HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 08-12 Report to Council PICKERING Report Number: CAO 08-12 Date: April 16, 2012 0 From: Paul Bigioni City Solicitor Subject: Authority to Sign Friendship Agreements - File: L-4100-005-12 Recommendation: 1. That Friendship Agreements and agreements of a similar nature with national and subnational governments of the People's Republic of China, and with other foreign . jurisdictions, be signed by and at the discretion of the Mayor on behalf of the City, without binding the City financially or otherwise; 2. That the Memorandum of Understanding between City of Taicang, Jiangsu Province of the People's Republic of China and City of Pickering of Ontario Province of Canada; the Memo of Friendship Cooperation between Yuhang District of the People's Republic of China and City of Pickering of Canada; and the Memorandum of Understanding between Xianning City of the People's Republic of China and City of Pickering of Canada signed on behalf of The Corporation of the City of Pickering be ratified and adopted; and 3. That such agreements once executed be circulated to City Council and the Chief Administrative Officer and filed with the City Clerk. Executive Summary:. The signing of a formal Friendship Agreement is an expectation of many foreign countries in the process of establishing a partnership. It does not require concrete financial commitments, but.rather signals the beginning of a cooperative relationship in which ideas for future projects may be formulated for the mutual benefit of both parties. The Office of the Mayor has a central role with regard to Friendship Agreements because the Mayor has a legal obligation to act as representative of the City, to promote the City internationally and to foster activities that enhance the economic well-being of the City and its residents. The Mayor has already traveled to China for the purpose of exploring opportunities to promote the City's economic and social well-being, and to encourage foreign direct investment in the City. Granting the Mayor authority to enter into Friendship Agreements on the City's behalf will serve to continue this important work. ~eport CAO 08-12 April 16, 2012 Subject: Authority to Sign Friendship Agreements Page 2 The Mayor has executed the following Friendship Agreements on behalf of the City: 1. Memorandum of Understanding between City of Taicang, Jiangsu Province of the People's Republic of China and City of Pickering of Ontario Province of Canada. (Attachment No. 1); 2. Memo of Friendship Cooperation between Yuhang District of the People's Republic of China and City of Pickering of Canada. (Attachment No. 2); and 3. Memorandum of Understanding between Xianning City of the People's Republic of China and City of Pickering of Canada. (Attachment No. 3). It is the recommendation of staff that these Friendship Agreements be ratified and adopted by Council for the purposes of continuing and deepening the economic dialogue already underway between the City and the aforementioned jurisdictions. Financial Implications: No direct costs are anticipated as a result of the proposed recommendation. Discussion: Opportunities Abroad The Province of Ontario considers China to be a priority market for commercial partnerships and direct investment. China is a leading source of foreign students at Ontario universities and students receiving a PhD in Ontario are fast-tracked for permanent residency status. Ontario is also home to more than a half million people of Chinese ethnic origin. At the same time, China has implemented its "Going Global Strategy", which sets goals for inward and outward investment as follows: (a) more emphasis on the need for Chinese industry to undergo "self-reliant renovations" and the need for more state support for big firms and their competition in both domestic and international markets; and (b) further liberalization of the capital market and capital controls, which simultaneously enhances both "inviting in" and "going global" - allowing more foreign capital into the Chinese market, while encouraging more Chinese transnational corporations, small and medium firms, or even individuals to invest abroad. This is seen as an effective way to direct money from China to overseas investment opportunities. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CAO 08-12 April 16, 2012 Subject: Authority to Sign Friendship Agreements Page 3 92 Opportunities for the City of Pickering to partner with Chinese jurisdictions include: • foreign direct investment • high-tech research and development • education exchanges • sector growth in agriculture, energy, environment and culture. By entering into Friendship Agreements, the City can establish international relationships which open up opportunities such as: • investment • real estate investors • tourism investment • job opportunities • local business expansion by means of enhanced export of goods and services and strategic alliances. Friendship Agreements Many foreign governments expect that some form of Friendship Agreement will be entered into as a precursor to meaningful discussion of any economic partnership. It is sometimes difficult to continue or deepen discussion of economic cooperation without such an agreement in place. The purpose of a friendship agreement is not to bind the city to concrete financial obligations. The purpose is to express a joint intent for mutual economic, social and/or educational cooperation and to foster ongoing discussion of possible future joint projects or undertakings which would themselves be subject to Council approval. The Mayor's Role Under section 226.1(c) and (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the Mayor, as head of Council, is subject to a legal duty to: (c) act as the representative of the municipality both within and outside the municipality, and promote the municipality locally, nationally and internationally;- and (d) participate in and foster activities that enhance the economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality and its residents. Signing Friendship Agreements with foreign jurisdictions is one important means by which the head of Council may fulfill the legal obligations imposed upon him by these provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CAO 08-12 April 16, 2012 93 Subject: Authority to Sign Friendship Agreements Page 4 Existing Friendship Agreements with the City In the course of pursuing economic development opportunities for the City, the Mayor has entered into three Friendship Agreements for the purpose of commencing and deepening dialogue with foreign governments regarding investment opportunities with the City of Pickering. These Agreements do not impose any financial obligations upon the City. Attachments: 1. Memorandum of Understanding between City of Taicang, Jiangsu Province of the People's Republic of China and City of Pickering of Ontario Province of Canada. 