HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 22, 2011 City o¢~ Minutes iii Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i November 22, 2011 PICKERIN 7:00 pm AWNS Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues Dale Quaife, Chair Mike Sawchuck, Vice-Chair Wickham Jamadar Denise Rundle Jutta Van Huss Isa James, Planner II Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Tate Besso Candace Julien Ellen Mason Sally Sheehan Lars Svekis Item / Details Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 10 Welcome D. Quaife welcomed everyone to the meeting. Due to lack of a quorum, the Committee proceeded with the delegation and an informal discussion period. 2.0 Delegation Debbie Shields, City Clerk, appeared before the Committee to provide an overview on Committee Governance. She provided the following information and reminders; • 2011 annual report and 2012 workplans are due no later than March, 2012 • Meeting schedules should be set at the beginning of each year and every attempt should be made to adhere to the schedule • Attendance is important to ensure quorum • Chair/Vice-Chair positions come up in January • Position of Chair is for one year - nominations and election of new chair to be done in January, 2012 • Conflict of interest and In Camera sessions should not be a concern with this Committee. The City Clerk explained the criteria under the Municipal Act for holding a closed Page 1 Item) Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) meeting, noting this should not apply to the Heritage Pickering committee. A question and answer period ensued. Concerns were noted with the lack of quorums at meetings and it was noted that at any time the Committee could put forward a request should they wish to reduce the size of the membership. Security issues were discussed with respect to the use of such on line features as Facebook. It was noted that all Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public and must be accountable., 3.0 New Business 3.1 Workplan Updates It was suggested that the workplan be forwarded out to the L. Roberts to action members along with the agenda each month. It was also requested that the person responsible be listed along with the item. General discussion ensued on the workplan with the following comments; • Tax relief program - most difficult aspect is in executing easement agreements - possibly obtain examples from other municipalities • Obtain listing of properties which were sent letters in 2010 asking if they would like to be listed on the heritage register - bring to next meeting • Short list of properties - bring to next meeting • Prepare a new listing of potential properties to list to Council Discussion ensued with respect to the budget and the costs I. James to action associated with a consultant to prepare a designation. It was noted that the research is the big item when preparing properties for designation, and it was suggested that the Committee could do a good deal of this, which would reduce the costs incurred with a consultant. 1. James noted one site which had been considered by the Committee already is the Brukholder Farm property. 1. James requested confirmation from members on the letter she had prepared to forward to Winston Wong at the Ministry of Transportation. The Committee was in agreement to forward the letter with the amendments as agreed at the previous meeting. I. James will prepare I. James to action Page 2 Item J Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) correspondence to forward for Council endorsement at the December meeting. 1. James informed the Committee that the Ministry has received some serious inquires with respect to purchasing properties on the list for destruction. 4.0 Other Business Councillor Rodrigues provided the Committee with an update on the Federal lands. He noted a meeting had been held in Claremont recently with MP Chris Alexander in attendance. He stated the meeting was very positive. He also noted that seven of the properties have been demolished currently, with more ongoing demolitions. 5.0 Correspondence 1. James provided members with copies of the October publication of CHO news. 6.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting: December 20, 2011 Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3