HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 09-12 citq 00 Report To Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PD 09-12 Date: April 2, 2012 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Revision to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 (R2) Zoning Amendment Application A 15/11 Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited Part Lots 17 & 18, Concession 3 City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 09-12 of the Director, Planning & Development be received; 2. That. Revision to Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01(R2) submitted by Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited, to permit a red-line revision to a draft approved plan of subdivision on lands being Part Lots 17 & 18, Concession 3, as shown on the Applicant's Revised Plan Attachment #3 to Report PD 09-12, be endorsed; 3. That the proposed amendments to the conditions of draft plan of subdivision approval to implement Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01(R2) as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 09-12 be endorsed; 4. That the Ontario Municipal Board be advised of City Councils decision on the request for red-line revision to Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 (R2) and that the City Solicitor be authorized to attend any Ontario Municipal Board hearing on the requested red-line revision; 5. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/11, submitted by Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited to permit a commercial block for a variety of commercial uses, including office, retail, personal service and restaurant, and for residential use being various forms of townhouses be approved; and 6. Further, that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/11 submitted by Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited, to amend the zoning of the subject property to implement Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01(R2), as outlined in Appendix II to Report PD 09-12 be endorsed and the by-law be finalized and forward to Council for enactment following the Ontario Municipal Board approval of the revisions to the draft plan of subdivision. Executive Summary: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (Mattamy) has requested a revision to a portion of the draft plan of subdivision in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood which was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The applicant has requested a zoning by-law amendment in order to implement the proposed development. Report PD 09-12 April 2, 2012 Subject: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (A 15/11) Page 2 5 The subject lands were included in the original draft approved plan of subdivision as a single future development block and Mattamy has now requested amendments to the approved plan to permit a commercial block and residential development in various forms of townhouses (street, lane, back-to-back and stacked) for a total of 103 dwelling units. The proposed development is consistent with the Duffin Heights Official Plan policies and will meet the minimum requirements of the Development Guidelines. The resulting development should provide appropriate pedestrian-related uses and massing along .Brock Road and help create a focal point at the Brock Road/William Jackson Drive intersection. Although specific development for the commercial block is not being advanced by Mattamy, the zoning by-law amendment will implement the Development Guideline provisions for this corner property, thereby creating a development ready commercial site that will be more attractive to potential development interests. The recommended amendments to the draft plan of subdivision conditions of approval and the draft zoning by-law will complete the Mattamy draft plan in Duffin Heights. The revised plan will accommodate residential development in the middle of the permitted density range and establish a built form along Brock Road and William Jackson Drive that reflects an appropriate urban edge to the mixed corridor lands. The applications are recommended for approval. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the recommendations of this report. 1.0 Background: 1.1 Property Description The subject lands are located at the northeast corner of Brock Road and William Jackson .Drive in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and are approximately 3.13 hectares in area (see Location Map, Attachment #1). These lands are the final phase of the Mattamy draft plan of subdivision which is currently under construction; the lands are identified as Block 239 in the approved Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01. The lands currently support the Mattamy sales pavilion and are being used as a staging area for the subdivision construction. Surrounding lands include a hydro easement and lands intended for future development to the north, Mount Pleasant Cemetery to the south, a place of religious assembly, residential homes and vacant land intended for future development across Brock Road to the west, and detached dwellings and a village green under construction across William Jackson Drive to the east. Report PD 09-12 April 2, 2012 Subject: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (A 15/11) Page 3 36 1.2 Applicant's Proposal The proposal is to be implemented through revisions to Block 239 of draft approved plan of subdivision SP-2008-01. This draft plan was previously approved by the OMB in January 2010. This block was zoned 'Urban Reserve' in the original approval of the subdivision, as Mattamy was not advancing any specific land use for this block. The remainder of the subdivision has since been registered and the development of the lands for detached and townhouse dwellings is significantly advanced. Mattamy's initial submission which was presented at the December 5, 2011 Public Information meeting was to further subdivide the lands within Block 239 to create the following: • a 0.74 hectare commercial block at the corner of Brock Road and William Jackson Drive • 82 back-to-back townhouse lots on public roads • 15 rear lane townhouse lots fronting William Jackson Drive; and • a 24-unit stacked townhouse block fronting Brock Road (see Applicant's Original Submitted Plan, Attachment #2) However, since the public meeting the applicant has revised the applications as a result of ongoing discussions with staff. This revised plan reconfigured the commercial block to a rectangle shape which increased the size and made it more suitable for future development. The urban design along William Jackson Drive has been improved by replacing the window street with lane townhouses that front William Jackson Drive. The amount of public streets has been reduced by creating a larger condominium block which will include a row of townhouses thereby improving the streetscape of the condominium block. The revised application now includes: a 0.85 hectare commercial block at the corner of Brock Road and William Jackson Drive • 24 back-to-back townhouse lots on public roads • 13 street townhouses • 26 rear lane townhouse lots fronting William Jackson Drive; and • a block for a condominium containing 24-unit stacked townhouse building fronting Brock Road and up to 16 lane townhouses that will front a public street but be serviced from the condominium private road (see Applicant's Revised Submitted Plan, Attachment #3) The OMB is the Approval Authority for the requested revision to the draft approved plan of subdivision as Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 was originally approved by the OMB. The City is the approval authority for the zoning amendment application. Report PD 09-12 April 2, 2012 Subject: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (A 15/11) Page 4 37 2.0 Comments Received: 2.1 At the December 5, 2011 Public Information Meeting No members of the public spoke in support or in opposition to the application at the public meeting (see Meeting Minutes, Attachment #5). 