HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 4, 2009 __________________________________________________________________ Attendees: Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Devinder Kaur Panesar, Tiera Dookhie, J. Clarke Richardson School Becky George, Pickering Public Library Emily Honsberger, Dunbarton High School Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Constable Keith Richards, Durham Regional Police Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Raymond George Facey, Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Steve Holt, Community Appointee Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Sylvie Morel-Foster Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) 1.0 Welcome M. Carpino welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the bulk of the meeting would be dedicated to the Accessible Customer Service Training. 2.0 Accessible Customer Service & Training M. Carpino introduced Prem Noronha Recreation Programs, and advised that she was here to provide the mandatory Accessible Customer Service Training to the Committee. also noted that all Committees are required to recei P. Noronha-Waldriff provided a power point presentation and went over the accessible standards and the purpose of the training, she noted additional resources. A question and answer period ensued. Pickering Advisory Committee On Race Main Committee Room Community Appointee Community Appointee Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board Noronha-Waldriff, Coordinator, Community She receive this training. the AODA. At the conclusion of Minutes Relations & Equity June 4, 2009 7:10 PM Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) All All . 2 At the conclusion, a quiz and comment/feedback form were filled out by the Committee and handed in to P. Noronha-Waldriff. 3.0 Review & Approval of Agenda & Minutes M. Carpino reviewed the action items from the May 7th minutes and two additional items were added under other business to the agenda. The minutes of May 7th were then approved. 4.0 Community Survey M. Carpino provided an update on the community survey, noting the current list of cultural organizations and asking members to let her know of any additional organizations. She noted a few recommendations had been provided at the last meeting, which have been updated. She noted that the organizations did not necessarily have to be located in Pickering, but did need to serve Pickering. The following additions were suggested: • Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario • Gursikh Sabha Canada • Guru Gobind Singh Children’s Foundation (D. Panesar will provide contact information) • Aboriginal Community – M. Lazarus indicated an organization in Oshawa she could try to contact • K. Mark recommended that we go through the Native Canadian organization and contact the elders to do the outreach – this may be the more approachable route M. Carpino noted this pilot project be kept to 10 organizations for now. She also noted she would have feedback in time to update the Committee at the next meeting. Marisa to action 5.0 [YOU]nity: Update T. Dookhie and E. Honsberger provided an update on [YOU]nity. They informed the committee that through succession planning, they have three Grade 12 students that will be taking over their positions on this sub committee. Two students are from Pine Ridge Secondary School and one is from Dunbarton High School. E. Honsberger and T. Dookhie will provide M. Carpino with the names and email information. B. George also requested the contact information. E. Honsberger noted she will be attending Queens University this year and T. Dookhie will be attending the University of Toronto – downtown campus. M. Carpino extended thanks on behalf of the Committee for all their hard work over the past year and for demonstrating strong leadership skills. 3 It was suggested that the Committee provide student leaders with a Letter of Support from the Committee. M. Carpino will speak to Councillor Pickles in this regard. Marisa to action 6.0 Other Business 6.1) K. Richards noted the Youth Policing Initiative would be starting at the end of this month. They will have a total of 49 students in total participating. He also noted the Durham Regional Police will be participating in the Toronto Pride on June 28th. 6.2) D. Panesar noted her son was chosen to participate in the Youth Policing Initiative, but will be unable to participate due to family commitments, as they will be travelling to India and Kuwait this summer. 6.3) Writing Contest M. Carpino advised the Committee we need to think about a statement for this year’s contest. E. Honsberger suggested “My Perfect World is…..” A brief discussion ensued and it was the consensus of the Committee to go ahead with this. Further discussion ensued with respect to judging, particularly in the creative arts category. It It was noted the need to broaden the range of judges to incorporate the various additional segments of entrants. M. Carpino will contact S. Holt for any potential judges for the music aspect of the contest. She also noted this will be incorporated in the posters and the launch will take place in late August or early September. It was decided prizes could be discussed closer to the date of the contest, as the specifics are not noted in the flyers. M. Carpino noted she is looking into the creation of an e book as well as a cerlox bound copy. This should be in place in time for the next launch. Judging and guest speaker for the contest will be placed on the November agenda. 6.4) Youth Issues K. Mark noted the increase of minor vandalism and alcohol usage in the area of Glenanna and Brookshire, which is a concern with area residents. He noted there is no recreation outlet in the area for youth. B. George noted the Library is having problems in this area as well. A discussion ensued on this matter with the following issues brought up; • What can be done as a Committee to appeal to this segment of the community Marisa to action 4 • What appeals to the youth • Hours of operation need to meet the needs • Locations – need to do an assessment on certain areas, ie. Cutting down bushes, incorporate more lighting, thereby making it less visible so they may not congregate • Install more lighting in parks M. Carpino noted the City of Pickering FREE Youth programs are very successful but teens need to be interested in these types of activities to attend. K. Richards noted there is success with drop in centres in areas, as well as basketball programs, but the locations for this are difficult to obtain. M. Carpino suggested that this item be placed on the September agenda for further discussion. 6.5) K. Richards noted the Youth in Policing Forum is taking place July 29th with participants from all over Ontario taking part. He provided a brief outline of the program and noted he would provide the Committee with further information on this event. 7.0 Adjournment Next Meeting: September 3, 2009 Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City Clerk