HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 21, 2010 Attendees: Councillor Johnson Rhonda Lawson Terence Arvisais Keith Falconer Joanne Glasser Peter Rodrigues Isa James, Planner II L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Wickham Jamadar Rey Moreno Margaret Woods Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) 1.0 Welcome R. Lawson welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes R. Lawson reviewed the action items from the minutes and provided an update with respect to Rogers Farm. She noted that currently there are no plans to move or demolish the structure. She informed the committee letters had gone out to the Ministry expressing the concerns and wishes of the Committee. I. James provided an update with respect to the ERA Architects report. She informed the Committee has joined the City of Pickering as Manager, Development Review & Urban Design and noted she would be wor Heritage Pickering with respect to reports. She informed the Committee that a copy of the ERA Architects report would be available to them prior to presenting it to Council. She also noted they plan to present individual reports targeting speci items to Council, due to the large nature Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by T. Arvisais That the minutes of the July 27, 2010 meeting be approved. Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Main Committee Room Lawson, Vice Chair Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) previous meeting that that Margaret Wouters working with specific of this report. CARRIED Page 1 Minutes September 21, 2010 7:00 pm Page 2 Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3.0 New and Unfinished Business 3.1) Sub Committee Updates: Bicentennial R. Lawson provided an update with the progress to date on the Doors Open event. She noted that the letters had gone out seeking participation from the proposed locations and 13 participants have been confirmed. She noted they will be meeting on Thursday to go over the list and the next steps. She noted we need to think about the Walking Tours and P. Rodrigues noted that Whitevale should proceed smoothly. School Presentations K. Falconer provided an update with respect to the school presentations; • letters have gone out with Ajax included • two responses received – St. Mary’s & Dunbarton • to include elementary schools • suggested to target Grades 3 and 8 • ideas for the presentations still to be determined • start date in 2011 Discussion ensued with respect to the content of the presentations with the following suggestions being made; • include historic perspective • focus on areas of accountability of Heritage Pickering • understand importance of the role of Heritage Pickering • simplify into context they can understand • tailor presentation to audience • be interactive R. Lawson requested a copy of the proposed presentation be forwarded to her. 3.2) Transport Canada – Property Demolition R. Lawson advised the Committee that the City of Pickering had received notice from Transport Canada that there are 42 properties slated for demolition on the airport lands. She noted that 9 of these properties are on the Heritage Register as properties of interest. She noted that in previous studies done on these properties there was no historical data, more on the architectural details. Page 3 Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) I. James informed the Committee that Public Works Canada had worked with the City a few years back and completed a number of reports. She will go through to see if any of them relate to these 9 properties prior to the Committee going forward with researching them. Discussion ensued with respect to the state of repair the properties were in and it was recommended that a letter be forwarded to Transport Canada requesting additional time to research the properties and explore the option of moving them. I. James will coordinate a group inspection of the properties to determine their merit. Kamini Sahadeo, Director, Community Relations from MP Mark Holland’s office advised that they had received no response from inquiries to Transport Canada to date. She also offered support and assistance to the Committee on behalf of the office of Mark Holland, MP. 3.3) Workplan Update R. Lawson reviewed the accomplishments to date from the 2010 workplan. She noted the funds in the budget for consultant’s fees could be used for research of properties on the airport lands should the Committee determine if some of the 9 properties slated for demolition could be saved. R. Lawson also made note of the recommendations on the workplan for the next Committee with an emphasis on research. She also noted the importance of having a clear expectation of the project work of the Committee. It was suggested that the Committee put in a request with the next term of Council to have the number of appointments increased. I. James to action I. James to action 4.0 Correspondence 4.1) City of Pickering A notice of a Planning Act Application for 1755-1805 Pickering Parkway & 1842-1856 Notion Road was received for information. 5.0 Other Business 5.1) I. James informed the Committee she had spoken with Lee Gray today, owner of 3720 Salem Road. The property consists of a cottage and barn and the owner is hoping to have the structure moved and was hoping to gain the Committee’s Page 4 Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) support. Councillor Johnson advised the Committee he would speak to Joe Dickson, MPP. on this matter. 5.2) R. Lawson thanked all members for their support and congratulated everyone for their efforts throughout the year. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. Next meeting: To be determined Copy: City Clerk