HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 15, 2007 Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes /Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee May 15, 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Johnson Karen Emmink Richard Fleming Pamela Fuselli Jim Simpson Gordon Zimmerman Regrets: Theresa Abernethy Shirley Curran Shawna Foxton Also Present: D. Bentley, City Clerk L. Roberts, Committee Coordinator Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) Councillor Johnson stepped down as Chair and turned the meeting over to Debi Bentley, City Clerk, who called the meeting to order for the purpose of electing a Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee. She noted that the term would run until December 31, 2008. Moved by Councillor Johnson That Pamela Fuselli be nominated for the position of Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Pamela Fuselli accepted the nomination and the decision was CARRIED Moved by Gordon Zimmerman That Jim Simpson be nominated for the position of Vice-Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Jim Simpson accepted the nomination and the decision was CARRIED Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) The City Clerk then turned over the meeting to Pamela Fuselli, Chair. 2. New and Unfinished Business 2.1 2.2 Pamela went over the list of unfinished business items. Discussion took place with respect to inviting Council to a Heritage Pickering meeting. It was suggested we invite Council to attend one of our meetings, where we could provide a power point presentation for overview and invite comments from the Council Discussed increasing the number of members of the Heritage Pikering Committee Questions arose around the purchasing policy, and the possibility of having this available electronically. Heritage Pickering Application 02/06 2390 Rosebank Road____________ Debi provided an update with respect to 2390 Rosebank Road. She indicated she would like to get a resolution from the Committee in order to have a report prepared to forward onto Council. Based on the discussion at the last meeting, Debi advised that she followed up with respect to the cost implications of requesting the owner to complete a heritage Impact Study. She informed the Committee the cost for the Heritage Impact Study would be approximately $3,055.00 and the timeframe would depend on availability of the agencies involved. Moved by Richard Fleming Seconded by Gordon Zimmerman That the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee recommend to Council: That Heritage Permit Application 02/06 be approved, subject to the applicants submitting a Heritage Impact Study and further, that the façade of the addition, including the windows and doors, be subject to review and approval by the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, in consultation with the Chief Building Official. Debi to review schedule and look into dates Debi to report back in 2008, as per Council direction Debi to send out a copy of the City’s purchasing policy Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) Gordon noted that he could bring examples of Heritage Impact Studies to the next meeting for review by members. Invitation to Councillor Pickles to attend meeting Debi noted that the Terms of Reference will be placed on the May 22nd Council agenda for information and approval. Discussion ensued on the possibility of fundraising for the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, and the parameters by which the Committee could fundraise. Minutes from the April 17, 2007 meeting were discussed. It was noted the names of the guests from the April 17th meeting were missing and staff were asked to include for reference purposes. Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Jim Simpson That the Minutes of the April 17, 2007 meeting be approved. CARRIED Debi to look into logistics of fundraising 3. 750 Whitevale Road Update on Approval Process Gordon Zimmerman updated the Committee Committee on 750 Whitevale Road. He indicated that in no way should the windows be removed. Discussion ensued on the windows, entranceway and foundation of the property. Gordon noted they were doing a good job on the repairs to the foundation, and that the windows in the entrance would be a good place to spend money. Debi explained the protocol on the improvements to the windows. Approvals were already given to Del with respect to these improvements. Improvements such as this are handled by the Chief Building Official, in consultation with the City Clerk as part of our process, City staff will endeavour to ensure that approvals of this nature are provided to the Committee under Other Business. Gordon will have notes available at next meeting Page 4 CORP0228—2/02 Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4. Other Business 4.1 4.2 4.3 Whitevale Spring Festival Jim gave an update on the Whitevale Spring Festival coming up on May 26th. He commended the Parks Department on their excellent work on the parks. Pamela checked on volunteers for the day of the event. Tapestry Event Pamela updated the Committee on the Tapestry Event to be held on June 9th from 12 – 4:30 pm. The event will be held at Redmond House. She noted that each group will have a different house, with each country having a flag. Pamela showed a sample of the icon which the Committee had voted on for a Heritage Pickering flag or banner. Discussion ensued on looking at different icons to go on the flag. Councillor Johnson suggested we could use previous icons dating back to Pickering’s first logo. It was suggested we could use different logos through the years up the side of the icon. It was noted a banner could be done in house in our print shop. We could do the design, but the banner would have to be sent out, we could only print something for the top of a display possibly. Display boards were discussed. Pamela indicated she had display holders for brochures. She has brochures she can take for now, but for the future would like to have a kit of display information. Pamela handed out copies of the Whitevale brochure which is to be laminated for May 26th to Councillor Johnson and Gordon Zimmerman. She asked if we could laminate the 1867 Atlas as well. Karen indicated there were more maps available through the Library, which we could possibly get laminated as well. It was also suggested that we make copies of these maps for each Committee member. Designation Plaques Pamela explained the City had done a new plaque design, but noted that we need to find a new supplier. She noted other municipalities were using slate, but indicated copper or bronze should not be considered due to theft issues. Debi to check if we have previous logos Debi to book display boards (table size) for May 26th and June 9th Debi to have copies made and laminate originals for May 26th New supplier needs to be found Page 5 CORP0228—2/02 Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4.4 Designation Update on Ever Green Villa and Tullis Cottage Debi provided an update on Ever Green Villa and Tullis Cottage. She explained the process of registering designation by-laws and the costs involved to do title searches, especially considering that the by-laws hold no weight with the Federal government. Jim indicated that the above properties are critical ones, and recommended that we prioritize. The process has already been started on these properties. It was the consensus of the Committee to complete a letter indicating that the by-laws have been passed and forward to the Federal government, owners of the subject property. Gordon stressed the need to finalize the inventory. Letter to be completed indicating by-laws have been passed Inventory to be finalized Debi to draft inventory list at the earliest convenience. 5.0 Correspondence 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 .Brampton Heritage Committee & Community Heritage Ontario Invitation to Workshop Debi noted the workshop is being held on June 23rd at a cost of $35.00 per person. Members are to advise Linda Roberts if they are interested in attending. Operations & Emergency Services Recreation & Parks Month Invitation to attend events for Recreation & Parks Month received from Operations & Emergency Services. Novae Res Urbis Re: Demolition of Heritage properties on Federal lands Debi explained this publication comes to the City electronically, and we could possibly send it out to the members. Jim questioned the possibility of having a web page connected to the City’s website, specifically set up for correspondence, where the members could view the items in a central location. Heritage Conservation Conference Gordon reported on the Heritage Conservation Conference which he attended on May 4th and 5th in Guelph. He had a Linda to send out registration form to members Debi to contact and find out specific dates of events Debi to check with IT on possibly setting up an electronic system for Heritage Pickering Page 6 CORP0228—2/02 Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) number of handouts for the members to go over. Once again, he stressed the importance of finalizing the inventory. 6.0 Next Meeting – Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 pm Copy: Mayor Ryan Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer