HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 8, 2012 City o Minutes/Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee , CAO Boardroom PICKOUNG Wednesday, February 8, 2012 11:30 am Attendees: Doug Dickerson, Chair, City Councillor, Ward 2 David Pickles, Vice-Chair, City Councillor, Ward 3 Peter Rodrigues, Regional Councillor, Ward 3 Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Chantal Whitaker, Coordinator, Sustainability Carol Redmond, (Acting) Executive Assistant, Council (Recording Secretary) Absent: Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1. Presentation of the Measuring Sustainability Report & C. Whitaker Website Councillor Dickerson called the meeting to order at 11:40 am. C. Whitaker distributed copies of the Measuring Sustainability Report and advised that the Report and website will be launched on Friday, February 10, 2012. Since the original report, a technical review was conducted and data from a community survey compiled. The information was collected and analyzed and as a result, established a baseline to track progress of 55 indicators of sustainability, broken down into five sections. C. Whitaker advised that 100 hard copies of the report have been printed and a stand-alone web-based version of report was developed. C Whitaker provided an overview of the web- based version outlining various features such as accessibility standards, browse aloud, content management capabilities, and social media. Councillor Dickerson suggested including a revision date when updating content of the site. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 2. Sustainable Pickerin Da March 31, 2012 C. Whitaker C. Whitaker advised that the 7th annual Sustainable Pickering Day will be held at the Pickering Town Centre on March 31, 2012. The media will be invited to attend a 1:00 pm. Local food is the theme this year. The event will include interactive activities for families such as a vegetable starter kit, reusable bag colouring and a mini farmers market. A local gardening expert, culinary school, and others will be invited to participate. A discussion ensued regarding Earth Hour and ways to engage the community. 3. Contribution Program C. Whitaker C. Whitaker advised that letters were mailed to previous and potential new contributors. She noted that $2,700 has been received to date and will keep Committee members apprised of any further contributions. 4. Compact Thermal Heat Storage T. Melymuk T. Melymuk updated the Committee on the research project funded by Natural Resources Canada on compact heat storage technologies. He advised that a consultation is being planned for early March for the City's consultants (SAIC Canada) to obtain technical comments and input from local builders and developers. 5. 2012 Work Ian & Budget, T. Mel muk T. Melymuk distributed copies of the proposed Sustainable Pickering consulting budget and workplan for 2012. Proposed services/projects include: • Enhancing community and corporate engagement • Completion of Milestones 4 and 5 of the Partners for Climate Protection Program • Continued work on the Sustainable Placemaking framework • Completion of research project on Compact Thermal Storage Energy Storage T. Melymuk advised that a Report to Council on the City's Sustainable Pickering program will be presented at the Executive Committee meeting February 13, 2012. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Councillor Dickerson left the meeting at 1:00 pm 6. Global City Indicators Facility Project T. Melymuk T. Melymuk advised that Pickering joined the Global City Indicators Facility (GCIF) in 2011 and that there are now over 150 cities participating in this initiative, which is established at the University of Toronto. Participating cities report on 115 indicators related to city services and quality of life according to a globally standardized methodology. A (GCIF) Reception and Report Launch is scheduled for Friday, February 10, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm in Toronto and Committee members are welcome to attend. 7. Other Business All C. Whitaker informed Committee members of a proposed nomination in the Sustainability category for the 2011 Civic Awards. Meeting Adjourned: 1:20 pm Copy: CAO City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02