals *TRCA's involvement with the implementation phase of works to be discussed at a later date. 4.0 Project Team TRCA has over 35 years of experience in the planning and construction of erosion and slope stabilization projects. Frenchman's Bay and its tributaries, have also been the subject of intensive study by TRCA since 1995. Based on this experience and understanding of the environment, working in partnership with staff from the City of Pickering, TRCA will assume a leadership role in the completion of an Environmental Assessment to facilitate remedial erosion and slope stabilization works on Amberlea Creek. As such,TRCA will manage all aspects related to the completion of an Environmental Assessment, including public consultation, environmental inventories and analysis, preparation of an Environmental Study Report,.detailed designs and approvals. As part of the overall project management function, TRCA will prepare progress reports and payment requests (invoices) following completion of key project milestones for authorization by senior City of Pickering staff. The principal contacts and key personnel for the administration, management, planning, and development of the project are identified under their respective categories below. Toronto and Region Conservation 3 ATTACHMENT#2- TOREPORT# CS t-t2. 1 21 of_17— Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project Project Team Contact: Lindsay Prihoda Title: Project Manager Role: Develop work plan, manage consultants, coordinate EA, public consultation, and approvals, manage project budget and prepare project reports and invoices for approval by Pickering. Phone: (416) 661-6600 x 5787 E-mail: Iprihoda @trca.on.ca Contact: Thomas Sciscione Title: Project Coordinator Role: Compile existing information, coordinate fieldwork, assist with environmental baseline and evaluation of alternatives, monitoring, mitigation plans, coordinate meetings, and public consultation process. Coordinate EA in compliance with combined federal/provincial process, prepare reports for submission to reviewing agencies and Steering Committee, coordinate the preparation of detailed designs, and procure all necessary environmental permits and approvals. Phone: (416) 661-6600 x 5749 E-mail: tsciscione @trca.on.ca Contact: Ken Dion Title: Senior Project Manager Role: Provide overall project direction and aid in identification and evaluation of preliminary alternatives, scoping the Consulting terms of reference, evaluation of consultant proposals, review of consultant reports, and critique and evaluate alternatives. Phone: (416) 661-6600 x 5230 E-mail: kdion @trca.on.ca Contact: Rob Grech Title: Water Resources Engineer Role: Act as a subject matter expert to aid in scoping the Consulting terms of reference, evaluation of consultant proposals, review of consultant reports, and evaluation of alternatives. Phone: (416) 661-6600 x 5220 E-mail: rgrech @trca.on.ca Consultants TRCA anticipates that the services of consultants will be required to complete the project. These consultant services are anticipated to include the provision public consultation facilitation, fluvial geomorphology, and geotechnical engineering expertise. Any consultants engaged in this project will be retained through a competitive process, in adherence with TRCA Policies and Procedures for Purchase of Goods and Services. City of Pickering approval will be required prior to the signing of any third party agreements. Toronto and Region Conservation 4 ATTACHMENT#Z TO RE PORT # Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project 5.0 Milestone Schedule Phase I May 23, 2012 City of Pickering Project Communication June 11, 2012 City of Pickering -Executive June 18, 2012 City of Pickering -Council June 22, 2012 TRCA Project Approval June 27, 2012 Project Start-up Meeting • discuss available information, and work plan July 6, 2012 Compile existing information July 13, 2012 Finalize Work Plan July 16, 2012 Initiate Fieldwork and Surveys September 7, 2012 Issue Notice of Study Commencement September 10, 2012 Circulate Invitations for Community Liaison Committee (CLC) Phase II August 23, 2012 Steering Committee Meeting #1 • identify and evaluate preliminary alternatives • discuss RFP Terms of Reference September 14, 2012 Request for Proposal to Consultants October 1, 2012 Proposals must arrive at TRCA by 12:00 pm October 3, 2012 Circulate proposals to review committee October 9, 2012 Consultant Selection Committee Meeting • discuss and evaluate proposals October 12, 2012 Proposal to City of Pickering-Revised Work Plan and Estimate October 26, 2012 Authority Meeting-Approve selection October 30, 2012 Award of professional services to selected consultant November 1, 2012 Steering Committee Meeting #2 Toronto and Region Conservation 5 ATTACHMENT TO REPORT#CS- .l I2 1 2 3 of__.11 Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project • finalize the detailed work plan,tasks, resource allocations and project activities with consultant • discuss baseline environmental inventory December 6, 2012 Consultant's Report 1 Due-Risk Assessment and Potential Alternatives