HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 35-11 Report To Planning &Development Committee DICKERING Report Number: PD 35-11 Date: December 5, 2011 1 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Proposed Actions to Preserve Selected Heritage Structures on Federal Lands and the Proposed Relocation of Don Beer Memorial Park Recommendation: 1. That Council authorize staff to enter into a six-month lease with Transport Canada, commencing in January. 2012, for the four heritage structures identified in Report PD 35-11 as having potential for long-term use by the City, at an estimated cost of $15,000 plus applicable taxes; 2. That Council consider the cost of a feasibility analysis of the potential for long term leasing and/or sub-leasing of these four listed structures as outlined in Report PD 35-11, during the 2012 Budget discussions; 3. That Council authorize staff to: a) enter into a six-month lease with Transport Canada, commencing in January 2012, for the six heritage structures that have potential for relocation by private interests as identified in Report PD 35-11, at an estimated cost of $16,000 plus applicable taxes, and b) facilitate a relocation program for these six structures through staff resources or, if necessary, consultant services which would be approved by Council through the 2012 Budget discussions; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to pay the costs identified in the above recommendations, and to charge these amounts to the General Government, Purchased Services account pending approval of the 2012 Current Budget; 5. That Council endorse the relocation of Don Beer Memorial Park to the federal lands property at 1607 Highway 7; and 6. Further, that the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Since August 2010, Council and City staff have been in communication with the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and Transport Canada staff regarding their plans to demolish vacant structures of heritage interest on the federal Pickering Lands Site. Report PD 35-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Proposed Actions to Preserve Selected 2 O Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 2 Most recently, Council in July 2011, requested that Transport Canada allow the City time to assess and document the structures to be demolished in order to determine if any of the structures were suitable for lease by the City, were suitable for potential relocation to private lands, or contained materials that may be of interest to the Pickering Museum. In addition, Council requested that Transport Canada refrain from demolishing any buildings in Brougham until the needs of a future airport were determined. The Minister has agreed to the City's requests to document the subject structures and to salvage identified artifacts for municipal uses. The Minister also .agreed to allow additional time to investigate potential leasing and relocation programs on condition that the structures of interest are leased immediately by the City, and indicated that any structures not leased by the City will be demolished. Staff has completed the assessment and documentation of all the heritage structures proposed to be demolished, and have identified a number of buildings that warrant further consideration as follows: a) Four structures are considered to be of sufficient heritage significance to warrant preservation through long term leasing by the City. Two of these buildings are also of interest to the Pickering Museum. The cost of preserving these buildings include the short term (six month) leasing costs required to protect the buildings from immediate demolition (estimated at approximately $15,000) and the cost of undertaking a feasibility analysis to determine whether the buildings have potential for use by the City, or for sub-lease by non-residential users. The cost of the feasibility analysis has not yet been determined. b) Six buildings are identified as being potential candidates for relocation by private interests. The program would include advertising the structures for relocation to the general public, and carrying out negotiations with interested purchasers. The cost of implementing the relocation program would include the short term (six month) leasing costs (estimated at approximately $16,000) and the cost of advertising and negotiating with prospective purchasers. Staff anticipate that this work will be undertaken by staff, but should the services of a consultant be required, the costs would be considered by Council during the 2012 Budget discussions. These costs may be offset by Transport Canada's contribution of an amount equivalent to their savings in remediation and demolition costs for buildings that are relocated. It is recommended that Council enter