2.2 City Department and Agency Comments Region of no objection to the application but note the future Durham Planning commercial block should include additional 'main street', Department mixed-use function with office and residential units atop ground floor commercial-retail uses and the additional mix of uses with increased densities and building heights will help to achieve the sustainable, transit oriented, pedestrian accessible, main street development that is envisioned for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood • Brock Road is a unique, opportunistic, arterial road linking existing south urban Pickering to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and Highway 407 and will also be a key arterial and gateway to the future Seaton Community; the proposed development block provides vast opportunities to develop a distinct, densified, mixed-use main street that is transit oriented and pedestrian accessible • all servicing matters will be addressed in the detail design requirements of the existing conditions of approval (see Attachment #6) Engineering concerns with the intersection of Lane "E" and William Services Division Jackson Drive, this lane should be closed at the intersection or only permit the lane to be one way, northbound • consideration should be made for Lane "D" to be redesigned as a local street (see Attachment #7) Development . a traffic report should be submitted to address concerns Control with the intersection of Lane "E" and William Jackson Drive • the private lane in the condominium block needs to provide snow storage • appropriate noise and privacy fencing will be required (see Attachment #8) 2.3 Other Agencies No other agency (being technical agencies) that provided comments on the applications expressed any concern with the proposed land use. Detailed design matters can be addressed in the fulfillment of the conditions of approval if these applications are approved. Report PD 09-12 April 2, 2012 Subject: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (A 15/11) Page 5 3S 3.0 Discussion: 3.1 The proposed uses and built form comply with the Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Mixed-Use Areas - Mixed Corridors." in the Official Plan within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The "Mixed Corridor" designation is intended primarily for residential, retail, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale serving the community. The designation provides for residential development at a density of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare, and a maximum floor space index (FSI) (total gross floor area divided by lot area) of 2.5. The residential component of proposal provides a density of 74 units per net hectare. As no specific development proposals are being advanced for the commercial block as Mattamy will not be developing the block themselves, the FSI has not been calculated. Mattamy has provided a concept plan for how the commercial block could be developed (see Attachment #4). The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies for the Mixed Corridor designation require new developments to provide a strong and identifiable urban image by establishing buildings closer to the street, providing safe and convenient pedestrian access and requiring all buildings to be multi- storey. This location is identified as a focal point in the Neighbourhood Plan, which requires a minimum of three functional storeys with a four storey massing for the commercial block. The recommended zoning for the commercial block will implement the design requirements in terms of building location and height, by locating buildings close to the intersection and requiring a minimum four storey mass and three functional floors. For the Brock Road frontage, the proposed stacked townhouses will also be located close to the front lot line and provide the minimum required building height and massing. These buildings, plus the lane townhouses along William Jackson Drive will provide the required strong urban edge to the mixed corridor block. The proposed revised draft plan introduces additional housing forms to those provided on the adjacent Mattamy lands to the east. This results in a broader mix of housing form in terms of size and affordability and serves to implement the related policy objectives of the Official Plan and the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 3.2 The proposed development is consistent with the Development Guidelines for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (DHNDG) envision higher density, higher multi-storey and mixed-use buildings with a high level of architectural quality along this portion of the Brock Road Corridor. The Brock Road/William Jackson Drive intersection is identified as a focal point requiring the creation of prominent images through the use of appropriate building heights, massing, architectural features and landscaping. At corner locations such as this one, buildings shall have a minimum four storey massing and should contain the street by having their front walls parallel and close to the street. A minimum of 60 percent of the length of the Brock Road frontage should be occupied by a building. Report PD 09-12 April 2, 2012 Subject: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (A 15/11) Page 6 39 The proposed zoning provisions attached as Appendix II include building envelopes, build-to provisions and minimum height provisions equivalent to a four storey massing consistent with the Guidelines. The siting of future buildings in the commercial block should provide a strong focal feature at this important intersection, and provide a strong pedestrian-oriented urban edge along Brock Road and William Jackson Drive. Future buildings should occupy the majority of frontage along Brock Road. A high level of architectural design will be required through site plan approval. 3.3 The full potential for development within the Mixed Use Corridor is not being realized The vision for the Mixed Use Corridor through the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood was for a built form and density that is significantly more intense/higher than that proposed by Mattamy in the interior of the block. The demonstration plans in the Guidelines reflect non-grade related housing forms (apartment/office) deeper into the corridor on private driveways and aisles. While the Mattamy proposal does establish an attractive four storey stacked townhouse form immediately adjacent to Brock Road, the interior of the block introduces municipal public roads and grade related townhouse units, at a significantly lower density than the allowable maximum. This form of development, while strictly complying to policy requirements, creates freehold ownership tenure which does not support intensification over time. Mattamy advises that the market does not currently exist to support the more intense development designs that are permissible under the current policy regime. However, development of these lands out to Brock Road will complete the Mattamy project at this strategic location, and may act as a catalyst for further development interest along the mixed use corridor. Staff will continue to monitor development in the mixed use corridor to determine whether the objectives of established policies and guidelines are being achieved. 3.4 Advancing the development of the commercial block is important to the neighbourhood While it is recognized that Mattamy is not advancing any specific development proposal for the commercial block it is important that the site become development ready in terms of zoning and servicing. Mattamy has prepared concept plans that demonstrate that current retail needs for multiple users can be accommodated within the commercial block in a manner that reflects the intent of the Official Plan and DHNDG (see Attachment #4). By creating a pre-zoned serviced commercial block Mattamy will improve its ability to attract development interest in the lands that will hopefully result in the development of the commercial block sooner rather than later. Increased residential development activity in the broader Duffin Heights.Neighbourhood should also provide more attractive market conditions. Report PD 09-12 April 2, 2012 Subject: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (A 15/11) Page 7 40 Actual development of the commercial block may serve to advance other development proposals for lands within the mixed corridor. The introduction of a commercial development in the mixed corridor lands will also help achieve the goal of a diversified, transit oriented, and pedestrian friendly neighbourhood. 