HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 26, 2012 City Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee kpILLILILL -71 April 26, 2012 PICKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues Tate Besso, Chair Mike Sawchuck, Vice-Chair Wickham Jamadar Ellen Mason Janet Mehak Elke Pryswitt Denise Rundle Sally Sheehan Charles Sopher Jutta Van Huss Isabelle Janton, Planner II — Site Planning Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Dale Quaife Item / ° Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/ Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome T. Besso welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes � ...; ' Moved by D. Rundle Seconded by J. Van Huss That the minutes of the March 22, 2012 meeting of Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3.0 ; Business Arising from Minutes 3.1) 560 Park Crescent M. Sawchuck provided a brief overview of the status regarding 560 Park Crescent. He noted at the Council meeting held April 16th, Council endorsed the recommendation of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee for the designation of the Nesbit- Newman House, located at 560 Park Crescent. Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) I. Janton informed the Committee that the letters had been sent out and the Notice of Intent to Designate will appear in the May 2"d issue of the News Advertiser. She also noted the Trust Company should be contacted to inquire about their position on this matter. 3.2) 1130 Taunton Road T. Besso informed the Committee that a letter had been received from Lebovic Enterprises confirming approval of the Committee's request for a six month extension as well as access to the house. Discussion ensued with respect to assessing the options for the house. It was noted that garbage is accumulating on the property. The following comments were noted; • arrange a site visit • assess the value of the house • cataloging of salvageable items • lack of storage for salvage items • take photos and present to Museum, parks and operations deptartments to see if they could be utilized • determine use for salvaged items Questions arose with respect to how other area municipalities catalogue and store salvaged items. It was questioned whose responsibility the process for this would fall under. E. Mason offered to facilitate, provided it falls under the jurisdiction of the Heritage Pickering Committee. It was suggested that this be I. Janton/L. Roberts to added as an item to the work plan. action It was decided the condition of the house needs to be determined. L. Roberts will email the details of the property to L. Roberts to action members to review prior to attending a site visit. I. Janton will contact the property manager of the site to arrange a tour for Committee members and advise of the times I. Janton to action and date for those interested in attending. 3.3) Heritage Homes Relocation Initiative I. Janton noted the City of Pickering has advertised 4 heritage buildings located on Federally owned lands for relocation. She provided an update on the tours, explaining the timelines and the need to register. Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as „x' • appropriate) Discussion ensued with respect to the creation of a village for the relocation of heritage homes, similar to what was done in the Town of Markham. Questions arose regarding costs as well as maintenance and amenities for such a project. The Committee expressed an interest in pursuing this idea. I. Janton noted the Town of Markham has the Markham Heritage Estate Administrative Guidelines on their website which can be downloaded for information. Councillor Rodrigues It was also questioned whether the City of Pickering Official to action Plan has heritage policies included. C. Rodrigues to investigate. • It was questioned whether the Heritage Advisory Committee would be involved in the process of awarding the homes to the best candidate in the event multiple offers are received on the same property. It was noted that decisions need to be made by mid May as relocations must be completed by June 30, 2012. It was also questioned whether the City of Pickering had any set criteria for receiving proposals on the properties in order to maintain consistency in the applications. M. Sawchuck suggested the possibility of the Committee preparing this. Discussion ensued with respect to keeping the criteria minimal, otherwise it could deter potential owners. J. Van Huss volunteered to take the lead on this. 3.4) 2012 Workplan M. Sawchuck noted this should be included at each meeting with participants providing updates on their assignments. He also noted priorities need to be set and to look at properties missed for the register. Copies were handed out to members. M. Sawchuck noted he would update the workplan with member's names and email out. 4.0 New Business 4.1) Heritage Permit Application I. Janton provided an overview with respect to an application received from Stephen Lock at 3232 Gladstone Street requesting approval for a second storey bedroom addition and interior alterations to the kitchen. She provided members with details as well as photos of the house. She noted the proposed alterations were in keeping with the heritage of the • Page 3 wItem ! Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items l Status Ref# (summary of discussion) ' f (include deadline as appropriate) house. She stated the applicant appears to be intent on maintaining the heritage character of the building and has in the past, following a fire that damaged the front portion of the house, completed quality restoration work. Discussion ensued with the following comments being noted; • the detailing of the west elevation of proposed addition not in keeping with the rest of the building • window configuration should match • request details on the material type for windows • request details on the profile and material type of siding Committee members questioned the approval process for heritage permit applications. I. Janton noted she would follow up on the process in order to provide clarity for future I. Janton to action applications. It was also questioned what the policy or guidelines would be for new construction. M. Sawchuck noted that most communities adopt the "Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada" as a reference manual. Moved by M. Sawchuk Seconded by W. Jamadar That the heritage permit application for 3232 Gladstone Street be approved with the following conditions; 1)the applicant provide clarification on the profile and materials to be used for the siding and windows; and, 2) the applicant maintain a window configuration consistent with the heritage value of the home. Carried 4.2) William Dunbar Home T. Besso noted that at the Council meeting held on April 16th questions arose regarding the William Dunbar Home located at 1050 Dunbarton Road. M. Sawchuck noted that while there is significant value of the home in terms of history, it may not merit designation over other properties in terms of the building itself. M. Sawchuck noted the need to pull together the register first, then decide which properties to add to the list. Page 4 Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Refwi# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) It was the consensus of the Committee to include this property in the previously agreed upon list of three potential properties • for designation. 4.3) Doors Open Sub-committee M. Sawchuck provided an overview of the 2011 program. He noted the Committee's decision to hold this event every two years. He outlined the timeframe for planning for 2013, noting the first step would be to form a sub-committee. He noted this committee would start up by the end of this summer and would meet approximately once a month until closer to the date of the event. L. Roberts to action It was questioned whether residents outside of the Committee could volunteer on the sub-committee. L. Roberts will confirm. 5.0 Other Business 5.1) C. Sopher noted the farm house on the southwest corner of Sideline 24 has been demolished. 5.2) E. Mason questioned whether the schoolhouse in Whitevale has been designated. M. Sawchuck noted it is protected through the Heritage Conservation District. 5.3) T. Besso indicated an email had just been received from Robert Mitchell seeking correspondence from the Committee to Winston Wong, MTO for approval of his previous request for salvage items. T. Besso indicated he would follow up with Mr. Wong regarding T. Besso to action the issue of salvage items and respond to Mr. Mitchell accordingly. 6.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting: June 28, 2012 The meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 5