into a short term lease for these ten buildings, and consider the costs of a feasibility analysis of the long term lease potential of the four most important structures, during the 2012 Budget discussions. It is also recommended that Council authorize staff to facilitate a relocation program for the remaining six structures, either with staff resources or, if necessary, with consulting services, the cost of which would also be considered in 2012 Budget discussions. Report PD 35-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Proposed Actions to Preserve Selected Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 3 21 At the same time, negotiations have been underway between City staff, Transport Canada and the provincial government for a replacement site for Don Beer Memorial Park in Brougham. Transport Canada has offered the 1.4 hectare property at 1607 Highway 7 as a potential site. It is recommended that Council endorse the relocation of Don Beer Memorial Park in Brougham to the property at 1607 Highway 7. Financial Implications: Immediate costs associated with the preservation of four heritage structures include approximately $15,000 for the short-term lease of the buildings, while a feasibility analysis is carried out to investigate the potential for rehabilitation and long term leasing of these buildings. The costs of the feasibility analysis would be considered by Council during 2012 Budget discussions. Costs associated with facilitating a relocation program for six heritage structures are estimated at approximately $16,000 for the short-term lease of the buildings. It is intended that the relocation program be undertaken by staff. However, should the services of a consultant be required, the costs would also be considered by Council during 2012 Budget discussions. These costs may be offset by Transport Canada's contribution of an amount equivalent to their savings in environmental remediation and demolition costs for any relocated buildings. The relocation of Don Beer Memorial Park to the new proposed site will not bring additional land lease costs to the City beyond those of the current lease. Costs of park improvements were approved by Council in the 2011 Budget, to be fully funded by the Province. Sustainability Implications: This report provides information relating to the objective of preserving buildings having cultural heritage value as an integral part of a sustainable City. In addition to the historical physical value of the buildings, the buildings also have a social value in that they form part of the community of northwest Pickering and Brougham. Preservation and re-use of the buildings retains energy embedded in the existing structures and also diverts materials from landfill sites. 1.0 Background: In January 2011 and July 2011, Council considered staff reports regarding Transport Canada's plans to demolish vacant structures of heritage value on the federal lands known as the Pickering Lands Site. To date, a total of 32 structures of heritage interest to the City have been identified for demolition by Transport Canada (see Location maps - Attachment #1 and #2). Acknowledging that the City did not have sufficient budgeted funds to undertake professional heritage assessments for all of the properties of interest, or to lease all of the significant heritage structures as was suggested by Transport Canada, but still wishing to minimize the impact of the proposed demolitions, Council requested in July 2011 that Transport Canada: Report PD 35-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Proposed Actions to Preserve Selected 2 2 Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 4 • allow City staff time and access to document all of the heritage properties • allow the City to investigate and potentially implement a limited program to assist with the private acquisition of the heritage structures for relocation to private lands • allow the City to retrieve elements of value from any heritage structures not relocated to private lands, and retain specialty salvaging companies to demolish the buildings to facilitate re-use of building materials as much as possible • refrain from demolishing any buildings in Brougham until the details respecting the future use of the Pickering Lands Site are determined, and work with City staff to find suitable tenants for buildings that have potential for rehabilitation; and • extend its September 15, 2011 deadline for demolition of the heritage structures to allow. staff sufficient time to investigate the implications of the City leasing structures of heritage interest in Brougham (see Attachment #3) In a response from the Minister dated September 16, 2011 (see Attachment #4), the Minister indicated that: • Transport Canada was willing to allow the City to implement