3.5 Subdivision Parking will be sufficient With development of denser forms of grade related housing (townhouses and back-to-back townhouses) the issue of sufficient parking, both on private property and on-street parking, needs to be sufficiently incorporated in the subdivision design. In terms of private `off-street' parking, the proposed zoning for the subdivision will require two parking spaces per dwelling unit including a parking space in the garage of sufficient unobstructed space that will accommodate a vehicle. On-street parking opportunities will also be provided in the area of laneway townhouses and adjacent to the commercial block. The condominium block will also provide its own visitor parking. With this revision to the draft plan the local roads have either a 17.0 metre right-of-way width or a 15.5 metre right-of-way width. The 17.0 metre road has a sidewalk on both sides of the street. The 15.5 metre road has a sidewalk on one side. All lots will accommodate one parking space on the private property between the garage door and the front lot line. There will be adequate curb space available for parking through the pairing of driveways and the proposed zoning requirement of front yard open space that will limit the size of the driveways. The proposed zoning includes a standard that a minimum of 50 percent of the front yard be maintained as landscaped open space. Therefore, any driveway on any lot can be no bigger than 50 percent of the front yard. This will ensure an appropriate parking space between driveway curb cuts. 3.6 Site details for the commercial block to be addressed through site plan approval Mattamy has provided a concept plan for the commercial block (see Attachment #4). The purpose of the concept plan was to demonstrate the block is of appropriate size and configuration to accommodate development that would meet the minimum requirements as outlined in the neighbourhood polices and the DHNDG. The concept plan is generally consistent with the Duffin Heights Development Guidelines. All site development matters concerning the City will be more thoroughly addressed through the site plan approval process, which will review items such as, but not limited to, building massing, elevations, fagade treatments, lighting, accessibility, on-site parking, site access, landscape buffers, and landscaping and the ability for intensification over time. The goal is to provide opportunities for a mix of uses with increased densities and building heights in order to help to achieve a sustainable, transit oriented, pedestrian accessible, main street development that is envisioned for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. Report PD 09-12 April 2, 2012 Subject: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (A 15/11) Page 8 41 3.7 Signalization of Brock RoadfWilliam Jackson Drive intersection should occur prior to development of the commercial block It is expected that Brock Road and William Jackson Drive will accommodate the traffic volumes generated from the development. A traffic impact study will be required as part of the subdivision/site plan approval to confirm on-site circulation and to identify any traffic issues such as Lane "E" intersection with William Jackson Drive and the appropriateness of the traffic island in the northern portion of the plan. Although signalization of the Brock Road/ William Jackson Drive intersection by the Region of Durham is anticipated later in 2012, staff recommend that an "(H)" Holding provision be included in the zoning by-law for the commercial block to ensure signals are in place prior to a building permit being issued. 3.8 Sustainability Implications have been reviewed The applicant has submitted a Sustainability Report that is based on the City's Sustainability Guidelines. City staff have reviewed the report and rated the revision to the draft plan as achieving a Level 1 score. The proposed development incorporates many of the elements of the Guidelines. It is noted that there are optional opportunities available in the guidelines that the applicant is encouraged to consider that would allow them to achieve a higher level rating for the development. In addition, there will be an opportunity to improve this rating as additional sustainability measures become available through site plan review and detailed building design. 3.9 Proposed Subdivision Conditions of Approval The revised draft approved plan of subdivision is recommended for approval. 4 The revisions represent appropriate development that conforms to the Official Plan and the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Detail design matters will be addressed in the existing requirements of conditions of approval and will be reviewed during the further processing of the application to ensure compliance with the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan, City policies and agency requirements. The existing cost sharing agreement between the major land owners will address certain financial responsibilities, and confirmation from the trustee that all financial contributions have been addressed will be required prior to registration. The recommended amendments to the draft plan of subdivision conditions of approval are outlined in Appendix I to this report. Report PD 09-12 April 2, 2012 Subject: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (A 15/11) Page 9 42 3.10 A site-specific amendment to Zoning By-law 3037 should be enacted Staff supports the rezoning application and recommends that the a site-specific implementing by-law that contains the standards attached as Appendix II to Report PD 09-12 be brought before Councils for enactment following the Ontario Municipal Board's approval of the revisions to the draft plan of subdivision. The proposed zoning provisions for the residential portion of the application will address building location performance standards to ensure an appropriate design for the neighbourhood. The recommendations also contain zoning standards to ensure that all dwellings have a minimum of two functional parking spaces per unit on the private property and that the internal garage space is functional. Standards related to minimum front yard landscaping are included to ensure a minimum amount of any front yard remains landscaped and will also control the maximum size of a driveway indirectly providing on-street parking opportunities. The recommendation is that all grade related residential units maintain 50 percent of the front yard as landscaped open space. The proposed by-law standards for the commercial block will include: • a mix of commercial uses, including office, retail, personal service and restaurant • resident dwelling units are permitted above the second floor • a minimum building height of three functional storeys and four-storey massing, and a maximum height of six storeys • building envelope and build-to zone provisions directing building siting in close proximity to the intersection of Brock Road and William Jackson Drive • the prohibition of drive-through facilities; and • parking requirements of 4.0 spaces per 100 square metres of all permitted uses, with a higher rate for restaurant that exceed total floor space of 500 square metres An "(H)" Holding symbol is proposed for the commercial block in order to ensure the following requirements are addressed: • installation of signalization of the Brock Road/ William Jackson Drive intersection to the satisfaction of the City and the Region; and • a development/site plan agreement requiring, among other things, payment of any required shared costs identified in the Duffin Heights Landowners Group Cost Sharing Agreement 4.0 Applicant's Comments: The applicant is aware of the recommendations of the report. Report PD 09-12 April 2, 2012 Subject: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (A 15/11) Page 10 A 3 Appendix: Appendix I Recommended Amendments to the Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 (R2) Appendix II Recommended Conditions of Approval for Zoning By-law Amendment A 15/11 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Original Submitted Plan 3. Applicant's Revised Submitted Plan 4. Applicant's Commercial Concept Plan 5. Minutes from December 5, 2011 Statutory Public Information Meeting 6. Agency Comments - Region of Durham Planning Department 7. City Comments - Engineering Services Division 8. City Comments - Development Control Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: XG~~O i Ross Pym, MCI PP Neil Carroll,poe "'PP Principal Planner - Development Review Director, Pl ni & Development RP:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council J~, V, A0,7 e~ Ja - 1 ~o 2-oI Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 44 Appendix I to Report PD 09-12 Recommended Amendments to the Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 (R2) A Conditions of Draft Approval ` Plan of Subdivision: SP-2008-01 (R2) Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited Lot 17 and 18, Concession 3 City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Sernas Associates identified as Project Number 04565 revised date February 2012 which illustrates revision to the Mixed Corridor Block 239 for a commercial block and a maximum of 103 dwelling units being 13 street townhouses, 24 back-to-back townhouses, 26 rear lane townhouses, a condominium block containing 24 stacked townhouses and 16 lane townhouses, roadways and a walkway block. 