December 13, 2012 Steering Committee Meeting #3 • existing conditions • factors contributing to erosion • results of risk assessment • discuss project targets and potential alternatives December 18, 2012 CLC Meeting #1 • introduce project, EA process, role and expectations of CLC, meeting schedule • present existing conditions,factors contributing to erosion and results of risk assessment December 21, 2012 Complete Existing Conditions Report January 7, 2013 Public Consultation (PIC) #1 -Advertisement Due January 11, 2013 Consultant's Report 2 Due=Alternatives and Costs January 17, 2013 Steering Committee Meeting #4 • review baseline environmental report • discuss alternative options and costs, including the "do nothing" scenario January 31, 2013 Steering Committee Meeting #5 • evaluate alternative options and costs • discuss and prep for PIC #1 February 6, 2013 CLC Meeting #2 • review baseline environmental report • discuss and evaluate alternative options and costs, including the "do nothing" scenario February 13, 2013 Public Information Centre#1 • introduce project, and EA process • present existing conditions, factors contributing to erosion and results of risk assessment • present the alternative options and costs, including the "do nothing" scenario and results of evaluation February 22, 2013 Receive feedback from PIC Toronto and Region Conservation 6 ATTACHMENT#Z TOREPORT#S5-4I'IZ of_Li__ 124 Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project March 1, 2013 Consultation Report 1 Due Phase III March 7, 2013 Steering Committee Meeting #6 • review results of public meeting and discuss modified and/or additional alternative options March 28, 2013 Consultant's Report 3 Due-Preferred Solution April 1, 2013 PIC #2-Advertisement Due April 4, 2013 Steering Committee Meeting #7 • present the preferred alternative and address technical questions • discuss prep for PIC #2 April 18, 2013 CLC Meeting #3 • discuss preferred alternative and construction access May 8, 2013 PIC #2 • present the final design of the preferred alternative and address technical questions May 17, 2013 Receive feedback from PIC • May 24, 2013 Consultation Report 2 Due Phase IV May 31, 2013 Consultant's Final Report Due June 6, 2013 Steering Committee Meeting #8 • meeting to discuss final ESR and wrap-up community consultation process June 11, 2013 CLC Meeting #4 • • provide copy of the ESR for review and comment • discuss next steps June 13, 2013 Draft ESR available for comment July 5, 2013 File ESR for 30 day calendar review August 5, 2013 Class EA process complete August 9, 2013 Proposal to City of Pickering- Revise Work Plan and Estimate (will include updated Consultant fees for detailed design) Toronto and Region Conservation 7 ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT#SaS.L2HZ/ 125 _Lof Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project Phase V September 6, 2013 Steering Committee Meeting #9 • discuss detailed designs, approvals and tender documents September 27, 2013 Detailed Designs, Compensation, Monitoring, Operation and Maintenance Plans Due October 4, 2013 Submit applications for permits and approvals 6.0 Budget Based on TRCA's understanding of the project the total cost to complete the required planning, Class EA, detailed design and approvals to facilitate construction is estimated at approximately $532,334 (including HST and a 15% contingency). This estimate is based on TRCA's projected costs as outlined in Table 1 and with an understanding that required consulting services (including Fluvial Geomorphology, Geotechnical Studies) and a public facilitator may cost upwards of$215,000 (further details of anticipated costs are provided as an attachment). Table 1. Summary of estimated costs Item Cost Project Management $27,805 Phase I $9,930 Define Problem Phase II $69,479 Identify/Evaluate Alternative Solutions Phase III $19,737 Select Preferred Design Phase IV $32,227 Prepare Environmental Study Report (ESR) Phase V $15,467 Detailed Design, and Approvals, Disbursements $20,000 Subtotal $194,645 Consultant Fees $215,000* (Fluvial Geomorphology, Geotechnical Studies and Public Facilitator) Contingency 15% '$61,447 HST $61,242 TOTAL $532,334** *consulting fees will be revised based on tender results **total cost to be adjusted to reflect total consulting fees based on tender results 7.0 Work Plan TRCA is defined as a public body in Section 3 of Regulation 334/90 in the Environmental Assessment Act (R.S.O.) 1990, and as such, must conduct its remedial flood and erosion control projects in accordance with said Act. Toronto and Region Conservation 8 ATTACHMENT# 2_ TO REPORT# .A.1—I CI of 1 26 Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project Recognizing that common elements exist in addressing flood and erosion problems, a coordinated approach to environmental assessments was developed by Conservation Ontario for all Conservation Authorities (CAs) known as the Class Environmental Assessment for Remedial and Erosion Control Projects (Class EA). According to the Class EA document: "Remedial Flood and Erosion Control Projects refer