a limited program to assist with the relocation of heritage structures to private lands, provided the City lease the structures of interest from Transport Canada, assuming all liability and security responsibilities, and that the City carry out the negotiations with private interests • Transport Canada already requires the demolition contractor to implement a waste-reduction work plan and subsequent waste audit that will identify how waste will be diverted from landfill by source separation, re-use and/or recycling • for safety reasons, the demolition of vacant structures in Brougham will proceed except for any buildings the City chooses to lease • the City's decision regarding the leasing of any structures be received by September 30, 2011, after which demolitions would commence. The Minister also acknowledged that the City had already been granted access to the properties for assessment and documentation, and salvaging. Staff subsequently completed the assessment and documentation of the heritage structures on the demolition list and met with Transport Canada staff to develop options for preserving the heritage structures of interest. Details regarding the structures of interest and the options and recommendations for preservation, are provided below. Report PD 35-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Proposed Actions to Preserve Selected Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 5 23 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 Staff has completed the assessment and documentation of all the heritage structures proposed to be demolished and have identified a number of buildings that merit further consideration In August and September 2011, Planning, Building, and Museum staff conducted inspections of 32 structures proposed to be demolished that are listed on the City's Heritage Register, including seven structures that were assessed in 2010 by consultants retained by the City. The structures were assessed in terms of: a) their significance and potential for lease by the City, and b) their potential for relocation by private interests. Museum staff further identified various artifacts (e.g., doors, light fixtures and iron heating grates) in buildings not selected for the leasing and relocation programs, that could be salvaged for use at the Museum. Ten buildings merit further consideration for preservation, four for long term leasing or sub-lease by the City for non-residential uses, and six which may be of interest for relocation by private interests (see Attachment #5). With the cooperation of Transport Canada, staff have commenced salvaging materials considered useful to the Museum from buildings not identified for either the proposed relocation-or long term leasing programs. Staff have also advised Transport Canada that demolition permits would be released for the remainder of the heritage structures that are not of interest to the City for leasing or relocation. 2.2 Four structures are identified for potential preservation through leasing by the City or relocation to the Museum site Four structures were identified that are considered to be of sufficient significance to warrant consideration for long term leasing by the City. The structures were selected on the basis of one or more of the following criteria: • high value to the community as a cultural/historical heritage resource • high value to the community as a rare example of an historic architectural style/construction technique • high level of structural/finish integrity • location in central Brougham • quality of space available for commercial office or institutional use Structures of heritage interest that were significantly deteriorated or were too small to consider for non-residential uses were not included on this list. Report PD 35-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Proposed Actions to Preserve Selected 24 Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 6 The four structures identified for potential long term leasing by the City include: • 3570 Brock Road (Craftsman Cottage) - an exceptionally good example of an Arts and Crafts bungalow; located immediately south of the Bentley-Gibson House in Brougham (see Attachment #6) • 3970 Brock Road (Ever Green Villa) - board and batten Gothic Revival; rare architectural example in Pickering; important family history in Pickering (see Attachment #7) • 3656 Brougham Road - an Edwardian (four square) brick two storey house of a good size and in good condition, in Brougham (see Attachment #8) • 5460 Sideline 30 (1911 school house) - a landmark structure in the Altona community; of solid condition and excellent potential space for community use (see Attachment #9) The Craftsman Cottage and Ever Green Villa are also of interest to the Museum Board for potential