2. The Owner shall name road allowances included in this draft plan to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham and the City of Pickering. 3. The Owner shall convey a sufficient road widening to provide a minimum of 22.5 metre from the centerline of the Right-of-way across the entire frontage of the draft plan to the Region of Durham for the purpose of widening Regional Road Not. 4. The Owner shall convey a 0.3 metre reserve across the entire frontage of the draft plan along Regional Road No 1 to the Region of Durham. 5. The Owner shall convey a 15.0 metre x 15.0 metre sight triangle at the intersection of Brock Road and proposed Street 'A' to the Region of Durham. 6. The Owner shall submit plans showing the proposed phasing to the Region of Durham and the City of Pickering for review and approval if this subdivision is to be developed by more than one registration. 7. The Owner shall grant such easements as may be required for utilities drainage and servicing purposes to the appropriate authorities. 8. The Owner shall submit to the Region of Durham for review and approval a revised acoustic report prepared by an acoustic engineer based on projected traffic volumes provided by the Region of Durham Planning Department and recommending noise attenuation measures for the draft plan in accordance with the Ministry of the Environment guidelines. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision- Agreement to implement the recommended noise control measures. The agreement shall contain a full and complete reference to the noise report (i.e. author, title, date and any revisions/addenda thereto) and shall include any required warning clauses identified in the acoustic report. The Owner shall provide the Region with a copy of the Subdivision Agreement containing such provisions prior to final approval of the plan. Conditions of Approval for SP-2008-01 (R2) Page 2 46 9. The Owner shall provide for the extension of such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities which are external to' as well as within the limits of this plan that are required to service this plan. In addition the Owner shall provide for the extension of sanitary sewer and water supply facilities within the limits of the plan which are required to service other developments external to this subdivision. Such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities are to be designed and constructed according to the standards and requirements of the Region of Durham. All arrangements financial and otherwise for said extensions are to be made to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham and are to be completed prior to final approval of this plan. 10. The Owner shall convey a separate block for a sanitary sewer pumping station to the Region of Durham. 11. Prior to entering into a Subdivision Agreement the Region of Durham shall be satisfied that adequate water pollution control plant and water supply plant capacities are available to the proposed subdivision. 12. The Owner shall satisfy all requirements financial and otherwise of the Region of Durham. This shall include among other matters the execution of a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the Region concerning the provision and installation of sanitary sealers water supply roads and other Regional services. 13. Prior to the initiation of grading, and prior to the registration of this Draft Plan of Subdivision or any phase thereof, the Owner shall submit the following to The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the City of Pickering for review and approval: a) A revised FSSR consistent with the Duffin Heights ESP as approved by TRCA and City of Pickering. b) The FSSR shall include a detailed design for the storm drainage system for the proposed development including: i) plans illustrating how this drainage system will tie into surrounding drainage systems and stormwater management techniques which may be required to control minor or major flows; ii) appropriate stormwater management practices to be used to treat stormwater to mitigate the impacts of development on the quality and quantity of ground and'surface water resources as it relates to terrestrial and aquatic habitat; iii) detailed design and maintenance plans for any stormwater management facilities; of Approval for SP-2008-01 Conditions o (R2) Page 3 47 iv) an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, consistent with the Erosion and Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction (Greater Golden Horseshoe Area Conservation Authorities, 2007), as amended; v) location and description of all outlets and other facilities which may require a permit pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06, as amended; vi) plans illustrating how the design of SWM facility-considers wildlife passages and innovative design features such as wetland forebays and outlets. c) Overall grading plans for the lands within the Draft Plan of Subdivision illustrating among others how all vegetation in"the natural heritage system will be protected from grading and construction impacts. 14. The Owner shall obtain all necessary permits required pursuant to Ontario Regulation. 166/06, as amended, prior to registration. 15. The Owner shall enter into an agreement with the City of Pickering committing to undertake the Mitigation Measures and Best Management Practices Monitoring Program as required in the ESP. 16. The Owner shall provide a letter of credit to the City of Pickering for the full cost of the implementation of the plans identified in Condition No. 15. 17. The Owner shall install fences along the boundary of the development blocks and the publicly owned natural heritage system. 18. A restrictive covenant shall be placed over the rear yards of all lots created adjacent to the publicly owned natural heritage system. The restrictive covenant shall have the effect of prohibiting: 1) the removal of fences along the lot line of all subject development lots; and 2) the installation of gates or other access through the fences along the lot line of all development lots. 19. The Owner shall provide a total of - $29,000 [as determined by City of Pickering] contribution to the Fish Habitat Restoration Fund administered by the City for restoring fish habitats as identified in the ESP in consultation with the TRCA. 20. That the Draft Plan of Subdivision be red-line revised in order to meet the requirements of the TRCA's conditions if necessary. 21. Prior to final approval, a copy of the lot grading and drainage plan, showing existing and final grades, must be submitted in triplicate to Hydro One Networks Inc. (HONI) for review and approval. Conditions of Approval for SP-2008-01 (R2) Page 4 48 22. Any development in conjunction with the subdivision must not block vehicular access to any HONI facilities located on the right-of-way. During construction there will be no storage of materials or mounding of earth, snow or other debris on the right-of-way. 23. The subdivider shall make arrangements satisfactory to HONI for the crossing of the hydro right-of-way by the proposed road(s). Separate proposals including detailed lighting and site servicing plans shall be submitted in triplicate to HONI for future road crossing. 