HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 37-11 4 6:iW 4 Report To Planning & Development Committee . PICKERIlyG Report Number: PD 37-11 Date: December 5, 2011 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Thomas Melymuk Director, Office of Sustainability Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Consultant Selection for the Downtown Intensification Program and for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Recommendation: 1. That the proposal submitted by Urban Strategies Inc., in association with HDR/iTrans, and Halsall Associates, dated November 9, 2011, to undertake studies. related to the land use framework component of the Downtown Intensification Program in, the amount of $122,898 excluding HST be accepted, utilizing the City funding identified for this project in the approved 2011 Current Budget for the Planning & Development Department, Professional & Consulting, Growth Centre (Account 2611.2392.0000);. 2. That the proposal submitted by AECOM, dated November 10, 2011, to prepare a Request For Proposal and provide project management of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study in the amount of $91,800 including HST be accepted as provided for in the approved 2011 Current Budget for the Community Services Department, Professional & Consulting, Downtown Stormwater (Account 2290.2392.0000); 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to enter into any agreements to give effect hereto; and 4. Further, that the City Clerk forward a copy of Report Number PD 37-11 to the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for their information. Report Number PD 37-11 December 5, 2011 Downtown Intensification Program 47 Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 2 Executive Summary: These projects are being discussed in the report as they both deal with future downtown development Downtown Intensification Program In April 2011, Council authorized staff to proceed with a Work Plan for the Downtown Intensification Program. A component of the Work Plan was to ensure that an appropriate land use framework is in place that would allow for intensification within an expanded Downtown, including lands north and south of Highway 401. Council also authorized staff to prepare terms of reference for required studies, issue request for proposals, and report back to Council regarding the hiring of consultants. The Work Plan identified transportation, stormwater management and servicing as required supporting studies. In a Memorandum to Mayor Ryan and Members of Council from the Chief Administrative Officer, dated October 12, 2011, staff proposed that a consultant be retained to undertake the planning and transportation components of the Work Plan solely with City funding. Subsequently, a Request for Proposals, RFP-6-2011 was issued on October 24, 2011 calling for proposals by consultants to undertake the Downtown Intensification Program as part of the City's Official Plan Review. The closing date was November 9, 2011. The City received six proposals from the following multi-disciplinary consulting teams: Brook Mcllroy Inc et al; Gladki Planning Associates Ltd. et al; IBI Group; The Planning Partnership et al; planningAlliance + regionalArchitects et al; and Urban Strategies Inc. et al. The Evaluation Committee reviewed all proposals against criteria outlined in the RFP. Following an interview, the Evaluation Committee found that the submission by Urban Strategies Inc. et al best met the City's needs in completing the deliverables, considering their team's strengths relative to the required work, and value for the money. Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study At the same time, Engineering Services staff requested a proposal and work plan from AECOM to undertake the preparation of the RFP and to provide project management of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study. On November 10, 2011, a proposal was received from AECOM that detailed how the consulting services assignment would be undertaken for a total cost of $91,800, including HST and disbursements. AECOM was selected to prepare the RFP and manage the future Study as the project manager undertook a very similar role for the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (FBSWMMP), and is therefore familiar with the study area and the requirements of the Study itself. It is staff's position that hiring AECOM is the best use of financial and staff resources in order to ensure that this complex Study is initiated and completed in a timely manner. Proceeding in this manner, subject to Council approval, is provided for within