relocation to the Museum if the buildings cannot be retained/leased on site. The Board is currently investigating potential costs associated with the relocation of these two structures to the Museum site. Staff recommend that the City lease these buildings immediately in order to protect them from demolition, and to allow for additional time to consider the costs of rehabilitation and opportunities for leasing the buildings over the long term, including possible sub-leasing for non-residential purposes. The costs of leasing the structures in the short term (i.e., for six months) are estimated at approximately $15,000, including leasing, liability insurance and security costs, with security making up the largest component of the total cost. The feasibility of rehabilitating the buildings for long term use requires further investigation. Staff recommend that a feasibility analysis be undertaken to determine the cost of rehabilitation and potential for the long term leasing and/or sub-leasing of these four listed structures. The cost of the feasibility analysis would be considered by Council as part of the 2012 Budget discussions. 2.3 Six buildings are identified as potential candidates for relocation by private interests Six structures were identified as having potential for relocation to private lands. Structures identified for potential relocation were selected on the basis of information gathered through previous private interest inquiries to the City, structural soundness, relatively few modifications and quality/materials of original construction. The stone buildings on the demolition list were included on the potential relocation list due to the high level of interest in acquisition of stone buildings from private individuals. Report PD 35-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Proposed Actions to Preserve Selected 2 [5 Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 7 The six structures include: • 4355 Brock Road (Brophy House) - stone Ontario Classic, good condition (see Attachment #10) 140 Seventh Concession Road -frame Ontario Classic, good condition, relatively intact interior (see Attachment #11) • 840 Eighth Concession Road - frame Ontario Classic, good condition, relatively intact interior (see Attachment #12) • 575 Ninth Concession Road - frame Ontario Classic, good condition (see Attachment #13) • 5050 Sideline 24 - stone Ontario Classic (see Attachment #14) • 5245 Sideline 28 - rare plank-on-plank Ontario Classic, sound condition (see Attachment #15) It is recommended that a relocation program be implemented for these six structures. The program would include advertising the structures for relocation to the general public, and carrying out negotiations with interested purchasers. The structures would be transferred in an "as is" condition. The relocation program would commence in early 2012 and run for approximately six months. A similar program is currently being undertaken by the provincial Ministry of Transportation for heritage structures within the right-of-way of the future Highway 407 extension. Transport Canada requires that these structures be leased by the City for the duration of the relocation program. The costs of leasing the structures during the six-month program are estimated at approximately $16,000 including leasing, liability insurance and security costs. Staff are currently reviewing the relocation program requirements to determine if this work can be undertaken internally. Should the services of a consultant be required, the costs would be considered by Council during the 2012 Budget discussions. Transport Canada staff have indicated a willingness to contribute the anticipated environmental remediation and demolition costs it would have incurred in demolishing the structures towards the cost of relocating the structures. These funds could potentially be applied to offset the cost of retaining a consultant to undertake a relocation program, if this is deemed necessary. 3.0 Negotiations are underway with Transport Canada and the provincial government for a replacement site for Don Beer Memorial Park in Brougham Don Beer Memorial Park, a City operated facility currently located on a 1.3 hectare federal property on the north side of Highway 7, east of Brougham Road, needs to be relocated to accommodate the future Highway 407 extension. Transport Canada has offered the 1.4 hectare property at 1607 Highway 7 (Attachment #16) as a replacement site for the park. Community Services staff support the relocation of the park to this site, and are currently in negotiations with the provincial Ministry of Transportation to fund the construction of the park at this Report PD 35-1-1 December 5, 2011 Subject: Proposed Actions to Preserve Selected 26 Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 