24. The costs of any relocations or revisions to HONI facilities which are necessary to accommodate this subdivision will be borne by the developer. 25. The. easement rights of HONI and its legal predecessors are to be protected and maintained. 26. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/11 become final and binding; 27. That the Owner enters into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: a) that the Owner satisfy the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting a stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provisions regarding easements; b) that the Owner satisfy the Director, Planning & Development Department for contributions for downstream stormwater management; c) that the Owner satisfy the Director, Planning & Development Department for design and implementation of diversion of stormwater from off-site lands as proposed in an approved Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report; d) that the Owner satisfy the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting submission and approval of a grading and control plan; e) that the Owner satisfy the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis; f) that the Owner satisfy the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting the authorization from abutting land owners for all off-site grading; Conditions of Approval for SP-2008-01 (R2) Page 5 9 g) that the Owner satisfy the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting construction of roads with curbs, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs; h) that street names and signage to be provided to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering; i) that the Owner satisfy the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City; j) that the Owner satisfy the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services; k) that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the subdivider; 1) that the Owner convey to the City, at no costs: (i) any easements as required; and, (ii) any reserves as required by the City; m) that the Owner convey any easement to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility; n) that the Owner arrange at no costs to the City any easements required on third party lands for servicing and such easements shall be in a location as determined by the City and/or the Region and are to be granted upon request at any time after the draft approval; o) that the Owner make satisfactory arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on either existing streets or the proposed public street; (iii) insurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; (iv) the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; Conditions of Approval for SP-2008-01 (R2) Page 6 5 (v) type and timing of construction fencing; (vi) location of construction,trailers; (vii) details of the temporary construction access; p) that the Owner satisfy the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act; q) that the Owner satisfy the City with respect to arrangements necessary to provide for coordination of services and roads with adjacent lands and any phasing of development that may be required; r) that the Owner satisfy the City with respect to the disposition of future development blocks and acquisition of abutting severed parcels prior to draft plan registration; s) that the Owner satisfy the City with respect to providing a second access to Brock Road until such time as William Jackson Drive is extended northward and intersects with an existing street and is open to public traffic; t) that the Owner satisfy the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works; u) that the Owner agrees to submit a Landscape Fencing Plan, with respect to the provision of a fence and landscaping to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department, such Plan shall include a 1.5 metre black vinyl chain link fence on the south limit of William Jackson Drive; v) that the Owner agrees to install a fence next to the park block to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering; w) that the Owner submit a street tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the City; x) that the Owner, prior to the preparation of the subdivision agreement, shall engage a control architect, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department, who will prepare streetscape/architectural control guidelines to the City's satisfaction, approval all models offered for sale and certify that all building permit plans comply with the City's approved guidelines; y) that the Owner ensure that the engineering plans be coordinated with the streetscape/architectural control guidelines and further that the engineering plans coordinate the driveway, street hardware and street trees to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and all objectives of the streetscape/architectural control guidelines can be achieved; Conditions of Approval for SP-2008-01 (R2) Page 7 51 z) that the Owner satisfy the City respecting the provision of appropriate aesthetic details.and design of all boundary fencing and noise attenuation fencing; aa) that the Owner provide a fixed payment satisfactory to the City to provide for the long term maintenance and repairs of items such as enhancements to fences, entrance feature walls, medians that exceed the City's normal standards and which are requested by the subdivider; bb) that the Owner satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment regarding the approval of a noise study recommending noise control features to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham, and the City of Pickering; cc) that the Owner satisfy the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City services, roads, storm sewers, sidewalks, lot grading, streetlights, fencing and tree* planting, and financially-secure such works; dd) that the engineering plans be coordinated with the architectural design objectives; ee) that the Owner revise the draft plan, as necessary to the satisfaction of the City to accommodate any unforeseen technical engineering issues which arise during the review of the final engineering drawings. Required revisions may include reducing the number of residential building lots or reconfiguring the roads or lots to the City's satisfaction; ff) that any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham or the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the development of this plan be obtained by the subdivide, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City of Pickering as verification of these approvals; gg) that the Owner satisfy, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering, all matters required by the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan, including but not limited to the following: (i) Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report; (ii) Monitoring Report; (iii) Compensation Report; (iv) Fish Habitat Restoration Fund contribution; (v) Watershed System Monitoring and Management Fund contribution; (vi) Adaptive Management Fund contribution; and, Conditions of Approval for SP-2008-01 (R2) Page 8 52 (vii) that the Owner become a party to the cost sharing agreement for Duffin Heights and the Director, Planning & Development Department receives an acknowledgement from the Trustee of the Duffin Heights Landowners Group Inc. that the Owner has made satisfactory arrangements to pay its proportion of the shared development cost; hh) that the Owner convey to the City of Pickering the park block (Block 202) and the village green blocks (Blocks 203 and 204) at no cost and in a physical condition acceptable to the City for parkland dedications, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, in order to satisfy Section 42(1) of the Planning Act; ii) that the Owner satisfy, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering, that the Duffin Heights Master Parks Agreement has been entered into and executed that establishes the requirements and process for parkland dedication in accordance with the Planning Act for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood; jj) that if this subdivision is to be developed by more than one registration, the Owner will be required to submit a plan showing the proposed phasing, all to the satisfaction of the City; kk) that the Owner construct a temporary secondary emergency access at no cost to the City for this draft plan. The temporary access must be in a location and be designed to the satisfaction of the City. However, the subdivider acknowledges and agrees that if there is an opportunity in the future to for the development of lands north of Street A in this draft plan, they may eliminate the need for a temporary access to the subject area by utilizing a future road system; II) that the Owner satisfy to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department any required easement for works, facilities or use rights that are required by the City of Pickering. 