2. Memo of Friendship Cooperation between Yuhang District of the People's Republic of China and City of Pickering of Canada. 3. Memorandum of Understanding between Xianning City of the People's Republic of China and City of Pickering of Canada. Prepared y w, r Paul Bigion, City Solicito s PB:ks Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 20`7 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised ENU-1-ToREPORU .1 _ 1o R CAD 09~ l / .of / 94 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CITY OF TAICANG, JIANGSU PROVINCE OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND CITY Of PICKERING OF ONTARIO PROVINCE OF CANADA Taicang City Peoples Government of Jiangsu Province, China and City of Pickering government in Durham Region of Canada made an extensive and in-depth discussion of the future cooperation and exchanges for "business, economic, education tourism, health and culture" in general terms in Taicang city of Jiangsu Province, China during March 13-14, 2012 . Thus, the two parties have reached the following initial understanding: 1. Both parties will continue all-round communication and work out practical and "results-driven" business, economic cooperation, investment or partnership. projects and initiatives to be carried out in near and long-term future years, working together to facilitate and implement annual cooperative plan and exchange projects between two parties. II. Promote and assist the higher education of the city of Pickering and Durham Region as a whole to develop a strategic partnership relations with the education institutions of the city of Taicang. III.Durham Chinese Canadian Culture Centre (DCCC) will continue act as the "friendly ambassador " between the cities of Taicang and Pickering to sustain the implementation of cooperation and exchange programs. IV. Done in duplicate in the Chinese and English langua des, both texts being equally authentic. This memorandum of understanding shall enter into force on the date of its signature. The said memorandum of understanding is signed in the city of Taicang, Jiangsu, Province, China on March 13, 2012. (Signature (Signature) The City of icang The City of Pick , ng, rham Jiangsu Province Ontario Provin The People's Republic of China Canada s .1'~. 11** *Q N ~PL 111 ~ - EX: 95 o E H MNT* a Ti0 REPORT# CIAO Og-/ of. :~Z PT J/P jfi -Era- r[31 :4 Pq 19.u% MEMO OF FRIENDSHIP COOPERATION BETWWEN YUHANG DISTRICT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND CITY.OF PICKERING OF CANADA jTk rfJ~,* 2012 3 15-17 q A/tA~1~ F, 1~ , A *AX' It a t ~ x~ik- /-t ~A~T- 7 ~4! ~A Hangzhou Yuhang District Government of China and City of Pickering Government in Durham met second time in China on March 15-17, 2012 and discussed further in detail the future cooperation and exchange for "business, economic, education and culture" in general terms. The two parties have reached the understanding to establish a "Friendship Exchange Cities" relationship between City of Pickering and Yuhang District, with an action plan: I) Exchange programs of various forms will benefit the growth of both cities. i I ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# 0-~~ 96 -;:,Z of. I AAA- II) Follow up to identify practical and "results-driven" business, economic cooperation, investment or partnership projects and initiatives suitable for execution in near and longer-term future years. A joint "Liaison Working Committee", sponsored by the Mayor of Pickering and Yuhang District Chairperson, will be established and assisted by Durham Chinese Canadian Culture Centre to execute an annual cooperation work plan. fX AA 4 BbAA5K *4V Afl~ 9- 6~1 A 4 1~ R-' f III) Promote and assist Durham Region as a whole to develop a strategic partnership among the education institutions in Durham and " 1 I, Hangzhou Mega City (e.g. University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Durham College & Hang Zhou University, Yuhang vocational schools). 11 A J`J * 11 1 '1/A /1 tJ a f F fo ✓Al 7 v~in IV) Durham Chinese Canadian Culture Gen H TO REPORT#C~ continue act as the "bridging ambassador" between YHD and City of Pickering to sustain the execution of cooperation and exchange programs. -;Nlz~- I-: -A9 3)-~dA tom. , X 2 012 * 3 A 14 p - ~n 1i,l Z-,fA S V) Made in duplicate in both Chinese and English languages, this memorandum is signed in Yuhang on 14th of March 2012. ~IVA Ol *4ZA 9- Wt ;-P, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City City Of Pickering Zhejiang Province, China Durham, Canada 1 3 98 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# 07kO 09- ( 2 j of MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MANNING CITY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND CITY OF PICKERING OF CANADA Xianning City Government of China and City of Pickering Government in Durham met first time in Xianning on March 17, 2012 and discusseu in detail the cooperation and exchange for "business, economic, education and culture" in general terms. The two parties have reached the understanding to establish a "Friendship Exchange Cities" relationship between City of Pickering and Manning City, with an action plan: I) Exchange programs of various forms will benefit the growth of both cities. II) Follow up to identify practical and "results-driven" business, economic cooperation, investment or partnership projects and initiatives suitable for execution in near and longer-term future years. A joint "Liaison Working Committee", sponsored by the Mayor of Pickering and Manning Mayor, will be established and assisted by Durham Chinese Canadian Culture Centre to execute an annual cooperation work plan. III) Promote and assist Durham Region as a whole to develop a strategic partnership among the education institutions in Durham and Xianning. IV) Durham Chinese Canadian Culture Centre (DCCC) will continue to act as the "bridging ambassador" between Xianning and City of Pickering to sustain the execution of cooperation and exchange programs. V) Made in duplicate in both Chinese and English languages, this memorandum is signed in Manning on 17`h of March 2012. • Xianning City, Hitbei City Of Picker , DLCrham