8 location. Council approved the expenditure of funds for park development in the 2011 Budget, to be fully funded by the province. The proposed park site contains a vacant heritage structure which is on Transport Canada's demolition list and the City's Heritage Register, but was not identified by City staff as having sufficient merit for leasing by the City or inclusion in the proposed relocation program. Transport Canada is offering this house to the City for its use in the park at no additional cost beyond the nominal rental of the lands for the park. The Community Services Department is currently investigating the potential use of this structure. It is recommended that Council endorse the relocation of Don Beer Memorial Park in Brougham to the property at 1607 Highway 7. 4.0 Recommendations: Based on the discussion above, it is recommended that the City pursue the following actions in order to preserve a number of heritage structures of significance on the federal lands: • leasing four properties from Transport Canada for six months with the intention of investigating the long term potential for use or sub-lease by the City • leasing six properties from Transport Canada for six months in order to facilitate a relocation program for these six structures It is also recommended that Council endorse the relocation of Don Beer Memorial Park in Brougham to the property at 1607 Highway 7, and authorize staff to take the necessary action to implement these recommendations. Attachments: 1. Location Map Federal Lands Pickering Site 2. Location Map Federal Lands Pickering Site - Brougham 3. City Resolution of July 11, 2011 4. Letter from Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities dated September 16, 2011 5. Buildings on Federal Lands Identified for Conservation Programs - December 2011 6-15. Photos of structures identified for municipal conservation programs 16. Proposed new site for Don Beer Memorial Park Report PD 35-11 December 5, 2011 2 rI Subject: Proposed Actions to Preserve Selected Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 9 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Isa J es, MCIP, RPP Neil Carroll, rPP Planner II Director, Planning & Development Marg Wouters, MCIP, RPP Evere unts a PD, CMM Manager, Development Review Director, Com unity Services & Urban Design Gillis Paterson, CMA Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer IJ:ld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer i Recommended for the consideration erin ou i of Pick Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # PD -fir 1 I 28 MMM5HOP OCR MI M0I0@IE - 460 5 5 695 1C95 5411 I I 4 . I r lip 7 EE ATT M NT Land Use #2 oR g E EME T Subject Property 3 Heritage 1 0 I~ No Heritage Value ® Heritage City of Pickering Planning & Development De artment PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Properties Containing Heritage Structures to be Demolished OWNER: Transport Canada FILE,No: Heritage Demolitions DATE: June 9, 2011 o =PE starp... Ra.a= Na a Peen o+.~ay . "`a SCALE: 1:46,141 e AC and da Reurvad. Not . Ian of Surve . PN-RUR ATTACHMENT # 2 TO I REPORT # PO 3J" l 29 F7 a 68 BROUGHAM 66 64 sHA oA 15601580 64 1 F GFWAV P T. RC HARD 'GHTS R E 0 1 JON STRE T Land Use Subject Property Heritage Q No Heritage Value 407 Heritage City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Location of Structures to be Demolished in Brougham OWNER: Transport Canada FILE No: Heritage Demolitions DATE: June 9, 2011 c terprises Inc. and ila supplierm. All dphtc Reserved. Not a plan of survey. ~~$OUSCALE: 1:8,500 Intl Its Iu lerm. All n hts Reserved. Note an of Sunro . PN-RUR ATTACHMENT # M REPORT # PD_ 35-11 30 Excerpts from Minutes Crq Council Meeting ° Monday July 11, 2011 7:35 PM Council Chambers (VII) New and Unfinished Business 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 20-11 Transport Canada Response to City Concerns Regarding the Demolition of Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Resolution #138/11 Moved by Councillor Pickles seconded by Councillor Dickerson 1. That Report PD 20-11 of the Director, Planning & Development dated July 11, 2011 entitled "Transport Canada Response to City Concerns Regarding the Demolition of Heritage Structures on Federal Lands", be received; 2. That the Federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities be requested to: a) allow City staff sufficient time and access to document the listed heritage structures on Transport Canada's updated demolition list; b) allow the City to investigate and potentially implement a limited program to assist with the private acquisition of the heritage structures for relocation to private lands; c) allow the City to retrieve elements of value from any heritage structures not relocated to private