28. The subdivision agreement between the Owner and the City of Pickering shall contain, among other matters, the following provisions: a) that the Owner agrees to include provisions whereby all offers of purchase and sale shall include information that satisfies Subsection 59(4) of the Development Charges Act, 1997; b) that the Owner agrees to implement those noise control measures recommended in the noise report required in Condition 8; Conditions of Approval for SP-2008-01 (R2) . Page 9 53 c) that the Owner agrees to carry out, or cause to be carried out, to the satisfaction of the TRCA, the recommendations of the technical reports referenced in Condition 13; d) that the Owner agrees to agree to, and implement, the requirements of the TRCA's conditions in wording acceptable to the TRCA; e) that the Owner agrees to design and implement on site erosion and sediment control; f) that the Owner agrees to maintain all stormwater management and erosion and sedimentation control structures operating and in good repair during the construction period, in a manner satisfactory to the TRCA; g) that the Owner agrees to obtain all necessary permits pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06, as amended, from the TRCA; h) that the Owner agrees to erect a permanent fence, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering and TRCA, along the boundary of the development blocks and the publicly owned natural heritage system; i) that the Owner agrees to implement all water balance/infiltration measures identified in the approved FSSR; j) that the Owner agrees to commit to provide appropriate information to all perspective buyers of lots adjacent to the publicly owned natural heritage system through all agreements for purchase and sale, sales information, and community maps to ensure that the land owners are well informed that private use and/or access to the open space blocks shall not be permitted, and reflect the intent of the following: "The open space adjacent to the subject property is considered to be part of the publicly owned natural heritage system and will be maintained for environmental protection, and public use purposes. Please note that uses such as private picnics, barbeque or garden areas; and/or the dumping of refuse (e.g. grass/garden clippings household compostable goods, garbage etc.) are not permitted on these lands. In addition, access to the valley corridor such as private rear yard gates and/or ladders are prohibited." k) that the Owner agrees to include the following home buyer acknowledgement and agreement in all agreements of purchase and sale for lots adjoining the cemetery lands: Conditions of Approval for SP-2008-01 (R2) Page 10 54 "The Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that: (i) the residential development comprising the Property to be acquired hereunder will be located adjacent to the Duffin Meadows Cemetery (the "Cemetery") which may continue to operate indefinitely, (ii) a 1.8 metre high wood privacy fence (the "Fence") will be located along the boundary between the Property and the Cemetery, and (iii) the Fence shall not be removed or altered and no gate, stairs, ladder, or opening shall be placed therein, and the Fence shall be maintained and repaired by the Purchaser or its successors in title in a manner identical in both materials and design to that of the original fence". furthermore, a restrictive covenant shall be placed over Blocks194 to 199 implementing the acknowledgement and agreement of item (iii) above. 29: That the owner, forthwith upon receiving draft plan approval, confirm in a letter to the City and in a provision in the subdivision agreement that it will not commence any construction works (including site servicing, topsoil stripping and grading) on the subject property until the works required for the construction of the Central Duffins Collector sanitary sewer have commenced. 30. That the Owner satisfy the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting the submission and approval of a traffic study for both on-street traffic movements and on-site traffic movements for the commercial block. 31. Prior to final approval of this plan for registration, the Director, Planning & Development for the City of Pickering shall be advised in writing by: a) The Region of Durham how Conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 have been satisfied. b) The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority how Conditions 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 28 c), d), e), f), g), h), i), and j) have been satisfied. c) Hydro One Networks Inc. how Conditions 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 have been satisfied. Notes to Draft Approval 1. As the Owner of the proposed subdivision, it is your responsibility to satisfy all conditions of draft approval in an expeditious manner. The conditions of draft approval will be reviewed periodically and may be amended at any time prior to final approval. The Planning Act provides that draft approval, may be withdrawn at any time prior to final approval. Conditions of Approval for SP-2008-01 (R2) Page 11 2. All plans of subdivision must be registered in the Land Titles system within the Regional Municipality of Durham. 3. The transmission lines abutting this subdivision operate at 500,000, 230,000 or 115,000 volts. Section 186 - Proximity - of the Regulations for Construction Projects in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, require that no object be brought closer than 6.0 metres (20 feet) to an energized 500 kV conductor. The distance for 230 kV conductors is 4.5 metres (15 feet) and for 115 kV conductors it is 3.0 metres (10 feet). It is the proponent's responsibility to be aware, and to make all personnel on site aware, that all equipment and personnel must come no closer than the distance specified in the Act. They should also be aware that the conductors can raise and lower without Warning, depending on the electrical demand placed on the line. 4. Where agencies' requirements are required to be included in the City of Pickering subdivision agreement, a copy of the agreement should be sent to the agencies in order to facilitate their clearance of conditions for final approval of this plan. The addresses and telephone numbers of these agencies are: a) Commissioner of Planning, Planning Department, Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East P.O. Box 623, Whitby, Ontario L1 N 6A3, 905.668.7711. b) The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Development Planning and Regulation, 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario, M3N 1 S4, 416.661.6600. c) Hydro One Networks Inc, Facilities 7 Real Estate, P. O. Box 4300, Markham, Ontario, L3R 5Z5, 905.946.6248. 