Section 10.05 of the City's Purchasing Policy, which states that the initiating Director may acquire consulting services without obtaining competitive written proposals if a particular consultant is desired. R rrt Number PD 37-11 December 5, 2011 Downtown Intensification Program Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 3 It is recommended that Urban Strategies Inc. in association with HDR/iTrans, and Halsall Associates be retained to undertake the Downtown Intensification Program for $122,898; and that AECOM be retained to undertake the preparation of the RFP and provide project management of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study for $91,800. Financial Implications: In regards to Recommendation #1, the 2011 Current Budget, as approved by Council, provides for an upset limit of $250,000 in the Planning & Development Department, Professional & Consulting, Growth Centre (Account 2611.2392.0000) for studies related to the land use framework component of the Work Plan. The budget provides for 50% of the $250,000 to be funded by the City and 50% to be funded by benefitting landowners. Staff is now proposing ,to move forward with the project without the funding assistance of the landowners, and solely with the $125,000 City funding portion. Staff will be recommending appropriate funds in the 2012 Current Budget to implement a zoning strategy for the downtown. In regards to Recommendation #2, the 2011, Current Budget, as approved by Council, provides for an upset limit of $150,000 in the Professional & Consulting, Downtown Stormwater (Account 2290.2392.0000) for the hiring of consulting services to prepare a RFP and provide project management of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study. There are adequate funds to complete the consulting services assignment based.on AECOM's letter proposal, totaling $91,800, including HST and disbursements. Staff will be recommending appropriate funds in the 2012 Current Budget for the successful Consultant to undertake the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study. Sustainability Implications: There are no specific sustainability implications in this report. However, the results of both studies will advance the transformation of the downtown into a sustainable, vibrant and transit supportive urban centre as envisioned in the Official Plan and the Provincial Growth Plan. 1.0 Background: 1.1 Council authorized staff to proceed with the Work Plan for the Downtown Intensification Program On April 18, 2011, Council received Report Number PD 12-11 and authorized staff to proceed with the Work Plan for the Downtown Intensification Program and to issue a request for proposals for required studies in accordance with the City's Purchasing Policy and Procedures. Report Number PD 37-11 December 5, 2011 40, Downtown Intensification Program Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 4 In a Memorandum to Mayor Ryan and. Members of Council from the Chief Administrative Officer, dated October 12, 2011, staff proposed that a consultant be retained to undertake the planning and transportation components of the Work Plan without the funding assistance of the landowners, and solely with City funding. A copy of the Memorandum is attached (see Attachment #1). The results of the consultant's work will be: • a built form vision for downtown Pickering • supporting official plan policies • updated urban design development guidelines • a transportation analysis, and • a zoning strategy to implement the vision 1.2 Council endorsed the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan On April 19, 2010, Council endorsed the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (FBSWMMP) and authorized City staff to implement the recommendations of the Master Plan subject to budget and further Council approval for individual projects (Resolution #72/10). The overall goal of the FBSWMMP is as follows: "To address long-standing concerns regarding the ongoing decline in the quality of the Frenchman's Bay ecosystem by seeking means to control the quantity and quality of storm runoff entering the local creeks and the Bay itself." The recommended FBSWMMP consists of a suite of projects, programs and policies designed to address issues related to flooding, erosion and poor water quality in Frenchman's Bay and its' tributary watersheds. The Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study was an identified project that was listed in Phase 1 (5 Year Plan) of the FBSWMMP. The Master Plan addresses Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process. More detailed investigations are required at