lands; and d) retain specialty heritage salvage companies to demolish the buildings to .facilitate' re-use of building materials as much as possible in order to divert materials from landfill sites; 3. That the Federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities be requested to refrain from demolishing any buildings in Brougham until the details . respecting the future use-of the Pickering Lands Site are determined, and work with City staff to identify suitable tenants for buildings that have potential for rehabilitation; 4.. That the Federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities be requested to provide the City with sufficient time to investigate the implications to the City of leasing structures of heritage interest in Brougham; 1 ATTACHMENT if 3 TO REPORT PD 35-11 31 Excerpts from City 00 _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday July 11, 2011 7:35 PM Council Chambers 5. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 20-11 and Resolution to the Federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, the Regional Director, Programs and Pickering Lands Branch, Transport Canada, the Region of Durham, the Region of York, the Towns of Markham and Uxbridge, MP Chris Alexander and MPP Joe Dickson and the MPs and MPPs for Markham and Uxbridge; and 6. Further, that the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect thereto. Carried 2 ATTACHMENT # y TO REPORT # PD 32 Ministre des Transports,b ' Minister of Transport, de I'Infrastructure et des Collectivites~ _ Infrastructure and Communities g pp and Minister of the Economic Development Agency et ministre de I'A ence de develo ement economiclue du Canada pour les regions du Quebec ` of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Ottawa, Canada K 1 A ON5. CLERK'S DIVISION SEP 16 2011 FILE NO.: Ctrv ' Ms. Debbie Shields FORWARD COPY TO: ~tNG MAYOR INFO.TECHNOLOGY SEPfJ a City Clerk COUNCIL LEGALSERVICES The Corporation of the City.of Pickering CAO LIBRARY ~ a BY-LAW MUN. PROP & Pickering Civic Complex COR SERVICES OPERATIONS ENG OFFICE One The Esplanade CULTURE&REC PLANNING&DEV. Pickering ON L IV 6K7 cusr. cARE PRO . a Pol. OFFICEOFSUSTAINABItI V I 1 SERV. Fliit rl✓ HUMA,1!-E Dear Ms. Shields: Thank you for your correspondence of July 13, 2011, in which you provided me with the City of Pickering's Report to Council dated July 11, 2011, regarding a number of recommendations and requests pertaining to local heritage issues on the Pickering Lands Site and Transport Canada's proposed Demolition Program for 2011-12. In July 2011, City of Pickering staff requested access to inspect various properties slated `for demolition. Transport Canada and the City of Pickering have since executed a Licence Agreement allowing the City to access these properties in order to research, document and determine whether there are elements of value that need to be recorded or retrieved for alternate municipal use. Pickering Council has requested that Transport Canada allow the City to investigate and potentially implement a limited program to assist with the private acquisition of heritage structures for relocation to private lands. Transport Canada is willing to -consider this idea provided the City of Pickering lease the structures of interest from Transport Canada, as per the terms established in March 2011, and provided the City carries out negotiations with private interests independently of Transport Canada. The Department will have no involvement with any party other than the City. Furthermore, Transport Canada will assume no liability whatsoever with respect to this endeavour and will require the City to enter into a legal agreement outlining the respective roles and responsibilities of the City and the Department. In response to Council's concerns regarding diverting demolition materials from landfill sites, I should note that SNC Lavalin Operations and Maintenance, acting as the project lead on behalf of Transport Canada, requires the contractor to implement a waste-reduction work plan and subsequent waste audit. This process will identify the types.and quantities of waste that will be produced by the project. The plan will identify how waste will be diverted from landfill by source separation, re-use and/or recycling. It is expected that, as a minimum, materials such as brick, block, concrete, carpet, metal and uncontaminated wood will be diverted. i 03-0398 (1109.02) Canada - ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD -11 33 The City has requested that Transport Canada refrain from demolishing any vacant structures in Brougham until details of the future use of the Pickering Lands Site are determined. Please be aware that structures identified for demolition on the Pickering Lands Site are vacant, dilapidated and pose a health and safety risk to the public. The future use of the Pickering Lands Site is unrelated to the current demolition program. For this reason, and in the interest of public health and safety, the demolition of identified structures in Brougham will proceed should the City choose not to pursue a lease of the structures. As stated in previous correspondence to Mayor David Ryan, dated March 22,. 