HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 8, 2012 CORP0228—2/02 Attendees: Kirk Mark, Chair Kevin Ashe, Councillor, Ward 1 Devinder Panesar, Community Appointee Catherine Reidt, Co-Chair Jacob Yacoumidis, Community Appointee Christy Harper, Pickering Public Library Jody Morris, City of Pickering L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Carlisle Miller, Community Appointee Preet Panesar, Dunbarton High School Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Neha Mohan, VP, (YOU)nity Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Keith Richards, DRPS Misha Biswas, President, ( Alysha Singh, Secretary of Item/Ref # Details & Discussion & (summary of discussion) 1.0 Welcome & Introductions K. Mark welcomed everyone to the meeting. Committee that the Toronto Catholic District School Board ha proclaimed March as “Celtic Canadian Heritage Month”. 2.0 Agendas & Minutes Approval of agenda Moved by C. Harper Seconded by J. Yacoumidis Carried Moved by C. Redit Seconded by C. Harper That the minutes of the February 9, Diversity Committee be approved. Minutes/Meeting Summary Advisory Committee on Diversity Thursday, Pickering Civic Complex, Main Committee Room nity, Pine Ridge High School Alliance of Ontario YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Conclusion Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) He advised the had 2012 meeting of the Page 1 March 8, 2012 7:00 pm Kirk Mark Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 Carried 3.0 Event Updates 3.1) Heritage Day J. Morris provided an overview of Heritage Day which was held on February 25th. She congratulated C . Reidt for a job well done as Acting Chair for the day. She noted a good turnout with approximately 25 displays and participating groups in total. Also in attendance were MPP Corneliu Chisu and Tracy McCharles, who presented a certificate to C. Reidt. 3.2) Diversity Forum J. Morris provided an update on the Diversity Forum, to be held on March 21st. She noted she had spoken with the Honorable David Onley’s office and indicated she would need to reorder the list of speakers as changes have been made. She also noted she would have speaking notes prepared by Monday. J. Morris noted she will be meeting with Councillor Dickerson, who will attend as Acting Mayor on that day and she will also be meeting with the Honorable David Onley’s aid to review the order of the day. Everything is on track for the event. J. Morris to action 4.0 New Business 4.1) Community Survey J. Morris provided copies of both surveys submitted from the students of Durham College. She noted that in speaking with Nicole Doyle from Durham College, it was noted there were two students available to assist with the results and report. The students could implement projects based on data. The need to determine a goal was discussed, with the next steps being to determine the needs, how to address these needs, and to determine what the barriers are. The Committee indicated their preference and a detailed discussion period ensued with additions/revisions being noted as follows: • revise age groups to include 8 – 12 and 13 – 18 • use statistical categories (top ten) and add “other” for Items 5, 6 and 9 • Item 5 – add aboriginal and change heading to read Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 “ethno cultural – racial group • cut down Item 4 • combine Items 11 and 12 • Item 8 – provide more clarity and add a section for whether they have any children under this item • change wording on Items 18, 23, 25 & 27 • Remove Item 20 & 26 • Change Item 16 to read as a statement J. Yacoumidis noted he had a friend who is doing his doctorate in immigration and he could consult with him on Item 6 (religious affiliations) and Item 10 (Immigration status and period of immigration) Discussion ensued with respect to promotion once the survey has been finalized. J. Morris indicated the most cost effective means, i.e. website, library, community page advertising. The main expenses incurred would be through the postcards and delivery, which she noted would be approximately $2,300.00. J. Morris noted the News Advertiser will be distributing a quarterly magazine focused on diversity to start around July. J. Morris advised everyone if they would like to submit their working copies from tonight to her she would incorporate all the revisions and bring it to the next meeting. She also noted she would forward a draft to J. Yacoumidis to forward onto his contact for review as well. J. Yacoumidis/J. Morris to action 5.0 New Business 5.1) Youth & Seniors Engagement Discussion took place with respect to the possibility of the committee becoming involved with the Bay Ridges Long Term Care Facility or Orchard Villa retirement residence on Valley Farm Road through youth engagement. It was noted the privately funded facilities had more programs in place than publicly run facilities. There are not a lot of activities during the evening hours. It was suggested that a committee of youth could be formed through [YOU]nity to enable youth participation in an outreach program for seniors. Participation could be one evening per week. C. Harper noted she could provide contact information on directors who would be aware of where a need exists for such a Page 4 CORP0228—2/02 program, which could be a good starting point. It was noted that through the March Break camp hosted by [YOU]nity, they could get the word out to youth who may be interested in participating in such a program. It was suggested that this could be something which could begin at the start of the next school year. 6.0 Other Business 6.1) C. Reidt noted the Durham Board of Education has consultants for Diversity as well as Aboriginals. She questioned whether this would be something the Committee would like to see as a delegation at a future meeting. She noted she could provide the contact information to J. Morris to action. C. Reidt/J. Morris to action 7.0 Next Meeting & Adjournment The next meeting will be held on April 12, 2012 Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City Clerk