the project-specific level in order to fulfill the Municipal Class EA documentation requirements for the specific Schedule B and C projects identified within the Master Plan. The Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study is anticipated to be a Schedule C project as it consists of large scale diversion of stormwater flows from Krosno Creek to Pine Creek for the purposes of flood control and to allow further intensification within an expanded Downtown. As such, Schedule C projects need to fulfill Phases 3 and 4 of the Municipal Class EA prior to filing an Environmental Study Report (ESR). Repo rte Number PD 37-11 December 5, 2011 Downtown Intensification Program Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 5 2.0 Discussion: Downtown Intensification Program 2.1 A Request For Proposal (RFP) for Consulting Services for the Downtown Intensification Program was issued On October 24, 2011, the City issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) for Consulting Services for the Downtown Intensification Program at an upset limit of $125,000 excluding HST. The scope of work is provided in Attachment #2. The RFP was an open proposal call. Ten qualified consulting firms were forwarded a copy of the RFP based on their experience with similar projects in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). In addition, a notice of the RFP was placed on the City's website and in the GTA planning newsletter Novae Res Urbis. The RFP closed on November 9, 2011. Six proposals were received from the following multi-disciplinary consulting teams: • Brook Mcllroy Inc. in association with Macaulay Shiomi Howson and AECOM • Gladki Planning Associates Ltd. in association with du Toit Allsopp Hillier and N, Barry Lyon Consultants • IBI Group • Planning Partnership in association with Arup • plan ningAlliance + regionalArchitects in association with The Sernas Group Inc., Poulos and Chung and Sorenson Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. • Urban Strategies Inc. in association with HDR/iTrans, and Halsall Associates 2.2 Urban Strategies Inc. in association with HDR/iTrans and Halsall Associates is recommended for selection On November 14, 2011, the Evaluation Committee consisting of the Director, Office of Sustainability; the Manager, Policy, Planning & Development, the Principal Planner - Policy, Planning & Development; and the Buyer, Supply & Services reviewed the proposals against the criteria, as outlined in the RFP. Although the Evaluation Committee was impressed by the quality of all six proposals received, the proposals of Brook Mcllroy Inc. in association with Macaulay Shiomi Howson and AECOM, and Urban Strategies Inc. in association with HDR/iTrans and Halsall Associates were the two highest scoring proposals. The Evaluation Committee held interviews with representatives from Brook Mcllroy Inc. on November 17 and Urban Strategies Inc. on November 21, 2011 and heard responses to a set of questions that was circulated to the two firms beforehand. Following the interview, the consultant that received the highest score was Urban Strategies Inc., in association with HDR/iTrans, and Halsall Associates, and is recommended that Council accept this proposal. Report Number PD 37-11 December 5, 2011 Downtown Intensification Program 51 Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 6 Urban Strategies Inc. is the lead firm with significant experience in sustainable city building and has put together a team that includes strong skills in official plan review, urban design, graphic presentations, public consultation and sustainability. Also, Urban Strategies Inc. was responsible for delineating the urban growth centre boundaries for the Ontario Growth Secretariat and the preparation of the Metrolinx Mobility Hub Guidelines. Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study 2.3 Funds for consulting services to prepare the RFP and provide project management for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study were approved in the 2011 budget In the 2011 Current Budget, funds were approved to retain consulting services to prepare the RFP and provide project management of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study, as there are limited staff resources to complete the work due to other high priority city projects and commitments (i.e. Duffin Heights, Seaton and other FBSWMMP projects). City staff requested a proposal and work plan from AECOM to undertake the work. In accordance with Section 10.05 of the City's Purchasing Policy, the initiating Director may acquire consulting services without obtaining competitive written proposals if a particular consultant is desired, subject to Council approval. AECOM is appropriate to prepare the RFP and manage the future Study as the project manager undertook a very similar role for the FBSWMMP, and is therefore familiar with the study area and the Study itself. It is staffs position that hiring AECOM is the best use of financial and staff resources in order to ensure that this complex Study is initiated and completed in a timely manner. 