to those projects undertaken by Conservation Authorities, which are required to protect human life and property, in previously developed areas,from an impending flood or erosion problem. Such projects do not include works which facilitate or anticipate development. Major flood and erosion control undertakings which do not suit this definition, such as multipurpose projects, lie outside the limits of this Class require an Individual Environmental Assessment" (Conservation Ontario, 2002). Almost twenty years of experience have demonstrated that using the Class EA approach for dealing with flood and erosion control projects is an effective way of complying with the Act requirements. Approval of the Class EA allows CAs to carry out these types of projects without applying for formal approval under the Act, on the condition that all other necessary federal and provincial approvals are obtained. A chart illustrating the key steps of the Class EA planning and design process is shown in Figure 1. • I Mine Mon Ce. I I l D arnma1;Militrtlill nvwiE ?+4 onw6iisFrm.urwiptSwf A. I MO l+P NTI,Am orm&igni R Mar!PONICRI.fii MLi llPY, 1 a [ Ku w wn � K+ ,.. . . a uwNwa i a P•lPEPS 0111176T PLAIN I in CifrAOK,K111FL LTina REMIT P lf-MIL P157.�NL.IMRlC4Y:, 1 4 ` a 'anti r.,..,ea7rlisW q.n+l1 mcmor.orm O.MOP R I /+!i" '4 lwI+MFP+45F[r�llRf"' FWILAMIPANISS4 111 " *mil fl ,j NI,4 a I PlnuUI Wrinffli aP rL,a T-0N Mai W.+1140!!.Y!1 PAi14YPii MD RalYiaYl[GAT AaU C'IIGcw&i tIC:C76PsTn7 Amos cowatris a Lim= PMr 1_ - Ha minTRI I,EN41104•1lr+r+it, MOMT+PlP•31eDS1reln TJ.rYI 4 _ _ ~MI lialei Co muit:i.~ter& &PROMO Ta•C4lfiTWiMIWi �bRIS' Figure 1. Class Environmental Assessment Planning and Design Process. Source: Conservation Ontario, 2002. Toronto and Region Conservation 9 1 27 ATTACHMENT#_2_ TO REPORT# CS Q1-42-, 10 of • Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project In addition to the Class EA process,TRCA recognizes that the project may require an environmental screening under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). The project will result in "physical work" and is therefore considered a"project" as defined by the Act. Additionally the project is not listed in the Exclusion List Regulations, which would negate the need for an assessment under CEAA. CEAA may be triggered in response to the potential environmental impacts that the physical work will produce pursuant to subsection 35(2) under the federal Fisheries Act and section 5(1) of the federal Navigable Waters Protection Act. In 2004, the Canadian and Ontario governments reached an agreement on EA cooperation, which created an administrative framework for federal-provincial cooperation on projects subject to both the federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) and the provincial Environmental Assessment Act. Toronto and Region Conservation is therefore proposing to undertake a coordinated Environmental Assessment (EA) process to satisfy the information requirements of both EA processes. Phase I - Description of Problem The majority of Amberlea Creek's 4 km2 of watercourse is enclosed in a stormsewer system upstream of Bayly Street resulting in at least a 6 times increase in peak flows at the south side of Bayly. The stream outlets with significant flows from the south side of Bayly into a deep, narrow, steep and heavily forested ravine. Private properties line the ravine in close proximity of the top of the valley wall. Wide-spread channel instability is observed throughout these last 600 m of open channel before Amberlea empties into Frenchman's Bay. Flows are sediment starved, the bed has been widened and entrenched, often eroding into the underlying weathered shale and clay hardpan. In some areas,the channel occupies a large majority of the valley bottom, and the width of the baseflow conditions frequently occupies less than half the bankfull channel width. Past channel and valley wall protection works have been observed to have failed, are in the process of failing, or are causing additional instability elsewhere along the valley. Of particular concern, erosion of the valley wall on the south side of Amberlea Creek south of Bayly Street is impacting the rear yards of several properties which front onto Vistula Drive. The channel has downcut up to 1.5 m and widened considerably and the toe of a 10 m high valley wall is being severely eroded with the fence posts clearly seen at the top of the erosion scar. In addition, the outlet of the culvert under Bayly Street has been undercut forming a drop of almost 2 m at its outlet. As the FBSWMMP identified that watershed-wide controls within the Amberlea Creek watershed will not reduce the flows at this location sufficiently to avoid future erosion in the remaining lower 600m of the watershed. Past localized valley and channel protection works have proven to be ineffective and as such, a comprehensive end-of-pipe solution is required to prevent the loss of life and property. Phase II - Identify and Evaluate Alternative Solutions TRCA will prepare a baseline environmental inventory of the existing conditions of Amberlea Creek and its surrounding environs. The baseline environmental inventory will provide the information heeded to evaluate the alternative options developed through the Class EA process, and a baseline from which to monitor the types and level of environmental impacts that may result from implementing the preferred alternative. This inventory will involve the examination and documentation of: • existing site conditions, including physical, biological, cultural and socioeconomic characteristics; Toronto and Region Conservation 10 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# 21-12_ �of 17 128 Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project • engineering/technical aspects to be considered; and • previous works undertaken within the study area. As per the requirements of the CEAA process, this baseline environmental inventory will take into consideration the directly and indirectly affected environment. The indirect area affected by the project includes the geographic limits of the alternative creek alignments, open gabion channels north of Highway 401, and development adjacent to the defined project limits, including the pedestrian bridge and associated valley fill near the creek mouth. This indirect area is referred to as the regional study area. The area directly affected by the project is referred to as the study area or project site. TRCA will identify and prepare a description of all reasonable and feasible alternative solutions to the problem. These would include, but may not be limited to the following broad suite of alternatives: localized protection works; comprehensive protection works; and flow diversions. As required by all EAs, a "do nothing" alternative will be included as it provides a baseline condition for comparison of the effects and impacts by the other alternatives being considered. The information obtained in completing the baseline inventory will then be used to in the evaluation of these alternative options, giving specific consideration to the positive and negative impacts on the existing physical, biological, socioeconomic, cultural, and technical environments. Mitigating measures will also be considered for each alternative. This evaluation of the alternative options is expected to lead to the identification of a preliminary recommended solution for agency and public consideration. Phase Ill - Select Preferred Design Once the public understands the potential impacts of the alternative solutions and a preliminary solution is supported, alternative designs will be prepared. A detailed evaluation of these alternatives will consider all possible environmental impacts to the extent that a preferred design can be selected. This will include an examination of the types and extents of impacts, both positive and negative, that each alternative would have, including but not limited to: • The significance of the expected environmental effects; • The degree of the effectiveness of the method; • The extent of the technical feasibility; and • The magnitude of costs. Once the preferred design is chosen, the detailed environmental analysis stage will commence to determine both temporary impacts during construction of the undertaking, and permanent impacts due to operation and maintenance of the undertaking after construction. To complete this environmental analysis, the information collected as part of the baseline environmental inventory will be examined in greater detail to confirm potential impacts, refine methods of mitigation, and identify any unforeseen impacts. This analysis will include consideration of the magnitude, geographic extent, duration,frequency, permanence or reversibility and ecological context of the effects, as well as proposed mitigation measures and any residual effects. A description of the effects the environment may have on the project including the temporal and spatial extent of these effects will be undertaken. A determination will be made of the measures to be implemented in order to mitigate any effects and whether the residual effects are significant or not. This evaluation process will require consultation with the public and other interest groups. Toronto and Region Conservation 11 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT#a 1 1 I —IL of 17 Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project Phase IV- Environmental Study Report The Environmental Study Report will provide a record of the decision making process.The report will include the following as prepared by TRCA: • A description of the problem or opportunity and other background information. • The rationale employed in selecting the preferred solution to the problem. • The rationale employed in selecting the preferred design. • A description of the environmental considerations and impacts. • The mitigating measures which will be undertaken to minimize environmental effects. • A description of the consultation process and an explanation of how concerns raised by the public and review agencies have been addressed in developing the project. • A description of the monitoring program which will be carried out during construction and, if necessary, for a specific time during operation. • Details of the ways in which the results of a monitoring program will be communicated to the public and review agencies shall be included. Once the Steering Committee has had an opportunity to review and comment on the ESR, TRCA will finalize the document and make it available for review by the public and regulatory agencies for at least 30 calendar days. At the time of filing the ESR,the public and review agencies will be notified by issuing the Notice of Completion of ESR, including notification of the provision to request a Part II Order. Phase V- Detailed Design and Approvals If the Minister receives no request for a Part II Order within the review period, then the proponent may proceed to Phase V and implementation of the project. Following the receipt of the Environmental Assessment Act Section 9 Notice of Approval to Proceed with the Undertaking from the Ministry of the Environment, TRCA will coordinate the preparation of detailed designs for the project. The detailed designs will inform the preparation tender package and assist with TRCA's procurement of other environmental permits, habitat compensation plan, and approvals required prior to implementation. The anticipated approvals include: • Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation Approved Cultural Heritage Resource Study • Department of Fisheries and Oceans- Fish Habitat Management Authorization for the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat pursuant to subsection 35 (2) of the Fisheries Act • Transport Canada- Canada Coast Guard Section 5 (1) of the Navigable Waters Protection Act • Transport Canada-Canada Coast Guard Section 5 (2) of the Navigable Waters Protection Act • Ministry of Natural Resources Section 2, Ontario Regulation 453/96, Public Lands Act Work Permit Consultation and Communication Strategy TRCA's Consultation and Communication Strategy recognizes the need for accountability to the public, stakeholders, and regulatory agencies by providing an inclusive and coordinated approach. A Public Consultation Plan will be developed, commensurate with the level of interest expressed by the general public regarding the proposed works. Local residents and stakeholders groups will be Toronto and Region Conservation 12 ATTACHMENT#Hof TOREPORT# 1-Z_ 17 1 7 0 Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project invited to participate in a Community Liaison Committee which will be formed should there be considerable interest in the project. A minimum of two Public Information Centres will also be held to receive feedback and address public concerns. As the proponent for the project, City of Pickering will be requested to attend all Public Information Centres. During the EA process, regulatory agencies such as the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada Coast Guard, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources, and others will be asked to meet with TRCA and the City of Pickering on an as needed basis to review and discuss the project to ensure that the interests of these agencies are met. Steering Committee A Steering Committee, comprised of TRCA and City of Pickering staff, will provide overall direction and input into the project throughout each planning phase. The Steering Committee, made up of the following City and TRCA staff, will be requested to attend regular meetings on an as needed basis to provide overall project direction and input. This Committee will meet at least once during each phase of the planning process. Contact: Nick Saccone Title: Director, Restoration Services Role: Steering Committee Co-chair Phone: (416) 661-6600, x5301 E-mail: nsaccone @trca.on.ca Contact: Marilee Gadzovski Title: Senior Water Resources and Environmental Engineer Role: Steering Committee Co-chair Phone: (905) 420-4660, x2067 E-mail: mgadzovski @pickering.ca Contact: Richard Holborn Title: Division Head, Engineering Services Role: Provide information and advice related to public works and infrastructure. Phone: (905) 420-4660, x2049 E-mail: rholborn @pickering.ca Contact: Dena Lewis Title: Manager,Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Role: Provide information and advice related to biological environment, and project design. Phone: (416) 661-6600, x5225 E-mail: dlewis @trca.on.ca Contact: Arnold Mostert Title: Coordinator, Landscape& Park Development Role: Provide information and advice related to project design. Phone: (905) 420-4660, x2143 E-mail: amostert@pickering.ca Contact: Nick Lorrain Title: Coordinator, Water Resources Role: Provide information and advice related to project design. Phone: (905) 420-4660, x.2210 E-mail: nlorrain @pickering.ca Toronto and Region Conservation 13 ATTACH MENT# TO REPORT#2.5 131 of Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project Community Liaison Committee To facilitate ongoing stakeholder involvement at the planning level of the project a Community Liaison Committee (CLC) made up of stakeholder representatives will be formed. The CLC will allow TRCA and the City of Pickering to maintain communication