56 Appendix II to Report PD 09-12 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/11 57 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/11 1. That the implementing zoning by-law: (a) permit the establishment of street townhouse dwelling units in accordance with the following provisions: (i) minimum lot frontage of 6.0 metres; (ii) minimum lot depth of 24.0 metres; (iii) minimum lot area of 150 square metres; (iv) maximum building height of 13.0 metres; (v) minimum front yard depth of 3.0 metres; (vi) minimum front yard driveway length of 6.0 metres; (vii) minimum rear yard depth of 7.0 metres; (viii) minimum side yard width of 1.2 metres; (ix) minimum flanking side yard width of 2.4 metres; (x) minimum building separation of 2.4 metres; (xi) maximum driveway width of 50 percent of the lot frontage; (xii) maximum lot coverage (accessory buildings) of 5 percent; (xiii) minimum two private parking spaces per dwelling unit, which can be provided by either within an attached garage or one parking space in an attached garage and one parking space in a driveway immediately in front of the parking garage for that dwelling unit; (xiv) a minimum garage parking space size of 2.9 metres by 6.0 metres; (xv) provisions related to encroachments, accessory buildings and decks; (b) permit the establishment of lane based townhouse dwelling units in accordance with the following provisions: (i) minimum lot frontage of 6.0 metres; (ii) minimum lot depth of 24.0 metres; (iii) minimum lot area of 150 square metres; (iv) maximum building height of 13.0 metres; (v) minimum front yard depth of 3.0 metres; (vi) minimum front yard driveway length of 6.0 metres; (vii) minimum rear yard depth of 7.0 metres; (viii) minimum side yard width of 1.2 metres; (ix) minimum flanking side yard width of 2.4 metres; (x) minimum building separation of 2.4 metres; (xi) maximum driveway width of 50 percent of the lot frontage; (xii) maximum lot coverage (accessory buildings) of 5 percent; (xiii) minimum two private parking spaces per dwelling unit, which can be provided by either within an attached garage or one parking space in an attached garage and one parking space in a drive way immediately in front of the parking garage for that dwelling unit; Recommended Conditions of Approval for Zoning By-law Amendment A 15/11 (xiv) a minimum garage parking space size of 2.9 metres by 6.0 metres; (xv) provisions related to encroachments, accessory buildings and decks; (c) permit the establishment of back-to-back townhouse dwelling units in accordance with the following provisions: (i) minimum lot frontage of 6.0 metres; (ii) minimum lot depth of 14.0 metres; (iii) minimum lot area of 80 square metres; (iv) maximum building height of 13.0 metres; (v) minimum front yard depth of 3.0 metres; (vi) minimum front yard driveway length of 6.0 metres; (vii) minimum side yard width of 1.2 metres; (viii) minimum flanking side yard width of 2.4 metres; (ix) minimum building separation of 2.4 metres; (x) maximum driveway width of 50 percent of the lot frontage; (xi) minimum two private parking spaces per dwelling unit, which can be provided by either within an attached garage or one parking space in an attached garage and one parking space in a drive way immediately in front of the parking garage for that dwelling unit; (xii) a minimum garage parking space size of 2.9 metres by 6.0 metres; (xiii) provisions related to encroachments, (d) permit the establishment of a stacked townhouse units in accordance with the following provisions: (i) building envelope and build-to zone provisions directing building siting in close proximity to Brock Road; (ii) a minimum building height of three storeys and, and a maximum height of six storeys; (iii) minimum lot area of 1,750 square metres; (iv) minimum driveway length of 6.0 metres; (v) minimum side yard width of.3.0 metres; (vi) minimum landscape open space; (vii) minimum two private parking spaces per dwelling unit, which can be provided by either within an attached garage or one parking space in an attached garage and one parking space in a drive way immediately in front of the parking garage for that dwelling unit; (viii) a minimum garage parking space size of 2.9 metres by 6.0 metres; (ix) provisions related to encroachments, accessory buildings and decks; Recommended Conditions of Approval for Zoning By-law Amendment A 15/11 59 (e) permit the establishment of commercial block in accordance with the following provisions: (a) a mix of commercial uses, including office, retail, personal service and restaurant (b) resident dwelling units are permitted above the second floor (c) a minimum building height of three functional storeys and four- storey massing, and a maximum height of six storeys (d) building envelope and build-to zone provisions directing building siting in close proximity to the intersection of Brock Road and William Jackson Drive (e) the prohibition of drive-through facilities; and (f) parking requirements of 4.0 spaces per 100 square metres of all permitted uses, with a higher rate for restaurant that exceed total floor space of 500 square metres (g) an "(H)" Holding symbol is proposed for the commercial block in order to ensure the following requirements are addressed: (i) installation of signalization of the Brock Road/ William Jackson Drive intersection to the satisfaction of the City and the Region; and (ii) a development/site plan agreement requiring, among other things, payment of any required shared costs identified in the Duffin Heights Landowners Group Cost Sharing Agreement ATTACHMENT # I M 6 0 REPURT # PD RIS DRIVE L LANE z PAR 0 5 o } ~ z z CENT HAYD N LANEa En 0 HINDU CULTURAL C TR SUBJECT m PROPERTY LLOW RI LIATRIS DRIVE DERSAN STREET Y U O T'E 0~ M City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Part Lots 17 & 18, Concession 3 07\ OWNER Mattamy (Brock Road) ltd. DATE Oct. 6, 2011 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. SP 2008-01 (R2) SCALE 1:5,000 CHECKED BY RP N oTeranet oEnt.rpri... Ise, d IU a plies. All right. Re•eryed. Not a plan of urvey. PN-15 2003 MPAC antl ib • II•r.. All A ht. R.•.rved. Not a Ian o1 Su. ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT # PD D9-/,X 6 2 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN MATTAMY (BROCK ROAD) LTD. SP-2008-01 (R2) CALLERI Existing WRIGHT ® P 0 ORC Existing Residential Q O ct~ ORC F KALMAR AVENUE GERBIS z Residential u z STREET 'A' z m O A O ORC N m U HAYDEN LANE L~ ~T a o < m ~g I I I COND5 2 fi BL004; 'c STREET 'B' a Q Existing Place TYA ATAN DHA1MA i C URAL SABHA OF STREET CANADA 1.SmWALK8L0Q"5WAY PART 2, PLAN - 2 0.07ha. W BLOCK 16 R COa M AL ~Z Existing VERNOYesidential DERSAN ST MOUNT PLEASANT -0~ N FULL SCALE COPIES OF 7HE APPUGNTS SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR HEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING h DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. 7HIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPAR7MENT, INFORMA77ON & SUPPORT SEFNCES, MAR 1, 2012. ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PQ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED 63 COMMERCIAL CONCEPT PLAN MATTAMY (BROCK ROAD) LTD. SP-2008-01 (112) 1 Yi I ' 1 i Q I 6.96 15.16 6.00 32> Q I R o 773 CARS 20 I~ 0 I 18 9 1Ir 2. 9 11 1 I !1 V 17.07 18 O N O CANOPY ABOVE o .7 6.00 0.00 1 BLDG A~ rm a 16.0 I~ m I 578.5 sm Q 16 9 (6 227 3 b\ 1 GROUND &T & 14 9 225, EL 0 8 BLOCK 14 ° COMMERCIAL I 32.7 I BUILDING G Al 727.96 sm ~j 1 eti (7 836 sf GROUND FIL ps ST G 39.74 8 1 ss I WILLIAM JACKSON DRIVE THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, MARCH 16, 2012. ATTACHMENT # 5 TO 6 4 REPORT # PD Cq-/c2 Excerpts from cJoint Planning & Development and Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 5, 2011 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe (II) Part `A' - Information Reports 2. Revision to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 (132) Zoning Amendment Application A 15/11 Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited Part Lots 17 & 18, Concession 3, City of Pickering A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to the above noted application. Ross Pym, Principal Planner - Development Review, provided an overview of zoning by-law amendment application A 15/11. Bryce Jordan, Sernas and Associates, appeared before the Committee on behalf of the applicant,- in support of the application. He stated the plan does provide for higher density which conforms to the urban design requirements of the Durham Regional Official Plan. He stated that design issues have been raised and they are seeking ways to address concerns relating to access, street widths and sidewalks through ongoing discussions with staff. He noted they anticipate revisions to the plans in the near future. Discussion ensued with respect to the range of density and public streets as opposed to private streets. Concerns were raised with respect to the need to keep to the original vision. Staff provided clarification with respect to questions raised. No members of the public spoke in support or opposition to the application. 