2011, vacant structures cannot remain in their present state indefinitely. Vacant structures continue to pose a very real threat to the health and safety of the public, including first responders. Transport Canada will therefore continue with its proposed demolition program. As such, Transport Canada requires the City's decision regarding leasing of vacant structures no later than September 30, 2011, as previously identified by the Department. If an agreement is not reached by this date, Transport Canada will commence demolition shortly thereafter. In the interest of public health and safety, if the City chooses to forego the principles and terms of this proposal, Transport Canada will have no alternative but to proceed with demolition as stated in previous correspondence. I trust that the foregoing has further clarified the Department's position on this issue. Again, thank you for writing. Yours sincerely, : Denis Lebel, P.C., M.P. C.C. The Honourable Bev Oda, P.C., M.P. Minister of International Cooperation Member of Parliament for Durham The Honourable John McCallum, P.C., M.P. Markham-Unionville Mr. Chris Alexander, M.P. Ajax-Pickering Mr. Paul Calandra, M.P. Oak Ridges-Markham 1 0- - 1 0 0 ATTACHMENT # 5 TO 7J 4 REPORT # PD -I - M C C C C O ca cu cu ca O ca N E E E E C a) a) E E E E E a) - - ~Y o m N N N N c6 W N (n a) C C C C C ~ aa)) -C Q O a) a) aa) p U) ~ _C (n co co (n a) a) c6 z a. Lo O O O O 4- Q ~O/ M C) te a)) tea) te a) tea) E CCS a) L U- D_' L N LL LL 0!' D! . d Of > O O O O (D a) O O ~ O 0 EU) O O C) co tr_: ~ ~ ~ O Q y"I O a) 4- .L - .L V- •L •L V O > O U m a) O O O O N w 2 Q N 2 Q = N 2 N 2 N 2 N O ~ C O N ~ O aa)) c E Y E a) a) o CU m o v°, ~c cn :E .r N > o_ U a) U O O a) N O L O a) a) o L o 0 00a)>o L2 o 0) COE^ cu 0 Q E C O L a) L L C L 4- 0 a) 21 a) -6- 0 E C a) > E L •L t L 'C3 N OC O C C •U O a) Q- a) > a) Q E p).O ~ O E O O E C ^ U L c E ~~c-a. 00 a) U U a) v ° a) o O a) c N CO N vi OT1~ o c c = ~ v c6 4- ` 0) 01 - - C co _ a)cacu0.30-0 a E E _0 U L) ° ~M c: a) a) C "O _ ;p 0 CU 4 L "O O - C f6 ' ~p, m - i'= cn 0 a) ca 3 ca o 1 -Fu . f0 (B C O m CU r- cr 6- U- cu :3 c: 0 C a) a) .Q Y O m E a) O O O L O co -2 0 U 0Cm0ca a) 0) 216 16 70 Ea ii o L- = U . - v°)i 6 cu co cu 6 ~ a) ca c a) U . N C M C L L L C O L) 147 M cu cu C y= :3 r O C C O p c: O p p O p~ p N -UU 00 c a) . •a) E N U Q a) cn L L L cn a) C O Ei fn L ^ L O -a a) a) E U U U U U p U O Y c C 2 7 O a Q a c o O N vi N N vi vi O vi v' c (D a) CD cu > ca C= C oo c ca m m m ca c6 3 O a a) ca o'a) o f ca o UU U U U oU T ~a) ~ - Ccn ~ ~ 00 0 0 0 oa)~0oe U) 0-0 v~ ¢ a)- . p c=a ~oE(D>,.cvoim T- -E:3 c~~ c}`a cua)mc'E~ J o O` cn x C~ ~-v o c) E~ C c C C c X C~ U Ld L Z CDcB~~nwocnEw 0 00 O O Oa)OU~o- d m _ m 00 m . CD It U- CU CU 4- m cu c U) W> o o c0 o 0 o N N Q N 'o Cc Y W a) a) c C U Y~~ C C a) 0, N J U O U co O a) y V U O '.0 .nO a) =rm(D co w in U) O 0m a) N.-a)._ Nc) U) s -a - o co~o~ 'aMLo U) ow ~Z 0O Lf) -0 a) cu Lo m (o p c: C) c: Lo c: m Q mMw MV MD!~~ •3 Oc~~ O~ O!- OO N 3 m U w 0 Un 0 Un u') nnnc, aura,=.TO REPORT O PO.M-71 35 ''ci+r t , . I, _ III + ~ `YYr~'' r+ ' t 1r s . ry 1 was f 3 unu 4 ~1UM~ / ■Ua i F 1 ti w "Una-, `yam ~ f .i 3570 Brock Road .j (Craftsman Cottage) ATTACHMENT 0 Z .TO REPURT S PD 35 _ I I , y 36 Nil is F'i lf' .t..l,t .J, , r; f 1,s f Y.)< t~ , c,~,r ';~y. S 'C~ ~ ~f sr'~-fir. ~ ~ 1k~ 4'. ---ta7`T~~~ •.if f'r..r „ ;i 4" e t ~ 9 i-'r t ~.-'~I , r p~ s . ` ~ ~ T' • w lr ~ . 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Aj r , 1A, 11 r 'y a a 1 ~ati, x 5050 Sideline 24 ATTACHMENT #TO f REPORT # PD 5- Olt 4 4 ow- 5 r t< /J•~ ~ _ 1 ~~,N ~ y y w .Y. 1 J i . f s a' f_ A 7 Sst Any ~T,. r t 5 y t'~. t , CT r 'r a. /IIFwr ~ ;ti'_+ r; t' ,s rr . oooo ~i 7 5245 Sideline 28 ATTACHMENT # L6 To REPORT # PD :35- 1 45 F1 L 1 %EMS ISHA ;CAD 1 ■.mu-..-u-■ 1 -limo C HIGHWAY 7 HIGHWAY 7 ,O 1 z FFTT1 w a 1 SPRING ST. Q BROUGHAM ____jj w 1 ORCHARD HEIGHTS z RI E JOHI STIR T I Legend HIGHWAY 407 Don Beer Memorial Park ® Existing Location Proposed Location o City of Pickering Planning & Development De artment PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Don Beer Memorial Park Relocation OWNER: Transport Canada FILE No: Heritage Demolitions Do. So. DATE: June 9, 2011 c t,`AC and Inc. and its su R. AA flgh~ d. Reserved. Not a plan of survey. c 2006 2006 MPAC and ita its su n:. AA daft htc Reserved. Not a an of Surve. SCALE: 1:5,781 PN-RUR