with community residents, local groups, associations, and organizations that share an interest in Frenchman's Bay and the project. To ensure that the CLC is representative of the community,TRCA, and the City of Pickering will work together to identify all stakeholder groups that will be invited to provide a representative to participate as a member of the CLC. The CLC will inform the planning, consistent with the project's purpose. It is anticipated that the CLC will meet approximately four times during the Environmental Assessment process. Meetings shall be scheduled to ensure that the majority of the CLC members have the opportunity to attend. The two key functions of the CLC will be to identify items of public concern related to the impact and design of the project and to offer potential advice or solutions to resolve these concerns. To ensure that the CLC operates in this capacity, TRCA will develop a Terms of Reference for the CLC, which will clearly articulate the purpose of the project, roles, and responsibilities, and expectations of its members. Public Information Centres In compliance with the approved EA process, a minimum of two Public Information Centres (PICs) are proposed to allow for public comment on the project. These public meetings will provide opportunities for the community to be made aware of the project and to have their concerns • addressed. Based on the nature of the project,TRCA is proposing to introduce the project to the • community during Phase II of the Class EA process. This will give the City of Pickering and TRCA the opportunity to clearly define the problem and the intent of the project to the public, and to document the factors, which led to the conclusion that remedial erosion works are required. At PIC #1,TRCA will present the problem statement to the public, the environmental considerations to be addressed during the evaluation of the alternatives,the alternatives solutions being considered and their impact on the environment, and the results of the evaluation. The second public meeting, PIC #2 will be held during Phase III to allow for public input on the selection of a preferred alternative. TRCA will present alternative designs for the preferred solution, present the potential impacts of the alternative design solutions, and discuss the results of the evaluation process. Communication Plan TRCA will ensure that project information is clearly articulated, current, and widely accessible to the public. As such,TRCA will coordinate the preparation of news releases and web updates to communicate information about the project to correspond with each phase of the EA process. The project website will introduce the project to the public and provide updates and information on next steps. The website will also be used as a mechanism to advertise upcoming venues for public participation. TRCA will issue a minimum of four public advertisements of the project. As per the requirements of the EA process, this will include the mandatory public announcements of the project, which includes the Notice of Commencement and Notice of Completion. These project notices will be sent to local media outlets and mailed directly to reviewing agencies and stakeholders. The planned Public Information Centres will also be advertised via local media outlets such as the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser. Toronto and Region Conservation 14 ATTACH MENT# ° - TO REPORT# 5.�/-1 /iof /7 132 Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Project 10.0 Detailed Schedule and Cost Estimate See Attachment • Toronto and Region Conservation 15 • . L, ..•': ,:.,r,, : „(.." of-1-7-- - 2012 •1 Task No Ambedea Erosion Control Project Class EA 2012/2013 Milestone Schedule J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S CI 1) A , ... ....i 1.0■.,rolect Management 1.1 Schedule and Cost Control )11P•A . 44010011:6141.•••••14••illier•••••••f•• 1.2 Project Reporting •• ,. el ••• iesso•eliteshe,oeteittimoiel 1.3 Consultant Management 00._ 00* . • .•I 1.4 Authority Approval 27-Jul-12 • 1.5 RFPS for Consultin•Services 14-Se.12 1.6 Consultant Selection Committee Meeting 9-Oct-12 • 1.7 Authority Meeting-Consultant selection 26-Oct-12 • 1.8 City of Pickering-Communication of Consultant Selection and Revised Costs 12-Oct-12 • ■ 1.9 Consultant Contracts 30-Oct-12 • 1.10 Develop Consultation Plan 14-Aug-12 .II 1.11 Stakeholder Management and Communication • 0••-•••••••14ft...otivior•mlrer•Toe,1 1.12 Project Close Out 2.0 Phase I:Define Problem 2.1 Project Start-up Meeting 31-Jul-12 • 2.2 Compile Existing Information and Id Date Gaps 7-Aug-12 pill _ 2.3 Prepare Workplan and Problem/Opportunity Statement 14-Aug-12 [11 2.4 Issue Notice of Commencement 7-Sep-12 • _ 2.5 Circulate invitations for CLC 10-Sep-12 • _ 2.6 Create Webpage 31-Aug-12 • 3.0 Phase II:Identify and Evaluate Alternatives 3.1 Define Study Area Boundaries 011! . - _ - 3.2 Identify Preliminary Alternatives RR 3.3 Develop Evaluation Criteria for Preliminary Alternatives 11111 - 3.4 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#1-Identify and Evaluate Preliminary Attematives 23-Aug-12 • _ - 3.6 Evaluate Preliminary Alternatives 4 - 4.0 Prepare Baseline Environmental Inventory 4.1 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#2-Discuss Baseline Inventory and Consultant's Scope of Work 1-Nov-12 • 4.2 Prepare Mapping ilLil 4.3 Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment - 4.4 Fisheries Assessment . 4.5 Terrestrial Survey - P 4.8 Review Fluvial Assessment/Geotech Risk Assessment and Potential Alternatives - 6-Dec-12 - 34 - 4.7 Complete Existing Conditions Report J 21-Dec-12 MI 5.0 Prepare Alternatives 5.1 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#3-Discuss Risk Assessment and Potential Alternatives 13-Dec-12 5.2 CLC Meeting#1-Discuss Class EA Process,Expectations,Existing Conditions and Results of Risk Assess 18-Dec-12 ..I 0 [ 5.3 Review Consultant's Report on Alternatives 11-Jan-13 5.4 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#4-Review Aftematives and Costs 17-Jan-13 6.0 amermEvaluate Alternatives 6.1 Determine environmental effects of alternatives _ - 6.2 Id mitigation measures 6.3 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#5-Finalize Evaluation of Alternatives and Public Consultation 31-Jan-13 • 6.4 Update Webstte 28-Jan-13 6.5 CLC Meeting#2-Review Baseline Report,Alternatives and Costs _ 6-Feb-13 6.6 Advertise PIC#1 _ - 1-Feb-13_ 6.7 Prep for PIC#1 - 6.8 PIC#1 13-Feb-13 6.9 Consultation Report#1 Due 1-Mar-13 6.10 Consult with Review Agencies 7.0 NeFthase 111:a3eieet Preferred Solution mwm■ A' / n .. 7.1 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#6-Discuss Alternative Designs for Preferred Solution 7-Mar-13 - - 7.2 Prepare alternative designs for Preferred Solution . _ 7.3 Identify net positive and negative effects 7.4 Evaluate preferred solution with mitigation 7.5 Technical Steering Committee Meetin•#7-Discuss Evaluation of Preferred Solution 4-Apr-13 7.6 CLC Meeting#3-Discuss Preferred Alternative and Construction Access 18-Apr-13 7.7 Update Website 22-Apr-13 7.8 Advertise PIC#2 27-Apr-13 7.9 PIC#2 8-May-13 • 7.10 Consultation Report#2 Due 24-May-13 .1: • , .... - - 7.11 Consult with Review Agencies IN 1 8.0 Phase IV:Prepare Environmental Study Report(ESR) • • 8.1 Description/Background el 8.2 Selection of Preferred • Ill 8.3 Environmental considerations and impacts :sip 8.4 Outline mitigating measures 8.5 Consultation process summary 8.6 Develop environmental compliance and monitoring program 8.8 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#8-Discuss Draft ESR 6-Jun-13 8.9 CLC Meeting#4-Provide Copy of Draft ESR and Discuss Next Steps 11-Jun-13 • 8.10 Draft ESR available for comment 13-Jun-13 . ••i . 8.11 Consultant's Final Report Due 31-May-13 8.12 Final edit and publishing of ESR 8.13 File ESR for at least 30 calendar day review 5-Jut-13 8.14 Class EA Complete 5-Aug-13 9.0 Phase V:Design 5 Approvals 9.1 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#9-Discuss Detailed Design Specifications 6-Sep-13 4 9.2 Complete design drawings 9.3 Complete Monitoring,Operation and Maintenance Plan ." 9.4 Regulatory Approvals and Permit Applications • 5/22/2012 A:-,AC:k il!,:,N“;.. ..... 09.-- a)RE pocal.t.C..S „2._I-I 2- 1 3 4 Task No Amberfea Erosion Control Pro act Class EA 201212013 R Hours Rate A Hours Rate C Hours Rate I Hours Rate Lum•Sum Estimate 1.0 I'ro eat snowsuit I 1.1 Schedule and Cost Control La 35 7 9.22 PMI 15$65.78 MMECIIM ILIE■Pro act Re•ortin LE1111111•IIMETZ1111=1111133E111M1■11■1•11■■•11■111MIZE EIMIIIE1121=SIM IONIMMEIDEEIGIMIMLIELEIFEIMIIMMININIM■111■1111■111111.12ffial MIMI Authon A rov taillill.tianalgalliEMEIMMINNIMEMIMMIMMIllMIEMIIIIMEIKED OMINGILEE1=16. '03111Mg312LEBIZIIIMMIECIFIEW ailuMetitatiDGESEMIHINIIIIIIIIE■1111ErKEI OEM Consultant Selection Committee Meetin• GEIMMIN=ggaimipma=111=131mEEIGLERIMMIIIIMIEEMMINIIIMEll Elf Authon Meefin• [231111111INGEMIEMIM=EZEIE■MMIIMINIIMII=1■11■1111=212 ilEMIEMEEEIMEF. 10 MMILIEILE3111111■1111=IMIMMIMINNIMIIIIMIIII■11■111WEE INME IONIINIIIMILEZZIIMMEIONNII■MENIMMMIIIMMIIIII■IIMIE Dom Develo Cons [011111111EMEENIZIIMIKEIEMI■IIMINIMIIMINIMMIIII■1■111MIM MIME EIMHEIM g91111111111EMEEIGIOMMIONLIIMIMIIMIIMIIMI■IMIIIMMIZEI ausim4 La IIIIIIIIIMEM1111111113CLEI■■■=11111M MIIIIM■11111EIKIE 2.0 Phase I:Define Problem 2.1 Pro not Start-u•Meets, PC 7 1.22 PMI 7 565.78 rP, .. 9 PMI 7 .5.90 $1,884 aEM Com•lie Existm•Information and Id Data Ga. 123M11111:2MILMIIIMICIEMEIN11■1■11•11=1111■■11NEEEM BEM Pro.are Wor°tan end Problem/O••ortuni La INIMIELICEMMIMIKIECEMIMI■■■■111■1■11•11:39311 EMII Ea 111•111HIEELIZIIIIIIIMEM■11=INNIIMIIMMII■11•1 MMINIIIIIIECIE EMI Gi3•111111113EMEL173110111E11310=111■11■11•11■11■11•11INIMIIIMIKED EI =IM:111■ GE111111111111112MEMONN1512217:3MIIIMNIMMINIM■■111111=112 3.0 Phase II:Identify and Evaluate Alternatives 3.1 Define Stu. Area Boundaries La $44 PM 7$65.78 $805 EIE■07.=012= GEINIIIIIICEIDEM11111111112MualaMimutioni=111111111111111111E11120■•1110E0 E Develo.Evaluation Criteria for Prelimina 101111111111111E:EIEGEAMINIEMJIIIIMINIELEITZ11111111111111111MEEIIIIMIIIMESEED Eli: Technical Steerin.Committee Meefin.