1 I ATTACHMENT # 6 TO REPORI PD_ 65 March 8, 2012 r - Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Planning & Development Department City of Pickering The Regional One The Esplanade Municipality Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 of Durham Planning Department Mr. Pym: 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4 T" FLOOR LOOR Re: Regional Comments on a Proposed Amendment to the Draft P.O. BOx'623 Approved Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2008-01 WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 - Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited - Mixed-Use Block (905) 668-7711 Fax: (905) 666-6208 E-mail: planning@ Following our comments, dated December 12, 2011, regarding the region. aurham.on.ca above-noted application to develop a mixed-use block in the Mattamy www.region.durham.on.ca draft plan (S-P-2008-01) in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, we have A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP received a revised mixed-use block plan. Our previous comments with Commissioner of Planning respect to the Regional Official Plan and mixed-use development remain applicable and are restated below. Regional Works has indicated that they have no objection to the proposal subject to the previous conditions of draft approval. Also included below are our comments following review of a noise report that was submitted with the revised mixed-use block plan. As we understand it, the proposal would permit residential and commercial development on a mixed corridor block (Block 200) in the draft approved plan, adjacent to Brock Road. The proposed development block now consists of 79 townhouse units, a 24 unit six-plex apartment condominium building and a future commercial block: Regional Official Plan The Regional Official Plan designates the proposed development block "Regional Corridor" within a "Living Area". A "Regional Corridor" along a major "Type A" Arterial Road and Transit Spine, such as Brock Road, is one of the greatest assemblages of land use designations that would permit high density and mixed-use development. Brock Road is a unique, opportunistic, arterial road linking existing south urban Pickering to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and Highway 407. Brock Road will also be a key arterial and gateway to the future Seaton Community. The proposed development block provides vast opportunities to develop a distinct, densified, mixed-use main street that is transit oriented and pedestrian accessible. "Service. Excepence for. our Communifies" ATTACHMENT # TO u REPORT # PD~420:/a We acknowledge and commend the developer for a proposed plan which attempts to provide a mix of residential and commercial uses, in proximity to transit routes, with density and street frontage. However, given the opportunistic and 'greenfield' nature of the subject block, the developer is further encouraged to consider increased residential densities and building heights as well as rental tenure apartments to develop a truly mixed-use corridor block. Further, the future commercial block should include additional `main street', mixed-use function with office and residential units atop ground floor commercial-retail uses. We note that a preliminary commercial concept plan (figure 3 in the Planning National Report) illustrates rear surface parking for the future commercial block. A more efficient use of land that would allow a larger building footprint and create a distinctive street corner and gateway to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood would be to include structured below grade or multi-level parking in-place of surface parking, or in conjunction with minimal surface parking. Consideration should be given to surrounding residential unit layouts and street/laneway orientation in order to support structured parking access. In short, an additional mix of uses with increased densities and building heights will help to achieve the sustainable, transit oriented, pedestrian accessible, main street development that is envisioned for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. Regional Services Regional Works has reviewed the proposed amendment and indicates that they have no objection to the proposed development. Noise Report An Environmental Noise Assessment report, prepared by YCA Engineering Limited, dated February 2012, was submitted with the revised mixed-use block plan. The report provides calculations and recommendations that would meet the requirements of the Region of Durham and the Guidelines of the Ministry of Environment. An agreement between the City of Pickering and the applicant should include the necessary provisions to implement the noise attenuation measures recommended in the report including; a 1.8 metre noise fence along certain residential blocks with townhouse units adjacent to the hydro corridor, a central air conditioning requirement for units in the six-plex condominium apartment building, and warning clauses registered on title and included in Agreements of Purchase and Sale for various units. ATTACHMENT # 6 TO REPORT # PD,? 67 Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed mixed-use development. Our previous conditions of draft approval remain applicable and should be revised to include the updated Noise Assessment. Please contact me should you have any questions regarding the above. Gm~1 Dwayne Campbell, MCIP, PP Project Planner Copy: Pete Castellan, Regional Works ATTACHMENT #~TO REPORT # PD ~ / 68 i~ Memo To: Ross Pym March 8, 2012 Principal Planner- Development Review From: Darrell Selsky Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works Copy: Division Head, Engineering Services Manager, Development Control Revised Draft Plan Submission Subject Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/08 Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited Part Lots 17 & 18, Concession 3 City of Pickering The Development Review Team (comprised of staff representing both Engineering Services and Operations) has reviewed the information provided in support of the above noted application, and provide the following comments. General Comments 1. No comments on this site plan application at this time. Landscape Comments 1. No comments on this site plan application at this time. Traffic Comments 1. Lane E configuration in question. The proximity of the intersection to the corner of William Jackson presents an unnecessary zone of conflict.. Please revise considering two options: a) close it off completely, providing necessary turning movements for the last unit and providing access for fire and waste disposal b) keep laneway open with a signed one-way direction to the north only 2. The proposed Lane D (10m) should. be changed to a street designation (15.5m). ATTACHMENT #-L_-TO REPORT # PD 09-12 Stormwater Management Comments 69 1. No comments on this site plan application at this time. SB:cc I I March 8, 2012 Page 2 SP-2008-01 Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited I 7 0 ATTACHMENT #.e 8 TO REPC)R7 Memo, To: Ross Pym March 8, 2012 Principal Planner - Development Review From: Robert Starr Manager, Development Control Copy: Coordinator, Development Approvals Subject: Revision to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 (R2) - 2nd Submission Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/11 Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited Part Lots 17 & 18, Concession 3 City of Pickering We have reviewed the documents submitted in support of the above noted application and provide the following comments: 1. We have a concern with the location of the proposed Lane E access onto William Jackson Drive. A Traffic Report will need to address this concern. 2. The lane for the proposed Block 14, Condominium Block will be a private laneway therefore, the engineering plans will be required to identify areas for snow storage on site or the condominium agreement/site plan agreement is to require "snow removal" as part of the agreement. 3. The Environmental Noise Assessment identifies the need for a noise attenuation fence along the rear of Block 2 & Block 3. For conformity, we request the fence be extended across the rear of Block 1. 4. This development must comply with the Duffin Heights MESP and Cost Sharing Agreement. 5. Notes #1 and #5 from our previous comments are still valid.