HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 08-12 City 0~ Report to Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: CS 08-12 08 Date: February 13, 2012 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Local Look Back Program Essay/Speech Competition File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. The Report CS 08-12 from the Director, Community Services regarding the Local Look Back Program be received; 2. That the City of Pickering assist with the promotion of the Local Look Back Program by posting the program flyer/information on the City's website; 3. That the program flyer/information be modified to meet Corporate standards and that the City of Pickering provide 150 copies of the program flyer to Rosemary McConkey for distribution to participating Pickering schools; 4. That Rosemary McConkey put together and coordinate a selection team to review the essays submitted by participating Pickering schools and that not more than 15 student essays be selected for recognition; 5. That City Council recognize the selected students from Pickering schools with certificates of appreciation at a future Council meeting: and 6. That the Durham District School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board coordinate the attendance of selected students from Pickering schools to the Council meeting. Executive Summary: Ms. Rosemary McConkey appeared before Council in December 2011 to present a new program she would like to initiate for grade 7 and 8 students. The proposed project encourages students to research history, prepare written essays and make presentations, all important skills that schools currently teach to students. While the proposed Local Look Back Essay/Speech Competition for grades 7 and 8 students has merit in principle, it is a project that requires a significant amount of coordination and time. Report CS 08-12 February 13, 2012 Subject: Local Look Back Program Page 2 09 At the January Council meeting Ms. McConkey presented a revised program outline for Council's consideration. The City of Pickering staff have reviewed Ms. McConkey's revised expectations of the program and the involvement of the City and feel we could assist with the promotion of the event through the City's website and the photocopying of promotional literature. The City would also invite 15 winning student(s) from participating Pickering schools that have been selected by the selection team, to be recognized with certificates of appreciation at a future Council meeting. Financial Implications: The copying of material, minimal staff time and recognition of winning essays would result in minimal costs for this project. Background: i At the December 14, 2011 meeting of Council, Ms. McConkey made a delegation requesting support regarding a new program she would like to initiate. The following specific requests were made by Ms. McConkey of Council; 1. A commitment to host a City of Pickering Local Look Back event finale in Pickering council chamber sometime in May, 2012; 2. Name the date and time in May decided on by council members for the City of Pickering Local Look Back event finale and post it on the City's website with details about the essay/speech competition; 3. Name one or two council members as the 'point to' person(s) for the City of Pickering Local Look Back project who will respond to media questions/interviews and emcee the event finale; 4. Decide how many members of council will be involved in the City of Pickering Local Look Back event finale in May, i.e. whether all members of council will be participating, or a minimum of three council members, will listen to and help adjudicate the student speeches; 5. Decide on the number of student speeches to be presented in total; 6. Prepare and issue a predetermined number of 'City of Pickering Certificates of Participation' to present to representatives of the top participating schools at the May event; CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 08-12 February 13, 2012 Subject: Local Look Back Program Page 3 ~n 7. Determine the prize to be awarded the student who has presented the best essay/speech overall (example: a one year family membership at one of the City's community centres) (note: prizes will vary between Durham municipalities.) Each municipality will promote the prize it will be awarding the competition winner on its website and in any media releases and flyers distributed to the schools and/or libraries (Note: the decision about naming the winner will be reserved, and the winner's name will be made public a short time following the May event finale and possibly be invited to repeat their speech to Durham Region Council in June), although the top participating schools may be recognized at the May event finale as in 6 above (that is, those schools that submitted the greatest number of high quality essays). Selection of the overall winning student will be made by a minimum of 3 members of council who listened to the speeches and any other adjudicator(s) (council may want to be involved in the judging); 8. After the May 1st submission deadline, issue formal invitations with RSVP requests to the May event finale in the City's council chamber to the students who have been selected to represent their school and include invitations to the selected student's families, teachers and principal, local school board superintendents/trustees as well as issue a Media Release in advance; 9. Encourage any interested local heritage/library/community groups to assist in whatever capacity the municipal council may consider beneficial ie: displays of local heritage memorabilia and/or offering refreshments ; and 10. Design and print flyers that incorporate the City's logo and other information specific to the City of Pickering (such as the prize being awarded, and the municipality's address and event finale date) into the standard flyer format. Council requested staff investigate the program and provide additional information. In order to garner support for her project, Ms. McConkey has contacted each of the area municipalities and school boards. Ms. McConkey has made similar delegations to Municipal Councils over the last two months. Area Municipalities had concerns regarding the amount of work required to implement the program and the short timelines. It was also noted that Area Municipalities felt the program should be implemented by the school boards with recognition being given by Council during a regular Council Meeting. As of the writing of this report, the following are the responses received: Municipality of Clarington - A report went to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on January 23, 2012. The following recommendation was carried: That the request to participate in the Local Look Back Project be referred to the Clarington Museums and Archives Board with input from the Clarington Heritage Committee for their consideration. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 08-12 February 13, 2012 Subject: Local Look Back Program Page 4 City of Oshawa - Endorsed in principle only. Town of Whitby - The Operations Committee recommended the following to Council which should be approved at the February 6, 2012 Council Meeting: 1. That the three Durham Region School Boards be requested to give consideration to the implementation of the Local Look Back Essay/Speech Competition within Town of Whitby schools; 2. That the Durham Region School Boards be advised that if the Local Look Back Essay/Speech Competition is implemented, that the Town of Whitby and the Whitby Youth Council would be prepared to promote the project, and that the winning students from the participating Whitby schools in each Board would be recognized by Council for their essay achievements at a future Council meeting; and, 3. That a copy of Community and Marketing Services Department Report CMS 05-12 be forwarded to the Durham District School Board, Durham Catholic District School Board, Conseil Scolaire de District Catholique Centre-Sud and the other municipalities of Durham Region. Town of Ajax - Staff are recommending that the Town provide limited support for this year only, as follows: 1. Having at least three Council members attend an evening of speeches that will last no more than two hours, presenting participation certificates and selecting a winner. If sufficient Council members are unable to volunteer, a suitable panel will be made up of members of the Heritage Advisory Committee, prominent citizens familiar with the Town's history; etc.; 2. The Town will modify the flyer to make it Ajax-specific and provide 150 copies for distribution to the schools and posted, in Town and other public facilities, on their website; etc.; 3. The Town will compile an invite list and send out invites for the final speaking event; and, 4. The Town will determine an appropriate prize for the winner. Township of Uxbridge - Ms. McConkey will make a deputation regarding the project to Council on February 6, 2012. Township of Brock - Council supports the concept by way of hosting the awards but Ms. McConkey's requests are to be referred back to her for implementation. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 08-12 February 13, 2012 Subject: Local Look Back Program Page 5 12 Township of Scugog - GP&A Meeting dated January 23, 2012 heard Ms. McConkey's delegation and advised her that staff will research and discuss the mechanics of the program. Region of Durham - Rosemary McConkey appeared as a delegation at the Health & Social Services Committee meeting of November 24, 2011 and then to the December 14, 2011 Regional Council meeting. Questions were asked of the delegation, but no further action was taken. Durham District School Board - Support of the project as it has a literacy focus. Durham Catholic District School Board - Support of the project, ie, circulating flyers through their courier system. Discussion: Given the amount of time and resources required regarding the initial presentation of the project, staff had concerns and felt it more appropriate for the school boards to implement this program and that the City could recognize the winning essays at a Council Meeting. Staff feel that if the revised process as outlined by Ms. McConkey is put in place the City would be able to assist with the program; - Ms. McConkey to distribute the revised program flyer/information to Pickering schools (through their respective school boards); - Ms. McConkey to select a team to review all essays and select no more than 15 students from Pickering schools to be recognized; The school boards to coordinate the attendance of selected students to be recognized at the Council meeting; and - The City recognize the selected students from. Pickering schools with certificates of appreciation at a future Council meeting. Attachments: 1. Local Look Back Program Flyer CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 08-12 February 13, 2012 Subject: Local Look Back Program Page 6 13 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpi o 1 Everett 56ntsma (Acting) Ma r, Culture & Recreation Director, Community Services L) Q Debbie Shields Stephen olds City Clerk Division Head, Culture & Recreation As Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised the Gem ag( P ICKERINC; ------LOCAL LOOK ACK essay/ speech competition Between January and May 2012 the eight municipalities in Durham Region are holding essay/speech competitions to increase awareness of local history. It's an opportunity for young people to connect with members of their municipal government and share a local look back at how their communities have evolved. AJAX BROCK I CLARINGTON I OSHAWA I PICKERING I SCUGOG I UXBRIDGE I WHITBY Open to Grade 7 & 8 Students in Durham Region / write a soo word essay descr'bUvi,o the ortetAz of ~ovr school av"ol what ~ovr coK&vv.L4_v-. tlUi was Lilee at the t'WM uour school was built! essay submission deadline May 1st 2012 Students selected to represent their school will present their essay/speeches to the City of Pickering Council at a special public meeting in Council Chambers at One The Esplanade, S Pickering on Thursday, May 17th, at 7 p.m. ll~ Win a free membership to a City of Pickering community centre! An Award will be given to the student with the essay/speech that best captures the early history or recent past of his or her school as well as the development of the community when the school was founded. Winning essays will be published on the City of Pickering website www.citvofpickering.com and in the Pickering News Advertiser newspaper! Y: FOR RULES & MORE DETAILS VISIT: www.locallookback.com _ = ' Y: email questions to local lookbacka-gmai1.com .14 rx.