#1-!dent and Evaluate Prehmina Akematives 101111111111113EMM1101111012013mmtarmacummemwan■mom 11:11M2= rall111111111.2DEGIM■IMMELIMMIIIMMIEHMINIE11111111132111■111MICEI 4.0 Prepare Baseline Environmental Inventory 4.1 Technical Steerm•Committee Meetin•#2-Discuss Baseline Invents and Consultant's Sco•e of Work La 1 6 PMI 14$65.78 trP 91,1111 PMII W.-o $2,689 ViElinr=r1==lb. GE11111111112aFIEE3=11111M■1111•MIMMINIMMIIII■11■11111110:13 G11€ 12171:112121=117M■ ■Ii13•111111/3EILEE=11111113EMMIIMIIIII■11M•111111■ $7,000 MIMEO 3=111 12111111111EMEIIIIIIIIIMEMIMIIII■MIIIIM■l■ $5,000 ELM Pt TReerrvieeswtriFailuSyrarivey Eill111111121111•1"■■■=m $3 500 $3,845 Assessment/Geotech Risk Assessment 01:12=NRIELLIERMIIMMU S#$760 11,884 121! Complete Existing Conditions Re• GiEl■EICEE31•111111111KCIEMEZIMIlialliLl=11111M11111111LIMMIMIIMEEM 5.0 Prepare Alternatives 5.1 Technical Steerin•Committee Meetin•#3-Discuss Risk Assessment and Potential Alternatives PC 14 PHI 14 65.78 Cara LUAU-IA 9' ••. $2,689 @MI CLC Meebn•#1-Discuss Class EA Process,Ex.ectations Existn.Conditions and Results of Risk Assessme millimpEEED mom rum mia■fammumimmigvan■IIIEEIEM ElE=11 Review Consultant's Re•oil on Alternatives Li31111111111115ELEMII•1111E1EEfd]3JIIIIIIINEiLIU3GZMIIIIIIIUIIIIIIEIRE19 I■1lMEBEEC 5.4 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#4-Review AltematNes and Costs PC 14 149.22 PM 14$65.78•PM 7 88 19-MI1 7 185.90 $2,689 6.0 Evaluate Alternatives 1 6.1 Determine environmental effects of alternatives PC 14 9 PM 14 565.78 iZaa L11=Mill $ag. $2,689 EEM Id mit ration measures 1.1i1111111113111EEMEMINIEOEMEMZ1111EIDIEUZIMIIMIIIIIICIEEI■INIMI 6.3 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#5-Finalize Evaluation of Aitematives and Pubic Consultation PC 14$49.22 PM 14 565.78 pmll_ 7 565.90 $2,689 6.4 Update Websfte PC 7$49.22 PM 7$65.78 $805 6.5 CLC Meeting#2-Review Baseline Report,Alternatives and Costs PC 14$4922 PM 14$65 78;MUM • .19 PM11- $85.90 $2,689 6.6 Advertise PIC#1 PC 7$4922 PM 7$65.75■ $805 6.7 Prep for PIC#1 PC 21$49..-PM 14$65 78• • •• 9 Mill 1-.98-9:110 $3,033 6.8 PIC#1 PC 7$49,22 PM 7 165.78•rPM 7 06.19 P$111 7 965.90 $1,884 6.9 Consultation Report#1 Due PC 7$49.22 PM 7$65.78 $805 6.10 Consult with Review Agencies PC 14$4922 PM 14$65.78 $1,610 7.0 boatel&Select Preferred Solution 7.1 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#6-Discuss Alternative Designs for Preferred Solution PC 14$4822 PM 7 65.78 M set ie pm i 7 569.50 $2,228 7.2 Prepare alternative designs for Preferred Solution PC 14$4922 PM 14$65.78 M 7$9819 $2,227 7.3 Identify net positive and negative effects PC 14$4922 PM 7$65.78 M 7$08.10 PMII 7 355.60 $2,228 7.4 Evaluate preferred solution with mitigation PC 14$4922 PM 7 195.78 M 7$115 19 PMII 7 185 90 $2,228 7.5 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#7-Discuss Evaluation of Preferred Solution PC 14 14922 PM 7$65.78 f/I 7$46.19 PMII 7 $85.90 $2,228 7.6 CLC Meeting#3-Discuss Preferred Alternative and Construction Access PC 14$4922 PM 14$65.78 rPtal.. 7_988 19 F•1 ,. 985.90 $2,689 7.7 Update Website PC 7 94922 PM 7$65.78 $805 7.5 Advertise PIC#2 PC 7$4922 PM 7$65.78 $805 7.9 PIC#2 PC 7 14922 PM 7$65.78 WM 7 938 19 PMII 7 $85.90 $1,884 7.10 Consultation Report#2 Due PC 7$4922 PM 7$65.78 $805 7.11 Consult with Review Agencies PC 14$4922 PM 14$65.78 $1,610 3.0 Plume IV:Prepare Environmental Study Report(ESR) 8.1 Description/Background PC 21 $4922 PM 14$65.78 $1,955 8.2 Selection of Preferred PC 14$4022 PM 14$65.78 ird5arririnT KM 7 155.90 02.689 8.3 Environmental considerations and impacts PC 14$4922 PM 14$65.76 prPM 7 169.19 $2,227 8.4 Outline mitigating measures PC 14$4922 PM t4$65.78 SiPM, 7)66.89 $2,227 8.5 Consultation process summary PC 14$4922 PM 14$65.78 $1,610 8.6 Develop environmental compliance and monitoring program PC 35$4922 PM 14$65 714MT 77611T Nair -7 solo $3,722 8.7 Consultant's Draft Final Report Due PC 1414922 PM 21 $65.78 $2.070 8.8 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#8-Discuss Draft ESR PC 14$49.22 PM 14$69.18 prPM 7 356.18 Mill 7 $85.50 $2,689 8.9 CLC Meeting#4-Provide Copy of Draft ESR and Discuss Next Steps PC 14$4922 PM 14$55.78 GrPM 7.988.19$M11 I $62.90 $2,689 8.10 Draft ESR available for comment PC 21$4922 PM 21 $65.78 $2,415 8.11 Consultant's Final Report Due PC 21$4922 PM 21 565.78 $2,415 8.12 Final edit and publishing of ESR PC 21$4922 PM 14$89.78 $1,955 8.13 File ESR far at least 30 calendar day review PC 14$4922 PM 7$65.78 $1,150 8.14 Class EA Complete PC 21$46,22 PM 21 565.78 $2,415 9.0 Phase V:Design 4 Approvals 9.1 Technical Steering Committee Meeting#9-Discuss Detailed Design Specifications PC 14$41.22 PM 14 985.78 SrPM 7$85.19 PMII 7 965.90 $2,689 9.2 Complete design drawings PM 14$65.78 SrPM 7$08.19 PM11 7 965.90 $2,000 9.3 Complete Monitoring,Operation and Maintenance Plan PC 27 34922 PM 21 $65.78 SrPM I 7$90.15 $3,032 9.4 Regulatory Approvals and Permit Applications PC 70 14922 PM 56$65.78 StPtit I 7$68.18 $7,746 TRCA Disbursements/Administration 920,000 Sub-total of TRCA Costs $194,645 Consulting Fees $215,000 SUB-TOTAL $409,645 Contingency 15% $61,447 HST 13% $61,242 IGRAND TOTAL 032,33 5122/2012