2.4 Proposal and Work Plan from AECOM A proposal was received from AECOM dated November 10, 2011 (see Attachment #3) that detailed how the consulting services assignment would be undertaken at a cost of $91,800, including HST and disbursements. The Work Plan was provided in two distinct phases briefly outlined below: Phase 1: Project Initiation This phase will consist of reviewing all relevant background material and information; meeting with the City to establish key objectives of the Study; preparing an Expression of Interest (EOI) and RFP documents including full Terms of Reference, reviewing and shortlisting EOI submissions; reviewing and evaluating submitted proposals; and preparing a brief report documenting the rationale used in the selection of the preferred consultant. 52 Report Number PD 37-11 December 5, 2011 Downtown Intensification Program Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 7 Phase 2: Project Management Phase 2 will consist of the overall project management of the Study, from start-up to completion. Some key tasks of this phase are: preparing, organizing and facilitating all project meetings, Public Consultation Forums and coordination meetings with City's consultant for the Downtown Intensification Program • monitoring the Study's progress and expenditures • undertaking technical reviews of submissions from the consultant during the course of the Study, including the draft and final submissions of the ESR; and • coordinating all other reviews including outside agencies (i.e. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of .the Environment etc.) 3.0 Recommendations: j It is recommended that the team led by Urban Strategies Inc., in association with HDR/iTrans, and Halsall Associates be retained to undertake the Downtown Intensification Program and that AECOM be retained to undertake the preparation of the RFP and project management of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study. It is further recommended that staff be authorized to enter into any agreements as required to give effect hereto. Attachments: 1. Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer, dated October 12, 2011 2. Excerpt of Appendix E from RFP-6-2011 3. Letter of Work Plan from AECOM regarding the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study, dated November 10, 2011 Report Number PD 37-11 December 5, 2011 Downtown Intensification Program 53 Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 8. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: RPP Grant McGregor, MCIP, PP Neil Carrol I P /I Principal Planner - Policy Director, Planning & Development 67 Catherine Rose, MCl , RPP Tom Melymuk MCI , RPP Manager, Policy Director, Offic of Sustainabil' Marilee Gadzovski, M.Sc.(Eng.),P. Eng Everett Buntsma, NPD, CMM Senior, Water Resources & Director, Community Services Environmental Engineer rd Holb n, P. Eng Gillis Paterson, CMA on Head, Engineering Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer 2:MG:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C' Council Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer I ATTACHMENT #__L_TO 54 REPORT # PD-3-7-11 PICKERING Memo 1811 BICENTENNIAL 2011 To: Mayor Ryan and October 12, 2011 Members of Council From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Copy: Directors Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Manager, Policy Principal Planner - Policy Subject: Consulting Assistance Required for the Downtown Intensification Program - File: D-1210 To assist in implementing the Council-approved work plan for the Downtown Intensification Program, staff proposes to issue a request for proposals for planning and transportation consulting services. Staff will report on the recommended consultant at the December Planning & Development Committee meeting. In April 2011, Council considered Report PD 12-11 on the Work Plan for the Downtown Intensification Program. The first component of the Work Plan is ensuring an appropriate land use framework is in place that will allow for intensification within an expanded Downtown, including lands north and south of Highway 401. Council authorized staff to: proceed with the Work Plan (see copy of attached); and • prepare terms of reference for required studies, issue request for proposals, and report back to Council regarding the hiring of consultants Originally, staff anticipated using consultants primarily for technical expertise that staff do-not have. However, due to other workload priorities, staff have been unable to advance the Program and propose that a consultant be retained to undertake the planning and transportation work of the first component. A request for proposals is being prepared for release next week. The result of the' consultant's work will be: • a built-form vision for Downtown Pickering • supporting official plan policies • updated urban design development guidelines • a transportation analysis, and • a zoning strategy The study is expected to take up to 8 months; at an upset limit of $125,000, excluding the HST. Council approved $1125,000 for this project in the 2011 Budget, although a matching contribution of $125,000 from landowners was contemplated at that time. Staff are now proposing that the project be undertaken solely with City funding. i ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD 37-11 .55 If you require further information, or have any concerns or comments, please contact Catherine Rose at extension 2038. Tony Prevedel MW\CR1jf J:\Documents\DmelopmerMD-2000\D-2000.014\MW -CAOMemoReRFP110ct11.doc Attachment October 12, 2011 Page 2 Consulting Assistance Required for the Downtown Intensification Program ATTACHMENT # TO 5 6 REPORT # PD--7-7-11 c6 04 (V a E E a) H A` a) 0 O a O ? ON a) a) (D (A Z O N Q I I I -0 0 C14 U U QN QN Q ON X C N Q co (n Q C C L U) O O (n Y) d D U U O 0 -0 . C :3 U p N ca 0 a) ~ (6 N m ca (n U) (n N fn fn C ~ v c o (n ca • F c? N cu c cu = p, (U c (n a) .Q (1) (U cli CL 0 =3 -c 5 1-- o (n C N v7 O a_0Cn a) -p = Z 3 y o cvio~v (U +0+ L a) cu Zo v N (n OL a) CU E 3 0 v(n C v, 0meN_0 v 3 c o a o~ rj a) o E °QE E mc:aoiEc~ooa i O S L ~-0 d Q U (n O E U O Q U U N L L N 4- _ p D O C O 0 C C c cn c cu c (n C) (V cu O O:3 CL) N-t -O c (0 O 0 J C O a -0 C c .-r--. c ILE5 0 C U C O_ a) U) "O V N 0 C.4 c: (1) 0 CL > E.F D CL cu CL) a) 0 U) 0 -0 O C C O (n O C O O 0) 0 :3 C co ~Q O C C` O ~C - (Q 4) 0) E a) N a O a) ` N C. a) c N L L U L- CL E a O cu .U 32 + C ca 4-- 0) (D i O X N 1Z co O O M N 0 (n (UN C ns o `u a) C- C_ N cu c O Q Co co c O` a) c c0 U O cu - 3:c= O Fn u N w E ~ .U E .O c? o N c0 N r CL -p E 0> C 3. U C a) W -O U- U~ -0 (0 V N U -p c CL q-- O ao o o00 0~c oMo a) o~c c c~= N a Lv IZ-a au o U O (n E in O aaa_ i- o (n arn(n c C7 C O c N c = c ~ co co cu -0 co LU -he co c: U) c a) d O- a) ca c C 75 O > U O a) d O c"Jo (n ac) U c0 ~ O = Y iv ~ 0 C (n U Q 3 vi ~ a) 0 C U O c3) E O U L 0 V ,c 0 (D O a) c c - C U o as f (L J a°N ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD 3 7- 11 57 rn C ~ c (D cu a) cu a) -c CUQ M-0 ~vE _ E ~-aE E o m O o cLa o cu o m o rn 'p rn rn 0)5 rn 0 cr 0- 0- ~-O°'a p a00 ca)" c°L ~a O ~a O ~a c. m •c • > m cn W fn L fn - cn 7 U) L) L c c i o f11 O O (L) U a) L N V N V C U -a (D U' v7 (n o fn U) N (n N N C • i • • • O O O U to -a 4.0 C N U N V- N N a) O > ca ca ( -a CL ca c U) cu (3) ca O O C m a) Q (n a) O I L- L •a (D Eocaov a) cac~ Uin (6 C > 2 0) c :3 E a) cu N ° O a 'r Q 5a- Q. o o tn a) 0- oa -c a) a a) L2 0 o"cnc~ ° vrnc c • y • • • (D > C O 0) c 3 c N C 4- ° O c o o a) a) c 3 D)o -0 tq c c ~ c~ R ° o° -le o 0 cn c cv., ~ C O C Min o c d Q- 0 3 CL -°o N> aci C 0° m a cu 0 in o ~ c » - -a (D ca a) N -a a) L) U m o 0) c cm E o O in a) cn C cn cnU°`,.°a.° cEE.0° a)--oQ C p ~ :3 3 a) oc ~ a) T) o cY N O ~ :3 ° m a`) Co 0 H a°) iCQV°,_ aa)icov"i~a'i °~>~~c~ ~'~a a ca v o 2 m CL o a E.E oa a)~ a i~ v c a c Y a) L L O C a) co C cn O c a) C a) N ca m m F- m U O C y ca CL c: (A ca fA > a) O r. y c (n A:i 0) U) O :uE O cc 3:a)c ca) _ °i~ vc•- oE a) ~ v c: > c: E cu U 0 rn 0 0 v° cu 0 0 ~d (U U ATTACHMENT # 2 TO 1`~I 58 REPGRT # PD Excerpt from Appendix E - RFP Particulars of RFP-6-2011 A. Scope of Work and Deliverables The Consultant shall undertake the scope of work and submit the associated deliverables: 1. Develop a Built Form Vision for Downtown Pickering • Within the Pickering Urban Growth Centre/Downtown limits, consider past and recent visioning work undertaken for lands both north and south of Highway 401, as well as work being undertaken by the City through the ongoing Official Plan Review. • Review relevant completed and ongoing studies (e.g., Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan, the Region of Durham's Highway 2 Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment (EA); the Province's Strategic Rehabilitation of Highway 401 from Warden Avenue to Brock Road, and Metrolinx's Mobility Hub guidelines) to identify matters that may affect the City's downtown vision. • Prepare a built form vision for the Downtown at a sufficient level of detail to identify recommended land use, density and built form for the Downtown as a whole, and on a property-by-property. basis, and taking into consideration the objectives of the City's Sustainable Place-Making framework. • Ensure the built form vision is aligned with the Urban Growth Centre requirements of the Provincial Growth Plan and the Region of Durham's Growth Plan conformity amendment (ROPA 128); as well as Metrolinx's Mobility Hub guidelines. • Identify the likely phasing of development (pre and post 2031), consistent with the Growth Plan and ROPA 128. Deliverable: A Downtown Pickering Built Form Vision, including: • written description of the recommended vision for Downtown Pickering • visual representations of the vision (for report and presentation purposes) • the rationale underlying the vision (including summary of work undertaken) 2. Undertake Transportation Analysis • To support the vision, identify transportation network impacts, opportunities and constraints to 2031, and identify innovative solutions to address impacts and constraints through the review of completed transportation studies or new analysis, if required. Deliverable: A Transportation Brief summarizing the transportation analysis supporting the vision., and recommending solutions to identified impacts and constraints. ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT # PQ 37 11 59 3. Draft Official Plan Policies • Prepare a draft amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to amend general and neighbourhood policies and schedules reflecting the updated vision for the Downtown and the Urban Growth Centre requirements of the Provincial Growth Plan (e.g., amending the boundaries, amending height and density policies, etc). Deliverable: A Report containing a Draft Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan, including general policies (Parts One and Two of the Plan), neighbourhood policies (Part Three of the Plan), and Schedules and Maps, to implement the vision. 4. Update Development Guidelines • Update existing Development Guidelines for the Downtown, to illustrate the vision and provide guidance for evaluating development applications. Deliverable: Sustainable Place-Making Development Guidelines, including consideration of the public realm and built form, and green/sustainable infrastructure and buildings. 5. Prepare a Zoning Strategy • Prepare a zoning strategy to implement the vision as outlined in the updated Official Plan policies and Development Guidelines; the zoning strategy will provide options and recommendations on minimum and mandatory standards, types of appropriate zoning by-laws (e.g., form-based vs traditional) and timing of zoning (e.g., pre-zoning or on a site-specific basis). Deliverable: A report outlining a proposed Zoning Strategy. 6. Prepare and Implement an Innovative Community/Stakeholder Engagement, Program • Prepare and implement an innovative program to engage a broad range of stakeholders including: the public; area residents; regional and municipal departments; agencies; utilities; organizations; and major developers/landowners who may be instrumental in `building' the Downtown. • Formally consult with the public, the area.landowners and Council at appropriate intervals during the study; and also allow for informal feedback from the community and stakeholders throughout the process. Deliverable: A report providing a summary of community/stakeholder engagement. ATTACHMENT # 3 TO 6 0 REPORT # PD 37-11 AEcom AECOM 300 - 300 Town Centre Boulevard 905 477 8400 tel Markham, ON, Canada UR 5Z6 905 477 1456 fax www.aecom.com November 10, 2011 Ms. Marilee Gadzovski, P.Eng. Senior Water Resources & Environmental Engineer City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 Dear Ms: Gadzovski: Project No: 04001336.4050.46234.003 Regarding: Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Further to our recent discussions, we are pleased to confirm our understanding of the terms of our engagement to provide professional consulting services in regard to the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study. The Study will complete Phases 3 and 4 of the Municipal Class EA required for the stormwater diversion that forms part of the approved Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan, which fulfilled Phases 1 and 2. AECOM's role will be to assist the City of Pickering (the City) with the overall management of the Project, from start-up to completion. As discussed, the assignment will be carried out in two Phase consisting of the following specific tasks. go -ROUMUMOM i) Collect and review all relevant background information relating to the downtown area of the City. ii) Meet with City staff to discuss the project background, review previous studies and undertakings, identify sensitivities, establish the key objectives, and formulated an overall approach for the consultant selection process. iii) With input from the City, prepare a Request for Expression of Interest, which will include evaluation criteria for shortlisting the submissions. iv) Prepare the Request for Proposal document that will include the Terms of Reference for the Project, the scheduling and contractual requirements, and the submission evaluation criteria. v) Assist the City with the evaluation and shortlisting of the Expression of Interest submissions, the evaluation of Proposals, and the selection of the preferred consultant to undertake the Project. vi) Prepare a brief report outlining the process that was followed to select the preferred consultant together with the underlying rationale in support of the decision. i) Organize and participate in the start-up meeting with the successful Consultant, and assist with the preparation of the Consultant agreement. ii) Organize and facilitate Project meetings with the Technical and Steering Committees, which will include preparation of agendas, minutes, and follow-up on action items. © 2011 AECOM Canada Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This proposal Is supplied by AECOM Canada Ltd. ("AECOM") and Is confidential. This proposal cannot be provided to anyone other than the addressee (Including its employees) without AECOM's written consent. 04001336.4050.46234.003_Nov10-11_L_Letter City Of Pickering -Work Pian.D= ATTACHMENT # 3 TO 6 1 REPORT # PD .37-11 COM Page 2 A November 10, 2011 I iii) On behalf of the City lead the organization and co-ordination of Public Consultation Forum(s) needed to meet the requirements of the Municipal Class EA process. The associated activities will include: the review of the consultant's presentations, displays, and handout material; leading the presentations, and facilitating the interaction with attendees. iv) Attend progress meetings with the consultant in conjunction with City staff, which will involve the review of submitted material, the review of the meeting minutes prepared by the consultant, ensuring that submitted comments are fully addressed, and following-up on action items. v) Assist with the organization, and participate in required co-ordination meetings with the City's consultant team that will be conducting the Downtown Pickering Intensification Program, which is aimed at the development of a built-form vision for the Downtown area. vi) Monitor the project progress and expenditures relative to the schedule and budget, and apprise the City of any deviations. vii) Undertake technical reviews of submissions from the consultant during the course of the Project, and of the draft and final submissions of the Project documentation, and co-ordinate review efforts with City staff, and other agencies, as required. The above work plan will be undertaken principally by Mr. Joseph Puopolo, P. Eng., PMP, with some assistance from technical and other support staff on an as-required basis. As we discussed, budgetary requirements for the above work will depend on the level of involvement requested by the City on each of the individual tasks. And, we are prepared to adjust our level of effort as the projects proceeds to accommodate the City's needs. For project planning purposes, we anticipate the budgetary requirements to be as follows Fees Disbursements HST (13%) Total Phase 1 $36,900 $1,200 $4,950 $43,000 Phase 2 $42,000 $1,200 $5,616 $48,800 We would like to thank the City of for selecting AECOM to assist on this most interesting assignment, which will have significant implications for re-development in the City's Downtown area. We look forward to working with you to bring the project to a successful conclusion. Sincerely, AECOM Canada Ltd. Joe Puopolo, P.Eng., PMP Senior Environmental Engineer Joe.Puopolo@aecom.com JP:mm cc Mr. Richard Holborn, P. Eng. - City of Pickering © 2011 AECOM Canada Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This proposal is supplied by AECOM Canada Ltd. ("AECOM") and Is confidential. This proposal cannot be provided to anyone other than the addressee (Including Its employees) without AECOM's written consent. 04001336.4050.46234.003_NOV10-11_L_Letter City Of Pickering - Work Plan.Doac i